Nano1 SFM Courses2 3 2024

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Optical and Atomic Force microscopies

Morphological characterization of
surface and objects from micronic down
to atomic scale
Dr. Florence Marchi

Aim of the whole course: To underline the pluri-disciplinary

aspects in Nanosciences research and to create a common
culture to physicist, chemist and biologist.

Aim of this course part: To introduce optical and scanning

force microscopies (SFM); SFM are powerful techniques to
observe and to study objects at micro and nanoscales
General information and Schedule of Practical Works 2024 related to AFM

• 1st PW : Introduction to AFM (4h): on the Nanoworld platform located at CIME:

• Dates (Friday) :; 19th; 26th of January and 02th, 9th,16th,23rd of February
• Time slots : 8:00am-12:00am or 1:30pm-5:30pm
PW related to Nanosciences 1

• 2nd PW : Combined Nanobiophysic PW : CUBE and Nanoworld Platforms

• 1st slot on CUBE platform (7h) : in March with Pr. E Planus (IAB) & Dr V.
Stoppin-Mellet (GIN)
• 2nd slot on the Nanoworld platform (4h) with Dr. E Planus or Dr V. Stoppin-
Mellet and Dr. F. Marchi
Dates : End of March and Beginning of April (according to your
group number)
Time slots : 8:00am-12:00am or 1:30pm-5:30pm
PW related to Nanosciences 2

• UE Evaluation : After each PW a report has to be written and send to the teacher(s)
for evaluation. An final exam will take place at the end of the semester.
The global mark of this UE is a balance between the mark related to the PW reports
evaluation and the final exam. 2
How to come and access to CIME Nanotech ?
University area in MINATEC campus

Tram B, “Cité Internationale” station, CIME is located inside G-INP

Minatec campus. 3
CIME Nanotech

g tb
ld in
ri d

Arrêt tram B Cité Internationale

CIME-Nanotech website:

Tram B stop « Cité Internationale »
The Nanoworld platform is on the same level as the footbridge.
Cours Licence Pro MEMO 4
Content of Optical and Scanning force microscopy course (8h in total)
• Fours courses (4*2h=8h) : 04/01; and 06/01 09/01 ; 11/01 ; 16/01
• Definitions of Nanosciences & Nanotechnologies, nano-object
• Specificity of sub-micronic objects
• Forces acting at nanoscale
• Characterization techniques of (sub)micronic and nanometric object in the
direct space
• Optical microscopies
• Basic concepts of a classical optical microscope
• Diffraction limit
• Far-field optical Nanoscopy for nanoscale visualization
• Atomic Force microscopy
• General Principle and image formation
• Static or dynamic mode ?
• AFM in liquid : what are the main differences with working in air ?
• Resolution of the technique
• How to probe mechanical response of an object at nanoscale ?
• Image processing

After the first course (09/01/2024) You should be able to:
• Definitions about Nanosciences & Nanotechnology
You should be able to give the a definition and an example about : nano)object,
nanomaterial, nanosciences, nanotechnology.

• Specificity of the nano-objects vs macro-objects: ratio Surface versus volume

• Review of the forces acting at nanoscale and comparison with the weight
You should be able to give their name and the main physical parameters playing a
role for each of them.

• Basics review on the classical optical microscopy technique

Basically, you should be able to explain how work an optical microscope, its
resolution and the main indications written on the microscope objectives.

Atomic Force Microscopy
Idea: To measure the tip-sample forces and interactions acting on
the tip when the tip-surface gap reaches the nanoscale.

Table of contents
1. Review of the nanoscopic forces
2. AFM probe description
3. Optical detection system and map process
4. Principles of the three main working modes:
• Spectroscopy mode
• Contact and friction mode
• Dynamic mode
• Peak Force mode

1.Forces acting at nanoscale in air environment

! ! ! ! !
Ft/s = FE/M + Fcap + FVdW + Frep
Sample sphere distance
Magnetic force
Fmi= Vi μ0 Mi (H)ÑH (z) Long-range
Electrostatic Capacitive
Force (1<n<2) interactions
1 ∂C 2 1 ε0εr S 2
Felect = U  n
U z ≈ 20nm
2 ∂z 2 z

