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Code-A Phase-1

Aakash BYJU'S
Corporate Office: Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New
1-47623456 Dclhi-110005,
Practice Test-07A CE+OYM(P1)-2024 Time : 60 Min,

Topics Covered:
Physics: Magnetism and Matter
Chemistry: General Prihciples and Processes of solation of
Metallurgy (Elingham diagram). Refining of metals, u Elemnents: Leaching, Thermodynamic aspects of
Boany: Molecular Basis of Inheritance E RNA ,n and Fe. The p-Block Elements: (Group-15 &16)
nymes, Transcripion Transcription unit. TVDes ol'DNon
Geneic code - Salient features, -RNA- The adapter molecule, of bNA- The experimental proof, The machinery and
of Transcription in Prokaryotes and Eukaryotes,
Reg fgene expression, Operon concept Translation.
uman genome project - Goals, Methodologies, Salient features, Applications and Future chetllehges DNA
Lamarck's theory. Darwin's fingerprinting
Mutation theory, Hardy einberg principle: Genethefow, ory-Darvin Novelty
natural selection, Speciation: migration, genetic difigtion, genetic recombination,
history of vertebrates through Mlopatric and sympatric. Brief account of evolutig.evolDon of plant forms,
geological period, Human evolution, prior t o n . Ape man evolutionary
prehistoric to modern man to prehistoric man,


General Instructions
(() Use blue/black ballpoint pen only to
(i) Mark should be dark and should
darken the approf
completely fill the circle
(ii) Dark only one circle for each entry.
(iv) Dark the circle in the space provided only.
(v) Rough work must not be done on the Ansesheet end do not use
sheet, @NEE white-luid gr àny other rubbing material on Answer
(vi)) Each question carries 4 marks. For
response i mark shal be deducted from total score.


1, Curie's temperature is ehperature 2. At a given place on the earth's surtace, the

(1) Above which ferromagnetic substance horizontal component of earth's magneic
becomes a paramagnetic substance field is 3 x 10-T and resultant magneic
(2) Below which paramagnetic substance field is 6 x 10* T. Angle of dip at this place
becomes diamagnetic substance is
(3) Below which diamagnetic substance (1) 30°
becomes superconductor 40
(4) Above which a superconductor
(3) 50°
becomes semiconductor
(4) 60°
Practice Test-07A CF+0YM(P1)-2024

moment M and
A steel rod has a magnetic
3 The graph representing variation of 6.
iagieue ceptibility of a diamagnetic
ubstance with temperature is
length L. If it is bent into a
magnetlc moment
micircular arc,
would be
then its
(1) Xnt (1) 2M
(3) M
(4) M
7 A bar magnet of magneic moment M and
(2) %m 7.
pole strength m is broken in two equal parts
along the magnetic axis. The magnetic
moment and pole strength of each part are
(1) M, m
(2) M, "
(3) n
(3) X
8. It the mamec dpe moment of an atom of
diamaghmaerial, paramagnetic material
ang rromyetic material are denoted by
4f respectively. then
0 and , 0

H4 0and 4 =0
(4) 2n A,=0 and 0
(4) P 0and #0
9. A thin bar magnet oscillates in horizontal
plane with time period T. In is broken in
length in n equal parts and one part is
0scillated in. the similar manner. The new
üme period will be
4, The period of oscillation o agnet in (1) T
earth's field is 7. The pekd oKosilation
field (2) nT
when an extra field w i c e eath's
is applied in the same direons (3) Z
(1) /3T (4)
(2) 2T
(3) Isoclinic lines are defined as the lines
(4) having
(1) Same angle of declination
(2) Zero angle of declination
Which of the following material shows
5 (3) Same angle of inclination
hysteresis? (4) Zero angle of inclination
(1) Copper
(2) Cobalt
11. Tangent law applies when
(3) Aluminium (1) There are twO magnetic fields parallel
(4) Silver to each other
(2) Magnet is suspended in a uniform
magnetic ield
field i:
(3) Horizontal component of earth's
(4) There are two unilorm magnetic fields
acting perpendicular to each other
-07A CF+OYM(P1)-2024

ihe Sl unit of
E) Am
intensity of magnetization is * Angle bevWeen mannetic meridian and
2) Am geographical meridian at a place on eartn is
(3) Am2
(4) Am2
Pu) Angle of dip
(2) Angle of depression

