Food Microbiology
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Keywords: Vacuum packaging and storage conditions at chilled temperatures are commonly used in order to prolong the
Spoilage microorganisms shelf life of meat. Under these conditions and time-temperature abuse, cold-tolerant (facultatively) anaerobic
Spoilage parameter spoilage microorganisms can continue growing. This study investigated growth of six relevant spoilage micro
Drip loss
organisms in vacuum-packed beef (n = 12, 72 subsamples, stored at 10 ◦ C for 28 days) using culture and qPCR
Gas production
methods. Correspondingly, six qPCRs were newly developed/modified (for total bacteria, lactic acid bacteria
qPCR (LAB), Enterobacterales, total fungi, Kazachstania psychrophila, and cold-tolerant Clostridium spp.). Besides mi
crobial quantification, four spoilage appearances of meat (gas production, spoilage odor, % drip loss, and meat
color) were observed. Results obtained from culture and qPCR show that total bacteria, LAB, and Enter
obacterales reached their stationary phase at day 7 when spoilage parameters such as gas production were
statistically increased and a deviation of odor was detected. Fastidious cold-tolerant Clostridium spp. and
K. psychrophila could be detected from day 7. Based on microbiological and sensory analysis results, the
maximum shelf life of vacuum-packed beef stored at 10 ◦ C is 7 days. The developed qPCR has the potential to be
used as an alternative method to culturing for determination of microbial growth.
1. Introduction produce proteases (Savijoki et al., 2006; Signorini et al., 2003; Yuan
et al., 2018) which can break down the myosin at the surface of meat or
Beef is commonly vacuum-packed and stored at chilled temperatures even connective tissue between muscle fibers, allowing the bacteria to
in order to prolong its shelf life (Borch et al., 1996). Under these con penetrate the meat (Gill and Penney, 1977). Meat proteins are further
ditions, the growth of aerobic spoilage microorganisms such as Pseu broken down into polypeptides or amino acids, which are essential for
domonas spp. is inhibited. However, the facultatively anaerobic spoilage bacterial growth and also contribute significantly to the flavor com
microorganisms (e.g., lactic acid bacteria (LAB), Enterobacterales, and pounds of the end-product (Rogers and Overall, 2013; Signorini et al.,
yeasts) and strictly anaerobic spoilage bacteria (e.g., cold-tolerant 2003; Toledano et al., 2011). However, meat spoilage can also be the
Clostridium spp.) are able to keep growing, subsequently causing meat result of extensive proteolysis and subsequent peptide degradation and
spoilage (Borch et al., 1996; Ercolini et al., 2011; Mang et al., 2021; decarboxylation promoting biogenic amine production. These com
Seideman and Durland, 1983). Additionally, temperature abuse condi pounds are responsible for the putrid odor of meat (Signorini et al.,
tions contribute to the acceleration of this spoilage process. 2003).
Growth of meat microbiota has been linked to the development of For vacuum-packed meat, one of the most important spoilage in
spoilage appearance of vacuum-packed meat such as spoilage odor, gas dicators is a high level of gas production. Carbon dioxide (CO2) is a
production, drip loss, and discoloration. Odor deviation resulting from common by-product resulting from the metabolisms of microorganisms
proteolytic activity of food microorganisms is one of the earliest signs of (Dixon and Kell, 1989). Additionally, some cold-tolerant Clostridium spp.
meat spoilage that can be perceived by the consumer. Many cold- such as C. estertheticum and C. gasigenes can produce a high amount of
tolerant bacterial species belonging to LAB and Enterobacteriaceae can gas that is a mixture of CO2 and H2, resulting in a so-called blown pack
* Corresponding author. Chair of Food Safety and Analytics, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, LMU Munich, Schoenleutnerstr. 8, 85764, Oberschleissheim,
E-mail address: (S. Dorn-In).