Fcap = f (g , R,q p / eau , q eau / surf , z ) Capillary force

z≈ 5nm
FVdW ( z ) = Van der Waals Force
A 6z 2
Frepulsive ( z ) = z< 0.5nm
zm Repulsive force(m>3)
At Short Range : Van der Waals and repulsive interactions
Reversible effect : Elastic regime
FSR (z) = m − 2
z 6z
F Graphical representation of tip-sample interaction in
function of the tip-sample gap (sphere-plane geometry)

R, tip apex (sphere) radius,

Ha Hamaker constant,
coefficient m>2

Repulsive term A
Frepulsive ( z ) =
Pauli exclusion: zm

sum z(tip-sample gap)

Van der Waals/Casimir term :
FVdW ( z ) =
6z 2
Van der Waals (Casimir) force versus weight
How a perfect gold (micro)sphere (roughness-free) can stick
on the gold plane roof in vacuum ?
Van der Waals force and Weight in function
Van der Waals force: substrate F(pN) of sphere radius
FVdW ( z ) =
6z 2 !
Ha : Hamaker constant of gold in vacuum # 4*10-19J
! = !" = !!" = ! !!! !!

ρAu= 1.93*104 kg/m3 2.5μm

In vacuum, Van der Waals force can be stronger than the
weight for sphere with a radius up to few microns

It is the attractive branch of the LJ Interaction (Potential)

Impact of these forces on a sphere closed to a surface
The impact of the weight P : F : surface forces
! = !" = !!" = ! !
!!! !!
! P : Weight force; V: sphere volume, R sphere radius;
ρ: volume density of the sphere material P
g : nominal gravitational acceleration

From the fundamental principle of mechanics : ! + !!!" = 0

Capillary force Fcap between a flat surface and a
sphere with a free-roughness surface


γ : liquid water surface tension

θ: contact angles 11
Why the sand grains stick to the wet skin?
Surface effect
SEM Image of sand grains

Model of two grains sand

: two microspheres

Capillary force effect Fcap

Fcap Model between versus Weight P
two spheres

Capillary force Fcap versus weight P
How a perfect gold (micro)sphere (roughness-free) can stick
on a flat roof in air?
! + !!!" = 0
Substrate : perfect gold
plane Capillary vs weight
!! Θ = 0°
R γ : surface tension : 73mJ
! Θ: contact angle
Θ = 60°
Capillary force:

!!"# = !"#$%&'(

0 R(mm)
! !
! = !" = !!" = ! !! !!

In air the capillary force can be stronger than the weight for
sphere with a radius of several hundred of microns

1.Forces acting at nanoscale in air environment

! ! ! ! !
Ft/s = FE/M + Fcap + FVdW + Frep
Sample sphere distance
Magnetic force
Fmi= Vi μ0 Mi (H)ÑH (z) Long-range
Electrostatic Capacitive
Force (1<n<2) interactions
1 ∂C 2 1 ε0εr S 2
Felect = U  n
U z ≈ 20nm
2 ∂z 2 z

Fcap = f (g , R,q p / eau , q eau / surf , z ) Capillary force

z≈ 5nm
FVdW ( z ) = Van der Waals Force
A 6z 2
Frepulsive ( z ) = z< 0.5nm
zm Repulsive force(m>3)
Electrostatic Force: the case of the capacitive force between two conductive electrodes

z U: Tip-sample voltage
U= VTip-VSample (potential difference)

U Store Energy by a capacitance: ξ= ½ CU2

Capacitive force (absolute value) : Felect= grad ξ
It drives for a constant U to the following expression
Conductive Sample of the force:

U = Vtip-VS 1 ∂C 2 1 ε0εr S 2
Where Vtip and Vs are respectively the tip
Felect = U  n
potential and the surface potential
2 ∂z 2 z
S is the surface of the capacitance
(geometry dependence)
ε0: electrical Vacuum permeability
εr: electrical material permeability
z: probe-sample distance

For a sphere-plane geometry and a constant sphere-plane voltage, it has been
demonstrated that the capacitive force is expressed as:
( " 1 %+
C ≈ 4πε 0εr R *1+ 12 log $1+ '-
) # ξ &,
! 1 $ 2
! R $
U z
Felect = πε0εrU # 2&
= πε0εrU # 2&
"ξ + ξ % "z + R %
With ξ= z/R where z is the sphere-plane distance and
R the sphere radius

