VISORPG Z+ Companion Booklet (Ver 0.01)
VISORPG Z+ Companion Booklet (Ver 0.01)
VISORPG Z+ Companion Booklet (Ver 0.01)
R + PG
Version 0.01
By Dr. Gerald Ravenpie, 2024
This document is an Annex for the VISORPGZ+ core manual, so everything related to “licenses” and stuff can be found
there. Here, nevertheless, you’ll find a compilation of the game’s Actions, playing sheets (or something that tries to
imitate that: you’ll probably have to take note of additional stuff elsewhere, as the game progress) and the M8B,
TEST and TONEs cards. There’s also a compilation of all the Day 1 DLC ever offered for this system, in a special
collection edition. And as a new, free, Day 1 DLC, you’ll find COLOR BLUE!
DAMAGE 7 - 9: As 10+, but also make a TEST(A-D):
THREAT (A) The Threat goes out of reach. What do you do?
HPs Low High Maximum
Tension Tension Tension (B) The Threat causes you damage (based on the Tension level
before raising it). What do you do?
Blue 1 1 1 1
(C) The Threat puts you in danger. Go to the Face a dangerous
Green 1 1 2 2 situation Action.
Yellow 2 1 2 3 (D) You are being predictable; you suffer -1 to Spirit rolls for
the Fight for victory Action (or -2 if you were already
Orange 3 1 2 3
predictable). What do you do?
Red 4 1 2 3 6-: Make the same TEST as described for 7 – 9. If you get the B
result, then add +1 to the damage you suffer. If you get any other
result, apply it and, in addition, apply the B result (without the +1
When you’re prompted to use this Action, choose one of the
following options:
Defeat: The Chapter ends at this point as you escape, fall
When the Threat has 0 HPs and you use this Action, narrate how
unconscious, retire in shame, whatever. If the conflict was a part of
you victoriously finish the conflict.
a Quest, you fail it, as in any other Quest that have a “before the end
of the chapter” time If your active quest was unrelated to any plot,
or you were just sandboxing, this defeat will still count as failing in FLEEING TO FIGHT ANOTHER DAY
a minor quest related to one plot (select one). During a conflict, if you want to flee, ROLL(2D6) + (PHYSICAL,
Sacrifice: One of your Bonds (by decision or by accident), if it’s MENTAL or SOCIAL) depending on your “strategy’.
present in the Conflict, take the bullet for you, and it’s out of the 10+: You escape. Nevertheless, you feel disheartened and suffer
game until the next chapter…or forever, if that’s what drama a -2 in your next ROLL for the Initializing conflict scene.
dictates. Regardless the case, you’re really pissed off, so you
7 - 9: As in 10+, but you must choose one option:
recover 6 HPs!
o Threat causes you damage, which may you force you use
Self-sacrifice: The main character is out of the game. If you have
the Not yet! Action as usual.
unlocked Companions, then one of them may turn into the new
character. Just increase the Spirit of that formerly-known-as-NPC o This will have consequences. Check a failure countdown
character to +2. box in your active quest.
Restart level: You start the current Chapter from scratch. It’s 6-: Nope! You’re still in the conflict, and in a precarious position.
assumed that nothing that happened until the point you bit the dust Go to the Face a dangerous situation.
will mean anything.
FACE A DANGEROUS SITUATION During a conflict, when you want to carry out some maneuver to
During a conflict, when you’re prompted to use this Action, improve your odds, ROLL(2D6) + (PHYSICAL, MENTAL or SOCIAL)
ROLL(2D6) + (PHYSICAL, MENTAL or SOCIAL) depending on the depending on your tactics.
nature of the danger. 10+: A successful maneuver. Choose one of the following options.
10+: You successfully deal with the situation. What do you do? What do you do?
7 - 9: You deal with the situation…but not flawlessly. Make a o The Threat is now within your reach.
TEST(A-D) and apply the result. o You stop being predictable and fatigued (in all its
(A) The Threat goes out of reach. What do you do? versions).
(B) You’re getting fatigued; you suffer a -1 to all rolls for the o You get a +2 for your next Stat roll.
Stat you used in this Action (-2, if you already were fatigued 7 - 9: Not bad, but you could have done better. You choose one of
with this Stat). What do you do? the options for 10+, but make a TEST(A-D):
(C) You’re being predictable; you suffer -1 to Spirit rolls for the (A) The Threat goes out of reach. What do you do?
Fight for victory Action (or -2, if you were already predictable).
(B) The Threat causes you damage. What do you do?
What do you do?
(C) The Threat puts you in danger. Go to the Face a dangerous
(D) The Threat causes you damage. What do you do?
situation Action.
6-: You are still in danger. Make the same TEST that for 7 – 9 but
(D) You’re getting fatigued; you suffer a -1 to all rolls for the Stat
repeat this Action.
you used in this Action (-2 if you already were fatigued with this
Stat). What do you do?
FIGHT FOR VICTORY 6-: You lose the initiative, so make the same TEST as described
During a conflict, when you want to cause damage to a Threat for 7 – 9. Also, the Threat now has your number, so the next time
which is within your reach, ROLL(2D6) + SPIRIT. you use this Action in this Conflict, you’ll have to use a different
12+: If the Threat is a Blue, cause 1 damage to it; what do you do? Stat.
If not, apply the 10+ result.
10+: Raise the Tension one level, or if it was already Extreme,
cause 1 damage to the Threat. What do you do?
INITIALIZING CONFLICT SCENE (E) Threat gets first blood and causes you 1 damage. What do
At the beginning of a conflict, ROLL(2D6), -2 if you’re taken by you do?
surprise, +2 if you surprise the Threat, or +0 if there’s no one being
surprised. NOT YET!
10+: You caught the Threat flat-footed! You get a free reroll When your HPs are reduced to 0 (or you suffer Damage when you
during this conflict, as if you had trained for it (see Troubles are have 0 HPs) but you want to stand on your feet, explain what’s the
coming Action; this reroll lets you keep the best result). What do source of your courage (it can be a Bond or your Motivation) and
you do? ROLL(2D6) + SPIRIT. If you can’t do this Action (or don’t want to),
7 - 9: No one has been caught flatfooted, so the conflict just starts. apply its 6- result.
What do you do? 10+: You stand on your feet, but you “burn’ the selected source
6-: You have been caught flatfooted. Make a TEST(A-E). of courage for the rest of the scene, so you won’t be able to use it
again with this Action.
(A) The Threat start the conflict out of your reach. What do you
do? 7 - 9: As 10+, but the source is burnt until you use the Take a long
rest or To be continued Actions instead of just until the end of the
(B) The Threat puts you in danger even before you can react. scene.
Go to the Face a dangerous situation Action.
6-: Sorry, but everyone has a breaking point and you have just
(C) Your “flatfooted’-ness makes you predictable; you suffer -1 reached yours. Go to the Defeat or Sacrifice? Action to see what
to Spirit rolls for the Fight for victory Action. What do you do? happens now.
