Conaip Exam To Apply

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1 .- Select the option that contains the branch of philosophy that seeks
answers to questions about the meaning of existence, reality, the meaning
of the universe and being, among other topics.

either to) Ethics

either b) Logic
either c) Esthetic
or d) Metaphysics

2 .- Select the concept to which the following text refers: Methodical
dialogue, attributed to Socrates, through which questions are asked to a
person so that they discover the truths for themselves.

either to) Hermeneutics

either b) theorem of such
either c) Socratic method
either d) Maieutics

3 .- Which of the following options is an appropriate interpretation of the

phrase attributed to the Greek philosopher Heraclitus "No person can bathe
more than once in the same river."

or a) If we came out alive from the first bath, our fear would prevent us from trying
or b) It is excessively dangerous to bathe in a river, so attempting it more than once
should not be recommended.
or c) It is possible that neither the river nor we exist when we try to bathe again.

or d) That when one goes to bathe in the same river, one is no longer one nor is the
river the same river. *
4 .- Select the option that designates the Marxist-inspired school, made up of a
group of German thinkers such as Theodor Adorno and Max Horkheimer, who
criticized the horrors that occurred in the Second World War, and capitalist
societies, as they said that these societies were based on the exploitation of
one social class over the others; They argued that liberal-democratic capitalist
regimes did not fulfill the promises of freedom and progress prevalent during
modernity, since the consumerism generated by capitalism depersonalized
people, turning them into a mass of thoughtless individuals.
either to) The school from Prague
either b) The school of Paris
either c) School of Chicago
either d) School of Frankfurt *

5 .- This cultural theoretical phenomenon emerged at the end of the 20th

Although it is a very broad phenomenon, it is generally associated with
disenchantment, apathy, individuality, lack of interest in the common well-
being and rejection of postmodern rationalism. He criticizes society,
considering that it has failed in achieving its goals. further
big ideals.

What cultural phenomenon does the previous text refer to?

either to) Obscurantism

either b) Medieval education
either c) Rationality
either d) Postmodernity *

6 .- Which of the following statements expresses a mythical perspective?

a) Don't eat so much sugar, you won't be able to sleep.

or b) You have to spit on the baby to protect him from the evil eye

or c) If a person ties many balloons to a chair they are sitting on, they will rise into the

or d) Energy is the ability to do work. *

7 .- Aristotle tried to clearly explain what were the elements that gave
shape to matter; To achieve this, he took up and ratified the ideas of
Heraclitus, Anaximenes and Xenophanes, reaching the conclusion that there
were five elements that made up matter. These elements were…

either a) silver, copper, air, ether, water

either b) fire, earth, phosphorus, oil, ether
or c) salt, arsenic, ether, water, earth, fire

or d) water, air, earth, fire, ether. *

8 .- Select the name of the philosophical school that adequately completes

the following text: The philosophers of the They abandoned the Platonic
and Aristotelian systems, since they thought that philosophy had the ethical
purpose of guaranteeing individuals their happiness. With their reflections
they tried to cure individuals of the ills that afflict their lives.

either to) School from Paris

either b) School Hellenistic
either c) School from Prague
either d) School Protagoras *

9 .- Which of the following statements expresses a rational perspective?

either to) Heat is a transfer of energy from one body to another.

either b) Lightning occurs when Zeus gets angry.
either c) Cassandra had the gift of clairvoyance, but she couldn't do anything
to avoid
the events of the future.
or d) A friend has done very poorly in school because he once swore by the cross
and didn't keep it.
10 .- Platonic love is an expression that is used as a synonym for impossible
or unattainable love, and that does not reflect the idea that the Greek
philosopher it refers to wrote about love, whose name is...
either to) Aristotle
either b) Parmenides
either c) Plato
or d) Pythagoras


1 .- What human right constitutes the formal prohibition of intentionally
causing the death of a person.

either to) Freedomof transit

either b) Freedom of association
either c) Right to the life
either d) Freedomof meeting
2 .- According to Aristotle, one of the requirements that must be met for there
to be moral value in a person is that their virtuous acts are not isolated, since a
good action by itself does not reveal a virtuous individual, but only in how
much in that action a virtuous character is manifested.
Thus, according to this Greek philosopher, virtue is a matter of practice,
exercise, constant action, whether it is a habit or part of us. That is why
Aristotle says that one of the characteristics of virtue is that it is a .
either to) Habit
either b) reflective act
either c) spontaneous act
either d) Whim
3 .- What citizen act is the most representative of democracy?
or a) Freedom of the press
either b) The universal vote

either c) Freedom of religion

or d) Freedom of association *

4 .- Which of the following propositions expresses an aesthetic judgment?

a) Handmade jewelry should be considered art because it is a cultural

b) One Hundred Years of Solitude is a novel by Colombian writer Gabriel
García Márquez, winner of the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1982.
c) The terms "classical" and "romantic" are used as critical terms to the art of
each era.
d) The Palace of Fine Arts has been the scene of renowned Mexican and
foreign artists
5 .- In his best-known work, "The Social Contract", formulates his
theory that the State is formed as a consequence of an agreement between
the people and the sovereign, the people committing to submit to the
sovereign and the sovereign committed to defending the natural rights of
the people. He states that power belongs to the people, while the sovereign
has it only temporarily. People have the right to dissolve the contract with
the sovereign; If he breaks his promise, people can sign a new social
contract with another person.
either a) Jean Jacob Rousseau (1712-1778)

either b) Immanuel Kant (1724-1804).

or C c) John Locke (1632-1704)

or C d) Francois Marie Arouet (Voltaire). (1694-1778)

6 .- Carefully review the following text and, when finished, answer the
question. They evoke what is considered "per se", as the ultimate or supreme
end. Which of the following types of values is this concept referring to?

either a) Supreme values
either b) Relative values
either c) Instrumental values

either d) Individual values

7 .- Select the concept that correctly completes the following text: It is
one of the obstacles to democracy. It refers to actions against the Law that,
individually or organized, certain people carry out without receiving
punishment, taking refuge in their political or economic power.
either to) Impunity
either b) The orginazed crime

either c) None of the above

or d) The previous two *

8 .- Economic, technological, political, social and cultural process on a

global scale consisting of the growing communication and interdependence
between the different countries of the world, uniting their markets, societies
and cultures, eliminating tariff barriers, overcoming ethnic differences and
ignoring religious creeds and ideologies, through a series of social,
economic and political transformations that give them a character
universal .

What name is this process identified by?

either to) Internationalization

either b) Globalization
either c) Socialization
either d) Capitalism
9 .- Select the name of the philosophical tradition that considers that the
supreme good is happiness. Its etymological root means happiness; For
example, Aristotle considered that the exercise of reason made human beings
either to) Eudemonism
either b) Subjectivism
either c) Panlogism
either d) Deontologism
10 .- Choose the option referred to in the following text: They evoke existential
objectives. They are, for each person, the most important thing in their life.
These, and depending on the person, include living, happiness, health,
happiness, prestige, status, work, wisdom, friendship and love.

eithera) Values social

eitherb) Values supreme

eitherc) Values individual

eitherd) Values relative

11 .- The following statements are called paradoxes of Socrates EXPTO.

a) The virtues are not identified with wisdom or knowledge, they are distinguished in
justice, piety and courage.
b) The possession of knowledge is necessary and sufficient for happiness

c) No one acts contrary to what they know or believe is best.

12.- They are characteristics of what “value” means EXCEPT
a) It is that which gives the right to exist
b) It is that which does not justify the existence of something.
c) Most present an opposite pole .