Received 16 May 2022; Received in revised form 14 September 2022; Accepted 14 September 2022
Available online 21 September 2022
0740-0020/© 2022 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
S. Dorn-In et al. Food Microbiology 109 (2023) 104147
spoilage (BPS, Broda et al., 2000; Collins et al., 1992). Hydrogen can other hand, the overestimation of total (viable) bacteria quantified by
further combine with sulfur, a component of some amino acids, resulting qPCR resulting from the detection of DNA of dead or inactivated bac
in a hydrogen-sulfide odor (Broda et al., 2000; EFSA, 2016). terial cells. Therefore, both quantification methods were applied in this
Similar to gas production, drip loss can be observed in vacuum- study, targeting the indicator/spoilage microorganisms of meat.
packed meat. Drip loss refers to the unattractive, bloody exudate that This study presents the results of comprehensive investigations using
is released from meat. It can be influenced by many factors such as age, conventional culture methods and state-of-the-art techniques - universal
sex, diet, pre-slaughter stress, slaughter method, storage time and tem and multiplex qPCRs, species specific qPCRs with probes and MALDI-
perature, and meat properties such as pH, intramuscular moisture, and TOF MS. The objectives were to investigate the growth rates and to
fat content (Mosimanyana, 2016). Drip loss of meat can commonly occur identify species of spoilage microorganisms, to compare qPCR
due to the leakage of myofibers during the transition of muscle to meat enumeration with traditional culture-based methods, to analyze the
(Ponsuksili et al., 2008) and the endogenous proteolysis during the meat development of spoilage appearances of vacuum-packed beef during
aging process, which results in an increasing tenderness of meat (Hor storage at 10 ◦ C, and to determine whether the amount of target mi
bańczuk et al., 2021; Kaur et al., 2021). Additionally, drip loss can in croorganisms correlates with the spoilage appearances of vacuum-
crease when meat is exposed to pressure conditions such as during packed beef.
vacuum packaging or a high tension in the package due to accumulation
of gas (CO2 and H2) (Payne et al., 1998; Seideman and Durland, 1983; 2. Material and methods
Stasiewicz et al., 2014). Meat drip contains components such as water,
the protein myoglobin, and other nutrients such as glucose and lactate, 2.1. Reference microbial strains and inocula preparation
which are useful for growth of indigenous meat microbiota (Fischer,
2007; Rocha et al., 2015). Sixty strains representing different species (LAB: n = 19; Enter
Unlike odor, gas production, and drip loss, the change of meat color obacterales: n = 19; Pseudomonas: n = 5; Brochothrix thermosphacta: n =
can be a normal process. Meat discoloration is mainly due to myoglobin, 2; other bacterial strains: n = 10; yeasts: n = 5, see Supplementary data
the primary protein responsible for meat color. Fresh meat in presence of Table S1) were used to test the specificity and sensitivity of the qPCR
oxygen has a bright red color, which turns to purple when oxygen is primers and universal probes for bacteria and LAB. Additionally, 31
depleted such as in vacuum-packaging (Ramanathan et al., 2020). yeast and 10 mold strains (see Table S2) were included in the specificity
However, meat can be considered as spoiled when a certain discolor test of primers and probes for fungi and the psychrophilic yeast
ation is developed such as hydrogen peroxide greening caused by K. psychrophila. Strains with DSM numbers were obtained from the
Enterococcus spp. and hydrogen sulfide greening caused by Clostridium German Collection of Microorganisms and Cell Cultures (DSMZ,
spp. (EFSA, 2016). The reduction of pH such as due to the presence of Braunschweig, Germany). The other strains (also in Table S1 and
CO2 and acidic substances produced by meat microbiota also contributes Table S2) were isolated from meat samples and were identified by
to discoloration of meat (EFSA, 2016; Ramanathan et al., 2020). Ac MALDI-TOF MS and/or gene sequencing at the Chair of Food Safety and
cording to Renerre (1990), low pH reduces the stability constant for the Analytics, LMU (Munich), as previously described by Bahlinger et al.
haem-globin linkages and myoglobin denatures at pH values below 5. (2021) and Paniora (2014).
