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Digidik Literasi Bahasa Inggris April

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Text for number 1 -5

Mount Marapi volcano eruption leaves at least 23 dead in Indonesia

At least 23 people are thought to have been killed after Indonesia's Mount Marapi volcano erupted twice in
two days. Eleven people were initially confirmed dead after the initial eruption on sunday as 50 climbers were
rescued. Rescuers said on Tuesday that more bodies had been found on the volcano's hazardous slopes.

Search operations were stopped on Monday when the volcano erupted again, throwing up a tower of ash as
high as 800 metres. The latest bodies were found just metres away from the eruption site, said West Sumatra
province's deputy police chief Edi Mardianto. The bodies of five climbers were recovered while 18 are
presumed dead because they were so close to the eruption of hot gases and ash.

“The rest we want to evacuate are 18 and we expect they are no longer alive. The team will evacuate and take
them to the hospital tomorrow or today to be identified,” Mr Mardianto said on Tuesday.
The rescuers are contending with bad weather and terrain constraints, as the scouring wind brings heat from
the eruptions.

1 The topic of the paragraph is … Kunci Jawaban : B

A. The Mount Marapi volcano eruption Inti dari teks bacaan di atas adalah korban yang
B. The victim of Mount Marapi volcano eruption ditimbulkan dari erupsi gunung Marapi. Hal itu
C. The location of Marapi mountain dapat dilihat dari judul bacaan dan kalimat
D. The evacuated of climber pertama di paragraph pertama.
E. The bodies of climbers At least 23 people are thought to have been
killed after Indonesia's Mount Marapi volcano
erupted twice in two days. Eleven people were
initially confirmed dead after the
initial eruption on Sunday as 50 climbers were
rescued. Rescuers said on Tuesday that more
bodies had been found on the volcano's
hazardous slopes.
Sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa jawaban
dari pertanyaan tersebut adalah B
2 Why the search operations were stopped on Monday? Kunci Jawaban : C
A. The victims was dead Pada paragraph kedua sudah jelas alasan kenapa
B. The rescuers was tired operasi pencarian dihentikan di hari minggu.
C. The volcano erupted again Search operations were stopped on Monday when
D. The mountain was so high the volcano erupted again, throwing up a tower of
E. The weather was bad ash as high as 800 metres.
Jadi jawaban adalah C.

3 Rescuers said on Tuesday that more bodies had Kunci Jawaban : D

been found on the volcano's hazardous slopes. Kata yang bermakna sama dengan hazardous dalam
The closest meaning of underlined word is … Oxford Dictionary adalah Dangerous, unsafe, risky.
A. Secure Jadi jawaban yang benar adalah D.
B. Certain
C. Safe
D. Dangerous
E. Healthy
4 The bodies of five climbers were recovered while 18 Kunci Jawaban : the bodies
are presumed dead because they were so close to They pada kalimat tersebut merujuk pada the
the eruption of hot gases and ash bodies of five climbers were recovered.
They refers to …
5 How does the author organize the ideas in pharagraph Kunci Jawaban : A
2 and 3? Berdasarkan bacaan pada paragraph 2 dan 3
A. Paragraph 3 contains an act of the rescuers to the terdapat hubungan bahwa paragraph 3
bodies in paragraph 2. mengandung sebuah tindakan yang dilakukan oleh
B. Paragraph 3 is implicit of paragraph 3 penyelamat terhadap korban pada paragraph 2.
C. Paragraph 2 contains an advice to rescuers in Sehingga jawaban yang tepat adalah A.
paragraph 3
D. Paragraph 3 have deep meaning in paragraph 2
E. Paragraph 2 contains of act in paragraph 3

Text for number 6-10

The emergence of the novel coronavirus, officially named SARS-CoV-2, in late 2019 has led to a global pandemic
known as COVID-19. This unprecedented public health crisis has impacted individuals, communities, and
economies worldwide. This text aims to provide a comprehensive overview of COVID-19, covering its origins,
symptoms, transmission, prevention measures, and the ongoing efforts to combat the virus.
COVID-19 is caused by the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), which is believed to
have originated in bats and potentially transmitted to humans through an intermediate host. The initial cases
were identified in Wuhan, China, and the virus quickly spread globally, prompting widespread concern and swift
international response.
COVID-19 primarily manifests as a respiratory illness, with symptoms ranging from mild to severe. Common
symptoms include fever, cough, and shortness of breath. However, the virus can also affect other organs, leading
to a diverse array of symptoms, such as loss of taste or smell, fatigue, muscle aches, and gastrointestinal issues.
SARS-CoV-2 primarily spreads through respiratory droplets when an infected person coughs, sneezes, or talks. The
virus can also spread by touching contaminated surfaces and then touching the face. Asymptomatic individuals
can unknowingly transmit the virus, making it challenging to control its spread. Public health measures, such as
social distancing, mask-wearing, and hand hygiene, have been crucial in reducing transmission.
Governments, public health organizations, and researchers worldwide have collaborated to respond to the COVID-
19 pandemic. Efforts include the development and distribution of vaccines, research into antiviral treatments, and
the implementation of public health measures to curb the spread of the virus. International cooperation remains
essential in addressing the ongoing challenges posed by new variants and ensuring equitable access to vaccines
and treatments.
6 Based on the text, what do you know about Kunci Jawaban : A
coronavirus? Dalam teks sudah dijelaskan pengertian
A. A global pandemic that caused by SARS- coronavirus pada paragaf kedua.
CoV-2 as known as COVID 19 COVID-19 is caused by the severe acute respiratory
B. The name of virus in Wuhan China syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), which is
C. The virus has spread disease believed to have originated in bats and potentially
transmitted to humans through an intermediate
D. The virus that quickly spread globally,
prompting widespread concern
Jadi dapat disimpulkan bahwa jawaban yang tepat
E. The research into antiviral treatmens. adalah A
7 What the common symptoms of covid 19? Kunci Jawaban : C
A. Cough, flu, sore throat Pada paragraph kedua sudah dijelaskan gejala
B. Sore eyes, tired, nauseous umum dari penyakit covid 19.
C. Fever, cough, and shortness of breath COVID-19 primarily manifests as a respiratory
D. Headache, muscle aches, fever illness, with symptoms ranging from mild to severe.
E. Cough, tired, sore eyes Common symptoms include fever, cough, and
shortness of breath
Sehingga jawaban yang tepat adalah C

