RSL10 Hardware Reference
RSL10 Hardware Reference
RSL10 Hardware Reference
October 2017
© SCILLC, 2017
Previous Edition © 2016
“All Rights Reserved”
RSL10 Hardware Reference
ON Semiconductor and are registered trademarks of Semiconductor Components Industries, LLC (SCILLC). ARM, the ARM logo and Cortex are trademarks or
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Sections of this manual relating to the ARM Cortex-M3 processor have been republished from the Cortex-M3
Technical Reference (version r2p1) with permission.
Table of Contents
1. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18
1.1 Purpose . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18
1.2 Intended Audience . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18
1.3 Conventions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18
1.4 Manual Organization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18
1.5 Further Reading . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .19
2. Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20
2.1 System Architecture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20
2.2 Radio System Architecture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .21
2.3 Power . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .22
2.4 Clocking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .23
2.5 Memory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .23
2.6 Interfaces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .24
2.7 Peripherals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .25
2.8 Audio Components . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .25
2.9 SoC Identification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .25
2.9.1 Device Identification Register . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 AHBREGS_CHIP_ID_NUM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
3. ARM Cortex-M3 Processor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .28
3.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .28
3.1.1 ARM Cortex-M3 Processor Loop Cache Register . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 SYSCTRL_CSS_LOOP_CACHE_CFG . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
3.2 Debug Port . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .29
3.2.1 Debug Port Register. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 DBG_LOCK . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
3.3 IP Protection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .31
3.3.1 IP Protection Registers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 SYSCTRL_DBG_LOCK . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 SYSCTRL_DBG_LOCK_KEY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
3.4 Activity Counters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .32
3.4.1 Registers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 SYSCTRL_CNT_CTRL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 SYSCTRL_SYSCLK_CNT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 SYSCTRL_CM3_CNT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 SYSCTRL_LPDSP32_CNT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 SYSCTRL_FLASH_READ_CNT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
4. LPDSP32 Processor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .34
4.1 Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .34
4.2 System Integration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .34
4.3 Memory Support . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .34
4.4 Interrupt Handling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .35
4.5 LPDSP32 Debug Port . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
4.6 Registers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .36
4.6.1 SYSCTRL_DSS_CTRL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
RSL10 Hardware Reference
4.6.2 SYSCTRL_DSS_CMD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
4.6.3 SYSCTRL_DSS_LOOP_CACHE_CFG . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
4.6.4 SYSCTRL_LPDSP32_DEBUG_CFG . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
5. Power . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
5.1 Power Supply Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
5.1.1 Power Management Unit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
5.2 Power Supply Inputs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
5.2.1 Battery Supply Voltage (VBAT) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
5.2.2 Digital Output Supply Voltage (VDDO) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
5.3 Internal Power Supply Voltages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
5.3.1 System Supply Voltage (VCC) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 VCC and DC-DC Converter Registers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 ACS_VCC_CTRL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
5.3.2 Internal Band Gap Reference Voltage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 Bandgap Converter Registers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 ACS_BG_CTRL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
5.3.3 RF Supply Voltage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 RF Block Configuration and Control Registers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 ACS_VDDRF_CTRL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 ACS_VDDPA_CTRL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
5.3.4 Digital Supply Voltages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 Digital Supply Configuration / Control Registers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 ACS_VDDC_CTRL. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 ACS_VDDM_CTRL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 ACS_VDDRET_CTRL. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
5.3.5 Analog Supply Voltage (VDDA) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 Analog Voltage Configuration and Control Registers . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 ACS_VDDA_CP_CTRL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
5.4 Power Modes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
5.4.1 Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
5.4.2 Measuring Power Mode Current Consumption . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
5.4.3 Run Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
5.4.4 Standby Mode. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 Wakeup Sources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 ACS_PWR_MODES_CTRL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 ACS_WAKEUP_CFG . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 ACS_WAKEUP_STATE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
5.4.5 Sleep Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 Wakeup from Retention Memory in Sleep Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
5.4.6 ACS_WAKEUP_CTRL. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
5.4.7 SYSCTRL_MEM_ACCESS_CFG . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
5.4.8 SYSCTRL_WAKEUP_ADDR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
5.4.9 SYSCTRL_WAKEUP_PAD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
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5.4.10 ACS_WAKEUP_GP_DATA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
5.5 Resets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
5.5.1 Reset Status Register . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65 DIG_RESET_STATUS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66
5.5.2 ACS_RESET_STATUS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67
5.6 Analog Test Signals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68
5.6.1 Analog Output Configuration Register . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
5.6.2 ACS_AOUT_CTRL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
6. Clocking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
6.1 Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
6.2 Clock Generation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
6.2.1 RC Oscillator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
6.2.2 48 MHz Crystal Oscillator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
6.2.3 Standby RC Oscillator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
6.2.4 32 kHz Crystal Oscillator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76
6.2.5 External Clock Input (EXTCLK) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76
6.2.6 Debug Port Clock . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77
6.2.7 Clock Generation Registers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77 ACS_RCOSC_CTRL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77 ACS_XTAL32K_CTRL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78
6.3 Clock Distribution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79
6.3.1 System Clock (SYSCLK) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79
6.3.2 Standby Clock (STANDBYCLK) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80
6.3.3 Slow Clock (SLOWCLK) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80
6.3.4 Baseband Clock (BBCLK) and Other Clocks for the Bluetooth Low Energy Baseband . . . . 81
6.3.5 Real-Time Clock (RTC). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81
6.3.6 User Clock (USRCLK) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82
6.3.7 Power Supply Clocks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82
6.3.8 Interface Clocks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82
6.3.9 Clock Distribution Registers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84 CLK_SYS_CFG . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84 CLK_DIV_CFG0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85 CLK_DIV_CFG1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85 CLK_DIV_CFG2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87 ACS_RTC_CFG . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88 ACS_RTC_COUNT. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88 ACS_RTC_CTRL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88
6.4 Clock Detection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89
6.4.1 Clock Detector and System Monitor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89
6.4.2 External Clock Detector . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90
6.4.3 Clock Detector Registers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91 CLK_DET_CFG . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91 CLK_DET_STATUS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92 ACS_CLK_DET_CTRL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92
RSL10 Hardware Reference
7. Memory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94
7.1 Memory Architecture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94
7.1.1 Memory Instances . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94
7.1.2 Memory Buses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95
7.1.3 Memory Arbitration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95
7.2 Memory Map and Usage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96
7.2.1 ARM Cortex-M3 Processor Memory Usage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96
7.2.2 Flash Memory. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98 Non-Volatile Record (NVR) Sectors. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98 Redundancy Sectors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99 Error — Correction Coding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99 Flash Delay Timings. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100
7.2.3 RAM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100 Program RAM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100 Data RAM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101 Shared RAM Instances . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101
7.2.4 Other Memory Mapped Areas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102 Peripherals and Interfaces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102 Private Peripherals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102
7.2.5 LPDSP32 DSP Memory Usage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102 Program Memory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102 Data Memory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103
7.2.6 Bluetooth Low Energy Baseband (BB) Memory Usage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105 Exchange Memory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105
7.3 Flash Memory Operations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105
7.3.1 Reading and Writing Flash Memory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105
7.3.2 Low Power Read Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107
7.3.3 Sequential / Non-Sequential Writing. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107 Non-Sequential Write . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107 Sequential Write . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107
7.3.4 Locking / Unlocking Mechanism . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108 Locking Mechanism . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108 Unlocking Mechanism . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108
7.4 Flash Copier . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108
7.4.1 Block Characteristics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108
7.5 Memory Registers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110
7.5.1 SYSCTRL_FLASH_OVERLAY_CFG . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110
7.5.2 SYSCTRL_FLASH_READ_CNT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111
7.5.3 SYSCTRL_MEM_ERROR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111
7.5.4 SYSCTRL_MEM_POWER_CFG . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112
7.5.5 SYSCTRL_MEM_ACCESS_CFG . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114
7.5.6 SYSCTRL_MEM_RETENTION_CFG . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116
7.5.7 SYSCTRL_MEM_ARBITER_CFG . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117
7.5.8 SYSCTRL_MEM_TIMING_CFG . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120
ON Semiconductor
RSL10 Hardware Reference
ON Semiconductor
RSL10 Hardware Reference
ON Semiconductor
RSL10 Hardware Reference
ON Semiconductor
RSL10 Hardware Reference
ON Semiconductor
RSL10 Hardware Reference
ON Semiconductor
1. Introduction
This manual provides a reference to the system hardware for application developers working with RSL10. This
manual describes all of the components belonging to the RSL10 System-on-Chip (SoC), including:
The data processing and control component information provided by this manual complements the
ARM® Cortex®-M3 core description in the The Definitive Guide to the ARM Cortex-M3 and other third-party
documentation for the ARM Cortex-M3 processor.
The RSL10 Hardware Reference further describes how each component of the RSL10 SoC can be used in the
implementation of an application, and provides information about the configuration of the various system
components. This manual is a part of the RSL10 Evaluation and Development Kit (RSL10 EDK).
This manual is primarily intended for engineers and other individuals who are responsible for developing and/or
maintaining Bluetooth and other RF-based communication applications that make use of an RSL10 SoC. People who
are developing local interfaces between an external device and RSL10, as well as those interested in the details of the
audio, power supply and clocking components, will find this manual particularly helpful as it focuses on the
configuration and use of system components.
This manual assumes that readers are familiar with C-level programming, RF application concepts, and
Bluetooth low energy technology.
The following conventions are used in this manual to signify particular types of information:
The RSL10 Hardware Reference contains the following chapters and appendices:
ON Semiconductor
• Chapter 1: Introduction, explains the purpose, intended audience, conventions used and organization of this
manual. It also contains a list of other documents that provide information on other aspects of application
development using the RSL10 SoC.
• Chapter 2: Overview, describes the system architecture, an overview of the hardware components, and how
these components interact. It also describes the device identification register.
• Chapter 3: ARM Cortex-M3 Processor, provides an overview of the general-purpose ARM Cortex-M3
processor, its use in the RSL10 system, and its control and configuration registers.
• Chapter 4: LPDSP32 Processor, provides an overview of the LPDSP32 DSP, its use in the RSL10 system,
and its control and configuration registers.
• Chapter 5: Power, provides descriptions and configuration information for all of the power supply, power
management, and reset-related components.
• Chapter 6: Clocking, provides descriptions and configuration information for all of the clock generation and
clock distribution components.
• Chapter 7: Memory, provides details about the various memory instances, buses and other memory structures
that are associated with the processing core.
• Chapter 8: RF Front-End, provides a description of and configuration for the RF front-end of the RSL10
system, including both the transmit and receive signal paths, and information about the simple baseband
provided with the RF Front-End.
• Chapter 9: Bluetooth Low Energy Baseband, provides a description of and configuration for the Bluetooth
low energy baseband.
• Chapter 10: Digital Input/Output, describes how to configure the DIO pads.
• Chapter 11: Interfaces, provides information about the interfaces available to the ARM Cortex-M3 processor
that can be used to pass data between RSL10 and external components.
• Chapter 12: Peripherals, describes the embedded peripherals that are provided to support system tasks, such
as a direct memory access controller and various timers.
• Chapter 13: Audio, describes the peripheral audio inputs, outputs, and support structures.
• Chapter 14: Private Peripherals, provides information about the interrupt controller, system tick timer, and
debug controller that are provided for the ARM Cortex-M3 processor.
• Appendix A: Control and Configuration Registers, contains a summary table listing all of the hardware
control and configuration registers and their settings.
• Appendix B: Glossary, provides definitions for many of the terms defined and used throughout this document.
2. Overview
RSL10 is an ultra-low-power, highly flexible multi-protocol 2.4 GHz SoC specifically designed for use in
high−performance wearable and medical applications, or any other applications that can benefit from low-power
wireless connectivity. With its ARM Cortex-M3 Processor and LPDSP32 DSP core, RSL10 supports Bluetooth low
energy technology and any 2.4 GHz proprietary protocol stacks, without sacrificing power consumption.
Power Management
Radio PHY
Baseband controller
DMA Bluetooth 5.0 (+LE 2M) and custom protocol
IP Protection
XTAL_32KHz 32-bit Dual Harvard core
RAMs and
ARM® Cortex®-M3
ADC (4x) Processor
1. The ARM Cortex-M3 Processor: A 32-bit core for real-time applications, specifically developed to enable
high-performance low-cost platforms for a broad range of low-power applications.
This processor provides general-purpose processing that is used to configure and control all of the
components of the RSL10 system including the LPDSP32 DSP, the RF front-end, and the Bluetooth
2. LPDSP32 Digital Signal Processor (DSP): A 32-bit Dual Harvard DSP core that efficiently supports audio
codecs required for wireless audio communication. If not used for audio applications, this core can be used
for other signal processing tasks for advanced developments that need additional processing power. To
enable development using the LPDSP32, contact your ON Semiconductor representative.
ON Semiconductor
3. Radio Frequency Front-End: Based on a 2.4 GHz RF transceiver, the RFFE implements the physical layer of
the Bluetooth low energy technology standard and other proprietary or custom protocols.
4. Bluetooth Protocol Baseband Hardware: Bluetooth low energy technology compliant, including support for
the LE 2 Mb PHY feature first defined in the Bluetooth core 5.0 technology release, and all optional features of
Bluetooth low energy technology that were also defined in earlier core releases. The RSL10 baseband stack is
supplemented by support structures that enable implementation of ON Semiconductor and customer designed
custom protocols.
This dual-core architecture is complemented by high-efficiency power management units, oscillators, flash and
RAM memories, a DMA controller, along with a full complement of peripherals and interfaces.
The RSL10 SoC is built around an radio system architecture that supports the implementation of Bluetooth and
proprietary protocol stacks.
The most common use case for RSL10 devices is in applications that use Bluetooth technology. Accordingly, the
RSL10 architecture supports the application structure shown in Figure 2.
The radio system architecture for this use case consists of:
RSL10 Hardware Reference
• The Bluetooth protocol stack hardware described in Chapter 9, “Bluetooth Low Energy Baseband” on
page 203.
• A Bluetooth library that uses the protocol stack hardware to implement a Bluetooth stack (host and controller),
as described in the RSL10 Firmware Reference’s “Bluetooth Stack and Profiles” chapter.
• A set of Bluetooth profile libraries that use the Bluetooth low energy stack to provide client and/or server
functionality to the user application, as described in the RSL10 Firmware Reference’s “Bluetooth Stack and
Profiles” chapter.
• An event kernel that works within a user application to drive events, as described in the RSL10 Firmware
Reference’s “Event Kernel” chapter.
For applications that use a proprietary or custom protocol instead of Bluetooth technology or in addition to it, the
radio system architecture accesses the RF front-end and the RF front-end’s integrated simple baseband directly as
shown in Figure 3.
Proprietary UserͲdefined
Protocol Protocol
The radio system architecture for this use case consists of:
The RSL10 SoC is supplied from the VBAT pin, with a supply voltage in the range from 1.1 to 3.6 V in typical
operating conditions. This supply is regulated by a DC-DC converter consisting of a low dropout voltage regulator
(LDO) and a buck converter (can be used for VBAT > 1.4 V). It produces VCC, which is a filtered supply voltage in the
range from 1.0 to 1.32 V that is used as the supply for the rest of the system.
ON Semiconductor
VDDPA Optional boosted supply voltage for the RF transmitter’s power amplifier. We recommend using
this supply voltage only if the voltage level required to achieve a specified TX power exceeds
the VDDRF supply voltage.
VDDA Supply voltage for the non-RF analog blocks and flash memory
VDDC Supply voltage for the digital logic, and for the RF front-end
VDDO Input supply for the digital I/O pads, including the debug port (SWJ-DP)
In addition to the various power supplies, the power components include supply monitoring, analog test points, and
reset circuitry that is used to ensure continued correct operation of the overall RSL10 SoC.
NOTE: A variety of power supplies, and clocking or power supply related signals can be routed to the
analog test point AOUT. This is useful for monitoring or accessing a variety of elements within a
system where most circuit elements do not have test points, or are otherwise inaccessible.
The RSL10 SoC clock trees are based around two independent clocks that can be generated from a variety of
The system clock (SYSCLK) is the main clock for the system, and acts as the source for most components of the
system. This includes all of the interfaces, the cores, the power supplies, and all timers. SYSCLK can be derived from
the following clock sources:
• Startup RC oscillator
• 48 MHz crystal oscillator
• External Clock pad
The real-time clock (RTC) is used to provide a time reference to the system, and to provide a low-frequency option
for SYSCLK when operating in Standby Mode. The RTC can be sourced from the following clock sources:
• 32 kHz RC oscillator
• 32 kHz crystal oscillator
• Digital I/O Sources
For more information on clocks and clock sources, see Chapter 6, “Clocking” on page 73.
All aspects of the RSL10 SoC, including all memory instances, registers and other components, are accessible from
the ARM Cortex-M3 processor through one or more of the processor’s standard buses. This structure supports the
control and configuration of all of the components of an RSL10 SoC in any system, and simplifies control of the
LPDSP32, the RF front-end and Bluetooth protocol baseband hardware.
RSL10 Hardware Reference
The memory space of the RSL10 SoC is subdivided into four main segments:
1. The program memory used for storing and/or executing code on the ARM Cortex-M3 processor and/or the
LPDSP32. This segment of the RSL10 memory map contains:
• A 4 KB ROM instance
• A 384 KB flash instance
• Three 2 KB flash sectors supporting non-volatile records
• One 1 KB redundant flash sector supporting configuration information in a non-volatile record from the
RSL10 manufacturing test
• Four 8 KB program RAM instances dedicated to the ARM Cortex-M3 processor
• Four 10 KB program RAM instances accessible to either the LPDSP32 DSP or the ARM Cortex-M3
2. The data memory used for storing data and intermediate variables of the ARM Cortex-M3 processor, the
LPDSP32, and/or the Bluetooth protocol baseband hardware. This segment of the RSL10 memory map
• Three 8 KB data RAM instances dedicated to the ARM Cortex-M3 processor
• Six 8 KB data RAM instances accessible to either the LPDSP32 DSP or the ARM Cortex-M3 processor
• Two 8 KB baseband data RAM instances acting as exchange memory between the Bluetooth protocol
baseband hardware and the ARM Cortex-M3 processor
• A direct memory access (DMA) controller module which allows background transfers between peripherals and
memory without core intervention
• A flash copier module that can be used to efficiently transfer data from flash to other memories and peripherals
in the system
• Several memory arbiters
• Several redundant flash sectors
For more information about the memory structures available and the use of memory in an RSL10-based system, see
Chapter 7, “Memory” on page 94.
The RSL10 SoC supports a number of interfaces that can be used to communicate with external devices including
other SoCs, support components such as external non-volatile storage, and sensors.
The RSL10 system uses a DIO (Digital Input/Output) concept, where any DIO pad can be configured in software at
any time to connect with any interface input or output. The only exception is the debug SWD-JTAG interface, which has
dedicated pads for the serial-wire inputs. A maximum of 16 DIOs are available depending on the package used, with
four DIOs (DIO0 to DIO3) supporting use as analog-to-digital converter inputs, and three DIOs supporting use as the
additional pads needed to use the SWJ-DP interface in 4-wire JTAG mode (DIO14, DIO15) or 5-wire JTAG mode
(DIO13 to DIO15). The DIO concept allows for full flexibility because PCB routing and layout can be optimized for
size, cost, and complexity.
By default, all the DIOs are configured to be disabled. In the different power modes, you can enable a DIO pad’s
state retention, where the pad configuration is retained even though the digital core is powered down.
ON Semiconductor
For more information about DIO configuration, see Chapter 10, “Digital Input/Output” on page 261.
In addition to these interface options, each DIO can act as a general-purpose I/O, where the processor can read the
input or set the output at any time.
For more information about these interfaces, see Chapter 11, “Interfaces” on page 305.
The ARM Cortex-M3 processor has a number of peripherals to support auxiliary non-RF tasks that it needs to
perform. The ARM Cortex-M3 processor peripherals include:
For more information about the peripherals, see Chapter 12, “Peripherals” on page 351 and Chapter 14, “Private
Peripherals” on page 401.
The RSL10 SoC provides a set of interfaces and peripherals to assist in applications that have an audio component.
This includes:
For more information about the audio support components, see Chapter 13, “Audio” on page 379.
To distinguish between different RSL10 revisions, a 32-bit register at address 0x1FFFFFFC contains a static value
that can be used to provide version information about the system. The value in this register (called
AHBREGS_CHIP_ID_NUM), can also be used to verify compatibility with application software and external applications.
A list of the bit fields in the device identification register, along with a brief description of each, is provided in Table 1.
RSL10 Hardware Reference
The chip version is commonly written as X.YY.ZZ (for example, 1.02.03), where X is the chip version number, YY
is the major revision number, and ZZ is the minor revision number and features. AHBREGS_CHIP_ID_NUM
ON Semiconductor
3. ARM Cortex-M3 Processor
The ARM Cortex-M3 processor plays a role as the central controller for the RSL10 microcontroller system.The
ARM Cortex-M3 processor provides users with an interface for configuring and controlling all of the other system
components. Following a power-on reset (POR), the system starts executing the Boot ROM on the ARM Cortex-M3
processor, and uses this ROM application to validate and initialize a system application. It is also closely coupled to
many of the memory components, and as a result, has access to all of the data that is being processed by the system.
For more information about the Boot ROM code, see the RSL10 Firmware Reference.
The ARM Cortex-M3 processor implements the ARMv7-M architecture. It has the following main features:
• Thumb-2 (ISA) subset consisting of all base Thumb-2 instructions, both 16-bit and 32-bit
• Harvard processor architecture enabling simultaneous instruction fetches with data load or store
• Three-stage pipeline
• Single cycle 32-bit multiply
• Hardware divide
• Thumb and debug states
• Handler and thread modes
• Low latency interrupt subroutine (ISR) entry and exit
• Processor state saving and restoration, with no instruction fetch overhead; the exception vector is fetched
from memory in parallel with the state saving, enabling faster ISR entry
• Support for late-arriving interrupts
• Tightly coupled interface to interrupt controller, enabling efficient processing of late-arriving interrupts
• Tail-chaining of interrupts, enabling back-to-back interrupt processing without the overhead of state saving
and restoration between interrupts
• Interruptible-continued LDM/STM, and PUSH/POP
• ARMv6 style BE8/LE support
• ARMv6 unaligned
• Registers:
• 13 general-purpose 32-bit registers
• Link Register (LR)
• Program Counter (PC)
• Program Status Register (xPSR)
• Two banked SP registers
To reduce the current consumption from fetching instructions, the ARM Cortex-M3 processor is supported by a
32-instruction loop cache that can be used to cover a continuous block of reads. To enable this cache, set the
All applications executing on the ARM Cortex-M3 processor can be debugged through the SWJ-DP which can be
configured to either serial wire or JTAG debug port communications. The SWJ-DP provides access to all of the ARM
Cortex-M3 processor registers, and to the memory available through the memory buses attached to the ARM Cortex-M3
processor. This transparent view of the system enables a user to review the current state of the system components
through their associated memory-mapped control registers, and use this information to troubleshoot most issues in an
By default, the SWJ-DP is accessed using the JTAG connection that uses DIOs 13 to 15, in addition to two
dedicated pads (JTCK, JTMS), to form a 5-wire JTAG interface. If a user prefers to use this interface in 2-pin serial wire
(SW) mode instead, the dedicated pads can be used to re-initialize the interface to be the needed SWCLK and SWDIO
pads, and DIOs 13 to 15 can be reassigned to other functionality. For more information about the functional
configuration of DIOs for this mode, see Section 10.2.1, “Special Functional Configurations” on page 264.
When using the SWJ-DP in serial wire mode, data is transferred using a single clock and single data signal. This
interface mode is useful when the number of debug port connections needs to be limited, but it is only half-duplex and
has a relatively high overhead to transfer data. When using the SWJ-DP in JTAG mode, data is transferred using a data
control line, a pair of data lines, a clock, and an optional reset signal. This interface mode is useful when the number of
debug port connections is not limited, and a higher throughput is required, as JTAG mode uses less data overhead than
SW mode, full-duplex transfers.
To configure the DIOs to support the SWJ-DP interface in JTAG mode, make the following configurations before
configuring the interface for JTAG mode:
• The JTAG test-reset signal (JNTRST) can be connected to DIO 13 by setting the CM3_JTAG_TRST_EN bit from
the DIO_JTAG_SW_PAD_CFG register; this is only required if using the SWJ-DP as a 5-pin JTAG interface.
• The JTAG data signals can be connected to DIOs 14 (JTDI) and 15 (JTDO) by setting the
CM3_JTAG_DATA_EN bit from the DIO_JTAG_SW_PAD_CFG register; this is required if you are using the
SWJ-DP as a 4-pin or 5-pin JTAG interface.
To switch the SWJ-DP into JTAG mode, follow this initialization sequence:
1. Switch the debug port into serial wire mode using the previous sequence.
2. Use SWCLK to send 0xE73C (transmitted LSB first) using SWDIO. This initialization pattern switches the
debug port to JTAG mode.
3. Send at least 5 SWCLK cycles with SWDIO HIGH. This ensures that the JTAG interface enters its test-logic
reset state.
RSL10 Hardware Reference
To switch the SWJ-DP into serial wire mode, follow this initialization sequence:
1. Send at least 50 clock cycles on SWCLK with the SWDIO pad held high. This ensures that the current
interface is in its reset state.
2. Use SWCLK to send 0xE79E (transmitted LSB first) using SWDIO. This initialization pattern switches the
debug port to serial wire mode.
3. Send at least 50 SWCLK cycles with SWDIO HIGH. This ensures that the serial wire interface enters its line
reset state.
The pads that form the SWJ-DP interface support a limited amount of physical configuration. The output pads
support a configurable drive strength, and input pads support configurable pull-up resistances. Configuration of these
interface pads uses the DIO_JTAG_SW_PAD_CFG register. The physical configuration parameters are configured as
• Physical configuration of the DIOs are used even when those pads are configured for use as part of the JTAG
The debug port provides external access to the standard ARM Cortex-M3 core debug controller that is on the
private peripheral bus. For more information about the debug controller, see Section 14.3, “Debug Controller” on
page 411. DBG_LOCK
ON Semiconductor
The ARM Cortex-M3 debug port includes a restricted access mode that provides protection for intellectual property
which takes the form of application source code. When the debug port is in restricted access mode, communications
using the ARM Cortex-M3 debug port are limited to requests and instructions that do not access any of the system
memory buses. The only exception to this rule are the SYSCTRL_DBG_UNLOCK_KEY registers that can be written (but
not read) by the debug port while it is in a locked state.
To restrict accesses through the debug port, the SYSCTRL_DBG_LOCK register can be written with the debug port
lock key (0x4C6F634B). At startup and whenever the RSL10 system is reset, the debug port defaults to this locked
status. After start-up and system initialization, the Program ROM then loads the value from the word stored to
LOCK_INFO_SETTING in the flash NVR3 sector into the SYSCTRL_DBG_LOCK register. After loading this value:
• If the LOCK_INFO_SETTING in the flash contains the debug port lock key, the debug port continues to
operate in restricted mode unless explicitly unlocked by a user application.
• If the LOCK_INFO_SETTING in the flash does not contain the debug port lock key, the debug port is
switched to operate in Normal Mode and the SWJ-DP debug port responds to all requests. In this mode, the
debug port has access to all system resources that are typically accessible in an ARM Cortex-M3 core debug
In addition to the SYSCTRL_DBG_LOCK register, the ARM Cortex-M3 debug port can be unlocked using an
application-defined 128-bit user key. This key is stored in the four SYSCTRL_DBG_LOCK_KEY registers, and is valid if
any of the bits in the SYSCTRL_DBG_LOCK_KEY[3] register are set. The contents of the SYSCTRL_DBG_LOCK_KEY
registers are compared against the values stored to the SYSCTRL_DBG_UNLOCK_KEY registers, and the
SYSCTRL_DBG_LOCK register is cleared to unlock the debug port if the SYSCTRL_DBG_LOCK_KEY is valid and the
two keys match.
IMPORTANT: Sometimes a user wants to reprogram a device without exposing the application IP. To clear all
flash and RAM memory before unrestricting the debug port using the DBG_LOCK register, the user application
can use the Program ROM Sys_ProgramROM_UnlockDebug() function which erases all flash memory except
for the NVR3 and NVR4 sectors, and clears all RAM memory instances before unlocking the debug port. For
more information, see the RSL10 Firmware Reference. SYSCTRL_DBG_LOCK
RSL10 Hardware Reference SYSCTRL_DBG_LOCK_KEY
The activity counters help to analyze how long the system has been running and how actively the ARM Cortex-M3
processor, the LPDSP32 DSP, and the flash memory have been used by the user application. This information is useful
to estimate and optimize the power consumption of the application.
To gauge how many cycles have elapsed, a reference counter that counts SYSCLK cycles is accessed through the
SYSCTRL_SYSCLK_CNT register. This cycle count can be compared with cycle counts for three other critical system
• Execution on the ARM Cortex-M3 processor is recorded in the SYSCTRL_CM3_CNT register. This counter only
counts when the ARM Cortex-M3 processor is running, and does not increment when the core is sleeping.
• Execution on the LPDSP32 processor is recorded in the SYSCTRL_LPDSP32_CNT register. This counter only
counts when the LPDSP32 processor is running, and does not increment when the core is paused or sleeping.
• Read accesses from the flash memory are tracked in the SYSCTRL_FLASH_READ_CNT register.
The activity counters are configured and controlled using the SYSCTRL_CNT_CTRL register. These counters are:
When the counters are tracking activity, the SYSCTRL_CNT_CTRL_CNT_STATUS bit is set to CNT_RUNNING.
3.4.1 Registers
LPDSP32 Processor
The LPDSP32 DSP is a low power, programmable, pipelined DSP that uses a dual-Harvard, dual-MAC
architecture to efficiently process 32-bit signal data. This processor is included in the design to efficiently support
digital signal processing tasks, such as audio codecs that might be required for wireless audio communication tasks
and other advanced developments requiring the additional processing power that this core provides.
In some device variants, the LPDSP32 core can be removed from the RSL10 SoC. In devices that do not contain
an LPDSP32 core, the SYSCTRL_DSS_CTRL_LPDSP32_STATUS bit from the SYSCTRL_DSS_CTRL register indicates
that the LPDSP32 is disabled (LPDSP32_DISABLED_DEVICE).
To reset the LPDSP32 core, its interrupt handler, and the LPDSP32 loop cache, write DSS_RESET to the
The LPDSP32 does not have a boot ROM. Instead it relies on the ARM Cortex-M3 processor to initialize its
memories and peripherals.
To pause and resume the LPDSP32 processing, set the SYSCTRL_DSS_CTRL_LPDSP32_PAUSE and
SYSCTRL_DSS_CTRL_LPDSP32_RESUME bits respectively in the SYSCTRL_DSS_CTRL register. The
SYSCTRL_DSS_CTRL_LPDSP32_RUNNING bit from SYSCTRL_DSS_CTRL indicates the current state (running or
paused) of the LPDSP32.
When the LPDSP32 core is paused, the clock provided to the core is stopped, which prevents the execution of
any functions and all responses to interrupts generated by the DMA or ARM Cortex-M3 processor. All incomplete
accesses to any memory by the LPDSP32 core are put into a non-blocking wait state, and these accesses are
completed once processing resumes on the LPDSP32 core. While the LPDSP32 core is paused, the ARM Cortex-M3
core can access shared memory resources at any address without the LPDSP32 introducing additional delays.
The LPDSP32 is supported by data memory and program memory, as defined in Section 7.2.5, “LPDSP32 DSP
Memory Usage” on page 102.
The LPDSP32 program memory uses 40-bit words, and is located in RAM. When loading the DSP’s program
memories from flash memory, use the flash copier to efficiently handle the transfer between 32-bit and 40-bit words
(see Section 7.4, “Flash Copier” on page 108).
If the LPDSP32 is not using one or more of its assigned memory instances, the unused memory instances can be
reassigned in the firmware and the linker configuration scripts to be used by the ARM Cortex-M3 processor and
employed elsewhere in the user’s application.
To reduce the current consumption from fetching instructions, the LPDSP32 is supported by a 32-word loop
cache that can be used to cover a continuous block of reads. To enable this cache, set the DSS_LOOP_CACHE_ENABLE
bit from the SYSCTRL_DSS_LOOP_CACHE_CFG register.
ON Semiconductor
To coordinate execution of data-processing functions on the LPDSP32 processor with data that is available to be
processed, the LPDSP32 is supported by two sets of interrupts that can trigger execution on the LPDSP32:
1. Each DMA channel can issue one application-defined command, triggered by the DMA channel’s enabled
interrupts. To clear all pending DMA triggered interrupts to the LPDSP32, set the
2. The ARM Cortex-M3 processor can issue one of seven application-defined commands by setting the
appropriate bit in the SYSCTRL_DSS_CMD register. To clear all pending ARM Cortex-M3 core triggered
interrupts to the LPDSP32, set the SYSCTRL_DSS_CTRL_DSS_CSS_INT_RESET bit from the
The LPDSP32 interrupt vector table is provided in Table 2. The LPDSP32 does not support pre-emption of
interrupt handler execution. If more than one interrupt is pending when execution completes on a previous interrupt
handler, the handler for the lowest numbered pending interrupt is selected for execution.
When any function completes, or at any other logical intermediate point, the LPDSP32 processor can send the
ARM Cortex-M3 processor an interrupt through one of eight LPDSP32 interrupts (DSP0_IRQn). These interrupts are
intended to notify the ARM Cortex-M3 core when the data processing on the LPDSP32 is complete, or to signal when
the LPDSP32 is ready to receive requests from the ARM Cortex-M3 core for additional processing.
LPDSP32 is supported by a 4-wire JTAG debug port that is mapped onto the DIOs. For information on assigning
DIOs to be used as the LPDSP32 debug port, refer to Chapter 10, “Digital Input/Output” on page 261. For proper
operation of this debug port, all four signals must be mapped to DIOs.
RSL10 Hardware Reference
To enable the LPDSP32 debug port, set the SYSCTRL_LPDSP32_DEBUG_CFG_LPDSP32_DEBUG_ENABLE bit from
the SYSCTRL_LPDSP32_DEBUG_CFG register. To allow the LPDSP32 debug port to force the core into an enabled state
when halted over the debug port, set the
ON Semiconductor
Field Name Value Symbol Value Description
HALTED_DISABLED when halted disabled
5. Power
The power supply is a critical component of the RSL10 system. Supplied power has significant effects on both
RF and other types of system performance.
The components that make up the power supply can be divided into two types of supply voltages:
1. Power supply input voltages, described further in Section 5.2, “Power Supply Inputs”
2. Internal power supply voltages, described further in Section 5.3, “Internal Power Supply Voltages”
The power supply tree is powered by the system supply voltage (VCC), which is sourced from one of two
The system supply voltage is used as the source for a number of internal supply voltages, including:
• A regulated, low-noise voltage bandgap reference supply for the analog components
• Two configurable regulated supplies for digital components (VDDC, VDDM)
• Two configurable regulated Retention Mode supplies for retaining the digital component state in Sleep
• A configurable regulated supply for the RF front-end (VDDRF)
• An on-chip charge pump for the RF front-end power amplifier, for cases where the TX power requirements
exceed the voltage that can be supplied using VDDRF (VDDPA)
• An on-chip charge pump for the other analog system components (VDDA)
Figure 4 on page 39 illustrates the RSL10 power supply and related components at a high level.
ON Semiconductor
Always ON
VBAT DC-DC / charge pump
ACS supply VDDRF
regulator VDDRF
RC oscillator
32kHz/3 MHz
regulator and
ready VDDC
detector VSSD
regulator and
XTAL32_IN XTAL 32 kHz ready
regulator Bandgap
The primary voltage supplied to an RSL10 SoC is the battery supply voltage. This supply is used as the source for:
RSL10 Hardware Reference
• The VCC supply (see Section 5.3.1, “System Supply Voltage (VCC)”), which in turn is used as the source
supply for most other power supply components
• The Power-On Reset (POR) block (see Section 5.5, “Resets” on page 63)
IMPORTANT: When laying out the RSL10 device as part of a system care should be taken to place the VBAT
decoupling capacitors close to the VBAT input, and to place the VBAT and DCDC capacitors so that their
grounds are relatively close together and well connected, ideally on the surface, as this minimizes return paths.
The digital output supply voltage is attached to the digital I/O pads on an RSL10 SoC. This includes:
• All DIO pads, as described in Chapter 10, “Digital Input/Output” on page 261
• The JTCK and JTMS pads for the SWJ-DP debug port. For more information, see Section 3.2, “Debug Port”
on page 29.
• The EXTCLK input pad, described in Section 6.2, “Clock Generation” on page 75
• The WAKEUP pad, described in Section 5.4, “Power Modes” on page 51
• The NRESET pad, described in Section 5.5, “Resets” on page 63
The internal system digital logic is attached to the pads through internal level translators. They shift the voltage
level from VDDC to the correct VDDO voltage for digital outputs, and translate input digital signals from the correct
VDDO voltage to VDDC for digital inputs.
The VDDO inputs are usually connected externally to VBAT or VDDA, based on the desired voltages of digital
communications using the associated digital I/O pads.
The System Supply Voltage (VCC) is used as the source for all of the internally generated supply voltages in the
RSL10 SoC, and is supplied from VBAT. This power supply is used to reduce the battery voltage from a high voltage
range (from 1.1 to 3.6 V) down to a supply voltage in the range from 1.0 to 1.32 V.
The voltages supplied by the VCC are configured using the ACS_VCC_CTRL_VTRIM bit-field from the
ACS_VCC_CTRL register. This trim setting defines a VCC target, with VCC being supplied directly from the battery, or
from either the internal LDO or DC-DC converters. Conditions for each of the different VCC supply configurations can
be found in Table 3:
VCC Trim Configuration VBAT Supply and Mode VCC Supply Level Description
VCC target ≥ VBAT - VCC = VBAT VCC supplied from VBAT
VCC target < VBAT VBAT < 1.4 V VCC = VCC target VCC supplied through a low drop out regulator
(LDO) from VBAT
VCC target < VBAT VBAT > 1.4 V (LDO mode) VCC = VCC target VCC supplied through a low drop out regulator
(LDO) from VBAT
VCC target < VBAT VBAT > 1.4 V (DC-DC mode) VCC = VCC target VCC supplied through the DC-DC buck
converter from VBAT
ON Semiconductor
The internal LDO is used to reduce VCC to the specified target when VBAT exceeds the target VCC. For low noise
operation (no switching DC-DC operation), or for low VBAT voltages where it make no sense to use a switching
converter, configure VCC to LDO Mode by clearing the ACS_VCC_CTRL_BUCK_ENABLE bit from the ACS_VCC_CTRL
register. In this mode, the RSL10 SoC only uses VBAT or the internal LDO to supply VCC. Use of this mode requires
an external VCC filtering capacitor, but does not require an external DC-DC converter inductor.
The DC-DC converter is a buck converter used to reduce the battery voltage from a high value (from 1.4 to 3.6 V)
to a lower VCC voltage value (from 1.0 to 1.32 V) with high efficiency. The DC-DC converter is only enabled if the
supplied VBAT exceeds 1.4 V, and if the VCC is configured to select DC-DC Mode by setting the
ACS_VCC_CTRL_BUCK_ENABLE bit from the ACS_VCC_CTRL register. Use of the DC-DC converter requires both an
external VCC filtering capacitor and the DC-DC converter’s charge transferring inductor.
The DC-DC buck converter periodically refreshes the flow of current through the external inductor to maintain the
supply output. The refresh frequency for the buck converter is divided from SYSCLK (see Section 6.3.1, “System Clock
(SYSCLK)” on page 79) using the CLK_DIV_CFG2_DCCLK_PRESCALE bit field from the CLK_DIV_CFG2 register. This
prescaler provides a division of between 1 and 64 from SYSCLK, with a frequency defined by the following equation:
f DCCLK = ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
This clock should be configured for an update frequency between 4 and 12 MHz, based on the expected level of
VBAT as shown in Table 4 to minimize the supply ripple present on the VCC supply voltage. For VBAT levels not
specified, configure the DCCLK frequency based on the closest VBAT level provided.
NOTE: DCCLK frequencies that approach the SYSCLK frequency can negatively impact RF receive
sensitivity. To limit this impact, a compromise setting of 4 MHz is recommended for the DCCLK
frequency in RSL10 applications using an 8 MHz SYSCLK setting.
When the DC-DC converter is disabled, the CLK_DIV_CFG2_DCCLK_ENABLE bit-field from the CLK_DIV_CFG2
register can be used to disable DCCLK as well.
RSL10 Hardware Reference
from VCC is nominally limited to 1 2 of the current defined by the selected setting for an ideal inductor.
In this mode, the output ripple increases as VBAT decreases towards VCC - which might cause additional
noise within the RSL10 system. To limit charge current in the DC-DC converter, the default setting of 80
mA (maximum output of 40 mA) is recommended. If the power supervisory circuit is resetting the system
when using the DC-DC converter in the user circuit and under the user application’s operating conditions,
we recommend:
• Using a higher setting than the default (up to the highest setting of 256 mA), or
• Increasing the DCCLK frequency to reduce the amount of charge transfer that is required in each
charge cycle.
This recommendation is intended to improve the system stability, handling the kind of stability issues that
can arise from high current consumption cases when combined with non-ideal inductor and board series
resistance values.
• A pulse control (ACS_VCC_CTRL_PULSE_CTRL) bit that can be used to enable a self-clocking mode. By
default, the DC-DC converter is set to Single-Pulse Mode, where it is clocked with each pulse of a divided
clock that is pre-scaled from SYSCLK using the CLK_DIV_CFG2_DCCLK_PRESCALE bit-field from the
CLK_DIV_CFG2 register. In Multi-Pulse Mode, the DC-DC converter operates in a self-clocking mode that
continuously charges and discharges the DC-DC inductor until VCC reaches its trimmed level. Multi-Pulse
Mode is recommended only for cases where SYSLCK is below the desired DCCLK frequency, as this will
result in increased DC-DC current consumption.
• To support high-current use cases, a continuous conduction mode has been provided that can be enabled using
the ACS_VCC_CTRL_CCM_ENABLE bit. In this mode, the DC-DC converter continually operates to allow
support for higher current loads. As use of this mode increases the power consumption of the RSL10 system,
we recommend not using this mode for most use cases. ACS_VCC_CTRL
ON Semiconductor
The bandgap block provides a 0.75 V reference voltage, stabilized over temperature and process variations by the
regulators. This voltage is soft programmable in steps of 2.5 mV from 0.67 to 0.825 V. This block also provides the bias
current for all analog blocks, except for the digital supply and POR blocks. This reference voltage is calibrated during
production, and use of this calibrated setting is recommended for all use cases.
ACS_BG_CTRL is the bandgap configuration and control register, whose bits can be set for various functions. The
ACS_BG_CTRL_SLOPE_TRIM bit field controls whether trimming depends on the temperature coefficient, and the
ACS_BG_CTRL_VTRIM bit field configures reference voltage trimming in 2.5 mV steps.
RSL10 Hardware Reference ACS_BG_CTRL
The RF front-end is supplied by the RF supply voltage (VDDRF). This supply voltage can be supplemented by the
RF power amplifier supply voltage (VDDPA), if the TX power required by a user application exceeds the available TX
power levels possible from VDDRF.
The VDDRF block is used to provide a regulated voltage, trimmable from 0.75 to 1.38 V in 10 mV steps, from the
VCC supply. This voltage is used to supply the radio front-end, which requires a high current.
NOTE: The VDDRF pin can be driven by an external voltage regulator when the regulator is disabled. To
disable VDDRF, clear the ACS_VDDRF_CTRL_ENABLE bit from the ACS_VDDRF_CTRL register.
This supply is typically trimmed to a level that supplies the TX power amplifier with appropriate TX power for the
user application’s use case. If the TX power amplifier requires a supply at a level exceeding VCC, the VDDPA
separately powers the TX power amplifier, and the VDDRF supply needs to be trimmed to the lowest available
calibrated setting that provides the desired RX sensitivity (see Table 5).
In the ACS_VDDRF_CTRL register, the ACS_VDDRF_CTRL_READY bit configures the whether the supply voltage is in
Ready Mode. The ACS_VDDRF_CTRL_CLAMP bit controls the output in Disable Mode—it can be used to send the output
HIZ or clamp the output to ground. The ACS_VDDRF_CTRL_ENABLE bit enables or disables the VDDRF regulator. The
ACS_VDDRF_CTRL_VTRIM bit field controls configuration of the output voltage trimming in 10 mV steps.
VDDPA is an optional RF TX power amplifier supply voltage. This block is used to provide a regulated voltage,
trimmable from 1.1 V to 1.7 V in 10 mV steps, from the VDDA voltage (charge pump). This voltage is used to supply
the TX power amplifier block of the radio, whenever this block requires a supply voltage that exceeds the level of VCC
to achieve the desired TX output power. To enable VDDPA, set the ACS_VDDPA_CTRL_ENABLE bit from the
ACS_VDDPA_CTRL register.
NOTE: The VDDPA pin can be driven by an external voltage regulator when the regulator is disabled.
ON Semiconductor
ACS_VDDPA_CTRL_VDDPA_SW_CTRL, in the ACS_VDDRF_CTRL register, is the bit that controls the power amplifier
supply, setting the output to HIZ in disable mode, and connecting the switched output to the VDDRF regulator (the
Enable bit must be reset in this case). The ACS_VDDPA_CTRL_ENABLE_ISENSE bit is used to enable or disable the
VDDPA regulator current sensing circuit. The ACS_VDDPA_CTRL_ENABLE bit enables or disables the VDDPA
regulator. And ACS_VDDPA_CTRL_VTRIM controls configuration of the output voltage trimming in 10 mV steps.
The VDDRF supply can be broken down into its two internal supply voltages that can be independently over driven
at the VDDRF_SW and VDDSYN_SW pads. The VDDRF_SW and VDDSYN_SW pads supply inputs are only
intended for test purposes, and as such should be shorted together externally, but not otherwise connected. ACS_VDDRF_CTRL
RSL10 Hardware Reference ACS_VDDPA_CTRL
The RSL10 SoC includes internally regulated digital supply voltages, for which the calibrated settings are strongly
ON Semiconductor
• VDDC is the core digital voltage that is used for most of the RSL10 system’s digital components.
• VDDCRET replaces VDDC in power modes that use state retention of the RSL10 system’s digital
• VDDM is the memory digital voltage that is used for memories and memory-mapped elements of the RSL10
• VDDMRET replaces VDDM in power modes that use state retention of memories and memory-mapped
elements of the RSL10 system.
• VDDTRET is a retention regulator that complements the VDDCRET regulator to maintain the baseband timer
This block is used twice to provide two regulated voltages derived from the VCC supply. These supplies are
trimmable from 0.75 V to 1.38 V in 10 mV steps. The default voltage at startup is controlled by the POR block and
Program ROM, to ensure safe operation with an untrimmed bandgap.
NOTE: The VDDC and VDDM supplies can also be driven by an external voltage regulator when the
regulators are disabled.
In Run Mode, both VDDC and VDDACS (Analog Control Subsystem) regulators’ outputs are shorted together. If
VDDC is trimmed below 1.0 V for low frequency operating use cases, the VDDACS must also be trimmed lower. If this
is not done, the VDDC level saturates to the VDDACS voltage.
The digital retention supply regulator is designed to consume less power and to guarantee the retention of the state
of digital blocks (IVDDCRET) and the contents of memory (VDDMRET) to the extended supply limit.
The ACS_VDDC_CTRL and ACS_VDDM_CTRL registers contain bits with identical names and identical functions.
The STANDBY_VTRIM bit controls the VDDC standby voltage trimming in 10 mV steps. The ENABLE_LOW_BIAS bit is
used to specify whether the regulator biasing is normal or low. The SLEEP_CLAMP bit sets the output to HIZ or clamps
the output to ground, in Sleep Mode. The VTRIM bit configures output voltage trimming in 10 mV steps in both
The ACS_VDDRET_CTRL has three different bit fields used to trim each of the retention regulators. These are:
• ACS_VDDRET_CTRL_VDDCRET_VTRIM bit controls the VDDCRET retention regulator voltage trimming value,
while ACS_VDDRET_CTRL_VDDCRET_ENABLE enables or disables the VDDCRET retention regulator.
• ACS_VDDRET_CTRL_VDDMRET_VTRIM bit controls the VDDMRET retention regulator voltage trimming
value. ACS_VDDRET_CTRL_VDDMRET_ENABLE enables or disables the VDDMRET retention regulator.
• ACS_VDDRET_CTRL_VDDTRET_VTRIM bit controls the VDDTRET retention regulator voltage trimming value.
ACS_VDDRET_CTRL_VDDTRET_ENABLE enables or disables the VDDTRET retention regulator.
ON Semiconductor ACS_VDDRET_CTRL
RSL10 Hardware Reference
The analog supply voltage makes use of an internal charge pump to generate a configurable regulated supply
voltage. This voltage is used for all of the non-RF analog components and the flash memory. This supply uses a boost
converter with an external capacitance between the CAP0 and CAP1 pads as part of its charge pump circuit, to
effectively increase the system supply (VCC) voltage as required by these blocks.
The charge pump has four different output power trimming modes to allow a better balance between consumption
and power delivery. The default maximum current draw of the output power is 4 mA. If an application requires a heavy
current draw on VDDA, the PTRIM bit (1:0) of the ACS_VDDA_CP_CTRL register can be configured to 0x3, to receive a
maximum current of 16 mA.
The VDDA charge pump periodically refreshes its external capacitance to maintain the supply output. The refresh
frequency for the charge pump is divided from SLOWCLK (see Section 6.3.3, “Slow Clock (SLOWCLK)” on page 80)
using the CLK_DIV_CFG2_CPCLK_PRESCALE bit field from the CLK_DIV_CFG2 register. This prescaler provides a
division of between 1 and 64 from SLOWCLK, with a frequency defined by the following equation:
f CPCLK = -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
This clock needs to be configured for an update frequency between 10 kHz and 400 kHz, with no restrictions on the
duty cycle of the source clock. When VDDA is disabled, the CLK_DIV_CFG2_CPCLK_ENABLE bit-field from the
CLK_DIV_CFG2 register can be used to disable the charge pump clock as well.
The analog supply voltage is accessible at the VDDA pad for capacitive filtering.
ON Semiconductor ACS_VDDA_CP_CTRL
5.4.1 Overview
The available power modes in RSL10 consist of Standby Mode, Sleep Mode, and Run Mode. Before entering Sleep
Mode, RSL10 can be configured by the user to wake up from retention memory. RSL10 effectively uses power modes
between RF events, while maintaining a Bluetooth low energy connection, and minimizing power consumption while in
Standby Mode for duty cycled applications.
The POWER_MODE bit of the ACS_PWR_MODES_CTRL register holds a 32-bit key which specifies whether RSL10
enters Run Mode, Standby Mode, or Sleep Mode.
To minimize the power consumption for measurements, here are a few guidelines:
The 32 kHz crystal oscillator power consumption can be reduced (possibly as low as the level of the RC oscillator
consumption) by enabling the following settings in the ACS_XTAL32K_CTRL register:
RSL10 Hardware Reference
In Run Mode (default functional mode), all the circuitry is powered on. Most of the blocks can be enabled/disabled
individually using memory-mapped registers (refer to Chapter 7, “Memory” on page 94).
Standby Mode can be used to reduce the average power consumption for inactive times, which typically range from
a few ms to a few hundreds of ms. In this state, the logic and memories are not clocked and are powered at a reduced
voltage to minimize the leakage current.
The ACS (Analog Control System), bandgap, DC-DC converter, charge pump, and digital regulator are active. The
RF block can be disconnected from its supply through the ACS_VDDRF_CTRL register.
The reduced voltage level can be programmed in the STANDBY_VTRIM field of the ACS_VDDC_CTRL register.
Entering the Standby Mode by writing the standby key in the ACS_PWR_MODES_CTRL register (refer to
Section, “ACS_PWR_MODES_CTRL”) starts the following sequence:
IMPORTANT: For an RSL10 SoC in standby, the 48 MHz crystal oscillator, RF block and STANDBY_VTRIM
settings contribute significantly to the current of the battery (IBAT).
To minimize the power consumption, if the 48 MHz crystal oscillator and RF block are not required, both
should be turned off and the STANDBY_VTRIM setting should be lowered.
At wake-up (see Section, “Wakeup Sources” on page 52 for sources), the following sequence restarts the
1. The RTC counter’s 8 LSBs are captured in a register to record the wakeup time. This value can be read from
the RTC_VALUE bit field in the ACS_WAKEUP_STATE register (see Section, “ACS_WAKEUP_STATE”
on page 55).
2. The VDDC and VDDM regulator output voltages are set to their normal voltages.
3. Memories are powered back on.
4. The wakeup DELAY is applied (see ACS_WAKEUP_CFG register, refer to Section,
5. Memory isolation is removed.
6. Clock is enabled and system execution is resumed.
• DC-DC overload
• Baseband timer
• Wakeup pad
• One of DIO [3:0]
ON Semiconductor
The ACS_WAKEUP_CFG_DELAY bit in the ACS_WAKEUP_CFG register controls the number of clock cycles (in
powers of 2, between 1 and 28) that elapse after VDDC wakeup.
For the ACS_WAKEUP_STATE register, the ACS_WAKEUP_STATE_WAKEUP_SRC bit indicates the source of the last
wakeup, while the ACS_WAKEUP_STATE_RCT_VALUE bit contains the value of the RTC counter captured at the last
RSL10 Hardware Reference
When operating in Sleep Mode, RSL10 will exhibit the lowest current consumption. Only the wakeup logic (see
Section, “Wakeup Sources” on page 52 for sources of wakeup) is kept powered. The bandgap, regulators, RF
block, etc. are disabled. The digital core and the memories can optionally be powered at low voltage.
When Sleep Mode is entered, a Power-On Reset (POR) is generated, which sets all registers in the digital core to
their default values. Only the registers inferred in the ACS keep their values.
The following sub-modes are typically selected using the configuration registers of the ACS:
1. Wakeup through an external event on the wakeup pad or the DIO[3:0] pads
(ACS_WAKEUP_CTRL_DIO*_WAKEUP bits). This is the minimum power consumption sub-mode.
2. Wakeup through the RTC (the ACS_WAKEUP_CTRL_RTC_ALARM_WAKEUP bit), clocked either by the internal
RC oscillator or by the 32 kHz crystal oscillator. The sleep time can be programmed using the RTC
configuration registers of the ACS (see Section 6.3.5, “Real-Time Clock (RTC)”).
3. Wakeup through the baseband timer (the ACS_WAKEUP_CTRL_BB_TIMER_WAKEUP bit).
RSL10 Hardware Reference
The status bits in the ACS_WAKEUP_CTRL register that indicate whether a wakeup event has been triggered at least
once for specific causes since last being cleared:
• DCDC_OVERLOAD_WAKEUP means that the wakeup event was triggered by a DC-DC overload
• WAKEUP_PAD_WAKEUP means that the wakeup event was triggered by the wakeup pad
• RTC_ALARM_WAKEUP means that the wakeup event was triggered by the RTC reaching the alarm value
• BB_TIMER_WAKEUP means that the wakeup event was triggered by the baseband timer reaching the specified
• DIO*_WAKEUP means that the wakeup event was triggered by the specified DIO
Entering Sleep Mode by writing the sleep key in the ACS_PWR_MODES_CTRL register starts the following sequence:
At wakeup (through RTC or a pad), the following sequence restarts the system:
1. The RTC 8 LSBs are captured into a register to record the wakeup time
2. The bandgap is enabled.
3. The VCC regulator/DC-DC converter is enabled when the bandgap voltage is ready.
4. The other regulators are set according to the configuration registers when the VCC is ready.
5. Memories are powered back on when VDDC, VDDM and VDDA are ready.
6. The wakeup DELAY is applied (see ACS_WAKEUP_CFG register).
7. Memory isolation is removed.
8. Clock is enabled.
ON Semiconductor
9. The digital reset is released, enabling boot PROM execution unless the VDDC retention regulator is enabled.
To use the RTC timer as wakeup source, refer to Section 6.3.5, “Real-Time Clock (RTC)”
1. Configure all memories to be powered up and accessible when waking up from Sleep Mode, in the
• The SYSCTRL_MEM_ACCES_CFG_WAKEUP_ADDR_PACKED bit field gives the wakeup restore address in
packed 7-bit format.
SYSCTRL_MEM_ACCESS_CFG_PRAM_ACCESS* bits control enabling or disabling access to the
corresponding DSP DRAM, DSP PRAM, baseband DRAM, DRAM and PRAM, respectively.
• The SYSCTRL_MEM_ACCES_CFG_FLASH_ACCESS bit controls the flash memory access.
• The SYSCTRL_MEM_ACCES_CFG_PROM_ACCESS bit configures PROM access.
2. Write the wakeup restore address to the SYSCTRL_WAKEUP_ADDR register, which contains the wakeup restore
address in unpacked 32-bit format (see Section 5.4.8, “SYSCTRL_WAKEUP_ADDR” on page 63 for more
NOTE: The wakeup restore address must be either the first address of a RAM instance or the last address
minus 20. Table 6 on page 58 lists all possible addresses.
3. Read the SYSCTRL_MEM_ACCESS_CFG register contents. If some of the memories that must be powered up and
accessible when waking up from Sleep Mode are not set, because their power bit is not set or because their
Retention Mode bit is set, then enable these bits in the read value (by using a logical OR operation). Write this
value to the ACS_WAKEUP_GP_DATA register (see Section 5.4.10, “ACS_WAKEUP_GP_DATA” on page 63).
4. Copy the following six words to memory starting from the wakeup restore address:
• SYSCTRL_DBG_LOCK register contents
• SYSCTRL_DBG_LOCK_KEY_0 register contents
• SYSCTRL_DBG_LOCK_KEY_1 register contents
• SYSCTRL_DBG_LOCK_KEY_2 register contents
• SYSCTRL_DBG_LOCK_KEY_3 register contents
• Application start address to be used after waking up
5. In the SYSCTRL_MEM_POWER_CFG register, configure all the memories that are to be kept in Retention Mode
even while the device is in Sleep Mode.
6. Set the BOOT_SELECT bit the ACS_WAKEUP_CTRL byte 2.
7. Enable the required retention regulators and set their trimming values as needed.
8. Enter Sleep Mode.
RSL10 Hardware Reference
NOTE: To verify the wakeup pad value, read from the SYSCTRL_WAKEUP_PAD_WAKEUP_PAD_VALUE bit
in the SYSCTRL_WAKEUP_PAD register (see Section 5.4.9, “SYSCTRL_WAKEUP_PAD” on
page 63).
IMPORTANT: To configure the memory retention, the following operations are required:
• Enable memory instance(s) to be retained in SYSCTRL_MEM_POWER_CFG
• SYSCTRL_MEM_ACCESS_CFG can be ignored
Location Address
PRAM0 0x00200000
PRAM1 0x00202000
PRAM2 0x00204000
PRAM3 0x00206000
DSP_PRAM3 0x00208000
DSP_PRAM2 0x0020a000
DSP_PRAM1 0x0020c000
DSP_PRAM0 0x0020e000
DRAM0 0x20000000
DRAM1 0x20002000
DRAM2 0x20004000
DSP_DRAM0 0x20006000
DSP_DRAM1 0x20008000
DSP_DRAM2 0x2000a000
DSP_DRAM3 0x2000c000
DSP_DRAM4 0x2000e000
DSP_DRAM5 0x20010000
BB_DRAM0 0x20012000
BB_DRAM1 0x20014000
PRAM0_END 0x00201FE8
PRAM1_END 0x00203FE8
PRAM2_END 0x00205FE8
PRAM3_END 0x00207FE8
DSP_PRAM3_END 0x00209FE8
DRAM0_END 0x20001FE8
DRAM1_END 0x20003FE8
DRAM2_END 0x20005FE8
ON Semiconductor
Location Address
DSP_DRAM0_END 0x20007FE8
DSP_DRAM1_END 0x20009FE8
DSP_DRAM5_END 0x20011FE8
BB_DRAM0_END 0x20013FE8
BB_DRAM1_END 0x20015FE8
RSL10 Hardware Reference
ON Semiconductor
RSL10 Hardware Reference
ON Semiconductor
The RSL10 SoC contains a variety of reset sources that can be used to reset the entire RSL10 system, or a set of its
system components. A system reset causes the system to restart, and status bits to be set for each of the relevant reset
causes. These reset status bits exist in the ACS_RESET_STATUS and DIG_RESET_STATUS registers. The reset bits and
RSL10 Hardware Reference
their encoding can be seen in Figure 5, which also shows the ordering of reset flags. These flags remain set until cleared
by writing to their associated clear flags.
IMPORTANT: To clear the status bits that indicate the source of a reset, the DIG_RESET_STATUS register must
be cleared before the ACS_RESET_STATUS register.
We recommend clearing all reset status flags at the start of application execution (after the reset source has
been determined), to allow future executions to determine the cause of a reset or resets.
Reset sources
NOTE: For a given reset cause, any bit with an explicit value will be set or cleared as appropriate. Other
bit values that are not explicit are marked as unknown, as they could be set or cleared based on
reset causes that could coexist with the given reset cause.
Exiting from any full system reset triggers the POR sequence. For all full system resets, the ACS_RESET_FLAG in
the DIG_RESET_STATUS register is set, indicating that an asynchronous reset has occurred, including a full reset of the
ON Semiconductor
analog system resources. For a wakeup from sleep, no other asynchronous status bits will be set; but for all other
asynchronous reset sources, other status bits will be set by:
• The clock detection circuits (see Section 6.4.1, “Clock Detector and System Monitor” on page 89): if the clock
detection circuit causes a reset, the CLK_DETECT_RESET_FLAG bit will be set.
• The dedicated NRESET pad: if a reset using this pad occurs, the PAD_RESET_FLAG bit will be set.
• The watchdog timer (see Section 12.4, “Watchdog Timer” on page 376):
• If the ARM Cortex-M3 processor is still running when the watchdog reset occurs, the
WATCHDOG_REFRESH_FLAG bit will be set.
• If the ARM Cortex-M3 processor is locked up (for example, due to a fault that occurred while handling
other faults), the LOCKUP_FLAG bit will be set.
All watchdog timer resets are designed to reset the digital system and the analog control system’s registers, but
not the underlying analog control circuits.
• An LPDSP32 DSP reset (see Chapter 4, “LPDSP32 Processor” on page 34): resetting this block resets the
LPDSP32 DSP and its related components, and does not set a reset status bit.
• Resets for individual interfaces or peripherals only reset the associated components.