Important meat spoilage parameters are sensory deviations All reference bacterial stains used to test the specificity and sensi
perceived by the consumer such as those described in the previous tivity of the qPCR systems were subcultured on Columbia blood agar
paragraphs (Nychas et al., 2008). However, in terms of microbiological (CBA, Oxoid, Germany), while fungi were subcultured on Malt-Extract
quality of meat and according to food acts in some countries (e.g., Agar with Novobiocin (MEA+, Merck, Roth, Germany). Plates were
German Society for Hygiene and Microbiology, DGHM), fresh meat incubated anaerobically (for LAB) and aerobically (for other bacterial
containing a high amount of indigenous microbiota are not allowed to and fungal strains) at 30 ◦ C for 48 h. For Clostridium spp. and
be commercially sold to the consumer. This is, for example, the case K. psychrophila, the plates were incubated anaerobically at 10 ◦ C for
when the contamination level is higher than 6.5, 6.0, and 5.0 log10 cfu/g 7–10 days. The grown colonies were suspended in McFarland suspension
for aerobic mesophilic bacteria, Pseudomonas spp., and Enterobacteri and adjusted to 1.0 McFarland turbidity (Densimat Densitometer, Bio
aceae, respectively (DGHM, 2018). Similar to the European Union mérieux, France), corresponding to about 3.0 × 108 cfu/ml (Seeley
regulation, meat contaminated with aerobic mesophilic bacteria ≥6.5 et al., 1991), then diluted to 1.0 × 106 cfu/ml of 0.85% NaCl and further
log10 cfu/g, sampled at the end of the processing steps (such as at the proceeded to DNA extraction (see section 2.5).
packing site) are not allowed to be distributed to retail (Commission For the quantification using qPCR, four standards containing mix
Regulation (EC) No 2073/2005). As a further microbial spoilage indi tures of bacteria/fungi were established. The standards for LAB and
cator, it is stated by the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) that universal qPCR for total bacteria contained five LAB and three other
meat containing ≥7.0 log10 cfu/cm2 LAB is considered to be spoiled bacterial strains, namely Carnobacterium maltaromaticum, Leuconostoc
(EFSA, 2016). Moreover, Pennacchia et al. (2011) found that gelidum, Enterococcus faecalis (DSM 2570), Pediococcus pentosaceus,
vacuum-packed beef containing LAB >8.0 log10 cfu/g meat exhibits Streptococcus sanguinis, Pseudomonas fragi (DSM 3456), Hafnia alvei, and
unacceptable odor and appearance. Cold-tolerant yeasts such as the Brochothrix thermosphacta (DSM, 20171). Standard for Enterobacterales
species Kazachstania (K.) psychrophila have been described as potential contained Citrobacter freundii (DSM 30039), Hafnia alvei (DSM 30079),
spoilage organisms of meat (Kabisch et al., 2016; Paniora, 2014). and Proteus mirabilis (DSM 788). Standard for the quantification of fungi
However, there are only a few investigations and data regarding these contained Candida sakei (DSM 70763) and K. psychrophila (DSM 26230).
microorganisms in vacuum-packed fresh meat. According to the Standard for cold-tolerant Clostridium spp. contained C. estertheticum
recommendation of DGHM (Germany), contamination with yeasts in (DSM 8809) and C. algidicarnis (DSM 15099). Grown colonies of these
processed meat products, e.g., cooked sausage and aspic must not exceed bacterial strains on CBA were suspended to a McFarland turbidity of 4.0
4.0 log10 cfu/g (DGHM, 2018). (approximately 1.2 × 109 cfu/ml), then diluted 10-fold in 0.85% NaCl
The time-intensive culture-based methods are considered the gold up to 10− 9. The last five dilutions of bacterial strains belonging to LAB,
standard for determining the microbiological quality of meat. For a Enterobacterales and Brochothrix thermosphacta were spread on Plate
rapid detection and quantification of specific microorganisms, a number Count Agar (PCA, Merck, Germany) and incubated as described in the
of qPCRs have subsequently been developed. However, there is the risk previous paragraph, before the cfu/ml was determined. For Clostridium
of biased results and a subsequent misinterpretation when using only a spp. and yeasts, their cells in the suspensions were enumerated using
single detection method, such as the underestimation of fastidious or microscope and Thoma chamber. The artificial contamination of these
non-culturable bacteria when using culture-based methods or, on the microbial strains in meat homogenate is described in section 2.2.1.
