Digidik Literasi Bahasa Inggris April
Digidik Literasi Bahasa Inggris April
Digidik Literasi Bahasa Inggris April
Search operations were stopped on Monday when the volcano erupted again, throwing up a tower of ash as
high as 800 metres. The latest bodies were found just metres away from the eruption site, said West Sumatra
province's deputy police chief Edi Mardianto. The bodies of five climbers were recovered while 18 are
presumed dead because they were so close to the eruption of hot gases and ash.
“The rest we want to evacuate are 18 and we expect they are no longer alive. The team will evacuate and take
them to the hospital tomorrow or today to be identified,” Mr Mardianto said on Tuesday.
The rescuers are contending with bad weather and terrain constraints, as the scouring wind brings heat from
the eruptions.
8 Where were the initial cases of covid 19 identified … Kunci Jawaban : Wuhan, China
The initial cases were identified in Wuhan, China
Sudah jelas pada paragraph 2.
9 Statemen True False Kunci Jawaban :
Covid-19 potentially Statemen 1 is true. Pada paragraph kedua
transmitted to human dijelaskan bahwa Covid-19 ditularan kepada
through an intermediate manusia.
host Statement 2 is false. Karena batuk, demam dan
The array symptoms of sesak nafas merupakan gejala umum
Covid-19 are cough, fever, Statement 3 is false. Karena virus Covid-19 dapat
and shortness of breath ditularkan melalui sentuhan dengan benda yang
The virus can’t spread by terkontaminasi.
touching contaminated Statement 4 is false. Yang merespon virus tersebut
surface bukan hanya pemerintah, tetapi juga organisasi
Only Governments kesehatan dan peneliti dunia.
respond to Covid-19 Statement 5 is true. Kita dapat mengontrol
pandemic penyebaran virus dengan standar kesehatan dunia
We can control Covid’s seperti jaga jarak, menggunakan masker, dan
spread by Public health kebersihan tangan.
measures, such as social
distancing, mask-wearing,
and hand hygiene
10 Why international cooperation addressing Covid – 19? Kunci Jawaban : C
A. To make a new variant Di paragraph terakhir disebutkan alasan kerjasama
B. To blame the other countries about the internasional dilakukan.
pandemic International cooperation remains essential in
C. To ensure equitable access to vaccines and addressing the ongoing challenges posed by new
treatments. variants and ensuring equitable access to vaccines
D. To isolate the affected countries and treatments
E. To increase economic of the countries
The strong emotional impact of music is derived from its profound physical and psychological effects. For
example, listening to relaxing music often has a positive impact on the autonomic nervous system (which
regulates many key bodily functions), by slowing breathing, regulating heart rate, lowering blood pressure and
reducing muscle tension.
Happy music is characterized by its upbeat and lively melodies that evoke a sense of joy, positivity, and
celebration. It often features cheerful rhythms, catchy tunes, and vibrant instrumentation that can instantly lift
one's mood. Whether it's the infectious beats of a pop song, the rhythmic energy of a dance track, or the uplifting
harmonies of a feel-good anthem, happy music has the power to create a sense of happiness and enthusiasm. The
use of major chords, bright instrumentation, and lyrics that convey optimistic themes contribute to the overall
uplifting atmosphere of happy music. Listening to happy music can be a source of motivation, a mood booster,
and a way to create a positive and joyful ambiance in various settings. Whether you're dancing to the rhythm or
simply enjoying the melodies, happy music has the ability to bring smiles and spread positivity.
16 We can conclude from the text that happy music Kunci Jawaban : E
… Di akhir paragraph disimpulkan bahwa happy
A. Is Upbeat and lively melodies music mempunyai kemampuan untuk membuat
B. Evoke a sense of joy seseorang tersenyum dan memberi dampak
C. Can’t instantly lift one’s mood positif. Sehingga jawaban yang tepat adalah E.
D. Has the power to create a sense of
E. Has the ability to bring smiles and spread
17 According to the passage, why does people like Kunci Jawaban : B,C,E
listening to happy music? ( the answer more than Listening to happy music can be a source of
one) motivation, a mood booster, and a way to create
A. Because that is cheerful rhythms a positive and joyful ambiance in various
B. Because can be a source of motivation settings.
C. Because it can be a mood booster
Dalam kalimat tersebut sudah jelas alasan
D. Because it indirectly harms people
seseorang suka mendengarkan happy music.
E. Because it’s a way to create a positive and
joyful ambiance Jadi jawaban yang tepat adalah B, C, dan E.