RSL10 Hardware Reference DIG_RESET_STATUS
ON Semiconductor
RSL10 Hardware Reference
1. Analog test bus is used to monitor internal analog signals for characterization and debug.
• Bandgap regulated supply voltage
• Baseband timer supply voltage
2. Digital test bus is used to monitor internal digital signals for characterization and debug.
• Bandgap ready
• VCC ready
• DC-DC overload / activated
• VDDRF ready
• VDDC ready
• VDDM ready
• VDDA ready
• 32 kHz crystal oscillator clock
• 32 kHz RC oscillator clock
ON Semiconductor
DIO0 can be used to output the RTC clock to control an external device. This mode is configured using the
ACS_AOUT_CTRL register, which has the following configurable bit-fields:
1. RTC_CLOCK_DIO0_START configures the RTC clock to be output to DIO0 starting at the defined interval,
between 125 ms and 8 s.
2. RTC_CLOCK_DIO0_STOP_SRC is used to select what DIO (from DIO0 to DIO3) will stop the output of the 32
kHz RTC clock.
3. RTC_CLOCK_DIO0_STOP_EDGE is used to select whether this clock output is stopped on a rising or a falling
edge on the selected DIO. For a clean (glitchless) signal on DIO0, this event needs to occur synchronously with
the clock falling edge, as the detected event gates (sets to 0) the signal on DIO0.
The control register in the ACS configures which signal is brought out on the AOUT and DIO0 pads. The
ACS_AOUT_CTRL_TEST_AOUT bit field provides a selection from 32 test signals.
RSL10 Hardware Reference
ON Semiconductor
RSL10 Hardware Reference
6. Clocking
All clocks and clock domains in the RSL10 system are derived from the system clock (SYSCLK) or the standby
Because of its importance to the functioning of RSL10 and the execution of applications, SYSCLK can be
generated from one of five different sources for maximum flexibility. Available sources for SYSCLK include:
1. The internal RC oscillator (discussed in Section 6.2.1, “RC Oscillator” on page 75)
2. The RF clock provided by the 48 MHz crystal oscillator (discussed in Section 6.2.2, “48 MHz Crystal
Oscillator” on page 75)
4. The external clock pad (discussed in Section 6.2.5, “External Clock Input (EXTCLK)” on page 76)
5. The SWCLK pad from the SWJ-DP (discussed in Section 6.2.6, “Debug Port Clock” on page 77)
For more information about configuring the system clock, see Section 6.3.1, “System Clock (SYSCLK)” on
page 79.
Similarly, the STANDBYCLK can be generated from one of six different sources, including:
1. The internal standby oscillator (discussed in Section 6.2.3, “Standby RC Oscillator” on page 75)
2. The 32 kHz crystal oscillator (discussed in Section 6.2.4, “32 kHz Crystal Oscillator” on page 76)
3. A DIO source from one of DIOs 0 to 3
For more information about configuring STANDBYCLK, see Section 6.3.2, “Standby Clock (STANDBYCLK)”
on page 80.
A top-level clock diagram showing the clock generation and distribution of clocks within the RSL10 system is
provided in Figure 6.
Activity detector
from 1 to 16 (step 1)
from 1 to 64 (step 1) from 1 to 32 (step 1) from 1 to 8 (step 1) from 1 to 4096 (step 1) from 1 to 64 (step 1) from 1 to 64 (step 1)
Oscillator RCCLK from 6 to 24 (step 1) from 1 to 4 (step 1)
Typically 1.0 MHz
SLOWCLK (c, e)
Baseband timer clock
from 1 to 8 (step 2(n+1))
DIO[0:3] /Fixed divider by 32
from 1 to 64 (step 1) /Fixed divider by 5 from 1 to 64 (step 1)
from 1 to 65536 (step 1) ACS state machine USRCLK
RFCLK Frequency
division done at
RTC RCCLK DIOx pad the clock
generator level
division done at
JTCK_DIV the peripheral
ON Semiconductor
6.2.1 RC Oscillator
The RC oscillator is a ring oscillator that produces a trimmable output clock (RCCLK) that is used by the RSL10
system as SYSCLK at startup. It can be used while operating in Run Mode without RF traffic to minimize current
consumption and to maximize the amount of processing that can be completed while waiting for the 48 MHz oscillator
when it is started.
The frequency of the RC oscillator is trimmed using the ACS_RCOSC_CTRL_FTRIM_START bit-field from the
ACS_RCOSC_CTRL register, providing a default output frequency from this clock source of 3 MHz. If this bit-field has
been written, the ACS_RCOSC_CTRL_FTRIM_FLAG bit will indicate that the RC oscillator has been trimmed. This
trimming is supplemented by a frequency multiplier, enabled using the ASC_RCOSC_CTRL_CLOCK_MULT bit from the
ASC_RCOSC_CTRL register that multiplies the output of this RC oscillator by a factor of 4.
CAUTION: When enabled, the frequency multiplier applied to the RC oscillator modifies the effective RC constant of
the ring oscillator. As such, this configuration bit provides a nominal multiplication by 4, not an absolute multiplication
by 4, and separate configuration trim settings must be kept for both un-multiplied and multiplied settings.
Calibrated values for both the un-multiplied and multiplied trim settings are provided as part of the manufacturing
records in NVR4. For more information, see the RSL10 Firmware Reference.
RCCLK can be output through one or more DIO pads using the DIO components. For more information about the
DIO configuration, see Section 10.2, “Functional Configuration” on page 261.
The RF front-end for the RSL10 system includes a 48 MHz crystal oscillator. To use this crystal oscillator, the RF
front-end must be powered with access enabled, as described in Section 8.1, “Overview” on page 133.
To enable the 48 MHz crystal oscillator, set the XTAL_CTRL_XO_EN_B_REG bit from the RF front-end XTAL_CTRL
register. When enabled, the 48 MHz crystal oscillator takes some time before it is ready for use by the rest of the system.
When this clock is ready, the ANALOG_INFO_CLK_DIG_READY bit from the ANALOG_INFO RF front-end register will be
set. When the PLL based on this oscillator is ready, the ANALOG_INFO_CLK_PLL_READY bit from the ANALOG_INFO
RF front-end register will also be set. Information about further configuration of this oscillator can be found in
Section 8.2.1, “48 MHz Crystal Oscillator” on page 136.
NOTE: When processing RF traffic, the RF front-end is always directly clocked from the 48 MHz crystal
oscillator, with the analog components of the RF front-end using a frequency synthesizer to
produce an appropriate carrier for the RF traffic in the 2.4 GHz RF band.
The 48 MHz crystal oscillator is divided using the 3-bit prescaler defined in the CK_DIV_1_6_CK_DIV_1_6
bit-field from the CK_DIV_1_6 RF front-end register to produce RFCLK. This clock, which divides the 48 MHz clock
source by a factor between 1 and 8, can be used as the source for SYSCLK, or output through one or more DIO pads
using the DIO components. For more information about the DIO configuration, see Section 10.2, “Functional
Configuration” on page 261.
The standby RC oscillator is a ring oscillator that produces a trimmable output clock that can be used by the RSL10
system as a source for STANDBYCLK, and hence as a source for the RTC. This oscillator produces a nominal output
RSL10 Hardware Reference
frequency of 32 kHz. Enable the standby RC oscillator by setting the ACS_RCOSC_CTRL_RC_OSC_EN bit from the
ACS_RCOSC_CTRL register.
The frequency of the standby RC oscillator is trimmed using the ACS_RCOSC_CTRL_FTRIM_32K bit-field from the
ACS_RCOSC_CTRL register. The trimming range for this oscillator can be shifted down by approximately 25%
(producing a clock with a nominal output frequency of 24 kHz) by setting the ACS_RCOSC_CTRL_FTRIM_32K_ADJ bit
from the ACS_RCOSC_CTRL register.
IMPORTANT: If the standby RC oscillator is used as a source of timing for RF traffic, this oscillator should be
measured using the 48 MHz crystal oscillator and the audio sink counters. Appropriate adjustments should be
made to the Bluetooth baseband timer driven counters and RTC starting countdown setting stored to the
ACS_RTC_CFG_START_VALUE bit-field from the ACS_RTC_CFG register.
For more information about configuring the RTC, see Section 6.3.5, “Real-Time Clock (RTC)” on page 81. For
more information about measuring the standby RC oscillator using the audio sink, see Section 13.3, “Audio Sink Clock
Counters” on page 391.
The 32 kHz crystal oscillator provides a very low-power, accurate reference clock that can be used as the source for
the baseband and RTC when timing RF traffic and other elements where a high-accuracy clock is required. The 32 kHz
crystal oscillator is a Pierce oscillator that provides a 32768 Hz reference clock. Configure it by using the
ACS_XTAL32K_CTRL register. Configuration and status options for this oscillator include:
An input signal from the EXTCLK input pad can be used as an external input clock source that supplies SYSCLK.
Prior to use in clocking the system, this clock is prescaled using the CLK_SYS_CFG_EXTCLK_PRESCALE bit-field from
the CLK_SYS_CFG register. This produces a divided EXTCLK clock input that is prescaled by between 1 and 16 to
produce a potential SYSCLK frequency defined by:
f EXTCLK_DIV = -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
ON Semiconductor
The EXTCLK input can be configured for low-pass filtering and pull-up or pull-down resistor configuration using
the DIO_EXTCLK_CFG register. This configuration is identical to the input physical configuration applied to the DIO
inputs. For more information about the physical pad configuration of EXTCLK, see Section 10.3, “Physical
Configuration” on page 265. The divided EXTCLK input can be output through one or more DIO pads using the DIO
components. For more information about the DIO output configuration, see Section 10.2, “Functional Configuration”
on page 261.
A clock detection circuit can be used to monitor the divided EXTCLK input. For more information, see
Section 6.4.2, “External Clock Detector” on page 90.
The JTCK signal from the SWJ-DP interface in the RSL10 system can be used as an external input clock source
that supplies SYSCLK. Prior to use in clocking the system, this clock is prescaled using the
CLK_SYS_CFG_JTCK_PRESCALE bit-field from the CLK_SYS_CFG register. This produces a divided JTCK clock output
that is prescaled by between 1 and 16 to produce a potential SYSCLK frequency defined by:
f JTCK_DIV = ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
IMPORTANT: Only use the JTCK pad as an input clock source if the SWJ-DP interface is configured for JTAG
mode or is not used. For more information about debug port configuration, see Section 3.2, “Debug Port” on
page 29.
The divided JTCK input can be output through one or more DIO pads using the DIO components. For more
information about the DIO configuration, see Section 10.2, “Functional Configuration” on page 261.
A clock detection circuit can be used to monitor the divided JTCK input. For more information, see Section 6.4.2,
“External Clock Detector” on page 90. ACS_RCOSC_CTRL
RSL10 Hardware Reference ACS_XTAL32K_CTRL
ON Semiconductor
The system clock (SYSCLK) is the primary clock for the RSL10 system and all other clocks except
STANDBYCLK. The internal clock structures for the RF front-end are derived from SYSCLK.
The CLK_SYS_CFG_SYSCLK_SRC_SEL bit field from the CLK_SYS_CFG register is used to configure the source for
this clock. The sources of this clock can be the following:
SYSCLK will typically be sourced only through STANDBYCLK when operating in Standby Mode where it is
inefficient to go to Sleep Mode, but there is a period of time when the system does not need to process RF traffic or
other data. If the clock source for SYSCLK is routed through STANDBYCLK, the following divided forms of SYSCLK
are sourced directly from SYSCLK:
If the clock source for SYSCLK is the EXTCLK or SWCLK/JTCK inputs, the frequency of the input clock must be
controlled to limit the SYSCLK frequency to a valid frequency.
RSL10 Hardware Reference
SYSCLK can be output through one or more DIO pads using the DIO components. For more information about the
DIO configuration, see Section 10.2, “Functional Configuration” on page 261.
IMPORTANT: When the RSL10 system is processing RF traffic that uses the Bluetooth low energy baseband,
SYSCLK must be sourced appropriately to provide the necessary BBCLK frequencies. For more information
about limitations on BBCLK, see Section 9.3.1, “Clock Structures” on page 208.
The RSL10 system includes a standby clock (STANDBYCLK) that is used as the source for the RTC (see
Section 6.3.5, “Real-Time Clock (RTC)”), and can be used as the source for SYSCLK in standby operating modes.
The ACS_RTC_CTRL_CLK_SRC_SEL bit field from the ACS_RTC_CTRL register is used to configure the source for
this clock. The sources for this clock can be the following:
STANDBYCLK can be enabled or disabled by configuring the ACS_RTC_CTRL_RTC_ENABLE bit from the
ACS_RTC_CTRL register.
CAUTION: Switching between STANDBYCLK sources is not guaranteed to be glitch-free. For this reason, changing
the selected STANDBYCLK clock source should only be done when SYSCLK is sourced from another clock.
Use of the 32 kHz crystal oscillator is recommended over use of the standby RC oscillator due to:
Typically, the standby RC oscillator should only be used as STANDBYCLK in cases where the external 32 kHz
crystal is not available.
Typically, STANDBYCLK is supplied with a 32 kHz clock source. If STANDBYCLK is supplied at a frequency
other than 32 kHz, a correction factor can be applied to the timers that drive RF traffic to support input clock
frequencies from the DIOs in the range from 25 to 100 kHz.
STANDBYCLK can be output through one or more DIO pads using the DIO components. For more information
about the DIO configuration, see Section 10.2, “Functional Configuration” on page 261.
Slow clock (SLOWCLK) is a prescaled form of SYSCLK that is used as an intermediate divided clock for system
components that need a lower maximum clock frequency. This clock is typically set to 1 MHz, and is used as the clock
source for:
ON Semiconductor
• Further divided forms of SLOWCLK (SLOWCLK_DIV2, SLOWCLK_DIV32), which are used as the source
• The general purpose timers, which select between SLOWCLK_DIV2 and SLOWCLK_DIV32 (see
Section 12.3, “Timers” on page 373)
• The watchdog timer, which uses SLOWCLK_DIV32 (see Section 12.4, “Watchdog Timer” on page 376)
f SLOWCLK = --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
SLOWCLK can be output through one or more DIO pads using the DIO components. For more information about
the DIO configuration, see Section 10.2, “Functional Configuration” on page 261.
6.3.4 Baseband Clock (BBCLK) and Other Clocks for the Bluetooth Low Energy Baseband
For more information about these clocks and timing in the Bluetooth low energy baseband, see Section 9.3.1,
“Clock Structures” on page 208.
The real-time clock (RTC) is supported by the RTC timer, which is clocked from the configured STANDBYCLK.
For information about configuring the clock source used by the RTC and RTC timer, see Section 6.3.2, “Standby Clock
The RTC timer is a 32-bit free-running countdown timer that counts down from the value specified in the
ACS_RTC_CFG_START_VALUE bit-field of the ACS_RTC_CFG register. The current RTC counter value is available
through the ACS_RTC_COUNT register, and the current count can be reset by setting the ACS_RTC_CTRL_RESET bit from
the ACS_RTC_CTRL register. When the RTC timer reaches 0, the start value is loaded to the current count and the RTC
timer continues.
The RTC timer triggers an RTC clock (RTC_CLOCK_IRQ) interrupt when a rising edge is detected on bit 14 of the
RTC timer. For a typical STANDBYCLK configuration of 32,768 Hz, this produces an RTC clock interrupt at
one-second intervals.
The RTC timer also triggers an RTC alarm (RTC_ALARM_IRQ) interrupt when the RTC timer encounters an alarm
event, as configured using the ACS_RTC_CTRL_ALARM_CFG bit-field from the ACS_RTC_CTRL register. This bit-field
specifies one of the following:
RSL10 Hardware Reference
• The RTC alarm is triggered when the RTC timer reaches 0 and reloads the start value (configured to 0xF)
The user clock is an output clock that you can use as a clock source for the PCM interfaces or for any external
components. This clock is not used internally by the RSL10 system, so its usage can depend entirely on the outside
needs of the larger system containing RSL10.
USRCLK is derived from SYSCLK through a 12-bit integer division by the CLK_DIV_CFG0_USRCLK_PRESCALE
bit field in the CLK_DIV_CFG0 register. This prescaler provides a clock prescaled from SYSCLK by 1 to 4096, and
results in a USRCLK with a frequency defined by the following equation:
f USRCLK = ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
USRCLK can be output through one or more DIO pads using the DIO components. For more information about the
DIO configuration, see Section 10.2, “Functional Configuration” on page 261.
The following power supply components each have their own clock sources:
• The VDDA charge pump is clocked using CPCLK, which is divided from SLOWCLK. Configuration and
restrictions on this clock are described in Section 5.3.5, “Analog Supply Voltage (VDDA)” on page 50.
• The DC-DC buck converter is clocked using the DCCLK, which is divided from SYSCLK. Configuration and
recommendations for this clock are described in Section 5.3.1, “System Supply Voltage (VCC)” on page 40.
The following interface components each have a clock divided from SYSCLK that is used to clock the interface:
f AUDIOCLK = -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
ON Semiconductor
f AUDIOSLOWCLK = ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
NOTE: For correct operation of the DMIC inputs and output driver in the same
system, configuration of AUDIOCLK, AUDIOSLOWCLK, the DMIC input
decimation filters, and the output driver interpolation filters must result in
the same decimated sampling frequency for both the DMIC inputs and the
output driver outputs.
Both AUDIOCLK and AUDIOSLOWCLK can be output through one or more DIO pads using
the DIO components. For more information about the DIO configuration, see Section 10.2,
“Functional Configuration” on page 261.
The I2C clock is only used by the I2C interface when the interface is configured for master
mode. For information about configuring the I2C clock, see Section 11.3.2, “Master Mode
Specific Configuration” on page 318.
For more information about this interface and its clocks, see Section 11.5, “Pulse Width
Modulation (PWM)” on page 334.
For more information about these interfaces and their clocks, see Section 11.6, “Serial Peripheral
Interfaces (SPI)” on page 336.
The UART interface indirectly divides SYSCLK to achieve the baud rate for UART
communications. For the UART TX output, this baud rate is applied directly; for the UART RX
input, this baud rate is used in the asynchronous recovery of data from this pad. For more
information about this interface and its clock, see Section 11.7, “Universal Asynchronous
Receiver-Transmitter (UART) Interfaces” on page 345.
The ADCs use either SLOWCLK or SLOWCLK divided by a fixed divisor of 5 to sample analog signals.
Information on the ADC interface clocking and sample configuration can be found in Section 11.1.2, “ADC Sampling
Configuration” on page 305.
The PCM interface does not have its own divided clock, but is asynchronously clocked relative to the clock input
provided at the PCM clock input pad. This clock source can be provided by the RSL10 system by routing a clock output
to the same DIO that is acting as the PCM clock input (see Section 10.2, “Functional Configuration” on page 261 for
more information about configuring a DIO as both a clock output and a PCM clock input; see Section 11.4, “Pulse Code
Modulation (PCM) Interface” on page 325 for more information about the PCM interface).
RSL10 Hardware Reference CLK_SYS_CFG
ON Semiconductor CLK_DIV_CFG0 CLK_DIV_CFG1
RSL10 Hardware Reference
ON Semiconductor CLK_DIV_CFG2
ON Semiconductor
The clock detector is used to monitor the clocks that are crucial to proper system execution. This circuit can be used
to detect the presence of these key clock signals. If required, and if the clock is missing or not toggling, this block can be
configured to reset the digital portions of the device, as described in Section 5.5, “Resets” on page 63.
RSL10 Hardware Reference
The clock source monitored by the clock detector depends on the power mode (see Section 5.4, “Power Modes” on
page 51), and the state of the system power supplies in that mode. The clock detector will indicate that a clock is present
in the system whenever the monitored clock is at or above a minimum frequency of 4 kHz. This clock selection is
automatically controlled by the underlying power-supply state machines of the RSL10 SoC, selecting the following
clock sources for each mode:
System startup
RC oscillator (see Section 6.2.1, “RC Oscillator” on page 75)
System shutdown
No clock monitored as the system is already being reset or being held in a reset state pending
recovery of a supplied voltage above the monitored minimum thresholds configured for proper
system execution.
Run Mode
CPCLK (see Section 6.3.7, “Power Supply Clocks” on page 82)
To enable resets using the clock detector, use the ACS_CLK_DET_CTRL register to:
To disable resets using the clock detector, or to disable the clock detector itself, use the ACS_CLK_DET_CTRL
register to:
The external clock sources that can be used to supply SYSCLK can be monitored using the external clock detector.
This clock detector selects between monitoring the external clock input (see Section 6.2.5, “External Clock Input
(EXTCLK)” on page 76) and monitoring the JTCK clock from the SWJ-DP debug interface (see Section 6.2.6, “Debug
Port Clock” on page 77), as configured using the CLK_DET_CFG_CLK_DET_SEL bit from the CLK_DET_CFG register.
This clock detector is disabled by default, and can be enabled by setting the CLK_DET_CFG_CLK_DET_ENABLE bit
from the CLK_DET_CFG register.
When enabled, the external clock detector will monitor the specified clock using a divided form of SLOWCLK as
configured using the CLK_DET_CFG_CLK_DET_DIV bit field from the CLK_DET_CFG register. The external clock
detector will indicate that the monitored clock is present by setting the CLK_DET_STATUS_CLK_DET_STATUS bit from
the CLK_DET_STATUS register if the frequency of the monitored clock is at least 54% of the monitoring clock source.
ON Semiconductor
When enabled, the clock detector can be used to trigger the CLKDET_IRQ interrupt. Configuration of this interrupt
uses the CLK_DET_CFG_CLK_DET_INT_SEL bit field from the CLK_DET_CFG register, which can be configured to
cause an interrupt if:
If an external clock detector interrupt has been triggered, the CLK_DET_INT_STATUS_CLK_DET_STATUS bit from
the CLK_DET_STATUS register will be set until the CLK_DET_STATUS register is read. CLK_DET_CFG
ON Semiconductor
7. Memory
The RSL10 system uses a memory architecture based on the predefined memory map of the ARM Cortex-M3
processor — a state-of-the-art 32-bit core with embedded multiplier and ALU for handling typical control functions
as well as dedicated LPDSP32 functions.
The implementation of the memory architecture uses a number of single-port memories and memory-mapped
registers interconnected with memory buses and support elements. All memories are accessible through the ARM
Cortex-M3 processor, although some interfaces and peripherals provide additional access paths to specific memory
elements. The connections to the components that make up the memory for the RSL10 system are shown in Figure 7.
DSP Program
DSP Data RAM Memory LPDSP32 Memory
(DSP_DRAM) Arbiter Core Arbiter
The memory architecture for RSL10, including the memory instances, registers, and other components, are
accessible from the ARM Cortex-M3 processor through one or more of the processor’s standard buses. All the
memory instances are shown in Table 7.
ON Semiconductor
Buses connected to the ARM Cortex-M3 processor implement the standard ARM Cortex-M3 core memory map.
These buses, which can also be seen in Figure 7 on page 94, are as follows:
In front of each memory instance, an arbiter manages the simultaneous accesses between the masters - the
ARM Cortex-M3 processor, the LPDSP32 or the baseband controller (BB), and the DMA.
The arbitration scheme is configurable per memory instance, or per memory instance group, in the
RSL10 Hardware Reference
Round-robin mode:
Depending on the ROUND_ROBIN_TOKEN configuration bit, the following arbitration scheme is
In this mode the priority order is normally ARM Cortex-M3 processor > LPDSP32/BB >
DMA, but if a real-time DMA channel memory access has been blocked for 7 consecutive
cycles, then the priority order becomes DMA > ARM Cortex-M3 processor > LPDSP32/BB.
A real-time DMA channel is defined as a DMA channel with the MSB of its priority level
equal to 1.
In this mode, the priorities are rotated between the following three-memory priorities during
each SYSCLK cycle:
Smart mode:
This mode is only available for BB memories. In this mode, the priority order is normally
ARM Cortex-M3 processor > DMA > BB, but if the baseband divided clock is active, then the
priority order becomes BB > ARM Cortex-M3 processor > DMA.
The arbitration between the flash memory copier and DMA depends on the ROUND_ROBIN_TOKEN configuration
bit, but in either mode, the DMA only has priority over the flash memory copier when the DMA has the (round-robin)
priority token.
IMPORTANT: We recommend that the memories used by the baseband controller not be configured in the fixed
ARM Cortex-M3 processor priority mode or the round-robin mode, as in these modes the functionality of the
baseband controller cannot be guaranteed.
The memory provided on the RSL10 SoC is divided into five distinct areas with distinct uses. These areas are
mapped into the RSL10 memory map, as shown in Figure 8 on page 97.
ON Semiconductor
CM3 access
DSP access
Bit band region :
- 0x2000 0000 – 0x200F FFFF (RAM, 1MB) 0xFFFF FFFF
DMA access
- 0x4000 0000 – 0x400F FFFF (Peripherals, 1MB) SYSTEM
BB access
Private Peripheral Bus (PPB)
0xE000 0000
RSL10 Hardware Reference
The address ranges are in hexadecimal format. The following subsections provide a brief description and usage of
each area. These areas are as follows:
1. Program ROM, as described in the Program ROM Chapter of the RSL10 Firmware Reference
2. Flash Memory
3. Program RAM
4. Data RAM
5. Shared RAM Instances
6. Other Memory Mapped Areas
These sections are mapped into the RSL10 memory map, as shown in Figure 8 on page 97. The address ranges are
in hexadecimal format. The following subsections provide a brief description and usage of each.
The ARM Cortex-M3 processor address space includes 384 KB of flash memory as non-volatile memory. It can
only be written through the flash memory interface. The flash memory is used for storing:
The flash memory is organized into sectors each containing 512 words of flash memory.
For more information about the use of these sectors, refer to the Hardware Definitions Chapter of the RSL10
Firmware Reference.
NVR1, NVR2 and NVR3 each consist of one 2048-byte sector of flash memory. NVR4 consists of four 256-byte
redundant pages gathered into one sector of flash memory.
When the NVR4 is read, the RECALL bit in FLASH_IF_CTRL must be set. While this bit is set, accessing the main
flash or redundancy sectors is not possible. NVR4 is only programmed during the production test and cannot be written
ON Semiconductor
by users. When reading from NVR4, bit 8 of FLASH_ADDR is not used in the address decoding, as both pages for this
bit are expected to be identical.
NOTE: The system library provides the Sys_ReadNVR4() function to support reading the NVR4 sector.
See the RSL10 Firmware Reference manual for more information.
IMPORTANT: NVR 1-2-3 sectors are only guaranteed for 1,000 program and erase cycles versus 100,000
programming cycles for all other memory sectors.
NOTE: NVR4 cannot be patched since it contains the patch configuration. NVR3 cannot be patched if the
manufacturing initialization function (MANU_INFO_INIT) implementation enables recall mode
to read from NVR4 rather than using the Sys_ReadNVR4() function, as described in the RSL10
Firmware Reference.
The two customer configurable redundancy sectors available for use are the last two sectors of the MAIN flash
memory area. User redundancy sector 1 (USER_RED1) is located at ARM Cortex-M3 processor address 0x0015F800,
and is configured using the FLASH_PATCH_ADDR_2 register. User redundancy sector 2 (USER_RED2) is located at
ARM Cortex-M3 processor address 0x0015F000, and configured using the FLASH_PATCH_ADDR_3 register. These
patch configurations must be loaded by the user application or a user modified form of the manufacturing initialization
function for the user-defined redundancy sectors to be active and used.
In case multiple patch configuration registers contain the same address, the following priority is observed (from
highest to lowest): USER_RED2, USER_RED1, RED2, RED1. This allows a user application to patch a sector that has
already been patched for yield regions in the same way as other sectors would be patched.
1. When writing to the flash memory, the ECC bits are automatically generated by the flash memory interface and
appended to the data.
2. When reading from the flash memory, the error detection and/or correction is applied automatically.
The algorithm relies on the (72, 64) extended Hamming code, where 64 data bits from a pair of words of flash
memory are extended by seven parity bits plus one overall parity bit, to form a 72-bit double word. This is a Single Error
Correcting, Double Error Detecting (SECDED) code, and allows correcting a single bit error or detecting two bit errors.
The flash memory ECC generation, error detection, and error correction are performed by a dedicated hardware block
with no incurred latency on flash read/write operations.
RSL10 Hardware Reference
• Read operations are limited to minimum timing delays. To guarantee timing of all flash reads set the
FLASH_DELAY_CTRL_SYSCLK_FREQ bit-field to indicate a value greater-than or equal to the SYSCLK
• Erase and program operations have both minimum and maximum timing delay limitations. Due to these
limitations, the FLASH_DELAY_CTRL_SYSCLK_FREQ bit-field must be set to within 10% of the actual
SYSCLK frequency.
CAUTION: Erasing and programming flash memory is not allowed when using the RC oscillator with the multiplier
enabled as the source for SYSCLK because the variation of this clock source over temperature (specified at 25%
maximum) is more than the maximum allowed flash erase and program timing variation of 10% .
The firmware directly supports setting the required delays when updating the SYSCLK configuration, with the flash
delay registers reset whenever the SystemCoreClock global variable is updated and the
SystemCoreClockUpdate() function from the CMSIS library is executed (for more information see the RSL10
Firmware Reference).
IMPORTANT: A minimum SYSCLK frequency of 1 MHz is required to safely complete a flash memory
CAUTION: When the command CMD_PROGRAM_SEQ is in execution, any access through the I/D buses generates
a bus fault.
7.2.3 RAM
The DSP PRAM is consists of 4 instances of 2048 x 40 bits (DSP_PRAM0 - DSP_PRAM3) that can be
independently accessed by the ARM Cortex-M3 processor or the LPDSP32 DSP systems via dynamic arbitration.
ON Semiconductor
• When used as program memory or flash memory overlay by the ARM Cortex-M3 processor, the DSP PRAM
is seen as 32-bit words and appears in reversed order on the ARM Cortex-M3 processor memory map. Since
the memory is 40-bit native, the upper byte each word is not used. The main purpose of the DSP PRAM is to
mirror the frequently used functions of the software stack and the application stored in the flash memory. The
objective is to minimize the number of flash memory accesses in order to lower the overall power
• When used by the LPDSP32, the DSP PRAM is seen as 40-bit data and appears in normal order on the
ARM Cortex-M3 processor memory map, as viewed by the LPDSP32. The bits 39:32 of each word are
mapped as bits 7:0 at a different address. When this different address is read, bits 31:8 return zero. This address
is mainly used for storing or observing the LPDSP32 program code.
The PRAM0 to PRAM3 and DSP_PRAM0 to DSP_PRAM3 (when not used by the LPDSP32) can operate in
default or overlay mode by configuring the corresponding bit of the SYSCTRL_FLASH_OVERLAY_CFG register. When
the bit is cleared, the memories are only mapped to the default addresses range given in Figure 8. When this bit is set,
the memories are also mapped to the flash memory read-only addressing range as follows:
• 24 KB of DRAM are shared between the Bluetooth stack and the user application. The DRAM is subdivided
into 3 instances of 2048 words (DRAM0 - DRAM2) that are used to store any type of data needed for user
• 48 KB of DSP DRAM are shared between the CSS and the DSS. The DSP DRAM is subdivided into 6
instances of 2048 words (DSP_DRAM0 - DSP_DRAM5) that are independently attributed to the CSS or the
DSS via dynamic arbitration.
• 16 KB of BB DRAM act as the exchange memory between the ARM Cortex-M3 processor and the baseband
controller. The BB DRAM is subdivided into 2 instances of 2048 words (BB_DRAM0 and BB_DRAM1) that
are directly accessible by the ARM Cortex-M3 processor and the DMA, parallel to the baseband controller. A
configurable arbiter manages the simultaneous accesses between the ARM Cortex-M3 processor, the DMA,
and the baseband controller. The arbiter can be configured through the SYSCTRL_MEM_ARBITER_CFG register.
RSL10 Hardware Reference
• When used as program memory or flash memory overlay by the ARM Cortex-M3 processor, the DSP PRAM
is seen as 32-bit words and appears in reversed order on the ARM Cortex-M3 processor memory map. Since
the memory is 40-bit native, the upper byte of each word is not used. The main purpose of the DSP PRAM is to
mirror the frequently used functions of the software stack and the application stored in the flash memory. The
objective is to minimize the number of flash memory accesses in order to lower the overall power
• When used by the LPDSP32, the DSP PRAM is seen as 40-bit data and appears in normal order on the
ARM Cortex-M3 processor memory map, as viewed by the LPDSP32. The bits 39:32 of each word are
mapped as bits 7:0 at a different address. When this different address is read, bits 31:8 return zero. It is mainly
used for storing or observing the LPDSP32 program code.
The LPDSP32 has the following program memory mapping (refer to Figure 9 on page 103):
ON Semiconductor
0x00 4000
0x00 3FFE 0x00 3FFF
0x00 3000 10 KB 0x00 3001
0x00 2FFE 0x00 2FFF
0x00 2000 10 KB 0x00 2001
0x00 1FFE DSP_PRAM1 0x00 1FFF
0x00 1000 10 KB 0x00 1001
0x00 0FFE 0x00 0FFF
10 KB
0x00 0000 0x00 0001
39 0
The LPDSP32 has 3 usable data memory mappings (refer to Figure 10 on page 104), which are accessible through
the LPDSP32 data memory A (DMA) and data memory B (DMB) busses:
IMPORTANT: In case simultaneous accesses of LPDSP32-DMA and LPDSP32-DMB are performed on the
same memory instance, then the LPDSP32-DMA access takes priority.
RSL10 Hardware Reference
0xC0 0008
0xC0 0007 0xC0 0004
Mapped Registers
0xC0 0003 0xC0 0000
0x80 8000
0x80 7FFF DRAM2 0x80 7FFC
0x80 6003
8 KB 0x80 6000
0x80 5FFF 0x80 5FFC
0x80 4003
8 KB 0x80 4000
0x80 3FFF 0x80 3FFC
0x80 2003
8 KB 0x80 2000
0x80 1FFF DSP_DRAM4 0x80 1FFC
NOTE: The different data memory mappings do not require any hardware configuration. The mapping
that is used must simply be respected by the software that is running on the LPDSP32.
IMPORTANT: The last 16 KB of data memory (DRAM1 and DRAM2) is not used by the LPDSP32 in a normal
application. This memory has been mapped to the LPDSP32’s data memory space so that it can test these
memories during production testing.
ON Semiconductor
Writing to flash memory consists of an erase cycle, followed by a program cycle. Following the erase cycle, the
erased cells have a value of all ones.
IMPORTANT: The flash memory library contains functions that the user application can use to perform writes.
Refer to the RSL10 Firmware Reference for more information.
NOTE: While writing to or erasing any flash memory, no flash memory instance can be accessed from
the I-Code or D-Code buses. This includes any case where a low-level flash command is issued
or when a low-level flash command is triggered by writing to the FLASH_IF_CTRL register.
The flash is written using low-level commands written using the FLASH_CMD_CTRL register; see Table 8. Each
command returns to idle state except the CMD_PROGRAM_SEQ. If the command is busy, the P-Bus write access is
ignored, except:
• Writing to the FLASH_DATA[0:1] registers during the CMD_PROGRAM_SEQ, when new data is requested.
• Writing to the four FLASH_COPY (except FLASH_COPY_CTRL) registers.
• Clearing the ECC_STATUS bits.
Command Description
CMD_IDLE Set the flash memory control signals so that the flash memory is in Standby Mode.
CMD_WAKE_UP Power-up sequence.
This sequence starts automatically when the flash memory is powered-up through the
Depending on the LOAD_AUTO setting, the CMD_LOAD_TRIM command is executed after
this command.
CMD_LOAD_TRIM Transfer settings from the 4th NVR sector to the PATCH_ADDR[3:0] registers and to the
flash memory internal configuration registers. The status bit TRIMMED_STATUS is updated
at the end of the command, indicating if there was an uncorrectable ECC error or a word pair
contained all ones or zeroes when reading NVR4, in which case the default trim values are
used to guarantee the proper flash memory read functionality.
CMD_READ Execute a read access:
• If ECC is enabled, a pair of 32-bit words is read from flash memory.
• If ECC is disabled, a single 36-bit word is read from flash memory.
RSL10 Hardware Reference
Command Description
CMD_PROGRAM_NOSEQ Execute a non-sequential programming access:
• If ECC is enabled, a pair of 32-bit words is written to flash memory.
• If ECC is disabled, a single 36-bit word is written to flash memory.
CMD_PROGRAM_SEQ Initiate a sequential programming access to flash memory:
• If ECC is enabled, up to 32 pairs of 32-bit words can be written to the same row
within a flash memory sector.
• If ECC is disabled, up to 64 words of 36 bits can be written to the same row within
a flash memory sector.
CMD_PROGRAM_SEQ_END Terminate a sequential programming access.
This command is only accepted when the sector addressed by FLASH_ADDR is in an
unlocked flash memory zone.
CMD_SECTOR_ERASE Erase a sector of the flash memory.
This command is only accepted when the sector addressed by FLASH_ADDR is in an
unlocked flash memory zone.
CMD_MASS_ERASE Perform a mass erase. This command is only accepted when all of the areas in the main
flash are unlocked or NVR1-3 are unlocked.
• All sectors of the main flash array are erased when the main flash is unlocked.
• The NVR1-3 sectors are erased when NVR1-3 are unlocked.
• The RED1-2 sectors are erased when RED1-2 are unlocked.
NOTE: The redundancy sectors are erased separately from both the main
flash and the NVR1-3 sectors as the redundancy sectors could
replace any of these sectors.
CMD_SET_LOW_POWER Set the LPWR flash memory pin respecting the hold & setup time. This command is called
automatically when LP_MODE bit in FLASH_IF_CTRL is changed from 0 to 1.
CMD_UNSET_LOW_POWER Unset the LPWR flash memory pin respecting the hold & setup time. This command is called
automatically when LP_MODE bit in FLASH_IF_CTRL is changed from 1 to 0.
CMD_SET_RECALL Set the RECALL flash memory pin respecting the hold & setup time. This command is called
automatically when RECALL bit in FLASH_IF_CTRL is changed from 0 to 1.
CMD_UNSET_RECALL Unset the RECALL flash memory pin respecting the hold & setup time. This command is
called automatically when RECALL bit in FLASH_IF_CTRL is changed from 1 to 0.
CMD_SET_VREAD0 Set the VREAD0 flash memory pin respecting the hold & setup time. This command is called
automatically when VREAD0_MODE bit in FLASH_IF_CTRL is changed from 0 to 1.
CMD_UNSET_VREAD0 Set the VREAD0 flash memory pin respecting the hold & setup time. This command is called
automatically when VREAD0_MODE bit in FLASH_IF_CTRL is changed from 1 to 0.
CMD_SET_VREAD1 Set the VREAD1 flash memory pin respecting the hold & setup time. This command is called
automatically when VREAD1_MODE bit in FLASH_IF_CTRL is changed from 0 to 1.
CMD_UNSET_VREAD1 Set the VREAD1 flash memory pin respecting the hold & setup time. This command is called
automatically when VREAD1_MODE bit in FLASH_IF_CTRL is changed from 1 to 0.
The low-level commands can be written to the FLASH_CMD_CTRL register. These commands are then interpreted by
a state machine, which acts on the different flash memory control signals to perform the relevant action
ON Semiconductor
• By setting the LP_MODE bit of the FLASH_IF_CTRL configuration register, it is only possible to read the flash
memory when its power supply voltage VDDA is between 2.25 V and 2.75 V with reduced power
• When VDDA is below 2.25 V, this bit must be zero.
• When this LP_MODE bit is modified, the command CMD_SET_LOW_POWER is executed, and during the next 15
s any flash memory read access is wait stated.
Once the flash memory is configured to enable writing to its desired areas, with the required delays set up, the flash
memory write procedure can be executed for either non-sequential or sequential writes:
3. Write the command CMD_PROGRAM_NOSEQ to the FLASH_CMD_CTRL register to start the non-sequential
4. Poll the flash memory interface busy bit to check when the write is done.
5. The address is automatically incremented by 4 or 8 depending on the CMD_ECC_CTRL value.
6. The non-sequential write sequence can be executed when the ARM Cortex-M3 processor runs a program from
the flash memory; the ARM Cortex-M3 processor is in wait state till the command is done.
RSL10 Hardware Reference
10. The CMD_PROGRAM_SEQ command cannot be executed while the ARM Cortex-M3 processor runs a program
from the flash memory.
1. To write to the lower part of the main block of the flash memory (only possible if the main block is unlocked
against Program/Erase), it is necessary to:
a. Define the access permissions to the lower part of the flash memory (field MAIN_LOW_W_EN field in the
b. Write a 32-bit unlock key to the FLASH_MAIN_WRITE_UNLOCK register
2. To write to the middle part of the main block of the flash memory (only possible if the main block is unlocked
against Program/Erase), it is necessary to:
a. Define the access permissions to the middle part of the flash memory (field MAIN_MIDDLE_W_EN field in
the FLASH_MAIN_CTRL register)
b. Write a 32-bit unlock key to the FLASH_MAIN_WRITE_UNLOCK register
3. To write to the high part of the main block of the flash memory (only possible if the main block is unlocked
against Program/Erase), it is necessary to:
a. Define the access permissions to the high part of the flash memory (field MAIN_HIGH_W_EN field in the
b. Write a 32-bit unlock key to the FLASH_MAIN_WRITE_UNLOCK register
4. A similar procedure shall be applied to access the NVR block of the flash memory:
a. Define the access permissions to the NVR block of the flash memory (field NVR[1|2|3]_W_EN field in
the FLASH_NVR_CTRL register)
b. Write a 32-bit unlock key to the FLASH_NVR_WRITE_UNLOCK register
This module copies data from flash memory into any DMA accessible memory or the CRC block. In 40-bit mode,
the copier packs the 32-bit flash memory words into 40-bit words. This is useful to copy LPDSP32 programs from flash
memory to DSP_PRAM. This module can also run in comparison mode. In this mode, the 36-bit data read from flash
memory is verified against a reference value, but not written to any memory. This is useful to verify that a sector has
been properly erased. It is also used for production testing purposes.
1. FLASH_COPY_SRC_ADDR_PTR: defines the flash memory source address (byte oriented). In 32-bit copier
mode or in comparator mode, the pointer must point to the beginning of a word (2 LSB are ignored).
2. FLASH_COPY_DST_ADDR_PTR: Defines the destination address into 32-bit word memory space. This pointer is
not used in comparator mode or when the copier destination is the CRC block. Addressing corresponds to
logical memory instances in normal order, as viewed by the ARM Cortex-M3 processor.
ON Semiconductor
3. FLASH_COPY_WORD_CNT: indicates how many words are to be written to the destination (copier mode), or the
number of words to be read and verified (comparator mode).
4. FLASH_COPY_CFG_MODE: configures MODE (copier or comparator), flash memory access COPY_MODE (40-bit
or 32-bit), COPY_DEST (memory or CRC), COMP_MODE (constant or checkboard), COMP_ADDR_DIR (up or
down), and COMP_ADDR_STEP (increment FLASH_COPY_SRC_ADDR_PTR by 1 or 2 words).
5. We recommend that the 40-bit copier mode only be used for DSP_PRAM destination. When a 32-bit memory is
used as destination, then only 32-bit bytes are written and the 8 LSBs are discarded.
6. In copier mode the flash memory is read with or without ECC, depending on the COPIER_ECC_CTRL bit of the
FLASH_ECC_CTRL register. In comparator mode, the flash memory is always read without ECC.
7. FLASH_COPY_CTRL: provides START and STOP commands and read-only BUSY and ERROR status bits.
8. When both the START and STOP commands are issued at the same time, the STOP command takes priority.
9. When the START command is issued, the BUSY status bit is set and the ERROR bit is cleared.
10. While the copier is busy:
a. 32-bit copier mode:
i. A 32-bit word is read from flash memory.
ii. The 32-bit word is written to the destination memory.
iii. When the write has completed without error, the source address is incremented by 4, the destination
address is incremented by 4, and the word counter is decremented.
d. Comparator mode:
i. A 36-bit word is read from the flash memory.
ii. In constant mode, or in checkerboard with an even source address, the 36-bit word is compared with
FLASH_DATA[1][3:0] and FLASH_DATA[0][31:0].
iii. In checkerboard mode with an odd source address, the 36-bit word is inverted and compared with
FLASH_DATA[1][3:0] and FLASH_DATA[0][31:0].
iv. When the comparison matches, the source address is updated according to COMP_ADDR_DIR and
COMP_ADDR_SIZE, and the word counter is decremented.
11. When the word counter reaches zero or when a write error has occurred (copier mode only), or when a
verification error occurs (comparator mode only), then the BUSY status bit is cleared and an interrupt is
generated for the ARM Cortex-M3 processor. In the case of an error, the ERROR bit is set.
12. The copy or comparator operation can be stopped before completion through the STOP command. The
operation can be continued by giving the START command, as the address pointers and word counter have the
values required to continue the copy operation.
13. When the flash memory copier is running, the FLASH_COPY_CFG, FLASH_COPY_SRC_ADDR_PTR,
FLASH_COPY_DST_ADDR_PTR and FLASH_WORD_CNT registers are not writable.
14. The priority handling between the flash memory copier and any DMA memory access when writing to the
flash memory copier’s destination memory is explained in Chapter 7, “Memory Arbitration” on page 95. The
RSL10 Hardware Reference
flash memory copier acts as a DMA access regarding the priority handling between the flash memory copier,
ARM Cortex-M3 processor, LPDSP32 and baseband controller.
NOTE: While the flash memory copier is running, it constantly tries to read from the flash memory and
write to its destination memory. If either memory instance is not available due to an access
conflict with the ARM Cortex-M3 processor, LPDSP32, or DMA the flash memory is re-read to
ensure an atomic read and write occurs. We recommend avoiding such memory access conflicts,
as they result in additional reads from flash memory and thus increase power consumption.
IMPORTANT: The flash copier has a known issue when configured for comparison mode. When verifying that
an area of memory is the expected value, the flash copier indicates an error occurred if the next address to
compare points to an area outside of memory. To work around this issue, instead of relying on the
FLASH_COPY_CTRL_ERROR bit, a user application can verify that FLASH_COPY_SRC_ADDR_PTR points to the
address one further than the last address that should have been checked. If this FLASH_COPY_SRC_ADDR_PTR is
set to this value, the comparison succeeded; if not, the comparison points to the first word that failed the
ON Semiconductor
Field Name Value Symbol Value Description
MEM_ERROR_CLEAR MEM_ERROR_CLEAR Clear the memory error flags 0x1
RSL10 Hardware Reference
Field Name Value Symbol Value Description
BB_MEM_ERROR BB_MEM_NO_ERROR_DETECTED No baseband memory error detected 0x0*
BB_MEM_ERROR_DETECTED Baseband has accessed an isolated 0x1
FLASH_COPIER_MEM_ERROR_DETECTED Flash copier has accessed an isolated 0x1
DMA_MEM_ERROR DMA_MEM_NO_ERROR_DETECTED No DMA memory error detected 0x0*
DMA_MEM_ERROR_DETECTED DMA has accessed an isolated 0x1
LPDSP32_DMEM_ERROR_DETECTED LPDSP32 has accessed an isolated 0x1
data memory
LPDSP32_PMEM_ERROR_DETECTED LPDSP32 has accessed an isolated 0x1
program memory
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RSL10 Hardware Reference
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RSL10 Hardware Reference
Field Name Value Symbol Value Description
FLASH_ECC_COR_INT_THRESHOLD_1 Send a ARM Cortex-M3 core 0x1*
interrupt when one or more
correctable errors are
FLASH_ECC_COR_INT_THRESHOLD_255 Send a ARM Cortex-M3 core 0xFF
interrupt when 255 or more
correctable errors are
Flash through Flash Copier
FLASH_COPIER_ECC_ENABLE Enables ECC when reading 0x1*
Flash through Flash Copier
CMD_ECC_CTRL FLASH_CMD_ECC_DISABLE Disables ECC when reading 0x0
Flash through Flash mapped
FLASH_CMD_ECC_ENABLE Enables ECC when reading 0x1*
Flash through Flash mapped
Flash through I-Bus and
FLASH_IDBUS_ECC_ENABLE Enables ECC when reading 0x1*
Flash through I-Bus and
ON Semiconductor
Field Name Value Symbol Value Description
ECC_COR_ERROR_CNT_CLEAR FLASH_ECC_COR_ERROR_CNT_CLEAR Reset the Flash corrected errors 0x1
ECC_ERROR_ADDR_CLEAR FLASH_ECC_ERROR_ADDR_CLEAR Reset the Flash address of the latest 0x1
detected error
not zero
is zero
is not zero
RSL10 Hardware Reference
8. RF Front-End
The RF front-end (RFFE) transceiver is an ultra low-power 2.4 GHz radio, handling data rates up to 2 Mbps. It
supports several wireless protocols such as Bluetooth low energy technology, custom, or proprietary protocols. The
RF front-end communicates with:
• The ARM Cortex-M3 processor and the DMA, through a dedicated APB bridge that accesses the RF
front-end internal configuration registers (refer to Appendix A, “Control and Configuration Registers” on
page 416). The ARM Cortex-M3 processor always has priority over the DMA. A read operation inserts two
wait states, and additional wait states are inserted when an SPI operation is active. A write operation inserts
two or more wait states, and additional wait states are inserted when an SPI operation is active.
• The ARM Cortex-M3 processor uses a simple baseband to provide packet handling, data transfers
(supported by interrupts and GPIOs as proprietary debug resources).
• The baseband controller communicates through the internal SPI interface and dedicated CLK and DATA
signals. All these signals are multiplexed through the DIO block, as shown in Figure 34 on page 349.
An RF front-end arbiter deals with simultaneous accesses between the ARM Cortex-M3 processor, the DMA,
and the internal SPI (baseband controller), with priority given to the SPI interface. The RF is powered by the VDDRF
and VDDM regulators. Once these are enabled, the registers described in this chapter control the power, access, and
IMPORTANT: The registers configuring the RF front-end are accessed internally directly by the analog
Bluetooth baseband or through an SPI bus tied to the peripheral bus, with the internal RFFE SPI interface
has priority over the SPI bus tied to the APB interface. For this reason, registers are grouped into their byte
accesses only (no bit-band accesses are available). In many instances where the grouped registers do not share
a common use case, the registers are considered unnamed, and are only given a number. For these registers,
this chapter uses the ungrouped register names.
For example, register RF_REG00 is an unnamed register that groups together the MODE, MODE2,
FOURFSK_CODING, and DATAWHITE_BTLE registers, and an explicit description of RF_REG00 is not included
(whereas descriptions of the four grouped registers are).
Within the RFFE system block, as seen in Figure 11 on page 134, the analog components consists of the:
• Integrated inductors
• 48 MHz crystal oscillator and PLL
• Full Tx and Rx chains including:
• On chip matching
• Frequency synthesis
• Power amplifier (PA) for Tx
• Low-noise amplifier (LNA) for receiving with phase
• Signal strength (received signal strength indication or RSSO) components for Rx
RSL10 Hardware Reference
The RF front-end implements a full transceiver, with the following digital features:
• Encoding (refer to Section 8.4, “Modulator and Radio Configuration” on page 142)
• IEEE 802.15.4 chip encoding and decoding
• Manchester encoding
• Data whitening
Combined with the 2 Mbps analog front end, the RFFE chip is capable of addressing Bluetooth low energy
technology and custom or proprietary protocols.
In order to modify the RF power and access configurations, the SYSCTRL_RF_POWER_CFG (refer to Section 8.1.1,
“SYSCTRL_RF_POWER_CFG”) and SYSCTRL_RF_ACCESS_CFG (refer to Section 8.1.2,
“SYSCTRL_RF_ACCESS_CFG”) registers respectively are used. By enabling the RF_POWER bit in
SYSCTRL_RF_POWER_CFG, the VDDM is connected to the RF block. To remove the RF block isolation, enable the
ON Semiconductor
The RFFE implements the physical layer requirements of Bluetooth low energy technology, as accessed through the
Bluetooth baseband hardware (see Chapter 9, “Bluetooth Low Energy Baseband” on page 203). It can also be used for a
variety of standard (e.g., 802.15.4-based) protocols, proprietary protocols, and user- or ON Semiconductor-defined
custom protocols.
The RF_REG00 MODE and MODE2 sub-registers and configuration options effectively define how the RFFE
functions. (refer to Section 8.5.1, “RF_REG00” for full register details.)
NOTE: There are restrictions on writing to registers (i.e., no bit-band access, access to internal bus, etc.).
The following are the various configurations for MODE and MODE2 operations:
RSL10 Hardware Reference
• MODE_TX_NRX: if set to 1, uses Tx, otherwise Rx.
• MODE_EN_SERIALIZER: if set to 1, enables the serializer.
• MODE_EN_DESERIALIZER: if set to 1, enables the deserializer.
• MODE_EN_FSM: if set to 1, enables the radio FSM.
• MODE_NOT_TO_IDLE: in FSM Mode, if set to 1, indicates to the FSM to go into Suspend Mode after a Tx
or Rx packet.
• MODE 2
• MODE2_TESTMODE: set the output Test Mode.
• MODE2_PSK_NFSK: if set to 1, the PSK Mode is selected, FSK otherwise.
• MODE2_DIFF_CODING: if set to 1, enables the differential coding/decoding.
The RF_XTAL_CTRL register allows modifications to the crystal timing trim settings (from 43 to 341 s), to bypass
control algorithms, and provides configuration used to vary power consumption and control the oscillator.
IMPORTANT: When using the Bluetooth baseband or Bluetooth stack library, the default configuration of the
48 MHz crystal is required. For other configurations, the default configuration options for this register are
Additionally, the ANALOG_INFO_CLK register provides status information for the RFFE analog components,
indicating when the various components of the oscillator are ready and providing information regarding the RF
sub-band comparator outputs
For more information on integration and use of this clock by the rest of the system, see Section 6.2.2, “48 MHz
Crystal Oscillator” on page 75.
IMPORTANT: 48 MHz crystal oscillator cannot be enabled unless the RFFE is powered and accessible.
NOTE: A delay of 1.3 s is enforced at startup prior to any RF related block being accessible after
The digital Tx and Rx contain a full packet handler. It has various features, including:
ON Semiconductor
The RFFE has an internal SPI and 10 GPIOs; for more information see Section 11.8, “Support Interfaces” on
page 348.
The RFFE has a number of GPIOs that can be configured to assist in monitoring IRQs and other signals while
debugging protocol implementations that use the RFFE. The configuration of the GPIOs is specified by the
PAD_CONF_*_PAD_*_CONF bit-fields from the PAD_CONF_1 to PAD_CONF_5 registers. The values of these fields are
associated with the following functions, as shown in Table 9:
The RFFE chip has six IRQs that can be used to increase the usability of the chip. These are defined below:
Interrupt is raised at the end of a packet transmission.
The IRQ is cleared by reading the IRQ_STATUS register.
Interrupt is raised when the FSM stops the Rx Mode, independently of whether a packet has
been received or not.
The IRQ is cleared by reading the IRQ_STATUS or the DESER_STATUS register.
Interrupt is raised when a packet is received and stored in the FIFO.
The IRQ is cleared by reading the IRQ_STATUS or the DESER_STATUS register.
Interrupt is raised when the sync word is detected in Rx Mode.
The IRQ is cleared by reading the IRQ_STATUS or the DESER_STATUS register.
RSL10 Hardware Reference
Interrupt is raised when the TXFIFO_NEAR_UNDERFLOW is high.
Since the IRQ is tied to the “near underflow” flag of the FIFO, it can be cleared by filling the
FIFO with enough data.
Interrupt is raised when the RXFIFO_NEAR_OVERFLOW is high.
Since the IRQ is tied to the “near overflow” flag of the FIFO, it can be cleared by emptying the
The IRQs can be activated by the IRQS_MASK field of the IRQ_CONF register. For example, the RF_RXSTOP_IRQn
can be activated by setting bit field IRQS_MASK to 1. By default, the IRQs are active high, but this behavior can be
switched by writing 1 to the IRQ_ACTIVE_LOW field of the IRQ_CONF register. The pad can also be configured to be in
HIZ state when the IRQ is not active, by setting the IRQ_CONF_IRQ_HIGH_Z field of the same register to 1.
The packet handler supports several packet formats. Some of the possible packet formats are shown in Figure 12.
Preamble Sync word
Message en_address=0
0 to 256 8, 16 or 32
up to 255 bytes en_crc=0
bytes bits
Preamble Sync word
Length Message en_address=0
0 to 256 8, 16 or 32
byte up to 255 bytes en_crc=0
bytes bits
Preamble Sync word packet_len_pos=0
0 to 256 8, 16 or 32 Length Message CRC
bytes bits byte up to 255 bytes 1−32 bits
Preamble Sync word packet_len_pos=0
0 to 256 8, 16 or 32 Length Address Message CRC
bytes bits byte byte up to 255 bytes 1−32 bits
Preamble Sync word packet_len_pos=1
0 to 256 8, 16 or 32 Protocol Length Address Message CRC
bytes bits ID byte byte up to 255 bytes 1−32 bits
Figure 12. Various packet formats supported by the serializer. The bytes in blue can be inserted automatically. Preamble
The preamble can be added automatically to the data, even if the packet structure is handled completely by the
micro-controller. This feature can be turned on by simply setting the EN_PREAMBLE field of the PACKET_HANDLING
register to 1. The length of the preamble in bytes is found in the PREAMBLE_LEN field of the PREAMBLE_LENGTH
register increased by 1, and the preamble itself is located in the PREAMBLE register. Pattern
The pattern (or synchronization word) is introduced automatically if the preamble is present. The length of the
pattern is contained in the PATTERN_WORD_LEN field of the PACKET_EXTRA register. The pattern itself is found in the
PATTERN registers. In the case of 8 or 16 bits, it is always the LSBs that are used. Pattern detection is enabled by setting
ON Semiconductor
the EN_PATTERN bit of the PACKET_HANDLING register. Pattern detection can accept some errors: this is useful with
very short preambles, since the clock recovery is not yet complete. The maximum number of errors accepted in pattern
recognition is located in the PATTERN_MAX_ERR field of the PACKET_EXTRA register.
The packet length can be specified in several ways: for instance, it can take into account the CRC, or the packet
length itself. The PACKET_LEN_CORR of the previous register contains the correction to apply to the packet length byte.
The packet handler always considers the length of the packet, from the first byte after the packet length byte, until the
last byte before the CRC. This field corrects the packet length. For example, if a standard protocol, such as Bluetooth
low energy technology, considers that the CRC is taken into account in the packet length, a packet length of 5 means that
there are 3 data bytes and 2 CRC bytes. So the PACKET_LEN_CORR has to be set to - 2.
length byte = 3
length byte = 5
length byte = 5
length byte = 7
Figure 13. Examples of Packet Length Definition and the Associated Correction
In the case of a variable packet length, the PACKET_LENGTH register has another meaning: on the Rx side, this
register can be used to specify the maximum packet length. If a protocol supports only packets with a maximum of 64
bytes, this register can be set to 64. If a received packet has a length greater than 64, a packet length error is generated by
the deserializer. Address
An address can be inserted automatically after the packet length, if the ADDRESS_TX field of the
ADDRESS_CONF_EN register is set to 1. The address is given by the ADDRESS bit of the ADDRESS register. On the Rx
side, if the ADDRESS_CONF_EN_ADDRESS_RX field is set to 1, an address comparison is made. If the addresses do not
match, an address error is generated by the deserializer. Moreover, a broadcast address can be specified in the
ADDRESS_BR bit of the ADDRESS_BROADCAST register. The Rx broadcast address reception can be enabled by setting
RSL10 Hardware Reference
the ADDRESS_RX_BR of the ADDRESS_CONF_EN register to 1; in such a case, the RS accepts the normal address and the
broadcast address during reception. Confirmation of broadcast address reception is found in the IS_ADDRESS_BR field
of the RF_DESER_STATUS register.
The address length can be 8 or 16 bits depending on the value of the ADDRESS_LEN of the ADDRESS_CONF register. Multi-Frame
If the MULTI_FRAME bit of the PACKET_HANDLING_EN register is set to 1, Multi-Frame Mode is enabled. (A frame
is composed of the data and the corresponding CRC.) In this mode, a preamble and a single synchronization word are
followed by multiple frames. As long as the MULTI_FRAME bit is set to 1, Multi-Frame Mode is enabled.
8.3.2 CRC
The CRC is a hash function of the data, used to detect errors during transmission. The value of the CRC is added
at the end of the packet. Errors during transmission are detected by a difference between the calculated CRC and the
received one. The CRCs are generally specified by a polynomial.
The digital baseband can calculate the CRC on the fly, and insert it at the end of the packet. The CRC polynomial is
programmable, and it can have a length from 1 to 32 bits. The length of the polynomial is specified by the polynomial
itself. The CRC polynomial is contained in the RF_CRC_POLYNOMIAL register. The polynomial is represented in
Koopman notation: the nth bit specifies the (n+1) order; the order 0 (the 1 at the end of the polynomial) is ignored.
Some examples:
ON Semiconductor
This hardware CRC implementation works on the serialized stream, so the bit order depends on the
PACKET_HANDLING_LSB_FIRST value. At the insertion of the CRC, the value of the CRC is simply shifted out.
The start value of the CRC register is contained in the RF_CRC_RST register.
CRC calculation, insertion, and validation are performed automatically if the EN_CRC field of the
PACKET_HANDLING_EN register is set to 1.
The CRC calculation of the packet length value can be controlled through the CRC_ON_PKTLEN field of the same
register. This is useful for the standards in which the CRC is on the MAC layer – for example, the IEEE 802.15.4
The two FIFOs’ data is accessible via the RF_TXFIFO and RF_RXFIFO registers. This access can be achieved in
burst mode without having to manually increment addresses. A write to the RF_TXFIFO register corresponds to a push,
while a read of the RF_RXFIFO register corresponds to a pop. Reading the RF_TXFIFO register is possible, but this
results in no action on the FIFO (no pop implied). Writing to the RF_RXFIFO register is not possible.
The status of each FIFO can be read in the TXFIFO_STATUS_BIST and RXFIFO_STATUS_BIST registers. There
are indications regarding overflows, underflows, or if the FIFO is empty or full. The NEAR_UNDERFLOW and
NEAR_OVERFLOW fields are controlled by the FIFO_FIFO_THR value of the FIFO register for the Rx, and the
FIFO_THR_TX value of the FIFO2 register of the Tx. Table 13 on page 141 gives the thresholds for the value of
The FIFOs can be flushed at any time by setting bit 0 of their respective status registers to 1. Alternatively, the
FIFOs can be flushed at the beginning of a reception (Rx case), or at the end of a transmission (Tx case).
RSL10 Hardware Reference
During the reception of a message, many events can occur: for instance, a CRC error, or a packet length error. In all
cases, the data must be stored in the FIFO, at least temporarily. If an event occurs, there are two choices: keep the data
in the FIFO and let the external controller examine the content, or simply flush the received data. To avoid a situation in
which the user starts to look at the FIFO’s content before the end of the packet, it is important that the FIFO status is
only updated at the end of the packet.
The Rx FIFO supports the above two choices. The automatic flush is controlled by the
fields of the FIFO register. The RX_FIFO_ACK field of the same register is responsible for choosing the behavior of the
FIFO status. If it is set to 1, the packet has to be received correctly before updating the FIFO status.