(3) Angle of declination
Gauss is equal to (4) Angle af contact
(1) 104
(2) 10° T uve permitivity and pemeability ofof a
are , and,. respectively. Which of
the fallowing values of these quantities are
(4) 10-2 T allowed for a diamagnetic material?
(1) ¬,= 0.5, u, = 1.S
(2) E= 1.5, H, =0.5
(3) E, = 0.5, 4, = 0.5
(4) e, = 1.5, H, = 1.5


16. Copper mate contains 21 Numbe ol P-H bond(s) in orthophosphoric

(1) CuzS and Cu acid is
E) CuzS and Fes (1 Zero
(3) ZnS and Cu,S (2) 1
(3) 2
(4) Cuz0 and Fes
(4) 3
17. Mond's prOcess is used to purity
22. Product which not obtained on the
) Ni reaction of white phosphhorou thionyl
(2) Ti chloride is
(3) Zr (1) PCIa
(2) S0;
(3) S;Cl4
18 Which reaction represents roasting process
in metallurgy?
FezO, +2AI 2Fe+ Al,O, 23. In which of the following reactions, N,0 is
2 Zns + 0, Zn0 + S0 (1) +conc. HNO3
() SnO,+20 Sn + 2C0 (2) Cu +conc. HNO,

(4) FeO+ SiO, FeSiO, 3) Zn +dil, HNO,

(4) Cu +dil. HNO3
19 Brass is an alloy of
(1) Zn and Sn e 24, Correct order of boiling point of hydrides of
2) Zn and Cu group 1Gelement is
(3) Ni and Cu (1) NHg < PH3 <AsH, < SbH, < BiH3
(4) Zn and Ni 2) BiH3 <SbH, <AsHg <PHg <NH3
(3) PH <AsH, < NHg < SbHg < BiH3
20. Zone refining is used for refining ol PH3 < AsHg <SbH3 < BiH, < NH3
(1) Na

31 Ga
(4) Al
Practice Test-07A CF+oYM{P1)-2024

25. Thermal decomposition of which does not 28. In troth floatation method, pine oil is used a
give oxygen gas as one of the pproduc?
(1) Collectors
(1) Pb O4 (2) Stablisers
(2) PbO, (3) Leaching agent
(3) KGIO3 (4) Depressant
A9) (NHa)>Cr,0,
29. Leaching of Ag,Sis carried out by using
26. Ostwald's process is used for the tormation
of (1) Na,SO,
(1) NH3 (2) Na,c0,
(2) Ng05 43) NaCN
3) HNO, (4) NagPO4
(4) Nz
30. Vapour phase refining is used for
27. PbS on reaction with ozone (1) Fe
(1) Pbo (2) Cu
12) PbO, {3) Zr
(4) Pb
(3) Pb0
(4) Pbso,


31. Which of the following is not true

for RNA? 35 Which of the following eukaryotc rRNAS
(1) It has glycosidic bonds
not transcribed by RNA polymerase 1?
(2) It has
phosphodiester bonds (1) 28S rRNA
S} Thymine is present inste ad of uracil 27 5s RNA
(4) Usually it is single stranded
(3) 18S rRNA
(4) 5.8s tRNA
32. Meselson and Stahl experimentally proved
semiconservative mode of DNA replication 36. In most of the prokaryotes,
in E, coli using structural gene of
15N and N4 (1) Ismonocistronic
(2) Both 15N and S35 Is polycistronic
(3) 14N only (3) Has split gene
(4) Does not have base sequence for stop
(4) Both 15N and p32

33. During the DNA replication, the 37. Soluble RNA is

disconúnuously synthesised fragments are
later joined by the activity of enzyme. ) tRNA
(2) DNA gyrase (2) mRNA
2y DNA ligase (4) hnRNA
(3) DNA polymerase
(4) RNA polymerase
38. Splicing in hnRNA takes place inside the
(1) Lysosome
34, Deoxyribonucleoside triphosphates serve (2) Ribosome
dual purposes in DNA replication. In
3 Nucleus
addition to acting as substrate, the other
function is similar to (4) Cytoplasm
(1) DNA polymerase
(2) rRNA
(3) Topoisomerase