13 .- What is our act of knowing about at first?

a) About external reality
b) About our inner reality
c) In neither of them is it the conscious expression of our sensitivity.
14 .- Philosophy determines what is the source of our knowledge, what is the use
that we should give it and...
a) What are the limits of consciousness
b) What are the limits of our reason
c) Which is the reason
15 .- What characterizes properly human knowledge.
a) The physical aspects
b) Philosophical reflection
c) The intellectual aspect.
16 .- According to Aristotle, what does virtue consist of?
a) in happiness
b) In the middle between the extremes
c) in mediocrity
17 .- Saint Anselm tried?
a) Giving a logical expression to the mysteries of the Christian religion without
attempting to solve them
b) try to solve the mysteries of the Christian religion
c) Explain Aristotle's writings on logic and politics
18 .- Plato in his writings talks about the following topics LESS
a) Of death with the work the FEDON
b) Of justice with the work LA REPUBLICA
c) About love with the work THE CONVIVIO (the work in which Plato talks about love
19 .- What are the 3 stages in which the development of Greek philosophical thought
can be seen?
a) The ancient, the classical and the Greek
b) The ancient, the classical and the Hellenistic
c) That of the Olympic games, the classical and the Hellenistic
20.- It is supported by intuition where through mystical experiences one has the notion
of God.
a) The Mystical argument
b) The Mystical posture
c) The pantheistic position.
21 .- If you defined philosophy, which of these would not be its definition?
a) The love of wisdom
b) It is perhaps the most appropriate way to participate in the most precious heritage
that previous generations have bequeathed to us.
c) Ask yourself questions about reality.
22 .- What is a myth?
a) It is a story of natural phenomena in which the intervention of divinities or gifted
human beings is moderately explained.
b) It is a story of lies, like a story where normal human beings are the protagonists.
c) Myths are stories based on reason and knowledge
23 .- What does monism propose?
a) That a single substance cannot be the origin of things
b) Proposes a single substance as the origin of things
c) It proposes that all things are based on the law of contraries or opposites.
24 .- Plato within his ideas about the soul exposes the following ideas EXCEPT
a) expresses that the soul is composed of three parts; the rational or spiritual, the
irascible and the concupiscent.
b) that a right conduct gives us life gives us true happiness
c) that moral standards should be set aside and that the spiritual should not govern
a person's public life.
d) .- What difference exists between the sophists and Socrates, compared to Plato
and Aristotle?
a) They are the same there is no difference
b) The first ones worry about problems politicians and the seconds of
moral problems.
c) The first dealt with moral issues and the second with expanding philosophical
reflection on various topics.
26 .- Pluralism thinks that
a) A single substance cannot be the origin of all things.
b) A single substance as the origin of the plurality of things
c) All things are based on the law of contraries and opposites.
27 .- They are the ways according to Buber in which the person relates EXCEPT
a) Where there is room for experiment and possession as a monopoly. b) Where there
is a place for the encounter, presence, love, freedom and being c) when the person
becomes themselves through the other and uses things for that purpose.
28 .- What is called sensitive knowledge?
It is the way we acquire knowledge of the outside world thanks to the organs of our
29 .- Being a person means
Enjoy the deepest unity and be profoundly different.
30 .- Saint Thomas stated that:
The world of faith and reason are independent but do not contradict each other
because they have the same origin, God.
31 .- Judgment serves in the belief of the existence of God for the following except.
a) To affirm or deny the existence of an absolute being
b) To affirm or deny the being of things
c) To only deny the existence of God.


1 .- Select the appropriate option to complete the following text: In this
regard, Bunge (1997) comments that science is corrupted and destroyed
his ethics when HE places to the service

or a) social development
or b) from destructive or authoritarian forces

or c) education

or d) technological * innovation

2 .- Which of the following two texts describes an ethical dilemma

associated with the development of medical technology?

or a) The hospital construction area is faced with the need to make a decision: should
the new women's hospital be built this year or next year? This decision
influences financial programming.
or b) The cure of diseases that were previously considered incurable is possible
thanks to technology. Only you have to decide between who can be treated and
who cannot, due to the cost of detection and treatment. *

3 .- Which of the following scientific developments, investigations and

experiments has relevant ethical and conflictive implications?

or a) Use of radiation as a cancer treatment or b) Decriminalization of the use of

certain drugs
or c) Generalization of the use of biodegradable detergents

or d) Educational software to support the evaluation of knowledge *

4 .- The Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources (SEMARNAT) has
the mission of incorporating criteria and instruments that ensure the
protection, conservation and use of the country's natural resources,
forming an environmental policy that allows achieving development

Choose the option that contains priority aspects that SEMARNAT works on
to carry out its mission.

or a) National incentives for technological innovation, Fiscal support program for

innovative companies
or b) National support program for older adults, Support program for single mothers

or c) The conservation and sustainable use of ecosystems and their biodiversity,

The prevention and control of pollution
or d) National Vaccination Program, Family Health Protection

5 .- War, where the military is pressing buttons in a luxurious room,

drinking tea, from where they decide the fate of the enemy located
thousands of kilometers away, is a war of cowards: this is what it has led
us to! the technology!

The previous text is part of the analysis of an ethical conflict about .

or a) how to avoid collateral damage

or b) the development of military technology

or c) the development of Science

or d) the protection of the life of the enemy *

6 .- Select, from among the following, a technological device or program

developed with an ethical nature.

or a) Drugs undetectable by the means currently used by the police.

o Identifier of devices that warn drivers about the presence of speed detectors.

or b) Drone that enters the privacy of homes, selected at random, to take Big
Brother-type movies.
or c) Biodegradable detergents.

or d) None of the above

7 .- Select, from among the following, a technological device or program
developed with an unethical nature.

or a) Biodegradable detergents.
or b) Optimizer of the operation of wind turbines.

or c) Efficient rainwater collectors.

or d) Identifier of devices that warn drivers about the presence of speed detectors.

* 8.- What are the three types of problems that bioethics addresses?
or a) Problems of medical practice, Problems of biomedical research, Ecological
problems, the environment and the biosphere
or b) Problems of ethical practice, Problems of bioethical research, Problems of
bioethical innovation
or c) Problems of biology in the 20th century, Problems of current biology, Future
problems of biology d) Problems of medicine in the 20th century, Problems of
current medicine, Future problems of medicine *
9.- Humans are community beings and we need others to define our own
individuality. In every interaction we manifest our values. Which of them
does the following description refer to?
It is a principle that states that an act is moral when it increases the total
well-being of people
a) Hedonism
b) Eudemonism
c) Utilitarianism
d) Solidarity
10.- Select the ecological concept defined in the following text: This term
designates a type of development that seeks to satisfy the needs of the
current population, without endangering the development of the
possibilities of future generations.
a) Sustainable development

or b) Neoliberal development

or c) Economic growth or d) Globalizing development

1 .- Select the type of interview whose questions are selected by the
interviewer and must be carried out as they have been formulated, without
changing the order and without improvising.
either to) Interview closed
either b) Interview open
either c) Interview mixed
either d) Interview face to face *

2 .- Maslow's Pyramid formulates five types of human needs ordered from

the most basic (bottom of the pyramid) to the most elevated
(part superior).

Which of these five needs meets the following description:

They refer to the need to feel protected, including developing certain limits
regarding order. Within them we find:

• Need to have means for physical and health care.

• Employment, income and resources.
• Protection of family integrity.
• Protection of private property.

• to) Needs social

• b)Needsof security
• c)Needsbasic physiological
• d)Needsof esteem

3.- Indicate, from the following list, the name of two of the social programs
of the Government of Mexico operated by the Secretariat of Social
Development (SEDESOL).

