Cased Hole Catalogue
Cased Hole Catalogue
Cased Hole Catalogue
Cased Hole Catalogue
Fitness and
GOWell designs, manufactures and supports a wide range of well logging
equipment which we supply to service companies globally in the oil, gas,
and geothermal industries. The three key pillars of our best-in-class
delivery promise are:
We aim to become your world-class supplier of wireline
Our Houston Innovation Center (HIC) has a strong focus on logging equipment. We provide reliable equipment, best
in-class support, and outstanding technical solutions to
developing new well integrity solutions. The HIC team holds numerous
all our customers.
US patents for their outstanding work in this field. We are constantly
improving our technology and developing new solutions by committing OUR MISSION
at least 10% of annual revenue to our R&D efforts. Our mission is to develop, manufacture, and support fit-
for-purpose and reliable wireline technology solutions.
Our Xi’an Product Center (XPC) is API Q1 and ISO9001 certified and Our success is achieved every time we deliver high-
is fully committed to manufacturing high-quality and reliable quality products and excellent service support combined
equipment, in addition to providing custom engineered solutions. with our flexible business approach.
The regional hubs deliver outstanding technical, logistical and OUR VALUES
interpretation support which is the backbone of our delivery promise: SAFETY - We do our best to uphold the highest
global but local with support personnel. standard of safety and strive for the improvement of
health, safety, and security for our employees and
EXCELLENCE - We aim to deliver world-class
products and services.
LEARNING - Knowledge sharing and collaboration
among our team members are key to our success.
TEAM WORK - We combine our knowledge and
expertise and then assess the value of our
performance, resulting in increased quality and
support to our customers.
CUSTOMER FOCUS - We listen to our customers and
make every effort to provide solutions to meet their
Data is recorded and stored on the tool per the user's pre-defined program and downloaded on the surface for further time-to-depth conversion and
A simple self-contained bench testing unit
Surface Read Out Bench Testing
(USBCAN box), coupled with our Pegasus
Diagnostics (PDS) software is a HIGHSPEED
comprehensive tool for troubleshooting and (WTS)
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Well Integrity
As a core business of GOWell, our Well
Integrity tools create a continuous map of
the wellbore profile to enable complete MULTI-FINGER
inspection of the downhole condition and
identify problems associated with the leak,
poor cementing, or tubular integrity beyond
several barriers.
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Well Integrity
The GOWell Multi-Finger Caliper (MFC) Tool has a measurement range from 2 in. to 20 in., which practically covers all tubular sizes where caliper
measurement might be required. The MFC is available with 24,40, or 56 fingers and with normal and extended-arm options.
The MFC provides direct measurement of internal tubing and casing diameters. It is used to identify corrosion, wear, pits, and holes. The MFC can also
show any gains/build-up of scale during production. Measuring fingers on the tool move radially along the tubular wall and detect any diameter change
that can be presented as a cross-section of a 3D image. The fingertips are made of a material with >100km of durability, and they can be easily replaced in
the field.
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Well Integrity
The MTD can detect up to three barriers and measure average circumferential metal loss at each barrier. The 1 11/16-in. diameter tool is designed for
tubing restrictions, but it can log in up to 18⅝-in. casing. The GOWell simulation software with advanced modeling techniques aids to identify the
corrosion extent through a comparison of simulated model decay curves with actual tool response.
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Well Integrity
The ePDT is fully combinable with the GOWell Pegasus Series instruments,
including the Multi-Finger Caliper (MFC), the Array Noise Tool (ANT), the
Stationary Noise Tool (SNT), the Production Logging Tools (PLT), and our
Radial Bond Tool (RBL). This combination capability enables a
comprehensive evaluation of well integrity, providing accurate thickness
information for multiple pipe strings as well as leak detection, multi-phase
fluid flow, and cement bond quality.
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Well Integrity
Cement Evaluation
The GOWell Radial Bond Tool (RBL) has eight radial receivers in addition to standard cement bond amplitude and variable density logging. Each receiver
covers a 45-degree section, providing a 360-degree circumferential map that enables better resolution to identify channeling and a thin cement sheath.
The tool also evaluates hydraulic isolation between producing and non-producing zones, which is one of the key factors for well integrity. The RBL is not
a pad device and does not have the limitations of pads, unlike some other tools available in the industry.
Deformation Logging
A slim tool with 1 11/16-in. O.D.
