Tax and Accounting Obligations in México

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Doing Business in Mexico

Doing Business in Mexico

Tax System
§ Tax System: code based (as all the legal system in
§ Evidence requirements are very high
§ Form over Function
§ Physical documentation is necessary (e-Invoice,
Agreements, By-Laws, etc)

§ Federal Taxation: main taxes are as a federal level

§ (ISR) Impuesto sobre la Renta / Income Tax
§ (IVA) Impuesto al Valor Agregado / Value Added Tax
Doing Business in Mexico Tax System

§ In Mexico legal entities and individuals with business activities are

obligated to pay federal taxes:

Tax Rate

Income Tax (ISR) 30%

Value Added Tax (IVA) 0%, 16% **

Doing Business in Mexico Tax System

§ Income Tax (ISR)

§ Accrual basis
§ All kind of income at worldwide level
§ Monthly payments are due every 17th day of each month

Example of income accrual: All invoiced sales are accrued to

determine the basis for the income tax.

§ The Annual Tax Return must be submitted before March 30th

§ The obligation to determine and submit Income Tax monthly
payments starts after the first Tax Return in which a Tax Profit
Coefficient is determined.
§ To determine the monthly payments the accrual income is
multiplied by the Tax Profit Coefficient, the result is the basis
for the Income Tax Monhtly Payment.
Accrued Income 100,000
Tax Profit Coefficient 0.3000
Tax Basis 30,000
Monthly Income Tax (30%) 9,000
Doing Business in Mexico Tax System

§ Value Added Tax (IVA)

§ Based on cash flow
§ Indirect Tax
§ Applies for the following activities: Transfer of goods,
Rendering of independent services, Grant of temporary use
or advantage of assets and Import of goods and services.
§ 16% for domestic activities and 0% for exportations
§ VAT has to be determined for each month and the payment
is definitive.
§ In order to determine the monthly payment of the VAT, you
have to substract, from the VAT charged in your sales, the
creditable VAT payed for every expense. The difference,
when the VAT from the sales is higher, is the VAT payable
for the month.
VAT charged in sales 50,000
VAT payed in expenses 30,000
VAT monthly payment 20,000
Doing Business in Mexico Tax System

Tax Reporting Schedule

Return Date
Monthly Income Tax

Monthly Value Added Tax Before the 17th of the month next
Monthly withholding Income Tax following that for which the payment
Monthly withholding VAT is due.

State Taxes
Social Security Contributions
Annual Income Tax Three months next following the end
of the fiscal year.
Doing Business in Mexico

§ In México the Generally Accepted Accounting
Principles are know as Mexican Financial
Reporting Standards “MFRS”. (NIF, by its
acronym in Spanish).

§ International Financial Reporting Standards

(IFRS), International Accounting Standards
(IAS) are supplementary part of the MFRS
when on its absence thereby is required.

§ In México the accounting is recorded in pesos.

Doing Business in Mexico

§ Every month an accounting closure has to be made

to determine the monthly financial results and issue
the monthly financial statements.

§ There is also the obligation to submit to the Tax

Authority, accounting information every month.
Doing Business in Mexico

§ Mexico is a Global Leader in the use of digital invoice

§ Since 2010 all invoices issued by tax contributors are mandatory digital.

§ Tax contributors need to obtain a specific digital certificate (CSD) issued

by the SAT (Tax Administration Service) to apply advanced signature to
Doing Business in Mexico

§ Once generated, the digital invoice needs to be submited to a PAC

(Authorized Certification Provider) who inserts an electronic stamp
and then the document it’s ready to be forwarded to the client. This
stamp is necesary to make the invoice valid for tax purposes.

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