• a) National Financing Program for Microentrepreneurs and Rural Women and

Program for Industrial Productivity and Competitiveness (PPCI)
• b) Investment Promotion Program and National Entrepreneur Fund

• c) Life Insurance Program for Heads of Family and Child Stay Program to Support
Working Mothers
• d) Sectoral Strengthening of scientific, technological and innovation capabilities
and National Quality Postgraduate Program

4.- In our country there are around 30 million Mexicans who are
educationally backward, of which around five million are illiterate. Choose
the option most consistent with the previous statements and data.

• a) Respect for human rights in Mexico is a reality.

• b) There is much to do in our country regarding human rights.

• c) The policies of the Mexican governments, in favor of human rights, have borne
• d) The work that has been done in our country regarding human rights has borne
fruit.* 5.- The community of Lagunero taxi drivers met in the town of La
Partida, Mpio. from Torreón, Coah., to address the issue of the increase in
the price of license plates. By the way, what is the difference between
community and locality?

• a) There is no difference between these two concepts; Therefore, it is the same to

say one or the other.
• b) Community refers to an organized group of people with some common trait or
interest; while the locality refers to a geographical area in which one or more
communities live. *

6 .- What supporting question would be asked to recover the most

important historical data and facts?

• a) How many agricultural training courses will the community have?

• b) Who will have a small family in the community
• c) How has the population been growing or decreasing over time?
• d) How is the reduction of violence in the community planned?

7 .- Select the text that defines the concept of criteria for project

• a) It focuses on systematically collecting data that can be counted and processed

numerically, facilitating its statistical analysis.
• b) Depending on the phase of the project being executed, are the accepted
denominations ex-ante, operational, results and impact evaluation?
• c) It is the set of variables that are measured to assess the relevance,
effectiveness, impact and sustainability of a project.

* d) It is the process that concludes with the issuance of a judgment on the project
after contrasting the design, execution, implementation and impact parameters
with those expected.
8 .-The kind of growth that affirms that he
Economic is a stage whose goal is to achieve the model of life and
industrialization of the nations developed. In consequence
It proposes a change in attitudes, values and organizational models that
are similar to those of the societies of developed countries.

Which of the following decisions made by the government of a certain

country is aligned with this way of understanding growth?

• a) Facilities for the creation of large shopping centers similar to those that exist in
Europe, Japan, the USA, etc.
• b) Facilities for the creation of spaces where local sustainable commerce is
developed. *

9.- Select the type of interview in which the interviewer uses a script but
does not strictly follow it, because he or she can improvise, add or remove
questions if he or she discovers in the interviewee an area of interest that
he or she had not detected. .

• to) Interview with questions open

• b)Interview of genre
• c)Both
• d)None of the above

10.- Which of the following activities does not correspond to a

community development practice?

• a) The Government of the Republic implemented a milk provision program

for school-age children for the “La Purisima” community
• b) The inhabitants of the "La Purísima" community created a cooperative
to generate resources that allow them to better feed their children.

1 .- Classify the following statement as true or false, as appropriate:

According to historians, the French Revolution had among its main causes the
absence of freedoms and rights of the French people. This situation had its origin
in monarchical absolutism characterized by the unlimited power of the King.

either a) True
either b) False *

2 .- Select the stage of the research process described in the following text:

In this stage, the scientist investigates the variables involved in the problem,
establishes the theoretical concepts he will use, reviews the theories that revolve
around the problem, and defines the strategy he will use in his research.

or a) Analysis and explanation of causal relationships

or b) Observation or experimentation and verification of hypotheses

either c) Formulation of the theoretical framework

either d) Formulation of hypotheses *

3 .- Select the option that contains the historical period to which the following
text refers:

It is also known as the Middle Ages. It covers the year 476, when the Western
Roman Empire fell, to the year 1453, when the Eastern Roman Empire
collapsed. Its somber name derives from its location between two epochs of
light: classical antiquity and the Renaissance. During the millennium included in
this period, the Catholic Church maintained a fierce defense of irrational ideas,
behaviors and attitudes that it called “truths.”

either to) Post-Romanesque period

either b) Obscurantism

or d) Modern age

4 .- Select the concept that the following text refers to:

either c)
Ecclesiastical period
It is proposed to seek answers to the questions that arise when trying to explain
what happens in nature and in society.

either to) Wisdom popular

either b) Problem Scientist
either c) Scientific curiosity
either d) Exam

5 .- The first stage of the French Revolution was the convocation of a national
assembly, called the States General, composed of the three social states into
which the population of France was classified. The main objective of this
assembly was to find a solution to the major problems that country was going

The inaugural session of the Assembly of the States General took place on May
5, 1789. It brought together 1,139 deputies: 291 representing the First Estate
(formed, approximately, by 120,000 members of the clergy), 270 the Second
Estate (of which the nearly 360,000 members of the nobility were part), and 578
the Third Estate (to which it belonged the remaining 98% of the population of
about 25 million people).

In this assembly the vote corresponded to one per State, that is, 98% of the
French population was only represented by one of the three votes with which the
assembly's decisions were made. Under this conformation it was difficult for any
proposal from the Third Estate that affected the privileges of the clergy and
nobility to win.

On which of the following points did the Third Estate focus the debate before
addressing the issues for which the National Assembly was convened?

or a) In the change of location of the Assembly, so that the 1139 deputies were
more comfortable.
or b) In changing the voting system, proposing that the individual vote replace the
vote by State. *

6 .- The Scientific Revolution is a term given to the series of radical

transformations that took place in the 15th to 17th centuries, which allowed the
gradual elimination of dogmatic explanations of natural phenomena that had
prevailed since Aristotle (384 - 322 BC. C). Among the main benefits that the
scientific revolution brought with it, the following three can be mentioned:

or a) Poverty significantly decreased; It ended the problems of environmental

pollution; He ensured the publication of books for a people eager for reading.
or b) Contributed to changing the way of conceiving the study of human beings for
medical purposes; It brought with it the adoption of a method for scientific
research; He provided mathematical tools to explain and obtain new scientific

7 .- Select the social movement of a violent and emancipatory nature, which

occurred in France between the years 1789 and 1799, whose name you
complete correctly he following text:

Among the main consequences of ____________________________ they can

cite those indicated below:

• It achieved a fundamental change in the Western world, by universalizing

the principles of equality, freedom and fraternity as the basis of the social
contract between the government and the governed.
• It represented the end of absolutist monarchies.
• He left as a legacy to the world the Declaration of the Rights of Man and
the Citizen, the predecessor of the Universal Declaration of the Rights of
• It influenced the processes that led to decolonization in British North
• He was an ideological motivator of the Spanish colonies in their
independence struggles.

† to)The Revolution Copernican

• b)The Revolution Scientific
• c)The Revolution French
• d) HeUtopian Socialism
either c)
Ecclesiastical period
8 .- Under what name are the changes known in the economy and society that
occurred between the middle of the 18th century and the first half of the 19th
century, characterized mainly by the use of machines to replace manual tools,
and by the concentration of industry in huge factories?

• to) Revolution Industrial

• b)Revolution Copernican
• c)Revolution world
• d)Revolution of the Social Sciences

9.- Classify as false or true the following statement regarding the French
government under the direction of Napoleon Bonaparte:

The Consulate's rule ended when Napoleon Bonaparte was proclaimed Emperor
of the French.

• a) True
• b) False *

10.-What name did historians give to the social and philosophical movement
developed in the 18th century, whose objective was to dispel the darkness of
humanity's ignorance through the lights of knowledge and reason?