8 Where were the initial cases of covid 19 identified … Kunci Jawaban : Wuhan, China
The initial cases were identified in Wuhan, China
Sudah jelas pada paragraph 2.
9 Statemen True False Kunci Jawaban :
Covid-19 potentially Statemen 1 is true. Pada paragraph kedua
transmitted to human dijelaskan bahwa Covid-19 ditularan kepada
through an intermediate manusia.
host Statement 2 is false. Karena batuk, demam dan
The array symptoms of sesak nafas merupakan gejala umum
Covid-19 are cough, fever, Statement 3 is false. Karena virus Covid-19 dapat
and shortness of breath ditularkan melalui sentuhan dengan benda yang
The virus can’t spread by terkontaminasi.
touching contaminated Statement 4 is false. Yang merespon virus tersebut
surface bukan hanya pemerintah, tetapi juga organisasi
Only Governments kesehatan dan peneliti dunia.
respond to Covid-19 Statement 5 is true. Kita dapat mengontrol
pandemic penyebaran virus dengan standar kesehatan dunia
We can control Covid’s seperti jaga jarak, menggunakan masker, dan
spread by Public health kebersihan tangan.
measures, such as social
distancing, mask-wearing,
and hand hygiene
10 Why international cooperation addressing Covid – 19? Kunci Jawaban : C
A. To make a new variant Di paragraph terakhir disebutkan alasan kerjasama
B. To blame the other countries about the internasional dilakukan.
pandemic International cooperation remains essential in
C. To ensure equitable access to vaccines and addressing the ongoing challenges posed by new
treatments. variants and ensuring equitable access to vaccines
D. To isolate the affected countries and treatments
E. To increase economic of the countries

Text for number 11-15

Obesity is a medical condition characterized by an excess accumulation of body fat that poses a risk to an
individual's health. It is often determined by calculating the body mass index (BMI), with a BMI of 30 or above
considered obese. Obesity results from a combination of genetic, environmental, and lifestyle factors. Unhealthy
dietary habits, sedentary lifestyles, and genetic predisposition can contribute to weight gain. The condition is
associated with various health complications, including cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, certain cancers, and
musculoskeletal disorders. Obesity has become a global health concern, with increasing prevalence across all age
groups and socioeconomic backgrounds. Addressing this issue requires a comprehensive approach involving
lifestyle modifications, dietary changes, and increased physical activity.
The increasing prevalence of obesity poses a significant public health challenge worldwide. Obesity not only places
a burden on individual health but also strains healthcare systems and economies. As obesity-related diseases
become more prevalent, healthcare costs soar, creating a substantial economic burden. Moreover, the societal
impact extends beyond health, affecting productivity and quality of life. Discrimination and stigma associated with
obesity can lead to social isolation and mental health challenges for those affected. Tackling the obesity epidemic
requires collaborative efforts from governments, healthcare providers, communities, and individuals. Education
on nutrition, promoting physical activity, and creating environments that support healthier choices are essential
steps in addressing this complex and pervasive health issue.
11 The second paragraph tell us about … Kunci Jawaban : B
A. Understanding obesity Inti dari teks bacaan di atas dampak yang
B. Impact of obesity on public health ditimbulkan dari obesitas dalam kesehatan
C. The obesity epidemic umum. Seperti menjadi beban dalam kesehatan
D. The way to lost obesity individu dan tekanan system kesehatan
E. The increasing prevalence of obesity seseorang. Jadi jawaban yang tepat adalah B
12 How does obesity impact healthcare systems and Kunci Jawaban : E
economic? Pada kalimat kedua dijelaskan bahwa obesitas
A. Having no impact in economic berimbas pada system kesehatan dan ekonomi dan
B. Improving productivity juga menimbulkan beban dalam kesehatan system
C. Reducing healthcare cost dan ekonomi. Obesity not only places a burden on
D. Increasing prevalence individual health but also strains healthcare
E. Creating a burden on healthcare systems and systems and economies. Sehingga jawaban yang
economic tepat adalah E.