S. Dorn-In et al. Food Microbiology 109 (2023) 104147
2.2. Meat samples preparation odor scores were inspired by five descriptions of a 9-point hedonic scale
method (neutral, slightly, moderately, very much, and extremely: Lim
2.2.1. Artificially inoculated meat homogenate et al., 2009), i.e., 1: fresh, almost odorless; 2: slight deviation; 3: distinct
This step was performed to establish a standard for each qPCR (see deviation, still acceptable; 4: spoilage odor (unpleasant and repellent);
section 2.6). Since the meat matrix can influence the efficiency of DNA 5: distinct spoilage odor. Then, meat drip was drawn using a 5 ml pipette
extraction and qPCR, microbial suspensions were spiked in a meat ho and filled in a 15 ml Falcon® tube (VWR, Germany). The weight of drip
mogenate to achieve similar matrix conditions as meat samples. To was measured and then related to the weight of meat, giving the results
prepare a meat homogenate for this purpose, fresh beef brisket from a of drip loss in percent (Stella et al., 2019).
butcher (n = 1, about 1.5 kg) was disinfected by spraying with 70%
ethanol and subsequent short flaming in the laboratory. About 0.3 cm of 2.4. Microbial analysis by culture methods
the outer part of the beef was cut away with a sterile scalpel. Ten grams
of this beef sample were homogenized with 90 ml of peptone water for 2.4.1. Plate counts
60 s in a stomacher. The meat homogenate was used as a matrix for Sample preparation and culture methods followed International
artificial contamination with bacteria if its Cq-value obtained from Organization of Standardization (ISO, mesophilic bacteria: ISO
universal qPCR for bacteria was >35 PCR cycles and no PCR amplifi 4833–2:2013–12; Enterobacterales; ISO 21528–2:2004; LAB: ISO
cation was obtained from universal qPCR for fungi. After that, sub 15214:1998; fungi: ISO 10186:2005–10). Ten grams of surface of each
samples of the meat homogenate were spiked independently with each beef brisket (from day 0, 3, 7, 14, 21, and 28) were cut using a sterile
microbial strain to the concentration of 1 × 108 cfu/ml. Then, 200 μl of scalpel, mixed with 90 ml of peptone water for 60 s in a stomacher. The
each spiked homogenate were taken to prepare the mixture of bacteria/ homogenates were serially diluted in a 0.85% NaCl solution up to 10− 7
fungi for DNA extraction. for stored meat samples. Then, 100 μl of three appropriate dilutions
were spread on two agar plates each, specific for each target microor
2.2.2. Naturally contaminated meat ganism. PCA was used for anaerobic mesophilic bacteria, De Man-,
Fresh beef briskets (n = 12 biological samples) from nine butchers Rogosa- and Sharpe Agar (MRS, Sifin, Germany) for LAB, Violet-Red-
(located in the region Upper Bavaria, Germany) were used for the Bile-Dextrose Agar (VRBD; Merck, Germany) for Enterobacterales, and
investigation. Meat was delivered to retail within three to five days after MEA+ for fungi. The agar plates were anaerobically incubated (Anae
slaughter. Each beef brisket (about 3 kg) was portioned into six pieces/ rocult® A; VWR, Germany) as follows: 30 ◦ C, 72 h for PCA, 30 ◦ C, 48 h
subsamples (400–500 g each) at the day of purchase (day 0). Therefore, for VRBD, and 25 ◦ C, 72 h for MRS and MEA+ plates. The colony forming
the total number of subsamples obtained from 12 beef briskets were 72. units per gram (cfu/g) were reported. Since K. psychrophila and cold-
The first subsample of each beef brisket (n = 12) proceeded to cultural tolerant Clostridium spp. are fastidious (Kabisch et al., 2016; Moscho
and molecular investigation at day 0. The other 60 subsamples were nas et al., 2009), plate counting for these microorganisms was not per
individually vacuum-packed using a vacuum skin packing machine formed. Instead, their loads in meat samples were determined using
(− 0.9 bar, 25 s, Boss, model Z2000) and commercially available vacuum qPCR. The dilution 10− 1 of meat homogenate obtained from this step
bags (megoBayreuth, Germany). When vacuum leak was observed was further used for DNA extraction.