• to) RevolutionIndustrial
• b)Socialism Utopian
• c)Illustration
• d)Revolution world


11 .- There is a social science that studies the theory and practice of politics, as
well as social systems as political entities. Its objective is to establish, based on
the observation of facts of political reality, explanations of the political decisions
of society.
What science does the previous text refer to?

either to) Revolution Industrial

either b) Socialism Utopian
either c) Illustration
either d) Revolution world

12 .- Only one of the following two statements is true. Select it.

or a) The origin of history dates back to the cry for independence of Mexico; That is
why Miguel Hidalgo is universally considered the Father of History.
or b) The primary sources of history are those that were prepared almost at the same
time as the events that we want to know occurred and come to us as they were

13 .- Of the following groups of sciences, which belong to the field of social


or a) Oceanography, Computing and Mathematics

or b) Chemistry, Biology and Linguistics

or c) History, Political Science and Economics.

or d) Medicine, Psychology and Marine Biology. *

14 .- The positivist school was interested in the study of the events of the past
through the search for documentary and verifiable evidence that was justified in
the scientific method, that is, in the development of methodologies that allowed
the researcher to measure, quantify and verify the phenomena being studied.
Among its greatest exponents we can find:

either to) James Usher

either b) John Stuart Mill
either c) Karl Marx
or d) Johann Philipp Abelin *

15 .- Which of the following is a discipline that is part of the scope of social


either to) Policy

either b) Biotechnology
either c) Speleology
either d) Engineering *

16 .- Rate the following statement as true or false, as appropriate:

Before the 18th century, it was considered that the work done to compile
information about an event was more literary than scientific, which is why
historians as we know them today did not exist.

either a) True
either b) False *

17 .- One of the methods that the historian uses to verify the authenticity of his
sources is that which decomposes the whole into its parts, going from the
general and composite to the particular and simple.

What name is this method known by?

either to) Method inductive

either b) Method synthetic
either c) Method analytical
either d) Method deductive *

18 .- Did you know that there is a social science that deals with the analysis of
the ways in which human society is organized based on the interaction that
arises between its members?
This science has been useful because it studies and proposes solutions to
problems such as poverty, exploitation of human beings, overexploitation of
natural resources, corruption, forms of government, etc.

What science are we talking about?

either to) History

either b) Psychology
either c) Sociology
either d) Business administration *

19 .- What is the name of the branch of private law that regulates the set of
rules relating to merchants in the exercise of their profession, commercial acts
legally classified as such and the legal relationships derived from the
performance of these?

either to) Right agrarian

either b) Right trade
either c) Right business
either d) Right union *

20 .- There is a science that is responsible for studying the human being

through a comprehensive approach. For this purpose, it studies man in his
cultural and social context. Among his concerns are the origin of human beings,
their development as a social species and the changes in their behaviors as time
passes. The name given to this science has origins in the Greek language and
comes from anthropos (“man” or “human”) and logos (“knowledge”).

What science does the previous text refer to?

eitherto)TO the Politic science.

eitherb)TO the Anthropology.

eitherc)TO the Administration Public.

eitherd)TO the Gnoseology.

21 .- What is the name of the economic model that considers that economic
development involves a broad liberalization of the economy, free trade, a drastic
reduction in public spending and a decrease in State intervention in the economy
in favor of the private sector? ?

either to) Neoliberalism

either b) Communism
either c) Fordism
either d) Socialism *

22 .- Under what nickname is the character referred to in the following text


The situation of poverty and the separation into social classes empowered under
the Porfirista regime were a breeding ground for the emergence of vigilantes,
called bandits by the government and the wealthy classes. Among these stands
out one born in Chiautempan, Tlaxcala, who became a bandit and unbeatable
swindler when he could not find another way to take revenge on the millionaire of
French origin, Diego del Frizac, who sent him to the prison of San Juan de Ulúa,
from where he escaped. . Don Diego was the uncle of a young noblewoman who
fell in love with him when he was a poor and honest carpenter. He and Matilde
del Frizac had a girl whom they named María de los Dolores (Lolita). His scams
came to surprise Mexicans and foreigners, because they corresponded to
unusual cunning and intelligence, but, above all, because he used most of what
was stolen to help those in need. To carry out his scams, he dressed extremely
elegantly, in the style of the wealthy of those times, called, because of their
clothing, broken, elegant or catrines. For almost ten years and in the company of
his henchmen, nicknamed “La Changa”, “El Rorro”, “Juan Palomo” and “Lebrija”,
he stole and swindled, but he also fought on behalf of the dispossessed,
becoming one of the most beloved idols of the people, since he robbed the rich
to help the poor. After 10 years of “exploits” he was arrested in the Cumbres de
Maltrata, in the state of Veracruz. He was wounded by a gunshot and subjected
to whippings in a new escape attempt. He was taken to the infirmary of the
“Marqués de Montes” hospital in Veracruz where he officially died on March 25,
1894, at the age of thirty-six.

or a) EL Rayo de Tlaxcala
or b) THE Justiciero of Chiautempan

or a) THE Avenger of the Poor

or b) Chucho el Roto *
23 .- Of the following options, choose the one that fills the space correctly.

The __________ It took place on June 30, 1520. It consisted of the poorly
Spanish withdrawal from Tenochtitlan. In this event the Mexica mercilessly
attacked the Spanish conquerors, leaving almost half of Cortés's soldiers dead.
The result is the famous event that describes Hernán Cortés crying under an
Ahuehuete tree.

either to) Evening of the weeping woman

either b) sad defeat
either c) Evening sad
either d) Evening dark

24 .- Who was the President of the Republic during whose government the
following occurred:

The intervention of the army to quell, through the use of force, an important
student movement, marked the beginning of the erosion of a political regime
that institutionalized the country based on a corporate regime. Society, during
his six-year term, advanced more than the government regime.

either to) Adolfo Lopez Mateos

either b) Gustavo Diaz Ordaz
either c) Adolfo Ruiz Cortines
either d) Miguel German Valdes *

25 .- Which character from the Mexican Revolution does the following text refer

His struggle, its causes and the betrayal that caused his death made him a
symbol - that has transcended time and space - of peasant resistance in Mexico.
Under the motto And the fight continues! remains in Mexico and

Latin America as a reference in the demands for social justice, freedom, equality,
democracy and respect for indigenous, peasant and worker communities.
either to) Francisco Villa
either b) Alvaro Obregon
either c) Emiliano Zapata
either d) Victoriano Huerta *

26 .- Read carefully he following


The war broke out on October 2, 1835 with the Battle of González. The Mexican
forces—superior in number—delivered several defeats to the enemy. Between
February 23 and March 6, 1836, the Battle of the Alamo took place, where some
1,500 Mexican soldiers completely destroyed some 250 enemy soldiers
entrenched in the Alamo Mission. However, the war ended abruptly with the
Battle of San Jacinto on April 21, 1836, when enemy troops massacred the
Mexican army and captured its commander, who was forced to sign the
cessation of hostilities and recognize the independence of his province. which,
before this battle, legally belonged to the Mexican State of Coahuila.

