EVS Lecture 1 Module 1
EVS Lecture 1 Module 1
EVS Lecture 1 Module 1
❖ Atmosphere,
❖ Hydrosphere,
❖ Lithosphere and
❖ Biosphere
Environmental segments
It is the protective blanket of gases surrounding the earth, which sustains life on the earth
and saves it from the hostile environment of outer space.
The major components of the atmosphere are nitrogen and oxygen, while the minor
components are argon, carbon dioxide and some trace gases. The atmosphere is the source
of oxygen (essential for life on earth) and carbon dioxide (essential for plant
photosynthesis). It also supplies nitrogen which nitrogen-fixing bacteria.
Environmental segments
The hydrosphere includes all types of water resources-oceans, seas, rivers, lakes,
streams, reservoirs, glaciers, polar icecaps and ground water (i.e., water below the
earth's surface).
The biosphere includes the sections of
planets where organisms live. The
biosphere is defined as the region on,
above, and below the Earth’s surface
where life exists.
The envelope of gases surrounding the earth is called the atmosphere.
The atmosphere contains living gases like oxygen for man and animal and
carbon dioxide for plants(important for survival).
It protects the earth from the harmful radiation from the sun. It acts as a
greenhouse by allowing short-wave radiation (from Sun) and trapping
long-wave terrestrial radiation (from Earth’s surface).
The atmosphere also keeps the temperature over the earth’s surface within
certain limits.
The atmosphere also takes care of extra-terrestrial objects like meteors
that get burnt up while passing through the atmosphere (mesosphere to be
precise) due to friction.
Layers of Atmosphere
The atmosphere can be divided into different layers according to composition,
density, pressure, and temperature variations
The atmosphere can be divided into five layers according to the diversity of
temperature and density. They are:
1. Troposphere
2. Stratosphere
3. Mesosphere
4. Thermosphere (Ionosphere)
5. Exosphere
Layers of Atmosphere
• Heterosphere- At high altitude where gases are not well mixed but
rather are stratified according to weight. Where lighter weighing gases are
Pressure in the atmosphere
Atmospheric pressure is
the force per unit area
exerted into a surface by the
weight of air above that
surface in the atmosphere of
The material which causes Pollution
1. Tremendous uncontrolled growth of
human populations.
2. Rapid industrialization
3. Rapid urbanization
4. Deforestation
5. Radio activities
Types of pollutants
Biodegradable pollutants
Non- Biodegradable pollutants
1.Biodegradable pollutants
They decompose rapidly by the natural process into simpler,
harmless, substances in due course of time (by the action of
micro-organisms like certain bacteria).
• Air pollution
• Water pollution
• Soil pollution
• Marine pollution
• Noise pollution
• Thermal pollution
• Nuclear hazards
Air pollution
❖ Contamination of atmospheric air by gases, dust, smoke and
❖ Injurious to living organism.
❖ Most of the air pollutant present in the troposphere
1. Natural sources
a) Volcanic eruption
b) Forest fires
c) Biological decay
d) Radioactive materials
2. Man-made activities
a) Thermal power plants
b) Vehicular emission
c) Fossil fuel burning
d) Agricultural activities
e) Smoking
Classification of air pollutants
i) Primary pollutants
ii) Secondary pollutants
• Usually, primary pollutants are substances directly emitted
from a process,
Examples: ash from a volcanic eruption, the carbon monoxide
gas from a motor vehicle exhaust or sulfur dioxide released
from factories.
Ozone: forms when hydrocarbons (HC) and nitrogen oxides (NOx)
combine in the presence of sunlight
Acid rain: produces when sulfur dioxide or nitrogen oxides react with
Radon gas: naturally-occurring radioactive gas emitted
from the building material like bricks, concretes, tiles etc.,
Environmental effects
• It increases global temperature.
Sulphur dioxide (SO2)
• Colorless and irritating gas.
• Formed from burning of coal and oil.
• It is converted into sulphurous acid (H2SO3) in acid rain
Human sources
• Power plants 88%.
• Industrial process 10%.
Health effects
• Breathing problems even for healthy people, eye irritation,
throat problem, cardiac diseases to human.
Environmental effects
• Damage to agriculture, Chlorophyll destruction
Sulphurous acid in acid rain damage trees, plants, soil and
aquatic life.
Carbon dioxide (CO2)
• Colorless and odorless green house gas.
• Formed from combustion of fossil fuel, woods, etc. cement
Human sources
• Respiration process, Power plants
Health effects
• Respiratory disorders and suffocations
Environmental effects
• Increasing the temperature of climate.
• Each degree Celsius rise in temperature caused due to
carbon dioxide levels could cause about 1,000 deaths. The
gas boosts concentrations of surface ozone, particles and
carcinogens, all of which are harmful to human health.
Ozone (O3)
i) Highly reactive
ii) Irritating gas
iii) Unpleasant odour
iv) It forms in the troposphere
v) It is a major component in the smog.
Human sources
• Nitrogen oxides
• Volatile organic compounds (VOC)
Health & Environmental effect
• Skin cancer in animals and human, causes lung infection,
destruction of life in earth, moderates the climate
Sulphur trioxide(SO3)
• Oxidation of SO2 in the atmosphere under the influence of sunlight.
• Even 1 ppm of SO3 in the air causes breathing trouble and irritation
to the respiratory tract:
• presence of SO2 along with the particulates. Sulphur dioxide oxidizes into
sulphur trioxide in the atmosphere and forming acid aerosol.
Health effects
• Breathing problems, Cough, Heart diseases, Eye, Nose and Throat irritation.
Environmental effects
• Ozone depletion, It reduces the visibility, It can damage plants and trees
Photochemical smog is produced when pollutants from the combustion
of fossil fuels react (nitrogen oxides and VOCs) with sunlight.
Ozone causes serious problems with our lungs and vision. PAN is one
of the chemicals that is responsible for damaging lung tissue.
All these chemicals are highly reactive and oxidizing substances. They
are creating chemically reducing atmosphere
Photochemical Reactions
Lead (Pb)
• It is a solid, toxic metal, it can emit particulates
Human sources
• Paint, storage batteries and petrol.
Health effects
• Damage brain and whole nervous system, Mental
retardation, Digestive problems, Cancer.
Environmental effects
• Wild life destruction.
• Normal rain water is always slightly acidic in nature
because of the fact that CO2 present in the atmosphere
gets dissolved in it and produces carbonic acid, H2CO3.
In the 1970s, scientists noticed that the ozone layer in the stratosphere above
Antarctica was thinning.
Ozone-Depleting Substance(s) (ODS):
Some compounds release chlorine and bromine on exposure to high ultraviolet light,
which then contributes to the ozone layer depletion. Such compounds are known as
Ozone Depleting Substances (ODS).
One chlorine can destroy 100,000 molecules of ozone. It is destroyed more quickly
than it is created.
• Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs)
• HCFCs (Hydrochlorofluorocarbons),
• halons,
• methyl bromide,
• carbon tetrachloride, and
• methyl chloroform.
O2(g) O(g) + O(g)
˙ ˙
Cl(g) + CF2Cl(g)
Cl(g) + O3(g) ˙ClO(g) + O2(g)
ClO(g) + O(g) ˙Cl(g) + O2(g)
The trapping of heat by gases in the atmosphere.
Solar radiation p here
Passes through
the Earth’s
CO2 (ppm)
Change from agricultural to industrial lifestyle 300
Global warming
Melt polar ice caps flooding at sea level
Warming oceans more powerful storms