during storage, samples were excluded from investigation since
permeability of oxygen would lead to biased results. The chosen storage 2.4.2. Identification of isolates by MALDI-TOF MS
temperature of 10 ◦ C was higher than generally recommended for fresh Colonies grown on MRS, VRBD, PCA, and MEA+ were identified
meat (1–8 ◦ C) to imitate the condition of time-temperature abuse of using the Matrix Assisted Laser Desorption Ionization - Time of Flight
chilled vacuum-packed beef. Mass Spectrometry (MALDI-TOF MS). Approximately five colonies with
Then, at each time point (day 3, 7, 14, 21, and 28) a total of 12 different morphologies from each medium of each sample were picked
vacuum-packed meat subsamples (biological replicates) were asepti and proceeded to the species identification.
cally unpacked and further proceeded to cultural and qPCR investiga The colonies grown on MRS, PC Agar and MEA+ plates were
tion. Each biological replication comprised a single technical extracted using formic acid extraction method according to the in
replication. Directly after sampling, each piece of beef was disposed. struction manual (Bruker Daltonik GmbH, Bremen, Germany). Three
replicates of 1.0 μl of the resuspended pellet were spotted on a polished
2.3. Spoilage parameters steel target (Bruker Daltonik GmbH). For Enterobacterales, the purple-
red colonies from VRBD agar were primarily subcultured on CBA
Four spoilage parameters of vacuum-packed meat were evaluated at plates, aerobically incubated at 30 ◦ C for 24–48 h, then the colonies
day 3, 7, 14, 21, and 28 of storage, in following order: level of gas were picked from the plates using toothpicks and then spotted and
production (BPS score), color, spoilage odor, and % drip loss. The smeared on a polished steel plate in triplicate (direct transfer method).
investigation was performed by three persons for each sample, with the Further steps were carried out as described in the instruction manual.
exception that drip loss was collected and analyzed by one person. These The MALDI-TOF MS measurements were performed using a Microflex LT
persons were not experienced in sensory investigation of meat; however, and the protein spectra were identified using the Biotyper OC-Software
they were internally trained for this purpose using the scale and scores as 3.0 reference spectra database (Bruker Daltonik GmbH, Germany).
described below.
Before the vacuum-packed beef sample was opened, BPS score was 2.5. DNA extraction
evaluated as described by Boerema et al. (2007). Score 0: no gas pro
duction, score 1: small bubbles in drip, package intact, score 2: loss of A total of 173 samples comprising bacterial (n = 55) and fungal (n =
vacuum through gas production, score 3: blown, puffy packs, score 4: 41) isolates in 0.85% NaCl, mixtures of bacterial/fungal strains in meat
fully distended, without tightly stretching the pack, score 5: overblown, homogenate (n = 4), meat homogenate (dilution 10− 1) without spiking
tightly stretched packs/packs leaking. Then, the color was scaled ac (n = 1), and homogenates of naturally contaminated meat (n = 72) were
cording to a 9-point hedonic scale (1: extremely pale, 2: very pale, 3: subjected to DNA extraction using the High Pure PCR Template Prepa
pale, 4: slightly pale, 5: bright red, 6: slightly dark, 7: dark, 8: very dark ration Kit (Roche Life Science, Germany). The DNA extraction of the last
and 9: extremely dark) as described by Bağdatli and Kayaardi (2015). three sample types was performed in duplicate. For all sample types, a
Spoilage odor of meat was evaluated within 10 min after the samples 200 μl sample suspension was mixed with 10 μl of lysozyme (20 mg/ml
were opened. The specific confinement and persistent odor (such as in 10 mM Tris-HCl; pH 8.0; final concentration = 1 mg/ml) and incu
described by Reis et al., 2016) were not determined. The used spoilage bated at 37 ◦ C for 30 min. Further steps from mixing with binding buffer
S. Dorn-In et al. Food Microbiology 109 (2023) 104147
and with proteinase K until elution of the extracted DNA followed the species K. psychrophila was newly developed. Target sequence of both
instruction manual of the DNA extraction kit. qPCRs was the region internal transcribed spacer I (ITS1) of fungal DNA.
Specificity test of both qPCRs for fungi was performed using the DNA
extracts from strains representing 31 yeast and 10 mold species (see
2.6. qPCR Table S2).