Select, from the following options, the one that correctly combines the names of
the Mexican commander, the war in which he participated and the public
functions he performed in Mexico, according to the facts reported in the text.

or a) Antonio López de Santa Anna; Texan Revolution; Chief of the First Battalion of
the State of Coahuila
or b) Benito Juárez; First Interventionist War; President of Mexico

or c) Antonio López de Santa Anna; Texas War; President of Mexico (with license)

or d) Venustiano Carranza; Cuatrociénegas War; Constitutional Governor of the

State of Coahuila *
27 .- Select, from the following two options, the one that describes a memorable
and true event that occurred during the Mexican War of Independence.

or a) The Army of the Three Guarantees, also called the Triguarant Army, was a
military body resulting from the fusion between the royalist forces commanded by
Iturbide, with the insurgents, commanded by Guerrero.
or b) The Army of the Three Guarantees, also called the Army of the Three Flags,
was a military body resulting from the fusion between the French forces
commanded by Iturbide, with the royalists, commanded by Morelos. *

28 .- Select the option that contains the name of the period you complete
properly he following text:

During the period known as _____________________, in New Spain

An extremely racist and unequal society was established, which
hierarchically maintained the dominance of a Spanish minority over a
population majority composed of Creoles, indigenous people, blacks,
mestizos and castes.

either to) Intervention french

either b) Viceroyalty
either c) Independenceof Mexico
either d) Callism *

29 .- Select the option that contains the name of the organization to which refers
he following text:

It is a Mexican organization of ejidatarios, community members, land seekers,

wage earners and agricultural producers. It was created in August 1938, under
the auspices of President Lázaro Cárdenas. At its inception, among its main
objectives, it had to continue the agrarian distribution, help farmers solve their
problems, process demands in official offices and ensure that local officials did
not hinder the land distribution process.

or a) National Peasant Confederation (CNC)

or b) Union of Petroleum Workers of the Mexican Republic is the Mexican oil union

30 .- Which former president of Mexico is referred to in the following text:

His last year of government showed serious signs of violence, mainly exposed in
three homicides: that of the general secretary of the PRI and former governor of
Guerrero, José Francisco Ruiz Massieu, which occurred on September 28, 1994;
that of Luis Donaldo Colosio, candidate for President of the Republic for the PRI,
which took place on Wednesday, March 23, 1994, and that of Cardinal Jesús
Posadas Ocampo, which took place on May 24, 1993, in broad daylight, in the
parking lot of the Guadalajara International Airport.

either to) Vicente Fox Quezada

either b) Felipe Calderon Hinojosa
either c) Carlos Salinas de Gortari
either d) Ernesto Zedillo Ponce de León


31 .- It is a product of the transformation of the age structure of the population;
implies that the number of older adults will proportionally increase with respect to
other age groups as a direct consequence of the improvement in the population's
standard of living manifested in the increase in the quality of food, hygienic and
sanitary improvements, better care and care, etc. Its manifestation represents a
challenge for governments when covering their economic and social obligations.

What demographic concept does the previous text refer to?

a) Juvenicide

either b) Aging

either c) Population economically active

32 .- From the following options choose the one that adequately completes the

either d)
Demographic bonus

When in a country, economic growth is distributed among the entire population,

improving everyone's living standards, it is said that there exists . Some indicators
that demonstrate such growth may be: the implementation of policies for
technological development and innovation, investment in communication
infrastructure and investment in education and health.

either to) Economic development

either b) Economic recession
either c) Economic depression
either d) Opening of markets *

33 .- From the following options, choose the phrase that adequately completes
the prayer.

The _____________ constitutes the arrangement and order of the parts within
a social economic system.

either to) Parity of the currency

either b) Structure
either c) Superstructure
either d) Inflation *

34 .- As a result of wars, ideological conflicts, various economic crises and the

political, economic and cultural dominance of the so-called Western countries, the
economic model that predominates worldwide is...

either to) late capitalism

either b) orange economy
either c) Feudalism

either d)
35 .- Choose the option that correctly completes the following text:

Beginning in the late 1940s and continuing for three decades, Mexico adopted
the following policies: state subsidies and direction for the production of
substitutes, high import tariffs, and a high exchange rate. The economic model
that provided the framework for these protectionist policies was

or a) import substitution.
or b) the reduction of taxes on production.

or c) Mexico, the best investment.

or d) customer orientation in production processes *

36 .- What is the name of the economic model that proposes that the State
intervene as little as possible in the economy and that its function is merely
regulatory to avoid the formation of monopolies and promote free competition.
Does it emphasize the virtues of a free market economy?

either to) Marxism

either b) Neoliberalism
either c) Monarchical regime
either d) Keynesian *

37 .- Surely you have heard of an expression that arose during the VI special
assembly of the UN, in 1974, which refers to the requests that underdeveloped
countries presented to developed ones, in the sense of establishing new rules of
operation of the international economy to replace those that prevailed before the
Second World War and that tended to perpetuate inequality between countries.
What expression are we referring to?

or a) New International Economic Order

or b) New World Development Organization

or c) Neosocialism
or d) Neocapitalism *

38 .- Select the option that states one of the obstacles to the economic growth
of Mexico.

either a) Climate
either b) Inequity *

39 .- Choose the name of the organization whose description is the following:

It is the organization that, together with its agencies and regional banks, has the
task of delivering part of the financial resources they need to developing

either to) Bank of Mexico.

either b) world Bank
either c) International Organization of the Job
either d) Organization of the state Americans *

40 .- Select the option that adequately completes the following text:

During the government of Adolfo Ruiz Cortínez, a policy of promoting industry,

moderation of public spending, budget balance and establishment of exchange
rate parity was applied, which managed to put an end to the inflationary spiral
that until then had remained a shadow in the growth efforts of our country. In
addition to this, the economic recovery of industrialized countries allowed
demand to grow abroad for Mexican products, both those from the countryside
and the textile industry, as well as those from the leisure industry, mainly cinema.
This caused the astonishment of millions of people and even the envy of other
countries, especially Latin American countries, who had not been able to reduce
inflation and whose economies had not sufficiently taken advantage of the
opportunities offered by the temporary demand for products and services. This
achievement was called ____________.

either a) "the Mexican miracle"

either b) "Mexico with quality"

or c) "what is made in Mexico is well made"

or d) "sweetheart"


41 .- At the end of the Second World War, Western propaganda, the economic
support of the powers to the Federal Republic of Germany to turn Berlin into a
prosperous capital and the anti-popular measures carried out in the German
Democratic Republic to consolidate its system of government, caused a massive
departure of East Berliners towards West Berlin. To contain it, the GDR built in
1961, with the support of the Soviet Union, a barbed fence reinforced with bricks,
which, over the years, ended up becoming a concrete wall between 3.5 and 4
meters high, with an interior made up of steel cables to increase its resistance.

What is the name by which this construction is historically known?

eitherto) He Berlin Wall

eitherb) He Wailing Wall
eitherc) The Steel Curtain
eitherd) The Iron Curtain *

42 .- What concept does the following description refer to?

It is a method of domination of one nation over others associated with power and
order. Its scope and repercussions are broader than those of colonialism. It can
be exercised formally or informally; directly or indirectly. Informal can be
achieved through various methods, such as; by not allowing weaker states to
achieve or maintain their independence or by reducing their sovereignty. Nations
that apply this form of domination extend their control, power and rules to control
the political and economic life of other nations; Their subjugation is achieved
through military threat or occupation or through economic control.

either to) Imperialism

either b) Racism

or d) Despotism *

either c)
43 .- What type of political parties adopted, in their programs and propaganda,
the main ideological principles on which the governments of the Soviet Union were
based after the triumph of the October Revolution?

either to) Matches socialists

either b) Matches humanists
either c) Matches right
either d) Matches Democrats *

44 .- The Cold War was a confrontation between the so-called Western Bloc led
by the United States, and the Eastern Bloc led by the Soviet Union. This
confrontation, which began at the end of the Second World War, occurred in
various areas: political, economic, social, military, informational, scientific and

Why was this conflict called the Cold War?

or a) Because capitalists and socialists were looking for new markets where they
could expand their ideological and political power.
either b) Because the United States and the Soviet Union never faced each other
directly from a military point of view.
either c) Because after the division of Germany into the DDR and the GDR,
Diplomatic relations between the USA and the USSR were tense.
or d) Because the conflict began in a winter month. *

45 .- The 1929 crisis was an economic phenomenon that had social and
historical repercussions and whose impact was global. What country did it
originate in?

either to) United Kingdom

either b) USA from America

either c)
or d) United Mexican States *

46 .- Select the name of the ideology or doctrine on which 19th century American
expansionism was based, described in the following text:

