33 Energy Production and Conversion

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4 National Conference On Emerging Trends In Computer Science & Engineering (NCETCSE-2018)

3*3 Energy Production and Conversion

Raksha P.R, 2Rakshitha S, 3Raksha C.S, 4Shashank B.A, 5Manu Y.M
UG student, 5Assistant professor

Department of computer science and technology, BGSIT

Abstract: Now a day’s production of electricity was one of the Thermoelectric power generation is based on the
social problem and production of sufficient electricity power phenomenon called “Seebeck effect” which is discovered
was not reaching up to the mark. We know the importance of
electricity power in our present day to day life. Even now the by Thomas Seebeck in 1821.The Seebeck effect is a
production is not sufficient. So, to overcome this problem, we phenomenon in which a temperature difference between
have come out with a small solution that is by converting heat two dissimilar electrical conductors or semiconductors
energy into electric energy by using vehicles heat and the sun
produces a voltage difference between the two substances.

Keywords: Thermoelectric generator, Seebeck effect, heat A schematic diagram of a simple thermoelectric power
energy, thermo electric materials . generator operating based on the see beck effect is shown
in the figure.

Yes, as we mention above generation of electricity is one

of the major problem facing in India especially in
Karnataka. Recently state energy minister said the state
expects power demand, to rise from around 8500mw to
9500mw, but we are not able to generate that much of
electricity in our state so, Karnataka will buy an additional
100mw of power for 8 months.We paid nearly 4.06 rupees
per unit for importing electricity. To overcomethis, we
have a small, idea to generate electricity.

Here we are generating power with the use of non-

exhaustible energy to produce exhaustible energy which is
very much essential in human life. Here we implementing
TEG(Thermoelectric generator) in the divider where we
get the vehicles heat and sunlight. We know that, the
vehicle whichis in motion produces mechanical energy
which is converted into heat energy and then heat energy is
converted into electricity, usually question arises why we
Fig. 1 Schematic diagram showing the basic concept of a
use TEG? Yes, now when we come to the TEG, means
simple thermoelectric power generator operating based on
Thermoelectric power generation offers a potential
Seebeck effect.
application in the direct conversion of waste-heat energy
into electrical power. If we convert waste-heat energy
directly into electrical power, means it leads to improve
the overall efficiencies of energy conversion system and
also Thermoelectric power generators offer several distinct
advantages over other technologies that is,

• They are simple, compact and safe.

• They are very small in size.
• They are virtually weightless.
• They are capable of operating at electrical
• They are suited for small – scale and remote
• They are environment friendly.
• They are not position dependent.
• They are flexible power sources. Fig.2 Thermoelectric generator

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4 National Conference On Emerging Trends In Computer Science & Engineering (NCETCSE-2018)

Here heat is transferred at a rate of QH from a heat source arranged them in a series called thermoelectric series. The
TH to the hot junction and it is rejected at the rate of QL to thermoelectric series of metals is
a low temperature sink maintained at TL from the cold
Bismuth- Bi
junction. Based on Seebeck effect, the heat supplied at a
Nickel- Ni
hot junction causes an electric current to flow in the circuit
Palladium- Pd
and electrical power is produced. Using the first law of
Platinum- Pt
thermos-dynamics the difference between QH and QL is
Copper- Cu
the electrical power output We.So, we are selecting TEG
Manganese- Mn
in this project..Yes, now in this project, here we placed the
Mercury- Hg
TEG in the dividers where it able to get vehicles heat and
Lead- Pb
sun heat and it automatically converted into electrical
Tin- Sn
energy, that energy we satisfactory used for street lights
Gold- Au
and small home appliances also. Then at least we do some
Silver- Ag
betterment in this field benefits of this projects,
Zinc- Zn
• In simplest way, by using natural energy we get Cadmium- Cd
electricity. Iron- Fe
• It can be used for home appliances. Antimony- Sb
• It can be used for domestic users. The direction of the current at the hot junction is from the
• We are getting heat energy by free of cost. metal occurring earlier in the series to the one occurring
• Heat is renewable energy, we can be utilised as later in the series. If there is a less gap between the two
much as possible. metals then emf will be less, if there a more gap between
II. SEEBECK EFFECT the two metals then the emf will be more.

Fig. (4). Temperature verses power.

Fig. 3 Seebeck effect The above graph represents if the temperature increases
simultaneously the power also increases.
In 1821 Jerman scientist Thomas Johann Seebeck
discovered the Seebeck effect. It work like, a circuit III. THERMOELECTRCI MATERIALS FOR
consist of two dimensional metals like iron and copper an POWER GENERATORS
emf is generated and the junction are maintained at
Among the vast number of materials known to date, only
different temperatures. Two dissimilar metals connected to
a relatively few are identified as thermoelectric materials.
form two junction are known as Thermocouple and the
A large amount of research in thermoelectric materials has
emf developed in the circuit is thermo electric emf. The
focused on increasing the Seebeck coefficient and reducing
current through the circuit is called thermoelectric current
the thermal conductivity, especially by manipulating the
and this effect is known as thermoselectric effect or
nanostructure of the thermoelectric materials. Because the
Seebeck effect. If the hot and cold junctions are
thermal and electrical conductivity correlate with the
interchanged the current in the circuit also reversible. For
charge carriers. Thermoelectric generator can be
example in copper and iron thermocouple, the direction of
conveniently divided into three groups. Alloys based on
copper is from copper to iron at the hot junction. The
Bismuth (Bi) in combinations with Antimony (An),
magnitude and sign of thermos emf depends on the
Tellurium (Te) or Selenium (Se) are referred to as low
materials of the two conductors and the temperatures of the
temperature materials and can be used at temperatures up
hot and cold junctions Seebeck after studying the
to around 450K. The intermediate temperature range - up
thermoelectric properties of different pairs of metals,
to around 850K is the regime of materials based on alloys

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4 National Conference On Emerging Trends In Computer Science & Engineering (NCETCSE-2018)

of Lead (Pb) while thermoelements employed at the

highest temperatures are fabricated from SiGe alloys and
operate up to 1300K.


Production of electricity is very essential in present

situation if population increases the power demands, so we
should find some alternative ways to produce electricity.
So, to generate electricity we have come out with a small


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