(D) You hesitate; you suffer a -1 in your next roll based on any
Stat in this conflict. What do you do?
AD = Advanced Option; TEM = Game template specific Action.
BEAT THE CLOCK If you fail the third (and last) quest, regardless what you did
When you’re going to check the third failure countdown box of a before, you get a bad ending, both for you and for the rest of
quest, ROLL(2D6) + SPIRIT. the world. But don’t despair: as it was a short game, that’s just
probably a sequel hook!
10+: Fission mailed! Don’t check that box. Keep doing whatever
you were doing. If you fail the first or the second quests, ROLL(2D6) (-2 if you
failed both):
7 - 9: One last chance. Check that box but add a fourth empty
one…which can’t further benefit from this Action (as it’s the fourth 10+: Good ending, even if the quests you failed may
box, not the third one). Stop messing around and focus, gosh! tarnish it a bit.
6-: Mission failed. You check the box, the quest is failed, and you 7-9: Neutral ending. Your failures in the road tarnish your
suffer the consequences. victory, so you can treat it as a bittersweet ending (more
bitter than sweet if you failed both the first and second
6-: Bad ending. You achieved something good by
When, outside of a conflict, you face a situation which involves
succeeding at the end, but nevertheless it’s a bad ending for
some danger (or you’re prompted to uses this Action), ROLL(2D6)
you OR for the rest of the world; choose one or, for fairness
+ (PHYSICAL, MENTAL or SOCIAL) depending on the nature of the
sakes, decide that randomly. Nevertheless, there’s probably
situation .
a way to fix things in a sequel…
10+: You successfully deal with the situation.
If you achieve a success in the three Quests that make the Main
7 - 9: You deal with the situation…but not flawlessly. Plot, you get the Golden Ending. Go you!
o You suffer 1 damage.
o Check a failure countdown box in your active quest. GUMSHOEING
6-: You fail at dealing with the situation. You suffer 1 damage. When you’re investigating to get the answer of a mystery,
Also, make a TEST (A-E). ROLL(2D6) + (PHYSICAL, MENTAL or SOCIAL) depending on your
(A) It doesn’t stop! Repeat this Action.
10+: You solved the mystery! Or, at least, that part of it. Use the
(B) It gets worse! From now, this mess causes 2 damage
proper Oracle to get the answer.
instead of 1. Repeat this Action.
7 - 9: You solved the mystery…but troubles come to those who
(C) It gets even worse! Create a new Threat (or use an already
ask to many questions. Make a TEST (A-D):
existing one if it fits) and enter in a conflict with it at this very
moment. (A) In fact, you don’t get the full answer: just enough to keep
searching…in another place. You get a +2 to the next ROLL with
(D) The situation resolves by itself, but you still failed at
this Action to solve the same mystery.
dealing with it. You feel quite disheartened: you suffer a -2 to
your next Initializing conflict scene ROLL. (B) You called some undesirable attention. Create a new Threat
and make it enter in a conflict with you soon.
(E) As (D), but in addition, check a failure countdown box in
your current active quest, if any. If you were just sandboxing (C) You owe a favor to somebody, who will ask you for
and did not have an active quest at this moment, then it’s just something in the future…or maybe just on the spot!
as (D), period. (D) Did it really take so long? Check a failure countdown box in
your active quest.
GOOD THINGS, SMALL PACKAGES 6-: You’re still in the dark, and there are also consequences.
When you play a short game, treating the main plot as a Minor plot, Make a TEST (A-D)
follow the next guidelines to decide what kind of ending you get. (A) You didn’t read the room quickly enough. Go to the Deal
with a fine mess Action.
(B) In the wrong place, at the wrong time. Create a new Threat 10+: You do it as well as expected.
(or use an already existing one if it fits) and enter in a conflict 7 - 9: Chose one option:
with it at this very moment.
o You do it poorer than expected.
(C) Exhaustion. You suffer 1 damage.
o You do it as expected but ends up somewhat stressed. You
(D) What a waste of precious time. Check a failure countdown get a -1 to your next ROLL for an Action based on the same
box in your active quest. Stat (except Solve a tricky situation).
6-: You fail at what you were trying to do and get a -1 to your next
PAYDAY! AD ROLL for an Action based on the same Stat (except Solve a tricky
After completing some assignment, quest, etc., make a TEST(A-C) situation).
to check how much it benefits your Savings. If it was an especially 2-: You fail even more than expected, and choose one option:
lucrative one, make a TEST(B-D) instead, or just a TEST(A-B) if it
was a minor one. o You’re disheartened, suffering a -2 in your next Initializing
conflict scene ROLL.
(A) Rats! After just subtracting common expenses, you just got
even! And that doesn’t include extraordinary expenses! +0 AR. o The situation escalates. Go to Deal with a fine mess.
(B) Meh, it’s something. Better not having any extraordinary
expenses that eats even this. +1 AR. SOLVE CASE AD
(C) You got a good pay for this one! +2 AR. At any moment when you have three or more valid Clues, and
mandatory when you get your fifth Clue (regardless how many of
(D) You hit the jackpot this time! Yay! +3 AR. them are valid or dead), you recapitulate what you got and propose
a solution. ROLL(2d6) (-1 you have two valid Clues, +0 if you have
PAYING FOR SOMETHING AD three, +1 if you have four, and +2 if you have five).
When you have to barter for some service or minor favor, 10+: Your theory is correct, and you can prove it. You solve the
ROLL(2D6) + SCRAPS Case in a convincing way, and the Quest is considered a success.
10+: You happen to have just what the NPC was looking for! No 7-9: Chose one of the following options:
modifier to AR. If you have two or three valid clues, you know your theory is
7-9: After some barter, you come to an agreement. -1 AR. right, and some people may believe you (many people, even)
6-: The NPC asks for an arm and a leg. Choose one option: and act accordingly. But you can’t prove it beyond any
reasonable doubt. The Quest is considered a partial success.
You get what you want for a hefty prize. -3 AR. You can’t
select this option if your Scraps are already Stressed. If you have four or more valid clues, your theory is right, and
you can prove it, but there’s still some unanswered questions
You don’t get what you want. that may irk you in the future. The Quest is considered a
success, nevertheless.
PURSUE PERSONAL INTEREST There’s something that doesn’t feel right. You keep
When you spent a scene to advance one personal interest, investigating until you get a new Clue; at this point, you can’t
ROLL(2D6) + (PHYSICAL, MENTAL or SOCIAL) depending on its kill that Clue, even if you want. Once you get that new and
nature. You can’t take this Action again until you take the To be last Clue, repeat this Action (with a +3 if you end up with six
continued Action. valid Clues). In case of another 7-9 result, you can’t choose
10+: Excellent work! Add +2 progress to that personal interest. this option again.
