Theory of Ausubel - 2021102 - 215126
Theory of Ausubel - 2021102 - 215126
Theory of Ausubel - 2021102 - 215126
According to Ausubel's Subsumption Theory, a learner Main topicAmerican psychologist David Ausubel Main topicmajor instructional tool proposed by Ausubel
absorbs new information by tying it to existing introduced his “meaningful learning theory” in
concepts and ideas that they have already acquired. ... Educational Psychology: A Cognitive View (1968). He
Based upon this theory, meaningful learning can only argued that there is a hierarchical organization of
occur once the subsumed cognitive structures have knowledge and that new information can be
been fully developed. incorporated into the already existing hierarchy.
SubtopicThe new material is an extension of the already grasped SubtopicThe new material derives from the existing structure, and can
knowledge. be linked to other concepts or lead to new interpretations.
SubtopicLearners should be presented with the most SubtopicThe instructional materials should include SubtopicExisting cognitive structures should not be
general concepts first, and then their analysis. new, as well as previously acquired information. developed, but merely reorganized within the learners’
Comparisons between new and old concepts are memory.