Option Description
Data whitening The data can be whitened by setting the EN_DATAWHITE bit of the CODING register. The
whitening sequence is a PN9. Whitening is used to avoid long sequences of 0 or 1.
In the case of the Bluetooth low energy technology standard, the LFSR used is a Galois
LFSR7 with a specific reset status. This particular LFSR can be activated by setting the
DW_BTLE bit of the DATAWHITE_BTLE register; note that the EN_DATAWHITE bit field of
the CODING register also needs to be set. On the same register, the DW_BTLE_RST field
specifies the reset status of the LFSR.
Manchester Manchester encoding is available through the EN_MANCHESTER bit of the CODING register.
The code is the same as that used in the IEEE 802.3 standard: a 1 is coded by a rising edge
(01) and a 0 is coded by a falling edge (10).
NOTE: This can be inverted by using the BIT_INVERT configuration.
IEEE 802.15.4 Bit to Chip The IEEE 802.15.4 standard specifies a conversion from a sequence of 4 bits to a transmitted
sequence of 32 chips. This conversion can be activated by setting the EN_802154_B2C bit
of the CODING register to 1.
NOTE: On the Rx side when this bit is set, the chip sequence synchronization
is made on sequences of 0000: this is mainly due to the fact that on the
IEEE 802.15.4 standard, the preamble is composed by this sequence.
However, pattern recognition is working transparently. For further
information, see the IEEE Computer Society publication Part 15.4 of
Wireless Medium Access Control (MAC) and Physical Layer (PHY)
Specifications for Low-Rate Wireless Personal Area Networks
Linear to Frequency The IEEE 802.15.4 standard specifies an O-QPSK modulation. This can be considered linear,
since the In phase and Quadrature phases are encoded directly. However, on the RFFE chip,
there is a direct modulation, meaning that the frequency is encoded directly. To maintain the
linear code and to be able to modulate in the frequency domain, a linear to frequency coding is
available, and can be activated by setting the EN_802154_L2F bit of the CODING register
to 1.
NOTE: On the Rx side, a phase ambiguity can arise: to get rid of it, the Rx
correlators work on the frequency spreading sequences, and not on the
phase sequences.
Bit Inversion When the bit BIT_INVERT of the CODING register is set to 1, the encoding stream and the
decoding stream are inverted.
ON Semiconductor
Option Description
Bit Order in Quadrature Modulations The bit order in quadrature modulation (especially O-QPSK) can be determined by the
EVEN_BEFORE_ODD, OFFSET, and I_NQ_DELAYED bits of the CODING modulation.
Differential Encoding This can be activated by setting the DIFF_CODING of the MODE2 register. This encoding is
not available for every coding option. However, on the Rx side, every coding option (especially
the 2 bits/symbol modulation) is available.
f sys
dr_m = ----------- – 1
dr_eff = ---- dr_m
In Tx, this interpolation adds a gain on the signal, meaning that the modulation index changes. The amplitude is
multiplied by the following, where the TX_FRAC_GAIN bit is specified in the register FRAC_CONF:
G = --------------------------------
3 + tx_frac_gain
For the Rx, there is also an amplitude gain due to the fractional data rate. The gain is given by the same calculation
as is used in Tx. Since the fractional data-rate block is located at the input of the demodulator, this has to be taken into
account when calculating the amplitude of the signal at the output of the matched filter (see Section, “Matched
Filtering” on page 153).
RSL10 Hardware Reference
19 21
f RF 2
center_frequency = ------------------------------
f refTx
The RFFE chip has the option of having two different clock references, depending on the operational mode: Tx or
Rx. The Tx reference clock is five times larger than the Rx clock. So to have the same frequency in Rx and Tx, the
digital central frequency needs to be changed. However, the digital block has the capability of switching automatically
between the Tx value and the Rx value. To switch this feature on, the ADAPT_CFREQ bit of the CENTER_FREQ register
must be set to 1.
NOTE: The meaning of the CENTER_FREQUENCY field changes if automatic adaptation is turned on.
When it is set to 0, its meaning is that specified in the previous equation.
If it is set to 1, it is specified in the following formula, where fRF is the RF frequency, and frefTx is the reference
frequency in Tx Mode:
f RF 2
center_frequency = ---------------------
f refTx
The corresponding frequencies are obtained by dividing the value by 4 for the Tx Mode, and by adding this value to
the same value divided by 4 in Rx Mode. Channels
In the RFFE it is possible to work with channels.This means that only a base frequency and the channel spacing
need to be specified; then the user needs only to specify the channel wanted. The advantage of this is that channel
specification requires only one register access, while the central frequency specification requires four register accesses.
This function is activated by setting the EN_CHANNEL_SEL bit of the CHANNELS_2 register to 1. The channel
spacing is specified in the CHANNEL_SPACING field of the CHANNELS_1 register. The value in this field is given by the
following formula, where fsp is the channel spacing:
f SP 2
CHANNEL_SPACING = ---------------------
f refTx
If channel 4 is wanted (that means 4 × fsp from the central frequency), the value 0x4 must be written to the
CHANNEL register.
coef_1, coef_2, ... coef_14, coef_15, coef_15, coef_14, ..., coef_2, coef_1
The over-sampling is set to 8; hence, the pulse shape is four symbols long.
ON Semiconductor
If the PULSE_NSYM bit of the MOD_TX register is set to 1, the second half of the pulse shape is inverted.
NOTE: The modulation is obtained by converting both the convolution of the pulse shape and the
data-stream into a series of pulses (not rectangles). In the case of a GFSK modulation, the
specified pulse shape is not the impulse response of an exponential filter, but the convolution of
this response with a rectangle that is 1 symbol long.
2 f
h = ---------------
After the pulse shaper, the data is multiplied by a specified factor M, and then added to the central frequency. If a
series of 1 is assumed, the output of the pulse shape has an output of Q. The modulation index can be rewritten as:
2 M Q f refTx
h = ------------------------------------------
DR 2
The factor M is specified through mantissa (man) and exponent (exp), by the formula:
man exp
M = 1 + ---------- 2
• Fix the pulse shape and adapt the multiplication factor to achieve the desired modulation index.
• Fix the multiplication factor and adapt the pulse shape.
The second method is not optimal. In fact, it can occur that the exponent part of the multiplicative factor has to be
used. Moreover, there is a loss of granularity if this method is used.
The exponent and the mantissa value can be specified in the TX_MULT register (TX_MULT_EXP and TX_MULT_MAN
NOTE: If the interpolator is used, the interpolation gain has to be taken into account.
A rectangular pulse shape is chosen with a value of 120 (coef_0,.., coef_11 = 0, coef_12...coef_15=120). The value
Q is equal to 120: The modulation index for an MSK modulation is 0.5. The multiplicative factor M is:
h DR 2
M = ------------------------------- = 7.282
2Q f refTx
RSL10 Hardware Reference
This value must be split into mantissa and exponent. The exponent is the floor of the log2 of M, which is 2. The
resulting mantissa is 13.
13 2
M = 1 + ------ 2 = 7.25
In the case of a 4-FSK modulation, the definition of index modulation must be considered to be the same, but this
results in the additional deviations being at +3 and -3 times the nominal deviation. So, for example, if a 2-FSK
configuration is defined for ±250 kHz, it results in the 4FSK version also having ±750 kHz as frequency deviations. Interpolator
At the end of the Tx chain there is an interpolator. Its main purpose is to avoid quantization steps when the Tx is
working with low data rates. In fact, a quantization step can result in a wider spectrum. The interpolator is a simple first
order cascaded integrator-comb (CIC) interpolator. The input clock is the 8x symbol frequency. The output frequency
fout is specified by the ck_tx_m(4:0) of the MOD_TX register. Its definition is:
f in
f out = ------------------------------
ck_tx_m + 1
The interpolator is enabled using the EN_INTERP bit of the same register. If the interpolator is disabled, the output
signal is re-sampled at the fout frequency.
NOTE: It is preferable that the fout frequency is an integer multiple of the fin frequency (8x symbol rate).
NOTE: The back-off value is also used by the PA ramp-up algorithm. The value at the end of the ramp-up
is the actual value in the register.
The bias current PA backoff bias (IQ_RXTX_1 in register BIAS_0) allows the slope of the back-off curve to be
changed. However, this generates a discontinuity on the curve between maximum output power (PA_PWR=12) and the
first back-off step (PA_PWR=11)
When the bit PA_PWR(4) = 1, additional (but discontinuous) power reduction steps can be configured. Power levels
are -30dBm for -1 (PA_PWR(4:0) = 11111), and -40dBm for -3 (PA_PWR(4:0) = 11101), the step -2 (PA_PWR(4:0) =
11110) being very much dependent on the PA backoff bias (IQ_RXTX_1(3:0)), in the range from -26dto -40dBm.
NOTE: The PA_PWR(5) does not affect output power, but lengthens the PA power ramp-up sequence to
provide less a lower transient draw from the supply.
ON Semiconductor
f sys
f sc = ---------------
1 + Kf
The bias of the filter can be tuned via the IQ_FI_BW and IQ_FI_FC fields of the register FILTER_BIAS.
An approximated configuration of the filter can be made by using the following equations:
f sc
f c = ---------------- 238 + 93.6 iq_fi_fc [kHz]
f sc
bw = ---------------- 178 + 63.5 iq_fi_bw [kHz]
For example, in Bluetooth low energy technology, DIV_FILT=7, IQ_FI_FC=8, and IQ_FI_BW=14, so:
f c = ------------------- 238 + 93.6 8 = 986.8kHz
bw = ------------------- 178 + 63.5 14 = 1067kHz
2MHz Phase and RSSI Fractional Decimation
The purpose of the decimation blocks is to change the sampling frequency of the signal from the analog and digital
front end to the demodulation blocks; these work with a constant oversampling ratio, while the front end is fully
In the case of an analog baseband, there are some issues regarding the analog baseband blocks. In fact, the
intermodulation frequency needs to be kept high enough to avoid pulling. Moreover, some modulations require a larger
bandwidth of the channel filter: this can be achieved only by increasing the clock frequency of the channel filter and the
phase ADC.
Resampling is realized with a fractional decimator. (It is supposed that the front end sampling frequency is always
higher than the demodulator.) Fractional decimation is realized through an interpolator followed by a decimator.
RSL10 Hardware Reference
Interpolator Decimator
Figure 14. Simplified Block Diagram of the Resampler Block for the Phase
Note that in Figure 14, acc stands for “accumulator”, and deriv stands for “derivator”. While the RSSI can be
resampled without any major problems, there might be an issue with the phase with this configuration if the signals are
not handled correctly. Since it can have a gain that is not a power of 2, the periodicity of the phase cannot be respected.
Moreover, because of the implicit filtering, there can be errors when the phase rolls over. This is not the case for the first
interpolator, since the first derivation gives the frequency, which has no rollover. The accumulator generates the phase
correctly, since in the accumulator the saturation implicitly recreates a good phase. The chosen solution to this issue is
to consider the signal to be a frequency, then perform a second order CIC decimator, without the second differentiator.
The resulting signal is simply the frequency without a differentiator, and so it is the phase.
There are several parameters that control the phase and RSSI decimation: EN_RESAMPLE_PH,
RESAMPLE_PH_GAIN from the FRONTEND2 register; and RESAMPLE_PH_IF from the RX_IF register.
The incoming signals are clocked at the frequency given by the DIV_PHADC field. At the first stage they are
upsampled at the fsys frequency, giving a gain of DIV_PHADC+1. At the second stage, the gain is given by the ratio
between fsys and the oversampled frequency, and is equal to DR_M+1. These gains have to be compensated for, at least to
avoid overflows.
Since the phase is converted in frequency and the signal is at an IF, a DC value is present that is amplified during
the gain stages. It is interesting to cancel this DC value directly, which can be done using the RESAMPLE_PH_IF field.
The value of this field is given by the following equation, where fIF is the IF frequency, and fR is the frequency at the
input of the decimation block:
16f IF
resample_ph_if = ------------
The phase then has two gain stages, due to the presence of the interpolator and the decimator. The first gain is given
by the ratio between the maximum frequency of the baseband – that is to say, 16MHz or 24MHz – and the phADC
frequency. This gain is equivalent to:
f sys
G 1 = -------
The second gain stage is due to the presence of the decimator, and is equivalent to the ratio between the maximum
baseband frequency and the oversampled frequency – that is to say, 8x the data rate. This gain is given by:
ON Semiconductor
f sys
G 2 = ----------
These gain are compensated for, through the RESAMPLE_PH_GAIN: this variable is an unsigned word. The gain is
given by:
resample_ph_gain – 7
Gc = 2
On the RSSI side, an additional gain is added after the interpolator. This gain is given by 2 -resample_rssi_g1. A second
gain is placed after the decimator, and its value is given by 2 -resample_rssi_g2.
In this block, the IF is also canceled. The IF is specified in the IF2_CLK_OS field of the RX_IF register. This field
is given by the following equation,
where fIF is the intermediate frequency and fsym is the symbol rate:
128f IF
if2_clk_os = ---------------
f sym
In the case of an FSK modulation with 1 bit per symbol, the three values are used to recreate the ISI, so three bits of
the decision output are used: one corresponding to the present state, one for the previous, and one for the next. So the
recreated signal has a value of FSK_FCR_AMP3 in the case of a sequence [1;1;1], FSK_FCR_AMP2 for [1;1;0] or [0;1;1],
and FSK_FCR_AMP1 for [0;1;0]. Respectively, it is -FSK_FCR_AMP3 for [0;0;0], -FSK_FCR_AMP2 for [0;0;1] or [1;0;0],
and -FSK_FCR_AMP1 for [1;0;1].
In the case of a 4-FSK, the mapping is done with the decision values of the I and Q signals. When I and Q are equal
to [0;0] the recreated signal is -FSK_FCR_AMP1. It is FSK_FCR_AMP1 when I and Q are [0;1], - FSK_FCR_AMP3 if I and
Q are [1;0], and finally FSK_FCR_AMP3 with [1;1]. This configuration can be changed by changing the
If rough carrier recovery is far from being completed, the +f and the – f might be on the same side. Hence, the
decision block only sees a sequence of 0s or 1s. In such a case, the fine carrier recovery works against the correct center
frequency by trying to put the – f to match the +f, which the fine carrier recovery sees as 1s. For this reason, fine
carrier recovery is only applied once the pattern has been detected.
RSL10 Hardware Reference
The time constant of the fine carrier recovery block is found in the TAU_PHASE_RECOV register. The block is
enabled by setting the EN_FINE_RECOV bit of the CARRIER_RECOVERY register.
m e
3 1 + ---- 2 f sym
f l = --------------------------------------
The mantissa needs to be specified as an unsigned value, while the exponent is signed. The carrier is searched for in
the range:
f IF – f l :f IF + f l
3Kf sym
f l = ----------------
m e
K = 1 + ---- 2
In the Bluetooth low energy technology standard, the carrier precision is given by ±150 kHz. This means that fl =
150 kHz. The symbol rate in Bluetooth low energy technology is the same as the bit rate, 1 Mbps. So the first equation
3 3 K 1 10
150 10 = -------------------------------------
K = 0 ,8
ON Semiconductor
1 + m
---- 2 e = 0 ,8
It is easy to calculate that the closest values are e = -1 and m = 5: these values give K = 0.8125, and a carrier
recovery range of ±152 kHz. So freq_lim_man(2:0) = 0b101 and freq_lim_exp(2:0) = 0b111 (the prefix 0b means a
binary representation).
The differential RSSI is not just the simple derivative of the RSSI; because of its structure, it might miss some
ramp-up. The differential RSSI is the output of an FIR with the following transfer function, where is equal to 1, 2, 4, or
6, depending on the value of RSSI_DET_DIFF_LL of the RSSI_DETECT register:
Hz z = 1 – z
The RSSI detection is fed to a state machine that controls the status of the carrier recovery and other blocks. The
detection can be sent directly or can be delayed: the delay is controlled by the RSSI_DET_WAIT field of the
RSSI_DETECT register. The delays are:
0b00 no delay
As soon as the state machine receives the RSSI detection, a series of tasks can be launched.
RSL10 Hardware Reference
This system is supposed to work with an 8-bit preamble, so the first two cases correspond to half
of, and the entirety of, the preamble, respectively. The other two cases will average on the sync
word too; in order to get rid of a biased sync word, sync word bias compensation should be
switched on.
ON Semiconductor
give a false value, since the early estimation is made on data not yet corrected. The functionality
is activated by the EN_MIN_MAX_MF bit of the DEMOD_CTRL register being set to 1.
NOTE: This mode only works with 32-bit sync words and LSB first. It is enabled by setting the
EN_DELLINE_SYNC_DET bit of the register DEMOD_CTRL to 1.
When this mode is activated, it is recommended that the sync word correction bias be activated by setting the
EN_SYNC_WORD_CORR to 1. The SYNC_WORD_BIAS field of the same register also must be set. As a rule of thumb, it
needs to be fixed at ~12 × h, where h is the modulation index. The internal correlator will look for a peak. The precision
of this peak search can be controlled by MAX_ERR_IN_DL_SYNC. In practice, it defines the maximum number of errors
in the sync word, from 0 to 3.
The correction for carrier recovery will be available only after the entire sync word has entered the delay line. This
correction needs to be applied to the sync word in order to provide the decision block with a good input. Because of this,
the delay line needs to be set to a delay greater than 32 symbols.
There is an additional mode that can be used. The delay line is capable of detecting the sync word, so in theory the
sync detection in the deserializer is no longer needed. Moreover, the correlation peak also gives information regarding
the optimal sampling position of the sync word: it is in the middle of the peak. This information can be used to trigger
clock recovery. So the sync word detection in the delay line can be used to trigger correct packet reception. To enable
this functionality, the EN_SYNC_OK_DELAY_LINE bit of the register CARRIER_RECOVERY_EXTRA must be set to 1. In
this case, non-causal processing needs to be disabled. This mode gives the minimum delay on packet reception. Note
that this mode has been tested only for Bluetooth low energy technology-type modulation.
The filter is an FIR, and the coefficients are specified in the COEF* fields of the RX_PULSE_SHAPE registers. The
FIR is symmetrical and its impulse response is given by:
[coef1, coef2, ... coef7, coef8, coef8, coef7, ..., coef2, coef1]
RSL10 Hardware Reference
In the case of an FSK modulation, the phase signal at the input of the filter is converted to frequency, and goes
through the FIR. In the case of a PSK modulation, the phase is converted to the linear domain by a simple look-up table
(LUT), and the I and Q signals go through the filter.
At the output of the filter there is a gain stage. This stage is used to normalize the amplitude of the signal. It is
mostly useful in the case of FSK modulation to normalize the modulation index, or in the case of a pre-processing in the
RX path that has a non-controllable gain. The gain is specified by a mantissa and exponent combination. The values of
these coefficients are specified by the FILTER_GAIN_M and FILTER_GAIN_E fields of the FILTER_GAIN register. The
mantissa has to be specified as an unsigned value and the exponent as a signed value. The gain after the FIR is specified
m e
G = 1 + ---- 2
• Clock recovery refers to the recovery of the sampling instant on the eye diagram. In practice, it is the capacity
to determine the best instant in which to sample the signal, in order to avoid ISI and to sample in the middle of
the eye.
• Data-rate recovery refers to the capability of determining the transmitter data rate. Generally, data rate
recovery is not needed, because the matching of the crystals between the TX and the RX should be good
enough, and the few tenths of ppm can be recovered by the simpler clock recovery algorithm. However, in
some special cases, the mismatch can be too high for simple clock recovery; for example, in the case of a
transmitter with only an RC oscillator, accuracy cannot be guaranteed. Note that once the data rate has been
recovered, the clock still needs to be recovered. Nothing ensures that once the data rate has been recovered, the
sampling instant is in the middle of the eye.
Both clock and data-rate recovery work together on the zero crossings of the signal. In particular, a correlation is
made between the input signal and an expected crossing signal.
This block takes several parameters: the time constants TAU_CLK_RECOV and TAU_DATARATE_RECOV which are
grouped together under the same register, the data-rate recover limit DR_LIMIT from the FILTER_GAIN register, and
the data-rate offset DATARATE_OFFSET from the DATARATE_OFFSET register. The time constants determine the time
that the block needs in order to achieve clock or data-rate recovery, respectively.
DATARATE_OFFSET specifies the initial expected data-rate offset. The offset is specified with a signed 8-bit word.
The full scale corresponds to 12.5% of mismatch.
DR_LIMIT specifies the range of data-rate recovery. The values are given in Table 15 on page 155.
ON Semiconductor
NOTE: For small data-rate mismatches – for example, if only ppm of crystal oscillators are responsible
for a DR mismatch – a simple clock recovery is enough. Also, there is a potential issue in
data-rate recovery if carrier recovery is not performed correctly. This issue is seen in Figure 15.
As Figure 15 shows, data recovery aims to align an internal counter to the zero crossings of the signal. In the case
shown by the right-hand image in Figure 15, the data rate is lowered in order to align the zero crossings. If the carrier is
not recovered correctly, the zero crossings are misaligned and appear as though they came from a faster signal. For this
reason, the conditions for the zero crossing detection of data-rate recovery are stricter.
Clock recovery does not change in the case of a 4-FSK modulation: it is always based on the zero crossing
detection. However, because of the 4-FSK modulation, the eye diagram horizontal opening is narrower than that of a
2-FSK modulation, as can be seen in Figure 16 on page 155.
Figure 16. Eye Diagram for 2-FSK Modulation and 4-FSK Modulation
RSL10 Hardware Reference
This means that the time constant for the 4-FSK modulation needs to be increased in order to achieve better
filtering and be more precise regarding the sampling time. The latter is especially important because, as can be seen in
Figure 16, if the sampling time is not exact, there may be a wrong decision regarding the level. The same is not true for
the 2-FSK, for which, ideally, the sampling time can be between the two zero crossings. Decision
Due to the Gaussian filter, the GFSK modulation scheme introduces inter-symbol interference (ISI). The ISI
decreases the sensitivity of the receiver, because during the decision the signal level can be smaller than in the case of a
rectangular pulse shape. ISI cancellation is carried out using the Viterbi algorithm.
The Viterbi algorithm is simply enabled by setting the EN_VITERBI_GFSK bit of the DECISION register. The
amplitudes of the expected signal are specified in the FSK_FCR_AMP registers. The path length of the estimator is
specified by the VITERBI_LEN field of the DECISION register.
The RSSI-filtered value is also used by an AGC algorithm. The AGC consists of a simple counter. If the
RSSI-filtered value is greater than the value specified in the AGC_THR_HIGH register, the counter will increase; if it is
lower than the value specified in the AGC_THR_LOW register, the counter will decrease. The counter has three bits and
starts at 0. Its maximum value is fixed by the value of the ATT_CTRL_MAX field of the ATT_CTRL register. The value of
the counter is then used as the input of the AGC look-up table specified in the AGC_LUT registers. This LUT is
composed of 11-bit words that correspond to the attenuation of the analog RX path. The bits of the fields of the
AGC_LUT_* register are distributed in the following order:
• agc_level(2): if set, adds 6 dB of attenuation by LNA current reduction (changed mirror ratio).
• agc_level(3): if set, adds 5 dB of attenuation by LNA1 load resistive degeneration.
• agc_level(4): if set, adds 5 dB of attenuation by LNA1 load resistive degeneration.
• agc_level(6:5) — intermediate frequency amplifier Gm control
• 00: max gain
• 01: 6 dB attenuation
• 10: not valid setting
• 11: 12 dB attenuation
ON Semiconductor
To increase the speed of the AGC, an improved version of the AGC algorithm has been implemented. When an
RSSI value is received, the AGC predicts what should be the AGC step. To do so, it needs to know the attenuation
between every AGC level. These attenuations can be specified by the fields RF_AGC_ATTXX of the register AGC_ATT.
The field AGC_ATT_01, for example, specifies the attenuation level between level 0 and level 1 of the AGC. These steps
must be specified with a resolution of 2 dB. For example, the value 0x3 means that the AGC step attenuates by 6 dB.
The attenuations can be optionally specified between 4 dB and 11 dB, with a resolution of 1 dB. In such a case, the value
0x3 means that the AGC step attenuates by 4+3 = 7 dB. This option is selected by setting bit 33 of register AGC_ATT to
1. To activate the mode of RSSI correction, the AGC_MODE bit of the register RSSI_CTRL needs to be set to 1.
The stability of the AGC can be improved for both algorithms by setting a wait state after the AGC changes its
state. The AGC algorithm can wait 0, 1, 2, or 3 RSSI measurements before updating the AGC state. This wait time can
be selected using the AGC_WAIT field of the RSSI_CTRL register.
The AGC algorithm can be switched off by setting the BYPASS_AGC bit of the RSSI_CTRL register to 1. The RX
chain attenuation is then determined by the SET_RX_ATT_CTRL field of the ATT_CTRL register.
To use the peak detector, the FSM needs to activate it: the bit USE_PEAK_DETECTOR of the CTRL_RX register needs
to be set to 1. The AGC algorithm will use the peak detector information if the EN_AGC_PEAK bit of the AGC_PEAK_DET
register is set to 1. The peak detector has three thresholds; the AGC algorithm uses one of these thresholds to determine
if the interferer is too strong, and another one to determine that no more interferer is present. These two thresholds are
selected via the PEAK_DET_THR_LOW field and the PEAK_DET_THR_HIGH bit of the AGC_PEAK_DET register. In the
same register there is also PEAK_DET_TAU, which defines a time constant for the filtering of the peak detector signals.
RSL10 Hardware Reference
In this case, the required number of steps is estimated using the RSSI value above
AGC_THR_HIGH; the peak detector alone increases by one AGC step per cycle.
In the course of your output power and frequency testing, you might need to configure the RF front-end to output a
CW signal. For instance, if your testing equipment uses a frequency divider/counter to measure output frequency, it
requires RSL10 to output an unmodulated signal.
The following steps describe how to use register settings to configure a CW signal output, for Tx or Rx, at a rate of
either 1 Mbps or 2Mbps:
1. Load the hci_app hex file into flash memory, and then reset the RSL10 Evaluation and Development Board.
This ensures that the RF registers are set correctly.
NOTE: The register-setting steps that follow can be performed using JTAG commander, or implemented
in the ARM Cortex-M3 processor code itself.
2. Set RF_REG00->MODE2_BYTE to 0.
3. Set RF_CENTER_FREQ to the frequency you desire. Find the required frequency using the equation
frequency = 0x8215c71 + n 0x71c7 , where n is the RF Bluetooth low energy channel number
from 0 to 39.
4. RF_REG05->BANK_BYTE is set to 0, for 1 Mbps, by default. For 2 Mbps, set RF_REG05->BANK_BYTE to 1.
5. To configure for Rx mode, set RF_REG30->FSM_MODE_BYTE to 3.
6. To configure for Tx mode, set RF_REG30->FSM_MODE_BYTE to 7.
7. To configure for idle mode (disable RF), set RF_REG30->FSM_MODE_BYTE to 8.
8. To disable pulse shaping during Tx to keep the frequency from being offset from the center, set registers
ON Semiconductor
When working in CW configuration, use your own preferred settings for VDDRF, VDDPA enabling, VCC,
VDDPA, DCCLK, the charge pump clock, and buck enabling.
RSL10 Hardware Reference
8.5.1 RF_REG00
ON Semiconductor
8.5.2 RF_REG01
RSL10 Hardware Reference
8.5.3 RF_REG02
ON Semiconductor
Field Name Value Symbol Hex Value
8.5.4 RF_REG03
RSL10 Hardware Reference
8.5.5 RF_REG04
ON Semiconductor
8.5.6 RF_REG05
RSL10 Hardware Reference
8.5.8 RF_REG07
ON Semiconductor
8.5.9 RF_REG08
RSL10 Hardware Reference
8.5.10 RF_REG09
ON Semiconductor
5:2 PACKET_LENGTH_OPTS_PACKET_ Signed value that specifies the correction to apply to the specified packet
LEN_CORR length (due to differences between standards). The packet length here is
specified by the byte number after the packet length byte, with the exclusion
of the CRC.
1:0 PACKET_LENGTH_OPTS_PACKET_ Unsigned value that specifies the position of the packet length after the
LEN_POS pattern
8.5.11 RF_REG0A
RSL10 Hardware Reference
8.5.13 RF_REG0C
9 CONV_CODES_CONF_CC_EN_TX_ if set to 1 enables the stop word at the end of the transmission. Necessary
STOP in order to keep a stream coherent with the convolutional coding
3:2 PACKET_EXTRA_PATTERN_MAX_ERR unsigned value that specifies the maximum number of errors in the pattern
1:0 PACKET_EXTRA_PATTERN_WORD_ Pattern word length: 00 => 8bits, 01 => 16 bits, 10 => 24 bits, 11 => 32 bits
ON Semiconductor
8.5.15 RF_CRC_RST
8.5.16 RF_REG0F
RSL10 Hardware Reference
8.5.17 RF_REG10
ON Semiconductor
8.5.18 RF_TX_PULSE0
8.5.19 RF_TX_PULSE1
RSL10 Hardware Reference
8.5.20 RF_TX_PULSE2
8.5.21 RF_TX_PULSE3
ON Semiconductor
8.5.22 RF_RX_PULSE
8.5.23 RF_REG16
RSL10 Hardware Reference
8.5.24 RF_REG17
11:9 CARRIER_RECOVERY_EXTRA_NC_ Select the output position for the 'not-causal processing': 000 => 4 symbol,
SEL_OUT 001 => 6 symbols, 010 => 8 symbols, 011 => 12 symbols, 100 => 16
symbols, 101 => 24 symbols, 110 => 32 symbols, 111 => 40 symbols
8 CARRIER_RECOVERY_EXTRA_EN_ if set to 1 enables the not causal processing
6:4 CARRIER_RECOVERY_EXTRA_FREQ_ Mantissa of the carrier recovery frequency limit (unsigned).
2:0 CARRIER_RECOVERY_EXTRA_FREQ_ Exponent of the carrier recovery frequency limit (signed). Formula:
LIMIT_EXP carrier_offset_max=(1+m/8)*2^e/4*f_sym
ON Semiconductor
8.5.25 RF_REG18
11:8 RSSI_BANK_TAU_RSSI_FILTERING Time constant of the RSSI filtering block: 0: 4symbols, 1: 8symbols, 2: 16
symbols, 3: 32symbols, 4: 64symbols, 5: 128symbols, 6: 256symbols, 7:
512symbols, 8: 1024symbols
4 DECISION_USE_VIT_SOFT If set to 1 uses the Viterbi soft decoding
3:2 DECISION_VITERBI_LEN Sets the Viterbi path length: 00: 1 bit, 01: 2 bits, 10: 4 bits, 11: 8 bits
1 DECISION_VITERBI_POW_NLIN if set to 1, the Viterbi algorithm uses power instead of amplitude to evaluate
the error on the path
0 DECISION_EN_VITERBI_GFSK If set to 1 enables the Viterbi algorithm for the GFSK decoding; this will
override the old ISI correction algorithm.
RSL10 Hardware Reference
8.5.26 RF_REG19
27:24 PLL_BANK_IQ_PLL_0_TX Charge pump bias for Tx case. Real value in Tx is iq_pll_0 xor iq_pll_0_tx. If set
to 0, Tx and Rx have the same value.
22 PLL_BANK_LOW_DR_TX If set to 1 the Tx will work in low data-rate mode
21:20 PLL_BANK_PLL_FILTER_RES_ Allow to modify the value of the loop filter resistor R2 when bit 5 is high (TX
TRIM mode): 00 => normal resistor (R_2_typ), 01 => 123%, 10 => 130% 11 => 170%
ON Semiconductor
8.5.27 RF_REG1A
RSL10 Hardware Reference
8.5.28 RF_REG1B
27 IEEE802154_OPTS_EN_L2F_RX if set to 1 enables the frequency to linear conversion in the Rx side (always
controlled by the en_802154_l2f configuration bit).
26:24 IEEE802154_OPTS_C2B_THR Threshold of the chip2bit correlator of the IEEE 802.15.4 protocol.
23:20 AGC_PEAK_DET_PEAK_DET_TAU Time constant of the peak detector monostable circuit; if set to 0 the
monostable is bypassed
19:18 AGC_PEAK_DET_PEAK_DET_THR_LOW Threshold for the low level of the peak detector: 0 => 0, 1 => 1, 2 => 2, 3
=> N.A.
17 AGC_PEAK_DET_PEAK_DET_THR_ Threshold for the high level of the peak detector: 0 => 2, 1 => 3
16 AGC_PEAK_DET_EN_AGC_PEAK If set to 1 enables the AGC peak detector
15:8 AGC_THR_HIGH_AGC_THR_HIGH AGC threshold high level
7:0 AGC_THR_LOW_AGC_THR_LOW AGC threshold low level
ON Semiconductor
8.5.29 RF_AGC_LUT1
8.5.30 RF_AGC_LUT2
8.5.31 RF_AGC_LUT3
RSL10 Hardware Reference
8.5.32 RF_AGC_LUT4
8.5.33 RF_REG20
ON Semiconductor
8.5.34 RF_AGC_ATT1
RSL10 Hardware Reference
8.5.35 RF_REG22
8.5.36 RF_REG23
ON Semiconductor
8.5.37 RF_REG24
RSL10 Hardware Reference
8.5.38 RF_REG25
8.5.39 RF_REG26
ON Semiconductor
8.5.40 RF_REG27
RSL10 Hardware Reference
8.5.41 RF_REG28
ON Semiconductor
8.5.42 RF_PLL_CTRL
9 PLL_CTRL_1_EN_LOW_CHP_ When high (recommended), allows use of a lower bias current for the required
BIAS output pumping current.
8 PLL_CTRL_1_CHP_DEAD_ZONE_ Debug: enable charge-pump dead zone (degraded PLL characteristics for test)
RSL10 Hardware Reference
4 PLL_CTRL_1_FAST_CHP_EN Enable the high current output of the charge-pump for PLL TX high bandwidth
mode (must be high together with bit 5 in TX, low in RX)
3:2 PLL_CTRL_1_CHP_MODE_TRIM Charge-pump active if 00 else this allow to open the PLL and force the VCO
tune voltage to reach: 01 => minimum frequency inside sub-band selection, 10
=> medium frequency inside sub-band selection, 11 => maximum frequency
inside sub-band selection.
1 PLL_CTRL_1_CHP_CMC_EN Enable the common mode control block of the charge-pump. Must be high to
ensure proper operation of the VCO tuning voltage comparator for sub-band
selection, if used
0 PLL_CTRL_1_CHP_CURR_ Debug: enable the charge-pump offset current (see bits 7:6 for offset current
OFFSET_EN value)
ON Semiconductor
8.5.43 RF_REG2A
RSL10 Hardware Reference
ON Semiconductor
8.5.45 RF_REG2C
RSL10 Hardware Reference
8.5.46 RF_REG2D
ON Semiconductor
8.5.47 RF_REG2E
RSL10 Hardware Reference
8.5.48 RF_REG2F
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8.5.49 RF_REG30
ON Semiconductor
8.5.50 RF_REG31
8.5.51 RF_REG32
8.5.52 RF_TXFIFO
8.5.53 RF_RXFIFO
RSL10 Hardware Reference
8.5.56 RF_REG37
8.5.57 RF_REG38
8.5.58 RF_REG39
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RSL10 Hardware Reference
9. Bluetooth Low Energy Baseband
The Bluetooth low energy baseband controller is responsible for real-time operations, and performs packet and
frame processing. Its architecture is illustrated in Figure 17.
PBus SBus
ARM Cortex-M3
external interrupts
Test muxes Registers
Core level
Radio Frequency Interrupt AES
Control data Memory controller memory
controller selection generator CCM
• The RF front-end through the support interfaces, as described in Section 11.8, “Support Interfaces” on
page 348.
The Bluetooth baseband hardware fills the logical layers of the Bluetooth low energy data transfer architecture
shown in Figure 18. This supplements the physical layers implemented by the RF front-end (refer to Chapter 8, “RF
Front-End” on page 133) and the L2CAP and host layers that are supported by the Bluetooth stack firmware (refer to
the “Bluetooth Stack and Profiles” chapter from the RSL10 Firmware Reference).
RSL10 Hardware Reference
L2CAP Channels
Logical Links
Layer Logical Transports
Physical Links
Physical Channels
Physical Transports
The Bluetooth low energy baseband controller is implemented with the features listed in Table 16.
• The registers that can be used to access the baseband hardware, and how the baseband uses the exchange
memory and other control structures to control data transferred to the RF front-end
• The baseband timing
• The hardware aspects of the security manager as accessible through the GAP layer
See the RSL10 Firmware Reference for more information about host and profile layer support.
This interrupt indicates that a hardware error has been detected. The error type can be recovered by reading the
ERRORTYPESTAT register (refer to Figure 19 for register overview and Table 17 on page 205 for a detailed description
of each bit).
ON Semiconductor
RAL_ERROR 0: No error Indicates Resolving Address List engine faced a bad setting.
1: Error occurred
CONCEVTIRQ_ERROR 0: No error Indicates whether two consecutive and concurrent
1: Error occurred ble_event_irq have been generated, and not acknowledged in
time by the RSL10 software.
RXDATA_PTR_ERROR 0: No error Indicates whether Rx data buffer pointer value programmed is null:
1: Error occurred this is a major programming failure.
TXDATA_PTR_ERROR 0: No error Indicates whether Tx data buffer pointer value programmed is null
1: Error occurred during Advertising / Scanning / Initiating events, or during Master /
Slave connections with non-null packet length: this is a major
programming failure.
RXDESC_EMPTY_ERROR 0: No error Indicates whether Rx Descriptor pointer value programmed in register
1: Error occurred is null: this is a major programming failure.
LLCHMAP_ERROR 0: No error Indicates Link Layer Channel Map error, happens when actual
1: Error occurred number of CS-LLCHMAP bits set to one is different from
CS-NBCHGOOD at the beginning of Frequency Hopping process.
ADV_UNDERRUN 0: No error Indicates Advertising Interval Underrun: occurs if time between two
1: Error occurred consecutive intervals.
IFS_UNDERRUN 0: No error Indicates Inter Frame Space Underrun: occurs if IFS time is not
1: Error occurred enough to update and read Control Structure/Descriptors, and/or
White List parsing is not finished and/or Decryption time is too long to
be finished on time.
WHITELIST_ERROR 0: No error Indicates White List Timeout error: occurs if White List parsing is not
1: Error occurred finished on time.
RSL10 Hardware Reference
For debugging purposes, the baseband controller instantiates a diagnostic port that can be configured through the
following baseband controller registers.
The 8-bit diagnostic bus can be mapped to any DIO output, as described in Figure 34 on page 349.
The link layer software interfaces with the baseband by writing/reading its registers and the exchange memory.
Baseband access methods need to be adapted to the physical interface between the CPU and baseband (e.g. AHB, SPI,
etc.). An abstraction layer is therefore implemented so that LL software is, as much as possible, independent from the
physical interface. Only the link layer baseband abstraction layer is modified for compatibility with the physical
ON Semiconductor
The abstraction layer contains a few primitives, allowing atomic read/writes and copies of data from system RAM
to exchange memory.
The following functions and macros are used by the link layer software to access the baseband registers, exchange
memory, and RF registers:
This macro reads a 32-bit value from a Bluetooth low energy technology core register
REG_BLE_WR(addr, value)
This function writes a 32-bit value to a Bluetooth low energy technology core register
This function reads a 16-bit value from the Bluetooth low energy technology exchange memory
EM_BLE_WR(addr, value)
This function writes a 16-bit value to the exchange memory
This macro reads a value from an RF register
RF_BLE_WR(addr, value)
This function writes a value to an RF register
These macros are defined in reg_access.h and provide direct access to the baseband outside of the link layer
The control structure contains information that instructs the hardware to perform actions relevant to a specific
Bluetooth link layer state (advertising, scanning, initiating, master connection, and slave connection).
The control structure is located in the exchange memory and is statically allocated at build time. The number of
allocated control structures is one more than the maximum number of links supported by the built firmware.
RSL10 Hardware Reference
ET offset
Exchange CS link handle 0
FT offset CS link handle 1
Table CS link handle 2
CS offset
Control Structure
Structure Area
IMPORTANT: The exchange memory provided by the RSL10 SoC supports a maximum of 31 links; however,
the default Bluetooth stack firmware may be built to support fewer links, for power and memory efficiency. If
your user application requires more links than the Bluetooth library builds described in the RSL10 Firmware
Reference can support, contact your ON Semiconductor Customer Service Representative for assistance.
The Bluetooth low energy baseband is clocked using a baseband clock (BBCLK), a divided baseband clock
(BBCLK_DIV), and a baseband timer clock. For more information about these clocks, see Section 6.3.4, “Baseband
Clock (BBCLK) and Other Clocks for the Bluetooth Low Energy Baseband” on page 81.
BBCLK is a prescaled form of SYSCLK (see Section 6.3.1, “System Clock (SYSCLK)” on page 79) that is
provided to the Bluetooth low energy baseband. BBCLK is derived from SYSCLK clock through a 3-bit integer
division by the CLK_DIV_CFG0_BBCLK_PRESCALE bit field in the CLK_DIV_CFG0 register. For proper baseband
operation during RF transmissions, BBCLK must be configured in the range from 6 to 24 MHz with operation at 8 MHz
or 16 MHz recommended. This prescaler provides a clock prescaled from SYSCLK by 1 to 8, and results in an BBCLK
with a frequency as defined by the following equation:
f BBCLK = -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
For proper baseband operation BBCLK_DIV must be configured to supply a 1 MHz reference, divided from
BBCLK. BBCLK_DIV is divided using the BBIF_CTRL_CLK_SEL bit-field of the BBIF_CTRL register. This bit-field
should be set so that the following equation is correct:
ON Semiconductor
f BBCLK_DIV = -------------------------------------------------------------------------- = 1MHz
The reset and the low power timing generator clock (32 kHz), or a divided clock for lower power consumption, are
divided from the standby clock (Section 6.3.2, “Standby Clock (STANDBYCLK)” on page 80) with the baseband timer
configuring and potentially further dividing this using the ACS_BB_TIMER_CTRL_BB_CLK_PRESCALE bit from the
ACS_BB_TIMER_CTRL register. The reset signal for this block is controlled by the
ACS_BB_TIMER_CTRL_BB_TIMER_NRESET bit, and is re-synchronized on the baseband timer clock, and consequently,
it can take up to one clock cycle of this divided clock before the baseband timer is effectively reset. ACS_BB_TIMER_CTRL
The system is synchronized as per a base time unit, called a “slot”, which is equal to 625 s. A hardware counter
named “base time counter” manages the system slot counting. A hardware counter named “fine time counter” performs
a 1 s precision countdown within a slot.
Fine Time
624……….0 624……….0 624……….0 624……….0 624……….0 624……….0
Base Time
0x9F10 0x9F11 0x9F12 0x9F13 0x9F14 0x9F15
The base time counter starts at 0 on power-up. It is 27 bits wide, and it is incremented every 625 s.
RSL10 Hardware Reference
The real time scheduling and the system wakeup are synchronized over several interrupts. These interrupts are
generated by the hardware (BaseBand / Core). Refer to Figure 22 on page 210.
This latency allows the firmware to safely program the control structure fields and Tx buffers, before hardware
fetching takes place.
ON Semiconductor
Master X X X X X X
CŽŶŶĞĐƚŝŽŶ Interval
Slave X X X X X X
RSL10 Hardware Reference
The firmware checks the control structure (i.e., CS-CONFLICT) bit and the number of descriptors consumed, to
see if it is a normal or a dual mode arbitration conflict end of event.
Start Start
Rx End
Prog Latency Prog Latency
Master X X X X X X X X
ŽŶŶĞĐƚŝŽŶ Interval
Slave X X X X X X X X
ON Semiconductor
Rx End
Prog Latency
Channel = 38 Rx
Scanner X
Ch Ch Ch
37 38 39
Advertiser X X X X X X
Prog Latency
Start IRQ
Wakeup Start to compensate the low power clock drift (wakeup interrupt).
Slot synchronization System is ready (slot interrupt), so the activity can start.
Wake up Slot
Prog Latency
Clock correction
Upon wakeup, the hardware base time counter has to be updated as to the passed sleep duration. For that, the
firmware computes the correction values to apply on the base and fine counters by setting appropriate registers. The
core applies the correction for the next slot interrupt. The maximum time to correct the clock value is 1 slot (default
value) and is known in the firmware as “clock correction latency”.
RSL10 Hardware Reference
The event arbiter checks whether the event should be programmed, or if it is in the past and should be pushed into
the canceled queue.
The ciphering process is started by a command, defined by an API, with two parameters:
When the interrupt is generated, a kernel message is sent to the requester with the ciphered data.
BB_BDADDRU Bluetooth low energy device address (MSB part) register1 0x40001528
ON Semiconductor
RSL10 Hardware Reference
1. In typical use cases, the Bluetooth device address should be set to the value stored to the Device Configuration Record
(NVR3) at the DEVICE_INFO_BLUETOOTH_ADDR location. For more information see the RSL10 Firmware Reference.
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9.4.14 BB_INTACK
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9.4.43 BB_ADVTIM
RSL10 Hardware Reference
ON Semiconductor
9.4.49 BB_AESKEY31_0
9.4.50 BB_AESKEY63_32
9.4.51 BB_AESKEY95_64
RSL10 Hardware Reference
9.4.52 BB_AESKEY127_96
9.4.53 BB_AESPTR
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9.4.65 BB_BBMPRIO0
ON Semiconductor
9.4.66 BB_BBMPRIO1
9.4.67 BB_RALPTR
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ON Semiconductor
RSL10 Hardware Reference
10. Digital Input/Output
The RSL10 system contains 16 digital input/output (DIO) pads that can be configured:
DIOs support all digital inputs and output functions that are not supported directly by a dedicated I/O. For more
information about the functional configuration of DIO pads, see Section 10.2, “Functional Configuration” below.
Dedicated I/Os are supplied for the following pads which are not part of the DIO pad set:
• The wake up pad (WAKEUP)—for more information, see Section 5.4, “Power Modes” on page 51.
• The external clock input pad (EXTCLK)—for more information, see Section 6.2.5, “External Clock Input
(EXTCLK)” on page 76.
• The JTCK and JTMS (also used as SWCLK and SWDIO) pads for the standard SWJ-DP debug port
included with the ARM Cortex-M3 core — for more information, see Section 3.2, “Debug Port” on page 29.
• A reset pad (NRESET) - for more information, see Section 5.5, “Resets” on page 63.
The DIO pads support a variety of physical configuration parameters that might be required to properly interface
with external components, including:
A complete description of the physical configuration of DIOs can be found in Section 10.3, “Physical
Configuration” on page 265.
All of the DIO pads are powered from the VDDO power supply. For more information about this power supply
and its configuration, see Section 5.2.2, “Digital Output Supply Voltage (VDDO)” on page 40.
The DIO pads can be configured using the DIO_CFG_IO_MODE bit field from the DIO_CFG_* registers:
Table 18 contains a list of the functional modes a DIO can be configured for. Table 19 contains a list of the input
sources that a given DIO can be assigned to supply.
RSL10 Hardware Reference
In addition to standard digital functional configuration, certain DIOs can be configured for special modes. These
special modes are described in Section 10.2.1, “Special Functional Configurations” on page 264.
CAUTION: While a DIO can be configured to be both an output and an input, it is the user application's responsibility
to ensure that the DIO is not driving an output to a pad that is also being driven externally. If a DIO pad signal has two
drivers, the physical values and inputs that are read from this pad are considered undefined.
ON Semiconductor
RSL10 Hardware Reference
RSL10 contains two special functional configurations that affect a subset of the DIOs. These special functional
configurations are described in Table 20.
ON Semiconductor
For more information about analog inputs, see Section 11.1, “Analog-to-Digital Converters
(ADCs)” on page 305.
ARM Cortex-M3 13 When configured for JTAG mode, the SWJ-DP debug port interface uses the following
Processor 14 and 15 pads to implement a 4 or 5-wire JTAG interface:
SWJ-DP JTAG • DIO 13 configured as JNTRST (5-wire JTAG interface only)
• DIO 14 configured as JTDI
• DIO 15 configured as JTDO
The RSL10 system includes physical configuration parameters for each DIO. These parameters are set using
configuration bits from the appropriate DIO_CFG_* register.
If the DIO is configured as an input pad, it has the following configuration options:
• The DIO_CFG_PULL_CTRL bit field is used to configure the pad to use a pull-up or pull-down resistor. Options
• No pull resistor
• A weak (250 k) pull-up resistor
• A weak (250 k) pull-down resistor
• A strong (1 k) pull-up resistor
• The DIO_CFG_LPF bit enables or disables a low-pass filter that can be used to clean up the DIO’s received
input signal.
IMPORTANT: For optimal noise performance, we recommend enabling the low-pass filters provided for DIO
inputs for input signals received at 1 MHz or less. For signals that use a frequency that exceeds 1 MHz, the DIO
low-pass filters should be disabled.
In addition to the configurable physical parameters, all DIO pads contain Schmitt triggers to filter out noise
observed at the inputs.
If the DIO is configured as an output pad, it has the following configuration option:
RSL10 Hardware Reference
• The DIO_CFG_DRIVE bit allows you to select the drive strength for the DIO output.
NOTE: The DIO_PAD_CFG_DRIVE bit-field from the DIO_PAD_CFG register can be used to increase the
drive strength of all outputs by 50% or more if needed for a user application.
10.4.1 DIO_CFG
ON Semiconductor
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ON Semiconductor
10.4.2 DIO_DATA
RSL10 Hardware Reference
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10.4.3 DIO_DIR
ON Semiconductor
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ON Semiconductor
10.4.4 DIO_MODE
RSL10 Hardware Reference
10.4.5 DIO_INT_CFG
ON Semiconductor
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10.4.7 DIO_PCM_SRC
ON Semiconductor
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10.4.8 DIO_SPI_SRC
ON Semiconductor
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10.4.10 DIO_I2C_SRC
ON Semiconductor
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10.4.12 DIO_NMI_SRC
ON Semiconductor
10.4.13 DIO_BB_RX_SRC
RSL10 Hardware Reference
ON Semiconductor
RSL10 Hardware Reference
10.4.14 DIO_BB_SPI_SRC
ON Semiconductor
10.4.15 DIO_RF_SPI_SRC
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ON Semiconductor
RSL10 Hardware Reference
10.4.16 DIO_RF_GPIO03_SRC
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ON Semiconductor
10.4.17 DIO_RF_GPIO47_SRC
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10.4.18 DIO_RF_GPIO89_SRC
ON Semiconductor
10.4.19 DIO_DMIC_SRC
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ON Semiconductor
RSL10 Hardware Reference
10.4.23 DIO_PAD_CFG
The analog-to-digital converters (ADCs) provide an analog to digital conversion of up to eight differential
combinations of four internal signals and four external signals. Each conversion is a differential measurement with a
configurable resolution for the converter of 8 or 14 bits of precision.
IMPORTANT: For accurate ADC measurements across operating conditions, the VDDC supply voltage level
must be a minimum of 1.00 V. For more information about VDDC configuration, see Section 5.3.4, “Digital
Supply Voltages” on page 46, and the “Manufacturing Calibrated Settings” from the RSL10 Firmware Reference.
The purpose of the ADCs is to sample analog signals that are relevant to the user’s application use cases—for
example, the voltage associated with a potentiometer-based volume control, or a supply voltage for battery
monitoring applications using the Bluetooth low energy battery service (BAS).
The signals measured by the ADC block are configured using the NEG_INPUT_SEL and POS_INPUT_SEL
bit-fields from the ADC_INPUT_SEL register set. The negative and positive signals used for each differential
measurement are selected from:
DIOs 0, 1, 2, 3 For more information about DIO configuration for ADCs, see Chapter 10, “Digital Input/
Output” on page 261.
AOUT The analog test output signal. The signal provided to AOUT can be configured using the
ACS_AOUT_CTRL_TEST_AOUT bit field from the ACS_AOUT_CTRL register, which allows the
ADCs to additionally measure a number of other internal power supply outputs and status
flags. For more information about the internal power supplies, see Section 5.3, “Internal
Power Supply Voltages” on page 40.
VDDC For more information about VDDC and its configuration, see Section 5.3.4, “Digital Supply
Voltages” on page 46.
VBAT/2 A divided form of the battery supply voltage, measured through a fixed resistive divider
which ensures that the measured value is in the expected range of the ADC for accurate
measurement. To save power, the resistive divider can be configured to only be enabled when
a conversion is taking place by setting the ADC_CFG_DUTY_DIVIDER bit-field from the
ADC_CFG register to ADC_VBAT_DIV2_DUTY. For additional information about VBAT, see
Section 5.2.1, “Battery Supply Voltage (VBAT)” on page 39.
The ADC signals are sampled at a sampling rate derived from SLOWCLK, and configured using the
ADC_CFG_FREQ bit-field from the ADC_CFG register. Configuration of SLOWCLK is described in Section 6.3.3,
“Slow Clock (SLOWCLK)” on page 80, with SLOWCLK typically initialized to 1 MHz. ADC measurements using
this divided clock can be configured for two sampling modes:
RSL10 Hardware Reference
Low-Frequency Mode
SLOWCLK is first prescaled by a fixed factor of 10, with a maximum sampling rate of 5 kHz.
ADC measurement results have a resolution of 14 bits.
High-Frequency Mode
SLOWCLK is prescaled by a factor of 2, with sampling rates of up to 25 kHz where ADC
measurement results have a resolution of 14 bits, or up to 50 kHz where ADC measurement
results have a resolution of 8 bits.
In addition to selecting the sampling mode, the ADC_CFG_FREQ bit-field defines the frequency at which
measurements are taken, and the native voltage range of measurements. Lower reference measurement rates provide a
larger native voltage range, and in the case of High-Frequency Mode, provide a higher resolution ADC measurement.
The ADC block samples data at the specified frequency, with data samples read from all eight channels in Normal
Mode, and from only one channel sampled in continuous mode. This results in a lower effective sample rate for Normal
Mode operations.
• If the ADC block is configured in Normal Mode, each ADC channel is sampled in sequence and an ADC
interrupt occurs once every eighth sample. The channel number that triggers the interrupt (or phase offset) can
be defined as part of the ADC_INT_CH_NUM bit field in the ADC_BATMON_INT_ENABLE register. Between each
interrupt, the data value for each ADC channel is updated to a new, valid sample.
• If the ADC is configured in Continuous Mode, only one ADC channel is sampled and an interrupt occurs every
sample. The sampled channel is defined in the ADC_INT_CH_NUM bit field as part of the
The resulting sample rates per channel as a function of SLOWCLK are shown in Table 21.
ON Semiconductor
NOTE: For a typical SLOWCLK frequency of 1.00 MHz, the ADC samples all eight channels in Normal
mode at a configurable rate between 6.25 kHz and 19.5 Hz.
The converted output from the most recent conversion of each channel can be found in the ADC_DATA_TRIM_CH*
and ADC_DATA_AUDIO_CH* registers. Data read from both registers that refer to each channel are equivalent, and only
the interpretation of the underlying measurement is different.
The output data value from the ADC is represented as trimmer data providing a 14-bit unsigned
value scaled between 0x000 and 0x3FFF to represent a signal in the range from 0 to 2.0 V. Any
measurement outside of the range from 0 to 2.0 V is saturated.
The output data value from the ADC is represented as audio data providing a 14-bit signed value
scaled between 0xFFFFE000 and 0x00001FFF to represent a signal in the range from 0 to
2.0 V. Measurements outside of the range from 0 to 2.0 V can extend this range if the ADC
sampling configuration extends the range of measured values.
For improved accuracy in the ADC data, the RSL10 SoC provides an offset correction factor in the ADC_OFFSET
register that automatically applies a compensation value to the measured ADC data. This value normally should be the
difference between the expected and measured ADC output when the input is 0 V. The value of this register is
automatically updated with a measured compensation value that corrects the measurements when an ADC channel
selects GND as the source for both the positive and negative sources for the channel. If no channels are configured in
this way, the offset register can be configured to provide any desired compensation (including selecting no
compensation by setting this register to 0x00000000).
The ADC block additionally provides resources that can be used to monitor the power supply through VBAT/2
(useful if the system is supplied directly from VBAT), or VCC (useful if the system is being supplied through the
DC-DC converter). From the information obtained from these supplies, you can detect when the battery is getting close
to the end of life.
The supply threshold level can be defined between 0 V and 2 V using 256 steps of approximately 7.8 mV. This is
defined in the ADC_BATMON_CFG_SUPPLY_THRESHOLD bit field. Select either VBAT/2 or VCC as the source to monitor
by setting the ADC_BATMON_CFG_SUPPLY_SRC bit. Both of these values are part of the ADC_BATMON_CFG register.
When the monitored supply is measured as being below the specified threshold, the value of the
ADC_BATMON_COUNT_VAL register is incremented. This counter register is reset when read. The value of this register is
compared with the value stored to the ADC_BATMON_CFG_ALARM_COUNT_VALUE bit-field from the ADC_BATMON_CFG
register, and if the counter value ever exceeds the alarm value, an alarm is generated.
RSL10 Hardware Reference
A single interrupt line is shared between the ADC and the power supply monitoring circuitry. This interrupt can be
independently configured to trigger when one or both of the following conditions are met:
• Triggering when a specified ADC channel is sampled. To enable this trigger condition, use the
ADC_INT_ENABLE bit from the ADC_BATMON_INT_ENABLE register. To specify the ADC channel, use the
ADC_INT_CH_NUM bit-field from this same register.
• Triggering when a power supply monitor alarm occurs. To enable this trigger condition, use the
NOTE: To configure a single ADC and/or battery monitoring interrupt, set the ADC_INT_CH_NUM field to
the selected battery monitoring source.
The source of the interrupt can always be determined using fields within the ADC_BATMON_STATUS register. The
BATMON_ALARM_STAT bit indicates an alarm condition within the battery monitoring circuit. The ADC_READY_STAT bit
indicates that a new set of samples are available in the ADC_xxx_DATA registers. The ADC_OVERRUN_STAT bit indicates
that the ADC_xxx_DATA registers were not read between successive samples, and one or more samples were
NOTE: All three flags in the ADC_BATMON_STATUS register are sticky, and each must be separately
cleared by setting the appropriate ADC_BATMON_STATUS_*_CLEAR bit from the
RSL10 can configure any of the DIO pads as software-controlled general-purpose DIO (GPIO) pads. The function
of these GPIO pads is defined by a user application, which can use them for any general-purpose input or output.
The DIO_MODE register indicates which DIO pads have been configured for GPIO functionality; bits in this register
are set (for example, DIO_IS_GPIO) if they are configured as GPIOs, and cleared otherwise (for example,
DIO_IS_NOT_GPIO). For any pads that are defined as a GPIO, the DIO_DIR register can be written to set the input/
output direction for these pads.
ON Semiconductor
The value observed at the digital input pads can be read from the DIO_DATA register. This value is read as 0 for all
pads configured as ADC inputs (see Section 11.1, “Analog-to-Digital Converters (ADCs)”), because the digital input is
not enabled in this mode. For all other modes, the physical value of the pad is directly measured. The output value for
the digital output pads can also be set using the DIO_DATA register for any pads that are configured as GPIO outputs.
NOTE: If a DIO is configured for a GPIO mode, bit 0 of the DIO_CFG_* register for a DIO can be used to
detect or set the data value for the GPIO (hence the DIO_MODE_GPIO_IN_0,
The GPIO interface provides a set of four configurable interrupts which, when enabled, signal the occurrence of an
event or a condition on a specified GPIO pad. See Section 14.1, “Nested Vectored Interrupt Controller (NVIC)” on
page 401 for information regarding interrupt configuration and handling.
Each of the GPIO interrupts support triggering an interrupt from any of the 16 DIOs as an input source. Each of the
GPIO interrupts also supports triggering on one of five possible GPIO events. The source and event trigger for each
interrupt can be configured using one of the DIO_INT_CFG_* registers. For each of the four interrupts:
• To select the GPIO pad to use as a trigger for the interrupt, set the INT_CFG_SRC bit field.
• To select the event to use as a trigger for the interrupt, use the INT_CFG bit field. A list of the possible
triggering events (including a description of each event) is listed in Table 22.
The external interfaces include an I2C interface supporting both master and slave mode transfers. This interface
implements a subset of the Philips I2C interface as described in the Philips I2C Bus Specification document.
The I2C interface uses the rising edges of a serial clock signal (SCL) to clock in data from a serial data signal (SDA)
to communicate between devices. The I2C interface is designed to handle bus traffic operating at up to 1 MHz; however,
for communications to proceed on the I2C interface, the following relation between the system clock (which is used
internally to clock the I2C interface) and the SCL must hold:
RSL10 Hardware Reference
The example timing diagram shown in Figure 28 provides some information about the important elements in an I2C
transaction, which are described in further detail in the previously mentioned bus specification. These elements are:
Start Condition
The SDA transitions from the idle high state to the low state while the SCL remains high. This
can also happen during a transmission as a repeated start condition, which indicates that the
transaction is starting again without an intermediate stop condition.
Address Bits
During the first byte transmitted, the first seven bits on the SDA provide the address of the
device with which the master device wants to communicate. A device that is properly addressed
must acknowledge this transaction if communications are to conform to the I2C standard.
During any transaction, the I2C_STATUS_READ_WRITE bit from the I2C_STATUS register
indicates whether the current I2C transaction is a read or write transaction.
Data Byte
All other bytes, excluding the addressing and read/write byte, that are transmitted on the SDA
are considered data bytes for the transaction.
A receiving slave device should not acknowledge a byte if the slave device is not the device that
was addressed, or if the device cannot handle the byte received. A master device should not
acknowledge a byte if the master is receiving and wants to end the transaction. If a not
acknowledge is encountered, the master device should generate a stop condition.
Stop Condition
The SDA transitions from a low state to high state while the SCL remains high. This ends an I2C
ON Semiconductor
Start Address Read/Write Acknowledge Data Acknowledge Data Not Acknowledge Stop
Condition (Bits 0-6) (Bit 7) by Slave (Bits 0-7) by Master or (Bits 0-7) by Master Receiver; Condition
Slave Acknowledge or Not
Acknowledge by
Slave Receiver
For information about configuring the DIO to create an I2C bus that is needed to support the I2C interface, see
Chapter 10, “Digital Input/Output” on page 261.
IMPORTANT: I2C interfaces are defined using open-collector pads for the I2C bus. Because these pads do not
drive a high signal for the bus signals—relying on the bus’s pull-up resistors for proper operation—user
applications using this interface must use either the internal pull-up resistors implemented for the DIO pads, or
a set of external pull-up resistors on the DIOs assigned to be the I2C bus lines.
The I2C_CTRL1 register is the interface control register that contains write-only control bits. Each of these bits is
used to trigger an event and these bits are summarized in Table 23.