Combinable with all Pegasus Series Tools
Enhanced processing within the ViewWell™ Well Integrity Platform
Compatible with the Warrior™ Acquisition System
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Well Integrity
Passive Acoustic
The SNT focuses on real-time surface readout (SRO) applications that require sensitive stationary measurements with immediate real-time, on-site
answers. Our unique real-time software automatically stitches multiple station measurements together to generate a real-time, depth-based answer
product. From this, the customer can quickly identify intervals of interest and, if required, can easily acquire in-fill stations with closer spacing without
any delay or extra data manipulation. This hybrid logging mode is capable of stitching together data from multiple SNT tools in the tool string to further
optimize acquisition.
Leak Detection
Fracture and matrix bypass detection
Cross flow and flow behind the pipe detection
Flow profiling capability by combining with
production logging tools
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Well Integrity
Passive Acoustic
In addition to leak detection and flow identification, the ALFA is used for sustained pressure diagnosis, reservoir characterization, and formation
evaluation as well as for open perforation identification.
Flow detection through multiple tubulars
Flow identification behind or inside of the pipe
Borehole and reservoir performance
Combinable with other logging tools to provide a complete well
evaluation in a single run
Slim tool design enables safe and easy deployment through the smallest
completion tubing and restrictions
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Well Integrity
Passive Acoustic
Records sensor data in the device memory
Downloads of data from the tool
Start records after the specified time
Stop records at the specified time
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Production Logging
Flowmeters are used to determine fluid flow velocity and direction. When fluid passes the impeller and rotates it, the number of revolutions is used to
calculate fluid velocity. While the measurement principle is similar for all tools, different types of flowmeters are available for specific challenges. All
flowmeters require an in-situ calibration procedure that uses logging runs at several cable speeds with the well shut in at the surface.
The GOWell Inline Flowmeter's (IFS) has a shrouded design prevents impeller damage when passing
perforation zones containing high-velocity inflow jetting. An optimized flow profile is obtained
when combining IFS data with data from the bottom flowmeter. The inline flowmeter is an ideal
second source of data when the bottom spinners cannot rotate due to well restrictions or debris.
Blades are easily interchangeable in the field in cases where the tool is used in harsh conditions for
multiple PLT campaigns over several wells.
The GOWell Fullbore Flowmeter (FBM) is a mechanical section combined with an electronic section
on the GOWell Pressure Temperature Flowmeter (PTF) Tool. The FBM impeller blades fold and the
arms collapse when in the tubing but expand into a large diameter for measurements in the casing.
The FBM is run at the bottom of the tool string and used to provide sensitive fluid flow
measurements for a large variety of casings ranging from 4½ in. to 9⅝ in.
The Continuous Flowmeter comprises a mechanical section (CFM) combined with an electronics
section on a Pressure Temperature Flowmeter (PTF) Tool. Located at the bottom of the tool string, the
Continuous Flowmeter provides fluid flow measurement in the tubing.
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Production Logging Tools
Combined Water Holdup Tool/Density Tool (QCD)
The GOWell Combined Water Holdup/Density Tool (QCD) offers capacitance (water holdup) and tuning fork density sensors in one module.
Compact design by combining water holdup and fluid density
Density unaffected by highly radioactive scale and well deviation
No radioactive source – ease of logistics
Accurate, repeatable density measurements
Fluid viscosity estimates
Compatible with all Pegasus Series Tools
Leak detection·
Productivity index evaluation·
Production/injection intervals detection
Pressure transient analysis
Wellbore temperature profile·
The GOWell Quartz Pressure Tool (QPS) measures pressure using an industry-leading precision
quartz crystal pressure transducer. The high-accuracy pressure measurements are fully
compensated for temperature with a thermally coupled quartz temperature crystal.
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Gamma Ray-Wellbore Temperature (PGT) and Gamma Ray-Wellbore Temperature-CCL (GTC)
The PGT and GTC contain gamma ray and temperature sensors. The GTC also has a CCL sensor in addition. Both tools are primarily used for depth
correction and leak detection. GOWell designed the PGT specifically to deploy with the MTD tool because running MTD and GTC together might be
problematic due to magnetic interference.
Pressure-Temp-CCL PTC43C
The PTC Tool is a compact tool that contains pressure, temperature, and CCL sensors. In addition to depth correction and leakage detection, data from
pressure sensors are used to build up the pressure profiles of the well and perform pressure analysis.