Z#R • If R>>z then F α R/z

Z>>R • If R≈z then F α R/2z

• If R<<z then F α (R/z)2

Exercise : find by yourself

these three regimes
ξ= z/R

‘Simple expressions for force and capacitance for a conductive sphere near a conductive wall’,
J. M. Crowley, Proc. ESA. Annual Meeting on Electrostatics Paper D1 (2008) 16
Magnetic Force
Two main configurations for the tip-sample
magnetic interactions 1:
object (V, M) 1. Negligible mutual interaction of the
Fm(attractive or magnetic field of the sample and the
repulsive force) magnetization orientation of the object.

(Hard) 2. Reversible modification : the distribution

Micromagnet of the stray field of the sample or tip
sample (H) magnetization can change with the object

The generic expression of the magnetic force Fmi acting on the unit volume of the object2,3:

Fmi= Viμ0Mi(H)ÑH(r)
Where Mi is the magnetisation and Vi the magnetic unit volume of the object and H is the
magnetic field induced by the sample at the r distance.
1 Scanning Probe Microscopy, E. Meyer et al, Chapter 4, p102_113-50 (2004), Springer
2 Thermomagnetically patterned micromagnets, F. Dumas-Bouchiat et al, Appl. Phys. Lett. 96, 102511 (2010)
3 CADES software develop by G-INP group :
Summary of the forces between the tip and the
sample above a Domain wall centre
Ft/s In case of repulsive magnetic force z M
Van der Waals
Magnetic Fm(repulsive force)

Z (tip-surface gap)

Fmi= Viμ0Mi(H)ÑH(r) M
In case of attractive magnetic force Fm(attractive force)

Z (tip-surface gap)

How to measure these weak

forces ? 18
2. How to detect and measure the sample-object interactions ?
The AFM probe : the force sensor
Idea : Attaching the micro/nano tip (object) to a spring : Spring mass system
2 uses of spring-mass system
as: Rectangular chip, L (few hundred of µm
-Static: AFM contact mode Chip size about few
Direct force mm
measurement, F = KŸZ w e
-Oscillator: AFM dynamic
Force Gradient
Cantilever mechanical properties
Radius of the tip
• Static Vertical spring constant of the
apex : 1-50nm
cantilever: 3 5-40µm
KZ =
• Fundamental Resonance frequency
of the spring-mass system:
f0 = K
1 Scanning Probe Microscopy, E. Meyer et al, Chapter 2, p46-49 (2004), Springer 19
3EI Ewe3
P / yA = K Z = 3 =
L 4l 3

Two main AFM cantilever shapes: beam or V-shape

Rectangulaire chip,
Chip size about few
Lever (few hundred
of µm)

Beam shape V-Shape/triangular shape

èV-shape cantilever is often used for biochemical application where very

soft cantilevers are request

3. Optical Detection system
In this situation, the force acting on
the tip is repulsive, the lever is
mirror bending up

Feedback Zt DZ
loop ZpZ

Piezo tube
d~Dz and Fi = K • Dz = K (zi-z0)
Measurement of d [adjustment of Z K Є [0.01; 1] N/m, soft lever
(tip-sample distance) to keep d=0
Dz Є [0.1-103]nm
[cantilever deflection constant, 22
[pressure force constant [Fi Є [10-3- 104]nN
A little bit of History
• In 1880, Pierre and Jacques Curie discovered the piezoelectricity effect

Sensors and actuators at the micro and


• The tunneling effect has been theoretically predicted in 1920

• In 1982 the two scientists, Roher and Binnig, developed the first STM at IBM
Thanks to the STM, a gold surface at the atomic scale in the
direct space was obtained.
They received the Nobel for this invention in 1986 at the
same time than Ernst Ruska for the invention of SEM.