CAUTION: When using the I2C control bits to control a transfer in master mode with auto acknowledgements, it is not
possible to use the I2C_CTRL1_LAST_DATA bit to terminate a transfer after reading only one byte. This transfer is not
supported in this specific mode since events only occur after an acknowledgement, and the first acknowledgement by
a master device using auto acknowledgements is after the first data byte. Even if a read transfer in this mode should
consist of only one read byte, a second byte will be read due to the automatic acknowledgement of the first byte.
The I2C_STATUS register contains bit fields that are defined as either event bits or state bits. The event bits are
used to indicate that an event has occurred, and the state bits are used to indicate an interface operating state. These
status bits are summarized in Table 24.
RSL10 Hardware Reference
ON Semiconductor
NOTE: The interface supports both master operation and slave operation. A user application can use the
interface in both modes, provided the application ensures that the I2C bus is not currently in use.
Check the I2C_STATUS_BUS_FREE bit in the I2C_STATUS register to verify that the I2C bus is
not currently in use when attempting to initialize a transfer as a master device.
The I2C interface uses the I2C_DATA register to transmit and receive data through a 1-byte internal buffer. As use
of the I2C_DATA register has side effects that can advance the I2C interface state machine, this register is mirrored
without side effects in the I2C_DATA_M register. If the internal buffer is full, the I2C_STATUS_BUFFER_FULL bit from
the I2C_STATUS register is set.
Generally each byte of an I2C transaction must be acknowledged or not-acknowledged by a user application. Use
the I2C_CTRL0_AUTO_ACK_ENABLE bit from the I2C_CTRL0 register to select whether the application itself handles
this acknowledgement manually or the interface handles it automatically. In either case, if the interface does not have
the needed data or a place to put data, the transaction is paused by stretching the clock signal until the interface can
continue. If the clock is being stretched, the I2C_STATUS_CLK_STRETCH bit from the I2C_STATUS register is set as an
Use of the above mentioned data registers and the general behavior of the I2C state machine is described in
Section, “Operation Using Manual Acknowledgement” on page 319 for manual acknowledgement mode, and
in Section, “Operation Using Auto Acknowledgement” on page 320 for automatic acknowledgement mode.
NOTE: If at any point, when operating in either master or slave mode, a user application needs to reset
the I2C bus lines (for example, after encountering a bus error condition), the application should
write the I2C_CTRL1_RESET bit from the I2C_CTRL1 register. This resets both the I2C bus and
the internal state machines of the I2C interface to allow the system to cleanly start again from a
known state.
In slave mode, the device is receiving the serial clock signal from an external master device, which also controls
addressing, direction, and the start/stop conditions for each I2C transfer.
To enable a device in slave mode, set the I2C_CTRL0_SLAVE_ENABLE bit from the I2C_CTRL0 register. This
allows the device to respond to communications on both the I2C general call address (0x00) and at a programmable
slave address that can be selected using the I2C_CTRL0_SLAVE_ADDRESS bit field in the I2C_CTRL0 register. During a
RSL10 Hardware Reference
transaction, the I2C_STATUS_GEN_CALL bit in the I2C_STATUS register can be queried to identify the addresses that
were used to address the device.
A device receiving data in a slave mode configuration can use the I2C_CTRL1_LAST_DATA bit from the
I2C_CTRL1 register to automatically NACK the last data byte, to indicate to a master device that it should send a stop
NOTE: The I2C_CTRL1_LAST_DATA bit is cleared when a new transfer is initiated on the I2C bus.
In master mode, the device provides the serial clock signal and controls all transfer information. To configure the
clock signal, select a prescaling division by 3 using the I2C_CTRL0_MASTER_SPEED_PRESCALER bit field in the
I2C_CTRL0 register. The interface clock frequency for a given configuration can be calculated using:
f I2C MASTER = -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
A user application must manually control all components of a master mode transaction. To transmit or receive using
master mode, a device must:
1. Check that the I2C bus lines are not currently in use by reading the I2C_STATUS_BUS_FREE bit in the
I2C_STATUS register. The device can only start a transaction if the lines are free.
2. Start a transaction, sending the start condition, address and direction, by loading the appropriate address and
direction to the I2C_ADDR_START register.
3. Handle data and interrupts as appropriate for the transaction (see Section 11.3.3, “I2C Interrupts”).
4. Complete the transaction by sending a stop condition.
A stop condition can be generated using either the I2C_CTRL1_STOP_CMD bit or the I2C_CTRL1_LAST_DATA
bit in the I2C_CTRL1 register.
When using the I2C_CTRL1_LAST_DATA bit, a stop condition is automatically generated after the current data
byte transfer is completed. If the interface is receiving data, this bit also automatically generates the required
NACK of the last data byte that is received.
NOTE: If the I2C interface is used for transmitting, the last byte of data to be transmitted must be written
to the I2C_DATA register before setting the I2C_CTRL1_LAST_DATA bit, as this bit triggers a
stop condition at the end of the current transfer.
NOTE: As previously noted, the I2C_CTRL1_LAST_DATA bit is cleared when a new transfer is initiated
on the I2C bus.
When using the I2C_CTRL1_STOP_CMD bit, a stop condition is issued immediately. This bit is normally set
when the I2C_CTRL1_ACK or I2C_CTRL1_NACK bits in the I2C_CTRL1 register are set.
CAUTION: Using the stop event (STOP) immediately transmits a stop condition as soon as possible. This can result in
a terminated transfer, and remote devices on the bus might detect I2C errors.
ON Semiconductor
The I2C interface uses an associated interrupt which, when enabled, signals the receipt of a correct address byte and
the completion of each data byte in the transaction.
When enabled, the I2C interrupt signals the stop condition following a transaction for a master transfer. The system
can also be configured to receive this interrupt when operating in slave mode by setting the
I2C_CTRL0_STOP_INT_ENABLE bit from the I2C_CTRL0 register.
Section 14.1, “Nested Vectored Interrupt Controller (NVIC)” on page 401 for information regarding interrupt
configuration and handling.
Several status indicators from the I2C_STATUS register can be used with the interrupt to identify the state of the I2C
• If the I2C_STATUS_ADDR_DATA bit is set, the interrupt was generated in response to a recognized sequence
including a start condition and address on the I2C interface.
• If the I2C_STATUS_STOP_DETECTED bit is set, the interrupt was generated in response to a stop interrupt
being detected on the I2C interface. This bit is cleared immediately when a new transaction starts. No interrupt
is generated for I2C transactions that use an address that was not recognized by the I2C interface.
• If the I2C_STATUS_DATA_EVENT bit is set, the interrupt indicates that data has been received and can be read,
or that data is needed to continue with the transmission of data.
• If the I2C_STATUS_BUS_ERROR_S bit is set, then a bus error has occurred. If the I2C_STATUS_BUS_ERROR
bit is also set, the bus error has not yet been cleared.
• If the I2C_STATUS_ERROR_S bit is set, then either a bus error or an I2C watchdog timeout has occurred. If the
I2C_STATUS_ERROR bit is also set, the error has not yet been cleared.
When handling a transaction, an interrupt is issued whenever data or an acknowledgement is required (in addition
to interrupts triggered by stop conditions).
NOTE: An interrupt is not generated following a NACK for any data condition. However, an interrupt is
generated (if operating in master mode or stop interrupts are enabled) on the stop condition that is
expected to follow the NACK.
An interrupt is also generated if the interface cannot send data that has been provided because the interface is idle or
has already received a NACK from the slave device during the current transaction. As noted above, when the interface
is waiting for data, the clock line is automatically stretched until the required data is provided.
A special interrupt is also generated for a master read once the acknowledge bit from the address byte has been
received. This scenario is a special case because it does not require data nor acknowledgement to trigger an interrupt,
but instead is designed to allow the interface to check whether or not a slave device has acknowledged the transfer at
that point. Provided the slave device has responded, the interface can issue either an ACK or a NACK command to
continue the transfer.
RSL10 Hardware Reference
NOTE: Use of the I2C_CTRL1_NACK, I2C_CTRL1_ACK and I2C_CTRL1_STOP_CMD bits from the
I2C_CTRL1 register is only defined when an acknowledgement is needed during a data transfer.
Interface behavior in response to these control bits being set at other times is undefined.
When the interface handles a transaction, interrupts are issued whenever new data can be written or new data has
been received. This allows a user application to maintain a transaction without introducing delay.
NOTE: An interrupt is not generated following a NACK for any data condition. However, an interrupt is
generated (if operating in master mode or stop interrupts are enabled) on the stop condition that is
expected to follow the NACK.
Additionally, interrupts are generated if data was supplied but cannot be sent because the interface has received a
NACK from the slave device, or is currently idle (as the interface would be following a stop condition). If data is
required but is not currently available because the buffer is empty, the clock is stretched and an additional interrupt is
generated. If new data was received, but the previous data has not been read (resulting in the buffer not being available),
the clock is stretched until the buffer becomes free.
IMPORTANT: When receiving data in master mode, the timing of interrupts for auto acknowledgement of data
prevents a user application from cleanly terminating a transfer using the LAST_DATA event. As a result, if the
interface is running in this mode, a dummy byte must be transferred to cleanly terminate the current transfer
with a stop condition following this byte. I2C_CTRL0
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RSL10 Hardware Reference I2C_CTRL1 I2C_DATA I2C_DATA_M
RSL10 Hardware Reference
ON Semiconductor
RSL10 has access to a highly configurable pulse code modulation (PCM) interface that can be used to stream
control, configuration or signal data into and out of the microcontroller.
The PCM interface is multiplexed onto the DIO pads, which can be configured as the input and output signals that
form the PCM interface with the necessary physical pad configuration. For more information about configuring the
multiplexed DIO functionality, see Chapter 10, “Digital Input/Output” on page 261.
This interface makes use of four external signals in communications. These signals are:
CAUTION: Disabling the bus pull-up and pull-down resistors is not recommended for the PCM frame or PCM clock
inputs. If these pads are used as outputs, you can disable the pull-up resistors. For all other configurations, attempting
to use this interface without the pull resistors can result in unintended interface behavior that would result in the PCM
interface transmitting and/or receiving undefined data.
The PCM interface uses the PCM_CTRL_ENABLE bit in the PCM_CTRL register to enable and disable the PCM
interface entirely. When using the PCM interface in any mode, enable this bit and ensure that the proper DIO
multiplexing has been selected.
The PCM interface can be configured as a either a master device (controlling the frame signal, and potentially
providing the interface PCM_CLK through an internally routed DIO function), or as a slave device (receiving the frame
signal and usually not providing the PCM_CLK). To select between these configurations, configure the
PCM_CTRL_SLAVE bit as appropriate in the PCM_CTRL register. In master mode, configure the PCM frame signal as an
output; in slave mode, configure it as an input. The PCM clock signal is always an input to the PCM interface; this clock
signal can be sourced:
• Internally, using the DIO output mode for the pad used for the PCM clock to route an internal clock signal
within the RSL10 system to the same pad
• Externally, using an externally generated clock signal
One of the advantages of this interface is the high communication speed that allows the interface to operate at the
system clock frequency. PCM_CLK can operate at any division of SYSCLK, up to the same rate as SYSCLK.
The PCM interface is sensitive to only one edge of the PCM clock. All settings are clocked in and signal updates
are captured on the rising or falling edge as specified by the PCM_CLK_POL bit from the PCM_CTRL register. By default,
the PCM interface is only sensitive to falling edges of the PCM clock. For I2S standard compatibility, we recommend
configuring the interface to sample on the rising edges of this clock when using this interface in I2S mode.
RSL10 Hardware Reference
Either the ARM Cortex-M3 processor or the DMA can control the data transferred by the PCM interface. Select the
controller by configuring the PCM_CTRL_CONTROLLER bit in the PCM_CTRL register.
IMPORTANT: The PCM interface configuration and internal status registers are tightly synchronized to the
input PCM clock. As a result, the PCM interface is only reset and the internal configuration of the PCM interface
is only updated on a PCM clock edge.
The PCM interface uses a wide number of configuration options to help to define a set of signals that the system
can interpret. For the purpose of clarifying the following explanations, the signals generated by the system in the default
PCM configuration are shown in Figure 29.
3&0B6(52 %LW %LW %LW %LW %LW %LW %LW %LW %LW %LW %LW %LW
3&0B6(5, %LW %LW %LW %LW %LW %LW %LW %LW %LW %LW %LW %LW
For more information about the required signal configuration and other interface configuration that is needed to
allow the interface to be compatible with I2S, including an example timing diagram, see Section 11.4.3, “I2S
Configuration and Usage”.
IMPORTANT: If the PCM interface is not idle when changing any configuration settings, changing the PCM
configuration during a transaction results in undefined behavior on the associated PCM signal lines.
The frame signal divides the communications on the PCM interface into data frames (or sub-frames, if the
FRAME_SUBFRAMES bit of the PCM_CTRL register is enabled). Each aspect of the PCM frame signal can be configured
as follows (all bits are in the PCM_CTRL register):
Interval In the default configuration of the FRAME_LENGTH bit field (configured for two words per
frame), and the FRAME_SUBFRAMES bit (configured to disable a frame signal being generated for
each word within a frame), the frame signal is generated once for every two-word frame.
Changing the FRAME_LENGTH bit field in PCM master mode allows the user to select the
number of words per frame, incrementing in multiples of two words, and hence the number of
words per data frame. The FRAME_LENGTH bit field is not used for PCM slave mode; it should
ON Semiconductor
be left in the default configuration (configured for two words per frame), regardless of the actual
frame length used, to get the expected behavior. Alternately, if the FRAME_SUBFRAMES bit is
configured to enable subframes, a frame signal is generated with every word of each data frame.
IMPORTANT: Configuring the FRAME_LENGTH bit field to something other than two words per frame while
setting the FRAME_SUBFRAMES bit, results in a configuration where the user receives a PCM frame signal for
every subframe word. Despite the well-defined behavior of the frame signal generated for this configuration, the
handling of data and interrupts by the PCM interface might not appear sensible and generally results in
undefined or unexpected data.
Shape The frame signal can be configured to take one of two shapes by setting the FRAME_WIDTH bit.
By default, the frame signal is configured to produce a short width frame signal which produces
a single cycle pulse in the frame signal at the beginning of each frame. Alternately, you can
configure the signal to produce a long width frame signal which uses a 50% duty cycle square
wave and is spaced to align with the specified width between frame signal events.
Alignment You can configure the PCM frame signal by using the FRAME_ALIGN bit so that the first bit of
sampled data is sampled at the same time as the frame signal, or the first bit of data is sampled
one cycle after the frame signal. In this way, the frame signal is aligned with the first bit of the
new data frame, or with the last bit of the previous data frame.
NOTE: Regardless of the PCM frame signal alignment configuration, the PCM
frame signal occurs at the beginning of each frame, and only one frame
signal occurs for each frame received. The PCM frame signal, if aligned
with the last bit, occurs one bit before the first data bit transmitted at the start
of a transaction, and does not occur on the last bit of the last frame of a
transaction. Similarly, if aligned with the first bit, the first frame signal is
aligned with the first data bit transmitted at the start of a transaction, and no
trailing frame signal occurs for a transaction.
IMPORTANT: To properly terminate a transmission, an expected frame signal pulse must be missed. When the
frame signal is configured to be aligned with the first bit of a transmission, this requires one additional PCM
clock pulse following the transmission of the last bit of the last frame.
For clarification of the above PCM frame signal timing configuration explanations, several examples of different
PCM frame signal traces are shown in Figure 30. In all cases the FRAME_ALIGN bit has been set to
PCM_FRAME_ALIGN_FIRST_BIT (which differs from the default configuration shown in Figure 29 on page 326) to
prevent any confusion as to what are the effects of the other frame signal configuration bits. The frame signal
configurations shown are:
1. Configured to indicate the subframe words of a frame with a short pulse frame signal
2. Configured to indicate the subframe words of a frame with a long width frame signal
3. Configured to use a 2-word frame with a short pulse frame signal
4. Configured to use a 2-word frame with a long width frame signal
5. Configured to use a 4-word frame with a short pulse frame signal
6. Configured to use a 4-word frame with a long width frame signal
PCM_SERO Bit 8 Bit 0 Bit 1 Bit 2 Bit 7 Bit 8 Bit 0 Bit 1 Bit 7 Bit 8 Bit 0 Bit 1 Bit 2 Bit 7 Bit 8 Bit 0 Bit 1 Bit 7 Bit 8 Bit 0 Bit 1
PCM_SERI Bit 8 Bit 0 Bit 1 Bit 2 Bit 7 Bit 8 Bit 0 Bit 1 Bit 7 Bit 8 Bit 0 Bit 1 Bit 2 Bit 7 Bit 8 Bit 0 Bit 1 Bit 7 Bit 8 Bit 0 Bit 1
Word 0 Word 1 Word 0 Word 1
ON Semiconductor
The length of each word of a PCM transaction can be set to be between one and four bytes (8 and 32 bits) per word
by setting the WORD_SIZE bit field in the PCM_CTRL register. When transmitting data that uses less than 32 bits per
word, the TX_ALIGN bit from the PCM_CTRL register configures whether the data is loaded from the most significant
portion of the data register or from the least significant portion of the data register (both configurations are equivalent
when using 32-bit data words).
The PCM interface uses three associated interrupts that control transmission and reception of PCM data, and report
errors that have occurred while transmitting or receiving PCM data. Section 14.1, “Nested Vectored Interrupt Controller
(NVIC)” on page 401 for information regarding interrupt configuration and handling.
If a user application is transmitting data from the PCM interface, the PCM_TX interrupt signals:
• When the PCM_TX_DATA register value starts to be transmitted using the PCM interface
• That the application can now load into the PCM_TX_DATA register the next data word (of the specified size) to
be transmitted
If a user application is receiving data from the PCM interface, the PCM_RX interrupt signals that a data word of the
specified size was successfully received and written to the PCM_RX_DATA register.
The PCM transmit and receive interrupts are generated for every word of data transmitted in a valid PCM frame
regardless of the length of the PCM frame.
When the DMA is used to control data transfers over the PCM interface, the PCM_ERROR interrupt signals that
• An overrun occurred when the DMA could not read the received data from the PCM_RX_DATA register to the
DMA buffer before this data was overwritten.
• An underrun occurred when the DMA could not write the PCM_TX_DATA register between loads of the internal
PCM transmission registers.
The I2S protocol is designed to allow a device to share audio data digitally between devices. To use the PCM
interface for I2S communications, configure the interface to conform to the I2S communications standard. Table 25 lists
the required signal and data management settings for the PCM interface to enable I2S communication. As a side effect
of the configuration requiring that the device operate in PCM slave mode, the frame signal must be used as an input for
I2S communications.
RSL10 Hardware Reference
When operating in this configuration, the behavior of the PCM interface is slightly different from any other
configuration. As shown in the I2S signal timing diagram (Figure 31), the device allows bit 15 to be repeatedly
transmitted until a rising or falling edge on the frame signal is detected. When configured for slave mode with a word
size of 16 and a long frame width, the PCM interface synchronizes communications with both the rising edge and
falling edge of the frame signal (instead of synchronizing with only the rising edge as it does in all other configurations).
In this way, the interface is made compatible with I2S signals that use a width greater than 16 bits of data.
This I2S implementation is compatible with other I2S implementations for data that is exactly 16 bits in length, and
where the frame signal has a duty cycle of exactly 50%.
PCM_SERO Bit 15 Bit 14 Bit 13 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 Bit 15 Bit 14 Bit 13 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 Bit 15
PCM_SERI X Bit 15 Bit 14 Bit 13 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 X Bit 15 Bit 14 Bit 13 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 X Bit 15
Word 0 Word 1
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RSL10 Hardware Reference PCM_CTRL
RSL10 Hardware Reference
The RSL10 system contains two pulse-width modulator (PWM) drivers that can be configured to generate a single
output signal with a specified period and duty cycle. Each PWM driver can be used as independently as a simple D/A
converter, or as a driver for an external audio sink. The two PWM drivers can also be used together to support a
capacitive touch sensor.
The PWM drivers are multiplexed onto the DIO pads, which can be configured as output signals with the necessary
physical pad configuration. The DIOs support output of the PWM signals with the specified period and high-time in
each period (DIO_MODE_PWM*) and the inverse of the specified signal (DIO_MODE_PWM*_INV). For more information
about configuring the multiplexed DIO functionality, see Chapter 10, “Digital Input/Output” on page 261.
The timing and shape of the signal produced by each PWM is defined by clock signals divided from SLOWCLK
and the PWM_CFG_PWM_PERIOD and PWM_CFG_PWM_HIGH bit fields from the PWM_CFG_* register for that PWM.
The PWM drivers are each supported by a clock (PWM*CLK) that is divided from SLOWCLK using the
CLK_DIV_CFG1_PWM*CLK_PRESCALE bit fields from the CLK_DIV_CFG1 register. Each PWM clock’s prescaler
provides a clock prescaled from SLOWCLK by 1 to 64. For example, the frequency of the clock supplied to PWM0 is
defined by:
f PWM0 = ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
For more information about the clock divisor configuration, see Section 6.3.8, “Interface Clocks” on page 82.
The value written to the PWM_CFG_PWM_PERIOD bit field configures the number of PWM*CLK cycles in one
period of that PWM signal. Each period is (PWM_CFG_PWM_PERIOD + 1) PWM*CLK cycles in length, with a maximum
length of 256 PWM*CLK cycles.
Similarly, the value written to the PWM_CFG_PWM_HIGH bit field configures the number of PWM*CLK cycles for
which the PWM signal is high in each period. The PWM signal is high for the first (PWM_CFG_PWM_HIGH + 1)
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PWM*CLK cycles of each period, to a maximum equal to the period of that PWM signal. After
(PWM_CFG_PWM_HIGH + 1) PWM*CLK cycles, the PWM signal is low for the remainder of the period.
NOTE: If the specified high time is greater than or equal to the specified period for a PWM, the PWM
signal does not go low.
Figure 32 illustrates an example PWM configuration for PWM0 where the PWM period is configured for 10 cycles
(PWM_CFG_PWM_PERIOD set to 9), with a high time of 6 cycles (PWM_CFG_PWM_HIGH set to 5). This results in a PWM
signal that repeats every 10 PWM0CLK cycles with a duty cycle of 60%.
10 PWM0CLK Cycles
Each PWM driver can be independently enabled and disabled by configuring the appropriate
PWM_CTRL_PWM*_ENABLE bit from the PWM_CTRL register.
If the two PWM drivers use the same period and clock divisors, the relative timing between the PWM drivers can
be defined. To enable offset configuration, set the PWM_CTRL_PWM_OFFSET_ENABLE bit from the PWM_CTRL register. If
enabled, the number of cycles between the rising edge for PWM0 and the rising edge for PWM1 is equal to the value of
the PWM_CTRL_PWM_OFFSET bit field from the PWM_CTRL register.
NOTE: If the specified offset is greater than or equal to the specified period for the PWM drivers, the
behavior is undefined. The behavior is similarly undefined if the two PWM drivers do not share
the same period. PWM_CFG
RSL10 Hardware Reference PWM_CTRL
The RSL10 system includes two Serial Peripheral Interfaces (SPI) that allow the system to communicate with
external components including external analog front ends, external controllers, and non-volatile memories (NVM).
The SPI interfaces are multiplexed onto the DIO pads, which can be configured as the input and output signals that
form each SPI interface with the necessary physical pad configuration. For more information about configuring the
multiplexed DIO functionality, see Chapter 10, “Digital Input/Output” on page 261.
The SPI interfaces can be enabled or disabled using the SPI*_CTRL0_ENABLE bit in the SPI*_CTRL0 registers.
Data transfers using the SPI interfaces can be controlled directly by the ARM Cortex-M3 processor or indirectly
using the DMA. To select the controller for an SPI interface, use the SPI*_CTRL0_CONTROLLER bit in the
SPI*_CTRL0 register.
The SPI interfaces can be configured to operate as an SPI master device or an SPI slave device by configuring the
SPI*_CTRL0_SLAVE bit in the SPI*_CTRL0 register. The differences in the SPI pad configurations between master and
slave mode are as follows:
SPI*_CLK In master mode, the SPI*_CLK signal is supplied by the RSL10. The SPI*_CLK signal is
derived from SLOWCLK using a power of two prescaler, configurable via the
SPI*_CTRL0_PRESCALE bit field from the SPI*_CTRL0 register, using the following equation:
f SPI*_CLK = --------------------------------------------------------------
In slave mode, the SPI*_CLK signal is sourced from a remote SPI master device. For proper
operation, the frequency of the SPI_CLK inputs must abide by the following relation:
ON Semiconductor
For both master and slave mode, the SPI*_CTRL0_CLK_POLARITY bit in the SPI*_CTRL0
register is used to control both when data changes and when data is sampled. An SPI interface
using normal polarity updates output signals on the rising edge of SPI*_CLK, and samples input
signals on the falling edge of SPI*_CLK. If the polarity is inverted, output signals change on the
falling edge of SPI*_CLK and input signals are sampled on the rising edge.
SPI*_CS In master mode, the SPI*_CS pad is an output controlled by the SPI*_CTRL1_CS bit from the
SPI*_CTRL1 register. The signal from this pad is generally routed to the chip select input of a
slave device.
In slave mode, the SPI*_CS pad is an input sourced from a remote SPI master device.
NOTE: For an SPI device, the chip select input is generally interpreted as an
active-low signal. As such, if the signal on the SPI*_CS pad is high, the SPI
slave ignores all communications using the interface. The minimum delay
between a falling edge on the SPI*_CS pad and the first edge on SPI*_CLK
is --- SPI*_CLK Period + 2 SYSCLK Periods .
SPI*_SERI This pad is a serial input signal that is used to receive data when the following conditions are
SPI*_SERO This pad is a serial output signal that is used to transmit data when the following conditions are
The SPI interfaces support a configurable word size for each transfer of 1 to 32 bits of data per word, as configured
using the SPI*_CTRL1_WORD_SIZE bit field in the SPI*_CTRL1 register. All data transactions using an SPI interface
start with the MSB of the word received, and transfer (SPI*_CTRL1_WORD_SIZE + 1) bits of data per word.
The SPI*_CTRL1_START_BUSY bit in the SPI*_CTRL1 register indicates if the SPI interface is currently
transferring data. When operating in master mode, this same bit can be used to start an SPI transfer.
NOTE: When the interface is disabled, any data currently being transmitted is allowed to complete before
the interface shuts down. If the interface is busy, the SPI*_CTRL* registers cannot be modified
until the interface is idle.
RSL10 Hardware Reference
If the SPI*_CTRL0_MODE_SELECT bit in the SPI*_CTRL0 register is set, the SPI interface operates in auto mode
to limit the overhead between SPI transfers. This mode works in conjunction with the SPI interface data registers. These
registers are:
SPI*_TX_DATA Shift register containing the data to transmit using the SPI interface.
SPI*_RX_DATA Shift register containing the most recent data word received from the SPI interface.
When operating as an SPI master in auto mode, these registers can be used to efficiently continue a transfer. In this
configuration, if writing to the SPI interface, writing the SPI*_TX_DATA register initiates another write transfer.
Similarly, if reading from the SPI interface, reading the SPI*_RX_DATA register initiates another read transfer.
CAUTION: The SPI*_CTRL1_START_BUSY bit is cleared for one cycle between transfers in auto mode. When polling
this bit to determine when a transfer completes, ensure that at least one cycle has elapsed after starting the transfer
before polling for the completion of a transfer.
In manual mode or when operating as an SPI slave, reading or writing either of these registers has no side effects.
IMPORTANT: When transmitting data as an SPI slave, the SPI interface must load the SPI*_TX_DATA register
between SPI*_CLK edges that update the SPI output signals. If no delay occurs between the words of the SPI
transfer, new data must be loaded in one SPI*_CLK cycle.
Section 14.1, “Nested Vectored Interrupt Controller (NVIC)” on page 401 for information regarding interrupt
configuration and handling.
If a user application is transmitting data using an SPI interface, the SPI*_TX interrupt signals:
• That the interface has started transmitting the data value from the SPI*_TX_DATA register
• That the application can now load the next data word (of the specified size) to be transmitted
If a user application is receiving data from an SPI interface, the SPI*_RX interrupt signals that a data word of the
specified size was successfully received and written to the SPI*_RX_DATA register.
To support tracking the status of an SPI transfer, the SPI*_STATUS registers include a pair of status bits that
indicate if data was transmitted (SPI*_STATUS_SPI*_TRANSMIT_STATUS) or received
(SPI*_STATUS_SPI*_RECEIVE_STATUS) using the SPI interface since the bit was last cleared. The transmit status bit
can be cleared by writing SPI*_TRANSMIT_CLEAR to the SPI*_STATUS register. The receive status bits can similarly
be cleared by writing SPI*_RECEIVE_CLEAR to the SPI*_STATUS register.
ON Semiconductor
If using the DMA to control data transfers over an SPI interface, transmit events are triggered on the completion of
a data transmission and receive events are triggered on the completion of a received data word. There are two methods
to ensure that the first DMA word is transferred:
• Configure the SPI interface for write or full-duplex mode before switching from ARM Cortex-M3 processor
control of the SPI interface to DMA control of the interface. Using this method generates a DMA TX request.
• Manually prepare the first data word to be transmitted by writing to the SPI*_TX_DATA register.
Additionally, while using the DMA to control data transfers over an SPI interface, the SPI*_ERROR interrupts
indicate when an error has occurred.
• An overrun occurs when the DMA cannot read the received data from the SPI*_RX_DATA register to the DMA
buffer before this data is overwritten. To monitor for overrun events, set the
SPI*_CTRL0_OVERRUN_INT_ENABLE bit in the SPI*_CTRL0 register. If an overrun occurs and this event
monitor is enabled, the SPI*_STATUS_SPI*_OVERRUN_STATUS bit in the appropriate SPI*_STATUS register
is set.
• An underrun occurs when the DMA cannot write the SPI*_TX_DATA register before a second data transfer
starts using this register’s previous data. To monitor for underrun events, set the
SPI*_CTRL0_UNDERRUN_INT_ENABLE bit in the SPI*_CTRL0 register. If an underrun occurs and this event
monitor is enabled, the SPI*_STATUS_SPI*_UNDERRUN_STATUS bit in the appropriate SPI*_STATUS
register is set. SPI0_CTRL0
RSL10 Hardware Reference
ON Semiconductor SPI0_CTRL1
ON Semiconductor SPI1_CTRL0
RSL10 Hardware Reference SPI1_CTRL1
The general-purpose Universal Asynchronous Receiver-Transmitter (UART) interface provides support for
communicating with devices supporting standard UART and RS-232 transmission protocols.
The UART interface is multiplexed onto the DIO pads, which can be configured as the UART interface’s receiver
and transmitter signals, with the necessary physical pad configuration (pull-up/pull-down resistor and low pass filtering
configuration for the Rx signal, drive strength configuration for the Tx signal). For more information about configuring
the multiplexed DIO functionality, see Chapter 10, “Digital Input/Output” on page 261.
RSL10 Hardware Reference
The UART interface can be enabled or disabled using the UART_CFG_ENABLE bit in the appropriate UART_CTRL
register. When disabled the UART interface will immediately terminate any ongoing transfer, and setting the UART
transmit line high and ignoring any partially received receive data.
The UART interface operates in full-duplex mode using a standard data format of 1 start bit, 8 data bits and 1 stop
bit. All data bytes being sent or received are interpreted as starting with the LSB. Figure 33 shows the waveform for a
UART transmit or receive transaction.
Data to be transmitted is written to the UART_TX_DATA register. Data that has been received over the UART
interface is stored in the UART_RX_DATA register. The UART_TX_DATA and UART_RX_DATA registers are only
accessible after the interface has been enabled via the UART_CTRL register.
NOTE: When the UART interface is disabled using the UART_CFG_ENABLE bit, data transmissions that
are in progress complete before the interface shuts down.
The baud rates (specified in bits per second) for the UART interfaces are defined in terms of the UARTCLK
frequency and several configuration parameters, as seen in the following equation for baud rate calculation:
baud rate = ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
The CLK_DIV_CFG1_UARTCLK_PRESCALE bit field from the CLK_DIV_CFG1 register is used to prescale the
SYSCLK frequency to a reasonable frequency for UARTCLK. The UART_CFG_PRESCALE_ENABLE bit from the
UART_CFG registers can be used as a coarse divide-by-12 clock prescaler for further reducing the frequency of
UARTCLK to the appropriate range for the desired baud rate. The UART_CFG_PRESCALE bit field from UART_CFG
provides the necessary fine adjustments to match an exact baud rate. The configuration supports baud rates up to 1/4 of
the UARTCLK frequency. For more information about the clock divisor configuration, see Section 6.3.8, “Interface
Clocks” on page 82.
IMPORTANT: For proper functionality, UART interfaces require both sides of a connection to have an absolute
clock accuracy error of less than 2.5%. To allow for clock jitter, we recommend that all UART communications
use a clock with a maximum of 2% error versus the expected target frequency.
Data transfers using the UART interfaces can be controlled directly by the ARM Cortex-M3 processor or indirectly
using the DMA. Controller selection for the UART interface is configured using the DMA_ENABLE bit in the UART_CFG
ON Semiconductor
The UART interface uses three associated interrupts that separately control transmission and reception of UART
data and handling of UART transmission errors. Section 14.1, “Nested Vectored Interrupt Controller (NVIC)” on
page 401 for information regarding interrupt configuration and handling.
If a user application is transmitting data from the UART interface, the UART_TX interrupt signals that transmission
of the data value in the UART_TX_DATA register has started, and that the application can now load the next byte to be
If a user application is receiving data from the UART interface, the UART_RX interrupt signals that a data byte has
been successfully received and has been written to the UART_RX_DATA register.
When using the DMA to control data transfers over a UART interface, the UART_ERROR interrupt signals that an
overrun has occurred when the DMA was not able to read the received data from the UART interface to the DMA buffer
before this data was overwritten. Detection of an overrun condition is enabled using the
UART_CTRL_OVERRUN_INT_ENABLE bit in the UART_CTRL register. When this occurs, the
UART_TX_OVERRUN_STATUS bit from the UART_STATUS register is set. UART_CFG
The RSL10 SoC includes several internal connections that link the RF front-end (see Chapter 8, “RF Front-End” on
page 133) and the Bluetooth low energy technology baseband hardware (see Chapter 9, “Bluetooth Low Energy
Baseband” on page 203). This includes:
• An internal SPI interface bus for control and configuration of the RF front-end
• RF front-end GPIO signals
• Bluetooth low energy technology baseband Tx, Rx, and synchronization control signals
• Bluetooth low energy technology baseband Tx, and Rx data signals
All signals from these support interfaces are accessible through the DIOs for debug and testing purposes. DIO
outputs can be configured to provide the signals from the support interfaces using the DIO_CFG registers. DIO inputs
can be configured to provide alternate sources for support interface inputs using the BB_*_SRC and RF_*_SRC
registers. For more information on DIO configuration, see Chapter 10, “Digital Input/Output” on page 261. Figure 34
on page 349 shows how these interfaces (and their DIO connections) are connected internally on the RSL10 SoC, and
Table 26 provides a description of these connections.
DIO[0:15] input mux
GPIO[9:5] RF_GPIO[9:5]
Figure 34. Interface between the Baseband Controller and the RF Front-End
Table 26. Interface signals between the baseband controller and the RF front-end
When the RF front-end is isolated or powered down, signals provided by the RF front-end are forced to zero. When
the baseband controller is disabled, all signals provided by the Bluetooth baseband except SPI_CSN are forced to zero
(SPI_CSN is forced to one).
NOTE: Disabling or removing the clock source from the RF front-end or the baseband controller will
stop, and potentially corrupt, any ongoing SPI transaction. As a result, care should be taken to
disable the RF front-end and baseband controller only when the baseband-RF front-end interface
is idle, as indicated by the BBIF_SYNC_CFG_RF_ACTIVE bit from the BBIF_SYNC_CFG register.
The RF front-end supports five additional GPIOs that are not connected between the baseband controller and the
RF front-end.
All ten of the RF front-end GPIOs can be used to monitor or route internal signals from the RF front-end, and their
use is defined by the RF_REG*_PAD_CONF_*_PAD_*_CONF bit-fields from the RF_REG03, RF_REG04 registers. Using
the RF front-end GPIOs in their non-default configurations (i.e., using a setting other than the specified
PAD_CONF_*_PAD_*_CONF_DEFAULT bit-setting) is not recommended in any user applications.
The peripherals to the ARM Cortex-M3 processor include a CRC generator that provides support for two
standard cyclic redundancy check (CRC) algorithms (CRC-CCITT and CRC-32, defined by the IEEE 802.3 Ethernet
standard). The calculated outputs from this generator can be employed by a user application to ensure data integrity of
communications and non-volatile memory information. They do this by guaranteeing that all single-bit errors, two-bit
errors, burst errors (i.e., multiple bit errors in a row), and any error containing an odd number of bits can be detected.
NOTE: The integrity of Bluetooth communications is already protected by a 24-bit CRC. The integrity
of individual pairs of flash memory words are protected by the flash’s integrated error
correction code.
The CRC generator can be configured to select the CRC-CCITT algorithm, by clearing the
CRC_CTRL_CRC_TYPE bit from the CRC_CTRL register to the CRC_CCITT bit setting. The parameters associated with
the CRC-CCITT algorithm implementation are provided in Table 27.
No data manipulation is required for the output CRC generated for the standard CRC-CCITT algorithm (i.e., no
data byte reversal, reversal of the final result or other finalization).
The CRC generator can be configured to select the CRC-32 algorithm, by setting the CRC_CTRL_CRC_TYPE bit
from the CRC_CTRL register to the CRC_32 bit setting. The parameters associated with the CRC-32 algorithm
implementation are provided in Table 28.
The output CRC generated for the standard CRC-32 algorithm requires data byte reversal and reversal of the final
RSL10 Hardware Reference
The ARM Cortex-M3 processor’s CRC generator supports non-standard variants of the CRC-CCITT and CRC-32
standard implementation.
• To use non-standard CRC ordering of data within each data byte, set the CRC_CTRL_BIT_ORDER bit from the
CRC_CTRL register.
• To use non-standard CRC ordering of the final result, set the CRC_CTRL_FINAL_CRC_REVERSE bit from the
CRC_CTRL register.
• To use non-standard CRC XOR of the final result, set the CRC_CTRL_FINAL_CRC_XOR bit from the CRC_CTRL
register. If configured for a non-standard XOR, this uses a final XOR value of 0xFFFF for CRC-CCITT and
0x00000000 for CRC-32. CRC_CTRL
ON Semiconductor CRC_VALUE CRC_ADD_1 CRC_ADD_8
RSL10 Hardware Reference CRC_ADD_16 CRC_ADD_24 CRC_ADD_32 CRC_FINAL
12.2.1 Introduction
The direct memory access (DMA) controller module allows background transfers between peripherals and memory
without core intervention. This allows the system core to be used for other computational needs while allowing
high-speed sustained transfers to and from the peripherals. The DMA is connected to the ARM Cortex-M3 core, the
processor’s peripherals and interfaces, and the processor’s data memory via four independent channels, as shown in
Figure 35.
DMA Enabled
DMA Enabled
Peripheral DMA Requests DMA Interrupts NVIC
Peripherals DMA
Peripheral Register
DMA Data
Peripheral Bus
(Memory Mapped
Registers) ARM
M3 Core
RAM Memory
ON Semiconductor
The DMA has eight independently configurable channels. To enable or disable a DMA channel, configure the
DMA_CTRL0_ENABLE bit from the appropriate DMA_CTRL0 register. If the DMA channel is in the midst of an operation
when it is disabled, the operation is aborted. All pending bus requests are subsequently aborted when the channel is
The DMA_NEXT_SRC_ADDR registers contain calculated values that indicate the address where
the next word will be read from for a DMA channel. This pointer is updated with each word
transferred, using the base source address, current transfer count of how many words have been
read from the DMA channel’s source (provided as DMA_WORD_CNT), and other source address
configurations. Since the base source address is not modified during a transfer, the increment
setting only affects the calculation of the next address.
NOTE: When the DMA channel is disabled, the next address is always the base
Each transfer can be configured to use a static location for the source data, or to increment the
source data pointer after every word transferred. Configure this mode using the
DMA_CTRL0_SRC_ADDR_INC bit from the appropriate DMA_CTRL0 register. Transfers that use a
peripheral as the source typically have source incrementing disabled. Conversely, transfers that
use memory as the source typically have source incrementing enabled.
If the address is incremented, the increment can be configured to be positive or negative, and to
use a step size of between one and four 32-bit words, by setting the
from the appropriate DMA_CTRL0 register.
The DMA_NEXT_DEST_ADDR registers contain calculated values that indicate the address where
the next word will be written for a DMA channel. This pointer is updated with each word
transferred, using the base destination address, current transfer count of how many words have
been read from the DMA channel’s source (provided as DMA_WORD_CNT), and other destination
address configurations. Since the base destination address is not modified during a transfer, the
increment setting only affects the calculation of the next address.
NOTE: When the DMA channel is disabled, the next address is always the base
Each transfer can be configured to use a static location for the destination data, or to increment
the destination data pointer after every word transferred. Configure this mode using the
DMA_CTRL0_DEST_ADDR_INC bit from the appropriate DMA_CTRL0 register. Transfers that use
RSL10 Hardware Reference
If the address is incremented, the increment can be configured to be positive or negative, and to
use a step size of between one and four 32-bit words, by setting the
field from the appropriate DMA_CTRL0 register.
The transfer can also be configured to indicate when a portion of the transfer has been
completed, by setting the DMA_CTRL1_COUNTER_INT_VALUE bit field from the appropriate
DMA_CTRL1 register. This counter value can be set for any portion of the transfer length, from
one word, to one word less than the overall transfer length. The counter interrupt is never
triggered if the counter interrupt value is set to 0, to the transfer length, or to any value that
exceeds the transfer length.
Each transfer can be configured to run once (linear mode) and complete, or to run repeatedly
(circular mode), producing a circular buffer. When operating in circular mode, the DMA
channel’s transfer repeats until explicitly stopped by the user application. Configure this mode
using the DMA_CTRL0_ADDR_MODE bit from the appropriate DMA_CTRL0 register.
For more information about transfer length, see Section, “Transfer Length” on
page 360. For more information about interrupts indicating the transfer length and counter
configuration, see Section 12.2.5, “DMA Interrupt Configuration” on page 364.
For transfer types that use a source peripheral, select the desired source peripheral using the
DMA_CTRL0_SRC_SELECT bit field from the DMA channel’s DMA_CTRL0 register.
For transfer types that use a destination peripheral, select the desired destination peripheral
using the DMA_CTRL0_DEST_SELECT bit field from the DMA channel’s DMA_CTRL0 register.
For more information about transfer type behavior and the peripherals that can be used as
sources and destinations for DMA transfers, see Section 12.2.4, “DMA Transfer Types” on
page 360.
ON Semiconductor
Interrupt Configuration
The interrupts used to coordinate with, and control, a DMA transfer can be defined using the
DMA_CTRL0_*_INT_ENABLE bits from the DMA channel’s DMA_CTRL0 register. For more
information, see Section 12.2.5, “DMA Interrupt Configuration” on page 364.
Transfer Priority
The relative priority of this DMA channel’s transfer. For more information, see Section 12.2.6,
“Channel Priority”.
IMPORTANT: The DMA uses the current counter value to calculate the next source address and next
destination address. The base source address and base destination address are not changed. The starting length
is not changed either. Only the counter value is modified during a transfer. This allows the DMA configuration
to be reused (either explicitly through firmware or in circular mode) without rewriting the configuration register
for multiple transfers.
The DMA controller contains a set of summary status registers (DMA_STATUS) indicating the completion status of
each DMA channel (idle or complete), and each channel’s interrupt status. The firmware can use this to quickly assess
the status of a DMA channel.
To set the source word size used, write the correct encoding to the DMA_CTRL0_DEST_SRC_WORD_SIZE bit-field in
the appropriate DMA_CTRL0 register. To set the destination word size used, write the correct encoding to the
DMA_CTRL0_DEST_DEST_WORD_SIZE bit-field in the appropriate DMA_CTRL0 register.
• When the source word size is smaller than the destination word size, packing is used to consolidate data from
multiple source word transfers.
• When the destination word size is smaller than the source word size, unpacking is used to split data into
multiple destination word transfers.
RSL10 Hardware Reference
For example, when reading 8-bit bytes from the I2C interface and storing them to data memory, four 8-bit data
words from the I2C interface are packed before they are written to memory. In this example, it is most efficient to make
the destination word size 32 bits to minimize bus utilization and maximize memory use efficiency.
When both the source and destination have the same word size, no packing or unpacking of data is performed.
NOTE: When reading from or writing to memory, the DMA might utilize only a portion of the memory
data if the selected word sizes differ.
The packing and unpacking behavior is illustrated in Figure 36. The figure provides a mapping of how data is
transferred between source and destination for:
ON Semiconductor
32 8 HGF EDCBAs X X X X X X H Gd X X X X X X B Ad
X X X X X X F E d+p X X X X X X D C d+p
X X X X X X D C d+2p X X X X X X F E d+2p
X X X X X X B A d+3p X X X X X X H G d+3p
32 4 HGF EDCBAs X X X X X X X Hd X X X X X X X Ad
X X X X X X X G d+p X X X X X X X B d+p
X X X X X X X F d+2p X X X X X X X C d+2p
X X X X X X X E d+3p X X X X X X X D d+3p
X X X X X X X D d+4p X X X X X X X E d+4p
X X X X X X X C d+5p X X X X X X X F d+5p
X X X X X X X B d+6p X X X X X X X G d+6p
X X X X X X X A d+7p X X X X X X X H d+7p
16 4 XXXXDCBAs X X X X X X X Dd X X X X X X X Ad
X X X X X X X C d+p X X X X X X X B d+p
X X X X X X X B d+2p X X X X X X X C d+2p
X X X X X X X A d+3p X X X X X X X D d+3p
8 32 X X X X X X B As
X X X X X X D C s+p
X X X X X X F E s+2p
4 32 X X X X X X X As
X X X X X X X B s+p
X X X X X X X C s+2p
X X X X X X X D s+3p
X X X X X X X E s+4p
X X X X X X X F s+5p
X X X X X X X G s+6p
4 16 X X X X X X X As
X X X X X X X B s+p
X X X X X X X C s+2p
RSL10 Hardware Reference
For memory-to-peripheral transfers, the counter in the DMA channel always operates on the peripheral’s word size.
For peripheral-to-memory, peripheral-to-peripheral and memory-to-memory transfers, the counter in the DMA channel
always operates on the source’s word size. The next address for reading or writing can be determined from:
This can result in an actual read or write if no previously loaded data is available, or use of the temporary register if
sufficient data has already been loaded.
When data is stored to memory, it is always right aligned. When the destination word size is larger than the source
word size, the data is stored starting from the LSB. The upper bits are always written as zero (padded mode). If the
configured destination word size is smaller than the configured source word size for a transfer to memory, the data is
aligned at the LSB and truncated (truncate mode).
In packing or unpacking data, the endianness of the data is important because the order in which data bytes are
extracted from a word is different between little and big endian. The DMA supports processing both little endian and
big endian data, through the DMA_CTRL0_BYTE_ORDER bit from the DMA_CTRL0 registers.
IMPORTANT: To provide a nibble ordering that is consistent with the byte endianness, the ordering of nibbles
must match the byte ordering. This ensures that transfers which use data packing of 4-bit words—for either the
source or destination—order data consistently.
NOTE: When packing data into memory for a transfer length that is not a multiple of the destination
word size, the final data memory word is automatically zero padded, before being written to data
memory at the end of the transfer.
The DMA supports several types of data transfers between the ARM Cortex-M3 processor’s memory and the
interfaces and peripherals connected to the peripheral bus, including:
• Memory-to-Memory transfers
• Memory-to-Peripheral transfers
• Peripheral-to-Memory transfers
• Peripheral-to-Peripheral transfers
The interfaces and peripherals mapped onto the peripheral bus that are valid sources of data for a DMA data
transfer are listed in Table 30.
ON Semiconductor
Each source interface or peripheral, when configured for DMA operation, asserts its DMA request signal when data
can be read from the interface. This signal is cleared automatically when a data value is read from the interface using the
peripheral bus.
The interfaces and peripherals mapped onto the peripheral bus that are valid destinations for data from a DMA data
transfer are listed in Table 31.
Each destination interface or peripheral, when configured for DMA operation, asserts its DMA request signal when
data can be written to the peripheral bus. This signal is cleared automatically when a data value is written to that
interface using the peripheral bus.
The peripheral bus (PBUS) option can be used as an uncontrolled DMA source or destination for transfers. This can
be used to source or sink data from any register mapped onto the peripheral bus. When configured for this mode, the
PBUS is configured as a peripheral that immediately accepts all DMA requests to the peripheral. An example use case
for this configuration includes using the DMA to load a sequence of data into the CRC generator (see Section 12.1,
“Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC) Generator” on page 351).
CAUTION: When the DMA interface is used to control transfers that use an interface or peripheral, all accesses to that
interface or peripheral’s data registers using the peripheral bus clears the DMA request signals. If a DMA request signal
is cleared due to an ARM Cortex-M3 processor access, the underlying DMA transfer becomes corrupted.
RSL10 Hardware Reference
IMPORTANT: Due to the structure of the SPI interfaces, when a user application initializes a transmit transfer
using an SPI interface controlled by a DMA channel, the user application must preload the SPI interface’s
transmit data register (SPI*_TX_DATA) with the first data word of the transfer. For more information about the
SPI interfaces, see Section 11.6, “Serial Peripheral Interfaces (SPI)” on page 336.
NOTE: To ease understanding, throughout the remainder of this section, all interfaces and peripherals
used in DMA transfers are called peripherals due to their memory-mapping onto the peripheral
1. The DMA requests access to the ARM Cortex-M3 processor’s data memory via the ARM Cortex-M3
processor’s data memory arbiter.
2. The DMA is granted access to the ARM Cortex-M3 processor’s data memory.
3. The DMA reads the word at the next source address and stores the word in a temporary register.
4. The DMA releases the ARM Cortex-M3 processor’s data memory.
5. The DMA requests access to the ARM Cortex-M3 processor’s data memory via the ARM Cortex-M3
processor’s data memory arbiter.
6. The DMA is granted access to the ARM Cortex-M3 processor’s data memory.
7. The DMA writes the word at the next destination address.
8. The DMA releases the ARM Cortex-M3 processor’s data memory.
9. The DMA channel’s counter is incremented.
10. If the transfer length is not reached, the DMA waits one cycle before starting the next transfer. If the transfer
length is reached and the DMA is in linear mode, the DMA channel switches to the complete state. Circular
mode is not applicable to Memory-to-Memory transfers.
11. Any DMA interrupts that are triggered by this transfer are generated.
IMPORTANT: The maximum transfer rate for memory-to-memory transfers is one transfer every two
SYSCLK cycles. Memory-to-Peripheral
The DMA memory-to-peripheral mode is used to transfer data from the ARM Cortex-M3 processor’s data memory
to a peripheral on the peripheral bus. If the peripheral is configured to operate in DMA mode, the operation sequence is
as follows (assuming 32-bit operation):
ON Semiconductor
1. The DMA channel receives a DMA request from both the source and destination peripherals in any order. For
the source peripheral, the following operation is required to generate a request:
a. The source peripheral generates a new data word.
b. The source peripheral asserts a signal on a DMA request line (indicates that the buffer is full).
c. The DMA channel receives a DMA request from the source peripheral.
The destination peripheral generates a request when it can receive an additional data word.
2. Through the peripheral bus bridge, the DMA requests access to the peripheral bus.
3. The DMA is granted access to the peripheral bus.
4. The DMA reads the word at the next source address and stores the word to a temporary register.
5. The DMA releases the peripheral bus.
6. The DMA channel acknowledges the source peripheral DMA request (implied by the previous read operation).
7. Through the peripheral bus bridge, the DMA requests access to the peripheral bus.
8. The DMA is granted access to the peripheral bus.
RSL10 Hardware Reference
IMPORTANT: To ensure that DMA operations are atomic, the DMA channel operation does not begin until
DMA requests are received from both peripherals.
The DMA has a separate interrupt for each DMA channel. Each DMA channel can be configured using its
DMA_CTRL0 register to assert an interrupt for several independent conditions:
A transfer is complete
Set the DMA_CTRL0_COMPLETE_INT_ENABLE bit to enable this interrupt. A transfer is
considered complete when the last word is written to the DMA channel’s destination.
The DMA channel status register for each channel (DMA_STATUS) indicates which interrupts have triggered using
the DMA_*_INT_STATUS bits. When an interrupt is generated, the application is responsible for reading the status
register for that channel to determine which interrupts have been triggered. For all interrupts, the application’s interrupt
handlers are responsible for clearing the status, and thus clearing the pending interrupt, using the DMA_*_INT_CLEAR.
NOTE: A start interrupt is generated each time a transfer starts (including when a circular transfer
restarts). Similarly, a complete interrupt is generated each time a transfer is completed. A disable
interrupt is triggered whenever the channel is disabled for any reason (including when a linear
transfer is completed).
ON Semiconductor
When using a circular DMA transfer, the counter interrupt and complete interrupt can be used in tandem to create a
two-page buffer for continuous data transfers. When the first page has transferred, the counter interrupt triggers. When
the second page has transferred, the complete interrupt triggers. In this configuration:
For debug purposes, the DMA_STATUS registers also include the DMA_STATUS_STATE bit-field which indicates the
DMA channel’s current state. This can be used to investigate why a DMA transfer has stalled if it does not complete, as
it indicates whether the DMA is idle, is waiting on the source or destination, is waiting for a read/write to occur, or is in
another intermediate state.
Only one transfer using the DMA channels can be actively serviced at a time. To coordinate between DMA
channels, the DMA contains a channel arbiter that is responsible for determining which DMA channel is active. The
relative priority of each channel can be set using the DMA_CTRL0_CHANNEL_PRIORITY bit field from the DMA_CTRL0
When a DMA channel receives DMA requests from the peripherals it is configured to use, it indicates to the arbiter
that it is ready to transfer one word. Each DMA channel request is handled automatically. Several situations where
multiple requests might be pending are:
• Two or more DMA channels receive a DMA request during the same clock cycle.
• One or more DMA requests come in during the processing of another DMA request.
• A DMA channel is enabled with multiple requests already pending.
When choosing which DMA channel to activate, the DMA arbiter applies the channel’s priority settings as follows:
• When multiple channels are ready, the channel with the lowest priority setting is activated.
• If more than one channel is ready to be activated and they share the same priority setting, the lowest numbered
channel is activated.
When a single channel is ready, the arbiter grants access and the channel begins to service that request immediately.
IMPORTANT: A lower priority DMA channel might never be served if a higher priority DMA channel is
generating requests too fast. This type of situation must be avoided by application design.
12.2.7 Data Memory Usage by the DMA and ARM Cortex-M3 Processor
The DMA has direct access to the ARM Cortex-M3 processor data memory and LPDSP32 data memories. This
access is limited by a system bus arbiter to avoid memory access conflicts between the DMA, the ARM Cortex-M3
processor, and the LPDSP32 DSP.
RSL10 Hardware Reference
When the DMA is granted access to memory, it performs a single operation (read or write) and releases the
processor data memory. This ensures that the DMA never blocks access to data memory from the processor for more
than a single memory operation.
Configuration of the memory arbiter for each memory instance uses the SYSCTRL_MEM_ARBITER_CFG register to
select between prioritizing the ARM Cortex-M3 processor, prioritizing LPDSP32, or selecting one of two round-robin
arbitration schemes:
• If the ARM Cortex-M3 is given priority access to a memory, access to the memory is given to the ARM
Cortex-M3 processor, then to the LPDSP32 DSP if the ARM Cortex-M3 processor is not using it, and finally
to the DMA if it would otherwise be idle.
• If the LPDSP32 DSP is given priority access to a memory, access to the memory is given to the LPDSP32 DSP,
then to the ARM Cortex-M3 processor if the LPDSP32 DSP is not using it, and finally to the DMA if it would
otherwise be idle.
• If the SYSCTRL_MEM_ARBITER_CFG_ROUND_ROBIN_TOKEN bit indicates a real-time DMA round robin
scheme, the system behaves as though the ARM Cortex-M3 processor has been given priority access unless the
DMA has been blocked for 7 consecutive SYSCLK cycles. If the DMA remains blocked after 7 consecutive
cycles, the DMA is temporarily given the highest priority until it releases the memory again.
• If the SYSCTRL_MEM_ARBITER_CFG_ROUND_ROBIN_TOKEN bit indicates a normal round robin scheme,
priority rotates in sequence between the ARM Cortex-M3 processor, the LPDSP32 DSP, and the DMA.
Assuming that the ARM Cortex-M3 processor is performing only normal (non-bit-banded) memory transfers,
the worst-case access time to the ARM Cortex-M3 processor data memory for DMA transfers can be
established with high certainty. Typically, if the DMA and the processor are both always requesting data
memory access, they can each utilize the memory 50% of the time.
NOTE: If the ARM Cortex-M3 processor is utilizing bit-banding operations, data memory access for the
LPDSP32 and DMA might be delayed by an additional cycle because the memory controller uses
an additional cycle for these operations.
For more information about memories and memory arbitration, see Chapter 7, “Memory” on page 94.
ON Semiconductor
RSL10 Hardware Reference DMA_CTRL0
The following bit fields and field names apply equally to all DMA_CTRL0[*] registers.
ON Semiconductor
RSL10 Hardware Reference
ON Semiconductor DMA_SRC_BASE_ADDR
The following bit fields and field names apply equally to all DMA_SRC_BASE_ADDR[*] registers. DMA_DEST_BASE_ADDR
The following bit fields and field names apply equally to all DMA_DEST_BASE_ADDR[*] registers. DMA_CTRL1
The following bit fields and field names apply equally to all DMA_CTRL1[*] registers.
RSL10 Hardware Reference DMA_NEXT_SRC_ADDR
The following bit fields and field names apply equally to all DMA_NEXT_SRC_ADDR[*] registers. DMA_NEXT_DEST_ADDR
The following bit fields and field names apply equally to all DMA_NEXT_DEST_ADDR[*] registers. DMA_WORD_CNT
The following bit fields and field names apply equally to all DMA_WORD_CNT[*] registers. DMA_STATUS
The following bit fields and field names apply equally to all DMA_STATUS[*] registers.
ON Semiconductor
• The SysTick timer from the ARM Cortex-M3 processor, which is described in Section 14.2, “SysTick” on
page 409
• Four general-purpose timers
• A 24-bit counter
• A pair of configurable prescalers controlling a fixed prescale by 2 or 32, as well as a variable 3-bit prescale
• 3 operating modes: single-shot, multiple-shot, and free-run
• A dedicated interrupt that can be used to signal timer expiration
• Dedicated configuration and status registers
The general-purpose timers are clocked from a divided form of slow clock. The divisor for each clock is
configurable by a pair of prescaling factors set using the appropriate TIMER_CFG_* register:
RSL10 Hardware Reference
• The TIMER_CFG_CLK_SRC bit is used to select between fixed initial division of slow clock by 2 or by 32
• The TIMER_CFG_PRESCALE bit field is used to increase the scaling factor by a power of two, allowing the
selection of a clock that is additionally divided by as much as 128 for each timer.
These prescaling divisions result in a wider range of timing that the timers can achieve; however, the granularity at
which the timer can be configured to trigger increases in parallel.
After prescaling slow clock, each timer can be configured to trigger after 1 to 224 cycles of the prescaled clock by
setting the TIMER_CFG_TIMEOUT_VALUE bit field in the appropriate TIMER_CFG_* register. The resulting timer delay
is equal to:
DELAY = -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
The state of a timer can be read from the TIMER_CTRL_TIMER_STATUS bit of its TIMER_CTRL_* register.
If the timer is not running, it can be started by setting the TIMER_CTRL_TIMER_START bit of its TIMER_CTRL_*
register. If the timer is running, setting this same bit restarts the timer by reloading the timer value.
Each timer can be stopped at any time by setting the TIMER_CTRL_TIMER_STOP bit of its TIMER_CTRL_* register.
In Free-Run Mode, the timer loads the initial time-out value and counts down to 0. When it reaches 0, it issues an
interrupt, and reloads the time-out value and restarts the countdown timer. The process is repeated indefinitely until the
timer is explicitly stopped by writing a 1 to the TIMER_CTRL_TIMER_STOP bit of the TIMER_CTRL_* register.
In Multi-Shot Mode, the timer loads the initial time-out value and counts down to 0. When it reaches 0, it issues an
interrupt, and checks the TIMER_CFG_MULTI_COUNT bit field from the TIMER_CFG_* to determine if it must restart the
countdown timer. This process repeats (TIMER_CFG_MULTI_COUNT + 1) times before disabling the timer, unless
explicitly stopped by the TIMER_STOP bit. Single-shot mode is a special case of Multi-Shot Mode where the timer is
configured to trigger an interrupt only one time.
ON Semiconductor TIMER_CFG
The following bit fields and field names apply equally to all TIMER_CFG[*] registers.
RSL10 Hardware Reference TIMER_CTRL
The following bit fields and field names apply equally to all TIMER_CTRL[*] registers. TIMER_VAL
The following bit fields and field names apply equally to all TIMER_VAL[*] registers.
The watchdog timer is a safety system that resets a system that has malfunctioned. This safety system uses a
countdown timer that must be periodically acknowledged by writing WATCHDOG_REFRESH to the
WATCHDOG_REFRESH_CTRL register before it reaches zero. The system assumes that the application’s failure to
acknowledge this countdown timer before it reaches zero indicates that the system is malfunctioning and must be reset.
The countdown timer value for the watchdog timer is not visible to the core.
IMPORTANT: The watchdog timer is disabled when the DEBUG_HALT_CTRL_C_DEBUGEN bit in the
DEBUG_HALT_CTRL register is set. This prevents watchdog timeouts during initial code development for the
ON Semiconductor
The watchdog timer runs on a prescaled clock that has been derived from the slow clock using a fixed division of
1024. This clock is used to decrement the value in the watchdog’s 13-bit counter.
When the watchdog timer is refreshed, a configurable number of bits in the 13-bit counter are set and the prescaling
counter is reset. The WATCHDOG_CTRL_TIMEOUT bit field in the WATCHDOG_CTRL register selects how many of these
bits to set when the timer is refreshed. The number of cycles that must elapse between refresh events to trigger a
watchdog timeout event is defined by the following equation:
The watchdog has an associated warning interrupt that is pended if the watchdog timer times out. When this
interrupt is pended, the watchdog timeout restarts, and if the watchdog timer still has not been reset and a second
watchdog timeout occurs, a hard reset occurs. For more information about resets, see Section 5.5, “Resets” on page 63. WATCHDOG_CFG
RSL10 Hardware Reference WATCHDOG_CTRL
13. Audio
The DMIC block provides a serial audio interface for up to two channels, using a pulse density modulated (PDM)
digital output stream. The DMIC input data is decimated in a two-step process:
The interface consists of an input data line with the data time-interleaved between the two channels, and an
output clock signal. These two signals can be routed from any of the DIOs to the DMIC block. In addition, the
AUDIOCLK or AUDIOSLOWCLK has to be routed from the Clock Generation block to the DIO that is used for the DMIC
clock signal. For more information on DIO routing configuration for use as a DMIC interface, see Section 10.2,
“Functional Configuration” on page 261.