Correlation of cased hole logs between runs and wells
Depth control
Leakage detection through the high-resolution production temperature log
Productivity index evaluation
Identification of production/injection intervals
Pressure transient analysis
Pressure gradient evaluation
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Pressure Temperature Capacitance CCL(PTCC)
The PTCC is a memory tool combining four sensors into a single compact module. The instrument measures pressure, temperature, capacitance water
hold-up and it has a casing collar locator. Memory acquisition of PTCC can be triggered not only by time and by exceeding pre-determined specific
Log Example
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Auxiliary Sensors and Accessories
Flex Joint Tool
The GOWell Flex Joint Tool (FJT) provides flexibility up to 15 degrees. It is used to decouple one part of the tool string from another as well as to run
centralized and eccentric tools together. Multiple FJT's can be run in the same tool string to achieve optimum tool string configuration for a specific job.
XY caliper
The GOWell XY Caliper Tool provides caliper measurement of the borehole in X and Y axis from 2 in. to 9.7 in. Oriented at 90° to each other, the caliper
arms provide an accurate assessment of pipe geometry for identifying serious deformation/corrosion or scale build-up. The caliper data is also used to
correct spinner-derived fluid volumes for varying tubular sizes.
The Tension Compression Sub (TCS) is a device designed to accurately measure the downhole load on any Pegasus tool string. This module gives real-
time surface readout providing the engineer with an invaluable tool to detect and prevent tool string hang up. This new unit has pressure compensation
capability with the load measurement achieved by means of a precise strain gauge situated within the housing. TCS can be mounted directly below the
telemetry module (WTS) or anywhere in the tool string and is fully digital measurement.
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Most Well Integrity and Production Logging Tools require centralization. GOWell provides three types of centralizers with 43mm (CTL43), 70 mm
(CTL70) and 90 mm (CTL90) OD. The CTL43 is designed with four arms for lighter tools, and the CTL70 and CTL90 have six strong arms to deliver
heavier tool strings to the target depth. Depending on tool string diameter, one of these options can be used with the required number of centralizers for
optimal tool string configuration. GOWell centralizers are equipped with rollers to minimize contact area and friction within the wellbore.
Low friction rollers
Arm force suitable for high-angle and horizontal wells
Available in standard or sour service options
Available in monopin and Pegasus 13-pin options
Custom connections available upon request
Centralizing Force Chart for CTL43-F/K Centralizing Force Chart for CTL70-
Centralizers G/H Centralizers
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Distributed Fiber Optics
Distributed Fiber Optics (DFO) technology makes it possible to continuously monitor the entire wellbore continuosly over extended periods of time.
Unlike logging tools that can survey only a limited interval of the well at one specific time, DFO captures data several times per second, providing a
complete wellbore profile. As a result, dynamic events moving along the wellbore can be tracked, which provides a better insight into the wellbore
dynamics and added confidence to well integrity decisions. For example, a gas leak migrating upwards can be followed and its speed measured, and
intermittent events that would otherwise escape detection by traditional point measurement logging tools can be observed and diagnosed.
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ViewWell – Well Integrity (WI) Processing and visualization software
The GOWell ViewWell™ Well Integrity Platform offers a comprehensive view of well integrity data through a consolidated analysis and visualization
of cement, casing and tubing conditions. The platform includes a range of statistical methods to analyze wall loss, penetrations and restrictions for
quantitative interpretation. We incorporate forward modeling of our tools to allow for job planning, data quality control, feature analysis and inversion
ViewWell is a modular platform, designed to include tailored plugins, with the intention to capture our ever-expanding modules as well as to integrate
additional customer modules.
Along with the ViewWell Platform, GOWell provides a Monitoring Module at no cost. The Module allows customers to visualize QC-ed data and
interpretation results across multiple users for quick turnaround and ultimate decision making.
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Third Party Interface - Pegasus Protocol Adapter (XPA43J-A)
GOWell has developed an adapter module (XPA43J-A) that allows GOWell’s Pegasus Series tools to be fully compatible with the industry-standard tool
bus. One or more Pegasus series tools can be connected below an XPA43J-A. When the adaptor is in place, any combination of third-party tools, either
Surfacr readout or Memory, can be connected above the adapter.
Protocol Conversion: Converts the GOWell Pegasus tools' CAN protocol to the leading industry-standard tool bus
Mechanical Conversion: Adapts the GOWell Pegasus tools' 13-pin connection to third-party tools' mono conductor
Log examples showing the GOWell Pegasus MFC24 and GTC tools connected below a third-party telemetry tool
and their acquisition system
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