Creating Your Gamma World Character
Creating Your Gamma World Character
Creating Your Gamma World Character
Step 1: Roll your character Origins by rolling 2d20 and consulting the table below for your Primary and
Secondary origins. Roll a d20 once, consult the table then roll again.
d20 Origin d20 Origin d20 Origin
1 Android 8 Gravity Controller 15 Radioactive
2 Cockroach 9 Hawkoid 16 Rat Swarm
3 Doppelganger 10 Hypercognitive 17 Seismic
4 Electrokinetic 11 Mind Breaker 18 Speedster
5 Empath 12 Mind Coercer 19 Telekinetic
6 Felinoid 13 Plant 20 Yeti
7 Giant 14 Pyrokinetic * Engineered Human
*If your first and second rolls are the same, your second origin is Engineered Human.
Step 2: Select the Origin cards for your Primary and Secondary origins. You will record the traits on your
character sheet. Note: Since this is a session for 1st level characters, you will not need utility
powers, expert powers, or critical effects.
Step 3: Assign ability scores. Your Mutant Types dictate your primary and secondary ability scores. Record
18 for the ability listed as your Primary origin’s Mutant Type and a 16 for the ability listed as your
Secondary origin’s Mutant Type. If both Mutant Types are the same, instead record 20 for that
ability. Then for your remaining abilities, roll 3d6 for each Strength, Constitution, Dexterity,
Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma (skipping abilities that are already filled in), in that order! The
ability modifiers are listed in the following table.
Score Modifier Score Modifier Score Modifier
1 -5 14-15 +2 28-29 +9
2-3 -4 16-17 +3 30-31 +10
4-5 -3 18-19 +4 32-33 +11
6-7 -2 20-21 +5 34-35 +12
8-9 -1 22-23 +6 36-37 +13
10-11 +0 24-25 +7 38-39 +14
12-13 +1 26-27 +8 Etc. (Score - 10)÷2
Gamma World, Dungeons & Dragons, and their likenesses are © and ™ Wizards of the Coast, All Rights Reserved. This packet is not to be copied nor distributed.
GAMMA WORLD GAME DAY: Character Creation Quick Start
Step 4: Determine your character’s skills. Each origin grants a skill bonus (Engineered Humans have 2). In
addition, roll 1d10 and consult the Skill Bonuses table. Your character receives a +4 bonus to the
skill that you rolled. All of your skills will be calculated as: Ability Modifier + Level + Bonuses.
(Different from 4th Edition D&D, Gamma World uses the full level for bonuses, not ½ the level).
d10 Skill Key Ability d10 Skill Key Ability
1 Acrobatics Dexterity 6 Mechanics Intelligence
2 Athletics Strength 7 Nature Wisdom
3 Conspiracy Intelligence 8 Perception Wisdom
4 Insight Wisdom 9 Science Intelligence
5 Interaction Charisma 10 Stealth Dexterity
Step 5: Choose 1armor, 1 melee weapon, 1 ranged weapon, and an explorer’s kit. Other equipment such as
ancient junk or other gear will not be used for this Game Day session.
Armor Benefit
Light armor +3 armor bonus to AC, Add Dex/Int bonus to AC
Heavy armor +7 armor bonus to AC, -1 Speed, no Dex/Int bonus to AC
Shield +1 shield bonus to AC
Unarmed Attacks Ability Accuracy [W]
Quick attack Dex/Int +3 1d4
Powerful attack Str/Con +2 1d8
Light Melee Ability Accuracy [W]
One-handed weapon Dex/Int +3 1d8
Two-handed weapon Dex/Int +3 1d12
Heavy Melee Ability Accuracy [W]
One-handed weapon Str/Con +2 1d10
Two-handed weapon Str/Con +2 2d8
Light Ranged Ability Accuracy [W] Range
One-handed weapon Dex/Int +3 1d8 5
One-handed gun* Dex/Int +4 1d8 10
Two-handed weapon Dex/Int +3 1d12 10
Two-handed gun* Dex/Int +4 1d12 20
Heavy Ranged Ability Accuracy [W] Range
One-handed weapon Str/Con +2 1d10 5
One-handed gun* Str/Con +2 2d6 10
Two-handed weapon Str/Con +2 2d8 10
Two-handed gun* Str/Con +2 2d10 20
*This weapon requires ammunition.
Gamma World Game Day Player’s Packet ✇ Page 2 of 4
Gamma World, Dungeons & Dragons, and their likenesses are © and ™ Wizards of the Coast, All Rights Reserved. This packet is not to be copied nor distributed.
GAMMA WORLD GAME DAY: Character Creation Quick Start
Step 6: Fill in the rest of your character sheet using the following guidelines:
✇ Hit Points: 12 + your Constitution Score.
✇ Bloodied Value: ½ your hit point total, rounded down.