This ideology expresses the belief that the United States of America is a nation
destined (God's destiny) to expand from the coasts of the Atlantic to the Pacific
(expand to the four winds).

or a) In God We Trust
or b) God bless the United States

either c) God is our destiny

either d) Manifest Destiny

47 .- What were they, and how were the opposing alliances formed at the
beginning of the First World War?

or a) The Sacred Alliance, formed by the Japanese Empire, China and the Arab
countries; and the English Alliance, made up of the British Empire and the United
or b) The Triple Alliance, constituted by the German Empire, the Empire
Austro-Hungarian and the Kingdom of Italy; and the Triple Entente, formed by the
United Kingdom, France and the Russian Empire.
or c) The Sacred Alliance, formed by the Japanese Empire, China and the Arab
countries; and the Triple Entente, formed by the United Kingdom, France and the
Russian Empire
or d) The Triple East, consisting of the Russian Empire, the Austro-Hungarian Empire
and the Japanese Empire; and the Triple Elice, formed by Spain, the Kingdom of
Italy and Portugal. *

48 .- The precursor of the United Nations was the League of Nations, conceived
during the First World War. The League of Nations was established in 1919 under
the Treaty of Versailles with the aim of promoting international cooperation and to
achieve peace and security.

Why did the League of Nations cease its activities?

or a) Because they managed to successfully restore peace in a very short time. or b)

Because he was not able to avoid World War II. *
49 .- Select, from the following texts, the one that describes a true statement
regarding the main differences between socialism and capitalism.

or a)In socialism all religious manifestations are prohibited, so churches are

preserved as a memory of an undesirable past; In capitalism there is freedom of
or b) In capitalism, two social classes are distinguished: the capitalist (bourgeoisie)
and the worker; while in socialism these strata disappear and political and social
leadership is handed over to the working class. *

50 .- National and international drug trafficking, nuclear threats from countries like
North Korea and Iran, the Israel-Palestine conflict, the sophistication of nuclear
weapons from Russia and the United States, new "conventional" weapons and the
intervention of international financial power in the control of national economies

either a) Controllable situations that do not put global security at risk.

either b) Difficult situations that must be addressed through force

or international.

or c) Sources of world stability and peace.

or d) Some of the contemporary threats to global security.


1 .- Select the option that marks the following statement as true or false.

The expression "When I went to Cuba I told a girl that I liked the doodle on her
blouse and in return I received a slap, because there people who have a hump
are called doodle" has a communication problem called a cultural barrier.
Note: It is called a cultural barrier when, for cultural reasons, the sender and the
receiver do not share the same set of symbols, in such a way that, even when
using words with the same meaning, their expressions can have different and
sometimes antagonistic meanings. .

either a) True

either b) False

2 .-
Choose, from the following two options, the one that makes use of the emotive
function of language.

Note: The emotive function (also called expressive) refers to some aspect
of the
(emotions, opinions, physical or mental feelings). It is the function that allows us
to express feelings, desires, interests, tastes, opinions. For example: I am very

a) Sadness consumes me.
b) Did you bring your notes?

3.- Select, from the following two options, the one that describes the meaning of
the following signifier:
A dog barking furiously.
Note: Remember that meaning is the image that the receiver creates in his mind
of what he hears, sees or reads.

either a) It means that the dog is sleeping.

either b) It means that the dog is angry.

• 4.- Classify the following sentence as True or False:
H Hungari is a langua
e an ge.

a) Fake

5 .- Identical, within the following two expressions, the one that complies with the
phatic function.

Note: The phatic function is used to start, end, prolong or interrupt a conversation.
It does not transmit information, but rather facilitates contact with the recipient's
attention, to later allow the transmission of messages of greater content.

a) Keep thinking.
b) Anyone has any questions? *

6 .- Classify the following statement as true or false:

The expression "The word bank is a polysemic word, since it can refer to a seat
as well as a banking institution", is making use of the metalinguistic function of
Note. The metalinguistic function of language refers to the way in which we
express ourselves to
talking about the same language, that is, it occurs when we talk about the
meaning of a word, the meaning it has in a particular context, about the rules of
pronunciation, etc.

a) True
b) False

In which of the following expressions does language fulfill a referential function,

also called denotative?

Note: As you will remember, the referential or denotative function is a type of

obvious, non-emotional, verifiable, direct, real, understandable and verifiable
message. It is used in everyday messages, in informative texts, and in news.

either a) What a nasty guy.
either b) Chuky Lozano scored a hat trick in the game against Germany.
either c) I'm starving.

d) I love you.

8.- Identify the option that has the code of the following expression in bold.

Good morning students. -said the teacher via videoconference

. Today we will talk about Carranza's betrayal of Francisco Villa. Tell me what
you know about this topic; I hear them now.

either a) The language used by the teacher

either b) Carranza's betrayal of Francisco Villa
• 9.-

Which of the following two options is an expression that meets the objective of

directly draw the recipient's attention to do something, make a change, or not do


Note: This type of function is called appellative function. Use as resources:

orders, questions, affective elements and persuasive elements.

a) You've done your homework?

b) This is the second street we crossed

10.- Select from the following two expressions the one that fulfills an appellative


Note: The appeal function is used to attract attention, persuade or convince the
Examples: Danger, bridge under construction!, Don't eat junk products, Pay for
one and get two.

either a) Life is beautiful.

either b) If you drink, don't drive.

Digital Communication Exam


1.- Select the expression that directly appeals to the recipient by giving him an
order, requesting something, advising him, asking him or persuading him to act
in a certain way.

Note: The expressions referred to in the statement fulfill an appellative or

conative function.

Examples: Be careful with the dog! Use cleansing soap. Your dishes will be
shiny. Which one of you is Juan?

a) Go out carefully. b) I was walking very calmly, when I met a friend; He drank
linden tea, and I escaped punishment.

2.- Select the dramatic subgenre to which the following work belongs.

Othello (It is about a Moor from Venice who fights against misunderstanding,
jealousy, pride, love and revenge).

a) Tragedyb) Auto sacramentalc) Entremésd) Comedy

3 .-Select the option that correctly completes the following text:

News, reports, journalistic chronicles, movie synopses, and the narratives

contained in text messages sent by electronic means. Are examples of .

a) non-literary narrative textsb) tragedies

4 .- What literary genre corresponds to the form of expression in prose or verse,

which narrates events that took place in a specific time or place, carried out by
real or imaginary characters, following a temporal or casual order?

a) Argumentative textb) Narrative text

5 .- Select the dramatic subgenre to which the following work belongs.
Othello (It is about a Moor from Venice who fights against misunderstanding,
jealousy, pride, love and revenge).

a) Tragedyb) Comedy
6 .-Read the following text and answer what is asked of you.
"I'm not here to answer," Sancho responded, "because it seems to me that I
speak for the swords." Let us go up and get away from here, and I will silence
my braying; but not in failing to say that knights-errant flee, and leave their good
squires mills like henna.

"He who retreats does not flee," answered Don Quixote, "because you must
know, Sancho, that bravery that is not based on prudence is called recklessness,
and the exploits of the reckless are more attributed to good fortune than to his
spirit. And so, I confess that I have withdrawn but not fled; and in this I have
imitated many brave men who have saved themselves for better times and
stories are full of this; which, because they are not of benefit to you or to my
taste, I will not tell you now.

Fragment. Don Quijote of La Mancha. Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra.

Select whether the following expression is true or false:

As Don Quixote confesses, he retired, leaving Sancho without caring if he was

beaten by his enemies because sometimes it is wise to retreat.

a) False b) True

7 .-Select the option that corresponds to the following description:
It is one of the elements of narrative texts. Establishes place, time and moment
in which the events reported take place.

a) Charactersb) Settingc) Vocalism) Narrator

8 .- Select the option that contains the name of the genre or subgenre of the
following poem:
The moon came to the forge with her tuberose bustle.