•In 1986, the scientists Binnig, Ch. Gerber Quate

Quate and Gerber, developed the first Atomic Force Microscope 23
3. AFM Image display

Numerical image : each pixel is related to one


Image Resolution/Definition :
N pixel/line N measurements/line
N/scan size = Image definition

Nano-dots on Si surface : Topography image

2D Display 3D Display Time to record an image: few mins

Usually, N= 128 (low resolution),

256 (standard resolution),
10nm 512 or 1024 (high resolution)

4. Principles of the main working modes

To study the tip-surface interaction in one point:

• Spectroscopy mode : 1D curves

Scanning modes : 3D maps

• Contact and friction mode
• Dynamic mode
• Peak force mode : Combination of
spectroscopy and scanning dynamic modes

Spectroscopy mode in static mode in air.
A spectroscopy curve recorded in static mode is called a force curve
In air, the capillary force dominates when the tip-sample gap is
small enough to have the formation of a water meniscus
Tip 𝜃1 : contact angle between the
end R
Tip sphere and the liquid
apex 𝜃2 : contact angle between the
Liquid 𝜃2
bridge liquid and the sample surface

In each point of the force curve (in first approximation): z

! ! !
Ft/s + Fc/t = 0 𝜟ZC

With in Z direction : 𝐹"/$ = 𝑘∆𝑍,

k: cantilever spring constant; 𝜟ZC : cantilever bending

With in Z direction : 𝐹"⁄# = 𝐹$%& = 2𝜋𝛾𝑅 cos 𝜃' + cos 𝜃(

Where 𝛾 is the liquid water surface tension
Spectroscopy Mode
Force Spectroscopy - Force curve

Spectroscopy curve in static mode (force curve)
in vacuum or dry atmosphere on hard sample.
k𝜟ZC = F ZP In each point (Zi) of the force
curve (in first approximation):
! ! !
0 Ft/s + Fc/t = 0
With in Z direction :
Repulsive term A
Frepulsive ( z ) = m
Pauli exclusion:
z 𝐹!/# = 𝑘∆𝑍$%
Z8 Z7 Z6 Z5 Z4 Z3
Z2 Z1 𝐹"/# = 𝐹./&01#23/ − 𝐹345
F1,2,3 0
sum 𝜟 Zc = Zt-ZP
Van der Waals/Casimir term :
F6 HaR
FVdW ( z ) =
6z 2
Force curve measurement by AFM Measurement of
adhesive properties
Jump to Zero line

200 nm

13 nN

Core level

Force curve on a Si wafer (air, tip spring constant = 0.06 N.m-1)

Pb: the measured force is linked to the size of the tip
radius….therefore this measure is not quantitative.
Summary of the second course
• Complete Review of the forces acting at nanoscale between a tip and a
sample in air and in vacuum
You should be able to list the main forces acting at nanoscale
and to define their associated equations.

• AFM probe description: shapes, dimensions, materials, physical modelling

You should be able to give order of magnitude about AFM
probe and explain the condition(s) where it is correct to
modelling it as mass-spring system

• Optical system to detect cantilever deformations & movements

You should be able to explain the principle of this detection

• Introduction to Force spectroscopy mode : in air and in vacuum.

You should be able to draw a force curve shape and explain the
main variations
How to obtain AFM Images by scanning the surface ?

2D Display 3D Display


• A point by point measurement:

1 pixel correspond to 1 point of measurement.

• For each point of measurement several

quantity can be recorded as cantilever
Scan process deformation, piezo-scanner variation, force
4. Contact Mode at constant altitude
On a homogenous sample
In this situation, the force acting on
1. Contact Mode at constant altitude
the tip is repulsive, the lever is
bending up
For each (X,Y) d is recorded thanks to the
photodiode calibration d#DZC

The surface has to be flat in order

to avoid tip or sample damage Zt
The image acquisition is fast (no Zt DZC
need of feedback loop) ZpZ
Approach curve

ZP#Zt/s d~DZC and Fi = K • DZC = K (zt-zP)
K Є [0.01; 1] N/m, soft lever
Dz Є [0.1-103]nm
[Fi Є [10-3- 104]nN
4. Contact Mode at constant force
On a homogenous sample
In this situation, the force acting on
Definition of the working point the tip is repulsive, the lever is
bending up
Approach curve d


2. C-Mode at Force constant

Measurement of d [adjustment of Z (tip- surface
sample distance) to keep d=0 d~Dz and Fi = K • DZC = K (zt-zP)
[cantilever deflection constant, K Є [0.01; 1] N/m, soft lever
[constant tip-surface pressure
DZC Є [0.1-103]nm
Slow imaging process due to the
feedback loop [Fi Є [10-3- 104]nN
Examples of AFM Images obtained in contact mode

2D Display 3D Display

Scan process 10nm

The contact mode is easy to use and the image interpretation is straightforward BUT be
aware to the possible artefacts….