7 - 9: A good work! Add +1 progress to that personal interest. 6-: Your theory wasn’t right at all, and the Case is closed before
you can try to rectify it (or someone solves it before you and gets
6-: Not bad, but more tiring than expected. Add +1 progress to
all the merit). You fail the Quest.
that personal interest, but you suffer a -1 penalty to your next ROLL
with this Action and that interest. Note. If you must use this Action but you have only one (or
none) valid Clues, you automatically apply the 6- result, as you
2-: You learn something you should NOT do, but, that’s also part
don’t even have a theory to talk about.
of the learning process, right? You get a +2 to your next ROLL with
this Action and that interest
SCAVENGING A LOCATION AD When you are involved in a minor conflict (one caused by Blue
Threats, or Green at most) and you just want to resolve it with one
When you spend some time looting a location that may contain
roll, ROLL(2D6) + (PHYSICAL, MENTAL or SOCIAL) depending of
some useful stuff, ROLL(2D6). Apply the reverse level of your
the nature of the conflict.
Scraps trait as a modifier to the roll. Regardless the result, once the
place has been looted, you can’t use this Action again in it. 10+: You defeat the Threat. Go on.
12+: Whoa, what a place! Keep this secret or every scavenger 7 - 9: You defeat the Threat, but you must choose one option:
around will try to get you! +3 AR o This should have been easier, shouldn’t it? You’re
10-11: This place was kinda stacked…until now, at least, +2 AR. disheartened and suffer a -2 in your next ROLL for the
Initializing conflict scene Action.
7-9: You find one or two useful pieces. +1 AR.
o Just a flesh wound. You suffer 1 damage.
6+: Something came here first, and only left junk. Of the totally
useless variety. +0 AR. o What part of “speed’ in “speedrun’ you didn’t get? Check a
failure countdown box in your active quest.
Special: if you roll doubles in the dice, in addition of any result,
activate the Suddenly… Action, rolling in the A column of Table: 6-: As 7 – 9, but you must choose two options.
Events - General.
SOLVE A TRICKY SITUATION When you have no clue of what to do or what should happen, make
When you do something that doesn’t imply immediate danger but a TEST (A-C) and a ROLL (1d10) in the
whose result is in question, ROLL(2D6) + (PHYSICAL, MENTAL or Table:Events.General_Events and elaborate from that. Or you
SOCIAL) depending on the nature of the situation. may just roll in one specific column of that table, if you want.
Alternatively, use the Table:Events.Team_Events table if you’re
12+: You do it even better than expected! Go you!
playing in a Five Member Team game (or want to apply its intra- 10+: Good ending. Everything ends as well as possible, even if
party relationship rules in your game), or in the there may be some excuse for a sequel (or some sad feelings for
Table:Events.Faction_Events if you want an event that involves those Quests you failed…if there were any!),
some of the game’s Factions. 7-9: Neutral ending. Your failures in the road tarnish your
victory, so you can treat it as a bittersweet ending (more bitter than
TAKE A LONG REST sweet if the Plot has two or three failed Quests!).
When you want to recover plenty of HPs and you have equally 6-: Bad ending. If you get this result because you failed four
plenty of time to spare, choose an option (in both cases, a Bond may Quests…well, this is a real downer ending: you haven’t achieved
be with you during your rest): anything, and even your possible wins were turned into losses at
o Natural healing: you’re just resting. the end. In other cases, it’s still a downer ending, but there’s still
something good left.
o Professional help: you’re being treated by professionals.
Then, ROLL(2D6). You suffer a -1 to the roll if you’re resorting
to Natural healing; on the other hand, you also apply +ATTITUDE if
a Bond is with you (for both options). At the end of a chapter and just before beginning the next one,
recover all your HPs. You also stop suffering all penalties to rolls
10+: You recover 6 HPs. Also, if there was a Bond involved, that caused by Action consequences, regardless its origin or duration.
Bond gets +1 AR. Finally, every Wounded NPC who also rests can Finally, all Wounded and KO NPCs eliminate these conditions.
eliminate that condition.
7 - 9: You recover 4 HPs. Also, one Wounded NPC (you choose)
who also rests can eliminate that condition.
Once per chapter, when you train or study to add a new use to a
6-: You recover 2 HPs. Power Quirk, a new spell to a Spellcasting Quirk or a new
Regardless the selected option, you can’t use this Action again Technique to a Combat Style Quirk, ROLL(2D6) + SPIRIT.
until you use the To be continued Action. 10+: You add two progress to that new trick.
7 - 9: You add one progress to that new trick.
TAKE A SHORT REST 6-: You add no progress. +2 to your next roll with this Action.
When you want to recover some HPs and you’re not pressed by
more urgent matters, take one option:
o Just a breather: you expend just some moments to take a
breath. Once per chapter, when you spent a scene preparing for a specific
conflict, ROLL(2d6) + (PHYSICAL, MENTAL or SOCIAL) depending
o Slices of life: you spend some time taking out a relaxing on your approach. You suffer a -2 if you just know the general
activity, alone or in the company of a Bond. nature of the conflict, but not the details.
Then, ROLL(2D6). You suffer a -1 to the roll if it’s Just a 10+: When that conflict comes, you would have two free rerolls
breather; on the other hand, you apply +ATTITUDE if it’s a Slices of for ROLL(2d6) based on your Stats; you can keep the better of the
life and a Bond is involved. two results.
10+: You recover 3 HPs. Also, if the there was a Bond involved in 7 - 9: As in 10+, but you only get one reroll.
a Slices of life, that Bond gets +1 AR. Finally, if the Slices of life was
based one of your Hobbies, you can choose a) get a +2 for your next 6-: As in 10+, but you only get one reroll and must keep the
Pursuit personal interest for improving your mastery at that Hobby, second result, even if it’s worse.
or b) add +1 progress to a Collection based on that Hobby, if 2-: You don’t get any reroll, and you are disheartened (-2 to the
applicable. Initializing conflict scene) when that specific conflict starts.
7 - 9: You recover 2 HPs.
6-: You recover 1 HP. WHO’S UNDER THE MASK? TEM
Regardless the selection option, you can’t use this When the band reaches the ‘great reveal’ moment, make the
Action again until you use the Take a long rest or To be continued following TEST(A-E) to answer the question Who’s under the mask?
Actions. A. It’s one unsympathetic or hostile NPC they met during their
investigations, as expected.
THE END…OR IS IT? B. It’s a nameless (and eager-to-confess) goon working for an
When you finish a Plot, ROLL(2D6) (+3 if you failed one Quest, +1 unsympathetic or hostile NPC
if you failed 2 and -1 if you failed three). If you have failed no C. It’s an allegedly neutral or cordial NPC, because all was just a
Quests, then just apply the 10+ result, and if you must activate this façade
Action because you have failed your fourth Quest, then just apply
the 6- one. D. It’s an allegedly neutral or cordial NPC, who had a good cause
(or, at least, a not-really-bad cause) to act that way
E. Mask? What mask? It’s the real thing!!!
When two characters have a heated argument, ROLL(2d6) + When two characters have a polite conversation, ROLL(2d6) +
12+: Why were you discussing, now? It seems that was just a silly 10+: The characters found common ground that improves their
misunderstanding and now you can laugh about it! +1 AR. relationship. +1 AR.