Table 1
qPCR primers and TaqMan-probes of each qPCR system used for quantification of meat microbiota.
qPCR Primer & Sequence (5’ - 3′ ) and dyes Specificity Fragment References
probe size
1 Uni104F GGCGGACGGGTGAGTAA Universal bacteria 836 bp modified from Dorn-In et al. (2015)
4 Cl93F (TMF) CGGCGGACGGGTGAGTAAC Clostridium spp. 566 bp Dorn-In et al. (2018) & Mang et al.
Cl642R CCTCTCCTGCACTCTAGA Clostridium spp. (2021)
Cpal-168 Cy5-ACCCCATAACATAGCATTATCGCATG-BHQ-2 C. putrefaciens & C. algidicarnis
5 ITS1 (F) TCCGTAGGTGAACCTGCGG Universal fungi 180-240 bp modified from Dorn-In et al. (2013)
S. Dorn-In et al. Food Microbiology 109 (2023) 104147
2.7. Statistical analysis g). According to this limitation, the limit of detection (LOD) of universal
qPCR for bacteria was set to 103 cfu/g. However, the results in section
A two-tailed t-test analysis (Microsoft Excel, 2016) was used to 3.2 show that the lowest contamination level of universal bacteria in
evaluate the differences between: 1) amounts of microorganisms (total fresh meat was 4.8 log10 cfu/g (quantified by qPCR). Therefore, the
bacteria, LAB, Enterobacterales, and fungi) quantified by plate counting limitation of this qPCR has no influence on the quantification of total
and qPCR, 2) spoilage parameters and day of storage, and 3) amounts of bacteria in fresh and spoiled meat samples in this study.
target microorganisms and spoilage parameters. The qPCR system for Enterobacterales and Clostridium spp. and qPCR
Then, the Pearson correlation coefficient (r, Microsoft Excel, 2016) to detect four Clostridium spp. (C. estertheticum, C. frigoriphilum,
was used to determine the correlation between amounts of target mi C. algidicarnis/C. putrefaciens, and C. tagluense-like) were already tested
croorganisms (from plate counting and from qPCR) and spoilage pa in the previous studies (Bahlinger et al., 2021; Dorn-In et al., 2018;
rameters (BPS score, odor, % drip loss, and meat color). The strength of Mang et al., 2021), and were therefore applied without additional
the correlation was interpreted as follows: r = 0–0.19 is regarded as very testing in this study. The universal qPCR for fungi and the qPCR for
weak, 0.20–0.39 as weak, 0.40–0.59 as moderate, 0.60–0.79 as strong, K. psychrophila were specific only to fungi and to K. psychrophila,
and 0.8–1.0 as a very strong correlation (Evans, 1996). Additionally, the respectively. For these qPCRs, no unspecific PCR products were detec
p-value was calculated based on two-tailed t-test analysis to evaluate ted. The last signal was obtained from the meat homogenate spiked with
whether the correlation was statistically significant (p < 0.05). To 102 cfu/g, while there was no PCR amplification from meat without
calculate the p-value, two values were required, specifically, the degree spiking, meat containing bacteria/fungi at 10 cfu/g, and from the no
of freedom (df) and the t-value, which were calculated as below: template control sample. Therefore, the LOD of LAB, Enterobacterales,
total fungi, K. psychrophila, and Clostridium spp. was set to 102 cfu/g. The
df = n – 2 → n = number of samples LOD of all target microorganisms was lower than the microbiological
√̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅ critical value of specific spoilage microorganisms for fresh meat and
r n− 2
t = √̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅ → t = t − value, r = correlation value, n = number of samples meat products, i.e. 6.5 log10 for mesophilic bacteria, 6.0 log10 for
1 − r2
Pseudomonas spp., 5.0 log10 for Enterobacteriaceae, 4.0 log10 for yeasts,
Using Microsoft Excel, the p-value was calculated using following and 7.0 log10 for LAB (Commission Regulation (EC) No 2073/2005;
formula: DGHM, 2018; EFSA, 2016).
p-value = T.VERT.2S(t;df) → T.VERT.2S = two-tailed t-test, t = t-value, df
= degree of freedom 3.2. Growth of cold-tolerant meat microbiota
S. Dorn-In et al. Food Microbiology 109 (2023) 104147
Fig. 1. Growth of cold-tolerant meat microbiota in vacuum-packed beef (n = 12; 72 subsamples; stored at 10 ◦ C for 28 days), quantified using plate counting method
and qPCR. Days marked with (*) show the statistically significant difference (p < 0.05) between both quantification methods. Box whisker plots: lines above and
below the box plots are maximal and minimal values of the dataset. The boxes indicate ranges between the median of the lower and upper half of the dataset. The
bars within the boxes are the median values of all samples.