5. Image Artefacts
• « Convolution »effect between the tip and the surface

Electronics microscope image of Si nanowires.

Height: few µm, diameter 100nm

A. Barski CEA/ESRF

AFM Images of nanowires

Images performed on AFM of the Surface science Lab of ESRF by F. Marchi

The Tip-sample
convolution effect:
the wires appear as

Small area (5*5µm²)*1,5µm 36

Convolution Effect between the tip and the nano-object

𝚹2 𝚹1

We consider: 𝚹1 = 𝚹2

A. Barski CEA/ESRF

6. Friction mode

• Friction [ measurement of the tip torsion

Access to tribology properties of :

• an individual nano-objet
• a surface with a lateral resolution of few nanometers

Local measurement of friction/adhesion:

contact AFM

Constant tip velocity
Typical 10nm/sec-1micrometer/sec
a d

Laser beam di a q
as Ffriction= Kfriction • q
b c [di is a indirect measure of Ffriction
Kfriction = f (e, L, l, Young module)
e, L, l : geometry tip parameters

Friction measurement on isolated nanotube

Si surface

Whatever is the atmosphere (air or dry N2):

FrictionSilicon » 5 ´ Frictionnanotube

Is this lower friction linked to individual properties of CNT or is it due to a

geometry or shape effect ? 40
Individual properties of nanotubes
• Carbon nanotubes : • Tunicin whiskers : a
inorganic system biologic nano-system
Sea animal
Its external envelope
contains cellulose
[ Rigidity

d~10 nm
• High dimension aspect ratio : L/d
1<L<10 µm
• Hydrophobic L
• Chemically inert 10 < < 1000 • Tunicin whisker is a full cellulose
rod with a good crystalline structure
• Crystalline structure • Polarized molecules on surface
M. N. Angles and al, Macromolecules, 33, 8344, (2000) 41
Friction on tunicin whiskers
deposited on silicon oxide surface

carbon nanotubes
• Lower friction force measured
on CNT is NOT due to a geometry
or shape effect
• AFM technique allows to
measure individual friction
property of nano-object
7-B. Adhesive properties of individual CNT

S. Decossas, G. Cappello, G. Poignant, L.

Patrone, A. M. Bonnot, F. Comin and J. Chevrier,
Europhys. Lett. 53, 742 (2001).

Calcul of adhesion energy:

integration of the area of the
force curve

Whatever is the atmosphere (air or dry N2):

AdhesionSiliconForce » 2 ´ AdhesionnanotubeForce 43
7C. Force curve mapping : Combination of spectroscopy and
scanning modes
Adhesive Mapping : Topography

Same behavior whatever the atmosphere is (air or dry N2)

Be aware about the artefact! Slow process, several hours to record
one adhesive mapping image 44
Time to record a force-volume image

A standard AFM image contained (256*256) points of

measurement (i.e pixels)

Scan process

In classical process:
• triangular signal applied on the piezo-scanner in Z direction
• Frequency of the triangular signal : 1Hz ie 1s/pixel (point of measurement)
1s/pixel means 256s (#4mins) for each line
An image contains 256 lines, therefore : 256*256(s) = 65 536s = 1092min= 18hours

“New mode” : “Peak Force” Mode:

Frequency of the triangular signal is : 1KHz ie 1ms/pixel
An image is recorded in about few minutes…

Optical and Atomic Force microscopies
Morphological characterization of
surface and objects from micronic down
to atomic scale
Dr. Florence Marchi

Aim of the whole course: To underline the pluri-disciplinary

aspects in Nanosciences research and to create a common
culture to physicist, chemist and biologist.