10+: The characters agree to disagree, which is not a bad result 7 – 9: An interesting conversation, and characters take note.
at all. They’ll get a +1 bonus to their next Attitude roll related to A
7 – 9: Officially, there’re no grudges. In practice, make a TEST(A- moment of intimacy, A heated argument or A polite conversation.
C) 6-: At some moment, the “politeness’ is left aside. Make a TEST(A-
(A) The argument has been postponed, not forgotten. They’ll get C)
a -1 penalty to their next Attitude roll related to A moment of (A) Nah, all is good. Let’s agree to disagree.
intimacy, A heated argument or A polite conversation. (B) Officially, there’re no grudges. In practice, -1 penalty to their
(B) There’re some hidden grudges. -1 AR. next Attitude roll related to A moment of intimacy, A heated
(C) Sometimes, theory and practice go hand in hand, and this’s argument or A polite conversation
one of those times! There are no further consequences. (C) Some hurtful words are used at some moment. -1 AR.
6-: At some moment, the argument escalates from “heated’ to
(A) Luckily, they stop before there’s too much damage. -2 AR. When you ask an NPC for something that’s within the limits of the
(B) Some words that shouldn’t be spoken are…well, guess it. The reasonable, and that NPC has reasons to answer anything different
Attitude trait is Stressed; if already Stressed, make an that “hahaha…no’, ROLL(2D6) + ATTITUDE.
immediate Update relationship Action. 10+: The NPC accepts and will only require a small favor in
(C) There’re plenty of grudges here and sore feelings! Both return, if any.
characters suffer a -2 penalty to Attitude in all their mutual 7 - 9: The NPC accepts but will ask a similar favor in the future.
rolls related to A moment of intimacy, A heated argument or A 6-: The NPC rejects: being this a “hahaha…no’, a “you’re asking
polite conversation until you take the To be continued Action. too much!’ or a “I would like to do it, but I can’t’ situation will depend
(D) The ugliness may be contagious. As (C), but the penalty is -1 on the nature of the favor asked and on your relationship with that
and applies even when only one of these characters is NPC.
A MOMENT OF INTIMACY After making an Action and rolling the dice, you may appeal to one
When two characters have a moment of intimacy (which includes non-Stressed Bond to reroll them, using the second result; you can
just having a hearty conversation), ROLL(2d6) + ATTITUDE. only use this Action once for each roll. In addition to the usual
12+: If one of the following cases applies, follow it. If not, go to effects of the original Action, apply the following ones depending
the 10+ result. on the final result:
o If the characters are in a romance, they have a special 12+: Your Bond not only helped, but it grows stronger! +1 AR.
moment. +3 AR (which already includes the +1 bonus for You may call again that Bond in the same scene.
being in a romance). 10+: You may call again that Bond in the same scene.
o If both have already a crush on each other, they may 7 - 9: Your Bond probably has helped this time, but it won’t do it
automatically start a romance if they’re both NPCs! again for a while. You can’t call this Bond again in the same scene.
o If the Attitude level is +2, one of the characters acquires a 6-: Your Bond has failed you, or your feelings have failed the
crush on the other. If already had a crush, that NPC may even Bond. It doesn’t matter, what matters is that the Bond suffers -1 AR,
use the Start romance Action, just now! and you can’t call it again in the same scene.
10+: The characters both a) connect with each other (+1 AR), and Special: If the natural result in the reroll is a ‘9’ or a ‘4’, then doubts
b) get a +1 bonus to their next Attitude roll related to A moment of creep in (even if just for a moment): the Bond suffers -1 AR, in
intimacy, A heated argument or A polite conversation. addition to any other effect (which could lead to a total -2, if the
7 – 9: As 10+, but only one of the two results; make a Test(A-B) result of the reroll is 6-) and you can’t call it again in the same scene.
to select it.
6-: Something happens that spoil the moment. Make a TEST(A- CREATE BOND
D) During a dialogue with an NPC with an Attitude +1 or better (and
(A) Another character of the team accidently interrupts the not Stressed), you can try to turn that NPC into a Bond as a special
moment. -1 penalty to the next Attitude roll for that dialogue option. Make ROLL(2d6) + ATTITUDE.
character related A moment of intimacy, A heated argument 10+: The NPC accepts, and now is one of your Bonds.
or A polite conversation with each of the other two 7 - 9: There’s something, but it’s still too soon. The NPC asks you
characters. for more time, and you can’t try again this Action with that NPC
(B) One of the two characters says the wrong words or does the until the next chapter. When you do that, on the other hand, you get
wrong thing. -1 AR. a +2 to the ROLL(2d6).
(C) Something urgent catches the attention of everyone! 6-: The NPC rejects, and you can’t try again this Action again with
Activate the Suddenly Action, with a ROLL(1d10) in the C that NPC until you next chapter. Also, that NPC suffers -1 AR.
column (or E, if the two characters were afar from the rest).
(D) Unexpected circumstances make the moment ends, but BREAK BOND
without any ill effect. During a dialogue with one for your Bonds, you can try to end the
relationship in good terms. Set the AR to +0 if it was higher than
that, eliminate the Pleased condition if it had it, and ROLL(2D6) + 7 - 9: Randomly select one column from the NPC Moods table and
ATTITUDE. two different Moods from it. The NPC has one of those two Moods,
10+: The NPC isn’t your Bond anymore, but the break-up is as but you won’t know which one until you have played your first
un-stressful as it can be. Tone card.
7 - 9: As in 10+, but there’re some hurt feelings: until the end of 3 - 6: You just get a general idea of how good or crappy is the
the chapter, you can’t improve the AR with that NPC. NPC Mood: roll for the column, but don’t roll for the row until you
have played you first Tone card.
6-: A bad breakup: the NPC isn’t your Bond anymore, and the
Attitude is one level lower. If it already had a -2 level, then you keep 2-: Nope, you read nothing. Don’t roll for the Mood until you have
that value, but the NPC will totally hate your guts! played your first Tone card.
before rolling the dice. If you do this, treat a final 7 – 9 result as a
ACTIVATE POWER/SPELL 10+. If you get a 6- result, on the other hand, you’ll suffer two bad
When you’re trying an Action that involves using your consequences instead of just one, so you’ll have to make the
supernatural Quirk, check the following cases: corresponding TEST twice.
o A Routine use you already know, or a Routine spell: You
simple do it as good or as bad as determined by the USE COMBAT TECHNIQUE
corresponding Action roll. During a conflict, when you use an applicable Combat Technique in
o A Challenging use you already know, an improvised Routine combination with an Action (being one among Fight for victory,
use or a Challenging spell: Add the following effect to getting Improve the odds, Face a dangerous situation, and Not yet!), the
6- result with that Action (which automatically applies in latter will have the following additional effects based on your
addition to any other ill effect): you overstress your Quirk. result:
You suffer a -1 penalty (accumulative) to all rolls for Actions 10+: You get a +1 to your next roll based on your Stats and you
which involve the use of your Quirk at a Challenging or At your can keep using the Technique.
limit levels. You can eliminate all those penalties when you get
take the Take a short rest, Take a long rest or To be continued 7 – 9: You get nothing, but you can keep using the Technique.