13 Tackling the obesity epidemic requires Kunci Jawaban : E

collaborative efforts from governments, Kata yang bermakna sama dengan tackling adalah
healthcare providers, communities, and resolve, solve, tackle. Sehingga jawaban yang tepat
individuals. adalah E.
The underlined phrase has similar meaning with …
A. Escape
B. Refuse
C. Evade
D. Sidesape
E. Resolve
14 Obesity has some impact in societal beyond health, Kunci Jawaban : D
except… Pada kalimat keempat dan lima dijelaskan akibat
A. Affecting productivity and quality life dari obesitas selain kesehatan.
B. Discrimination associated with obesity the societal impact extends beyond health,
C. Social isolation affecting productivity and quality of life.
D. Be self-confident people Discrimination and stigma associated with
E. Mental health challenges for those affected obesity can lead to social isolation and mental
health challenges for those affected. Dari pilihan
jawaban tersebut yang bukan termasuk akibat
dari obesitas adalah jawaban D.
15 The essential steps in addressing obesity are… ( the Kunci Jawaban : A, C, and D
answer more than one ). Education on nutrition, promoting physical
A. Education on nutrition activity, and creating environments that support
B. Promoting sweet cake and soda healthier choices are essential steps in addressing
C. Promoting physical activity this complex and pervasive health issue.
D. Creating environments that support healthier
Pada kalimat terakhir sudah jelas langkah-
langkah dalam menangani obesitas. Jadi
E. Creating environment that bullying the obeity
people jawaban yang tepat adalah A, C, dan D

Text for number 16-20

Music has a unique power to affect the way people feel and many people use music to enhance or change their
mood, channel emotions and for psychological support.

The strong emotional impact of music is derived from its profound physical and psychological effects. For
example, listening to relaxing music often has a positive impact on the autonomic nervous system (which
regulates many key bodily functions), by slowing breathing, regulating heart rate, lowering blood pressure and
reducing muscle tension.

Happy music is characterized by its upbeat and lively melodies that evoke a sense of joy, positivity, and
celebration. It often features cheerful rhythms, catchy tunes, and vibrant instrumentation that can instantly lift
one's mood. Whether it's the infectious beats of a pop song, the rhythmic energy of a dance track, or the uplifting
harmonies of a feel-good anthem, happy music has the power to create a sense of happiness and enthusiasm. The
use of major chords, bright instrumentation, and lyrics that convey optimistic themes contribute to the overall
uplifting atmosphere of happy music. Listening to happy music can be a source of motivation, a mood booster,
and a way to create a positive and joyful ambiance in various settings. Whether you're dancing to the rhythm or
simply enjoying the melodies, happy music has the ability to bring smiles and spread positivity.

16 We can conclude from the text that happy music Kunci Jawaban : E
… Di akhir paragraph disimpulkan bahwa happy
A. Is Upbeat and lively melodies music mempunyai kemampuan untuk membuat
B. Evoke a sense of joy seseorang tersenyum dan memberi dampak
C. Can’t instantly lift one’s mood positif. Sehingga jawaban yang tepat adalah E.
D. Has the power to create a sense of
E. Has the ability to bring smiles and spread
17 According to the passage, why does people like Kunci Jawaban : B,C,E
listening to happy music? ( the answer more than Listening to happy music can be a source of
one) motivation, a mood booster, and a way to create
A. Because that is cheerful rhythms a positive and joyful ambiance in various
B. Because can be a source of motivation settings.
C. Because it can be a mood booster
Dalam kalimat tersebut sudah jelas alasan
D. Because it indirectly harms people
seseorang suka mendengarkan happy music.
E. Because it’s a way to create a positive and
joyful ambiance Jadi jawaban yang tepat adalah B, C, dan E.

18 What emotions does happy music aim to evoke? Kunci Jawaban : C

A. darkness and gooliness Happy music dapat membangkitkan kesenangan
B. melancholy and introspection dan perayaan. Sehingga jawaban yang tepat adalah
C.. joy and celebration C.
D. sadness and despair
E. positivity and negativity
19 How can happy music be described in terms of its Kunci Jawaban : D
effect on ambiance? Happy music dapat mempengaruhi suasana karena
A. Creating a somber and gloomy menambah kebahagiaan dan aura positif. Jadi
atmosphere jawaban yang tepat adalah D
B. Inducing a melancholic and reflective
C. Contributing to a dark and moody setting
D. Adding a sense of joy and positivity
E. Increasing sadness and despair
20 Happy music is characterized by its upbeat and Kunci Jawaban : E
lively melodies that evoke a sense of joy. Evoke dalam bahasa Indonesia adalah
The antonym of evoke is … meningkatkan. Sehingga lawan kata dari evoke
A. Raise adalah discourage yang artinya mematahkan atau
mengecilkan. Jadi jawaban yang tepat adalah E.
B. Generate
C. Awaken
D. Create
E. Discourage

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