Aim of this course part: To introduce optical and scanning

force microscopies (SFM); SFM are powerful techniques to
observe and to study objects at micro and nanoscales
position 1

At (w)
Graphical representation of tip-sample
F interaction in function of the tip-sample gap

(X, Y, Z)
Scanner piezo tube
Z0 Z0+At
Tip-sample gap
What is the evolution of the cantilever oscillating
movement (A, Phase, ω0) for a constant drive
frequency and intensity when the tip interacts
with a sample through surface forces ?
AFM in Dynamic mode

Simplistic description Configuration 1: Simple case, an driven harmonic

oscillator without tip-surface interaction
Position 2 position 1 s

KL 𝐹!/# (𝑍$ ) a
A(w) m
Piezo actuator m*
ZT l
ZP = AP cos(ωt) e
A1(w) where AP= (F0/m*)

Z0 Equation System :
Z0’ Z!!T + γ Z!T + ω 02 ZT = mFo* cos(ω t)
𝐹!/# (𝑍$ )
Solution of the equation:

(X, Y, Z)
Scanner piezo tube With:
A(ω ) = m*
(ω 02 −ω 2 )+γω 2
How A(ω), ω0 and Φ(ω) are modified
due to the tip-surface interactions
when the Z0 tip-sample average
distance is reduced ?
Graphical representation
A(w) : Free amplitude of the position 1 𝛟(w) : Free phase of the cantilever

F0 A(w)
A(ω ) = m* 1
(ω 02 −ω 2 )+γω 2

A(w) j(w)

A0 w is the drive
frequency of the
actuator signal, it
90° can be tuned by
the user

w0 w

When the drive frequency 𝛚 is equal to resonance frequency (pulsation) 𝛚0 the

wide of the amplitude curve A is related to the damping factor 𝛾 as well as the shape 49
of the phase curve
Configuration 2: small perturbation of the oscillator with light/soft interactions F(ZT/S)

KL : Spring constant
of the cantilever
No direct solution because F(ZT/S) is unknown A1(w)
Hypothesis: small oscillations around Z0 :
Limited development at 1st order
𝐹!/# (𝑍$ )


w 12

w1 » w0 (1 - 2 K1 L
¶Z ( Z 0 ))

Effect of the Variation of Tip-surface interaction on the oscillator
response : graphical representation

Dw = w’0 - w0 A(w) j(w)
A0 Dw
A1 -90°

w0 w1 w0 w
wO : AFM probe resonnance frequency Attractive Force => Phase decrease: Δj <0

Repulsive force => shift of the amplitude curve A=g(w) on the right (from red to blue)
Attractive Force => opposite shift 51
AFM in Dynamic mode : Imaging process

Simplistic description

Position 2 position 1

ZP = AP cos(ωt)
At (w) where AP= (F0/m*)
DZ = (Z0-h) Feedback -AP t
h ó F1 > F0, A1 < A0

(X, Y, Z)
piezo tube Scanner

Measurement of dA [adjustment of the tip-sample average distance to keep Zt/s = Z0

by using the feedback loop to control the piezoelectric scanner position (Zscanner)
Record of DZscanner in each (X,Y) required to keep the cantilever amplitude constant
(At)[3D map
Example of image: Scan of suspended structures -NEMS

2-25um Kafm = 3N/m ; f0 = 60kHz

Kv [4,61-2.4´10-3]N/m

thickness : 160nm
width : 200nm-2um 560nm
step : 130 nm

Kp = 4.61N/m Cross section 2

Cross section 1
fP= 57.11MHz 35
400 (1) 20

( nm Z[nm]
Z (nm)

560nm 15


200 10

100 5

0 1.0µm 0 0.5
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 1
XX [(µm)
µm ] X[µm] 53
• The dynamic mode is well adapted to fragile and/or deformable samples
because friction effect is avoid.

• No straightforward to measure physical or bio-chemical effects as adhesion,

deformation of the sample at nanoscale.

Challenge : To find a procedure to combine the dynamic and

spectroscopy modes to quickly obtain and at the same time
morphology mapping and the physical/bio-chemical properties maps
and also avoiding friction effect that can damage fragile samples.

Summary of the third course

• Contact and friction modes and some examples of use

You should be able to explain these two modes and their differences

• Artefacts due to tip-sample convolution effect in topography, friction

and adhesion maps
You should be able to describe the physical/mechanical origin(s) of
these artefacts.

• Force mapping : combination of spectroscopy and imaging modes

You should be able to explain why it is interesting to combine these
two modes

• Dynamic Mode
You should be able to explain it and to underline its
advantage/limitation compared to the contact and Force mapping

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