in one sample (2.4 log10; LOD = 2.0 log10 cfu/g), then increasing to three whole vacuum-packed meat samples are stored at optimal conditions for
samples on day 7 (3.0–5.3 log10) and day 14–28 (4.0–5.6 log10, see at least 7–21 days. Alternatively, drip/meat samples can be taken and
Fig. 2). The universal qPCR for fungi can also amplify DNA of enriched in liquid medium at optimal growth conditions (Mang et al.,
K. psychrophila, showing a much higher amount of total fungi in positive 2021).
samples than that enumerated by the culture method (see Fig. 1).
K. psychrophila is often isolated from chilled fresh and vacuum-packed
3.3. Correlation with spoilage parameters
beef sold in Germany (Paniora, 2014). The potential of K. psychrophila
to cause spoilage of vacuum-packed meat was described by Kabisch et al.
Results of sensory analysis from three people are shown in Fig. 3. The
use of an untrained sensory panel to investigate spoilage parameters is a
Using SYBR-qPCR for Clostridium spp., two beef samples were found
limitation of this study, since parameters such as odor and color are very
positive. Clostridium spp. were not detected in samples until 7 days of
subjective. While meat microbiota reached their stationary phase at day
storage, reaching their peak growth of approximately 4.0 and 5.2 log10
7, the BPS scores and odor were also statistically significantly different
on day 28 (see Fig. 2).
from the previous testing days (day 0 and day 3). In terms of odor, the
Unlike LAB and Enterobacterales, meat is not always contaminated
heterofermentative LAB are responsible for undesirable sensory de
with K. psychrophila and cold-tolerant Clostridium spp. And if so, the
viations due to a high production of biogenic amines such as γ-amino
contamination level of these microorganisms in fresh meat is often very
butyric acid, tyramine, ornithine, and histamine (Geissler et al., 2016).
low, thus cannot be detected by qPCR (and probably not by culture).
Increasing BPS score indicates an increase of gas production, especially
Therefore, an enrichment procedure is recommended, in which the
CO2. Together with acidic substances produced by LAB, it can lead to pH
Fig. 2. Growth of K. psychrophila in three and psychrotolerant Clostridium spp. in two of 12 vacuum-packed beef samples (stored at 10 ◦ C for 28 days) determined
using qPCR. The lines below 2.0 log10 cfu/g (limit of detection) are samples with negative results.
S. Dorn-In et al. Food Microbiology 109 (2023) 104147
Fig. 3. Box whisker plots showing spoilage parameters of vacuum-packed beef stored at 10 ◦ C for 3, 7, 14, 21, and 28 days. The evaluation methods for blown pack
spoilage (BPS) score, spoilage odor, % drip loss, and color are described in section 2.3. Days marked with (*) show the statistically significant difference (p < 0.05)
compared to the previous investigation days. (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the Web version of
this article.)
reduction of meat, which consequently leads to a denaturation of muscle day 3 were relatively high, a distinctly exponential growth to day 7 was
protein, a loss of water holding capacity and an increasing drip loss not as sharp as could be seen in the results obtained from culture (see
during storage of meat (Bağdatli and Kayaardi, 2015). Correspondingly, Fig. 1). Correspondingly, a correlation between spoilage parameters and
statistically significant increase/change of % drip loss (on day 14) and results from qPCR (for total bacteria and LAB) was not found.