Actions. 6-: You get nothing, and you can’t use the Technique again in
o An At your limit use or spell: As the previous case, but also this conflict.
applies for a 7 – 9 result. If it was an improvised use, you also
strain yourself and suffer 1 damage. USE TALENT
When you’re making a ROLL(2D6) for an Action based on one of
ULTIMATE ATTACK! your Talent Quirks, you can add a +1 to the result after rolling the
Once per conflict, when using the Fight for victory Action against a dice. You can’t use the same Talent Quirk again (even if that specific
Threat which only has 1 HP point left, and with a Maximum Tension Talent can be applied to different Actions) until you use the Take a
level, you can activate the Ultimate Technique of your Combat Style long rest or the To be continued Actions.
6-: Okay, this is escalating. Make a TEST(A-C) 6-: Uh-uh, things didn’t go well. Make a TEST(A-C)
(A) Some lines in the sand are drawn. -2 AR. (A) Yeah, let’s not talk about this again. No consequences.
(B) Officially, it’s all smiles and pats on the back. In practice, -1
(B) Sabre-rattling time! The Attitude trait is Stressed; if already
penalty to their next Attitude roll related to For the mutual
Stressed, make an immediate Update relationship Action.
benefit, Entente cordiale and Butting heads Actions.
(C) The ugliness may be contagious. As (B), both Factions get a -1
penalty to their next Attitude roll related to For the mutual (C) Relationship is strained. -1 AR.
benefit, Entente cordiale and Butting heads Actions…even if
it’s with a Faction that was not involved in all the mess! FACE A WORRYING CRISIS
DEAL WITH DAY-TO-DAY PROBLEMS When you’re facing an important crisis regarding your Big Project,
ROLL(2D6) + its more fitting trait for that situation.
When you’re facing some potential headache-inducing (but still
minor) situation regarding your Big Project, ROLL(2D6) + its more 10+: The crisis is averted. Maybe not flawlessly, but the Big
fitting trait for that situation. Project assumes every possible loss or damage as a ‘business as
usual’ matter.
10+: Everything works as designed, so the situation is solved
without any lasting effect. 7 – 9: The crisis puts you in danger. Go to the Deal with a fine
mess Action. The Big Project resources have been stressed, on the
7 – 9: This is going to require some work from you. Go to the
other hand, so you suffer a -1 penalty to your next roll with the
Solve a tricky situation Action. Once you overcome it, the
used trait you the next time you use the Face a worrying crisis
situation finishes, with no additional consequences.
with it.
6-: The crisis puts you in danger. You must start a Conflict; it 10+: Great experience. Will buy again. The Factions both a)
shouldn’t be an easy one, so assume it comes with a Yellow (if not strengthen ties (+1 AR), and b) get a +1 bonus to their next Attitude
higher) Threat. Once (if) you overcome it, the crisis finishes. The roll related to For the mutual benefit, Entente cordiale and Butting
Big Project has been damaged, on the other hand, so you suffer a heads Actions.
-1 penalty to your all your rolls based on the used trait. This 7 – 9: An enriching experience. As 10+, but only one of the two
penalty as accumulative, and only disappears when you add results; make a Test(A-B) to select it.
progress to any trait of the Project; reduce the obtained progress
by 1 (which erases the whole penalty even if was worse than -1). 6-: Unexpected turn of events. Make a TEST(A-C)
Special. If more than one trait is suffering a penalty for a 6- (A) The enterprise or conversations end up being a fiasco. -1 AR.
result, you must select which one recovers from it when you add (B) Something urgent catches the attention of one of the Factions
progress. (or maybe both). Make a TEST(B-C) and ROLL(1d10) in the
corresponding column in Table: Events - Factions).
FOR THE MUTUAL BENEFIT (C) Sometimes you win, sometimes you lose. There’re no further
When two Factions have a chance to work together in a relevant consequences.
enterprise, or start conversations to strengthen ties, ROLL(2d6) +
When your vehicle reaches 0 HPs, or when it’s at 0 HPs and suffers During a vehicle conflict, when you want to cause damage to a
further damage, ROLL(2d6) + ENDURANCE. Threat which is within your reach, ROLL(2d6) + POWER.
10+: The vehicle keeps fighting! 12+: If the Threat is Blue, your vehicle does 1 damage to it; what
7 - 9: The vehicle keeps fighting, but its Endurance is stressed, do you do? If not, apply the 10+ result.
suffering a -1 to all rolls for that Stat (or -2, if Endurance was 10+: Raise the Tension one level, or if it was already Extreme,
already stressed). your vehicle causes 1 damage to the Threat. What do you do?
6-: Go to the Defeat or Sacrifice? Action to see what happens now. 7 - 9: As 10+, but also make a TEST(A-D):
It won’t be pretty. In this case, you can sacrifice the vehicle and save
the crew…or you can just invoke a ‘Rock falls, everyone dies’ (A) The Threat goes out of reach. What do you do?
moment and finish the game this way...with the option of restarting (B) The Threat causes damage to your vehicle (based on the
the level, of course! Tension level before raising it). What do you do?
(C) The Threat puts your vehicle in danger. Go to the Defensive
During a space conflict, when you’re prompted to use this Action, (D) Your vehicle is being predictable, suffering a -1 to Power
ROLL(2d6) + MANEUVER rolls for the Fire! Action (or -2 if it were already predictable).
10+: Your vehicle evades the danger. What do you do? What do you do?
7 - 9: You deal with the situation…but not flawlessly. Make a 6-: Make the same TEST as described for 7 – 9. If you get the B
TEST(A-D) and apply the result. result, then add +1 to the damage suffered by your vehicle. If you
get any other result, apply it and, in addition, apply the B result
(A) The Threat goes out of reach. What do you do? (without the +1 to damage).
(B) Your vehicle maneuver systems are getting stressed,
suffering -1 to Maneuver rolls (or -2 if this Stat was already
stressed). What do you do?
When the Threat is at 0 HPs and your use this Action, narrate how
(C) Your vehicle is being predictable, suffering a -1 to Power you victoriously finish the vehicle conflict.
rolls for the Fire! Action (or -2 if it were already predictable).
What do you do?
(D) The Threat causes damage to your vehicle. What do you
do? If you keep your vehicle in a properly equipped and handled repair
bay for the required time, ROLL(2d6) + ENDURANCE. If you have
6-: The vehicle is still in danger. Make the same TEST that for 7 – the time but not the means so you just can make some jury-rigging,
9, but repeat this Action. just apply the 6- result. You can’t use again this Action until you
have taken the To be continued Action.