The two DMIC channels can be independently configured using the AUDIO_CFG register. The independent
configurations available for the interface are shown in the list that follows:
NOTE: The use of ‘*’ in the register or field name indicates either 0 or 1.
• The bit alignment of the decimated audio data from each of the DMIC inputs is configured with the
• If the AUDIO_CFG_DMIC*_DATA_ALIGN bit is configured for MSB alignment, the data is written to the
AUDIO_DMIC*_DATA registers as an 18-bit MSB value with the bottom 14 bits set to zero.
• If the AUDIO_CFG_DMIC*_DATA_ALIGN bit is configured for LSB alignment, the data is written to the
AUDIO_DMIC*_DATA registers as a 16-bit LSB value with sign extension in the upper 16 bits.
NOTE: This also configures the DC removal filter to work with either 16-bit or 18-bit data. The 16-bit
data from each of the two channels is written to the AUDIO_DMIC_DATA register, with the
DMIC0 data placed in the 16 LSBs of this register, and the DMIC1 data placed in the 16
MSBs. When the AUDIO_DMIC_DATA register is used, the AUDIO_CFG_DMIC*_DATA_ALIGN
bits must therefore be set to LSB aligned mode.
• When using the DMIC with interrupts, the AUDIO_CFG_DMIC*_INT_GEN_EN bit can be set to trigger the
DMIC_OUT_OD_IN interrupt when an audio input sample is received.
• When using the DMIC with the DMA, the AUDIO_CFG_DMIC*_DMA_REQ_EN bit is set so that DMA
requests are triggered whenever an audio input sample is received. For more details concerning the DMA
refer to Section 12.2, “Direct Memory Access (DMA) Controller” on page 354.
IMPORTANT: The DMIC interface is supported by only one DMA request line, which produces one read from
the DMIC interface per DMA request event. This limits DMA support in dual-channel DMIC configurations to
reads using the AUDIO_DMIC_DATA register and hence 16-bit samples. Reads from a single channel using the
DMA do not have this limitation.
RSL10 Hardware Reference
• The AUDIO_CFG_DEC_RATE bit-field defines the decimation rate applied to data input from the DMIC. The
decimation factor as a function of the AUDIO_CFG_DEC_RATE register is as follows:
Decimation Factor = AUDIO_CFG_DEC_RATE + 8 .
• The AUDIO_CFG_DMIC_CLK_SRC bit is used to select either clocking the DMIC input signal with the audio
clock (AUDIOCLK), or the pre-scaled version of this clock (AUDIOSLOWCLK). For more details concerning the
audio clocks, refer to Section 6.3.8, “Interface Clocks” on page 82.
In addition to the AUDIO_CFG register, detailed configuration of the DMIC interface is available through the
AUDIO_DMIC_CFG register. This configuration includes:
• The AUDIO_DMIC*_CFG_CLK_EDGE bit, which controls whether the data from the DMIC input is sampled on
the rising or falling edge of the DMIC input clock. Refer to Figure 37 for detailed timing.
DMIC clock
DMIC clock
• The AUDIO_DMIC*_DCRM bit-field, which can be used to configure the DMIC input’s DC removal filter. This
is a high-pass filter that can help in situations when there is a DC offset present in the input signal.
• The DMIC1 input can be delayed relative to the DMIC0 input by up to 1.875 sample periods, in steps of 0.125
sample periods. An additional delay of up to 31 DMIC clock periods can also be added, but is limited to
AUDIO_CFG_DEC_RATE + 7 clock periods. These delays are configured with the
The AUDIO_STATUS register contains information on the status of the DMIC inputs. This includes:
• The AUDIO_STATUS_DMIC*_DATA_RDY_FLAG status bits, which indicate when a new audio sample is
available from the DMIC inputs. These bits are reset when their respective AUDIO_DMIC*_DATA registers are
read, and can be used in place of the DMA or interrupt control, if polling is used to control the reading of data
from the DMIC input.
• The AUDIO_STATUS_DMIC*_OVERRUN_FLAG status bits, which are flags that indicate if an overrun has been
detected. An overrun occurs whenever an audio sample is not read from the AUDIO_DMIC*_DATA register
ON Semiconductor
before it is overwritten with a subsequent sample. If an overrun has occurred, this flag remains set until the
corresponding AUDIO_STATUS_DMIC*_OVERRUN_FLAG_CLEAR bit is used to clear it.
Data received from the DMIC input samples is decimated into 18-bit samples, using a two-phase decimation filter.
This filter includes:
• A configurable 5th-order SINC filter that decimates the input data by a factor in the range from 8 to 36 (as
defined by the AUDIO_CFG_DEC_RATE bit-field from the AUDIO_CFG register). This allows the use of digital
microphones that have a sigma-delta ADC up to 4th order.
• A low-pass wave digital filter structure that provides a fixed decimation by 8.
In addition to filtering, a gain of between 0 and 200% is applied to the audio samples, configurable through the
AUDIO_DMIC*_GAIN registers. This can be used to calibrate the gain of the individual microphones. If no
additional gain needs to be applied, use the DMIC*_NOMINAL_GAIN settings. The formula for setting the gain
Gain = ---------------------------------------------------------
IMPORTANT: Avoid changing the decimation rate while reading input samples, as this can introduce audio
artifacts. AUDIO_CFG
RSL10 Hardware Reference
ON Semiconductor AUDIO_STATUS
RSL10 Hardware Reference AUDIO_DMIC_CFG
ON Semiconductor
The output driver provides a mono digital audio output from the RSL10 system. This output driver can be
connected to drive one or more DIO pairs, which are used as the driver for a speaker or receiver.
1. The gain stage applies a gain of between 0 and 200% to the audio samples that are being passed to the next
stage, configurable through the AUDIO_OD_GAIN register. The gain is set as follows:
Gain = ----------------------------------------------
2. The interpolation filter stage upsamples and filters the audio samples that are being passed to the next stage.
The interpolation filter uses a low-pass wave digital filter structure that provides a fixed interpolation by 8.
NOTE: If no additional gain is expected, use the OD_NOMINAL_GAIN setting.
3. The sigma-delta modulator stage consists of a 4th-order three-level sigma-delta modulator for the output
channel, to produce a pulse density modulated (PDM) output signal provided to the next stage in the form of
two single bit signals, OD_P and OD_N.
4. The output driver routing stage sends the OD_P and OD_N signals to any DIO pair(s). For more information
on DIO configuration for use as an output driver, see Section 10.2, “Functional Configuration” on page 261.
IMPORTANT: If a higher load drive (lower output impedance) is required than is provided by a single DIO pair,
multiple DIO pairs can be connected in parallel. When connecting DIOs in parallel, pairs are best selected in such
a way that OD_P DIOs are close together on the package and the same applies to OD_N DIOs.
The output driver is enabled by setting the AUDIO_CFG_OD_ENABLE bit from the AUDIO_CFG register. Other
configurations of the output driver from this register include:
RSL10 Hardware Reference
• The AUDIO_CFG_OD_DATA_ALIGN bit can be used to select MSB or LSB alignment in the AUDIO_OD_DATA
register. When set to LSB alignment, the 16 bottom bits of the register are used. When MSB-aligned, the 32-bit
input data is rounded nearest to infinity with saturation to 18 bits.
• When using the output driver with interrupts, the AUDIO_CFG_OD_INT_GEN_EN bit can be set to trigger the
DMIC_OUT_OD_IN interrupt when another audio output sample is required.
• When using the output driver with the DMA, the AUDIO_CFG_OD_DMA_REQ_EN bit needs to be set so that
DMA requests are triggered when another audio sample is required. For more details concerning the DMA,
refer to Section 12.2, “Direct Memory Access (DMA) Controller” on page 354.
• The AUDIO_CFG_OD_UNDERRUN_PROTECT bit can be set to enable the mechanism that clears the
AUDIO_OD_DATA register if it has not been written to for 16 sample periods. Use of underrun protection is
recommended, as this prevents the OD from potentially driving a large DC value if, for some reason, the
system fails to supply new output samples.
• The AUDIO_CFG_OD_CLK_SRC bit is used to select either clocking the output driver with the audio clock
(AUDIOCLK), or the pre-scaled version of this clock (AUDIOSLOWCLK). For more details concerning the audio
clocks, refer to Section 6.3.8, “Interface Clocks” on page 82.
Detailed configuration of the output driver is available through the AUDIO_OD_CFG register. This configuration
• The AUDIO_OD_CFG_CLK_EDGE bit, which controls whether the output driver updates the output on the rising
or the falling edge of the output driver’s clock.
• The AUDIO_OD_CFG_DITHER bit can be used to enable or disable dithering of the output data stream. Use of
dithering is recommended, as this avoids idle tones and other artifacts produced by sigma-delta modulation.
• The AUDIO_OD_CFG_DCRM bit can be used to configure the output driver’s DC removal filter. This is a
high-pass filter that can help to remove noise artifacts, which can occur in situations where the level of the
output signal is very low, and there is a DC offset present in the signal (typically caused by rounding errors that
occur in the processing of the audio data). We recommend using the DC removal filter with a cut-off frequency
of 20 Hz.
The AUDIO_SDM_CFG register controls internal configuration of the sigma-delta modulator. For normal operation,
this register must be set to the SDM_CFG_NORMAL setting.
The AUDIO_STATUS register contains information on the status of the output driver. This includes:
• The AUDIO_STATUS_OD_STATUS bit, which indicates if the output driver is included in this version of RSL10
• The AUDIO_STATUS_OD_DATA_REQ_FLAG bit, which indicates when a new audio sample is required for the
output driver. This status bit is reset when the AUDIO_OD_DATA register is written, and can be used in place of
the DMA or interrupt control, if polling is used to control the writing of data to the OD output.
• The AUDIO_STATUS_OD_UNDERRUN_FLAG bit, which provides a flag that indicates if an underrun has been
detected. An underrun occurs whenever an audio sample is used by the output driver multiple times. If an
underrun has occurred, this flag remains set until the AUDIO_STATUS_OD_UNDERRUN_FLAG_CLEAR bit is used
to clear it.
ON Semiconductor AUDIO_OD_CFG
RSL10 Hardware Reference AUDIO_OD_GAIN
The audio sink clock counters can be used to measure the timing of the frame periods of a BLE/RF host relative to
the internal audio sampling rate or that of a connected external device. In addition, it can be used to measure the
frequency of the internal 32 kHz RC oscillator using the 48 MHz crystal oscillator.
• Support an asynchronous sample rate conversion of audio samples being sourced over the radio link, and
consumed by a connected device or the output driver. For details on asynchronous sample rate conversion, see
Section 13.4, “Asynchronous Sample Rate Converter (ASRC)” on page 395.
• Support an asynchronous sample rate conversion of audio samples being sourced from a connected device or
the DMIC inputs, and consumed over the radio link.
NOTE: Although the DMIC audio is the source, its sample clock is considered as the audio sink clock to
the RF host throughout this section.
• Generate control information to change the clock frequency of the connected device so that it becomes
synchronous with a radio link.
• Measure the internal 32 kHz RC oscillator.
• When using the 48 MHz crystal oscillator as the reference for this measurement, a measurement accuracy
of +/-22 ppm can be achieved. An example employing the audio sink block for this use case can be seen in
the calibration library, as described in the RSL10 Firmware Reference.
The audio sink clock being measured is sourced from a DIO or from STANDBYCLK, as specified by the DIO
configuration. For more information on DIO configuration for use as the audio sink source, see Section 10.2,
“Functional Configuration” on page 261.
The timing diagram in Figure 38 highlights the measurement registers in the Audio Sink module.
RSL10 Hardware Reference
Audio si nk clock
• The AUDIOSINK_CNT register holds the integer number of cycles of the audio sink clock being measured
between consecutive BLE/RF frame pulses.
• The AUDIOSINK_PERIOD_CNT register contains the period count of the audio sink clock being measured in
terms of SYSCLK cycles, which is typically derived from the 48 MHz crystal oscillator. (See Section 6.3.1,
“System Clock (SYSCLK)” on page 79 for more information.) The period can be measured over 1-16 audio
sink clock cycles. The number of audio sink clock cycles measured is controlled by the
AUDIOSINK_CFG_PERIODS_CFG bit field in the AUDIOSINK_CFG register. By using the value stored in the
AUDIOSINK_PERIOD_CNT register, the period can be calculated as:
period = ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- period
• The AUDIOSINK_CTRL_PERIOD_CNT_START bit from the AUDIOSINK_CTRL register, which clears and
starts the period counter when a rising edge of the audio sink clock is detected.
• The AUDIOSINK_CTRL_PERIOD_CNT_STOP bit from the AUDIOSINK_CTRL register, which stops the
period counter mechanism manually.
• The AUDIOSINK_CTRL_PERIOD_STATUS bit, which indicates whether the period counter mechanism is
currently active or idle.
• The AUDIOSINK_PERIOD_CNT register, which contains the number of SYSCLK cycles between when the
counter started, and when the configured number of rising edges of the audio sink clock were detected
(saturated to 0xFFFF), at which point the counter is stopped automatically.
• The AUDIOSINK_PERIOD interrupt, which is triggered when the audio sink period counter finishes
counting the defined number of audio sink clock periods.
• The AUDIOSINK_PHASE_CNT register measures the time from the BLE/RF frame pulse to the first detected
rising edge of the audio sink clock, in terms of SYSCLK cycles. This measurement is used to improve the
resolution of the calculated number of audio sink clock cycle per BLE/RF frame. This counter is supported by:
• The AUDIOSINK_CTRL_PHASE_CNT_START bit, which clears and starts the phase counter the next time a
synchronization pulse is generated by the BLE/RF blocks.
ON Semiconductor
• The AUDIOSINK_CTRL_PHASE_CNT_START_NO_WAIT bit, which clears and starts the phase counter
• The AUDIOSINK_CTRL_PHASE_CNT_STOP bit, which stops the phase counter mechanism manually.
• The AUDIOSINK_CTRL_PHASE_STATUS bit, which indicates whether the phase counter mechanism is
currently active or idle.
• The AUDIOSINK_PHASE_CNT register, which contains the number of SYSCLK cycles between when the
counter started, and when a rising edge has been detected on the audio sink clock (saturated to 0xFFFF), at
which point the counter is stopped automatically.
• The AUDIOSINK_PHASE interrupt, which is triggered when the phase counter is running and a rising edge
occurs on the audio sink clock, or if a synchronization error has been received from the BLE/RF block (the
AUDIOSINK_CTRL_PHASE_CNT_MISSED_STATUS bit is set if an error occurs, and is cleared otherwise),
at which point the counter mechanism is stopped automatically.
Using the values obtained from the AUDIOSINK_CNT and AUDIOSINK_PHASE_CNT registers plus the previous
period and phase count values, you can calculate the number of audio sink clock cycles between the previous (i-1) and
the current (i) synchronization pulses as follows:
audio sink clock cycles = AUDIOSINK_CNT[i] + --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
• Before a synchronization frame pulse will occur, start the phase counter mechanism.
• When the AUDIOSINK_PHASE interrupt occurs:
a. Save the AUDIOSINK_PHASE_CNT counter value from the previous frame.
b. Record the AUDIOSINK_PHASE_CNT counter value.
c. Record the value in the AUDIOSINK_CNT register.
d. Reset the AUDIOSINK_CNT register/counter.
e. Start the period counter. AUDIOSINK_CTRL
RSL10 Hardware Reference
The asynchronous sample rate converter (ASRC) block provides a means of synchronizing the audio sample rate
between the radio and a local source or sink for the transferred audio data.
RSL10 Hardware Reference
The ASRC is configured with the ASRC_CFG register. This register configures:
• The ASRC operates in one of four modes, controlled by the ASRC_CFG_ASRC_MODE setting. Use of these
modes is dependent on the relationship between the source (Fsrc) and sink (Fsink) frequencies as shown in
Table 33.
• The ASRC bandwidth mode, configured with the WDF_TYPE bit that can select between:
• Low delay mode: This mode provides the lowest group delay setting, but at a slightly lower bandwidth.
• Wide band mode: This mode provides the highest bandwidth setting, but at a higher group delay.
The ASRC_PHASE_INC register contains a signed 32-bit value that controls the conversion rate with the ASRC. It is
dependent on ASRC_CFG_ASRC_MODE, and on the difference between Fsrc and Fsink. The formulas for setting
ASRC_PHASE_INC are listed in Table 33.
27 F src – 2 F sin k
ASRC_DEC_MODE3 0.2*Fsrc 0.5*Fsrc 18 24
2 -----------------------------------
F sin k
The ASRC is controlled by the ASRC_CTRL register. This register provides the following functionality:
• The ASRC can be enabled by setting the ASRC_CTRL_ASRC_ENABLE bit, and disabled by setting the
ASRC_CTRL_ASRC_DISABLE bit. Also the ASRC active status can be queried from the
• The ASRC_CTRL_ASRC_RESET bit can be used to reset the ASRC state memory (stored in the
ASRC_STATE_MEM registers).
• The ASRC_CTRL_PROC_STATUS bit indicates if the ASRC is currently processing data.
• The ASRC_CTRL_IN_REQ bit indicates if the ASRC_IN register is in use, or if it is ready for more data.
• The ASRC_CTRL_OUT_REQ bit indicates if the ASRC_OUT register contains no new data, or if it has new data
that can be read.
• The ASRC_CTRL_*_ERR bits indicate what errors have been captured by the ASRC block, and the
ASRC_CTRL_*_ERR_CLR bits can be written to clear these error indication bits.
The ASRC is capable of processing one audio channel at a time. In cases where more than one channel needs to be
processed, the ASRC block’s internal states need to be saved to memory after a block has been processed, and restored
before the next block is processed, as follows:
• ASRC_PHASE_CNT: This register holds the current phase of the polyphase filter.
ON Semiconductor
• ASRC_STATE_MEM: This 30-value register array holds the internal filter states of the polyphase filter. The
number of states that need to be stored depends on the ASRC_CFG_ASRC_MODE setting, as outlined in Table 33
on page 396.
Data is provided to the ASRC through the ASRC_IN register. Data is read from the ASRC through the ASRC_OUT
register, and the ASRC_OUT_CNT register indicates how many samples have been generated. Typically the counter is
cleared after each block of samples has been completely processed.
The ASRC supports four interrupts, configured using the ASRC_INT_ENABLE register:
1. The ASRC_INT_ENABLE_ASRC_IN_REQ bit can be enabled to trigger an ASRC_IN interrupt when more input
data is required. This mode is used when providing audio samples using the ARM Cortex-M3 processor when
using interrupts.
2. The ASRC_INT_ENABLE_ASRC_OUT_REQ bit can be enabled to trigger an ASRC_OUT interrupt when more
output data is available. This mode is used when reading audio samples using the ARM Cortex-M3 processor
when using interrupts.
3. The ASRC_INT_ENABLE_ASRC_IN_ERR bit can be enabled to trigger an ASRC_ERROR interrupt when data is
written to the ASRC_IN register before processing of the previously written value is complete.
4. The ASRC_INT_ENABLE_ASRC_UPDATE_ERR bit can be enabled to trigger an ASRC_ERROR interrupt when
any of the ASRC_PHASE_CNT, ASRC_PHASE_INC or ASRC_OUTPUT_CNT registers are written while processing
of a sample is ongoing. ASRC_CTRL
RSL10 Hardware Reference ASRC_INT_ENABLE
Private Peripherals
The ARM Cortex-M3 processor is closely tied to a nested vectored interrupt controller (NVIC), which is an
integral part of the processor and provides the interrupt handling functionality. This block is implemented with the
ARM Cortex-M3 processor and is described in the ARM Cortex-M3 Technical Reference Manual.
The ARM Cortex-M3 processor as implemented for RSL10 uses pulse interrupts. These interrupts are sampled
on the rising edge of SYSCLK. A pulse interrupt can be reasserted during the ISR so that the interrupt can be in the
pending state and active at the same time. If another pulse arrives while the interrupt is still pending, the interrupt
remains pending and the ISR runs only once.
The NVIC handles a non-maskable interrupt (NMI), several faults, predefined interrupts, and a set of
general-purpose interrupts that are external to the ARM Cortex-M3 processor, and linked to its interfaces and
peripherals. A list of the interrupts supported by the NVIC for the ARM Cortex-M3 processor is provided in Table 34.
RSL10 Hardware Reference
ON Semiconductor
Table 35 lists the NVIC registers. The following subsections describe their bit fields and use by the RSL10
RSL10 Hardware Reference
ON Semiconductor
IMPORTANT: The NVIC is a standard component provided with the ARM Cortex-M3 processor. The registers
for this peripheral are defined in core_cm3.h and augmented by defines for the bit fields, bit settings and
subregisters in rsl10_hw.h.
The Interrupt Controller Type register (SCnSCB_ICTR) indicates the number of interrupts supported by the NVIC.
This register is from the ARM Cortex-M3 processor’s SCnSCB register block. Table 36 describes this register.
• Enable interrupts
• Determine which interrupts are currently enabled
• Disable interrupts
• Determine which interrupts are currently disabled
These registers contain a bit for each of the external interrupts (vectors 16 to 57) listed in Table 34 on page 401.
Setting a bit in an Interrupt Set-Enable register enables the corresponding interrupt. Setting a bit in an Interrupt
Clear-Enable register disables the corresponding interrupt.
When the enable bit of a pending interrupt is set, the processor activates the interrupt based on its priority. When the
enable bit is cleared, asserting its interrupt signal pends the interrupt, but it is not possible to activate the interrupt,
regardless of its priority. Therefore, a disabled interrupt can serve as a latched general-purpose I/O bit that can be read
and cleared without invoking an interrupt.
NOTE: Clearing an Interrupt Set-Enable Register bit does not affect currently active interrupts. It only
prevents new activations.
RSL10 Hardware Reference
These registers are part of the ARM Cortex-M3 processor’s NVIC register block. Table 37 describes the field of the
Interrupt Set-Enable registers. Table 38 describes the field of the Interrupt Clear-Enable registers.
Writing 0 to a SETENA bit has no effect. Reading the bit returns its current
enable state. Reset clears the SETENA fields.
Writing 0 to a CLRENA bit has no effect. Reading the bit returns its current
enable state.
These registers contain a bit for each of the external interrupts (vectors 16 to 57) listed in Table 34 on page 401.
Setting a bit in an Interrupt Set-Pending register causes the corresponding interrupt to be pending. Setting a bit in an
Interrupt Clear-Pending register puts the interrupt into the non-pending state.
NOTE: Writing to an Interrupt Set-Pending register has no effect on an interrupt that is already pending
or is disabled. Similarly, writing to an Interrupt Clear-Pending register has no effect on an
interrupt that is active unless it is also pending.
ON Semiconductor
These registers are part of the ARM Cortex-M3 processor’s NVIC register block. Table 39 describes the Interrupt
Set-Pending registers. Table 40 describes the Interrupt Clear-Pending registers.
Writing 0 to a SETPEND bit has no effect. Reading the bit returns its current
Writing 0 to a CLRPEND bit has no effect. Reading the bit returns its current
Read the Active Bit registers (NVIC_IABR[0] to NVIC_IABR[2]) to determine which interrupts are active. This
register contains a flag for each of the external interrupts (vectors 16 to 57) listed in Table 34 on page 401. These
registers are part of the ARM Cortex-M3 processor’s NVIC register block. Table 41 describes the Active Bit register.
Use the Interrupt Priority Registers (NVIC_IP[0] to NVIC_IP[9]) to assign a priority to each of the available
interrupts. Each byte in an Interrupt Priority can be used to set the priority for one of the external interrupts (vectors 16
to 84) listed in Table 34 on page 401.
NOTE: Configuration of the interrupt priorities for standard ARM Cortex-M3 processor exceptions
(vectors 4 to 15) are set using the System Handler Priority registers. For more information, see
the ARMv7M Architecture Reference Manual.
The NVIC for the ARM Cortex-M3 processor in the RSL10 system has been implemented with four interrupt
priority bits per interrupt. These four priority bits are MSB aligned to an eight-bit priority bit field as required by ARM.
Generally, the lower the priority value, the higher the priority that interrupt is given.
RSL10 Hardware Reference
The SCB_AIRCR_PRIGROUP bit field from the Application Interrupt and Reset Control register (see the ARMv7M
Architecture Reference Manual) is used to divide the interrupt priority settings into interrupt groups, and to prioritize
interrupts within those groups. The possible configurations for the division of the priority bit field into pre-emption
priority and subgroup priority is shown in Table 42.
Table 42. Division of Priority into Pre-Empt Priority and Subgroup Priority
When choosing which interrupt to activate, the priority settings are applied as follows:
• When multiple interrupts are pending, but no interrupts are active, the interrupt with the lowest priority setting
is activated. If more than one pending interrupt shares the lowest priority setting, the interrupt with the lower
vector number is activated.
• If an interrupt is currently active, it can be pre-empted by any interrupt that is pended in a lower numbered
group. If multiple interrupts that could pre-empt the active interrupt are pending, the interrupt with the lowest
priority setting is activated. As before, if more than one pending interrupt shares the lowest priority setting, the
interrupt with the lower vector number is activated.
For example, setting the SCB_AIRCR_PRIGROUP bit field to 0x6 divides the three interrupt priority bits to use bits
[7:6] to assign the interrupt to a group, and bit [5] to assign the interrupt a priority relative to the other interrupts in that
group. Suppose the following interrupts are pending:
In this example, the DIO0 and DMA0 interrupts have the lowest priority, and the DMA0 interrupt is activated because
it has a lower vector number (24 versus 32). If the TIMER0 interrupt is then pended with a priority of 0x80, the DMA0
interrupt is not pre-empted because the TIMER0, DMA0 and DIO interrupts all share the same priority group. If the
WAKEUP interrupt is then pended with a priority level of 0x20, the DMA0 interrupt is pre-empted because the WAKEUP
interrupt belongs to a higher priority interrupt group.
IMPORTANT: The reset, NMI and fault vectors have priority levels of -3, -2, and -1 respectively. As such, these
events can always pre-empt interrupts with lower priorities.
These registers are part of the ARM Cortex-M3 processor’s NVIC register block. Table 43 describes the bit
assignments for a single interrupt within the Interrupt Priority registers.
ON Semiconductor
The following registers are documented in the ARMv7M Architecture Reference Manual:
The ARM Cortex-M3 core peripherals include the system tick (SysTick) count-down timer from the
ARM Cortex-M3 processor implementation. This block is implemented as part of the NVIC, and is described in the
ARM Cortex-M3 Technical Reference Manual.
The clock used by the SysTick timer is selected using the SysTick_CTRL_CLKSOURCE bit from the
SysTick_CTRL register. This timer can be clocked from the system clock (SYSCLK) or from the SysTick-specific
reference clock (STCLK) that is divided from SLOWCLK by 32. For more information about SYSCLK, see
Section 6.3.1, “System Clock (SYSCLK)” on page 79. For more information about SLOWCLK, see Section 6.3.3,
“Slow Clock (SLOWCLK)” on page 80. The SysTick_CALIB register is configured to define a 10 ms timer period
based on STCLK.
The delay provided by the SysTick timer is defined using the selected clock and a reload value loaded to the
SysTick_LOAD register, as follows:
SysTick_LOAD + 1
DELAY = -----------------------------------------------------
The current value of the SysTick counter can be read at any time from the SysTick_VAL register.
The SysTick timer is enabled by setting the SysTick_CTRL_ENABLE bit in the SysTick_CTRL register. SysTick
interrupts are enabled by setting the SysTick_CTRL_TICKINT bit in the SysTick_CTRL register. The
SysTick_CTRL_COUNTFLAG bit in the SysTick_CTRL register indicates if the SysTick timer has reached zero since
the last time this register was read, and is cleared automatically after being read. This bit can be used if an application
uses polling instead of interrupting to monitor for SysTick timer events.
IMPORTANT: If the SysTick timer is sourced from SYSCLK, and the clock to the ARM Cortex-M3 processor is
gated due to the use of a wait-for-interrupt (WFI) or wait-for-event (WFE) instruction, the SysTick timer will be
clocked at a much slower rate while waiting for the interrupt or event to occur. If using these instructions, we
recommend using STCLK as the source for the SysTick timer or using a general-purpose timer running at
SLOWCLK divided by 2 if the clock source should be faster.
RSL10 Hardware Reference
IMPORTANT: The SysTick timer is a standard component provided with the ARM Cortex-M3 processor. The
registers for this peripheral are defined in core_cm3.h and augmented by defines for the bit fields, bit settings
and subregisters in rsl10_hw.h. SysTick_CTRL SysTick_LOAD SysTick_VAL
ON Semiconductor SysTick_CALIB
The Debug Halting Control and Status Register (DHCSR) provides status information on the processor state, enables
core debugging, and allows an external system to halt and single-step the core. To write to this register,
DEBUG_HALT_KEY must be written to the CoreDebug_DHCSR_DBGKEY bit field.
The DHCSR is used to configure the ARM Cortex-M3 processor for halting debug. To enable halting debug, set the
CoreDebug_DHCSR_C_DEBUGEN bit. If halting debug is enabled:
The Debug Exception and Monitor Control Register (DEMCR) contains a number of possible exception conditions
that the debug tools might want to monitor during debug. When enabled, each of these vector catch configuration bits
monitors for the specified fault or reset event. When a fault or event that is being monitored is detected, a core halt
request is used to halt the core as soon as the currently executing instruction completes. Supported vector catch events
include debug traps that trigger on:
• A core reset
• A memory management fault
• Usage faults for:
• No coprocessor errors
• Unaligned accesses or division by 0
• State errors
• A bus fault
• Errors when handling an interrupt or exception
• A hard fault
RSL10 Hardware Reference
The DHCSR also provides a variety of debug related status information, including:
• If the core has been reset or is resetting (CoreDebug_DHCSR_S_RESET_ST); this bit is cleared when read
• If an instruction has completed execution since this register has been last read; this bit is cleared when read
• If the core is in a locked state
• If the core is in Sleep Mode
• If the core has been halted
• If the most recent register read/write has completed; for more information, see Section 14.3.3, “ARM
Cortex-M3 Processor Core Register Access”
NOTE: The DHCSR and all DEMCR bits that are not related to the debug monitor are only reset if a POR or
similar occurs. These registers are not reset for a core reset. For more information about resets,
see Section 5.5, “Resets” on page 63.
CAUTION: We strongly recommend that only the debugger use the DHCSR because accesses to this register from
application code can interfere with the debug behavior of the ARM Cortex-M3 processor debug port.
The NVIC from the ARM Cortex-M3 processor contains a debug monitor that can be used to control debug
activities. The debug monitor is tied to the debug monitor system interrupt (vector number 12) and is configured using
the DEMCR register. To enable the debug monitor and debug monitor exception, set the CoreDebug_DEMCR_MON_EN bit
from the DEMCR register. To manually pend the debug monitor exception, set the CoreDebug_DEMCR_MON_PEND bit
from the DEMCR register. To single-step the core using the debug monitor (if the debug monitor is enabled), set the
CoreDebug_DEMCR_MON_STEP bit from the DEMCR register.
The CoreDebug_DEMCR_MON_REQ bit from the DEMCR register indicates whether a debug monitor event was
caused by a manual request or a debug event (including a debug trap).
The ARM Cortex-M3 debug port includes a pair of registers that the debug port uses to provide read and write
access to the ARM Cortex-M3 processor’s core registers: the Debug Core Register Selector Register (DCRSR) and the
Debug Core Register Data Register (DCRDR). The DCRSR contains the selection of the register to be read or written, and
the type of access used. To define the read/write direction, write REGWNR_READ or REGWNR_WRITE to the
CoreDebug_DCRSR_REGWnR bit field. To set the register to be read, use the REGSEL_* bit settings for the
CoreDebug_DCRSR_REGSEL bit field from the DCRSR.
Data written using the DCRSR is copied from the DCRDR to the specified core register. Similarly, data read using the
DCRSR is written to the DCRDR, where it can be accessed using debug port memory reads. If the selector register selects
the core special registers, the data read or written is interpreted using the bit fields described in Table 44.
Table 44. Debug Core Register Data Register Special Register Mapping
ON Semiconductor
The Debug Fault Status register (DFSR) is used to monitor debug events including:
Each flag in the Debug Fault Status register is set independently when its debug condition occurs. The bits in this
register are not set unless the event is caught. One of four things occurs if an event is detected:
This register is part of the ARM Cortex-M3 processor’s SCB register block.
14.3.5 ARM Cortex-M3 Processor Debug Port Specific Control and Configuration Registers
IMPORTANT: The ARM Cortex-M3 core debug port components are part of a standard component provided
with the ARM Cortex-M3 processor. The registers for this peripheral are defined in core_cm3.h and augmented
by defines for the bit fields, bit settings and subregisters in rsl10_hw.h. These registers are only accessible through
the ARM Cortex-M3 processor’s private peripheral bus (see Section 7.1, “Memory Architecture” on page 94).
RSL10 Hardware Reference
ON Semiconductor
Control and Configuration Registers
This appendix lists all the registers that are available. Refer to the appropriate section for information about the
control and configuration registers for a block. The sections are:
ON Semiconductor
(5) DSP_PRAM2_OVERLAY_CFG (5) DSP_PRAM2_OVERLAY_CFG 0X0 DSP_PRAM2 Flash overlay configuration
(4) DSP_PRAM3_OVERLAY_CFG (4) DSP_PRAM3_OVERLAY_CFG 0X0 DSP_PRAM3 Flash overlay configuration
(3) PRAM3_OVERLAY_CFG (3) PRAM3_OVERLAY_CFG 0X0 PRAM3 Flash overlay configuration
(2) PRAM2_OVERLAY_CFG (2) PRAM2_OVERLAY_CFG 0X0 PRAM2 Flash overlay configuration
(1) PRAM1_OVERLAY_CFG (1) PRAM1_OVERLAY_CFG 0X0 PRAM1 Flash overlay configuration
(0) PRAM0_OVERLAY_CFG (0) PRAM0_OVERLAY_CFG 0X0 PRAM0 Flash overlay configuration
0x40000014 SYSCTRL_MEM_ERROR (5) MEM_ERROR_CLEAR - N/A Write a 1 to clear the memory error flags
- (4) BB_MEM_ERROR 0X0 Baseband memory error flag
- (3) FLASH_COPIER_MEM_ERROR 0X0 Flash copier memory error flag
- (2) DMA_MEM_ERROR 0X0 DMA memory error flag
- (1) LPDSP32_DMEM_ERROR 0X0 LPDSP32 data memory error flag
- (0) LPDSP32_PMEM_ERROR 0X0 LPDSP32 program memory error flag
Address Register Name Register Write Register Read Default Description
0x40000018 SYSCTRL_MEM_POWER_CFG (21) DSP_DRAM5_POWER (21) DSP_DRAM5_POWER 0X1 DSP PRAM0 power configuration
(20) DSP_DRAM4_POWER (20) DSP_DRAM4_POWER 0X1 DSP PRAM0 power configuration
(19) DSP_DRAM3_POWER (19) DSP_DRAM3_POWER 0X1 DSP PRAM0 power configuration
(18) DSP_DRAM2_POWER (18) DSP_DRAM2_POWER 0X1 DSP PRAM0 power configuration
(17) DSP_DRAM1_POWER (17) DSP_DRAM1_POWER 0X1 DSP PRAM0 power configuration
(16) DSP_DRAM0_POWER (16) DSP_DRAM0_POWER 0X1 DSP PRAM0 power configuration
(15) DSP_PRAM3_POWER (15) DSP_PRAM3_POWER 0X0 DSP PRAM0 power configuration
(14) DSP_PRAM2_POWER (14) DSP_PRAM2_POWER 0X0 DSP PRAM0 power configuration
(13) DSP_PRAM1_POWER (13) DSP_PRAM1_POWER 0X0 DSP PRAM0 power configuration
(12) DSP_PRAM0_POWER (12) DSP_PRAM0_POWER 0X0 DSP PRAM0 power configuration
(11) BB_DRAM1_POWER (11) BB_DRAM1_POWER 0X1 Baseband DRAM1 power configuration
(10) BB_DRAM0_POWER (10) BB_DRAM0_POWER 0X1 Baseband DRAM0 power configuration
(8) DRAM2_POWER (8) DRAM2_POWER 0X1 DRAM2 power configuration
(7) DRAM1_POWER (7) DRAM1_POWER 0X1 DRAM1 power configuration
(6) DRAM0_POWER (6) DRAM0_POWER 0X1 DRAM0 power configuration
(5) PRAM3_POWER (5) PRAM3_POWER 0X1 PRAM3 power configuration
(4) PRAM2_POWER (4) PRAM2_POWER 0X1 PRAM2 power configuration
(3) PRAM1_POWER (3) PRAM1_POWER 0X1 PRAM1 power configuration
(2) PRAM0_POWER (2) PRAM0_POWER 0X1 PRAM0 power configuration
(1) FLASH_POWER (1) FLASH_POWER 0X0 Flash power configuration
(0) PROM_POWER (0) PROM_POWER 0X1 PROM power configuration
ON Semiconductor
Address Register Name Register Write Register Read Default Description
0x4000001C SYSCTRL_MEM_ACCESS_CFG (30:24) WAKEUP_ADDR_PACKED (30:24) WAKEUP_ADDR_PACKED 0X0 Wakeup restore address in packed 7-bit format.
When written, SYSCTRL_WAKEUP_ADDR is
updated. This field reads back as zero when
SYSCTRL_WAKEUP_ADDR does not point to an
enabled RAM instance.
(21) DSP_DRAM5_ACCESS (21) DSP_DRAM5_ACCESS 0X0 DSP PRAM5 access configuration
(20) DSP_DRAM4_ACCESS (20) DSP_DRAM4_ACCESS 0X0 DSP PRAM4 access configuration
(19) DSP_DRAM3_ACCESS (19) DSP_DRAM3_ACCESS 0X0 DSP PRAM3 access configuration
(18) DSP_DRAM2_ACCESS (18) DSP_DRAM2_ACCESS 0X0 DSP PRAM2 access configuration
(17) DSP_DRAM1_ACCESS (17) DSP_DRAM1_ACCESS 0X0 DSP PRAM1 access configuration
(16) DSP_DRAM0_ACCESS (16) DSP_DRAM0_ACCESS 0X0 DSP PRAM0 access configuration
RSL10 Hardware Reference
(6) DRAM0_ACCESS (6) DRAM0_ACCESS 0X1 DRAM0 access configuration
(5) PRAM3_ACCESS (5) PRAM3_ACCESS 0X0 PRAM3 access configuration
(4) PRAM2_ACCESS (4) PRAM2_ACCESS 0X0 PRAM2 access configuration
(3) PRAM1_ACCESS (3) PRAM1_ACCESS 0X0 PRAM1 access configuration
(2) PRAM0_ACCESS (2) PRAM0_ACCESS 0X0 PRAM0 access configuration
(1) FLASH_ACCESS (1) FLASH_ACCESS 0X0 Flash access configuration
(0) PROM_ACCESS (0) PROM_ACCESS 0X1 PROM access configuration
0x40000020 SYSCTRL_WAKEUP_ADDR (31:0) WAKEUP_ADDR (31:0) WAKEUP_ADDR 0X0 Wakeup restore address in unpacked 32-bit format.
When written, the WAKEUP_ADDR_PACKED field
of SYSCTRL_MEM_ACCESS_CFG is updated. Bits
0-12 must be 0x0000 or 0x1FE8 (top or bottom of
memory instance). Bits 17-20, 22-28 and 30-31 must
be zero. When the WAKEUP_ADDR_PACKED field
does not point to memory that is currently accessible,
then SYSCTRL_WAKEUP_ADDR reads back as all
Address Register Name Register Write Register Read Default Description
0x40000024 SYSCTRL_MEM_RETENTION_CFG (21) DSP_DRAM5_RETENTION (21) DSP_DRAM5_RETENTION 0X1 DSP PRAM5 retention configuration
(20) DSP_DRAM4_RETENTION (20) DSP_DRAM4_RETENTION 0X1 DSP PRAM4 retention configuration
(19) DSP_DRAM3_RETENTION (19) DSP_DRAM3_RETENTION 0X1 DSP PRAM3 retention configuration
(18) DSP_DRAM2_RETENTION (18) DSP_DRAM2_RETENTION 0X1 DSP PRAM2 retention configuration
(17) DSP_DRAM1_RETENTION (17) DSP_DRAM1_RETENTION 0X1 DSP PRAM1 retention configuration
(16) DSP_DRAM0_RETENTION (16) DSP_DRAM0_RETENTION 0X1 DSP PRAM0 retention configuration
(15) DSP_PRAM3_RETENTION (15) DSP_PRAM3_RETENTION 0X0 DSP PRAM3 retention configuration
(14) DSP_PRAM2_RETENTION (14) DSP_PRAM2_RETENTION 0X0 DSP PRAM2 retention configuration
(13) DSP_PRAM1_RETENTION (13) DSP_PRAM1_RETENTION 0X0 DSP PRAM1 retention configuration
(12) DSP_PRAM0_RETENTION (12) DSP_PRAM0_RETENTION 0X0 DSP PRAM0 retention configuration
(11) BB_DRAM1_RETENTION (11) BB_DRAM1_RETENTION 0X1 Baseband DRAM1 retention configuration
(10) BB_DRAM0_RETENTION (10) BB_DRAM0_RETENTION 0X1 Baseband DRAM0 retention configuration
(8) DRAM2_RETENTION (8) DRAM2_RETENTION 0X1 DRAM2 retention configuration
(7) DRAM1_RETENTION (7) DRAM1_RETENTION 0X1 DRAM1 retention configuration
(6) DRAM0_RETENTION (6) DRAM0_RETENTION 0X0 DRAM0 retention configuration
(5) PRAM3_RETENTION (5) PRAM3_RETENTION 0X1 PRAM3 retention configuration
(4) PRAM2_RETENTION (4) PRAM2_RETENTION 0X1 PRAM2 retention configuration
(3) PRAM1_RETENTION (3) PRAM1_RETENTION 0X1 PRAM1 retention configuration
(2) PRAM0_RETENTION (2) PRAM0_RETENTION 0X1 PRAM0 retention configuration
0x40000028 SYSCTRL_MEM_ARBITER_CFG (29:28) DSP_DRAM45_ARBITER (29:28) DSP_DRAM45_ARBITER 0X0 DSP DRAM4 and DRAM5 arbiter configuration
(27:26) DSP_DRAM23_ARBITER (27:26) DSP_DRAM23_ARBITER 0X0 DSP DRAM2 and DRAM3 arbiter configuration
(25:24) DSP_DRAM01_ARBITER (25:24) DSP_DRAM01_ARBITER 0X0 DSP DRAM0 and DRAM1 arbiter configuration
(23:22) DSP_PRAM3_ARBITER (23:22) DSP_PRAM3_ARBITER 0X0 DSP PRAM3 arbiter configuration
(21:20) DSP_PRAM2_ARBITER (21:20) DSP_PRAM2_ARBITER 0X0 DSP PRAM2 arbiter configuration
(19:18) DSP_PRAM1_ARBITER (19:18) DSP_PRAM1_ARBITER 0X0 DSP PRAM1 arbiter configuration
(17:16) DSP_PRAM0_ARBITER (17:16) DSP_PRAM0_ARBITER 0X0 DSP PRAM0 arbiter configuration
(11:10) BB_DRAM1_ARBITER (11:10) BB_DRAM1_ARBITER 0X3 Baseband DRAM1 arbiter configuration
(9:8) BB_DRAM0_ARBITER (9:8) BB_DRAM0_ARBITER 0X3 Baseband DRAM0 arbiter configuration
(5:4) DRAM12_ARBITER (5:4) DRAM12_ARBITER 0X0 DRAM1 and DRAM2 arbiter configuration
(2) DRAM0_ARBITER (2) DRAM0_ARBITER 0X0 DRAM0 arbiter configuration
(1) PRAM_ARBITER (1) PRAM_ARBITER 0X0 PRAM0 to PRAM3 arbiter configuration
(0) ROUND_ROBIN_TOKEN (0) ROUND_ROBIN_TOKEN 0X0 Round-robin token generation configuration
ON Semiconductor
Address Register Name Register Write Register Read Default Description
0x4000002C SYSCTRL_MEM_TIMING_CFG (9:8) DSP_PRAM_EMAW (9:8) DSP_PRAM_EMAW 0X0 DSP_PRAM extra write margin configuration
(6:4) DSP_PRAM_EMA (6:4) DSP_PRAM_EMA 0X2 DSP_PRAM extra margin configuration
(3) PROM_KEN (3) PROM_KEN 0X1 PROM bitlines keeper configuration
(2:0) PROM_EMA (2:0) PROM_EMA 0X5 PROM extra margin configuration
0x40000030 SYSCTRL_CNT_CTRL - (3) CNT_STATUS 0X0 Activity counters status bit
(2) CNT_CLEAR - N/A Clear activity counters
(1) CNT_STOP - N/A Stop activity counters
(0) CNT_START - N/A Start activity counters
0x40000034 SYSCTRL_SYSCLK_CNT (31:0) SYSCLK_CNT (31:0) SYSCLK_CNT 0X0 System clock counter value
RSL10 Hardware Reference
0x40000038 SYSCTRL_CM3_CNT (31:0) CM3_CNT (31:0) CM3_CNT 0X0 ARM Cortex-M3 processor activity counter value
0x4000003C SYSCTRL_LPDSP32_CNT (31:0) LPDSP32_CNT (31:0) LPDSP32_CNT 0X0 LPDSP32 activity counter value
0x40000040 SYSCTRL_FLASH_READ_CNT (31:0) FLASH_READ_CNT (31:0) FLASH_READ_CNT 0X0 Flash read access counter value
0x4000004C SYSCTRL_LPDSP32_DEBUG_CFG (1) (1) 0X0 LPDSP32 exit powerdown mode configuration when
(0) LPDSP32_DEBUG_ENABLE (0) LPDSP32_DEBUG_ENABLE 0X0 LPDSP32 debug port enable
0x40000050 SYSCTRL_RF_POWER_CFG (0) RF_POWER (0) RF_POWER 0X0 RF power configuration
0x40000054 SYSCTRL_RF_ACCESS_CFG (1) RF_IRQ_ACCESS (1) RF_IRQ_ACCESS 0X0 RF IRQ access configuration
(0) RF_ACCESS (0) RF_ACCESS 0X0 RF access configuration
0x400000DC SYSCTRL_DBG_LOCK (31:0) DBG_LOCK_WR - N/A Debug port access lock/unlock
- (0) DBG_LOCK_RD 0X1 Debug port access state
0x400000E0 SYSCTRL_DBG_LOCK_KEY (31:0) DBG_LOCK_KEY (31:0) DBG_LOCK_KEY 0X0 Debug port key
0x4000010C CLK_DIV_CFG2 (15) CPCLK_DISABLE (15) CPCLK_DISABLE 0X0 Charge pump clock disable
(13:8) CPCLK_PRESCALE (13:8) CPCLK_PRESCALE 0X7 Prescale value for the charge pump clock from the
SLOWCLK clock (1 to 64 in steps of 1)
(7) DCCLK_DISABLE (7) DCCLK_DISABLE 0X0 DC-DC converter clock disable
(5:0) DCCLK_PRESCALE (5:0) DCCLK_PRESCALE 0X0 Prescale value for the DC-DC converter clock (1 to
64 in steps of 1)
0x40000110 CLK_DET_CFG (5) CLK_DET_SEL (5) CLK_DET_SEL 0X0 Clock detector source selection
(4:3) CLK_DET_INT_SEL (4:3) CLK_DET_INT_SEL 0X0 Clock detector interrupt configuration
(2:1) CLK_DET_DIV (2:1) CLK_DET_DIV 0X0 Clock detector configuration - Not used when
running on standby clock
(0) CLK_DET_ENABLE (0) CLK_DET_ENABLE 0X0 Clock detector enable/disable
0x40000114 CLK_DET_STATUS - (1) CLK_DET_INT_STATUS 0X0 Clock detector interrupt status (cleared when read)
- (0) CLK_DET_STATUS 0X0 Clock detector status
ON Semiconductor
- (1) CM3_SW_RESET_FLAG 0X0 Sticky flag that detects that an ARM Cortex-M3
processor software reset occurred
- (0) ACS_RESET_FLAG 0X1 Sticky flag that detects that an ACS reset occurred
ON Semiconductor
0x40000504 FLASH_MAIN_WRITE_UNLOCK (31:0) UNLOCK_KEY - N/A 32-bit key to allow for write accesses to the Flash
Main Block
0x40000508 FLASH_MAIN_CTRL (2) MAIN_HIGH_W_EN (2) MAIN_HIGH_W_EN 0X0 Authorize write access to the high part of the Flash
main block through the FLASH_IF registers.
(1) MAIN_MIDDLE_W_EN (1) MAIN_MIDDLE_W_EN 0X0 Authorize write access to the middle part of the Flash
main block through the FLASH_IF registers.
(0) MAIN_LOW_W_EN (0) MAIN_LOW_W_EN 0X0 Authorize write access to the lower part of the Flash
main block through the FLASH_IF registers.
0x40000510 FLASH_DELAY_CTRL (7) READ_MARGIN (7) READ_MARGIN 0X0 Flash Read access time margin
(3:0) SYSCLK_FREQ (3:0) SYSCLK_FREQ 0X2 Configure Flash, memory and RF power-up delays
0x40000534 FLASH_CMD_CTRL (6:5) CMD_END - N/A Terminates an active Flash command if possible
(e.g. sequential programming sequence)
(4:0) COMMAND (4:0) COMMAND 0X0 Flash access command only writable when equal to
ON Semiconductor
Address Register Name Register Write Register Read Default Description
0x40000538 FLASH_IF_STATUS - (13) TRIMMED_STATUS 0X0 Flash trimming status
- (12) ISOLATE_STATUS 0X1 Flash isolate status
- (11) PROG_SEQ_DATA_REQ 0X0 Request new data while in sequential program mode
- (10) BUSY 0X0 Flash interface busy status bit
- (9) RED2_W_UNLOCK 0X0 Flash RED2 write unlock status bit
- (8) RED1_W_UNLOCK 0X0 Flash RED1 write unlock status bit
- (6) NVR3_W_UNLOCK 0X0 Flash NVR3 write unlock status bit
- (5) NVR2_W_UNLOCK 0X0 Flash NVR2 write unlock status bit
- (4) NVR1_W_UNLOCK 0X0 Flash NVR1 write unlock status bit
RSL10 Hardware Reference
- (2) MAIN_HIGH_W_UNLOCK 0X0 Write unlock status bit of the high part of the Flash
main block
- (1) MAIN_MIDDLE_W_UNLOCK 0X0 Write unlock status bit of the middle part of the Flash
main block
- (0) MAIN_LOW_W_UNLOCK 0X0 Write unlock status bit of the lower part of the Flash
main block
0x4000053C FLASH_ADDR (20:2) FLASH_ADDR (20:2) FLASH_ADDR 0X0 Flash Byte Address
0x40000540 FLASH_DATA (31:0) DATA (31:0) DATA 0X0 32-bit Flash Data
0x40000548 FLASH_NVR_WRITE_UNLOCK (31:0) UNLOCK_KEY - N/A 32-bit key to allow for write access to NVR sectors of
the Flash
0x4000054C (3) NVR3_W_EN (3) NVR3_W_EN 0X0 Authorize write access to the Flash NVR3 sector
through the FLASH_IF registers.
(2) NVR2_W_EN (2) NVR2_W_EN 0X0 Authorize write access to the Flash NVR2 sector
through the FLASH_IF registers.
(1) NVR1_W_EN (1) NVR1_W_EN 0X0 Authorize write access to the Flash NVR1 sector
through the FLASH_IF registers.