The boy looks at her. The boy is looking at her.

In the moved air the moon moves her arms and shows, lubricious and pure, her
breasts of hard tin.

Flee moon, moon, moon. If the gypsies came, they would make white necklaces
and rings with your heart.

Child let me dance.

When the gypsies come, they will find you on the anvil with your little eyes
Run away moon, moon, moon, I already feel their horses.

Boy let me, do not step on my starched whiteness.

The horseman was approaching playing the drums in the valley. Inside the forge
the child has his eyes closed.
Through the olive grove came, bronze and sleepy, the gypsies.
Heads raised and eyes half-closed.
How the zumaya sings, oh how it sings in the tree!
The moon goes through the sky with the child by the hand.
Inside the forge crying, shouting, Gypsies.
The air sails, sails. the air is veiling her.
Romance of the moon. Federico García Lorca
a) Eclogue b) Romance c)Madrigal d) Satire
9 .- Consider the following fable:
The goose that lays the golden eggs
Once upon a time there was a Chicken that laid a golden egg for the owner every day.
Even with so much profit, unsatisfied, the greedy rich man wanted to discover the gold
mine at once, and find more treasure in less time. He killed her, cut open her belly; but,
after having registered it, what happened? That, when the Hen died, he lost his golden
egg and did not find the mine. How many there are who, having enough money, want
to get rich instantly, embracing projects sometimes with such rapid effects that only in a
few months, when they were already contemplating marquises, counting their millions,
they saw themselves on the street without underwear!
Félix María de Samaniego, , 09/23/2017

Which of the following texts corresponds to its outcome?

a) Even with so much profit, unsatisfied, the greedy rich man wanted to
discover the gold mine at once, and find more treasure in less time.
b) He killed her, cut open her belly;
c) but, after having registered it, what happened? That, when the Hen died, he
lost his golden egg and did not find the mine.
d) How many there are who, having enough money, want to get rich instantly,
embracing projects sometimes with such rapid effects that only in a few months,
when they were already contemplating marquises, counting their millions, they
saw themselves on the street without underwear.
e) Once upon a time there was a Chicken that laid a golden egg for the owner
every day.
10 .- This Spanish poet, member of the mythical Generation of '27, is the
greatest reference in Spanish literature of the 20th century. He was murdered in
Granada during the Spanish Civil War for his status as a republican and
homosexual. Among his poems we can find Gazelle of the Terrible Presence,
Alba, Absent Soul and City Without a Dream. The following fragment shows his
great lyrical sensitivity:
The moon came to the forge With her tuberose bustle.
The boy looks at her, looks.
The boy is looking at her...
Flee moon, moon, moon. If the gypsies came, there would be white necklaces
and rings with your heart...
The horseman was approaching playing the drums in the valley. Inside the forge
the boy has his eyes closed...
Inside the forge crying, shouting, Gypsies.
The air sails, sails. The air is watching over her.
What is the name of this great Spanish poet?
a) Federico García Lorca
b) Nezahualcoyotl


1 .- We know that, in its most general form, texts are classified into five models
or prototypes called textual prototypes. Which of these prototypes does the
following text belong to?

Its main objective is to report on issues such as events, results of research, the
meaning of a concept, the content of a literary work. Its structure consists of
introduction, development, and conclusion.
Depending of the case can
Also include a summary, citations and references. The language is precise and
sometimes technical.

either to) Description
either b) Exposure

either c)Dialogue

either d) Argumentation

• 2.- Identify in the following texts the one that contains a discordance of
Note: remember that tense discordance is a language defect that occurs when a
verbal conjugation of a tense is applied that does not correspond to the idea being
expressed. Two examples of this type of discordance are: Yesterday you were late for
work and tomorrow I walked for two hours. Here you can see that "yesterday" and
"tomorrow" do not correspond to "you arrive" and "I walked", respectively.

eithe a) Raúl will work only a couple of hours tomorrow.

b) Raúl worked all day yesterday.
r c) Raúl is working to win over his girlfriend.
eithe d) Raúl will work all day yesterday.

3.- Select the type of text whose external and internal characteristics are

described below:

External characteristics: Its format or presentation scheme depends on its

communicative; Its content is structured with three basic elements: introduction,
development and conclusion. It can be complemented with a bibliography, index,
glossary and footnotes.

Internal characteristics: Its language is primarily denotative, that is, it is

characterized by naming facts or data; Its objective is to transmit information
objectively, for example: In the reported accident, two of its occupants died . The
words and terms used can be very technical since they depend on the trade,
predominant activity or profession of the person writing it.

P" ...
either a) Expository text
r" ...............................
either b) Text staff historical
r_ .
either c) Text staff familiar

either d) Text staff labor

4.Select the stage of the writing process in which the following questions are
□ What is my theme?
□ What audience is it aimed at?
□ What information am I able to provide regarding the topic?
□ That information can be interest to the public
It is aimed?
□ What additional readings I must carry out to finish
my message?
□ What examples can I share so that my topic is understood?
□ In which medium am I going to present or publish my text?
□ In what context are the people who will read it located?
□ How should I organize the subtopics to organize my ideas?

either a) Style
either b) Review

r" ..
either c) Rewriting

r" .
either d) Planning

6.- Guillermina entered surprisingly. He looked at me with his big blue eyes, which
caused me to shudder deeply.

a) The previous situation, expressed as a metaphor, would say the following:

either b) My eyes were moved when Guillermina entered.

either c) Guillermina's sweet look came through the window and I liked it.

either d) Guillermina's eyes came and captivated me.

either e) Then Guillermina entered, with two blue lightning bolts that
They pierced the soul.

7 .- Select the type of text to which they belong, among other documents, the
requisition, the request letter, the memorandum, the instructions and the power of

eitherto) Texts work personal
either b) Texts journalistic persuasives

either c) Texts journalistic expositions

either d) Texts political persuasives

8 .- Select, from the following types of text, the one used to convince to
the recipients to modify their ideas, change their behaviors or acquire a product.

either a) Personal family text
either b) School expository text
either c) Historical expository text

either d) Persuasive text

9 . Select the option that contains the name of the reading strategy that fills in
the spaces in the following text:

He__________ It is a brief exposition of the essentials of a topic or subject. It can

be done orally and in writing. It consists of reducing or synthesizing the content
____________of the reading of a text
making an extract that captures the most important part of it, using our own
either a) questionnaire
A ™
either b) summary

e ™
either c) diagram

either d) synoptic table

10 .- Choose, from the following two texts, the one whose words highlighted in
bold are barbarisms.

Note: Barbarism is defined as the language vice that consists of writing or

pronouncing a word incorrectly. Some of the barbarisms further used
in Mexico
They are andé instead of anduve, pitza or picza instead of pizza and abajar as a
substitute for lower.

either a) My wife and I are sick with diabetes. When we
We started to feel bad, we both went to the IMSS which is in front of the statue of
Miguel Hidalgo. On the way we tripped over a rock and my wife hurt her feet.
either b) My wife and I are sick with diabetes. When we
We started to feel bad, we both went to the IMSS which is in front of the statue of
Miguel Hidalgo. On the way we tripped over a rock and my wife hurt her feet.

1 .- Select the option that highlights in bold the place where the action
suggested by the verb of the following sentence is carried out:

My brother's daughter got chickenpox at school.