DISENGANGE! 10+: The vehicle recovers 6 HPs.
If a vehicle conflict is turning ugly and you want to escape it, 7 - 9: The vehicle recovers 4 HPs.
6-: The vehicle recovers 2 HPs.
10+: The vehicle escapes. Nevertheless, you (or the full crew!)
feel disheartened and suffer a -2 in your next ROLL for the Start
vehicle conflict. START VEHICLE CONFLICT
7 - 9: As in 10+, but you must choose one option: At the beginning of a vehicle conflict, ROLL(2d6), -2 if your side has
been taken by surprise, +2 if the Threat is surprised, or +0 in any
o Threat causes you damage to your vehicle. other case.
o This will have consequences. Check a failure countdown 10+: Your vehicle gets a free reroll during this conflict (see
box in your active quest. Troubles are coming Action; this reroll lets you keep the better
6-: The Threat has your tail! Your vehicle is still in the conflict. Go result). What do you do?
to the Defensive maneuver. 7 - 9: No one has been caught flatfooted, so the conflict just starts.
What do you do?
6-: Your vehicle has been caught flatfooted. Make a TEST(A-E).
(A) The Threat start the conflict out of reach. What do you do? o Your vehicle stops being predictable and stressed (in all its
(B) The Threat puts your vehicle in danger. Go to the Defensive versions).
maneuver Action. o Your vehicle gets a +2 for its next Stat roll.
(C) Your vehicle is being predictable, suffering a -1 to Power 7 - 9: You choose one of the options for 10+, but make a TEST(A-
rolls for the Fire! Action. What do you do? D):
(D) Your vehicle suffers a -1 in its next roll based on any of its (A) The Threat goes out of reach. What do you do?
Stats in this conflict. What do you do? (B) The Threat causes damage to your vehicle. What do you do?
(E) Threat causes your vehicle 1 damage. What do you do? (C) The Threat puts your vehicle in danger. Go to the Defensive
maneuver Action.
TACTICAL MANEUVER (D) Your vehicle general systems are getting stressed, suffering -
During a vehicle conflict, when you want to carry out some 1 to Systems rolls (or -2 if this Stat was already stressed) . What
maneuver to improve your odds, ROLL(2d6) + SYSTEMS. do you do?
10+: Choose one of the following options. What do you? 6-: Make the same TEST as described for 7 – 9, with no benefit.
o The Threat is now within reach.
Is the atmosphere breathable? (B) For some reasons, one random (but logical) Faction doesn’t
like you meddling in this. Use the first option in the [NPC]
Is there an intense geological activity? disapproves that! Action.
Is there an intense climatic activity? (C) Did it really take so long? Check a failure countdown box in
Are there signs of mineral/energy riches? your active quest.
Are there signs of life? 6-: You’re still in the dark, and there are also consequences.
Make a TEST (A-D)
Is it intelligent life?
(A) Space is a dangerous place, isn’t it. Go to the Face space peril (C) For some reasons, one random (but logical) Faction doesn’t
Action. like you meddling in all. Use the second option in the
(B) Your ship has been a sitting duck for too long. Create a new [NPC] disapproves that! Action.
vehicle Threat (or use an already existing one, if it fits) and (D) What a waste of precious time. Check a failure countdown
enter in a vehicle conflict with it at this very moment. box in your active quest.
10+: Your army successfully counter the enemy maneuver. What
ATTACK! do you do?
During a mass battle, when you want to cause damage to a Threat,
ROLL(2d6) + MIGHT. 7 - 9: Your army deal with the situation…but not flawlessly. Make
a TEST(A-D) and apply the result.
12+: If the Threat is Blue, your army does 1 damage to it; what
do you do? If not, apply the 10+ result. (A) You’re put on a tight spot. Go to the Deal with a fine mess
Action (which cannot escalate to a full conflict).
10+: Raise the Tension one level, or if it was already Extreme,
your army causes 1 damage to the Threat. What do you do? (B) Your army is shaken, suffering -1 to Discipline rolls (or -2 if
it was already shaken). What do you do?
7 - 9: As 10+, but also make a TEST(A-D):
(C) Your army is being predictable, suffering a -1 to Might rolls
(A) You’re put on a tight spot. Go to the Deal with a fine mess for the Attack! Action (or -2 if it were already predictable).
Action (which cannot escalate to a full conflict). What do you do?
(B) The Threat causes damage to your army (based on the (D) The Threat causes damage to your army. What do you do?
Tension level before raising it). What do you do?
6-: Your army is still in danger. Make the same TEST that for 7 –
(C) The Threat maneuvers and endanger your army. Go to the 9, but repeat this Action.
Keep the lines! Action.
(D) Your army is being predictable, suffering a -1 to Power rolls RALLY
for the Attack! Action (or -2 if it were already predictable). When your army reaches 0 HPs, or when it’s at 0 HPs and suffers
What do you do? further damage, ROLL(2d6) + DISCPLINE.
6-: Make the same TEST as described for 7 – 9. If you get the B 10+: The army keeps fighting!
result, then add +1 to the damage suffered by your army. If you get 7 - 9: The army keeps fighting, but it’s shaken, suffering a -1 to all
any other result, apply it and, in addition, apply the B result rolls for that Stat (or -2 if was already shaken).
(without the +1 to damage).
6-: Go to the Defeat or Sacrifice? Action to see what happens now.
BATTLEFIELD TACTICS Expect plenty of blood being involved. You can choose to sacrifice
During a mass battle, when you want to employ some battlefield your whole army but escape alive, with other important NPCs (but
tactics to improve your odds, ROLL(2d6) + DRILL. this would be an excellent moment to play some heroic sacrifice by
some of the former to save the rest), or you can play it as a heroic
10+: Choose one of the following options. What do you? but hopeless last stand with no survivors and finish the game this
o Your army stops being predictable, shaken and fatigued. way...with the option of restarting the level, of course!
o Your army gets a +2 for its next Stat roll.
7 - 9: You choose one of the options for 10+, but make a TEST(A- If a battle is turning ugly for your side and you want to sound
D): retreat, ROLL(2D6) + DISCIPLINE.
(A) You’re put on a tight spot. Go to the Deal with a fine mess 10+: Your army orderly retreats. Nevertheless, you (and all
Action (which cannot escalate to a full conflict). under your command!) feel disheartened and suffer a -2 in your
(B) The Threat causes damage to your army. What do you do? next ROLL for the Start Mass Battle Action.
(C) The Threat maneuvers and endanger your army. Go to the 7 - 9: As in 10+, but you must choose one option:
Keep the lines! Action. o Threat causes damage to your army, which may you force
(D) Your army is getting fatigued, suffering -1 to Drill rolls (or -2 you use the Rally Action as usual.
if it was already fatigued). What do you do? o This will have consequences. Check a failure countdown
6-: Make the same TEST as described for 7 – 9, with no benefit. box in your active quest.
6-: The Threat pursues your army! The battle goes on. Go to the
CRY HAVOC Keep the lines! Action.