All of the given are the components of 43. Operon model in bacteria was
transcription unit, except qiven by
(1) Promoter (1) Watson and Crick
(2 Regulator 2 Jacob and Monod .
(3) Structural gene (3) Severo Ochoa
(4) Terminator (4) Nirenberg

40. In a 44. Human genome project was closely

transcription unit, the promoter is associated with the rapid development of a
located towards
new area in biology called
(1) 5' end of the templates strand
(1) Biotechnology
2) 5' end of the coding strand 2) Biointormatics
(3) 3' end of the non-template strand (3) Biofortification
(4) 3' end of the sense strand
(4) Microbiology

41. 3D structure of tRNA 0s 45

The last step of DNA fingerprinting is
(1) Clover-leaf like (1) Blotting
2) Inverted L-shaped (2) Hybridisaion
(3) J shaped (3) Electrophoresis
(4) Vshaped AT Autoradiography

42. Which of the gIven codon is known as

initiation codon?
(1) UAA
(2) UAG
8) AUG
(4) UGA


The first species to invade the land from 49. According t0 Hardy-Weinberg law, the
46. ofAAindividuals in a population
0ceans were likely
(1) Animals
is represented Ihy

(2) Plants
\(3 Virus (2)4
(4) Mammals 3) 2pq
V4) pq
47. The theory of inheritance of acquired
characters was given by 50, Hardy-Weinberg eguation is used to check
(1) Danwin (1)-Size of population
(2) Whether evolution is occurring in a
population or not
3 ) Lamarck
(3) Average lifespan of a population
(4) Wallace (4) Maximum life expectancy of a
48. Two key concepts of Darwinism are
*$ Branching descent and natural
selection 51. Hardy-Weinberg principle explains
(1) Size of population
(2) Natural selection and mutation
(2) Average life span of population
(3) Natural selection and genetic drift 6) Genetic equilibrium
(4) Natural selection and random mating
(4) Non-andom maüng
Practice Test-07A CF+OYM(P1)-2024

52 According to Hardy Weinberg principle, 56. The fossils of various mammals Are
trequency of heterozygotes in a population
is represented by relatively abundant in which era?
(1) Cenozoic
(1) p? (2) Mesoz0ic
(2) q² J3) Paleozoic
A3) 2pq (4) Proterozoic
(4) 1-p
57. The animals called lobefins which evolved
into the first amphibians were
53. Which of these was a fish-like reptile?
a) Coelacanths
(1) Tyrannosaurus rex
(2) Salamanders
R2) Ichthyosaur (3) Modern day trogs
(3) Pelycosaurus
(4) Crocodiles
(4) Triceratops
58. The ancestor of modern day man who had
54. Latimeria is considered as a connecing link the largest cranj capacity among he
following i:
(1) Fishes and amphibians (1) Homo soigs neanderthalensis
(2) Annelids and molluscs (2) Ho apgs fossilis
(3) Cartilaginous fishes and bony fishes ius
(4) Annelids and arthropods Komgatlis
55. Select the correct option w.r.l. increasing ch is the
largest ddiverse grouplunit that
cranial capacity suggested by hominid m show gene flow?
© N B E T -
fossils (1) Population -
(1) Homo erectus Homo habilis v2) Kingdom
Homo sapiens sapiens Homo
sapiens fossilis 3) Phylum
(2) Homo habilis Homo erectus (4) Genus
Homo sapiens sapiens
sapiens fossilis 60. A hominid fossil with a cranial capacity of
1400 cc lived in east and central Asia
(3) Homo erectus Homo
neanderthalensis Homa between 1,00,000 40,000 years ago, was
Homo sapiens fossilis (1) Homo habuis
(4) Homo habilis apiens (2) Java man
sapiens Homo Homo (3) Homo erectus
sapiens fossilis ( O Y 2 3 2 4 1

(4) Neanderthal man

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