0x40000568 FLASH_PATCH_ADDR (20:11) PATCH_ADDR (20:11) PATCH_ADDR 0XFF800
0x40000580 FLASH_COPY_CFG (18) COMP_ADDR_STEP (18) COMP_ADDR_STEP 0X0 Comparator address increment/decrement by 1 or 2
(17) COMP_ADDR_DIR (17) COMP_ADDR_DIR 0X1 Comparator address-up or address-down
(16) COMP_MODE (16) COMP_MODE 0X0 Comparator Mode
(9) COPY_DEST (9) COPY_DEST 0X0 Destination copier is the CRC or memories
(8) COPY_MODE (8) COPY_MODE 0X0 Select copier mode (32-bit or 40-bit)
(0) MODE (0) MODE 0X0 Copier or Comparator Mode Configuration
0x400005C8 FLASH_COPY_CTRL - (3) ERROR 0X0 Error status
(2) STOP - N/A Stop the transfer
(1) START - N/A Start the transfer
- (0) BUSY 0X0 Busy status
0x400005D0 FLASH_COPY_SRC_ADDR_PTR (20:0) COPY_SRC_ADDR_PTR (20:0) COPY_SRC_ADDR_PTR 0X0 Source address pointer
Address Register Name Register Write Register Read Default Description
0x400005D4 FLASH_COPY_DST_ADDR_PTR (31:2) COPY_DST_ADDR_PTR (31:2) COPY_DST_ADDR_PTR 0X0 Destination address pointer
0x400005D8 FLASH_COPY_WORD_CNT (16:0) COPY_WORD_CNT (16:0) COPY_WORD_CNT 0X0 Number of words to copy / compare
0x400005DC FLASH_ECC_CTRL (15:8) (15:8) 0X1 Select the number of corrected errors before sending
(3) COPIER_ECC_CTRL (3) COPIER_ECC_CTRL 0X1 Select enable/ disable ECC when reading through
Flash Copier
(2) CMD_ECC_CTRL (2) CMD_ECC_CTRL 0X1 Select enable/ disable ECC when reading through
Flash mapped register
(0) IDBUS_ECC_CTRL (0) IDBUS_ECC_CTRL 0X1 Select the operating mode of the Flash ECC
0x400005E0 FLASH_ECC_STATUS (6) ECC_COR_ERROR_CNT_CLEAR - N/A Reset the Flash corrected errors counter
(5) ECC_UNCOR_ERROR_CNT_CLEAR - N/A Reset the Flash uncorrected errors counter
(4) ECC_ERROR_ADDR_CLEAR - N/A Reset the Flash address of the last detected error
0x400005E4 FLASH_ECC_ERROR_ADDR - (20:2) ECC_ERROR_ADDR 0X0 Store the Flash address of the latest Flash ECC error
0x400005E8 FLASH_ECC_UNCOR_ERROR_CNT - (7:0) ECC_UNCOR_ERROR_CNT 0X0 Flash ECC uncorrected error counter
0x400005EC FLASH_ECC_COR_ERROR_CNT - (7:0) ECC_COR_ERROR_CNT 0X0 Flash ECC corrected error counter
ON Semiconductor
(23) ERROR_INT_ENABLE (23) ERROR_INT_ENABLE 0X0 Raise an interrupt when a state machine error occurs
during a DMA transfer
(22) COMPLETE_INT_ENABLE (22) COMPLETE_INT_ENABLE 0X0 Raise an interrupt when the DMA transfer completes
(21) COUNTER_INT_ENABLE (21) COUNTER_INT_ENABLE 0X0 Raise an interrupt when the DMA transfer reaches
the counter value
(20) START_INT_ENABLE (20) START_INT_ENABLE 0X0 Raise an interrupt when the DMA transfer starts
(19:18) DEST_WORD_SIZE (19:18) DEST_WORD_SIZE 0X0 Select the destination word size
(17:16) SRC_WORD_SIZE (17:16) SRC_WORD_SIZE 0X0 Select the source word size
(14:12) DEST_SELECT (14:12) DEST_SELECT 0X0 Select the request line for the destination
(11:9) SRC_SELECT (11:9) SRC_SELECT 0X0 Select the request line for the source
(7:6) CHANNEL_PRIORITY (7:6) CHANNEL_PRIORITY 0X0 Select the priority level for this channel
(5:4) TRANSFER_TYPE (5:4) TRANSFER_TYPE 0X0 Select the type of transfer implemented by DMA
(3) DEST_ADDR_INC (3) DEST_ADDR_INC 0X0 Configure whether the destination address should
(2) SRC_ADDR_INC (2) SRC_ADDR_INC 0X0 Configure whether the source address should
(1) ADDR_MODE (1) ADDR_MODE 0X0 Select the addressing mode for this channel
(0) ENABLE (0) ENABLE 0X0 Enable DMA Channel
0x40000620 DMA_SRC_BASE_ADDR (31:0) DMA_SRC_BASE_ADDR (31:0) DMA_SRC_BASE_ADDR 0X0 Base address for the source of data transferred
using DMA channel
0x40000640 DMA_DEST_BASE_ADDR (31:0) DMA_DEST_BASE_ADDR (31:0) DMA_DEST_BASE_ADDR 0X0 Base address for the destination of data transferred
using DMA channel
0x40000660 DMA_CTRL1 (31:16) COUNTER_INT_VALUE (31:16) COUNTER_INT_VALUE 0X0 Trigger a counter interrupt when the DMA transfer
word count reaches this value
(15:0) TRANSFER_LENGTH (15:0) TRANSFER_LENGTH 0X0 The length, in words, of each data transfer using
DMA channel
0x40000680 DMA_NEXT_SRC_ADDR - (31:0) DMA_NEXT_SRC_ADDR 0X0 Address of the next data to be transferred using
DMA channel
Address Register Name Register Write Register Read Default Description
0x400006A0 DMA_NEXT_DEST_ADDR - (31:0) DMA_NEXT_DEST_ADDR 0X0 Address where the next data to be transferred using
DMA channel will be stored
0x400006C0 DMA_WORD_CNT - (15:0) DMA_WORD_CNT 0X0 The number of words that have been transferred
using DMA channel during the current transfer
0x400006E0 DMA_STATUS (12) ERROR_INT_CLEAR - N/A Clear the state machine error interrupt flag
(11) COMPLETE_INT_CLEAR - N/A Clear the complete interrupt flag
(10) COUNTER_INT_CLEAR - N/A Clear the counter interrupt flag
(9) START_INT_CLEAR - N/A Clear the start interrupt flag
(8) DISABLE_INT_CLEAR - N/A Clear the channel disable flag
- (7:5) STATE 0X0 DMA channel state
- (4) ERROR_INT_STATUS 0X0 Indicate if a state machine error interrupt has
occurred on DMA channel
- (3) COMPLETE_INT_STATUS 0X0 Indicate if a complete interrupt has occurred on DMA
- (2) COUNTER_INT_STATUS 0X0 Indicate if a counter interrupt has occurred on DMA
- (1) START_INT_STATUS 0X0 Indicate if a start interrupt has occurred on DMA
- (0) DISABLE_INT_STATUS 0X0 Indicate if a channel disable interrupt has occurred
on DMA channel
ON Semiconductor
(12:8) FRAME (12:8) FRAME 0X11 PCM_FRAME input selection
(4:0) CLK (4:0) CLK 0X11 PCM_CLK input selection
0x40000764 DIO_SPI_SRC (20:16) SERI (20:16) SERI 0X11 SPI_SERI input selection
(12:8) CS (12:8) CS 0X11 SPI_CS input selection
(4:0) CLK (4:0) CLK 0X11 SPI_CLK input selection
0x4000076C DIO_UART_SRC (4:0) RX (4:0) RX 0X11 UART_RX input selection
0x40000770 DIO_I2C_SRC (12:8) SDA (12:8) SDA 0X11 SDA input selection
(4:0) SCL (4:0) SCL 0X11 SCL input selection
0x40000774 DIO_AUDIOSINK_SRC (4:0) CLK (4:0) CLK 0X11 Audio sink clock input selection
0x40000778 DIO_NMI_SRC (5) NMI_POLARITY (5) NMI_POLARITY 0X1 NMI polarity
(4:0) NMI (4:0) NMI 0X10 NMI input selection
0x4000077C DIO_BB_RX_SRC (20:16) RF_SYNC_P (20:16) RF_SYNC_P 0X12 Baseband controller interface RF_SYNC_P input
(12:8) CLK (12:8) CLK 0X12 Baseband controller Rx clock input selection
(4:0) DATA (4:0) DATA 0X12 Baseband controller Rx data input selection
0x40000780 DIO_BB_SPI_SRC (4:0) MISO (4:0) MISO 0X12 Baseband controller SPI_MISO input selection
Address Register Name Register Write Register Read Default Description
0x40000784 DIO_RF_SPI_SRC (20:16) MOSI (20:16) MOSI 0X12 RF front-end SPI_MOSI input selection
(12:8) CSN (12:8) CSN 0X12 RF front-end SPI_CSN input selection
(4:0) CLK (4:0) CLK 0X12 RF front-end SPI_CLK input selection
0x40000788 DIO_RF_GPIO03_SRC (28:24) GPIO3 (28:24) GPIO3 0X12 RF front-end GPIO3 input selection
(20:16) GPIO2 (20:16) GPIO2 0X12 RF front-end GPIO2 input selection
(12:8) GPIO1 (12:8) GPIO1 0X10 RF front-end GPIO1 input selection
(4:0) GPIO0 (4:0) GPIO0 0X10 RF front-end GPIO0 input selection
0x4000078C DIO_RF_GPIO47_SRC (28:24) GPIO7 (28:24) GPIO7 0X10 RF front-end GPIO7 input selection
(20:16) GPIO6 (20:16) GPIO6 0X10 RF front-end GPIO6 input selection
(12:8) GPIO5 (12:8) GPIO5 0X10 RF front-end GPIO5 input selection
(4:0) GPIO4 (4:0) GPIO4 0X12 RE front-end GPIO4 input selection
0x40000790 DIO_RF_GPIO89_SRC (12:8) GPIO9 (12:8) GPIO9 0X10 RF front-end GPIO9 input selection
(4:0) GPIO8 (4:0) GPIO8 0X10 RF front-end GPIO8 input selection
0x40000794 DIO_DMIC_SRC (12:8) CLK (12:8) CLK 0X11 DMIC clock input selection
(4:0) DATA (4:0) DATA 0X11 DMIC data input selection
0x40000798 DIO_LPDSP32_JTAG_SRC (20:16) TDI (20:16) TDI 0X11 LPDSP32_TDI input selection
(12:8) TMS (12:8) TMS 0X11 LPDSP32_TMS input selection
(4:0) TCK (4:0) TCK 0X11 LPDSP32_TCK input selection
0x4000079C DIO_JTAG_SW_PAD_CFG (9) JTCK_LPF (9) JTCK_LPF 0X0 JTCK Low-Pass-Filter enable / disable
(8) JTMS_LPF (8) JTMS_LPF 0X0 JTMS Low-Pass-Filter enable / disable
(7) CM3_JTAG_DATA_EN (7) CM3_JTAG_DATA_EN 0X1 ARM Cortex-M3 processor JTAG on DIO[14:15]
(6) CM3_JTAG_TRST_EN (6) CM3_JTAG_TRST_EN 0X1 ARM Cortex-M3 processor JTAG TRST on DIO13
(5:4) JTCK_PULL (5:4) JTCK_PULL 0X1 JTCK pull-up enable / disable
(3:2) JTMS_DRIVE (3:2) JTMS_DRIVE 0X3 JTMS drive strength
(1:0) JTMS_PULL (1:0) JTMS_PULL 0X1 JTMS pull-up enable / disable
0x400007A0 DIO_EXTCLK_CFG (2) LPF (2) LPF 0X0 Low Pass Filter enable
(1:0) PULL_CTRL (1:0) PULL_CTRL 0X1 Pull Selection
0x400007A4 DIO_PAD_CFG (0) DRIVE (0) DRIVE 0X1 Drive strength configuration (scales the individual
drive strengths)
ON Semiconductor
0x40000808 SPI0_TX_DATA (31:0) SPI0_TX_DATA (31:0) SPI0_TX_DATA 0X0 Single word buffer for data to be transmitted over the
SPI interface
0x4000080C SPI0_RX_DATA - (31:0) SPI0_RX_DATA 0X0 Single word buffer for data that has been received
over the SPI interface
0x40000810 SPI0_STATUS (3) SPI0_TRANSMIT_STATUS (3) SPI0_TRANSMIT_STATUS 0X0 Indicate that the transmission of the data is
(2) SPI0_RECEIVE_STATUS (2) SPI0_RECEIVE_STATUS 0X0 Indicate that new data has been received
(1) SPI0_OVERRUN_STATUS (1) SPI0_OVERRUN_STATUS 0X0 Indicate that an overrun has occurred when receiving
data on the SPI interface
(0) SPI0_UNDERRUN_STATUS (0) SPI0_UNDERRUN_STATUS 0X0 Indicate that an underrun has occurred when
transmitting data on the SPI interface
0x4000090C SPI1_RX_DATA - (31:0) SPI1_RX_DATA 0X0 Single word buffer for data that has been received
over the SPI interface
0x40000910 SPI1_STATUS (3) SPI1_TRANSMIT_STATUS (3) SPI1_TRANSMIT_STATUS 0X0 Indicate that the transmission of the data is
(2) SPI1_RECEIVE_STATUS (2) SPI1_RECEIVE_STATUS 0X0 Indicate that new data has been received
(1) SPI1_OVERRUN_STATUS (1) SPI1_OVERRUN_STATUS 0X0 Indicate that an overrun has occurred when receiving
data on the SPI interface
(0) SPI1_UNDERRUN_STATUS (0) SPI1_UNDERRUN_STATUS 0X0 Indicate that an underrun has occurred when
transmitting data on the SPI interface
ON Semiconductor
(3) FRAME_SUBFRAMES (3) FRAME_SUBFRAMES 0X0 Select between a frame signal with every word and a
(2) CONTROLLER (2) CONTROLLER 0X0 Select whether data transfer will be controlled by the
ARM Cortex-M3 processor or the DMA for PCM
(1) ENABLE (1) ENABLE 0X0 Enable/disable the PCM interface
(0) SLAVE (0) SLAVE 0X1 Use the PCM interface as a master/slave
0x40000A04 PCM_TX_DATA (31:0) PCM_TX_DATA (31:0) PCM_TX_DATA 0X0 Data to transmit over the PCM interface
0x40000A08 PCM_RX_DATA - (31:0) PCM_RX_DATA 0X0 Data received from the PCM interface
0x40000A0C PCM_STATUS (3) TRANSMIT_STATUS (3) TRANSMIT_STATUS 0X0 Indicate that PCM data has been sent
(2) RECEIVE_STATUS (2) RECEIVE_STATUS 0X0 Indicate that PCM data has been received
(1) OVERRUN_STATUS (1) OVERRUN_STATUS 0X0 Indicate that an overrun has occurred when receiving
data on the PCM interface
(0) UNDERRUN_STATUS (0) UNDERRUN_STATUS 0X0 Indicate that an underrun has occurred when
transmitting data on the PCM interface
(1) NACK - N/A Issue a not acknowledge on the I2C interface bus
(0) ACK - N/A Issue an acknowledge on the I2C interface bus
0x40000B08 I2C_DATA (7:0) I2C_DATA (7:0) I2C_DATA 0X0 Single byte buffer for data transmitted and received
over the I2C interface
0x40000B0C I2C_DATA_M (7:0) I2C_DATA_M (7:0) I2C_DATA_M 0X0 Mirror of the single byte buffer for data transmitted
and received over the I2C interface
0x40000B10 I2C_ADDR_START (7:1) ADDRESS - N/A I2C address to use for the transaction
(0) READ_WRITE - N/A Select whether a read or a write transaction is
ON Semiconductor
Address Register Name Register Write Register Read Default Description
0x40000B14 I2C_STATUS - (15) ERROR_S 0X0 Error status bit (sticky) - This status bit is
automatically reset when the I2C_STATUS register is
- (14) BUS_ERROR_S 0X0 Bus error status bit (sticky) - This status bit is
automatically reset when the I2C_STATUS register is
- (13) START_PENDING 0X0 Master frame start pending status bit
- (12) MASTER_MODE 0X0 Master mode status bit
- (11) DMA_REQ 0X0 Indicate if the I2C interface is currently requesting
DMA data
- (10) STOP_DETECT 0X0 Indicate if an I2C stop bit has been detected
RSL10 Hardware Reference
- (9) DATA_EVENT 0X0 Indicate that the I2C interface either needs data to
transmit or has received data
- (8) ERROR 0X0 Indicate if the I2C interface has detected any error
(automatically cleared when a stop condition is
- (7) BUS_ERROR 0X0 Indicate if the I2C interface has detected a bus error
(automatically cleared when a stop condition is
- (6) BUFFER_FULL 0X0 Indicate if the I2C data buffer is full
- (5) CLK_STRETCH 0X0 Indicate if the I2C interface is holding the clock signal
- (4) BUS_FREE 0X1 Indicate if the I2C interface bus is free
- (3) ADDR_DATA 0X0 Indicate if the I2C data register holds an address or
data byte
- (2) READ_WRITE 0X0 Indicate whether the I2C bus transfer is a read or a
- (1) GEN_CALL 0X0 Indicate whether the I2C bus transfer is using the
general call address or another address
- (0) ACK_STATUS 0X0 Indicate whether an acknowledge or a not
acknowledge has been received
ON Semiconductor
(3) DMIC0_DMA_REQ_EN (3) DMIC0_DMA_REQ_EN 0X0 Enable the DMA request when a new DMIC0 sample
is ready
(2) DMIC0_INT_GEN_EN (2) DMIC0_INT_GEN_EN 0X0 Enable the interrupt generation when a new DMIC0
sample is ready
(0) DMIC0_ENABLE (0) DMIC0_ENABLE 0X0 Enable DMIC0 input
ON Semiconductor
Address Register Name Register Write Register Read Default Description
0x40000E04 AUDIO_STATUS (10) OD_UNDERRUN_FLAG_CLEAR - N/A Reset the output driver underrun detection sticky bit
- (9) OD_UNDERRUN_FLAG 0X0 Sticky bit indicating the detection of an output driver
- (8) OD_DATA_REQ_FLAG 0X0 Flag indicating that a new output driver sample is
(6) DMIC1_OVERRUN_FLAG_CLEAR - N/A Reset the DMIC1 overrun detection sticky bit
- (5) DMIC1_OVERRUN_FLAG 0X0 Sticky bit indicating the detection of a DMIC1 overrun
- (4) DMIC1_DATA_RDY_FLAG 0X0 Flag indicating the availability of a new DMIC1
(2) DMIC0_OVERRUN_FLAG_CLEAR - N/A Reset the DMIC0 overrun detection sticky bit
RSL10 Hardware Reference
- (1) DMIC0_OVERRUN_FLAG 0X0 Sticky bit indicating the detection of a DMIC0 overrun
- (0) DMIC0_DATA_RDY_FLAG 0X0 Flag indicating the availability of a new DMIC0
0x40000E08 AUDIO_DMIC_CFG (28:24) DMIC1_FRAC_DELAY (28:24) DMIC1_FRAC_DELAY 0X0 DMIC1 fractional delay (each step represents a
DMIC clock cycle)
(19:16) DMIC1_DELAY (19:16) DMIC1_DELAY 0X0 DMIC1 delay (0 to 1.875 samples in steps of 0.125
(14:12) DMIC1_DCRM (14:12) DMIC1_DCRM 0X0 DMIC1 DC removal filter enable and cut-off
(10:8) DMIC0_DCRM (10:8) DMIC0_DCRM 0X0 DMIC0 DC removal filter enable and cut-off
(1) DMIC1_CLK_EDGE (1) DMIC1_CLK_EDGE 0X0 DMIC1 input clock edge
(0) DMIC0_CLK_EDGE (0) DMIC0_CLK_EDGE 0X0 DMIC0 input clock edge
0x40000E0C AUDIO_DMIC0_GAIN (11:0) GAIN (11:0) GAIN 0X800 DMIC calibration gain (unsigned value from 0 to +2)
0x40000E10 AUDIO_DMIC1_GAIN (11:0) GAIN (11:0) GAIN 0X800 DMIC calibration gain (unsigned value from 0 to +2)
0x40000E14 AUDIO_DMIC_DATA - (31:16) DMIC1_DATA 0X0 DMIC1 input data (16-bit)
- po (15:0) DMIC0_DATA 0X0 DMIC0 input data (16-bit)
0x40000E18 AUDIO_DMIC0_DATA - (31:0) DATA 0X0 DMIC1 input data (LSB or MSB aligned according to
AUDIO_CFG), data is sign extended from 16-bit to
32-bit when read in LSB aligned mode, or zero
padded when read in MSB aligned mode
0x40000E1C AUDIO_DMIC1_DATA - (31:0) DATA 0X0 DMIC0 input data (LSB or MSB aligned according to
AUDIO_CFG), data is sign extended from 16-bit to
32-bit when read in LSB aligned mode, or zero
padded when read in MSB aligned mode
0x40000E20 AUDIO_OD_CFG (19:16) DCRM (19:16) DCRM 0X0 Output driver DC removal filter enable and cut-off
(10) DITHER (10) DITHER 0X0 Sigma-delta modulator dithering enable
(0) CLK_EDGE (0) CLK_EDGE 0X1 Output driver output clock edge
0x40000E24 AUDIO_OD_GAIN (11:0) GAIN (11:0) GAIN 0X800 Output driver calibration gain (unsigned value from 0
to +2)
Address Register Name Register Write Register Read Default Description
0x40000E28 AUDIO_OD_DATA (31:0) DATA - N/A OD output data (LSB or MSB aligned according to
OD_CFG), data is truncated to 16 bits when written
in LSB aligned mode, or rounded symmetrically with
saturation when written in MSB aligned mode
- (31:0) DATA_RD 0X0 OD output data (LSB or MSB aligned according to
OD_CFG), data is sign extended from 16-bit to 32-bit
when read in LSB aligned mode, or zero padded in
MSB aligned mode
0x40000E30 AUDIO_SDM_CFG (31:0) SDM_CFG (31:0) SDM_CFG 0X0 Sigma-Delta modulator internal configuration for test
ON Semiconductor
0x40000F08 CRC_ADD_1 (0) CRC_ADD_1_BIT - N/A Add 1 bit to the CRC calculation
0x40000F0C CRC_ADD_8 (7:0) CRC_ADD_8 - N/A Add 1 byte (8 bits) to the CRC calculation
0x40000F10 CRC_ADD_16 (15:0) CRC_ADD_16 - N/A Add 1 half-word (16 bits) to the CRC calculation
0x40000F14 CRC_ADD_24 (23:0) CRC_ADD_24_BITS - N/A Add 3 bytes (24 bits) to the CRC calculation
0x40000F18 CRC_ADD_32 (31:0) CRC_ADD_32 - N/A Add 1 word (32 bits) to the CRC calculation
0x40000F1C CRC_FINAL - (31:0) FINAL_CRC 0X0 CRC generator final value: After XOR for CCITT or
byte reversal for CRC-32
ON Semiconductor
(8) ASRC_IN_ERR_CLR - N/A Clear the ASRC input interface error interrupt
(3) ASRC_RESET - N/A Write a 1 to reset ASRC
- (2) ASRC_EN_STATUS 0X0 Enable status of the re-sampler block
(1) ASRC_DISABLE - N/A Disable the re-sampler block
(0) ASRC_ENABLE - N/A Enable the re-sampler block
0x40001104 ASRC_INT_ENABLE (3) ASRC_UPDATE_ERR (3) ASRC_UPDATE_ERR 0X1 The ASRC state/configuration update error interrupt
(2) ASRC_IN_ERR (2) ASRC_IN_ERR 0X0 The ASRC input interface error interrupt mask
(1) ASRC_OUT_REQ (1) ASRC_OUT_REQ 0X0 The ASRC_OUT register interrupt status
(0) ASRC_IN_REQ (0) ASRC_IN_REQ 0X0 The ASRC_IN register interrupt status
0x40001108 ASRC_OUT (15:0) ASRC_OUT (15:0) ASRC_OUT 0X0 Audio sample output
0x4000110C ASRC_IN (15:0) ASRC_IN (15:0) ASRC_IN 0X0 Audio sample input
0x40001110 ASRC_CFG (2) WDF_TYPE (2) WDF_TYPE 0X0 WDF Type Selection
(1:0) ASRC_MODE (1:0) ASRC_MODE 0X0 ASRC mode
0x40001114 ASRC_OUTPUT_CNT (9:0) ASRC_OUTPUT_CNT (9:0) ASRC_OUTPUT_CNT 0X0 ASRC output sample counter
0x40001118 ASRC_PHASE_INC (31:0) ASRC_STEP (31:0) ASRC_STEP 0X0 ASRC phase counter increment step size
0x4000111C ASRC_PHASE_CNT (31:0) ASRC_PHASE_CNT (31:0) ASRC_PHASE_CNT 0X0 ASRC phase counter
0x40001120 ASRC_STATE_MEM (31:0) ASRC_STATE_MEM (31:0) ASRC_STATE_MEM 0X0 ASRC State Memory 0 to 29
the battery monitor voltage threshold. The counter is
reset when read.
0x4000127C ADC_BATMON_STATUS (12) BATMON_ALARM_CLEAR - N/A Battery monitoring alarm status bit
(9) ADC_OVERRUN_CLEAR - N/A ADC Overrun condition
(8) ADC_READY_CLEAR - N/A ADC new sample Ready status bit
- (4) BATMON_ALARM_STAT 0X0 Battery monitoring alarm status bit
- (1) ADC_OVERRUN_STAT 0X0 ADC Overrun condition
- (0) ADC_READY_STAT 0X0 ADC new sample Ready status bit
ON Semiconductor
(4:0) VTRIM (4:0) VTRIM 0XA Output voltage trimming configuration in 10 mV steps
0x40001308 ACS_VDDA_CP_CTRL (1:0) PTRIM (1:0) PTRIM 0X0 Output power trimming
0x4000130C ACS_VDDC_CTRL (21:16) STANDBY_VTRIM (21:16) STANDBY_VTRIM 0X23 VDDC standby voltage trimming (10 mV steps)
(13) ENABLE_LOW_BIAS (13) ENABLE_LOW_BIAS 0X0 Low power mode control
(5:0) VTRIM (5:0) VTRIM 0X23 Output voltage trimming configuration in 10 mV steps
0x40001310 ACS_VDDM_CTRL (21:16) STANDBY_VTRIM (21:16) STANDBY_VTRIM 0X23 VDDM standby voltage trimming (10 mV steps)
(13) ENABLE_LOW_BIAS (13) ENABLE_LOW_BIAS 0X0 Low power mode control
(12) SLEEP_CLAMP (12) SLEEP_CLAMP 0X0 Sleep mode clamp control
(5:0) VTRIM (5:0) VTRIM 0X23 Output voltage trimming configuration in 10 mV steps
0x40001314 ACS_VDDRF_CTRL - (24) READY 0X0 Supply ready
(12) CLAMP (12) CLAMP 0X0 Disable mode clamp control
(8) ENABLE (8) ENABLE 0X0 Enable control
(5:0) VTRIM (5:0) VTRIM 0X23 Output voltage trimming configuration in 10 mV steps
0x40001318 ACS_VDDPA_CTRL (12) VDDPA_SW_CTRL (12) VDDPA_SW_CTRL 0X0 Power amplifier supply control
(9) ENABLE_ISENSE (9) ENABLE_ISENSE 0X0 Enable current sensing circuit
(8) ENABLE (8) ENABLE 0X0 Enable control
(5:0) VTRIM (5:0) VTRIM 0X37 Output voltage trimming configuration in 10 mV steps
0x4000131C ACS_VDDRET_CTRL (18:17) VDDMRET_VTRIM (18:17) VDDMRET_VTRIM 0X3 VDDMRET retention regulator voltage trimming
(16) VDDMRET_ENABLE (16) VDDMRET_ENABLE 0X0 Enable/Disable the VDDMRET retention regulator
(10:9) VDDTRET_VTRIM (10:9) VDDTRET_VTRIM 0X3 VDDTRET retention regulator voltage trimming
(8) VDDTRET_ENABLE (8) VDDTRET_ENABLE 0X0 Enable/Disable the VDDTRET retention regulator
(2:1) VDDCRET_VTRIM (2:1) VDDCRET_VTRIM 0X3 VDDCRET retention regulator voltage trimming
(0) VDDCRET_ENABLE (0) VDDCRET_ENABLE 0X0 Enable/Disable the VDDCRET retention regulator
Address Register Name Register Write Register Read Default Description
0x40001320 ACS_RCOSC_CTRL (18) CLOCK_MULT (18) CLOCK_MULT 0X0 Enable 12 MHz mode of startup oscillator
(16) RC_OSC_EN (16) RC_OSC_EN 0X0 Enable/Disable the 32 kHz RC Oscillator
(15) FTRIM_FLAG (15) FTRIM_FLAG 0X0 Trimming flag
(13:8) FTRIM_START (13:8) FTRIM_START 0X20 Start RC oscillator frequency trimming
(6) FTRIM_32K_ADJ (6) FTRIM_32K_ADJ 0X0 Adjust 32 kHz oscillator frequency range
(5:0) FTRIM_32K (5:0) FTRIM_32K 0X20 32 kHz RC oscillator frequency trimming
0x40001324 ACS_XTAL32K_CTRL - (24) READY 0X0 XTAL ready status
(18) XIN_CAP_BYPASS_EN (18) XIN_CAP_BYPASS_EN 0X0 Switch to bypass the added XIN serial cap to reduce
the leakage
(17) EN_AMPL_CTRL (17) EN_AMPL_CTRL 0X0 XTAL enable amplitude control (regulation)
(16) FORCE_READY (16) FORCE_READY 0X0 XTAL bypass the ready detector
(13:8) CLOAD_TRIM (13:8) CLOAD_TRIM 0X9 XTAL load capacitance configuration
(7:4) ITRIM (7:4) ITRIM 0X7 XTAL current trimming
(1) IBOOST (1) IBOOST 0X0 XTAL current boosting (4x)
(0) ENABLE (0) ENABLE 0X0 Enable the XTAL 32 kHz oscillator
0x40001328 ACS_BB_TIMER_CTRL (9:8) BB_CLK_PRESCALE (9:8) BB_CLK_PRESCALE 0X0 Prescale value for the baseband timer clock
(0) BB_TIMER_NRESET (0) BB_TIMER_NRESET 0X0 nReset signal for the baseband timer
0x4000132C ACS_CLK_DET_CTRL - (8) CLOCK_PRESENT 0X1 Clock present flag
(1) RESET_IGNORE (1) RESET_IGNORE 0X0 Clock detector reset condition ignore
(0) ENABLE (0) ENABLE 0X1 Clock detector enable
0x40001330 ACS_RTC_CFG (31:0) START_VALUE (31:0) START_VALUE 0X7FFF Start value for the RTC timer counter (counts from
start_value down to 0)
0x40001334 ACS_RTC_COUNT - (31:0) VALUE 0X0 RTC timer current value
0x40001338 ACS_RTC_CTRL (25) FORCE_CLOCK - N/A Force a clock on RTC timer (Test Purpose)
(24) RESET - N/A Reset the RTC timer
(7:4) ALARM_CFG (7:4) ALARM_CFG 0X0 Configure RTC timer alarm
(3:1) CLK_SRC_SEL (3:1) CLK_SRC_SEL 0X0 Select the RTC, standby and bb timer clock source
(0) ENABLE (0) ENABLE 0X0 Enable counter and RTC interrupt every 1s
0x40001340 ACS_PWR_MODES_CTRL (31:0) POWER_MODE - N/A 32-bit key to enter RUN, STANDBY or SLEEP mode
ON Semiconductor
Address Register Name Register Write Register Read Default Description
0x40001344 ACS_WAKEUP_CTRL (24) PADS_RETENTION_EN (24) PADS_RETENTION_EN 0X0 Enable / Disable the Retention Mode of the pads
- (19) RC_CLOCK_MULT 0X0 RC oscillator clock multiplier read only flag (mirror of
- (18) RC_FTRIM_FLAG 0X0 RC oscillator trimming read only flag (mirror of
(17) BOOT_XTAL_EN (17) BOOT_XTAL_EN 0X0 Indication that the XTAL should be started at boot
(16) BOOT_SELECT (16) BOOT_SELECT 0X0 Boot selection bit to indicate boot source
RSL10 Hardware Reference
Address Register Name Register Write Register Read Default Description
0x40001348 ACS_WAKEUP_CFG (18:16) DELAY (18:16) DELAY 0X5 Delay from VDDC ready to digital clock enable
(power of 2)
(9) DCDC_OVERLOAD_EN (9) DCDC_OVERLOAD_EN 0X0 Enable / Disable the Wakeup functionality on the
DCDC overload flag
(8) WAKEUP_PAD_POL (8) WAKEUP_PAD_POL 0X0 Wakeup polarity on the WAKEUP pad
(7) DIO3_POL (7) DIO3_POL 0X0 Wakeup polarity on the DIO3 pad
(6) DIO2_POL (6) DIO2_POL 0X0 Wakeup polarity on the DIO2 pad
(5) DIO1_POL (5) DIO1_POL 0X0 Wakeup polarity on the DIO1 pad
(4) DIO0_POL (4) DIO0_POL 0X0 Wakeup polarity on the DIO0 pad
(3) DIO3_EN (3) DIO3_EN 0X0 Enable / Disable the Wakeup functionality on the
DIO3 pad
(2) DIO2_EN (2) DIO2_EN 0X0 Enable / Disable the Wakeup functionality on the
DIO2 pad
(1) DIO1_EN (1) DIO1_EN 0X0 Enable / Disable the Wakeup functionality on the
DIO1 pad
(0) DIO0_EN (0) DIO0_EN 0X0 Enable / Disable the Wakeup functionality on the
DIO0 pad
0x4000134C ACS_WAKEUP_STATE - (18:16) WAKEUP_SRC 0X0 Status register indicates the last wakeup source
- (7:0) RTC_VALUE 0X0 RTC counter value captured at wakeup event (only 8
LSBs, corresponds to 7.8 ms)
0x40001350 ACS_WAKEUP_GP_DATA (31:0) GP_DATA (31:0) GP_DATA 0X0 32-bit General-Purpose RW Data
ON Semiconductor
Address Register Name Register Write Register Read Default Description
0x40001354 ACS_RESET_STATUS - (14) TIMEOUT_RESET_FLAG 0X0 Sticky flag that detects that a timeout in the power up
sequence occurred
- (13) CLK_DET_RESET_FLAG 0X0 Sticky flag that detects that a clock detector reset
- (12) VDDA_RESET_FLAG 0X1 Sticky flag that detects that a VDDA reset occurred
(triggered by vdda_ready = 0)
- (11) VDDM_RESET_FLAG 0X1 Sticky flag that detects that a VDDM reset occurred
(triggered by vddc_ready = 0)
- (10) VDDC_RESET_FLAG 0X1 Sticky flag that detects that a VDDC reset occurred
(triggered by vddc_ready = 0)
- (9) PAD_RESET_FLAG 0X0 Sticky flag that detects that a reset occurred due to
RSL10 Hardware Reference
- (8) POR_RESET_FLAG 0X1 Sticky flag that detects that a POR reset occurred
(5) CLK_DET_RESET_FLAG_CLEAR - N/A Reset the sticky CLK_DET_RESET flag.
(4) VDDA_RESET_FLAG_CLEAR - N/A Reset the sticky VDDA_RESET flag.
(3) VDDM_RESET_FLAG_CLEAR - N/A Reset the sticky VDDM_RESET flag.
(2) VDDC_RESET_FLAG_CLEAR - N/A Reset the sticky VDDC_RESET flag.
(1) PAD_RESET_FLAG_CLEAR - N/A Reset the sticky PAD_RESET flag.
(0) POR_RESET_FLAG_CLEAR - N/A Reset the sticky POR_RESET flag.
0x40001358 ACS_AOUT_CTRL (13) RTC_CLOCK_DIO0_STOP_EDGE (13) RTC_CLOCK_DIO0_STOP_EDGE 0X0 Stop edge for RTC clock output on AOUT
(12:11) RTC_CLOCK_DIO0_STOP_SRC (12:11) RTC_CLOCK_DIO0_STOP_SRC 0X0 Stop source for RTC clock output on AOUT
(10:8) RTC_CLOCK_DIO0_START (10:8) RTC_CLOCK_DIO0_START 0X0 Start event for RTC clock output on AOUT (RTC
prescaler and counter need to be enabled)
(4:0) TEST_AOUT (4:0) TEST_AOUT 0X0 AOUT test signal selection
- (0) BLE_RX 0X0 Indicates if the Bluetooth baseband core is busy and
performs Rx activity, active high
0x40001410 BBIF_COEX_INT_CFG (9:8) BLE_IN_PROCESS_EVENT (9:8) BLE_IN_PROCESS_EVENT 0X0 BLE_IN_PROCESS event interrupt configuration
(5:4) BLE_TX_EVENT (5:4) BLE_TX_EVENT 0X0 BLE_TX event interrupt configuration
(1:0) BLE_RX_EVENT (1:0) BLE_RX_EVENT 0X0 BLE_RX event interrupt configuration
0x40001414 BBIF_COEX_INT_STATUS - (4) BLE_TX_EVENT_FLAG 0X0 Indicates if a BLE_TX_EVENT interrupt has been
- (0) BLE_RX_EVENT_FLAG 0X0 Indicates if a BLE_RX_EVENT interrupt has been
ON Semiconductor
Address Register Name Register Write Register Read Default Description
0x40001418 BBIF_SYNC_CFG (17) RF_RX (17) RF_RX 0X0 Specify if the RF front-end is currently receiving the
audio link
(16) RF_ACTIVE (16) RF_ACTIVE 0X0 Specify if the RF front-end is currently processing the
audio link
(15:11) LINK_FORMAT (15:11) LINK_FORMAT 0X0 Configure the Bluetooth low energy technology link
format for synchronization
(8:4) LINK_LABEL (8:4) LINK_LABEL 0X0 Configure the Bluetooth low energy technology link
label for synchronization
(3:1) SOURCE (3:1) SOURCE 0X0 Select the BLE/RF link synchronization source
(0) ENABLE (0) ENABLE 0X0 Enable the frame synchronization pulse filter
RSL10 Hardware Reference
pre-fetch mechanism
(7:4) RXWINSZDEF (7:4) RXWINSZDEF 0X0 Default Rx Window size in us (used when device is
master connected or performs its second receipt)
(2:0) SYNCERR (2:0) SYNCERR 0X0 Indicates the maximum number of errors allowed to
recognize the synchronization word
0x40001504 BB_VERSION - (31:24) TYP 0X8 Bluetooth baseband core type (Bluetooth low energy
technology v4.2)
- (23:16) REL 0X0 Bluetooth baseband core version - major release
- (15:8) UPG 0X9 Bluetooth baseband core upgrade - upgrade number
- (7:0) BUILD 0X1 Bluetooth baseband core build - build number
ON Semiconductor
Address Register Name Register Write Register Read Default Description
0x40001508 BB_RWBLEBCONF - (31) DMMODE 0X0 Bluetooth baseband core dual mode
- (25:24) ISOPORTNB 0X3 Number of supported isochronous channels
- (23) DECIPHER 0X0 AES deciphering present
- (21) COEX 0X1 RF coexistence mechanism
- (20:16) RFIF 0X3 Support of the RF front-end
- (15) USEDBG 0X1 Diagnostic port
- (14) USECRYPT 0X1 AES-CCM encryption
- (13:8) CLK_SEL 0X8 Operating frequency (in MHz)
- (7) INTMODE 0X0 Interruption mode
RSL10 Hardware Reference
(8) EVENTAPFAINTMSK (8) EVENTAPFAINTMSK 0X1 End of event / anticipated pre-fetch abort interrupt
(7) FINETGTIMINTMSK (7) FINETGTIMINTMSK 0X0 Fine target timer mask
(6) GROSSTGTIMINTMSK (6) GROSSTGTIMINTMSK 0X0 Gross target timer mask
(5) ERRORINTMSK (5) ERRORINTMSK 0X0 Error interrupt mask
(4) CRYPTINTMSK (4) CRYPTINTMSK 0X1 Encryption engine interrupt mask
(3) EVENTINTMSK (3) EVENTINTMSK 0X1 End of event interrupt mask
(2) SLPINTMSK (2) SLPINTMSK 0X1 Sleep mode interrupt mask
(1) RXINTMSK (1) RXINTMSK 0X1 Rx interrupt mask
(0) CSCNTINTMSK (0) CSCNTINTMSK 0X1 625us base time interrupt mask
Address Register Name Register Write Register Read Default Description
0x40001510 BB_INTSTAT - (12) AUDIOINT2STAT 0X0 Audio channel 2 interrupt status
- (11) AUDIOINT1STAT 0X0 Audio channel 1 interrupt status
- (10) AUDIOINT0STAT 0X0 Audio channel 0 interrupt status
- (9) SWINTSTAT 0X0 SW triggered interrupt status
- (8) EVENTAPFAINTSTAT 0X0 End of event / anticipated pre-fetch abort interrupt
- (7) FINETGTIMINTSTAT 0X0 Masked fine target timer error interrupt status
- (6) GROSSTGTIMINTSTAT 0X0 Masked gross target timer error interrupt status
- (5) ERRORINTSTAT 0X0 Masked error interrupt status
- (4) CRYPTINTSTAT 0X0 Masked encryption engine interrupt status
- (3) EVENTINTSTAT 0X0 Masked end of event interrupt status
- (2) SLPINTSTAT 0X0 Masked sleep interrupt status
- (1) RXINTSTAT 0X0 Masked packet reception interrupt status
- (0) CSCNTINTSTAT 0X0 Masked 625us base time reference interrupt status
0x40001514 BB_INTRAWSTAT - (12) AUDIOINT2RAWSTAT 0X0 Audio channel 2 interrupt raw status
- (11) AUDIOINT1RAWSTAT 0X0 Audio channel 1 interrupt raw status
- (10) AUDIOINT0RAWSTAT 0X0 Audio channel 0 interrupt raw status
- (9) SWINTRAWSTAT 0X0 SW triggered interrupt raw status
- (8) EVENTAPFAINTRAWSTAT 0X0 End of event / anticipated pre-fetch abort interrupt
raw status
- (7) FINETGTIMINTRAWSTAT 0X0 Masked fine target timer error interrupt raw status
- (6) GROSSTGTIMINTRAWSTAT 0X0 Masked gross target timer interrupt raw status
- (5) ERRORINTRAWSTAT 0X0 Masked error interrupt raw status
- (4) CRYPTINTRAWSTAT 0X0 Masked encryption engine interrupt raw status
- (3) EVENTINTRAWSTAT 0X0 Masked end of event interrupt raw status
- (2) SLPINTRAWSTAT 0X0 Masked sleep interrupt raw status
- (1) RXINTRAWSTAT 0X0 Masked packet reception interrupt raw status
- (0) CSCNTINTRAWSTAT 0X0 Masked 625us base time reference interrupt raw
ON Semiconductor
Address Register Name Register Write Register Read Default Description
0x40001518 BB_INTACK - (12) AUDIOINT2ACK 0X0 Audio channel 2 interrupt acknowledgement bit
- (11) AUDIOINT1ACK 0X0 Audio channel 1 interrupt acknowledgement bit
- (10) AUDIOINT0ACK 0X0 Audio channel 0 interrupt acknowledgement bit
(9) SWINTACK - N/A SW triggered interrupt acknowledgement bit
(8) EVENTAPFAINTACK - N/A End of event / anticipated pre-fetch abort interrupt
acknowledgement bit
(7) FINETGTIMINTACK - N/A Fine target timer interrupt acknowledgement bit
(6) GROSSTGTIMINTACK - N/A Gross target timer interrupt acknowledgement bit
(5) ERRORINTACK - N/A Error interrupt acknowledgement bit
(4) CRYPTINTACK - N/A Encryption engine interrupt acknowledgement bit
RSL10 Hardware Reference
(LSB part)
0x40001528 BB_BDADDRU (16) PRIV_NPUB (16) PRIV_NPUB 0X0 Bluetooth low energy technology device address
privacy indicator
(15:0) BDADDRU (15:0) BDADDRU 0X0 Bluetooth low energy technology device address
(MSB part)
0x4000152C BB_ET_CURRENTRXDESCPTR (31:16) ETPTR (31:16) ETPTR 0X0 Exchange table pointer that determines the starting
point of the exchange table
(14:0) CURRENTRXDESCPTR (14:0) CURRENTRXDESCPTR 0X0 Rx descriptor pointer that determines the starting
point of the receive buffer chained list
0x40001530 BB_DEEPSLCNTL (31) EXTWKUPDSB (31) EXTWKUPDSB 0X0 External wakeup disable
- (15) DEEP_SLEEP_STAT 0X0 Indicator of current deep sleep clock mux status
(4) SOFT_WAKEUP_REQ (4) SOFT_WAKEUP_REQ 0X0 Wake up request from Bluetooth baseband software
applying when system is in Deep Sleep Mode
(3) DEEP_SLEEP_CORR_EN (3) DEEP_SLEEP_CORR_EN 0X0 625us base time reference integer and fractional part
correction applying when system has been woken up
from Deep Sleep Mode
(2) DEEP_SLEEP_ON (2) DEEP_SLEEP_ON 0X0 Bluetooth baseband core power mode control
(1) RADIO_SLEEP_EN (1) RADIO_SLEEP_EN 0X0 Controls the radio module
(0) OSC_SLEEP_EN (0) OSC_SLEEP_EN 0X0 Controls the RF high frequency crystal oscillator
Address Register Name Register Write Register Read Default Description
0x40001534 BB_DEEPSLWKUP (31:0) DEEPSLTIME (31:0) DEEPSLTIME 0X0 Determines the time in low_power_clk clock cycles
to spend in Deep Sleep Mode before waking up the
0x40001538 BB_DEEPSLSTAT - (31:0) DEEPSLDUR 0X0 Actual duration of the last deep sleep phase
measured in low_power_clk clock cycle
0x4000153C BB_ENBPRESET (20:10) TWOSC (20:10) TWOSC 0X0 Time in low power oscillator cycles allowed for
stabilization of the high frequency oscillator when the
deep-Sleep Mode has been left due to sleep-timer
0x40001540 BB_FINECNTCORR (9:0) FINECNTCORR (9:0) FINECNTCORR 0X0 Phase correction value for the 625us reference
counter (i.e. fine counter) in us
0x40001544 BB_BASETIMECNTCORR (26:0) BASETIMECNTCORR (26:0) BASETIMECNTCORR 0X0 Base time counter correction value
0x40001550 BB_DIAGCNTL (31) DIAG3_EN (31) DIAG3_EN 0X0 Enable diagnostic port 3 output
(29:24) DIAG3 (29:24) DIAG3 0X0
(23) DIAG2_EN (23) DIAG2_EN 0X0 Enable diagnostic port 2 output
(21:16) DIAG2 (21:16) DIAG2 0X0
(15) DIAG1_EN (15) DIAG1_EN 0X0 Enable diagnostic port 1 output
(13:8) DIAG1 (13:8) DIAG1 0X0
(7) DIAG0_EN (7) DIAG0_EN 0X0 Enable diagnostic port 0 output
(5:0) DIAG0 (5:0) DIAG0 0X0
0x40001554 BB_DIAGSTAT - (31:24) DIAG3STAT 0X0 Directly connected to ble_dbg3[7:0] output (debug
use only)
- (23:16) DIAG2STAT 0X0 Directly connected to ble_dbg2[7:0] output (debug
use only)
- (15:8) DIAG1STAT 0X0 Directly connected to ble_dbg1[7:0] output (debug
use only)
- (7:0) DIAG0STAT 0X0 Directly connected to ble_dbg0[7:0] output (debug
use only)
0x40001558 BB_DEBUGADDMAX (31:16) REG_ADDMAX (31:16) REG_ADDMAX 0X0 Upper limit for the register zone indicated by the
reg_inzone flag
(15:0) EM_ADDMAX (15:0) EM_ADDMAX 0X0 Upper limit for the exchange memory zone indicated
by the em_inzone flag
0x4000155C BB_DEBUGADDMIN (31:16) REG_ADDMIN (31:16) REG_ADDMIN 0X0 Lower limit for the register zone indicated by the
reg_inzone flag
(15:0) EM_ADDMIN (15:0) EM_ADDMIN 0X0 Lower limit for the exchange memory zone indicated
by the em_inzone flag
ON Semiconductor
Address Register Name Register Write Register Read Default Description
0x40001560 BB_ERRORTYPESTAT - (19) RAL_UNDERRUN 0X0 Indicates Resolving Address List engine Underrun
issue, happens when RAL List parsing not finished
on time
- (18) RAL_ERROR 0X0 Indicates Resolving Address List engine faced a bad
- (17) CONCEVTIRQ_ERROR 0X0 Indicates whether two consecutive and concurrent
ble_event_irq have been generated, and not
acknowledged in time by the Bluetooth baseband
- (16) RXDATA_PTR_ERROR 0X0 Indicates whether Rx data buffer pointer value
programmed is null (major failure)
- (15) TXDATA_PTR_ERROR 0X0 Indicates whether Tx data buffer pointer value
RSL10 Hardware Reference
when actual number of CS-LLCHMAP bits set to one
is different from CS-NBCHGOOD at the beginning of
frequency hopping process
- (10) ADV_UNDERRUN 0X0 Indicates advertising interval underrun
- (9) IFS_UNDERRUN 0X0 Indicates inter-frame space underrun, occurs if IFS
time is not enough to update and read control
structure/descriptors, and/or white list parsing is not
finished and/or decryption time is too long to be
finished on time
- (8) WHITELIST_ERROR 0X0 Indicates white list timeout error, occurs if white list
parsing is not finished on time
- (7) EVT_CNTL_APFM_ERROR 0X0 Indicates anticipated pre-fetch mechanism error:
happens when 2 consecutive events are
programmed, and when the first event is not
completely finished while second pre-fetch instant is
- (6) EVT_SCHDL_APFM_ERROR 0X0 Indicates anticipated pre-fetch mechanism error:
happens when 2 consecutive events are scheduled,
and when the first event is not completely finished
while second pre-fetch instant would be reached
- (5) EVT_SCHDL_ENTRY_ERROR 0X0 Indicates event scheduler faced invalid timing
programing on two consecutive ET entries (e.g first
one with 624us offset and second one with no offset)
Address Register Name Register Write Register Read Default Description
- (4) EVT_SCHDL_EMACC_ERROR 0X0 Indicates event scheduler exchange memory access
error, happens when exchange memory accesses
are not served in time, and blocks the exchange
table entry read
- (3) RADIO_EMACC_ERROR 0X0 Indicates radio controller exchange memory access
error, happens when exchange memory accesses
are not served in time and data are corrupted
- (2) PKTCNTL_EMACC_ERROR 0X0 Indicates packet controller exchange memory
access error, happens when exchange memory
accesses are not served in time and Tx/Rx data are
- (1) RXCRYPT_ERROR 0X0 Indicates real time decryption error, happens when
AES-CCM decryption is too slow compared to packet
controller requests
- (0) TXCRYPT_ERROR 0X0 Indicates real time encryption error, happens when
AES-CCM encryption is too slow compared to packet
controller requests
0x40001564 BB_SWPROFILING (31:0) SWPROF (31:0) SWPROF 0X0 Software profiling register: used by Bluetooth
baseband software for profiling purpose
0x40001570 BB_RADIOCNTL0 (31:16) SPIPTR (31:16) SPIPTR 0X0 Pointer to the buffer containing data to be transferred
to or received from the SPI port
(5:4) SPIFREQ (5:4) SPIFREQ 0X0 SPI clock frequency
- (1) SPICOMP 0X1 SPI transfer status
(0) SPIGO (0) SPIGO 0X0 Start SPI transfer when writing a 1
0x40001574 BB_RADIOCNTL1 (31) FORCEAGC_EN (31) FORCEAGC_EN 0X0 Control ATLAS/Ripple AGC force mode based on
(30) FORCEBLEIQ (30) FORCEBLEIQ 0X0 Control Ripple modulation mode in between FM and
I and Q
(27:16) FORCEAGC_LENGTH (27:16) FORCEAGC_LENGTH 0X0 Control ATLAS/Ripple AGC force mode based on
(15) SYNC_PULSE_MODE (15) SYNC_PULSE_MODE 0X0 Define whether the SYNC_P pulse is generated as
pulse or level
(13) DPCORR_EN (13) DPCORR_EN 0X0 Enable the use of delayed DC compensated data
path in radio correlator block
(12) JEF_SELECT (12) JEF_SELECT 0X0 Selects Jitter Elimination FIFO
(8:4) XRFSEL (8:4) XRFSEL 0X0 Extended radio selection field
(3:0) SUBVERSION (3:0) SUBVERSION 0X0 CSEM RF Sub-version selection
0x40001578 BB_RADIOCNTL2 (15:0) FREQTABLE_PTR (15:0) FREQTABLE_PTR 0X40 Frequency table pointer
ON Semiconductor
Address Register Name Register Write Register Read Default Description
0x40001580 BB_RADIOPWRUPDN0 (23:16) RXPWRUP0 (23:16) RXPWRUP0 0X0 This register holds the length in us of the Rx power
up phase for the current radio device
(12:8) TXPWRDN0 (12:8) TXPWRDN0 0X0 This register extends the length in us of the Tx power
down phase for the current radio device
(7:0) TXPWRUP0 (7:0) TXPWRUP0 0X0 This register holds the length in us of the Tx power
up phase for the current radio device
0x40001584 BB_RADIOPWRUPDN1 (23:16) RXPWRUP1 (23:16) RXPWRUP1 0X0 This register holds the length in us of the Rx power
up phase for the current radio device
(12:8) TXPWRDN1 (12:8) TXPWRDN1 0X0 This register extends the length in us of the Tx power
down phase for the current radio device
(7:0) TXPWRUP1 (7:0) TXPWRUP1 0X0 This register holds the length in us of the Tx power
RSL10 Hardware Reference
0x400015A0 BB_SPIPTRCNTL0 (31:16) TXOFFPTR (31:16) TXOFFPTR 0X0 Pointer to the TxOFF sequence address section
(15:0) TXONPTR (15:0) TXONPTR 0X0 Pointer to the TxON sequence address section
0x400015A4 BB_SPIPTRCNTL1 (31:16) RXOFFPTR (31:16) RXOFFPTR 0X0 Pointer to the RxOFF sequence address section
(15:0) RXONPTR (15:0) RXONPTR 0X0 Pointer to the RxON sequence address section
0x400015A8 BB_SPIPTRCNTL2 (15:0) RSSIPTR (15:0) RSSIPTR 0X0 Pointer to the RSSI read sequence address section
0x400015B0 BB_ADVCHMAP (2:0) ADVCHMAP (2:0) ADVCHMAP 0X7 Advertising channel map, defined as per the
advertising connection settings. Contains advertising
channels index 37 to 39
0x400015C0 BB_ADVTIM (13:0) ADVINT (13:0) ADVINT 0X0 Advertising packet interval defines the time interval
in between two ADV_xxx packet sent (value in us)
0x400015C4 BB_ACTSCANSTAT - (24:16) BACKOFF 0X1 Active scan mode back-off counter initialization value
- (8:0) UPPERLIMIT 0X1 Active scan mode upper limit counter value
0x400015D0 BB_WLPUBADDPTR (15:0) WLPUBADDPTR (15:0) WLPUBADDPTR 0X0 Start address pointer of the public devices white list
0x400015D4 BB_WLPRIVADDPTR (15:0) WLPRIVADDPTR (15:0) WLPRIVADDPTR 0X0 Start address pointer of the private devices white list
0x400015D8 BB_WLNBDEV (15:8) NBPRIVDEV (15:8) NBPRIVDEV 0X0 Number of private devices in the white list
(7:0) NBPUBDEV (7:0) NBPUBDEV 0X0 Number of public devices in the white list
0x400015E0 BB_AESCNTL (1) AES_MODE (1) AES_MODE 0X0 Cipher mode control
(0) AES_START (0) AES_START 0X0 Starts AES-128 ciphering/deciphering process
Address Register Name Register Write Register Read Default Description
0x400015E4 BB_AESKEY31_0 (31:0) AESKEY31_0 (31:0) AESKEY31_0 0X0 AES encryption 128-bit key (bits 31 down to 0)
0x400015E8 BB_AESKEY63_32 (31:0) AESKEY63_32 (31:0) AESKEY63_32 0X0 AES encryption 128-bit key (bits 63 down to 32)
0x400015EC BB_AESKEY95_64 (31:0) AESKEY95_64 (31:0) AESKEY95_64 0X0 AES encryption 128-bit key (bits 95 down to 64)
0x400015F0 BB_AESKEY127_96 (31:0) AESKEY127_96 (31:0) AESKEY127_96 0X0 AES encryption 128-bit key (bits 127 down to 96)
0x400015F4 BB_AESPTR (15:0) AESPTR (15:0) AESPTR 0X0 Pointer to the memory zone where the block to
cipher/decipher using AES-128 is stored.
0x400015F8 BB_TXMICVAL - (31:0) TXMICVAL 0X0 AES-CCM plain MIC value. Valid on when MIC has
been calculated (in Tx)
0x400015FC BB_RXMICVAL - (31:0) RXMICVAL 0X0 AES-CCM plain MIC value. Valid on once MIC has
been extracted from Rx packet
0x40001600 BB_RFTESTCNTL (31) INFINITERX (31) INFINITERX 0X0 Applicable in RF Test Mode only
(27) RXPKTCNTEN (27) RXPKTCNTEN 0X0 Applicable in RF Test Mode only
(15) INFINITETX (15) INFINITETX 0X0 Applicable in RF Test Mode only
(14) TXLENGTHSRC (14) TXLENGTHSRC 0X0 Applicable only in Tx/Rx RF Test Mode
(13) PRBSTYPE (13) PRBSTYPE 0X0 Applicable only in Tx/Rx RF Test Mode
(12) TXPLDSRC (12) TXPLDSRC 0X0 Applicable only in Tx/Rx RF Test Mode
(11) TXPKTCNTEN (11) TXPKTCNTEN 0X1 Applicable in RF Test Mode only
(8:0) TXLENGTH (8:0) TXLENGTH 0X0 Tx packet length in number of bytes
0x40001604 BB_RFTESTTXSTAT (31:0) TXPKTCNT (31:0) TXPKTCNT 0X0 Reports number of transmitted packets during test
0x40001608 BB_RFTESTRXSTAT (31:0) RXPKTCNT (31:0) RXPKTCNT 0X0 Reports number of correctly received packets during
test modes
0x40001610 BB_TIMGENCNTL (31) APFM_EN (31) APFM_EN 0X1 Controls the anticipated pre-fetch abort mechanism
(25:16) PREFETCHABORT_TIME (25:16) PREFETCHABORT_TIME 0X1FE Defines the instant in us at which immediate abort is
required after anticipated pre-fetch abort
(8:0) PREFETCH_TIME (8:0) PREFETCH_TIME 0X96 Defines exchange table pre-fetch instant in us
0x40001614 BB_GROSSTIMTGT (22:0) GROSSTARGET (22:0) GROSSTARGET 0X0 Gross timer target value on which a
ble_grosstgtim_irq must be generated (precision of
0x40001618 BB_FINETIMTGT (26:0) FINETARGET (26:0) FINETARGET 0X0 Fine timer target value on which a ble_finetgtim_irq
must be generated (precision of 625us)
ON Semiconductor
Address Register Name Register Write Register Read Default Description
0x40001620 BB_COEXIFCNTL0 (25:24) MWSSCANFREQMSK (25:24) MWSSCANFREQMSK 0X0 Determines how mws_scan_frequency impacts
Bluetooth low energy technology Tx and Rx
(21:20) WLCRXPRIOMODE (21:20) WLCRXPRIOMODE 0X0 Defines Bluetooth low energy technology packet
ble_rx mode behavior
(17:16) WLCTXPRIOMODE (17:16) WLCTXPRIOMODE 0X0 Defines Bluetooth low energy technology packet
ble_tx mode behavior
(15:14) MWSTXFREQMSK (15:14) MWSTXFREQMSK 0X0 Determines how MWS Tx Frequency impacts
Bluetooth low energy technology Tx and Rx
(13:12) MWSRXFREQMSK (13:12) MWSRXFREQMSK 0X1 Determines how MWS Rx Frequency impacts
Bluetooth low energy technology Tx and Rx
(11:10) MWSTXMSK (11:10) MWSTXMSK 0X0 Determines how mws_tx impacts Bluetooth low
RSL10 Hardware Reference
(1) SYNCGEN_EN (1) SYNCGEN_EN 0X0 Determines whether ble_sync is generated or not
(0) COEX_EN (0) COEX_EN 0X0 Enable / disable control of the MWS/RF coexistence
0x40001624 BB_COEXIFCNTL1 (28:24) WLCPRXTHR (28:24) WLCPRXTHR 0X0 Determines the threshold for Rx priority setting
(applies on ble_rx if WLCRXPRIOMODE equals po)
(20:16) WLCPTXTHR (20:16) WLCPTXTHR 0X0 Determines the threshold for priority setting (applies
on ble_tx if WLCTXPRIOMODE equals "10")
(14:8) WLCPDURATION (14:8) WLCPDURATION 0X0 Determines how many us the priority information
must be maintained (applies on ble_tx and ble_rx if
WLCTXPRIOMODE equals "10")
(6:0) WLCPDELAY (6:0) WLCPDELAY 0X0 Determines the delay (in us) in Tx/Rx enables rises
the time Bluetooth low energy technology Tx/Rx
priority has to be provided (applies on ble_tx and
ble_rx if WLCTXPRIOMODE equals "10")
0x40001628 BB_COEXIFCNTL2 (11:8) RX_ANT_DELAY (11:8) RX_ANT_DELAY 0X0 Time (in us) by which is anticipated bt_rx to be
provided before effective Radio receipt operation
(3:0) TX_ANT_DELAY (3:0) TX_ANT_DELAY 0X0 Time (in us) by which is anticipated bt_tx to be
provided before effective Radio transmit operation
Address Register Name Register Write Register Read Default Description
0x4000162C BB_BBMPRIO0 (31:28) BLEM7 (31:28) BLEM7 0X3 Set priority value for passive scanning
(27:24) BLEM6 (27:24) BLEM6 0X4 Set priority value for non-connectable advertising
(23:20) BLEM5 (23:20) BLEM5 0X8 Set priority value for connectable advertising
Bluetooth low energy technology message
(19:16) BLEM4 (19:16) BLEM4 0X9 Set priority value for active scanning Bluetooth low
energy technology message
(15:12) BLEM3 (15:12) BLEM3 0XA Set priority value for initiating (scanning) Bluetooth
low energy technology message
(11:8) BLEM2 (11:8) BLEM2 0XD Set priority value for data channel transmission
Bluetooth low energy technology message
(7:4) BLEM1 (7:4) BLEM1 0XE Set priority value for LLCP Bluetooth low energy
technology message
(3:0) BLEM0 (3:0) BLEM0 0XF Set priority value for initiating (connection request
response) Bluetooth low energy technology
0x40001630 BB_BBMPRIO1 (31:28) BLEMDEFAULT (31:28) BLEMDEFAULT 0X3 Set default priority value for Bluetooth low energy
technology message other than those defined above
(7:4) BLEM9 (7:4) BLEM9 0XD Set default priority value for ISO Channel first Tx/Rx
(3:0) BLEM8 (3:0) BLEM8 0XC Set default priority value for ISO Channel
subsequent Tx/Rx attempt
0x40001640 BB_RALPTR (15:0) RALPTR (15:0) RALPTR 0X0 Start address pointer of the RAL structure
0x40001644 BB_RALNBDEV (7:0) RALNBDEV (7:0) RALNBDEV 0X0 Number of devices in RAL Structure
0x40001648 BB_RAL_LOCAL_RND (31) LRND_INIT (31) LRND_INIT 0X0 Writing a 1 initializes of local RPA random number
generation LFSR
(21:0) LRND_VAL (21:0) LRND_VAL 0X3F0F0 Initialization value for local RPA random generation
F when LRDN_INIT is set to 1, else reports the current
Local RPA random number LFSR value
0x4000164C BB_RAL_PEER_RND (31) PRND_INIT (31) PRND_INIT 0X0 Writing a 1 initializes peer RPA random number
generation LFSR
(21:0) PRND_VAL (21:0) PRND_VAL 0X30F0F Initialization value for peer RPA random generation
0 when LRDN_INIT is set to 1, else reports the current
Local RPA random number LFSR value
0x40001650 BB_ISOCHANCNTL0 (4) RETXACKEN0 (4) RETXACKEN0 0X0 Generate Tx ACK
(3) SYNCGEN0 (3) SYNCGEN0 0X0 Enable audio syn_p generation
(2) ISOCHANEN0 (2) ISOCHANEN0 0X0 Enable ISO channel
(1:0) ISOTYPE0 (1:0) ISOTYPE0 0X0 ISO Channel Type
ON Semiconductor
Address Register Name Register Write Register Read Default Description
0x40001654 BB_ISOMUTECNTL0 (31) TOGO0 (31) TOGO0 0X0 Indicates which buffer is in use (direct copy of
(19) MUTE_SINK0 (19) MUTE_SINK0 0X0 HW mute control
(18) MUTE_SOURCE0 (18) MUTE_SOURCE0 0X0 HW mute control
(17) INVL0_1 (17) INVL0_1 0X1 SW mute status for ISO buffer 1 (i.e updated when
(16) INVL0_0 (16) INVL0_0 0X1 SW mute status for ISO buffer 0 (i.e updated when
(7:0) MUTE_PATTERN0 (7:0) MUTE_PATTERN0 0X0 Value of the ISO channel 0 Mute Pattern to be used
when HW muting is enabled
0x40001658 BB_ISOCURRENTTXPTR0 (31:16) ISO0TXPTR0 (31:16) ISO0TXPTR0 0X0 Tx ISO Buffer pointer 0 of ISO Channel 0
RSL10 Hardware Reference
(15:0) ISO0TXPTR1 (15:0) ISO0TXPTR1 0X0 Tx ISO Buffer pointer 1 of ISO Channel 0
0x4000165C BB_ISOCURRENTRXPTR0 (31:16) ISO0RXPTR0 (31:16) ISO0RXPTR0 0X0 Rx ISO Buffer pointer 0 of ISO Channel 0
(15:0) ISO0RXPTR1 (15:0) ISO0RXPTR1 0X0 Rx ISO Buffer pointer 1 of ISO Channel 0
0x40001660 BB_ISOTRCNL0 (23:16) ISO0RXLEN (23:16) ISO0RXLEN 0X0 Negotiated, maximum expected number of bytes for
ISO Channel 0 Rx payloads
(7:0) ISO0TXLEN (7:0) ISO0TXLEN 0X0 Negotiated, number of bytes for ISO Channel 0 Tx
0x40001664 BB_ISOEVTCNTLOFFSETL0 (31:0) EVT_CNT_OFFSETL0 (31:0) EVT_CNT_OFFSETL0 0X0 LSB part of EVT_CNT_OFFSET0[39:0] field
0x40001668 BB_ISOEVTCNTLOFFSETU0 (6:0) EVT_CNT_OFFSETU0 (6:0) EVT_CNT_OFFSETU0 0X0 MSB part of EVT_CNT_OFFSET0[39:0] field
0x40001670 BB_ISOCHANCNTL1 (4) RETXACKEN1 (4) RETXACKEN1 0X0 Generate Tx ACK
(3) SYNCGEN1 (3) SYNCGEN1 0X0 Enable audio syn_p generation
(2) ISOCHANEN1 (2) ISOCHANEN1 0X0 Enable ISO channel
(1:0) ISOTYPE1 (1:0) ISOTYPE1 0X0 ISO Channel Type
0x40001674 BB_ISOMUTECNTL1 (31) TOGO1 (31) TOGO1 0X0 Indicates which buffer is in use (direct copy of
(19) MUTE_SINK1 (19) MUTE_SINK1 0X0 HW mute control
(18) MUTE_SOURCE1 (18) MUTE_SOURCE1 0X0 HW mute control
(17) INVL1_1 (17) INVL1_1 0X1 SW mute status for ISO buffer 1 (i.e updated when
(16) INVL1_0 (16) INVL1_0 0X1 SW mute status for ISO buffer 0 (i.e updated when
(7:0) MUTE_PATTERN1 (7:0) MUTE_PATTERN1 0X0 Value of the ISO channel 0 Mute Pattern to be used
when HW muting is enabled
0x40001678 BB_ISOCURRENTTXPTR1 (31:16) ISO1TXPTR0 (31:16) ISO1TXPTR0 0X0 Tx ISO Buffer pointer 0 of ISO Channel 1
(15:0) ISO1TXPTR1 (15:0) ISO1TXPTR1 0X0 Tx ISO Buffer pointer 1 of ISO Channel 1
0x4000167C BB_ISOCURRENTRXPTR1 (31:16) ISO1RXPTR0 (31:16) ISO1RXPTR0 0X0 Rx ISO Buffer pointer 0 of ISO Channel 1
(15:0) ISO1RXPTR1 (15:0) ISO1RXPTR1 0X0 Rx ISO Buffer pointer 1 of ISO Channel 1
Address Register Name Register Write Register Read Default Description
0x40001680 BB_ISOTRCNL1 (23:16) ISO1RXLEN (23:16) ISO1RXLEN 0X0 Negotiated, maximum expected number of bytes for
ISO Channel 0 Rx payloads
(7:0) ISO1TXLEN (7:0) ISO1TXLEN 0X0 Negotiated, number of bytes for ISO Channel 0 Tx
0x40001684 BB_ISOEVTCNTLOFFSETL1 (31:0) EVT_CNT_OFFSETL1 (31:0) EVT_CNT_OFFSETL1 0X0 LSB part of EVT_CNT_OFFSET0[39:0] field
0x40001688 BB_ISOEVTCNTLOFFSETU1 (6:0) EVT_CNT_OFFSETU1 (6:0) EVT_CNT_OFFSETU1 0X0 MSB part of EVT_CNT_OFFSET0[39:0] field
0x40001690 BB_ISOCHANCNTL2 (4) RETXACKEN2 (4) RETXACKEN2 0X0 Generate Tx ACK
(3) SYNCGEN2 (3) SYNCGEN2 0X0 Enable audio syn_p generation
(2) ISOCHANEN2 (2) ISOCHANEN2 0X0 Enable ISO channel
(1:0) ISOTYPE2 (1:0) ISOTYPE2 0X0 ISO Channel Type
0x40001694 BB_ISOMUTECNTL2 (31) TOGO2 (31) TOGO2 0X0 Indicates which buffer is in use (direct copy of
(19) MUTE_SINK2 (19) MUTE_SINK2 0X0 HW mute control
(18) MUTE_SOURCE2 (18) MUTE_SOURCE2 0X0 HW mute control
(17) INVL2_1 (17) INVL2_1 0X1 SW mute status for ISO buffer 1 (i.e updated when
(16) INVL2_0 (16) INVL2_0 0X1 SW mute status for ISO buffer 0 (i.e updated when
(7:0) MUTE_PATTERN2 (7:0) MUTE_PATTERN2 0X0 Value of the ISO channel 0 Mute Pattern to be used
when HW muting is enabled
0x40001698 BB_ISOCURRENTTXPTR2 (31:16) ISO2TXPTR0 (31:16) ISO2TXPTR0 0X0 Tx ISO Buffer pointer 0 of ISO Channel 2
(15:0) ISO2TXPTR1 (15:0) ISO2TXPTR1 0X0 Tx ISO Buffer pointer 1 of ISO Channel 2
0x4000169C BB_ISOCURRENTRXPTR2 (31:16) ISO2RXPTR0 (31:16) ISO2RXPTR0 0X0 Rx ISO Buffer pointer 0 of ISO Channel 2
(15:0) ISO2RXPTR1 (15:0) ISO2RXPTR1 0X0 Rx ISO Buffer pointer 1 of ISO Channel 2
0x400016A0 BB_ISOTRCNL2 (23:16) ISO2RXLEN (23:16) ISO2RXLEN 0X0 Negotiated, maximum expected number of bytes for
ISO Channel 2 Rx payloads
(7:0) ISO2TXLEN (7:0) ISO2TXLEN 0X0 Negotiated, number of bytes for ISO Channel 2 Tx
0x400016A4 BB_ISOEVTCNTLOFFSETL2 (31:0) EVT_CNT_OFFSETL2 (31:0) EVT_CNT_OFFSETL2 0X0 LSB part of EVT_CNT_OFFSET2[39:0] field
0x400016B0 BB_BBPRIOSCHARB (15) BLEPRIOMODE (15) BLEPRIOMODE 0X0 Determine Bluetooth low energy technology priority
scheduling arbitration mode
(7:0) BLEMARGIN (7:0) BLEMARGIN 0X0 Determine the decision instant margin for priority
scheduling arbitration
ON Semiconductor
(5) MODE_EN_FSM (5) MODE_EN_FSM 0X0 If set to 1, enables the radio FSM
(4) MODE_EN_DESERIALIZER (4) MODE_EN_DESERIALIZER 0X0 If set to 1, enables the deserializer
(3) MODE_EN_SERIALIZER (3) MODE_EN_SERIALIZER 0X0 If set to 1, enables the serializer
(2) MODE_TX_NRX (2) MODE_TX_NRX 0X0 if set to 1, use the Tx, otherwise the Rx
(1:0) MODE_MODE (1:0) MODE_MODE 0X0 Select the working mode of the digital baseband: 00:
The digital baseband is off (no ck). 01: The clock is
generated but the blocks are reset (Tx, Rx, FIFOs
and FSM). 10: The digital baseband is frozen. 11:
Address Register Name Register Write Register Read Default Description
0x40010004 RF_REG01 (31:24) (31:24) 0X0 Time constant of the fine carrier recovery block
(23:16) (23:16) 0X0 Time constant of the rough carrier recovery block
(15) (15) 0X0 If set to 1, enables the automatic AFC correction.