When the Threat is at 0 HPs and your use this Action, narrate how
you victoriously finish the battle. REFRESHING TROOPS
If you station your army in your homebase (or a friendly one)
DRILL EXERCISE where then get time to rest, replace casualties, etc., ROLL(2d6). If
When you spent a scene preparing for some specific mass combat, you have the time but not the means, just apply the 6- result. You
ROLL(2d6) + DRILL. You can’t use this Action again until you use can’t use again this Action until you have taken the To be continued
the To be continued Action. Action.
10+: When that mass combat comes, you would have two free 10+: The army recovers 6 HPs.
rerolls; you can keep the better of the two results. 7 - 9: The army recovers 4 HPs.
7 - 9: As in 10+, but you only get one reroll. 6-: The army recovers 2 HPs
6-: As in 10+, but you only get one reroll and must keep the
second result, even if it’s worse. START MASS BATTLE
At the beginning of a mass combat, ROLL(2d6), -2 if your army has
KEEP THE LINES! been taken by surprise, +2 if the Threat is surprised, or +0 in any
During a mass battle, when you’re prompted to use this Action, other case.
10+: Your army gets a free reroll during this conflict (see (B) The Threat maneuvers and endanger your army. Go to the
Troubles are coming Action; this reroll lets you keep the better Keep the lines! Action.
result). What do you do? (C) Your army is being predictable, suffering a -1 to Might rolls
7 - 9: Battle starts as normal. What do you do? for the Attack! Action. What do you do?
6-: Your army has been caught flatfooted. Make a TEST(A-E). (D) Your army suffers a -1 in its next roll based on any of its
Stats in this conflict. What do you do?
(A) You’re put on a tight spot. Go to the Deal with a fine mess
Action (which cannot escalate to a full conflict). (E) Threat causes your army 1 damage. What do you do?
The NPC just wants to The NPC brings some The NPC wants to The NPC has a petition / The NPC brings an
say ‘Hi!’ news. remind you something. demand. opportunity.
1-2 3-4 5-6 7-8 9-10
1 Angry Bored Chatty Diplomatic Caring
2 Arrogant Dubitative Gossipy Bold Charming
3 Defiant Nitpicking Impatient Clueless Empathic
4 Egotist Overwhelmed Ironic Dreamy Excited
5 Envious Proud Negotiator Fair Happy
6 Fastidious Sarcastic Self-absorbed Humble Helpful
7 Grumpy Scared Sleepy Inquisitive Pacific
8 Harsh Skeptical Somber Jokey Patient
9 Sad Startled Strict Pleased Placative
10 Suspicious Stubborn Tired Pragmatic Sympathetic
Angry. -1 to every tone until getting a Empathic. +1 Sad & +1 Worried for all the
Flirting, Happy, Helpful, Romantic, or Dialogue.
Satisfaction reaction.
Envious. -1 Friendly & Restrict Charming for
Arrogant. -1 Rude & Restrict Charming until all the Dialogue.
getting a Flirting, Happy, Helpful, Romantic,
or Satisfaction reaction. Excited. Shift all Somewhat positive
reactions to Positive, and all Somewhat
Bold. -1 Aggressive & -1 Rude for all the negative reactions to Negative for all the
Dialogue. Dialogue.
Bored. -1 Charming & Restrict Surprised Fair. This mood doesn’t give any effects. It’s
until getting a Flirting, Romantic or fair!
Surprised reaction.
Fastidious. -1 Sad & -1 Worried until getting
Caring. +1 Sad & +1 Worried until getting a a Sad or Worried reaction.
Furious, Hostile, or Rude reaction.
Gossipy. +1 Questioning & Reshuffle
Charming. +1 Charming & +1 Flirting & +1 Questioning for all the Dialogue.
Romantic until getting a Furious, Hostile,
Reject, or Rude reaction. Grumpy. -1 to all tones until getting a
Flirting, Happy, Helpful, Romantic, or
Chatty. +1 Questioning & +1 Surprised for Satisfaction reaction.
all the Dialogue.
Happy. +1 to all tones until getting a
Clueless. +1 Worried & Restrict Questioning Furious, Hostile, Reject, Rude, Sad, or
for all the Dialogue. Worried reaction.
Defiant. -1 Rude & Restrict Friendly for all Harsh. -1 to all tones for the rest of the
the Dialogue. Dialogue after getting a Disagreement,
Furious, Hostile, Reject, or Rude reaction.
Diplomatic. Shift all Somewhat negative
reactions to Somewhat positive until getting Helpful. +1 Sad & +1 Worried until getting a
a Furious, Hostile, or Rude reaction. Furious, Hostile, or Rude reaction.
Dreamy. +1 Friendly & +1 Charming until Humble. +1 to all tones in the first exchange
getting a Furious, Hostile, Reject, Rude, Sad, of the dialogue.
or Worried reaction.
Impatient. -1 to all tones in the second and
Dubitative. -1 Charming & +1 Questioning third Exchange.
for all the Dialogue.
Inquisitive. +1 Questioning for all the
Egotist. -1 Worried & Restrict Sad for all the Dialogue.
Ironic: -1 for all tones until getting a Sarcastic. -1 for all tones until getting a
Furious, Hostile, or Rude reaction. Flirting, Happy, Helpful, Romantic, or
Satisfaction reaction.
Jokey. +1 Humorous & Reshuffle Humorous
for all the Dialogue. Scared. +1 Worried & Reshuffle Worried for
all the Dialogue.
Negotiator. For all the Dialogue, -1 to every
tone in the next Exchange after getting a Self-absorbed. -1 Sad & Restrict Worried
Negative reaction & +1 to every tone in the until getting a Sad, Surprised, or Worried
next Exchange after getting a Positive reaction.
Skeptical. -1 to all tones in the first
Nitpicking. Shift all Somewhat positive exchange of the dialogue.
reactions in the Dialogue to Somewhat
negative. Sleepy. -1 Questioning & Restrict Surprised
for all the Dialogue.
Overwhelmed. +1 Rude & +1 Aggressive for
all the Dialogue. Somber. +1 Worried & Restrict Humorous
for all the Dialogue.
Pacific. +1 Rude & restrict Aggressive for all
the Dialogue. Startled. +1 Surprised for all the Dialogue &
Reshuffle Surprised.
Patient. Shift all Negative reactions to
Somewhat negative for all the Dialogue. Strict. Shift all Somewhat negative reactions
to Negative for all the Dialogue.
Placative. +1 Aggressive & +1 Rude until
getting a Furious, Hostile, or Rude reaction. Stubborn. -1 to all tones until the end of the
Dialogue after getting a Disagreement,
Pleased. +1 to all tones until getting a Furious, Hostile, or Rude reaction.