meat color (day 21) was found after the growth of meat microbiota has Since the amounts of Enterobacterales and fungi, especially yeasts, in
been stagnated for 1 and for 2 weeks, respectively (see Fig. 3). meat samples were very variable (high standard deviation) throughout
It is known that total bacteria and LAB are associated with spoilage of the storage period, no correlation was found between the amounts of
meat (EFSA, 2016; Pennacchia et al., 2011). As mentioned in the these microorganisms and spoilage parameters. Enterobacterales,
introduction, besides sensory deviation, microbiological criteria are set especially cold-tolerant species, such as Hafnia alvei and Serratia spp. can
for fresh meat sold at retail. Table 2 shows the correlations (r) of four grow at temperatures below 10 ◦ C (Labadie, 1999; Ridell and Korkeala,
spoilage parameters and the amount of cold-tolerant meat microbiota 1997). However, their growth rates are rather slow compared to LAB. A
obtained from culture and qPCR. Although high amounts of total bac study by Merchán et al. (2022) shows that Hafnia alvei can produce
teria and LAB were found in stored meat, only a weak to moderate proteolytic enzymes only at temperatures above 15 ◦ C. Thus, they do not
correlation (statistically significant, p < 0.05, see Table 2) between three possess a high potential to cause spoilage of meat stored at sufficiently
spoilage parameters (gas production, spoilage odor, and % drip loss) and refrigerated temperatures (Brightwell et al., 2007).
amounts of these bacterial groups was mainly found for data obtained In the present study, meat color was determined before the vacuum-
from culture. Since amounts of these bacteria determined by qPCR on packs were opened, thus binding of meat myoglobin with oxygen to
Table 2
Correlation (r) between amounts of cold-tolerant meat microbiota and spoilage parameters. The r- and p-values were calculated based on 60 meat subsamples (n).
Parameter Statistic Total bacteria LAB Enterobacterales Fungi (yeast)
S. Dorn-In et al. Food Microbiology 109 (2023) 104147
form oxymyoglobin (resulting in a bright red color of meat, Ramanathan deviation of sensory parameters as shown in sections 3.2 and 3.3, it can
et al., 2020) can be excluded. The color of vacuum-packed beef from day be concluded that the shelf life of vacuum-packed beef stored at 10 ◦ C is
3 to day 7 remained purple red due to the absence of oxygen, changed to 7 days. In a previous study, Rogers et al. (2014) investigated
pale red after 3 weeks of storage and 2 weeks after the growth stagnation vacuum-packed ground beef stored at 0–2 ◦ C for five days and then at
of meat microbiota. Consequently, change of meat color in the present 10 ◦ C for five days. During storage at chilled temperatures (0–2 ◦ C),
study has no correlation with the amount of any meat microbiota. It is aerobic plate counts, Enterobacteriaceae, and LAB were lower than 3.5
also possible that pale color of meat during storage is a result of the loss log10 cfu/g determined by plate counting methods. These increased
of myoglobin from meat muscle into meat drip, since myoglobin is a significantly up to their stationary phase at day 8 to day 9 (four to five
water-soluble protein. Therefore, an increasing drip loss may indirectly days of temperature abuse) with about 9.0, 8.5, and 8.5 log10 cfu/g,
contribute to the discoloration of vacuum-packed meat. respectively. The authors suggested that the spoilage of a product cannot
In this study, the presence of K. psychrophila and/or cold-tolerant solely be judged by biochemical and microbiological evaluation, but
Clostridium spp. indicates that vacuum-packed meat was stored for a should be determined and assessed using visual, tactile, and olfactory
long time (at least 7 days), since they grow slowly. However, a different evaluations. A study of Silva et al. (2020) showed that, when
sensory deviation compared to other meat samples was not observed in vacuum-packed beef is correctly stored at 4 ◦ C and 1 ◦ C, the shelf life can
the contaminated vacuum-packed meat. The BPS scores 2 and 3 of two be extended to 16 days and to 21 days, respectively. However, the au
meat samples contaminated with C. algidicarnis and C. frigoriphirum, thors mentioned that the days could be variable, depending on the
respectively, determined at day 28 is moderate, which complied with concentration and composition of the initial meat microbiota.
the conclusion in a previous study that these two Clostridium spp. do not
always produce a high amount of gas (Mang et al., 2021). 3.4. Identified microorganisms
According to the microbiological criteria set by authorities (Com
mission Regulation (EC) No 2073/2005; DGHM, 2018) and the Out of 354 identified colonies (see Table 3), 165 (46.6%) colonies
Table 3
Species identification of colonies cultivated from meat (n = 354) using MALDI-TOF MS. From each day of incubation (D0 – D28), the colonies with different mor
phologies from each medium of each sample were selected.
Microorganisms Species Number of identified colonies
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