(14) (14) 0X0 If set to 1, the IF correction is negative
(13) (13) 0X0 If set to 1, enables the automatic IF correction
(12) CARRIER_RECOVERY_AFC_NEG (12) CARRIER_RECOVERY_AFC_NEG 0X0 If set to 1, correct the AFC negatively
(11) CARRIER_RECOVERY_STARTER_MODE (11) CARRIER_RECOVERY_STARTER_MODE 0X0 If set to 1, enables the starter mode, i.e. a 32x faster
carrier recovery.
(10) CARRIER_RECOVERY_EN_AFC (10) CARRIER_RECOVERY_EN_AFC 0X0 if set to 1, enables the Automatic Frequency Control
(9) CARRIER_RECOVERY_EN_FINE_RECOV (9) CARRIER_RECOVERY_EN_FINE_RECOV 0X0 If set to 1, enables the fine carrier recovery
(8) (8) 0X0 If set to 1, enables the rough carrier recovery
(6) MOD_TX_PULSE_NSYM (6) MOD_TX_PULSE_NSYM 0X0 If set to 1, the Tx pulse shape is an odd function.
(5) MOD_TX_EN_INTERP (5) MOD_TX_EN_INTERP 0X0 If set to 1, enables the Tx CIC interpolator.
(4:0) MOD_TX_CK_TX_M (4:0) MOD_TX_CK_TX_M 0X0 Unsigned value that determines the Tx CIC
interpolator frequency. The formula is similar to the
evaluation of the oversampling frequency.
0x40010008 RF_REG02 (31) FIFO_FIFO_FLUSH_ON_OVFLW (31) FIFO_FIFO_FLUSH_ON_OVFLW 0X0 If set to 1, stops the Rx and flushes the FIFO in case
of overflow
(30) FIFO_FIFO_FLUSH_ON_ADDR_ERR (30) FIFO_FIFO_FLUSH_ON_ADDR_ERR 0X0 If set to 1, stops the Rx and flushes the FIFO in case
of address error
(29) FIFO_FIFO_FLUSH_ON_PL_ERR (29) FIFO_FIFO_FLUSH_ON_PL_ERR 0X0 If set to 1, stops the Rx and flushes the FIFO in case
of packet length error
(28) FIFO_FIFO_FLUSH_ON_CRC_ERR (28) FIFO_FIFO_FLUSH_ON_CRC_ERR 0X0 If set to 1, stops the Rx and flushes the FIFO in case
of CRC error
(27) FIFO_RX_FIFO_ACK (27) FIFO_RX_FIFO_ACK 0X0 If set to 1, the Rx FIFO needs an acknowledgement
(packet received correctly) to change its state.
(26:24) FIFO_FIFO_THR (26:24) FIFO_FIFO_THR 0X0 Threshold indicating the 'almost full' state
(23:16) (23:16) 0X0 Data-rate offset. Is a signed value and the full scale
DATARATE_OFFSET_DATARATE_OFFSET DATARATE_OFFSET_DATARATE_OFFSET (0x7f) corresponds to a data-rate offset of 12.5%.
(15:8) (15:8) 0X0 Time constant of the data-rate recovery
(7:0) TAU_CLK_RECOV_TAU_CLK_RECOV (7:0) TAU_CLK_RECOV_TAU_CLK_RECOV 0X0 Time constant of the clock recovery
ON Semiconductor
Address Register Name Register Write Register Read Default Description
0x4001000C RF_REG03 (31:28) PAD_CONF_2_PAD_3_CONF (31:28) PAD_CONF_2_PAD_3_CONF 0X0 Configuration of GPIO pad 3
(27:24) PAD_CONF_2_PAD_2_CONF (27:24) PAD_CONF_2_PAD_2_CONF 0X0 Configuration of GPIO pad 2
(23:20) PAD_CONF_1_PAD_1_CONF (23:20) PAD_CONF_1_PAD_1_CONF 0X0 Configuration of GPIO pad 1
(19:16) PAD_CONF_1_PAD_0_CONF (19:16) PAD_CONF_1_PAD_0_CONF 0X0 Configuration of GPIO pad 0
(15) IRQ_CONF_IRQ_HIGH_Z (15) IRQ_CONF_IRQ_HIGH_Z 0X0 If set to 1, the pads are set to High-Z when the IRQ
is not active.
(14) IRQ_CONF_IRQ_ACTIVE_LOW (14) IRQ_CONF_IRQ_ACTIVE_LOW 0X0 If set to 1, the IRQ is active low
(13:8) IRQ_CONF_IRQS_MASK (13:8) IRQ_CONF_IRQS_MASK 0X0 Mask to determine which IRQs are enabled (active
(7:5) FIFO_2_FIFO_THR_TX (7:5) FIFO_2_FIFO_THR_TX 0X0 Threshold indicating the 'almost empty' state
RSL10 Hardware Reference
(4) FIFO_2_WAIT_TXFIFO_WR (4) FIFO_2_WAIT_TXFIFO_WR 0X0 If set to 1, the FSM will wait a Tx FIFO write before
starting the Tx in case of an empty Tx FIFO.
(3) FIFO_2_STOP_ON_RXFF_OVFLW (3) FIFO_2_STOP_ON_RXFF_OVFLW 0X0 If set to 1, stops the reception in case of a FIFO
(2) FIFO_2_STOP_ON_TXFF_UNFLW (2) FIFO_2_STOP_ON_TXFF_UNFLW 0X0 If set to 1, stops the transmission in case of a FIFO
(1) FIFO_2_RXFF_FLUSH_ON_START (1) FIFO_2_RXFF_FLUSH_ON_START 0X0 If set to 1, flushes the Rx FIFO when the Rx is
enabled, in order to receive a packet with an empty
(0) FIFO_2_TXFF_FLUSH_ON_STOP (0) FIFO_2_TXFF_FLUSH_ON_STOP 0X0 If set to 1, flushes the Tx FIFO after the end of a
packet transmission in order to have an empty FIFO.
Address Register Name Register Write Register Read Default Description
0x40010010 RF_REG04 (31:30) MAC_CONF_MAC_TIMER_GR (31:30) MAC_CONF_MAC_TIMER_GR 0X0 MAC timer granularity. The granularity is given by
(29) MAC_CONF_RX_MAC_ACT (29) MAC_CONF_RX_MAC_ACT 0X0 If set to 1, the FSM will switch to Rx or Tx after an Rx
(28) MAC_CONF_RX_MAC_TX_NRX (28) MAC_CONF_RX_MAC_TX_NRX 0X0 If set to 1, the FSM will switch to Tx after an Rx
mode, Rx otherwise.
(27) MAC_CONF_RX_MAC_START_NSTOP (27) MAC_CONF_RX_MAC_START_NSTOP 0X0 If set to 1, the MAC timer is activated at the reception
of the sync word, at the end of the packet otherwise.
(26) MAC_CONF_TX_MAC_ACT (26) MAC_CONF_TX_MAC_ACT 0X0 If set to 1, the FSM will switch to Rx or Tx after a Tx
(25) MAC_CONF_TX_MAC_TX_NRX (25) MAC_CONF_TX_MAC_TX_NRX 0X0 If set to 1, the FSM will switch to Tx after an Tx
mode, Rx otherwise.
(24) MAC_CONF_TX_MAC_START_NSTOP (24) MAC_CONF_TX_MAC_START_NSTOP 0X0 If set to 1, the MAC timer is activated at beginning of
the packet, otherwise at the end of the packet
(23:20) PAD_CONF_5_PAD_9_CONF (23:20) PAD_CONF_5_PAD_9_CONF 0X0 Configuration of GPIO pad 9
(19:16) PAD_CONF_5_PAD_8_CONF (19:16) PAD_CONF_5_PAD_8_CONF 0X0 Configuration of GPIO pad 8
(15:12) PAD_CONF_4_PAD_7_CONF (15:12) PAD_CONF_4_PAD_7_CONF 0X0 Configuration of GPIO pad 7
(11:8) PAD_CONF_4_PAD_6_CONF (11:8) PAD_CONF_4_PAD_6_CONF 0X0 Configuration of GPIO pad 6
(7:4) PAD_CONF_3_PAD_5_CONF (7:4) PAD_CONF_3_PAD_5_CONF 0X0 Configuration of GPIO pad 5
(3:0) PAD_CONF_3_PAD_4_CONF (3:0) PAD_CONF_3_PAD_4_CONF 0X0 Configuration of GPIO pad 4
0x40010014 RF_REG05 (30) CHANNEL_SWITCH_IQ (30) CHANNEL_SWITCH_IQ 0X0 Switch I and Q channels
(29:24) CHANNEL_CHANNEL (29:24) CHANNEL_CHANNEL 0X0 Channel number
(18) BANK_DATARATE_TX_NRX (18) BANK_DATARATE_TX_NRX 0X0 Select the data-rate register: 0-> Rx data-rate, 1->
Tx data-rate
(17:16) BANK_BANK (17:16) BANK_BANK 0X0 Select the used bank
(15:8) TX_MAC_TIMER_TX_MAC_TIMER (15:8) TX_MAC_TIMER_TX_MAC_TIMER 0X0 Set the amount of time to wait after the Tx mode.
(7:0) RX_MAC_TIMER_RX_MAC_TIMER (7:0) RX_MAC_TIMER_RX_MAC_TIMER 0X0 Set the amount of time to wait after the Rx mode.
0x40010018 RF_CENTER_FREQ (31) CENTER_FREQ_ADAPT_CFREQ (31) CENTER_FREQ_ADAPT_CFREQ 0X0 If set to 1, automatically adapt frequency between Tx
and Rx.
(30) CENTER_FREQ_RX_DIV_5_N6 (30) CENTER_FREQ_RX_DIV_5_N6 0X0 If set to 1, the ratio of the pll reference between Tx
and Rx is 5 instead of 6.
(29:0) (29:0) CENTER_FREQ_CENTER_FREQUENCY 0X0 Set the center frequency
ON Semiconductor
Address Register Name Register Write Register Read Default Description
0x4001001C RF_REG07 (31:16) (31:16) 0X0 channel spacing: the formula that determines this
CHANNELS_1_CHANNEL_SPACING_LO CHANNELS_1_CHANNEL_SPACING_LO value is the same as for the central frequency.
(14) MOD_INFO_RX_EN_DIV_2_N3_RX (14) MOD_INFO_RX_EN_DIV_2_N3_RX 0X0 If set to 1, the clock divider will provide a clock
divided by 2 instead of 3.
(13) MOD_INFO_RX_SYMBOL_2BIT_RX (13) MOD_INFO_RX_SYMBOL_2BIT_RX 0X0 If set to 1, each symbol is composed by 2 bits
(OQPSK or 4-FSK)
(12:8) MOD_INFO_RX_DR_M_RX (12:8) MOD_INFO_RX_DR_M_RX 0X0 Unsigned value that determine the oversampling
frequency and consequently the data-rate. This
frequency is the system frequency (16 or 24 MHz)
divided by this value+1.
(6) MOD_INFO_TX_EN_DIV_2_N3_TX (6) MOD_INFO_TX_EN_DIV_2_N3_TX 0X0 If set to 1, the clock divider will provide a clock
RSL10 Hardware Reference
divided by 2 instead of 3.
(5) MOD_INFO_TX_SYMBOL_2BIT_TX (5) MOD_INFO_TX_SYMBOL_2BIT_TX 0X0 If set to 1, each symbol is composed by 2 bits
(OQPSK or 4-FSK)
(4:0) MOD_INFO_TX_DR_M_TX (4:0) MOD_INFO_TX_DR_M_TX 0X0 Unsigned value that determine the oversampling
frequency and consequently the data-rate. This
frequency is the system frequency (16 or 24 MHz)
divided by this value+1.
Address Register Name Register Write Register Read Default Description
0x40010020 RF_REG08 (31:24) PACKET_LENGTH_PACKET_LEN (31:24) PACKET_LENGTH_PACKET_LEN 0XFF The packet length in the fixed packet length mode. In
the variable packet length mode, it specifies the
maximal packet length defined by the standard. In
case of error a packet_len_err is raised.
(23) PACKET_HANDLING_LSB_FIRST (23) PACKET_HANDLING_LSB_FIRST 0X0 If set to 1, the LSB is the first bit to be sent, the MSB
(22) PACKET_HANDLING_EN_CRC (22) PACKET_HANDLING_EN_CRC 0X0 If set to 1, enables the automatic CRC evaluation
and insertion
(21) (21) 0X0 If set to 1, enables the CRC calculation on the
(20) PACKET_HANDLING_EN_PREAMBLE (20) PACKET_HANDLING_EN_PREAMBLE 0X0 If set to 1, enables the automatic preamble insertion
(19) (19) 0X0 If set to 1, enables the multi-frame packet
(18) PACKET_HANDLING_ENB_DW_ON_CRC (18) PACKET_HANDLING_ENB_DW_ON_CRC 0X0 Enables the data-whitening on the CRC (active low)
(17) PACKET_HANDLING_EN_PATTERN (17) PACKET_HANDLING_EN_PATTERN 0X0 If set to 1, enables the automatic pattern insertion
and recognition
(16) PACKET_HANDLING_EN_PACKET (16) PACKET_HANDLING_EN_PACKET 0X0 If set to 1, enables the packet handler
(15) CODING_EN_DATAWHITE (15) CODING_EN_DATAWHITE 0X0 If set to 1, enables the data-whitening
(14) CODING_I_NQ_DELAYED (14) CODING_I_NQ_DELAYED 0X0 If set to 1, the channel I is considered 'delayed' in
case of a 2 bits per symbol modulation
(13) CODING_OFFSET (13) CODING_OFFSET 0X0 If set to 1, an offset (delay) is introduced in one of
the two channels (2 bits per symbol modulation).
(12) CODING_BIT_INVERT (12) CODING_BIT_INVERT 0X0 If set to 1, it inverts the bit value (Tx and Rx)
(11) CODING_EVEN_BEFORE_ODD (11) CODING_EVEN_BEFORE_ODD 0X0 Determines the bit order in case of a 2 bits per
symbol modulation: if set to 1, the first bit (bit 0,
even) goes to the I path
(10) CODING_EN_802154_L2F (10) CODING_EN_802154_L2F 0X0 If set to 1, enables the linear to frequency encoding
needed in order to modulate an OQPSK as an MSK.
(9) CODING_EN_802154_B2C (9) CODING_EN_802154_B2C 0X0 If set to 1, enables the bit to chips encoding used in
the IEEE 802.15.4 standard
(8) CODING_EN_MANCHESTER (8) CODING_EN_MANCHESTER 0X0 If set to 1, enables the Manchester encoding
(7) CHANNELS_2_EN_CHANNEL_SEL (7) CHANNELS_2_EN_CHANNEL_SEL 0X0 If set to 1, enables the definition of channels
(3:0) (3:0) CHANNELS_2_CHANNEL_SPACING_HI 0X0 channel spacing: the formula that determines this
CHANNELS_2_CHANNEL_SPACING_HI value is the same as for the central frequency.
ON Semiconductor
Address Register Name Register Write Register Read Default Description
0x40010024 RF_REG09 (27) ADDRESS_CONF_ADDRESS_LEN (27) ADDRESS_CONF_ADDRESS_LEN 0X0 If set to 1, the address length is 16 bits, 8 otherwise.
(26) ADDRESS_CONF_EN_ADDRESS_RX_BR (26) ADDRESS_CONF_EN_ADDRESS_RX_BR 0X0 If set to 1, enables the broadcast address detection
on Rx.
(25) ADDRESS_CONF_EN_ADDRESS_RX (25) ADDRESS_CONF_EN_ADDRESS_RX 0X0 If set to 1, enables the address detection on Rx
(24) ADDRESS_CONF_EN_ADDRESS_TX (24) ADDRESS_CONF_EN_ADDRESS_TX 0X0 If set to 1, enables the address insertion on Tx
(23:16) (23:16) 0X0 Length of the preamble -1
(15:8) PREAMBLE_PREAMBLE (15:8) PREAMBLE_PREAMBLE 0X0 Preamble to be inserted
(6) (6) 0X0 If set to 1, the packet length is fixed and specified in
RSL10 Hardware Reference
(5:2) (5:2) 0X0 Signed value that specifies the correction to apply to
PACKET_LENGTH_OPTS_PACKET_LEN_CO PACKET_LENGTH_OPTS_PACKET_LEN_COR the specified packet length (due to differences
RR R between standards). The packet length here is
specified by the byte number after the packet length
byte, with the exclusion of the CRC.
(1:0) (1:0) 0X0 Unsigned value that specifies the position of the
0x40010028 RF_REG0A (31:16) (31:16) 0X0 Broadcast address
(15:0) ADDRESS_ADDRESS (15:0) ADDRESS_ADDRESS 0X0 Address of the node
0x4001002C RF_SYNC_PATTERN (31:0) PATTERN (31:0) PATTERN 0X0 Pattern (sync word) to be inserted or recognized.
0x40010030 RF_REG0C (30:26) CONV_CODES_POLY_CC_POLY_2 (30:26) CONV_CODES_POLY_CC_POLY_2 0X0 polynom of the third convolutional code
(25:21) CONV_CODES_POLY_CC_POLY_1 (25:21) CONV_CODES_POLY_CC_POLY_1 0X0 polynom of the second convolutional code
(20:16) CONV_CODES_POLY_CC_POLY_0 (20:16) CONV_CODES_POLY_CC_POLY_0 0X0 polynom of the first convolutional code
(11:10) (11:10) 0X0 Set the memory length of the Viterbi decoder: 00 =>
(9) CONV_CODES_CONF_CC_EN_TX_STOP (9) CONV_CODES_CONF_CC_EN_TX_STOP 0X0 if set to 1, enables the stop word at the end of the
transmission. Necessary in order to keep a stream
coherent with the convolutional coding
(8) CONV_CODES_CONF_EN_CONV_CODE (8) CONV_CODES_CONF_EN_CONV_CODE 0X0 If set to 1, enables the convolutional codes
(7:6) PACKET_EXTRA_STOP_WORD_LEN (7:6) PACKET_EXTRA_STOP_WORD_LEN 0X0 length of the stop word, same as the pattern word
(5) PACKET_EXTRA_EN_STOP_WORD (5) PACKET_EXTRA_EN_STOP_WORD 0X0 If set to 1, adds the stop word (0x00) after the CRC
(4) (4) 0X0 If set to 1, the packet information is sampled at the
PACKET_EXTRA_PKT_INFO_PRE_NPOST PACKET_EXTRA_PKT_INFO_PRE_NPOST end of the packet instead of the sync word detection.
(3:2) PACKET_EXTRA_PATTERN_MAX_ERR (3:2) PACKET_EXTRA_PATTERN_MAX_ERR 0X0 unsigned value that specifies the maximum number
of errors in the pattern recognition
(1:0) (1:0) PACKET_EXTRA_PATTERN_WORD_LEN 0X0 Pattern word length: 00 => 8bits, 01 => 16 bits, 10
PACKET_EXTRA_PATTERN_WORD_LEN => 24 bits, 11 => 32 bits
Address Register Name Register Write Register Read Default Description
0x40010034 RF_CRC_POLYNOMIAL (31:0) CRC_POLYNOMIAL_CRC_POLY (31:0) CRC_POLYNOMIAL_CRC_POLY 0X0 CRC polynomial. It is coded using the Koopman
notation, i.e. the nth bit codes the (n+1) coefficient.
Example: x^16+x^12+x^5+1 => 0x8810
0x40010038 RF_CRC_RST (31:0) CRC_RST_CRC_RST (31:0) CRC_RST_CRC_RST 0X0 CRC reset value
(14:10) (14:10) CONV_CODES_PUNCT_CC_PUNCT_2 0X0 puncture of the third convolutional code
(9:5) CONV_CODES_PUNCT_CC_PUNCT_1 (9:5) CONV_CODES_PUNCT_CC_PUNCT_1 0X0 puncture of the second convolutional code
(4:0) CONV_CODES_PUNCT_CC_PUNCT_0 (4:0) CONV_CODES_PUNCT_CC_PUNCT_0 0X0 puncture of the first convolutional code
0x40010040 RF_REG10 (31:29) FRONTEND2_RESAMPLE_PH_GAIN (31:29) FRONTEND2_RESAMPLE_PH_GAIN 0X0 Gain of the phase resampling block
(28:26) FRONTEND2_RESAMPLE_RSSI_G2 (28:26) FRONTEND2_RESAMPLE_RSSI_G2 0X0 Gain of the decimator in the RSSI resampling block
(25:24) FRONTEND2_RESAMPLE_RSSI_G1 (25:24) FRONTEND2_RESAMPLE_RSSI_G1 0X0 Gain of the interpolator in the RSSI resampling block
(22) FRONTEND_EN_PHADC_DEGLITCH (22) FRONTEND_EN_PHADC_DEGLITCH 0X0 If set to 1, enables the phADC deglitcher
(21) FRONTEND_EN_RESAMPLE_RSSI (21) FRONTEND_EN_RESAMPLE_RSSI 0X0 If set to 1, enables the RSSI resampling
(20) FRONTEND_EN_RESAMPLE_PHADC (20) FRONTEND_EN_RESAMPLE_PHADC 0X0 If set to 1, enables the phase resampling
(19:16) FRONTEND_DIV_PHADC (19:16) FRONTEND_DIV_PHADC 0X0 Unsigned value that specifies the divider to obtain
the phADC clock (and RSSI).
(15:12) TX_MULT_TX_MULT_EXP (15:12) TX_MULT_TX_MULT_EXP 0X0 Exponent of the Tx multiplier
(11:8) TX_MULT_TX_MULT_MAN (11:8) TX_MULT_TX_MULT_MAN 0X0 Mantissa of the Tx multiplier
0x40010044 RF_TX_PULSE0 (31:24) TX_PULSE_SHAPE_1_TX_COEF4 (31:24) TX_PULSE_SHAPE_1_TX_COEF4 0X0 These registers specify the Tx pulse shape. The
pulse shape is formed by:
(23:16) TX_PULSE_SHAPE_1_TX_COEF3 (23:16) TX_PULSE_SHAPE_1_TX_COEF3 0X0 coef1-coef16-coef16-coef1. Since the oversampling
(15:8) TX_PULSE_SHAPE_1_TX_COEF2 (15:8) TX_PULSE_SHAPE_1_TX_COEF2 0X0 ratio is 8, the pulse shape is 4 symbols long. Every
coefficient is treated as an 8 bit signed byte.
0x40010048 RF_TX_PULSE1 (31:24) TX_PULSE_SHAPE_2_TX_COEF8 (31:24) TX_PULSE_SHAPE_2_TX_COEF8 0X0
ON Semiconductor
Address Register Name Register Write Register Read Default Description
0x4001004C RF_TX_PULSE2 (31:24) TX_PULSE_SHAPE_3_TX_COEF12 (31:24) TX_PULSE_SHAPE_3_TX_COEF12 0X0 These registers specify the Tx pulse shape. The
pulse shape is formed by:
(23:16) TX_PULSE_SHAPE_3_TX_COEF11 (23:16) TX_PULSE_SHAPE_3_TX_COEF11 0X0 coef1-coef16-coef16-coef1. Since the oversampling
(15:8) TX_PULSE_SHAPE_3_TX_COEF10 (15:8) TX_PULSE_SHAPE_3_TX_COEF10 0X0 ratio is 8, the pulse shape is 4 symbols long. Every
coefficient is treated as an 8 bit signed byte.
0x40010050 RF_TX_PULSE3 (31:24) TX_PULSE_SHAPE_4_TX_COEF16 (31:24) TX_PULSE_SHAPE_4_TX_COEF16 0X0
0x40010054 RF_RX_PULSE (31:28) RX_PULSE_SHAPE_RX_COEF8 (31:28) RX_PULSE_SHAPE_RX_COEF8 0X0 These registers specify the Rx pulse shape. The
pulse shape is formed by: coef1-coef8-coef8-coef1.
RSL10 Hardware Reference
(27:24) RX_PULSE_SHAPE_RX_COEF7 (27:24) RX_PULSE_SHAPE_RX_COEF7 0X0 Since the oversampling ratio is 8, the pulse shape is
(23:20) RX_PULSE_SHAPE_RX_COEF6 (23:20) RX_PULSE_SHAPE_RX_COEF6 0X0 2 symbols long. Coefficients from coef4 to coef8 are
unsigned, while coef1 to coef3 are signed.
0x40010058 RF_REG16 (28:25) RX_IF_RESAMPLE_PH_IF (28:25) RX_IF_RESAMPLE_PH_IF 0X0 IF value for the phase resampler.
(24:16) RX_IF_IF2_CLK_OS (24:16) RX_IF_IF2_CLK_OS 0X0 IF value for the carrier recovery
(15:8) FSK_FCR_AMP_1_FSK_FCR_AMP1 (15:8) FSK_FCR_AMP_1_FSK_FCR_AMP1 0X0 FSK amplitude 1 (lowest): in FSK w/o ISI, it is used
to specify the expected amplitude. In 4-FSK, it is the
lowest amplitude (+/-1). in FSK w/ ISI, it specifies the
lowest amplitude (generally it corresponds to a
sequence 0-1-0).
(7:6) FILTER_GAIN_DR_LIMIT (7:6) FILTER_GAIN_DR_LIMIT 0X0 Set the data-rate recovery limits: 00 => 0%, 01 =>
3.125%, 10 => 6.25%, 11 => 12.5%
(5:3) FILTER_GAIN_FILTER_GAIN_M (5:3) FILTER_GAIN_FILTER_GAIN_M 0X0 Mantissa of the final stage gain of the matched filter
(2:0) FILTER_GAIN_FILTER_GAIN_E (2:0) FILTER_GAIN_FILTER_GAIN_E 0X0 Exponent of the final stage gain of the matched filter
Address Register Name Register Write Register Read Default Description
0x4001005C RF_REG17 (31:24) FSK_FCR_AMP_3_FSK_FCR_AMP3 (31:24) FSK_FCR_AMP_3_FSK_FCR_AMP3 0X0 FSK amplitude 3 (highest): in 4-FSK, it is the high
amplitude (+/-3); in FSK w/ ISI, it specifies the
highest amplitude (generally it corresponds to a
sequence 1-1-1).
(23:16) FSK_FCR_AMP_2_FSK_FCR_AMP2 (23:16) FSK_FCR_AMP_2_FSK_FCR_AMP2 0X0 FSK amplitude 2 (mid): in 4-FSK, it is the threshold.
in FSK w/ ISI, it specifies the mid amplitude
(generally it corresponds to a sequence 0-1-1 or
(14:13) (14:13) 0X0 Set the maximum errors in the delay line sync
(12) (12) 0X0 If set to 1, uses the pattern_ok signal in delay line to
(11:9) (11:9) 0X0 Select the output position for the 'not-causal
CARRIER_RECOVERY_EXTRA_NC_SEL_OU CARRIER_RECOVERY_EXTRA_NC_SEL_OUT processing': 000 => 4 symbols, 001 => 6 symbols,
T 010 => 8 symbols, 011 => 12 symbols, 100 => 16
symbols, 101 => 24 symbols, 110 => 32 symbols,
111 => 40 symbols
(8) (8) 0X0 if set to 1, enables the not causal processing
(6:4) (6:4) 0X0 Mantissa of the carrier recovery frequency limit
(2:0) (2:0) 0X0 Exponent of the carrier recovery frequency limit
CARRIER_RECOVERY_EXTRA_FREQ_LIMI CARRIER_RECOVERY_EXTRA_FREQ_LIMIT (signed). Formula: carrier_offset_max=(1+m/8)*2^e/
T_EXP _EXP 4*f_sym
ON Semiconductor
Address Register Name Register Write Register Read Default Description
0x40010060 RF_REG18 (31:16) (31:16) 0X0 Unsigned value that specifies the IF for the Rx
(15:14) RSSI_BANK_RSSI_TRI_CK_DIV (15:14) RSSI_BANK_RSSI_TRI_CK_DIV 0X0 Speed on the RSSI triangular dithering signal (cf reg
(13) RSSI_BANK_FAST_RSSI (13) RSSI_BANK_FAST_RSSI 0X0 If set to 1, the RSSI filtering is 8x faster
(12) RSSI_BANK_EN_FAST_PRE_SYNC (12) RSSI_BANK_EN_FAST_PRE_SYNC 0X0 If the packet mode is set, indicates to switch the fast
modes during the preamble reception
(11:8) (11:8) RSSI_BANK_TAU_RSSI_FILTERING 0X0 Time constant of the RSSI filtering block: 0: 4
RSSI_BANK_TAU_RSSI_FILTERING symbols, 1: 8 symbols, 2: 16 symbols, 3: 32
symbols, 4: 64 symbols, 5: 128 symbols, 6: 256
symbols, 7: 512 symbols, 8: 1024 symbols
RSL10 Hardware Reference
(4) DECISION_USE_VIT_SOFT (4) DECISION_USE_VIT_SOFT 0X0 If set to 1, uses the Viterbi soft decoding
(3:2) DECISION_VITERBI_LEN (3:2) DECISION_VITERBI_LEN 0X0 Sets the Viterbi path length: 00: 1 bit, 01: 2 bits, 10: 4
bits, 11: 8 bits
(1) DECISION_VITERBI_POW_NLIN (1) DECISION_VITERBI_POW_NLIN 0X0 if set to 1, the Viterbi algorithm uses power instead
of amplitude to evaluate the error on the path
(0) DECISION_EN_VITERBI_GFSK (0) DECISION_EN_VITERBI_GFSK 0X0 If set to 1, enables the Viterbi algorithm for the GFSK
decoding; this will override the old ISI correction
0x40010064 RF_REG19 (29:28) (29:28) 0X0 Same as pll_filter_res_trim but for Tx case. Real
PLL_BANK_PLL_FILTER_RES_TRIM_TX PLL_BANK_PLL_FILTER_RES_TRIM_TX value in Tx is pll_filter_res_trim xor
pll_filter_res_trim_tx. If set to 0, Tx and Rx have the
same value.
(27:24) PLL_BANK_IQ_PLL_0_TX (27:24) PLL_BANK_IQ_PLL_0_TX 0X0 Charge pump bias for Tx case. Real value in Tx is
iq_pll_0 xor iq_pll_0_tx. If set to 0, Tx and Rx have
the same value.
(22) PLL_BANK_LOW_DR_TX (22) PLL_BANK_LOW_DR_TX 0X0 If set to 1, the Tx will work in low data-rate mode
(21:20) (21:20) 0X0 Allow to modify the value of the loop filter resistor R2
PLL_BANK_PLL_FILTER_RES_TRIM PLL_BANK_PLL_FILTER_RES_TRIM when bit 5 is high (Tx mode): 00 => normal resistor
(R_2_typ), 01 => 123%, 10 => 130% 11 => 170%
(19:16) PLL_BANK_IQ_PLL_0 (19:16) PLL_BANK_IQ_PLL_0 0X0 Charge pump bias
(13) PA_PWR_MIN_PA_PWR (13) PA_PWR_MIN_PA_PWR 0X0 Sets the minimum power during the PA ramp-up: if 0
the ramp-up starts at -3, if 1 the ramp-up starts at -1
(12:8) PA_PWR_PA_PWR (12:8) PA_PWR_PA_PWR 0X0 Signed value that sets the PA power: minimum value
is -3 (-40dBm), max value is 12 (3.3dBm).
(7:4) CLK_CH_FILTER_DIV_RSSI (7:4) CLK_CH_FILTER_DIV_RSSI 0X0 Unsigned value that specifies the division factor for
the clock controlling the RSSI.
(3:0) CLK_CH_FILTER_DIV_FILT (3:0) CLK_CH_FILTER_DIV_FILT 0X0 Unsigned value that specifies the division factor for
the clock controlling the channel filter.
Address Register Name Register Write Register Read Default Description
0x40010068 RF_REG1A (31:28) ATT_CTRL_ATT_CTRL_MAX (31:28) ATT_CTRL_ATT_CTRL_MAX 0X0 Maximum attenuation level in AGC algorithm
(27:24) ATT_CTRL_SET_RX_ATT_CTRL (27:24) ATT_CTRL_SET_RX_ATT_CTRL 0X0 Attenuation level if the AGC is bypassed
(23:22) RSSI_CTRL_AGC_DECAY_TAU (23:22) RSSI_CTRL_AGC_DECAY_TAU 0X0 Time constant of the decay speed; high values
corresponds to a slow decay
(21) RSSI_CTRL_AGC_USE_LNA (21) RSSI_CTRL_AGC_USE_LNA 0X0 If set to 1, the AGC algorithm uses the LNA bias.
(20) RSSI_CTRL_AGC_MODE (20) RSSI_CTRL_AGC_MODE 0X0 Select the AGC algorithm: 0 -> old algorithm, 1 ->
new algorithm
(19:18) RSSI_CTRL_AGC_WAIT (19:18) RSSI_CTRL_AGC_WAIT 0X0 Sets the wait time of the AGC after switching
between states: 00 => don't wait, 01 => wait 1x RSSI
filtering period, 10 => wait 2x RSSI filtering period,
11 => wait 3x RSSI filtering period
(17) RSSI_CTRL_PAYLOAD_BLOCKS_AGC (17) RSSI_CTRL_PAYLOAD_BLOCKS_AGC 0X0 If set to 1, the AGC is blocked during the payload
(16) RSSI_CTRL_BYPASS_AGC (16) RSSI_CTRL_BYPASS_AGC 0X0 If set to 1, the AGC algorithm is bypassed
(12:8) FILTER_BIAS_IQ_FI_BW (12:8) FILTER_BIAS_IQ_FI_BW 0X0 Bias for the bandwidth of the channel filter
(4:0) FILTER_BIAS_IQ_FI_FC (4:0) FILTER_BIAS_IQ_FI_FC 0X0 Bias for the central frequency of the channel filter
0x4001006C RF_REG1B (31) IEEE802154_OPTS_EN_DW_TEST (31) IEEE802154_OPTS_EN_DW_TEST 0X0 If set to 1, enables the Tx data-whitening before the
convolutional code block
(30:29) (30:29) 0X0 sets the clock output mode for BER mode or RW
IEEE802154_OPTS_BER_CLK_MODE IEEE802154_OPTS_BER_CLK_MODE mode: 00 => data change on falling edge, 01 =>
data change on rising edge, 10 => clock signal is a
toggled signal, 11 => enable signal from clock
(28) (28) 0X0 If set to 1, the signal rx_data in test modes is not
IEEE802154_OPTS_RX_DATA_NOT_SAMP IEEE802154_OPTS_RX_DATA_NOT_SAMPL sampled. Used for debug purposes
(27) IEEE802154_OPTS_EN_L2F_RX (27) IEEE802154_OPTS_EN_L2F_RX 0X0 if set to 1, enables the frequency to linear conversion
in the Rx side (always controlled by the
en_802154_l2f configuration bit).
(26:24) IEEE802154_OPTS_C2B_THR (26:24) IEEE802154_OPTS_C2B_THR 0X0 Threshold of the chip2bit correlator of the IEEE
802.15.4 protocol.
(23:20) AGC_PEAK_DET_PEAK_DET_TAU (23:20) AGC_PEAK_DET_PEAK_DET_TAU 0X0 Time constant of the peak detector monostable
circuit; if set to 0 the monostable is bypassed
(19:18) (19:18) 0X0 Threshold for the low level of the peak detector: 0 =>
(17) (17) 0X0 Threshold for the high level of the peak detector: 0
(16) AGC_PEAK_DET_EN_AGC_PEAK (16) AGC_PEAK_DET_EN_AGC_PEAK 0X0 If set to 1, enables the AGC peak detector
(15:8) AGC_THR_HIGH_AGC_THR_HIGH (15:8) AGC_THR_HIGH_AGC_THR_HIGH 0X0 AGC threshold high level
(7:0) AGC_THR_LOW_AGC_THR_LOW (7:0) AGC_THR_LOW_AGC_THR_LOW 0X0 AGC threshold low level
0x40010070 RF_AGC_LUT1 (31:22) AGC_LUT_1_AGC_LEVEL_2_LO (31:22) AGC_LUT_1_AGC_LEVEL_2_LO 0X0 Look up table with the AGC values: agc_level_0 is
supposed the lowest attenuation, while agc_level_11
(21:11) AGC_LUT_1_AGC_LEVEL_1 (21:11) AGC_LUT_1_AGC_LEVEL_1 0X0 is the one with a maximum of attenuation.
(10:0) AGC_LUT_1_AGC_LEVEL_0 (10:0) AGC_LUT_1_AGC_LEVEL_0 0X0
ON Semiconductor
Address Register Name Register Write Register Read Default Description
0x40010074 RF_AGC_LUT2 (31:23) AGC_LUT_2_AGC_LEVEL_5_LO (31:23) AGC_LUT_2_AGC_LEVEL_5_LO 0X0 Look up table with the AGC values: agc_level_0 is
supposed the lowest attenuation, while agc_level_11
(22:12) AGC_LUT_2_AGC_LEVEL_4 (22:12) AGC_LUT_2_AGC_LEVEL_4 0X0 is the one with a maximum of attenuation.
(11:1) AGC_LUT_2_AGC_LEVEL_3 (11:1) AGC_LUT_2_AGC_LEVEL_3 0X0
0x40010078 RF_AGC_LUT3 (31:24) AGC_LUT_3_AGC_LEVEL_8_LO (31:24) AGC_LUT_3_AGC_LEVEL_8_LO 0X0 Look up table with the AGC values: agc_level_0 is
supposed the lowest attenuation, while agc_level_11
(23:13) AGC_LUT_3_AGC_LEVEL_7 (23:13) AGC_LUT_3_AGC_LEVEL_7 0X0 is the one with a maximum of attenuation.
(12:2) AGC_LUT_3_AGC_LEVEL_6 (12:2) AGC_LUT_3_AGC_LEVEL_6 0X0
0x4001007C RF_AGC_LUT4 (31:25) AGC_LUT_4_AGC_LEVEL_11_LO (31:25) AGC_LUT_4_AGC_LEVEL_11_LO 0X0 Look up table with the AGC values: agc_level_0 is
supposed the lowest attenuation, while agc_level_11
RSL10 Hardware Reference
(24:14) AGC_LUT_4_AGC_LEVEL_10 (24:14) AGC_LUT_4_AGC_LEVEL_10 0X0 is the one with a maximum of attenuation.
(13:3) AGC_LUT_4_AGC_LEVEL_9 (13:3) AGC_LUT_4_AGC_LEVEL_9 0X0
0x40010080 RF_REG20 (31:28) TIMINGS_3_T_DLL (31:28) TIMINGS_3_T_DLL 0X0 Time needed by the DLL blocks to switch on.
(27:24) TIMINGS_3_T_PLL_TX (27:24) TIMINGS_3_T_PLL_TX 0X1 Time needed by the PLL blocks in Tx mode to switch
(23:20) TIMINGS_2_T_SUBBAND_TX (23:20) TIMINGS_2_T_SUBBAND_TX 0XF Time needed by the subband algorithm to calibrate
in Tx.
(19:16) TIMINGS_2_T_TX_RF (19:16) TIMINGS_2_T_TX_RF 0XF Time needed by the Tx RF blocks to switch on.
(14:12) TIMINGS_1_T_GRANULARITY_TX (14:12) TIMINGS_1_T_GRANULARITY_TX 0X0 Fixes the granularity of the timer in Tx mode. The
granularity is given by (2^(t_granularity-2))x1us
(10:8) TIMINGS_1_T_GRANULARITY_RX (10:8) TIMINGS_1_T_GRANULARITY_RX 0X1 Fixes the granularity of the timer in Rx mode. The
granularity is given by (2^(t_granularity))x1us
(3:0) AGC_LUT_5_AGC_LEVEL_11_HI (3:0) AGC_LUT_5_AGC_LEVEL_11_HI 0XF Look up table with the AGC values: agc_level_0 is
supposed the lowest attenuation, while agc_level_11
is the one with a maximum of attenuation.
0x40010084 RF_AGC_ATT1 (31:30) AGC_ATT_1_AGC_ATT_AB_LO (31:30) AGC_ATT_1_AGC_ATT_AB_LO 0X3
(29:27) AGC_ATT_1_AGC_ATT_9A (29:27) AGC_ATT_1_AGC_ATT_9A 0X3
(26:24) AGC_ATT_1_AGC_ATT_89 (26:24) AGC_ATT_1_AGC_ATT_89 0X3
(23:21) AGC_ATT_1_AGC_ATT_78 (23:21) AGC_ATT_1_AGC_ATT_78 0X3
(20:18) AGC_ATT_1_AGC_ATT_67 (20:18) AGC_ATT_1_AGC_ATT_67 0X3
(17:15) AGC_ATT_1_AGC_ATT_56 (17:15) AGC_ATT_1_AGC_ATT_56 0X3
(14:12) AGC_ATT_1_AGC_ATT_45 (14:12) AGC_ATT_1_AGC_ATT_45 0X3
(11:9) AGC_ATT_1_AGC_ATT_34 (11:9) AGC_ATT_1_AGC_ATT_34 0X3
(8:6) AGC_ATT_1_AGC_ATT_23 (8:6) AGC_ATT_1_AGC_ATT_23 0X3
(5:3) AGC_ATT_1_AGC_ATT_12 (5:3) AGC_ATT_1_AGC_ATT_12 0X3
(2:0) AGC_ATT_1_AGC_ATT_01 (2:0) AGC_ATT_1_AGC_ATT_01 0X3 These fields specify the attenuation levels
Address Register Name Register Write Register Read Default Description
0x40010088 RF_REG22 (29) (29) 0X0 If set to 1, enables filter Tx configuration for the fast
(28) TIMING_FAST_RX_EN_FAST_RX (28) TIMING_FAST_RX_EN_FAST_RX 0X0 If set to 1, enables the fast Rx PLL
(27:24) (27:24) 0X0 When to switch off the fast CHP in Rx mode
(23:20) TIMINGS_5_T_RX_RF (23:20) TIMINGS_5_T_RX_RF 0X0 Time needed by the Rx RF blocks to switch on.
(19:16) TIMINGS_5_T_RX_BB (19:16) TIMINGS_5_T_RX_BB 0X0 Time needed by the Rx BB blocks to switch on.
(15:12) TIMINGS_4_T_SUBBAND_RX (15:12) TIMINGS_4_T_SUBBAND_RX 0X0 Time needed by the subband algorithm to calibrate
in Rx
(11:8) TIMINGS_4_T_PLL_RX (11:8) TIMINGS_4_T_PLL_RX 0X0 Time needed by the PLL blocks in Rx mode to switch
(1) AGC_ATT_2_AGC_ATT_1DB (1) AGC_ATT_2_AGC_ATT_1DB 0X0 If set to 1, the attenuations are specified by 1dB
steps from 4dB to 11dB
0x4001008C RF_REG23 (31:28) BIAS_1_IQ_RXTX_3 (31:28) BIAS_1_IQ_RXTX_3 0X0 PrePA Casc bias
(27:24) BIAS_1_IQ_RXTX_2 (27:24) BIAS_1_IQ_RXTX_2 0X0 PrePA In bias
(23:20) BIAS_0_IQ_RXTX_1 (23:20) BIAS_0_IQ_RXTX_1 0X0 PA backoff bias
(19:16) BIAS_0_IQ_RXTX_0 (19:16) BIAS_0_IQ_RXTX_0 0X0 PA bias
(14:12) (14:12) 0X0 Select the number of wait states during the APB
(9:8) INTERFACE_CONF_SPI_SELECT (9:8) INTERFACE_CONF_SPI_SELECT 0X0 Select the spi mode: 00 legacy spi, 01 advanced spi,
10 BLIM4SME spi
(7) TIMEOUT_EN_RX_TIMEOUT (7) TIMEOUT_EN_RX_TIMEOUT 0X0 If set to 1, enables the timeout of the Rx when the
system is on FSM mode
(6:4) TIMEOUT_T_TIMEOUT_GR (6:4) TIMEOUT_T_TIMEOUT_GR 0X0 Granularity of the timer in timeout Rx mode
(3:0) TIMEOUT_T_RX_TIMEOUT (3:0) TIMEOUT_T_RX_TIMEOUT 0X0 Time that has to occur before the timeout.
0x40010090 RF_REG24 (31:28) BIAS_5_IQ_PLL_4_RX (31:28) BIAS_5_IQ_PLL_4_RX 0X0 VCO bias for Rx
(27:24) BIAS_5_IQ_PLL_4_TX (27:24) BIAS_5_IQ_PLL_4_TX 0X0 VCO bias for Tx
(23:20) BIAS_4_IQ_PLL_2 (23:20) BIAS_4_IQ_PLL_2 0X0 Sub-band comparator bias
(19:16) BIAS_4_IQ_PLL_1 (19:16) BIAS_4_IQ_PLL_1 0X0 Dynamic divider bias
(15:12) BIAS_3_IQ_RXTX_8 (15:12) BIAS_3_IQ_RXTX_8 0X0 IFA ctrl_c bias
(11:8) BIAS_3_IQ_RXTX_7 (11:8) BIAS_3_IQ_RXTX_7 0X0 IFA ctrl_r bias
(7:4) BIAS_2_IQ_RXTX_6 (7:4) BIAS_2_IQ_RXTX_6 0X0 VCOM_MX bias
(3:0) BIAS_2_IQ_RXTX_5 (3:0) BIAS_2_IQ_RXTX_5 0X0 VCOM_LO bias
ON Semiconductor
Address Register Name Register Write Register Read Default Description
0x40010094 RF_REG25 (31:28) BIAS_9_IQ_BB_6 (31:28) BIAS_9_IQ_BB_6 0X0 Peak detector threshold bias 0
(27:24) BIAS_9_IQ_BB_5 (27:24) BIAS_9_IQ_BB_5 0X0 Peak detector bias
(23:20) BIAS_8_IQ_BB_4 (23:20) BIAS_8_IQ_BB_4 0X0 RSSI_D bias
(19:16) BIAS_8_IQ_BB_3 (19:16) BIAS_8_IQ_BB_3 0X0 RSSI_G bias
(15:12) BIAS_7_IQ_BB_2 (15:12) BIAS_7_IQ_BB_2 0X0 ACD_L bias
(11:8) BIAS_7_IQ_BB_1 (11:8) BIAS_7_IQ_BB_1 0X0 ACD_C bias
(7:4) BIAS_6_IQ_BB_0 (7:4) BIAS_6_IQ_BB_0 0X0 ACD_O bias
(3:0) BIAS_6_IQ_PLL_3 (3:0) BIAS_6_IQ_PLL_3 0X0 DLL bias
0x40010098 RF_REG26 (28) SD_MASH_MASH_ENABLE (28) SD_MASH_MASH_ENABLE 0X0 Enable the sigma delta mash
RSL10 Hardware Reference
(27) SD_MASH_MASH_DITHER (27) SD_MASH_MASH_DITHER 0X0 Enable dithering on the sigma delta mash
(26:25) SD_MASH_MASH_ORDER (26:25) SD_MASH_MASH_ORDER 0X0 Order of the sigma delta mash
(24) SD_MASH_MASH_RSTB (24) SD_MASH_MASH_RSTB 0X0 Reset of the sigma delta mash (active low)
(23:20) BIAS_12_LNA_AGC_BIAS_3 (23:20) BIAS_12_LNA_AGC_BIAS_3 0X0 LNA bias for AGC lvl 3
(19:16) BIAS_12_LNA_AGC_BIAS_2 (19:16) BIAS_12_LNA_AGC_BIAS_2 0X0 LNA bias for AGC lvl 2
(15:12) BIAS_11_LNA_AGC_BIAS_1 (15:12) BIAS_11_LNA_AGC_BIAS_1 0X0 LNA bias for AGC lvl 1
(11:8) BIAS_11_LNA_AGC_BIAS_0 (11:8) BIAS_11_LNA_AGC_BIAS_0 0X0 LNA bias for AGC lvl 0
(7:4) BIAS_10_IQ_BB_8 (7:4) BIAS_10_IQ_BB_8 0X0 Peak detector threshold bias 1
(3:0) BIAS_10_IQ_BB_7 (3:0) BIAS_10_IQ_BB_7 0X0 Peak detector threshold bias 2
0x4001009C RF_REG27 (31) CTRL_ADC_ONE_CK_RSSI_PHADC (31) CTRL_ADC_ONE_CK_RSSI_PHADC 0X0 If set to 1, the RSSI and the phADC share the same
(30:29) CTRL_ADC_PHADC_DELLATCH (30:29) CTRL_ADC_PHADC_DELLATCH 0X0 phADC delay latch trimming
(28:24) CTRL_ADC_CTRL_ADC (28:24) CTRL_ADC_CTRL_ADC 0X0 bits(1:0) => phADC reset delay, bits(3:2) phADC
clock delay, bit(4) phADC latch idle
(19) BIAS_EN_2_EN_PTAT (19) BIAS_EN_2_EN_PTAT 0X0 Enable PTAT
(18:16) BIAS_EN_2_EN_BIAS_BB_HI (18:16) BIAS_EN_2_EN_BIAS_BB_HI 0X0 Bias enable for BB (same order as biases)
(15:12) BIAS_EN_1_EN_BIAS_BB_LO (15:12) BIAS_EN_1_EN_BIAS_BB_LO 0X0 Bias enable for BB (same order as biases)
(11:7) BIAS_EN_1_EN_BIAS_PLL (11:7) BIAS_EN_1_EN_BIAS_PLL 0X0 Bias enable for PLL (same order as biases)
(6:0) BIAS_EN_1_EN_BIAS_RXTX (6:0) BIAS_EN_1_EN_BIAS_RXTX 0X0 Bias enable for RxTx (same order as biases)
Address Register Name Register Write Register Read Default Description
0x400100A0 RF_REG28 (31) CTRL_RX_SWITCH_LP (31) CTRL_RX_SWITCH_LP 0X0 If set to 1, switch the low-pass filter in the Rx chain
(30) CTRL_RX_USE_PEAK_DETECTOR (30) CTRL_RX_USE_PEAK_DETECTOR 0X0 If set to 1, the peak detector is powered on during
the Rx by the FSM
(29) CTRL_RX_START_MIX_ON_CAL (29) CTRL_RX_START_MIX_ON_CAL 0X0 If set to 1, the mixer is enabled during the sub-band
selection phase
(28:24) CTRL_RX_CTRL_RX (28:24) CTRL_RX_CTRL_RX 0X0 bits(1:0) => resonance 1 LNA, bits(3:2) =>
resonance 2 LNA, bit(4) => IFA PTAT-R only
(23:20) SWCAP_FSM_SB_CAP_RX (23:20) SWCAP_FSM_SB_CAP_RX 0X0 VCO subband selection (Rx in FSM mode)
(19:16) SWCAP_FSM_SB_CAP_TX (19:16) SWCAP_FSM_SB_CAP_TX 0X0 VCO subband selection (Tx in FSM mode)
(8) DLL_CTRL_CK_EXT_SEL (8) DLL_CTRL_CK_EXT_SEL 0X0 Low: input clock comes from ck_xtal pin (default).
High: input clock comes from ck_ext pin
(7) DLL_CTRL_CK_DIG_EN (7) DLL_CTRL_CK_DIG_EN 0X0 Debug: enable to use the alternate ck_dig pin to
output the PLL reference clock signal
(6) DLL_CTRL_CK_TEST_EN (6) DLL_CTRL_CK_TEST_EN 0X0 Debug: enable to output on GPIO the PLL reference
clock signal via ck_test pin
ON Semiconductor
Address Register Name Register Write Register Read Default Description
(5) DLL_CTRL_TOO_FAST_ENB (5) DLL_CTRL_TOO_FAST_ENB 0X0 When low, enable auxiliary wide lock range phase
detector when fast mode locking is enabled
(fast_enb = 0). When high, only the narrow lock
range phase detector is enabled and bit 2 (fast_enb)
must be high to avoid false frequency lock (slow
mode locking)
(4) DLL_CTRL_LOCKED_DET_EN (4) DLL_CTRL_LOCKED_DET_EN 0X0 Enable reference frequency multiplier locked
detector. When this signal is high, the dll_locked
output goes high when the output multiplied clock is
nearly about three times the frequency of the input
(3) DLL_CTRL_LOCKED_AUTO_CHECK_EN (3) DLL_CTRL_LOCKED_AUTO_CHECK_EN 0X0 If for some reason the reference frequency multiplier
is out of lock (usually because some input clocks
RSL10 Hardware Reference
• 01 => ref = same as ck_sel = 00 if
dll_en = 0; otherwise frequency(ref)
= 3x frequency(ck_xtal) or 3x
frequency(ck_ext) (if bit 8 is high)
• 10 => ref = same as ck_sel = 01 but
output frequency divided by 2 (used
in normal Rx mode when dll_en =
• 11 => ref = same as ck_sel = 01 but
output frequency divided by 5 (used
for Rx mode with external signal at
132 MHz when dll_en = 0)
Address Register Name Register Write Register Read Default Description
0x400100A4 RF_PLL_CTRL (31:24) XTAL_TRIM_XTAL_TRIM (31:24) XTAL_TRIM_XTAL_TRIM 0X80 trimming of the xtal: 5MSB thermometric, 3LSB
(20) PLL_CTRL_2_PLL_RX_48MEG (20) PLL_CTRL_2_PLL_RX_48MEG 0X0 If set to 1, the PLL is set to 48MHz in Rx instead of
24MHz (need also to change ck_sel)
(19) PLL_CTRL_2_SWCAP_TX_SAME_RX (19) PLL_CTRL_2_SWCAP_TX_SAME_RX 0X0 If set to 1, in case of swcap_fsm=1, the register for
Rx and Tx swcap is the same
(18) PLL_CTRL_2_SWCAP_FSM (18) PLL_CTRL_2_SWCAP_FSM 0X0 If set to 1, use the swcap_fsm register as reference
for the sub-band selection
(17) PLL_CTRL_2_DLL_RSTB (17) PLL_CTRL_2_DLL_RSTB 0X0 Reset signal of the DLL (active low)
(16) (16) 0X0 VCO sub-band selection bits
(15:13) (15:13) 0X0 VCO sub-band selection bits
ON Semiconductor
Address Register Name Register Write Register Read Default Description
(12) PLL_CTRL_1_SUB_SEL_OFFS_EN (12) PLL_CTRL_1_SUB_SEL_OFFS_EN 0X0 Add offset to sub-band selection comparator
(11) (11) 0X0 Debug: VCO signal divided by the programmable
PLL_CTRL_1_DIV2_CLKVCO_TEST_EN PLL_CTRL_1_DIV2_CLKVCO_TEST_EN divider is divided by a: 0 => division ratio set to 1, 1
=> division ratio set to 2; before to be outputted to
(10) PLL_CTRL_1_VCODIV_CLK_TEST_EN (10) PLL_CTRL_1_VCODIV_CLK_TEST_EN 0X0 Debug: enable to output on GPIO the VCO signal
divided by the programmable divider
(9) PLL_CTRL_1_EN_LOW_CHP_BIAS (9) PLL_CTRL_1_EN_LOW_CHP_BIAS 0X0 When high, allow to decrease half time the bias
current for the same output pumping current. Should
be always high.
(8) PLL_CTRL_1_CHP_DEAD_ZONE_EN (8) PLL_CTRL_1_CHP_DEAD_ZONE_EN 0X0 Debug: enable charge-pump dead zone (degraded
PLL characteristics for test)
RSL10 Hardware Reference
(3:2) PLL_CTRL_1_CHP_MODE_TRIM c 0X0 Charge-pump active if 00 else this allows opening of
the PLL and forces the VCO tune voltage to reach:
01 => minimum frequency inside sub-band
selection, 10 => medium frequency inside sub-band
selection, 11 => maximum frequency inside
sub-band selection.
(1) PLL_CTRL_1_CHP_CMC_EN (1) PLL_CTRL_1_CHP_CMC_EN 0X0 Enable the common mode control block of the
charge-pump. Must be high to ensure proper
operation of the VCO tuning voltage comparator for
sub-band selection, if used
(0) PLL_CTRL_1_CHP_CURR_OFFSET_EN (0) PLL_CTRL_1_CHP_CURR_OFFSET_EN 0X0 Debug: enable the charge-pump offset current (see
bits 7:6 for offset current value)
Address Register Name Register Write Register Read Default Description
0x400100A8 RF_REG2A (28) ENABLES_SEPARATE_PPA_CASC (28) ENABLES_SEPARATE_PPA_CASC 0X0 If set to 1, the enable PPA cascode bit is
independent from the enable PA
(27:22) ENABLES_EN_RXTX (27:22) ENABLES_EN_RXTX 0X0 Enable signals: 0 => LNA, 1 => LNA, 2 => IFA, 3 =>
Tx, 4 => PA, 5 => PPA casc
(21:16) ENABLES_EN_BB (21:16) ENABLES_EN_BB 0X0 Enable signals for the BB: 0 => Filter, 1 => Filter
central frequency bias, 2 => Filter bandwidth bias, 3
=> ADC, 4 => RSSI, 5 => peak detector
(15:13) RSSI_TUN_RSSI_TUN_GAIN (15:13) RSSI_TUN_RSSI_TUN_GAIN 0X3 RSSI tuning for gain
(12:8) RSSI_TUN_RSSI_ODD_OFFSET (12:8) RSSI_TUN_RSSI_ODD_OFFSET 0X0 RSSI tuning for odd stages: offset to the even
triangular wave
(7:4) RSSI_TUN_RSSI_EVEN_MAX (7:4) RSSI_TUN_RSSI_EVEN_MAX 0X7 RSSI tuning for even stages: maximum value of the
triangular wave. If max = min, static signal.
(3:0) RSSI_TUN_RSSI_EVEN_MIN (3:0) RSSI_TUN_RSSI_EVEN_MIN 0X7 RSSI tuning for even stages: minimum value of the
triangular wave
0x400100AC RF_XTAL_CTRL (31:28) XTAL_CTRL_XO_THR_HIGH (31:28) XTAL_CTRL_XO_THR_HIGH 0XC High threshold for xtal trimming
(27:24) XTAL_CTRL_XO_THR_LOW (27:24) XTAL_CTRL_XO_THR_LOW 0X3 Low threshold for xtal trimming
(23:22) (23:22) 0X2 Value of after_startup_curr_sel when level is higher
(21:20) (21:20) 0X0 Value of after_startup_curr_sel when level is lower
(18) XTAL_CTRL_XTAL_CTRL_BYPASS (18) XTAL_CTRL_XTAL_CTRL_BYPASS 0X0 Bypass the Xtal control algorithm
(17) XTAL_CTRL_DIG_CLK_IN_SEL (17) XTAL_CTRL_DIG_CLK_IN_SEL 0X0 If set to 1, selects the clk_in_dig signal for the digital
block, otherwise the internal xtal
(16) XTAL_CTRL_XO_EN_B_REG (16) XTAL_CTRL_XO_EN_B_REG 0X1 Xtal oscillator enable (active low)
(15:14) XTAL_CTRL_XTAL_CKDIV (15:14) XTAL_CTRL_XTAL_CKDIV 0X0 Xtal trimming speed: 00 => 43us, 01 => 85us, 10 =>
171us, 11 => 341us
(13) XTAL_CTRL_CLK_OUT_EN_B (13) XTAL_CTRL_CLK_OUT_EN_B 0X0 When high, disable the output clock to go to main IP
(clk_out output stay low).
(12) XTAL_CTRL_REG_VALUE_SEL (12) XTAL_CTRL_REG_VALUE_SEL 0X0 When low, all main ctrl signals are used instead of
corresponding ctrl signal or some control bits of
xtal_reg. They are: xo_en_b, ext_clk_mode and
lp_mode. When high, corresponding ctrl signal and
some control bits of xtal_reg are used instead of
main ctrl signals. They are: xo_en_b_reg,
ext_clk_mode (bit 0) and lp_mode (bit 1).
(11:10) (11:10) 0X1 Selection of the current before amplitude
XTAL_CTRL_AFTERSTARTUP_CURR_SEL XTAL_CTRL_AFTERSTARTUP_CURR_SEL stabilization but after starting-up in active transistors
of the core oscillator: '00': typ. 0.15 mA, '01': typ.
0.24 mA, '10': typ. 0.40 mA, '11': typ. 0.61 mA
(9:8) XTAL_CTRL_STARTUP_CURR_SEL (9:8) XTAL_CTRL_STARTUP_CURR_SEL 0X1 Selection of the starting-up current in active
transistors of the core oscillator: '00': typ. 0.41 mA,
'01': typ. 0.59 mA, '10': typ. 0.88 mA, '11': typ. 1.24
ON Semiconductor
Address Register Name Register Write Register Read Default Description
(7) XTAL_CTRL_INV_CLK_DIG (7) XTAL_CTRL_INV_CLK_DIG 0X0 Invert clock on clk_dig output
(6) XTAL_CTRL_INV_CLK_PLL (6) XTAL_CTRL_INV_CLK_PLL 0X0 Invert clock on clk_pll output
(5) XTAL_CTRL_FORCE_CLK_READY (5) XTAL_CTRL_FORCE_CLK_READY 0X0 Debug: allow to force output clocks on clk_pll,
clk_dig and clk_out (if these outputs are enabled)
and bypass the xtal internal clock detector that gates
these clock outputs.
(4) XTAL_CTRL_CLK_DIG_EN_B (4) XTAL_CTRL_CLK_DIG_EN_B 0X0 When high, disable the output clock to go to digital
(clk_dig output stay low).
(3) XTAL_CTRL_BUFF_EN_B (3) XTAL_CTRL_BUFF_EN_B 0X0 When low (and if xtal_en_b(_reg) is low), the xtal
buffer is enabled; otherwise it is disabled. Could be
used to decrease the power consumption of the xtal
while maintaining oscillation in the xtal oscillator
RSL10 Hardware Reference
(2) XTAL_CTRL_HP_MODE (2) XTAL_CTRL_HP_MODE 0X0 When high, bias current in the clock buffer is
increased compared to normal operation (high
bandwidth mode in 132 MHz clock input buffer).
(1) XTAL_CTRL_LP_MODE (1) XTAL_CTRL_LP_MODE 0X0 When high, bias current in the clock buffer is
reduced compared to normal operation (low power
mode). Usable only if bit 12 is high (see below);
otherwise it is bypassed by lp_mode pin input on
main interface
(0) XTAL_CTRL_EXT_CLK_MODE (0) XTAL_CTRL_EXT_CLK_MODE 0X0 When high, allow to uses xtal_p (and eventually
xtal_n) has external clock input(s). The XTAL
oscillator core is disabled. Usable only if bit 12 is
high (see below); otherwise it is bypassed by
ext_clk_mode pin input on main interface
Address Register Name Register Write Register Read Default Description
0x400100B0 RF_REG2C (31:24) SUBBAND_OFFSET_SB_OFFSET (31:24) SUBBAND_OFFSET_SB_OFFSET 0X0 Offset to add in frequency count in order to
compensate the offset of the varicap.
