WPT MCQs Part 1
WPT MCQs Part 1
WPT MCQs Part 1
Western Political
DUET, JNUEE, UGC-NET, Other Entrance Tests,
Competitive Exams
MCQs taken from past year papers of
1.Who among the following ancient Greek thinkers said that the state comes to be for the sake of life,
and exists for the sake of the good life?
(A) Divine Theory (B) Force Theory (C) Social contract theory (D) Historical theory
11. According to Plato, justice is: Episteme - Scientific knowledge. Universal, invariable, context-
independent. Based on general analytical rationality. The
(a) Distribution of goods and services original concept is known today from the terms “epistemology”
(b) Burdens and Benefits and “epistemic.” Know- what, Know- Why
(c) Punishment and retribution
(d) One man one work, one class one duty • Techne - Craft art. Pragmatic, variable, context-dependent.
Oriented toward production. Based on practical instrumental
rationality governed by a conscious goal. The original concept
appears today in terms such as “technique,” “technical,” and
“technology.” Know –How, Skill
14.Who of the following fled Athens for Calchis, ‘in order that the Athenians might not
commit a second crime against philosophy’?
Aristotle on Women:
16.Which of the following thinkers did not believe in • Women- inferior to men, a incomplete
women equality? defective male!
(a) Plato and Mill • Has reason, but without authority; hence, she
(b) Aristotle and Hegel has to be under command of male!
(c) Mill and Mary Wollstonecraft
(d) Plato and Mary Wollstonecraft
• Plato’s admirers:
Plato’s Critics:
• R.L. Nettleship (Lectures on the Republic of Plato)
• Karl Popper (The Open Society and its Enemies)
• A.E. Taylor (The Man and His Work)
• R.H.S. Crossman (Plato Today)
• Ernest Barker (Greek Political Theory)
• W. Fite (The Platonic Legend)
19. At what age Plato's Philosopher King completes education to be able to govern Plato’s Education system:
the state? • 20 years-universal- test- class
A. 20 years B. 35 years C. 50 years D. 55 years • 20-35- Guardian class
• 35-50: Philosopher Kings
20.Who among the following is regarded as the Father of Comparative
(a) Plato (b) Aristotle (c) Lucian Pye (d) G.A. Almond
22. According to Aristotle, polity means:
21. Match the List–I with List–II with reference to A. Rule of the many with their consent
Aristotle and Plato: B. Rule of the few with the consent of the many
List–I (Pure form) List–II (Degenerated form) C. Rule of the one with the consent of the many
A. Monarchy (i) Democracy D. Rule of the one with the consent of the few
B. Aristocracy (ii) Tyranny
C. Polity (iii) Oligarchy
D. Ideal State (iv) Timocracy
23. Dialectic method was used for the first time in the writing of which one of the following thinkers?
24.Given below are two statements, one labelled as Assertion (A) and the other labelled
as Reason (R). Select the correct answer from the codes given below:
Assertion (A): Platonic theory of ideas is based upon the theory of knowledge.
(A) Hayek
(B) Hobbes
(C) Hegel
(D) Hobhouse
33. which natural right, according to Hobbes, must not be surrendered to the state?
35. General will leads to the formation of political society where individuals participate with:
36. Which of the following thinkers held that “he who mixes his labour removes a thing from its natural
state and thus acquires a property right over that thing”?
A. John Locke B. Piene-Joseph Proudhon C. Adam Smith D. Mao Zedong
‘If I own a can of tomato juice and spill it in the sea so that its
Piene-Joseph Proudhon: profit as theft molecules mix throughout the sea, do I thereby come to own
the sea?”- Robert Nozick
37. Who said that "the character of the people is not to be blamed any more than that of princes, for both alike are
liable to err when they are without any control"?
A. Emperor Nero B. Roman historian Titus Livy C. Immanuel Kant D. Niccold Machiavelli
38. Locke uses the description "white paper, void of all characters" to describe:
A. Natural Law B. Innocence of the primitive man C. Innocence of children D. Human mind at birth
39. With the help from the following code, find out the proper sequence in which Locke's social contract is
(i) Civil Society (ii) State of Nature (iii) Government (iv) Social Contract
Aristotle on Slavery
Slave- like household property
Supported slavery but with many conditions
44. Which of the following is not said by Marx?
A. Withering away of the state B. The dictatorship of the proletariat C. The fetishism of commodities D.
The state is a necessary evil
45. “I do not wish them (women) to have power over men; but over themselves.” These words are attributed to which
of the following thinkers?
A. Hannah Arendt
B. Mary Wollstonecraft
C. J.S.Mill
D. Simone de Beauvoir
47. Who stated that placing restrictions on freedom of expressions of human beings is like robbing off the
present and the future races?
(a) J. S. Mill (b) John Locke (c) Isaiah Berlin (d) F. A. Hayek
48. Who among the following first modernized the tradition of Natural Law?
49. Who among the following is called Father of Liberalism? Hobbes may be called the
grand father of Liberalism
1. Hobbes 2. Locke 3. Machiavelli 4. Rousseau
50. For liberalism, the most fundamental feature of the individual is:
A. His/her relations with other individuals
B. His/her relations with the State
C. His/her capacity to understand traditions
D. His/her capacity to make choices
51.Who among the following would you associate the concept of “Tyranny of Majority”?
52. Which socialist thinker charged Hobbes and Locke for promoting the culture “Possessive Individualism”?
57. Who among the following has compared fortune with a woman ? Teleological: What matters is the End,
(A) Locke (B) Rousseau (C) Hobbes (D) Machiavelli which should be good, no matter what
means( or actions) adopted to achieve
the end/goal
58. Assertion (A): Machiavellism stands for double standard of
morals, one for the ruler and another for the private citizen.
Reason (R): The ruler, as the creator of the state, is not only outside
the Law, and outside morality as well. Machiavelli made political actions
separate from Religion and
conventional morality
59. Match List–I with List–II
List–I (Philosopher) List–II (Idea)
Machiavelli A. Revolt against Reason
Hobbes B. Moral Indifference
Locke C. Instinct of self-preservation
Rousseau D. Natural Right to Property
60. Who was Plato's guide and master?
(1 ) Xenophon (2) Aristophanes (3) Pythagoras (4) Socrates
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