Note: The place where the action is performed is called the circumstantial
complement of place.

eitherto)Thedaughterof mybrother HEcontagion of chickenpox.

in hisschool
either b)Thedaughterof mybrother HEcontagion of chickenpox.
in hisschool
either c)Thedaughterof mybrother HEcontagion of chickenpox.
in hisschool

either d)Thedaughterof mybrother HEcontagion of chickenpox at his


2 .- Select the option that has as an example a phrase isolated from a


Note: Groups of words are called phrases or phrases. When they participate in
the construction of a sentence, they do so by playing the role of subject, direct
object, indirect object or circumstantial complement, etc.).

either a) Take care of the dog.

either b) from the palace gardens

e, d
either c)box

either d) Ruler

3 .- In each of the two answer options, a sentence appears in bold. The rule is
to highlight the main sentence in bold letters. Select the option that meets this
Note: Remember that a complex sentence has a main verb in a main clause
(this makes complete sense on its own), and a verb in a subordinate clause
depends on the idea of the main clause; There may be more than one
subordinate clause that depends on the main verb (the subordinate clauses on
their own do not make sense, they only serve to expand information and have
a connector, for example a that, where, when, how, etc.).

either a) The book I bought yesterday was very good.
either b) If you drink, don't drive.

4 .- Identify the subordinate adjective clause that replaces the adjective

efficient in the following simple sentence:

Efficient managers have given us the rules.

Note: We often replace adjectives with sentences that expand or detail
information. For example, instead of saying The beautiful house has been
destroyed , we say The house with the old facade has been destroyed .
Sentences like these are called adjective subordinate clauses.

either a) Smart

either b) that they are intelligent

5 .- Select the option that has a word whose function is to join the following
sentences: They have announced that there will be rain.

Note: The word that joins sentences is called link and serves to complete information

or to give continuity to ideas. Remember that a simple sentence has a verb.

either a) They have announced

0 KX
either b) that

6 .- Identify the subject within the following sentence.

either a) To the parents, the high school doctor gave good advice to
prevent overweight.
either b) To the parents, the high school doctor gave good advice to
prevent overweight.

7 . All languages are full of buts, however, however, etc. When this type of
link is used between two sentences, the result is that one of them totally or
partially limits the scope of the other; For example: The shoes looked great on
me but they were tight.
In which of the following two options does such a situation occur?
Note: The example above is an adversative coordinated sentence.

either a) I don't want them to bring it to my house, but rather to have it ready for
when I arrived.
either b) Go out and buy food.

8 .- Identify which of the following sentences is compound.

Note: The main clause, when it is composed, governs the subordinate

clauses in meaning. Subordinates are introduced by links; These alone do not
have logic since they need the meaning of the main sentence (the purpose of
using subordinate clauses lies in expanding or detailing information). The
main verb of the main sentence will never be an infinitive, gerund or
participle, and it does not have a link that precedes it unlike subordinate

either a) The jar with the yellow lid is bigger than that one.
either b) Tomorrow we have camp.

9 .- Choose the option that is the circumstantial time complement of the

following sentence:

At the same time she was looking in one store and I was looking in another
Note: Remember that you can locate circumstantial time complements in the
sentence when you ask its verb when?

either a) in a store
either b) At the same time

10 .- Choose the option that highlights the subject of the following sentence
in bold:
The boy visited his mother.
Note: As you know, the subject is the person, animal or thing that performs the
action suggested by the verb.

either a) The "boy" visited his mother.

either b) The boy visited his "mom."

1 .- Which of the following expressions makes a correct use of prepositions?
Prepositions relate the elements of a sentence, that is, to nouns, adjectives,
verbs, adverbs and verboids. They indicate origin, provenance, destination,
direction, place, means, starting point, reason, etc.
2. The meaning expressed by a preposition depends on the context, that is, it
does not have a single meaning, and depends on the rest of the words with
which it interacts.

either a) They were driving like crazy.

either b) They drove through the crazy.
either c) They drove after the crazy.

either d) They were driving like crazy.

2 .- Select from the following options the one that contains the gerund of the
verb hurt.

eitherto) wounding
either b) hurting

either c) hurting

either d) hurting

3 .- In which of the following sentences is the verb finish conjugated in the

subjunctive mood?
Note: The subjunctive is a mood that expresses desires, possibilities, doubts,
requests, advice. Examples: I wish you to pass the exam.

either a) My dad wants to finish a degree this year.

either b) My dad wants me to finish a degree this year.

4 .- Select the option that has the adverb of place correctly highlighted in


either a) The book you are looking for is on top of the chair.
either b) The book you are looking for is on top of the chair.

5 .- In the following sentence the verb leave is conjugated in the present

subjunctive mood.

My dad wants me to go to another country.

Which of the following two sentences the verb leave is expressed in the past

subjunctive mood?

Note: The subjunctive is a mood that expresses desires, possibilities, doubts,

requests, advice. Examples: I wish you to pass the exam. Possibly go to your

either a) My dad wanted me to go to another country.

either c) My dad wants to go to another country.

6 .Select the verb quit conjugated in the past tense to complete the following

When____________ to the beach, enjoying the sea breeze.

Note: The past tense is a past tense that does not specify the moment in
which an action began or ended. Its endings are -ía, -ías, -ías, -chón, -aba, -
abas, -abamos, -aban.

either a) He leaves.

either b) He went out.

7 .-Identify the subject of the following sentence.
This morning the curious neighbors saw your neighbor on the roof with a

either a) beautiful dress.
either b) to your neighbor on the roof.
either c) the curious neighbors.
either d) this morning.

either and) have seen.

8 .- Select the article or articles of the following simple sentence:

either to) Damian cuts very pretty hair.

b) He.

c) Very.

9 .- In which of the following sentences is a verbal periphrasis correctly

highlighted in bold?

Note: Verbal periphrasis is a phrase that expresses in a roundabout way what

we could have designated with fewer words. It is used to mark actions about
to start, repetitions, duration, the completion of the action or manifest
obligations. Some verbal periphrases combine a conjugated verb (for
example: I am, I would be, I was.) with a gerund (for example: studying,
eating, dancing).

either a) It rained all last week.

either b) It has been raining all last week.
10 .- Select the option that completes the following sentence with the verb

lose in the antecopreterite of the indicative mood:

_________ all the hopes but a small light emerged that gave us back

Note: The antecopreterite is a verb tense that expresses an action that took
place before another that has also already occurred. For example: When I
arrived at the station, the truck had already passed (first the truck passed and
then I arrived).

either a) some faith.

either b) We will lose
either c) We lose
either d) we had lost

either and)We lose

1 .- Select the option that correctly completes the following sentence.

I invite you to my party, friend.

Note : The word me is a possessive pronoun and my is a possessive

N me
either me
h\ e
either b) my

2 .-
Select the option that correctly completes the words taking into account the

spelling rules.

E_ _elenti_imo

either a) c, x, s
Rectilinear movement problems uniform (MRU).................................89
d = v't...............................................................................................89
d d................................................................................................90
v = — ; t = —t v........................................................................90
Tips for problems:...............................................................................90
Problem 1............................................................................................90
Problem 2............................................................................................91
Problem 3............................................................................................91
Problem 4............................................................................................92
1h •—1h..................................................................................................93
Problem 5............................................................................................93
P = mg 1....................................................................................114
Solved Exercises of Newton's Second Law......................................114
F 50 , gem a= — = 13=3.8542..........................................................115
T = d ■ F ■ cos 0...........................................................................119
Horizontal component = Force • cos 0..........................................119
Fx = F ■ cos 9................................................................................119
T = d-Fx.........................................................................................119
T =d ■ F ■ cos 0............................................................................119
1 newton ■ 1 meter — 1 N • m.....................................................120
1 N ■ m = 1 J.............................................................................120
N ■ m = J.......................................................................................120
T = d F^ cos e................................................................................120
T = 50m • 20[N] • cos 30...........................................................120
T = 50m • 17.32[N]....................................................................120

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