✇ Fortitude Defense: 10 + your level + the better of your Strength or Constitution modifiers.
✇ Reflex Defense: 10 + your level + the better of your Dexterity or Intelligence modifiers.
✇ Will Defense: 10 + your level + the better of your Wisdom or Charisma modifiers.
✇ Armor Class (AC): 10 + your level + armor bonus + shield bonus, if any; if you’re wearing no
armor or light armor, add the better of your Dexterity or Intelligence modifiers.
✇ Speed: 6 + origin modifiers.
✇ Initiative Modifier: Your Dexterity modifier + your level + other modifiers.
✇ Attack Bonus (Weapon): Best modifier from the weapon’s key ability pair + your level + weapon
accuracy bonus.
✇ Attack Bonus (Power): The power’s key ability modifier + your level + the power’s accuracy
modifier (or weapon accuracy bonus if the power works with a weapon).
✇ Basic Attack Damage: 1[W] + weapon’s key ability modifier + your level
✇ Skill Bonus: The key ability score modifier + your level + all bonuses you have for that skill.
Step 7: Choose your character’s Personality traits (optional, but adds flavor):
✇ How trusting are you?
Gullible, Open-minded, Skeptical, Suspicious, Obstinate
✇ What is your outlook at the start of each day?
Hopeful, Enthusiastic, Self-assured, Grim, Self-doubting
✇ What kind of decision maker are you?
Forceful, Adaptable, Timid, Easygoing, Impatient
✇ How conscientious are you about following rules?
Scrupulous, Pragmatic, Dutiful, Flexible, Scofflaw
✇ How empathetic are you?
Kind, Hard-hearted, Charitable, Oblivious, Thieving
✇ How courageous are you while under fire?
Cautious, Daring, Fearful, Reckless, Fierce
✇ What do you look like?
Describe your character’s skin color, hair style, clothing, etc. The sky is the limit! You’re a mutant
after all...
✇ What trade or occupation did your family follow when you were young?
✇ What’s the worst event of your life up until now?
✇ What’s the best thing that’s ever happened to you?
✇ Do you stay in contact with your family? What do they think of you?
Gamma World, Dungeons & Dragons, and their likenesses are © and ™ Wizards of the Coast, All Rights Reserved. This packet is not to be copied nor distributed.
GAMMA WORLD GAME DAY: Character Creation Quick Start
Step 8: Draw an Alpha Mutation and Omega Tech from either your deck or your DM’s deck. These are
readied (turned face-up) in front of you. After an encounter ends, discard your Alpha Mutation and
draw a new one. Your Omega Tech remains readied and in play until it can no longer be used.
Your DM will tell you how Overcharging your Alpha Mutation and Using/Losing your Omega Tech
cards work.
You should have purchased 2 booster packs to participate in this session. Separate the Alpha
Mutations and Omega Tech cards into two separate piles and shuffle them. You need a minimum of 7 cards
in each deck (more is fine) and no more than two cards with the same name.
Please keep your cards and the DM’s cards in separate piles so they do not get mixed together!
Here are a few things to keep in mind if you’ve played D&D 4th Edition before:
✇ There are no healing surges.
✇ Second Wind is a minor action that restores ½ of your hit points, or your bloodied value.
✇ You regain all of your hit points during a short rest.
✇ There are no action points in Gamma World.
✇ If you use gun ammo more than once in an encounter, you run out of ammo when the encounter
is over.
✇ Skill checks and attack rolls add the character’s FULL level, not ½ the character’s level.
✇ Abilities are random, not chosen from an array, and are assigned in order. Mutations and origin
powers offset most low ability scores. There is an equal chance for characters with high ability
scores to die as it is for those with low ability scores. Try some role-playing to spruce up your fun
with a low ability scored character. The game, however, is about fun, and if the DM approves a
reroll, you may reroll all of your abilities (excepting the 1-2 origin-related ones), but you must
abide by the second roll and any other stipulations the DM may have (such as clucking like a
chicken when your character speaks...Avian DNA! Gotta love it!)
✇ Charge and other move-to-attack powers are not listed in the Gamma World Rulebook. That does
not mean that the rules won’t be available in a later expansion or that your DM won’t allow it.
Check with your DM.
✇ This is about the Gamma World rules and therefore will mostly be about them, not D&D 4th
Edition. Sticking to the RAW (Rules As Written) will be the theme of the day, but your DM may
allow leeway (as is his or her right). Please keep the Rules Lawyering™ to a minimum.
Gamma World, Dungeons & Dragons, and their likenesses are © and ™ Wizards of the Coast, All Rights Reserved. This packet is not to be copied nor distributed.
Follow the instructions below while
reading along
in the rules to create your starting D&D
® Gamma
World character.
Name your character. What do othe
rs call you?