(23:20) SWCAP_LIM_SB_MAX_VAL (23:20) SWCAP_LIM_SB_MAX_VAL 0X0 maximum subband value in linear search subband
(freq and comp)
(19:16) SWCAP_LIM_SB_MIN_VAL (19:16) SWCAP_LIM_SB_MIN_VAL 0X0 minimum subband value in linear search subband
(freq and comp)
(15) SUBBAND_CONF_SB_FLL_MODE (15) SUBBAND_CONF_SB_FLL_MODE 0X0 Enables the FLL mode for the subband selection
(overrides other settings)
(14) SUBBAND_CONF_SB_INV_BAND (14) SUBBAND_CONF_SB_INV_BAND 0X0 invert the meaning of sb_high and sb_low
(13:12) SUBBAND_CONF_SB_FREQ_CNT (13:12) SUBBAND_CONF_SB_FREQ_CNT 0X0 The length to count in frequency mode: 00 => 256
(Rx: 10.7us, Tx: 2.13us),01 => 512 (Rx: 21.3us, Tx:
4.26us),11 => 1024 (Rx: 42.7us, Tx: 8.53us),01 =>
4096 (Rx: 171us, Tx: 34.1us)
(11:10) SUBBAND_CONF_SB_WAIT_T (11:10) SUBBAND_CONF_SB_WAIT_T 0X0 Set the amount of time to wait for the PLL to settle:
00 => Rx 8us, Tx 2us, 01 => Rx 12us, Tx 3us, 10 =>
Rx 16us, Tx 4us, 11 => Rx 24us, Tx 6u
(9:8) SUBBAND_CONF_SB_MODE (9:8) SUBBAND_CONF_SB_MODE 0X0 sub-band algorithm mode: 00 => SAR w/
comparators, 01 => linear w/ comparators, 00 =>
SAR w/ frequency ratios, 01 => linear w/ frequency
(5:4) PA_CONF_SW_CN (5:4) PA_CONF_SW_CN 0X0 Harmonic 2 notch tuning
(3) PA_CONF_TX_SWITCHPA (3) PA_CONF_TX_SWITCHPA 0X0 If set to 1, enables the PA only with the digital block,
otherwise it is the RF Tx timing
(2) PA_CONF_TX_0DBM (2) PA_CONF_TX_0DBM 0X0 If set to 1, enables the PA, otherwise only the PPA is
used (-20dBm)
ON Semiconductor
Address Register Name Register Write Register Read Default Description
0x400100B4 RF_REG2D (31) SUBBAND_CORR_SUBBAND_CORR_EN (31) SUBBAND_CORR_SUBBAND_CORR_EN 0X0 Enable the subband correction
(30:28) (30:28) 0X0 Subband correction in Rx
(26:24) (26:24) 0X0 Subband correction in Tx
(23) (23) 0X0
(22) (22) 0X0
(21:20) PLL_CONF_TX_NRX_CK_SEL_TX (21:20) PLL_CONF_TX_NRX_CK_SEL_TX 0X3 Xor value between Tx and Rx for the ck_sel field of
register DLL_CTRL
RSL10 Hardware Reference
(9) PA_RAMPUP_EN_PA_RAMPDOWN (9) PA_RAMPUP_EN_PA_RAMPDOWN 0X0 if set to 1, enables the PA ramp-down. Only valid in
case of ramp-up
(8) PA_RAMPUP_EN_PA_RAMPUP (8) PA_RAMPUP_EN_PA_RAMPUP 0X0 if set to 1, enables the PA ramp-up
(7:3) MISC_SPARES (7:3) MISC_SPARES 0X0 Unused bits
(2:1) MISC_RSSI_PRE_ATT (2:1) MISC_RSSI_PRE_ATT 0X0 RSSI pre-attenuator: 00 => 0dB, 01 => 4dB, 10 =>
8dB, 11 => 12dB
(0) MISC_XTAL_LOW_CLK_READY_TH_EN (0) MISC_XTAL_LOW_CLK_READY_TH_EN 0X0 XTAL: if set to 1, the clk_ready threshold is set to a
lower value
Address Register Name Register Write Register Read Default Description
0x400100B8 RF_REG2E (31:24) (31:24) 0X0 Threshold used for absolute RSSI detection
(23:16) (23:16) 0X0 Threshold used for differential RSSI detection
(14) (14) 0X0 If set to 1, enables the sync word detection in the
DEMOD_CTRL_EN_DELLINE_SYNC_DET DEMOD_CTRL_EN_DELLINE_SYNC_DET delay line. This implies that nc_sel_out = 0x7
(13) DEMOD_CTRL_RSSI_DET_FILT (13) DEMOD_CTRL_RSSI_DET_FILT 0X0 Add an additional filtering on the RSSI value
(12) DEMOD_CTRL_EN_FAST_CLK_RECOV (12) DEMOD_CTRL_EN_FAST_CLK_RECOV 0X0 If set to 1, speed up the clock recovery during the
rest of the preamble
(11) DEMOD_CTRL_EN_MIN_MAX_MF (11) DEMOD_CTRL_EN_MIN_MAX_MF 0X0 If set to 1, enables the min max algo after the
matched filter
(10) DEMOD_CTRL_EN_PRE_SYNC (10) DEMOD_CTRL_EN_PRE_SYNC 0X0 If set to 1, enables the sync detection on the
non-delayed path; not working in 4-FSK
(9) DEMOD_CTRL_BLOCK_RSSI_DET (9) DEMOD_CTRL_BLOCK_RSSI_DET 0X0 If set to 1, blocks the RSSI detection during the
slow-down period
(8) DEMOD_CTRL_EARLY_FINE_RECOV (8) DEMOD_CTRL_EARLY_FINE_RECOV 0X0 If set to 1, enables the early fine recovery after the
packet detection or pre-sync
(7:6) RSSI_DETECT_RSSI_DET_CR_LEN (7:6) RSSI_DETECT_RSSI_DET_CR_LEN 0X0 Number of samples to estimate the carrier offset: 0
-> 32, 1 -> 64, 2 -> 128, 3->256
(5:4) RSSI_DETECT_RSSI_DET_WAIT (5:4) RSSI_DETECT_RSSI_DET_WAIT 0X0 Symbols to wait after the RSSI detection: 00 -> 0, 01
-> 1, 10 -> 2, 11 -> 4
(3:2) RSSI_DETECT_RSSI_DET_DIFF_LL (3:2) RSSI_DETECT_RSSI_DET_DIFF_LL 0X0 Set the distance between the actual value and the
subtracted one (0->1 sample,1->2 samples, etc.)
(1) RSSI_DETECT_EN_ABS_RSSI_DETECT (1) RSSI_DETECT_EN_ABS_RSSI_DETECT 0X0 If set to 1, enables the absolute RSSI detection
(0) (0) 0X0 If set to 1, enables the differential RSSI detection
ON Semiconductor
Address Register Name Register Write Register Read Default Description
0x400100BC RF_REG2F (26:24) CK_DIV_1_6_CK_DIV_1_6 (26:24) CK_DIV_1_6_CK_DIV_1_6 0X0 Clock division factor for ck_div_1_6
(22) PADS_PE_DS_GPIO_DS (22) PADS_PE_DS_GPIO_DS 0X0 If set to 1, enables the increased drive strength of
the digital pads
(21) PADS_PE_DS_GPIO_PE (21) PADS_PE_DS_GPIO_PE 0X0 If set to 1, enables the pull-up of the GPIO pads
(20) PADS_PE_DS_NRESET_PE (20) PADS_PE_DS_NRESET_PE 0X0 If set to 1, enables the pull-up of the nreset pad
(19) PADS_PE_DS_SPI_MISO_PE (19) PADS_PE_DS_SPI_MISO_PE 0X0 If set to 1, enables the pull-up of the MISO SPI pad
(18) PADS_PE_DS_SPI_MOSI_PE (18) PADS_PE_DS_SPI_MOSI_PE 0X0 If set to 1, enables the pull-up of the MOSI SPI pad
(17) PADS_PE_DS_SPI_SCLK_PE (17) PADS_PE_DS_SPI_SCLK_PE 0X0 If set to 1, enables the pull-up of the SCLK SPI pad
(16) PADS_PE_DS_SPI_CS_N_PE (16) PADS_PE_DS_SPI_CS_N_PE 0X0 If set to 1, enables the pull-up of the CSN SPI pad
(15:14) SUBBAND_FLL_SB_FLL_DITHER (15:14) SUBBAND_FLL_SB_FLL_DITHER 0X0 Select the dithering: 00 no dithering, 01 PN9
RSL10 Hardware Reference
0x400100C0 RF_REG30 (31:25) RXFIFO_STATUS_BIST - N/A Start the bist test on the Rx FIFO (code 0x5d)
- (31:30) RXFIFO_STATUS_BIST_ERRORS 0X0 Indicate the BIST error: 00 => no error, 01 => error in
checkboard test, 10 => error in inversed checkboard
test, 11 => error in decoder test
- (29) RXFIFO_STATUS_NEAR_UNDERFLOW 0X0 Is set to 1 if the Rx FIFO is close to the underflow
- (28) RXFIFO_STATUS_NEAR_OVERFLOW 0X0 Is set to 1 if the Rx FIFO is close to the overflow
- (27) RXFIFO_STATUS_UNDERFLOW 0X0 Is set to 1 if there has been an underflow
- (26) RXFIFO_STATUS_OVERFLOW 0X0 Is set to 1 if there has been an overflow
- (25) RXFIFO_STATUS_FULL 0X0 Is set to 1 if the Rx FIFO is full
(24) RXFIFO_STATUS_FLUSH - N/A If set to 1, the Rx FIFO is flushed
- (24) RXFIFO_STATUS_EMPTY 0X0 Is set to 1 if the Rx FIFO is empty
(23:17) TXFIFO_STATUS_BIST - N/A Start the bist test on the Tx FIFO (code 0x5d)
- (23:22) TXFIFO_STATUS_BIST_ERRORS 0X0 Indicate the BIST error: 00 => no error, 01 => error in
checkboard test, 10 => error in inversed checkboard
test, 11 => error in decoder test
Address Register Name Register Write Register Read Default Description
- (21) TXFIFO_STATUS_NEAR_UNDERFLOW 0X0 Is set to 1 if the Tx FIFO is close to the underflow
- (20) TXFIFO_STATUS_NEAR_OVERFLOW 0X0 Is set to 1 if the Tx FIFO is close to the overflow
- (19) TXFIFO_STATUS_UNDERFLOW 0X0 Is set to 1 if there has been an underflow
- (18) TXFIFO_STATUS_OVERFLOW 0X0 Is set to 1 if there has been an overflow
- (17) TXFIFO_STATUS_FULL 0X0 Is set to 1 if the Tx FIFO is full
(16) TXFIFO_STATUS_FLUSH - N/A If set to 1, the Tx FIFO is flushed
- (16) TXFIFO_STATUS_EMPTY 0X0 Is set to 1 if the Tx FIFO is empty
- (10) FSM_STATUS_TX_NRX 0X0 Is set to 0 if the radio is in Rx mode, to 1 if in Tx
- (9:8) FSM_STATUS_STATUS 0X0 Status of the FSM: 00 => Idle, 01 => Tx mode, 10 =>
Rx mode, 11 => Suspend
(3) FSM_MODE_RESET - N/A If set to 1, the FSM is reset. If mode is set to 0 the
FSM is reset asynchronously. If it is set to 1, the Tx
or Rx (depending on tx_nrx) is stopped gently via the
serializer or the deserializer
(2) FSM_MODE_TX_NRX - N/A Sets the Radio in Tx (1) or Rx (0) mode
- (2) FSM_MODE_RX_MODE 0X0 The field stays with value 1 as long as the reception
isn't over
(1:0) FSM_MODE_MODE - N/A Sets the FSM mode: 00: nothing is done, 01:
activate, 10: calibrate the PLL, 11: calibrate the PLL
then Tx/Rx
- (1) FSM_MODE_TX_MODE 0X0 The field keeps the value 1 as long as the
transmission isn't over
- (0) FSM_MODE_N_IDLE 0X0 The field is set to 1 if the FSM is not in Idle mode.
0x400100C4 RF_REG31 - (31:24) RSSI_MAX_RSSI_MAX 0X0 Maximum RSSI value over a filtering period
- (23:16) RSSI_MIN_RSSI_MIN 0X0 Minimum RSSI value over a filtering period
- (15:8) RXFIFO_COUNT_RX_COUNT 0X0 Number of bytes in the Rx FIFO
- (7:0) TXFIFO_COUNT_TX_COUNT 0X0 Number of bytes in the Tx FIFO
0x400100C8 RF_REG32 - (30:28) 0X0 Rx attenuation level (AGC level) during the packet
- (26:24) RX_ATT_LEVEL_RX_ATT_LEVEL 0X0 Rx attenuation level (AGC level)
- (23:16) RSSI_AVG_RSSI_AVG 0X0 Filtered RSSI value
- (15:8) DR_ERR_IND_DR_ERR_IND 0X0 Data-rate error indicator
- (7:0) RSSI_PKT_RSSI_PKT 0X0 Filtered RSSI value sampled during the packet
0x400100CC RF_TXFIFO (7:0) TXFIFO_TX_DATA - N/A Data to be sent
0x400100D0 RF_RXFIFO - (7:0) RXFIFO_RX_DATA 0X0 Received data
ON Semiconductor
Address Register Name Register Write Register Read Default Description
0x400100D4 RF_DESER_STATUS - (7) DESER_STATUS_SIGNAL_RECEIVING 0X0 Is set to 1 if the deserializer is on
- (6) DESER_STATUS_SYNC_DETECTED 0X0 Is set to 1 is the sync word (pattern) has been
- (5) DESER_STATUS_WAIT_SYNC 0X0 Is set to 1 if the deserializer is waiting the sync word
- (4) DESER_STATUS_IS_ADDRESS_BR 0X0 Is set to 1 if the received address is the broadcast
- (3) DESER_STATUS_PKT_LEN_ERR 0X0 Is set to 1 in case of the packet length being longer
than the maximum acceptable packet length
- (2) DESER_STATUS_ADDRESS_ERR 0X0 Is set to 1 in case of an address error
- (1) DESER_STATUS_CRC_ERR 0X0 Is set to 1 in case of a CRC error
RSL10 Hardware Reference
- (15:0) FEI_FEI_OUT 0X0 Frequency error indicator
0x400100E0 RF_REG38 - (31:24) 0X0 Link quality indicator sampled during the packet
LINK_QUAL_PKT_LINK_QUALITY_PKT reception. Note that the Viterbi algorithm has to be
- (23:16) LINK_QUAL_LINK_QUALITY 0X0 Instantaneous link quality indicator. Note that the
Viterbi algorithm has to be enabled.
- (15:0) FEI_AFC_FEI_AFC 0X0 Frequency error indicator sampled during the AFC.
0x400100E4 RF_REG39 - (13) ANALOG_INFO_XTAL_FINISH 0X0 If set to 1, the Xtal algorithm has finished
- (12) ANALOG_INFO_DLL_LOCKED 0X0 DLL locked signal
- (11) ANALOG_INFO_CLK_DIG_READY 0X0 Ready signal of the digital clock
- (10) ANALOG_INFO_CLK_PLL_READY 0X0 Ready signal of the PLL clock
- (9) ANALOG_INFO_SUBBAND_HI 0X0 Status of the subband comparator Hi
- (8) ANALOG_INFO_SUBBAND_LO 0X0 Status of the subband comparator Lo
- (7:0) SUBBAND_ERR_SB_FLL_ERR 0X0 distance from the subband center (only available
with the FLL method)
0x400100FC RF_REVISION - (29:24) CHIP_ID 0X0 Version of the chip: 0x00: v1, 0x10: v2A, 0x11: v2B,
0x12: v2C, 0x13: v2D, 0x14: v2E, 0x20: v3
ON Semiconductor
(13) DMA5 (13) DMA5 0X0 DMA5 interrupt set enable
(12) DMA4 (12) DMA4 0X0 DMA4 interrupt set enable
(11) DMA3 (11) DMA3 0X0 DMA3 interrupt set enable
(10) DMA2 (10) DMA2 0X0 DMA2 interrupt set enable
(9) DMA1 (9) DMA1 0X0 DMA1 interrupt set enable
(8) DMA0 (8) DMA0 0X0 DMA0 interrupt set enable
(7) TIMER3 (7) TIMER3 0X0 TIMER3 interrupt set enable
(6) TIMER2 (6) TIMER2 0X0 TIMER2 interrupt set enable
(5) TIMER1 (5) TIMER1 0X0 TIMER1 interrupt set enable
(4) TIMER0 (4) TIMER0 0X0 TIMER0 interrupt set enable
(3) ADC_BATMON (3) ADC_BATMON 0X0 ADC_BATMON interrupt set enable
(2) RTC_CLOCK (2) RTC_CLOCK 0X0 RTC_CLOCK interrupt set enable
(1) RTC_ALARM (1) RTC_ALARM 0X0 RTC_ALARM interrupt set enable
(0) WAKEUP (0) WAKEUP 0X0 WAKEUP interrupt set enable
ON Semiconductor
Address Register Name Register Write Register Read Default Description
0xE000E104 NVIC_ISER1 (31) ASRC_OUT (31) ASRC_OUT 0X0 ASRC_OUT interrupt set enable
(30) ASRC_IN (30) ASRC_IN 0X0 ASRC_IN interrupt set enable
(29) ASRC_ERROR (29) ASRC_ERROR 0X0 ASRC_ERROR interrupt set enable
(28) RF_RXFIFO (28) RF_RXFIFO 0X0 RF_RXFIFO interrupt set enable
(27) RF_TXFIFO (27) RF_TXFIFO 0X0 RF_TXFIFO interrupt set enable
(26) RF_SYNC (26) RF_SYNC 0X0 RF_SYNC interrupt set enable
(25) RF_RECEIVED (25) RF_RECEIVED 0X0 RF_RECEIVED interrupt set enable
(24) RF_RXSTOP (24) RF_RXSTOP 0X0 RF_RXSTOP interrupt set enable
(23) RF_TX (23) RF_TX 0X0 RF_TX interrupt set enable
RSL10 Hardware Reference
(13) BLE_SLP (13) BLE_SLP 0X0 BLE_SLP interrupt set enable
(12) BLE_CSCNT (12) BLE_CSCNT 0X0 BLE_CSCNT interrupt set enable
(11) DSS7 (11) DSS7 0X0 DSS7 interrupt set enable
(10) DSS6 (10) DSS6 0X0 DSS6 interrupt set enable
(9) DSS5 (9) DSS5 0X0 DSS5 interrupt set enable
(8) DSS4 (8) DSS4 0X0 DSS4 interrupt set enable
(7) DSS3 (7) DSS3 0X0 DSS3 interrupt set enable
(6) DSS2 (6) DSS2 0X0 DSS2 interrupt set enable
(5) DSS1 (5) DSS1 0X0 DSS1 interrupt set enable
(4) DSS0 (4) DSS0 0X0 DSS0 interrupt set enable
(3) PCM_ERROR (3) PCM_ERROR 0X0 PCM_ERROR interrupt set enable
(2) PCM_TX (2) PCM_TX 0X0 PCM_TX interrupt set enable
(1) PCM_RX (1) PCM_RX 0X0 PCM_RX interrupt set enable
(0) DMIC_OD_ERROR (0) DMIC_OD_ERROR 0X0 DMIC_OD_ERROR interrupt set enable
Address Register Name Register Write Register Read Default Description
0xE000E108 NVIC_ISER2 (8) BLE_AUDIO2 (8) BLE_AUDIO2 0X0 BLE_AUDIO2 interrupt set enable
(7) BLE_AUDIO1 (7) BLE_AUDIO1 0X0 BLE_AUDIO1 interrupt set enable
(6) BLE_AUDIO0 (6) BLE_AUDIO0 0X0 BLE_AUDIO0 interrupt set enable
(5) MEM_ERROR (5) MEM_ERROR 0X0 MEM_ERROR interrupt set enable
(4) FLASH_ECC (4) FLASH_ECC 0X0 FLASH_ECC interrupt set enable
(3) FLASH_COPY (3) FLASH_COPY 0X0 FLASH_COPY interrupt set enable
(2) CLKDET (2) CLKDET 0X0 CLKDET interrupt set enable
ON Semiconductor
Address Register Name Register Write Register Read Default Description
0xE000E180 NVIC_ICER0 (31) DMIC_OUT_OD_IN (31) DMIC_OUT_OD_IN 0X0 DMIC_OUT_OD_IN interrupt clear enable
(30) UART_ERROR (30) UART_ERROR 0X0 UART_ERROR interrupt clear enable
(29) UART_TX (29) UART_TX 0X0 UART_TX interrupt clear enable
(28) UART_RX (28) UART_RX 0X0 UART_RX interrupt clear enable
(27) I2C (27) I2C 0X0 I2C interrupt clear enable
(26) SPI1_ERROR (26) SPI1_ERROR 0X0 SPI1_ERROR interrupt clear enable
(25) SPI1_TX (25) SPI1_TX 0X0 SPI1_TX interrupt clear enable
(24) SPI1_RX (24) SPI1_RX 0X0 SPI1_RX interrupt clear enable
(23) SPI0_ERROR (23) SPI0_ERROR 0X0 SPI0_ERROR interrupt clear enable
RSL10 Hardware Reference
(13) DMA5 (13) DMA5 0X0 DMA5 interrupt clear enable
(12) DMA4 (12) DMA4 0X0 DMA4 interrupt clear enable
(11) DMA3 (11) DMA3 0X0 DMA3 interrupt clear enable
(10) DMA2 (10) DMA2 0X0 DMA2 interrupt clear enable
(9) DMA1 (9) DMA1 0X0 DMA1 interrupt clear enable
(8) DMA0 (8) DMA0 0X0 DMA0 interrupt clear enable
(7) TIMER3 (7) TIMER3 0X0 TIMER3 interrupt clear enable
(6) TIMER2 (6) TIMER2 0X0 TIMER2 interrupt clear enable
(5) TIMER1 (5) TIMER1 0X0 TIMER1 interrupt clear enable
(4) TIMER0 (4) TIMER0 0X0 TIMER0 interrupt clear enable
(3) ADC_BATMON (3) ADC_BATMON 0X0 ADC_BATMON interrupt clear enable
(2) RTC_CLOCK (2) RTC_CLOCK 0X0 RTC_CLOCK interrupt clear enable
(1) RTC_ALARM (1) RTC_ALARM 0X0 RTC_ALARM interrupt clear enable
(0) WAKEUP (0) WAKEUP 0X0 WAKEUP interrupt clear enable
Address Register Name Register Write Register Read Default Description
0xE000E184 NVIC_ICER1 (31) ASRC_OUT (31) ASRC_OUT 0X0 ASRC_OUT interrupt clear enable
(30) ASRC_IN (30) ASRC_IN 0X0 ASRC_IN interrupt clear enable
(29) ASRC_ERROR (29) ASRC_ERROR 0X0 ASRC_ERROR interrupt clear enable
(28) RF_RXFIFO (28) RF_RXFIFO 0X0 RF_RXFIFO interrupt clear enable
(27) RF_TXFIFO (27) RF_TXFIFO 0X0 RF_TXFIFO interrupt clear enable
(26) RF_SYNC (26) RF_SYNC 0X0 RF_SYNC interrupt clear enable
(25) RF_RECEIVED (25) RF_RECEIVED 0X0 RF_RECEIVED interrupt clear enable
(24) RF_RXSTOP (24) RF_RXSTOP 0X0 RF_RXSTOP interrupt clear enable
(23) RF_TX (23) RF_TX 0X0 RF_TX interrupt clear enable
(21) BLE_COEX_RX_TX (21) BLE_COEX_RX_TX 0X0 BLE_COEX_RX_TX interrupt clear enable
(20) BLE_SW (20) BLE_SW 0X0 BLE_SW interrupt clear enable
(19) BLE_FINETGTIM (19) BLE_FINETGTIM 0X0 BLE_FINETGTIM interrupt clear enable
(18) BLE_GROSSTGTIM (18) BLE_GROSSTGTIM 0X0 BLE_GROSSTGTIM interrupt clear enable
(17) BLE_ERROR (17) BLE_ERROR 0X0 BLE_ERROR interrupt clear enable
(16) BLE_CRYPT (16) BLE_CRYPT 0X0 BLE_CRYPT interrupt clear enable
(15) BLE_EVENT (15) BLE_EVENT 0X0 BLE_EVENT interrupt clear enable
(14) BLE_RX (14) BLE_RX 0X0 BLE_RX interrupt clear enable
(13) BLE_SLP (13) BLE_SLP 0X0 BLE_SLP interrupt clear enable
(12) BLE_CSCNT (12) BLE_CSCNT 0X0 BLE_CSCNT interrupt clear enable
(11) DSS7 (11) DSS7 0X0 DSS7 interrupt clear enable
(10) DSS6 (10) DSS6 0X0 DSS6 interrupt clear enable
(9) DSS5 (9) DSS5 0X0 DSS5 interrupt clear enable
(8) DSS4 (8) DSS4 0X0 DSS4 interrupt clear enable
(7) DSS3 (7) DSS3 0X0 DSS3 interrupt clear enable
(6) DSS2 (6) DSS2 0X0 DSS2 interrupt clear enable
(5) DSS1 (5) DSS1 0X0 DSS1 interrupt clear enable
(4) DSS0 (4) DSS0 0X0 DSS0 interrupt clear enable
(3) PCM_ERROR (3) PCM_ERROR 0X0 PCM_ERROR interrupt clear enable
(2) PCM_TX (2) PCM_TX 0X0 PCM_TX interrupt clear enable
(1) PCM_RX (1) PCM_RX 0X0 PCM_RX interrupt clear enable
(0) DMIC_OD_ERROR (0) DMIC_OD_ERROR 0X0 DMIC_OD_ERROR interrupt clear enable
ON Semiconductor
Address Register Name Register Write Register Read Default Description
0xE000E188 NVIC_ICER2 (8) BLE_AUDIO2 (8) BLE_AUDIO2 0X0 BLE_AUDIO2 interrupt clear enable
(7) BLE_AUDIO1 (7) BLE_AUDIO1 0X0 BLE_AUDIO1 interrupt clear enable
(6) BLE_AUDIO0 (6) BLE_AUDIO0 0X0 BLE_AUDIO0 interrupt clear enable
(5) MEM_ERROR (5) MEM_ERROR 0X0 MEM_ERROR interrupt clear enable
(4) FLASH_ECC (4) FLASH_ECC 0X0 FLASH_ECC interrupt clear enable
(3) FLASH_COPY (3) FLASH_COPY 0X0 FLASH_COPY interrupt clear enable
(2) CLKDET (2) CLKDET 0X0 CLKDET interrupt clear enable
RSL10 Hardware Reference
Address Register Name Register Write Register Read Default Description
0xE000E200 NVIC_ISPR0 (31) DMIC_OUT_OD_IN (31) DMIC_OUT_OD_IN 0X0 DMIC_OUT_OD_IN interrupt set pending
(30) UART_ERROR (30) UART_ERROR 0X0 UART_ERROR interrupt set pending
(29) UART_TX (29) UART_TX 0X0 UART_TX interrupt set pending
(28) UART_RX (28) UART_RX 0X0 UART_RX interrupt set pending
(27) I2C (27) I2C 0X0 I2C interrupt set pending
(26) SPI1_ERROR (26) SPI1_ERROR 0X0 SPI1_ERROR interrupt set pending
(25) SPI1_TX (25) SPI1_TX 0X0 SPI1_TX interrupt set pending
(24) SPI1_RX (24) SPI1_RX 0X0 SPI1_RX interrupt set pending
(23) SPI0_ERROR (23) SPI0_ERROR 0X0 SPI0_ERROR interrupt set pending
(22) SPI0_TX (22) SPI0_TX 0X0 SPI0_TX interrupt set pending
(21) SPI0_RX (21) SPI0_RX 0X0 SPI0_RX interrupt set pending
(20) WATCHDOG (20) WATCHDOG 0X0 WATCHDOG interrupt set pending
(19) DIO3 (19) DIO3 0X0 DIO3 interrupt set pending
(18) DIO2 (18) DIO2 0X0 DIO2 interrupt set pending
(17) DIO1 (17) DIO1 0X0 DIO1 interrupt set pending
(16) DIO0 (16) DIO0 0X0 DIO0 interrupt set pending
(15) DMA7 (15) DMA7 0X0 DMA7 interrupt set pending
(14) DMA6 (14) DMA6 0X0 DMA6 interrupt set pending
(13) DMA5 (13) DMA5 0X0 DMA5 interrupt set pending
(12) DMA4 (12) DMA4 0X0 DMA4 interrupt set pending
(11) DMA3 (11) DMA3 0X0 DMA3 interrupt set pending
(10) DMA2 (10) DMA2 0X0 DMA2 interrupt set pending
(9) DMA1 (9) DMA1 0X0 DMA1 interrupt set pending
(8) DMA0 (8) DMA0 0X0 DMA0 interrupt set pending
(7) TIMER3 (7) TIMER3 0X0 TIMER3 interrupt set pending
(6) TIMER2 (6) TIMER2 0X0 TIMER2 interrupt set pending
(5) TIMER1 (5) TIMER1 0X0 TIMER1 interrupt set pending
(4) TIMER0 (4) TIMER0 0X0 TIMER0 interrupt set pending
(3) ADC_BATMON (3) ADC_BATMON 0X0 ADC_BATMON interrupt set pending
(2) RTC_CLOCK (2) RTC_CLOCK 0X0 RTC_CLOCK interrupt set pending
(1) RTC_ALARM (1) RTC_ALARM 0X0 RTC_ALARM interrupt set pending
(0) WAKEUP (0) WAKEUP 0X0 WAKEUP interrupt set pending
ON Semiconductor
Address Register Name Register Write Register Read Default Description
0xE000E204 NVIC_ISPR1 (31) ASRC_OUT (31) ASRC_OUT 0X0 ASRC_OUT interrupt set pending
(30) ASRC_IN (30) ASRC_IN 0X0 ASRC_IN interrupt set pending
(29) ASRC_ERROR (29) ASRC_ERROR 0X0 ASRC_ERROR interrupt set pending
(28) RF_RXFIFO (28) RF_RXFIFO 0X0 RF_RXFIFO interrupt set pending
(27) RF_TXFIFO (27) RF_TXFIFO 0X0 RF_TXFIFO interrupt set pending
(26) RF_SYNC (26) RF_SYNC 0X0 RF_SYNC interrupt set pending
(25) RF_RECEIVED (25) RF_RECEIVED 0X0 RF_RECEIVED interrupt set pending
(24) RF_RXSTOP (24) RF_RXSTOP 0X0 RF_RXSTOP interrupt set pending
(23) RF_TX (23) RF_TX 0X0 RF_TX interrupt set pending
RSL10 Hardware Reference
(13) BLE_SLP (13) BLE_SLP 0X0 BLE_SLP interrupt set pending
(12) BLE_CSCNT (12) BLE_CSCNT 0X0 BLE_CSCNT interrupt set pending
(11) DSS7 (11) DSS7 0X0 DSS7 interrupt set pending
(10) DSS6 (10) DSS6 0X0 DSS6 interrupt set pending
(9) DSS5 (9) DSS5 0X0 DSS5 interrupt set pending
(8) DSS4 (8) DSS4 0X0 DSS4 interrupt set pending
(7) DSS3 (7) DSS3 0X0 DSS3 interrupt set pending
(6) DSS2 (6) DSS2 0X0 DSS2 interrupt set pending
(5) DSS1 (5) DSS1 0X0 DSS1 interrupt set pending
(4) DSS0 (4) DSS0 0X0 DSS0 interrupt set pending
(3) PCM_ERROR (3) PCM_ERROR 0X0 PCM_ERROR interrupt set pending
(2) PCM_TX (2) PCM_TX 0X0 PCM_TX interrupt set pending
(1) PCM_RX (1) PCM_RX 0X0 PCM_RX interrupt set pending
(0) DMIC_OD_ERROR (0) DMIC_OD_ERROR 0X0 DMIC_OD_ERROR interrupt set pending
Address Register Name Register Write Register Read Default Description
0xE000E208 NVIC_ISPR2 (8) BLE_AUDIO2 (8) BLE_AUDIO2 0X0 BLE_AUDIO2 interrupt set pending
(7) BLE_AUDIO1 (7) BLE_AUDIO1 0X0 BLE_AUDIO1 interrupt set pending
(6) BLE_AUDIO0 (6) BLE_AUDIO0 0X0 BLE_AUDIO0 interrupt set pending
(5) MEM_ERROR (5) MEM_ERROR 0X0 MEM_ERROR interrupt set pending
(4) FLASH_ECC (4) FLASH_ECC 0X0 FLASH_ECC interrupt set pending
(3) FLASH_COPY (3) FLASH_COPY 0X0 FLASH_COPY interrupt set pending
(2) CLKDET (2) CLKDET 0X0 CLKDET interrupt set pending
ON Semiconductor
Address Register Name Register Write Register Read Default Description
0xE000E280 NVIC_ICPR0 (31) DMIC_OUT_OD_IN (31) DMIC_OUT_OD_IN 0X0 DMIC_OUT_OD_IN interrupt clear pending
(30) UART_ERROR (30) UART_ERROR 0X0 UART_ERROR interrupt clear pending
(29) UART_TX (29) UART_TX 0X0 UART_TX interrupt clear pending
(28) UART_RX (28) UART_RX 0X0 UART_RX interrupt clear pending
(27) I2C (27) I2C 0X0 I2C interrupt clear pending
(26) SPI1_ERROR (26) SPI1_ERROR 0X0 SPI1_ERROR interrupt clear pending
(25) SPI1_TX (25) SPI1_TX 0X0 SPI1_TX interrupt clear pending
(24) SPI1_RX (24) SPI1_RX 0X0 SPI1_RX interrupt clear pending
(23) SPI0_ERROR (23) SPI0_ERROR 0X0 SPI0_ERROR interrupt clear pending
RSL10 Hardware Reference
(13) DMA5 (13) DMA5 0X0 DMA5 interrupt clear pending
(12) DMA4 (12) DMA4 0X0 DMA4 interrupt clear pending
(11) DMA3 (11) DMA3 0X0 DMA3 interrupt clear pending
(10) DMA2 (10) DMA2 0X0 DMA2 interrupt clear pending
(9) DMA1 (9) DMA1 0X0 DMA1 interrupt clear pending
(8) DMA0 (8) DMA0 0X0 DMA0 interrupt clear pending
(7) TIMER3 (7) TIMER3 0X0 TIMER3 interrupt clear pending
(6) TIMER2 (6) TIMER2 0X0 TIMER2 interrupt clear pending
(5) TIMER1 (5) TIMER1 0X0 TIMER1 interrupt clear pending
(4) TIMER0 (4) TIMER0 0X0 TIMER0 interrupt clear pending
(3) ADC_BATMON (3) ADC_BATMON 0X0 ADC_BATMON interrupt clear pending
(2) RTC_CLOCK (2) RTC_CLOCK 0X0 RTC_CLOCK interrupt clear pending
(1) RTC_ALARM (1) RTC_ALARM 0X0 RTC_ALARM interrupt clear pending
(0) WAKEUP (0) WAKEUP 0X0 WAKEUP interrupt clear pending
Address Register Name Register Write Register Read Default Description
0xE000E284 NVIC_ICPR1 (31) ASRC_OUT (31) ASRC_OUT 0X0 ASRC_OUT interrupt clear pending
(30) ASRC_IN (30) ASRC_IN 0X0 ASRC_IN interrupt clear pending
(29) ASRC_ERROR (29) ASRC_ERROR 0X0 ASRC_ERROR interrupt clear pending
(28) RF_RXFIFO (28) RF_RXFIFO 0X0 RF_RXFIFO interrupt clear pending
(27) RF_TXFIFO (27) RF_TXFIFO 0X0 RF_TXFIFO interrupt clear pending
(26) RF_SYNC (26) RF_SYNC 0X0 RF_SYNC interrupt clear pending
(25) RF_RECEIVED (25) RF_RECEIVED 0X0 RF_RECEIVED interrupt clear pending
(24) RF_RXSTOP (24) RF_RXSTOP 0X0 RF_RXSTOP interrupt clear pending
(23) RF_TX (23) RF_TX 0X0 RF_TX interrupt clear pending
(21) BLE_COEX_RX_TX (21) BLE_COEX_RX_TX 0X0 BLE_COEX_RX_TX interrupt clear pending
(20) BLE_SW (20) BLE_SW 0X0 BLE_SW interrupt clear pending
(19) BLE_FINETGTIM (19) BLE_FINETGTIM 0X0 BLE_FINETGTIM interrupt clear pending
(18) BLE_GROSSTGTIM (18) BLE_GROSSTGTIM 0X0 BLE_GROSSTGTIM interrupt clear pending
(17) BLE_ERROR (17) BLE_ERROR 0X0 BLE_ERROR interrupt clear pending
(16) BLE_CRYPT (16) BLE_CRYPT 0X0 BLE_CRYPT interrupt clear pending
(15) BLE_EVENT (15) BLE_EVENT 0X0 BLE_EVENT interrupt clear pending
(14) BLE_RX (14) BLE_RX 0X0 BLE_RX interrupt clear pending
(13) BLE_SLP (13) BLE_SLP 0X0 BLE_SLP interrupt clear pending
(12) BLE_CSCNT (12) BLE_CSCNT 0X0 BLE_CSCNT interrupt clear pending
(11) DSS7 (11) DSS7 0X0 DSS7 interrupt clear pending
(10) DSS6 (10) DSS6 0X0 DSS6 interrupt clear pending
(9) DSS5 (9) DSS5 0X0 DSS5 interrupt clear pending
(8) DSS4 (8) DSS4 0X0 DSS4 interrupt clear pending
(7) DSS3 (7) DSS3 0X0 DSS3 interrupt clear pending
(6) DSS2 (6) DSS2 0X0 DSS2 interrupt clear pending
(5) DSS1 (5) DSS1 0X0 DSS1 interrupt clear pending
(4) DSS0 (4) DSS0 0X0 DSS0 interrupt clear pending
(3) PCM_ERROR (3) PCM_ERROR 0X0 PCM_ERROR interrupt clear pending
(2) PCM_TX (2) PCM_TX 0X0 PCM_TX interrupt clear pending
(1) PCM_RX (1) PCM_RX 0X0 PCM_RX interrupt clear pending
(0) DMIC_OD_ERROR (0) DMIC_OD_ERROR 0X0 DMIC_OD_ERROR interrupt clear pending
ON Semiconductor
Address Register Name Register Write Register Read Default Description
0xE000E288 NVIC_ICPR2 (8) BLE_AUDIO2 (8) BLE_AUDIO2 0X0 BLE_AUDIO2 interrupt clear pending
(7) BLE_AUDIO1 (7) BLE_AUDIO1 0X0 BLE_AUDIO1 interrupt clear pending
(6) BLE_AUDIO0 (6) BLE_AUDIO0 0X0 BLE_AUDIO0 interrupt clear pending
(5) MEM_ERROR (5) MEM_ERROR 0X0 MEM_ERROR interrupt clear pending
(4) FLASH_ECC (4) FLASH_ECC 0X0 FLASH_ECC interrupt clear pending
(3) FLASH_COPY (3) FLASH_COPY 0X0 FLASH_COPY interrupt clear pending
(2) CLKDET (2) CLKDET 0X0 CLKDET interrupt clear pending
(0) AUDIO_SINK_DELAY (0) AUDIO_SINK_DELAY 0X0 AUDIO_SINK_DELAY interrupt clear pending
RSL10 Hardware Reference
Address Register Name Register Write Register Read Default Description
0xE000E300 NVIC_IABR0 - (31) DMIC_OUT_OD_IN 0X0 Set the DMIC_OUT_OD_IN interrupt as active
- (30) UART_ERROR 0X0 Set the UART_ERROR interrupt as active
- (29) UART_TX 0X0 Set the UART_TX interrupt as active
- (28) UART_RX 0X0 Set the UART_RX interrupt as active
- (27) I2C 0X0 Set the I2C interrupt as active
- (26) SPI1_ERROR 0X0 Set the SPI1_ERROR interrupt as active
- (25) SPI1_TX 0X0 Set the SPI1_TX interrupt as active
- (24) SPI1_RX 0X0 Set the SPI1_RX interrupt as active
- (23) SPI0_ERROR 0X0 Set the SPI0_ERROR interrupt as active
- (22) SPI0_TX 0X0 Set the SPI0_TX interrupt as active
- (21) SPI0_RX 0X0 Set the SPI0_RX interrupt as active
- (20) WATCHDOG 0X0 Set the WATCHDOG interrupt as active
- (19) DIO3 0X0 Set the DIO3 interrupt as active
- (18) DIO2 0X0 Set the DIO2 interrupt as active
- (17) DIO1 0X0 Set the DIO1 interrupt as active
- (16) DIO0 0X0 Set the DIO0 interrupt as active
- (15) DMA7 0X0 Set the DMA7 interrupt as active
- (14) DMA6 0X0 Set the DMA6 interrupt as active
- (13) DMA5 0X0 Set the DMA5 interrupt as active
- (12) DMA4 0X0 Set the DMA4 interrupt as active
- (11) DMA3 0X0 Set the DMA3 interrupt as active
- (10) DMA2 0X0 Set the DMA2 interrupt as active
- (9) DMA1 0X0 Set the DMA1 interrupt as active
- (8) DMA0 0X0 Set the DMA0 interrupt as active
- (7) TIMER3 0X0 Set the TIMER3 interrupt as active
- (6) TIMER2 0X0 Set the TIMER2 interrupt as active
- (5) TIMER1 0X0 Set the TIMER1 interrupt as active
- (4) TIMER0 0X0 Set the TIMER0 interrupt as active
- (3) ADC_BATMON 0X0 Set the ADC_BATMON interrupt as active
- (2) RTC_CLOCK 0X0 Set the RTC_CLOCK interrupt as active
- (1) RTC_ALARM 0X0 Set the RTC_ALARM interrupt as active
- (0) WAKEUP 0X0 Set the WAKEUP interrupt as active
ON Semiconductor
Address Register Name Register Write Register Read Default Description
0xE000E304 NVIC_IABR1 - (31) ASRC_OUT 0X0 Set the ASRC_OUT interrupt as active
- (30) ASRC_IN 0X0 Set the ASRC_IN interrupt as active
- (29) ASRC_ERROR 0X0 Set the ASRC_ERROR interrupt as active
- (28) RF_RXFIFO 0X0 Set the RF_RXFIFO interrupt as active
- (27) RF_TXFIFO 0X0 Set the RF_TXFIFO interrupt as active
- (26) RF_SYNC 0X0 Set the RF_SYNC interrupt as active
- (25) RF_RECEIVED 0X0 Set the RF_RECEIVED interrupt as active
- (24) RF_RXSTOP 0X0 Set the RF_RXSTOP interrupt as active
- (23) RF_TX 0X0 Set the RF_TX interrupt as active
RSL10 Hardware Reference
- (14) BLE_RX 0X0 Set the BLE_RX interrupt as active
- (13) BLE_SLP 0X0 Set the BLE_SLP interrupt as active
- (12) BLE_CSCNT 0X0 Set the BLE_CSCNT interrupt as active
- (11) DSS7 0X0 Set the DSS7 interrupt as active
- (10) DSS6 0X0 Set the DSS6 interrupt as active
- (9) DSS5 0X0 Set the DSS5 interrupt as active
- (8) DSS4 0X0 Set the DSS4 interrupt as active
- (7) DSS3 0X0 Set the DSS3 interrupt as active
- (6) DSS2 0X0 Set the DSS2 interrupt as active
- (5) DSS1 0X0 Set the DSS1 interrupt as active
- (4) DSS0 0X0 Set the DSS0 interrupt as active
- (3) PCM_ERROR 0X0 Set the PCM_ERROR interrupt as active
- (2) PCM_TX 0X0 Set the PCM_TX interrupt as active
- (1) PCM_RX 0X0 Set the PCM_RX interrupt as active
- (0) DMIC_OD_ERROR 0X0 Set the DMIC_OD_ERROR interrupt as active
Address Register Name Register Write Register Read Default Description
0xE000E308 NVIC_IABR2 - (8) BLE_AUDIO2 0X0 Set the BLE_AUDIO2 interrupt as active
- (7) BLE_AUDIO1 0X0 Set the BLE_AUDIO1 interrupt as active
- (6) BLE_AUDIO0 0X0 Set the BLE_AUDIO0 interrupt as active
- (5) MEM_ERROR 0X0 Set the MEM_ERROR interrupt as active
- (4) FLASH_ECC 0X0 Set the FLASH_ECC interrupt as active
- (3) FLASH_COPY 0X0 Set the FLASH_COPY interrupt as active
- (2) CLKDET 0X0 Set the CLKDET interrupt as active
- (1) AUDIO_SINK_PERIOD 0X0 Set the AUDIO_SINK_PERIOD interrupt as active
- (0) AUDIO_SINK_DELAY 0X0 Set the AUDIO_SINK_DELAY interrupt as active
0xE000E400 NVIC_IP0 (31:24) ADC_BATMON (31:24) ADC_BATMON 0X0 Configure the ADC_BATMON interrupt priority
(23:16) RTC_CLOCK (23:16) RTC_CLOCK 0X0 Configure the RTC_CLOCK interrupt priority
(15:8) RTC_ALARM (15:8) RTC_ALARM 0X0 Configure the RTC_ALARM interrupt priority
(7:0) WAKEUP (7:0) WAKEUP 0X0 Configure the WAKEUP interrupt priority
0xE000E404 NVIC_IP1 (31:24) TIMER3 (31:24) TIMER3 0X0 Configure the TIMER3 interrupt priority
(23:16) TIMER2 (23:16) TIMER2 0X0 Configure the TIMER2 interrupt priority
(15:8) TIMER1 (15:8) TIMER1 0X0 Configure the TIMER1 interrupt priority
(7:0) TIMER0 (7:0) TIMER0 0X0 Configure the TIMER0 interrupt priority
0xE000E408 NVIC_IP2 (31:24) DMA3 (31:24) DMA3 0X0 Configure the DMA3 interrupt priority
(23:16) DMA2 (23:16) DMA2 0X0 Configure the DMA2 interrupt priority
(15:8) DMA1 (15:8) DMA1 0X0 Configure the DMA1 interrupt priority
(7:0) DMA0 (7:0) DMA0 0X0 Configure the DMA0 interrupt priority
0xE000E40C NVIC_IP3 (31:24) DMA7 (31:24) DMA7 0X0 Configure the DMA7 interrupt priority
(23:16) DMA6 (23:16) DMA6 0X0 Configure the DMA6 interrupt priority
(15:8) DMA5 (15:8) DMA5 0X0 Configure the DMA5 interrupt priority
(7:0) DMA4 (7:0) DMA4 0X0 Configure the DMA4 interrupt priority
0xE000E410 NVIC_IP4 (31:24) DIO3 (31:24) DIO3 0X0 Configure the DIO3 interrupt priority
(23:16) DIO2 (23:16) DIO2 0X0 Configure the DIO2 interrupt priority
(15:8) DIO1 (15:8) DIO1 0X0 Configure the DIO1 interrupt priority
(7:0) DIO0 (7:0) DIO0 0X0 Configure the DIO0 interrupt priority
0xE000E414 NVIC_IP5 (31:24) SPI0_ERROR (31:24) SPI0_ERROR 0X0 Configure the SPI0_ERROR interrupt priority
(23:16) SPI0_TX (23:16) SPI0_TX 0X0 Configure the SPI0_TX interrupt priority
(15:8) SPI0_RX (15:8) SPI0_RX 0X0 Configure the SPI0_RX interrupt priority
(7:0) WATCHDOG (7:0) WATCHDOG 0X0 Configure the WATCHDOG interrupt priority
ON Semiconductor
Address Register Name Register Write Register Read Default Description
0xE000E418 NVIC_IP6 (31:24) I2C (31:24) I2C 0X0 Configure the I2C interrupt priority
(23:16) SPI1_ERROR (23:16) SPI1_ERROR 0X0 Configure the SPI1_ERROR interrupt priority
(15:8) SPI1_TX (15:8) SPI1_TX 0X0 Configure the SPI1_TX interrupt priority
(7:0) SPI1_RX (7:0) SPI1_RX 0X0 Configure the SPI1_RX interrupt priority
0xE000E41C NVIC_IP7 (31:24) DMIC_OUT_OD_IN (31:24) DMIC_OUT_OD_IN 0X0 Configure the DMIC_OUT_OD_IN interrupt priority
(23:16) UART_ERROR (23:16) UART_ERROR 0X0 Configure the UART_ERROR interrupt priority
(15:8) UART_TX (15:8) UART_TX 0X0 Configure the UART_TX interrupt priority
(7:0) UART_RX (7:0) UART_RX 0X0 Configure the UART_RX interrupt priority
0xE000E420 NVIC_IP8 (31:24) PCM_ERROR (31:24) PCM_ERROR 0X0 Configure the PCM_ERROR interrupt priority
RSL10 Hardware Reference
(23:16) PCM_TX (23:16) PCM_TX 0X0 Configure the PCM_TX interrupt priority
(15:8) PCM_RX (15:8) PCM_RX 0X0 Configure the PCM_RX interrupt priority
(7:0) DMIC_OD_ERROR (7:0) DMIC_OD_ERROR 0X0 Configure the DMIC_OD_ERROR interrupt priority
0xE000E424 NVIC_IP9 (31:24) DSS3 (31:24) DSS3 0X0 Configure the DSS3 interrupt priority
(23:16) DSS2 (23:16) DSS2 0X0 Configure the DSS2 interrupt priority
(15:8) DSS1 (15:8) DSS1 0X0 Configure the DSS1 interrupt priority
(7:0) DSS0 (7:0) DSS0 0X0 Configure the DSS0 interrupt priority
0xE000E428 NVIC_IP10 (31:24) DSS7 (31:24) DSS7 0X0 Configure the DSS7 interrupt priority
(23:16) DSS6 (23:16) DSS6 0X0 Configure the DSS6 interrupt priority
(15:8) DSS5 (15:8) DSS5 0X0 Configure the DSS5 interrupt priority
(7:0) DSS4 (7:0) DSS4 0X0 Configure the DSS4 interrupt priority
0xE000E42C (31:24) BLE_EVENT (31:24) BLE_EVENT 0X0 Configure the BLE_EVENT interrupt priority
(23:16) BLE_RX (23:16) BLE_RX 0X0 Configure the BLE_RX interrupt priority
(15:8) BLE_SLP (15:8) BLE_SLP 0X0 Configure the BLE_SLP interrupt priority
(7:0) BLE_CSCNT (7:0) BLE_CSCNT 0X0 Configure the BLE_CSCNT interrupt priority
0xE000E430 NVIC_IP12 (31:24) BLE_FINETGTIM (31:24) BLE_FINETGTIM 0X0 Configure the BLE_FINETGTIM interrupt priority
(23:16) BLE_GROSSTGTIM (23:16) BLE_GROSSTGTIM 0X0 Configure the BLE_GROSSTGTIM interrupt priority
(15:8) BLE_ERROR (15:8) BLE_ERROR 0X0 Configure the BLE_ERROR interrupt priority
(7:0) BLE_CRYPT (7:0) BLE_CRYPT 0X0 Configure the BLE_CRYPT interrupt priority
0xE000E434 NVIC_IP13 (31:24) RF_TX (31:24) RF_TX 0X0 Configure the RF_TX interrupt priority
(23:16) BLE_COEX_IN_PROCESS (23:16) BLE_COEX_IN_PROCESS 0X0 Configure the BLE_COEX_IN_PROCESS interrupt
(15:8) BLE_COEX_RX_TX (15:8) BLE_COEX_RX_TX 0X0 Configure the BLE_COEX_RX_TX interrupt priority
(7:0) BLE_SW (7:0) BLE_SW 0X0 Configure the BLE_SW interrupt priority
Address Register Name Register Write Register Read Default Description
0xE000E438 NVIC_IP14 (31:24) RF_TXFIFO (31:24) RF_TXFIFO 0X0 Configure the RF_TXFIFO interrupt priority
(23:16) RF_SYNC (23:16) RF_SYNC 0X0 Configure the RF_SYNC interrupt priority
(15:8) RF_RECEIVED (15:8) RF_RECEIVED 0X0 Configure the RF_RECEIVED interrupt priority
(7:0) RF_RXSTOP (7:0) RF_RXSTOP 0X0 Configure the RF_RXSTOP interrupt priority
0xE000E43C NVIC_IP15 (31:24) ASRC_OUT (31:24) ASRC_OUT 0X0 Configure the ASRC_OUT interrupt priority
(23:16) ASRC_IN (23:16) ASRC_IN 0X0 Configure the ASRC_IN interrupt priority
(15:8) ASRC_ERROR (15:8) ASRC_ERROR 0X0 Configure the ASRC_ERROR interrupt priority
(7:0) RF_RXFIFO (7:0) RF_RXFIFO 0X0 Configure the RF_RXFIFO interrupt priority
0xE000E440 NVIC_IP16 (31:24) FLASH_COPY (31:24) FLASH_COPY 0X0 Configure the FLASH_COPY interrupt priority
(23:16) CLKDET (23:16) CLKDET 0X0 Configure the CLKDET interrupt priority
(15:8) AUDIO_SINK_PERIOD (15:8) AUDIO_SINK_PERIOD 0X0 Configure the AUDIO_SINK_PERIOD interrupt
(7:0) AUDIO_SINK_DELAY (7:0) AUDIO_SINK_DELAY 0X0 Configure the AUDIO_SINK_DELAY interrupt priority
0xE000E444 NVIC_IP17 (31:24) BLE_AUDIO1 (31:24) BLE_AUDIO1 0X0 Configure the BLE_AUDIO1 interrupt priority
(23:16) BLE_AUDIO0 (23:16) BLE_AUDIO0 0X0 Configure the BLE_AUDIO0 interrupt priority
(15:8) MEM_ERROR (15:8) MEM_ERROR 0X0 Configure the MEM_ERROR interrupt priority
(7:0) FLASH_ECC (7:0) FLASH_ECC 0X0 Configure the FLASH_ECC interrupt priority
0xE000E448 NVIC_IP18 (7:0) BLE_AUDIO2 (7:0) BLE_AUDIO2 0X0 Configure the BLE_AUDIO2 interrupt priority
0xE000EF00 NVIC_STIR (7:0) INTID - N/A The interrupt number to trigger
ON Semiconductor
service routine
0xE000ED08 SCB_VTOR (31:7) TBLOFF (31:7) TBLOFF 0X0 Table offset value in code or RAM region. Must be
multiple of 128.
0xE000ED0C SCB_AIRCR (31:16) VECTKEY (31:16) VECTKEY 0XFA05 Access key for writing to this register. Must be set to
0x05FA to write to the other register fields.
- (15) ENDIANESS 0X0 Indicates endianness for data.
(10:8) PRIGROUP (10:8) PRIGROUP 0X7 Priority group setting. Controls how many bits in the
priority register are used for pre-empty priority vs.
(2) SYSRESETREQ - N/A Requests a chip-level system reset
(1) VECTCLRACTIVE - N/A Clears all active exception state information
(0) VECTRESET - N/A Reset the ARM Cortex-M3 processor
0xE000ED10 SCB_SCR (4) SEVONPEND (4) SEVONPEND 0X0 Set to 1 to cause the WFE to wake up if a new
interrupt is pended
(2) SLEEPDEEP (2) SLEEPDEEP 0X0 Enable SLEEPDEEP output signal when entering
Sleep Mode
(1) SLEEPONEXIT (1) SLEEPONEXIT 0X0 Enable sleep on exit feature when returning from
handler to thread mode
Address Register Name Register Write Register Read Default Description
0xE000ED14 SCB_CCR (9) STKALIGN (9) STKALIGN 0X0 Force stack to be double-word aligned
(8) BFHFNMIGN (8) BFHFNMIGN 0X0 Ignore data bus faults in hard fault and NMI
(4) DIV_0_TRP (4) DIV_0_TRP 0X0 Trap on divide by zero
(3) UNALIGN_TRP (3) UNALIGN_TRP 0X0 Trap on unaligned data access
(1) USERSETMPEND (1) USERSETMPEND 0X0 Allow user code to write to software trigger interrupt
(0) NONBASETHRDENA (0) NONBASETHRDENA 0X0 Non base thread mode enable
0xE000ED18 SCB_SHP0 (23:16) (23:16) 0X0 Configure the usage fault priority
(15:8) NVIC_BUS_FAULT_PRIORITY (15:8) NVIC_BUS_FAULT_PRIORITY 0X0 Configure the bus fault priority
(7:0) NVIC_MEM_FAULT_PRIORITY (7:0) NVIC_MEM_FAULT_PRIORITY 0X0 Configure the memory fault priority
0xE000ED1C SCB_SHP1 (31:24) NVIC_SVC_PRIORITY (31:24) NVIC_SVC_PRIORITY 0X0 Configure the SVC priority
0xE000ED20 SCB_SHP2 (31:24) NVIC_SYSTICK_PRIORITY (31:24) NVIC_SYSTICK_PRIORITY 0X0 Configure the SysTick interrupt priority
(23:16) NVIC_PENDSV_PRIORITY (23:16) NVIC_PENDSV_PRIORITY 0X0 Configure the PendSV priority
(7:0) NVIC_MONITOR_PRIORITY (7:0) NVIC_MONITOR_PRIORITY 0X0 Configure the monitor priority
0xE000ED24 SCB_SHCSR (18) USGFAULTENA (18) USGFAULTENA 0X0 Usage fault handler enable
(17) BUSFAULTENA (17) BUSFAULTENA 0X0 Bus fault handler enable
(16) MEMFAULTENA (16) MEMFAULTENA 0X0 Memory management fault handler enable
(15) SVCALLPENDED (15) SVCALLPENDED 0X0 SVCall is pending or was started and replaced by a
higher priority exception
(14) BUSFAULTPENDED (14) BUSFAULTPENDED 0X0 Bus fault is pending or was started and replaced by a
higher priority exception
(13) MEMFAULTPENDED (13) MEMFAULTPENDED 0X0 Memory management fault is pending or was started
and replaced by a higher priority exception
(12) USGFAULTPENDED (12) USGFAULTPENDED 0X0 Usage fault is pending or was started and replaced
by a higher priority exception
(11) SYSTICKACT (11) SYSTICKACT 0X0 SYSTICK exception handler is active
(10) PENDSVACT (10) PENDSVACT 0X0 PendSV exception handler is active
(8) MONITORACT (8) MONITORACT 0X0 Debug monitor exception handler is active
(7) SVCALLACT (7) SVCALLACT 0X0 SVCall exception handler is active
(3) USGFAULTACT (3) USGFAULTACT 0X0 Usage fault exception handler is active
(1) BUSFAULTACT (1) BUSFAULTACT 0X0 Bus fault exception handler is active
(0) MEMFAULTACT (0) MEMFAULTACT 0X0 Memory management fault exception handler is
ON Semiconductor
Address Register Name Register Write Register Read Default Description
0xE000ED28 SCB_CFSR (25) DIVBYZERO (25) DIVBYZERO 0X0 Indicates divide by zero will take place
(24) UNALIGNED (24) UNALIGNED 0X0 Indicates unaligned access will take place
(19) NOCP (19) NOCP 0X0 Attempt to execute a coprocessor instruction
(18) INVPC (18) INVPC 0X0 Attempt to do exception with bad value in
(17) INVSTATE (17) INVSTATE 0X0 Attempt to switch to invalid (e.g. ARM) state
(16) UNDEFINSTR (16) UNDEFINSTR 0X0 Attempt to execute an undefined instruction
- (15) BFARVALID 0X0 Indicates if bus fault address register is valid
(12) STKERR (12) STKERR 0X0 Indicates stacking error
(11) UNSTKERR (11) UNSTKERR 0X0 Indicates unstacking error
RSL10 Hardware Reference
(10) IMPRECISERR (10) IMPRECISERR 0X0 Indicates imprecise data access violation
(9) PRECISERR (9) PRECISERR 0X0 Indicates precise data access violation
(8) IBUSERR (8) IBUSERR 0X0 Indicates instruction access violation
- (7) MMARVALID 0X0 Indicates if memory management fault address
register is valid
(4) MSTKERR (4) MSTKERR 0X0 Indicates stacking error
(3) MUNSTKERR (3) MUNSTKERR 0X0 Indicates unstacking error
(1) DACCVIOL (1) DACCVIOL 0X0 Indicates data access violation
(0) IACCVIOL (0) IACCVIOL 0X0 Indicates instruction access violation
0xE000ED2C SCB_HFSR (31) DEBUGEVT (31) DEBUGEVT 0X0 Indicates hard fault is triggered by debug event
(30) FORCED (30) FORCED 0X0 Indicates hard fault is taken because of a lower
priority (e.g., bus, memory management or usage)
(1) VECTBL (1) VECTBL 0X0 Indicates hard fault is taken due to failed vector fetch
0xE000ED30 SCB_DFSR (4) EXTERNAL (4) EXTERNAL 0X0 Indicates external debug request signal asserted
(3) VCATCH (3) VCATCH 0X0 Indicates vector fetch occurred
(2) DWTTRAP (2) DWTTRAP 0X0 Indicates DWT match occurred
(1) BKPT (1) BKPT 0X0 Indicates BKPT instruction executed
(0) HALTED (0) HALTED 0X0 Indicates halt requested by NVIC
0xE000ED34 SCB_MMFAR - (31:0) NVIC_MMAR 0X0
0xE000ED38 SCB_BFAR - (31:0) NVIC_BFAR 0X0
(19) MON_REQ (19) MON_REQ 0X0 Indicates that the debug monitor is caused by a
manual pending request rather than a hardware
(18) MON_STEP (18) MON_STEP 0X0 Single-step the processor
(17) MON_PEND (17) MON_PEND 0X0 Pend the monitor exception request
(16) MON_EN (16) MON_EN 0X0 Enable the debug monitor exception
(10) VC_HARDERR (10) VC_HARDERR 0X0 Debug trap on hard faults
(9) VC_INTERR (9) VC_INTERR 0X0 Debug trap on interrupt service errors
(8) VC_BUSERR (8) VC_BUSERR 0X0 Debug trap on bus faults
(7) VC_STATERR (7) VC_STATERR 0X0 Debug trap on usage fault state errors
(6) VC_CHKERR (6) VC_CHKERR 0X0 Debug trap on fault-enabled checking errors (e.g.
unaligned access, divide by zero, etc.)
(5) VC_NOCPERR (5) VC_NOCPERR 0X0 Debug trap on usage fault no coprocessor errors
(4) VC_MMERR (4) VC_MMERR 0X0 Debug trap on memory management fault
(0) VC_CORERESET (0) VC_CORERESET 0X0 Debug trap on core reset
ON Semiconductor
RSL10 Hardware Reference
RSL10 Hardware Reference
POR power-on-reset
SWD serial wire debug, two-wire interface used for communication with ARM cores
VDDA supply voltage for the non-RF analog blocks and flash memory
VDDO input supply for the digital I/O pads, including the debug port (SWJ-DP)
VDDPA optional supply voltage for the power amplifier from the RF front-end
ON Semiconductor
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