Disagreement, Furious, Hostile, Reject, Rude,
Sad, or Worried reaction. Suspicious. In the first exchange of the
Dialogue, shift a Somewhat positive reaction
Pragmatic. Shift the first Positive reaction to Somewhat negative, and a Positive
during the dialogue to Somewhat positive, reaction to Somewhat positive.
and the first Negative reaction to Somewhat
negative. Sympathetic. +1 Friendly & Reshuffle
Friendly until getting a Furious, Hostile, or
Proud. -1 to every tone for the rest of the Rude reaction.
Dialogue after getting a Disagreement,
Furious, Hostile, Reject, or Rude reaction. Tired. Automatically ends the Dialogue after
the second Exchange.
Sad. +1 Sad & Restrict Humorous until
getting a Flirting, Happy, Romantic, or
Satisfaction reaction.
(A-E) -2 -1 0 +1 +2
A Positive Positive Positive Positive Positive
B Somewhat positive Somewhat positive Somewhat positive Somewhat positive Positive
C Somewhat negative Somewhat negative Somewhat positive Somewhat positive Somewhat positive
D Negative Somewhat negative Somewhat negative Somewhat negative Somewhat negative
E Negative Negative Negative Negative Negative
TONE -2 -1, 0 +1, +2
Blood sibling: This is one of those Loyalty: The NPC would follow their
+2 Intimate: Like two peas in a pod!
friendships that stands the test of time! Captain to hell and back!
Buddy: The NPC is one friend you’ll fondly Friendship: The NPC appreciates their
+1 Close: Trusted allies, real friends, or both.
remember in your adulthood. Captain at a personal level.
Amiable: There is respect and comradery, Pal: Yes, you’re friends. And that’s Respect: The NPC respects their Captain,
+0 but not a real friendship. something, isn’t it? both the rank and the person holding it.
Tense friendship: You probably spent
Dissent: The NPC respects their Captain’s
-1 Cold: Professional relationship, period. most of your time butting heads, but at
position, but often disagrees with them.
least it’s in a friendly way. For now.
Resentment: At this point NPC doesn’t
Soured friendship: Something has gone
Tense: Plenty of butting heads…and not in feel comfortable being part of the crew.
-2 the ‘vitriolic best buddies’ style.
wrong with you two, and if you don’t do
Maybe is thinking about asking for a
something soon, it’s gonna end badly.
Ally: The Faction consider you Paragon: The Faction use you Veneration: People sees you Allies: The Factions have
+2 as ‘one of them’, even if not an as an example to the other as the best leader they could strong ties, so upsetting one is
official member. members! get! upsetting the other!
Trusted: The Faction likes to Cordiality: The Factions are
Valued member: The Faction Satisfaction: People sees you
+1 work with you, as they see you
is satisfied with your work. as a worthy leader.
used to work together and
as dependable. trust each other. Kinda.
Just business: The Factions
Neutral: The Faction doesn’t Under test: You still must Acceptance: Yep, you saved
are polite enough to work
have reasons to trust or prove yourself, or maybe our Realm from a BBEG, but
+0 distrust you, so it’ll always be a you’re a case of ‘sometimes an what have you done for us
together when required, and
mostly ignore each other in
‘just business’ thing with them. asset, sometimes a hindrance’. lately?
other case.
Distrusted: The Faction Lacking: The Faction finds
Lacking: There’s some Animosity: The Factions
-1 doesn’t like working with you your performance quite
disquiet among your people. rarely see eye to eye…if ever.
too much, due to past offenses. underwhelming.
Despised: The Faction thinks
Enemies: The two Factions
that you’re scum, and only the Foot out the door: At this Revolt: Would-be usurpers
are this close to go to each
-2 direst of the circumstances (or point, the Faction is seriously are talking, and people is
other’s throat…if they’re not
the biggest pay to look away) thinking about kicking you out. listening.
doing that already!
could compensate that.
(d6) (d6) (d12) (d10)
A 1-3 1-2 1-3 1-2
B 4-6 3-4 4-6 3-4
C - 5-6 6-9 5-6
D - - 10-12 7-8
E - - - 9-10
I 1-6 - - 1-6 - -
II 1-3 4-6 - 1-3 4-6 -
III 1-2 3-4 5-6 1-2 3-4 5-6
Nope! Hardly Doubtful 50/50 Probably Expected Surely!
1 No, and… No, and… No, and… No, and… No, and… No Yes, but…
2 No, and… No, and… No No No No, but… Yes, but…
3 No, and… No No No No No, but… Yes
4 No No No No No, but… Yes, but… Yes
5 No No No No, but… No, but… Yes, but… Yes
6 No No No, but… No, but… Yes, but… Yes, but… Yes
7 No No, but… No, but… Yes, but… Yes, but… Yes Yes
8 No No, but… Yes, but… Yes, but… Yes Yes Yes
9 No No, but… Yes, but… Yes Yes Yes Yes
10 No Yes, but… Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes, and..
11 No, but… Yes, but… Yes Yes Yes Yes, and.. Yes, and..
12 No, but… Yes Yes, and.. Yes, and.. Yes, and.. Yes, and.. Yes, and..
TYPE AR Pleased Stressed
TYPE AR Pleased Stressed
TYPE AR Pleased Stressed
TYPE AR Pleased Stressed
Phy: Men: Phy: Men: Phy: Men: Phy: Men:+2 Phy:+2 Men:
Soc: Spi:+2 Soc: Spi:+2 Soc:+2 Spi:+1 Soc: Spi:+1 Soc: Spi:+1
Pleased Stressed Pleased Stressed Pleased Stressed Pleased Stressed
Pleased Stressed Pleased Stressed Pleased Stressed
Pleased Stressed Pleased Stressed
If not Wounded, once per conflict where the Leader is present, another team
Leader* member may repeat one ROLL for an Action involving that character STATs Pleased Stressed
(that’s once for the team as a whole, not once for each member).
If not Wounded, when you ask the Lancer to make a Fight for victory Action in M8B(+) LEVEL* AR*
your place, the roll gets a +1.
Yes, and +2/+2/+2 +2/+0/+0
If not Wounded and present when using a Take a short rest based on an slices Yes +2/+1/+1 +0/+1/+0
of life scene, you increase by 1 the number of recovered HPs. Yes, but +1/+1/+0 +1/-2/+2
If not Wounded at the start of any conflict, the team automatically gets one No, but +1/+0/-1 -2/+0/-2
Brain free reroll when doing the Initialize conflict scene (in addition to any other No +0/-1/-1 +0/+0/-2
result). No, and -1/-1/-2 +0/-2/0
Can be Wounded twice before being KO’ed, so they can Take one for the team * Values for Cohesive / Default / Dysfunctional team
if they’ve been Wounded only once.
* Only available as an NPC.
Alternate color
Surely! Yes, but… Surely! Yes, but… Surely! Yes Surely! Yes
Expected No Expected No, but… Expected No, but… Expected Yes, but…
Probably No, and… Probably No Probably No Probably No, but…
50/50 No, and… 50/50 No 50/50 No 50/50 No
Doubtful No, and… Doubtful No Doubtful No Doubtful No
Hardly No, and… Hardly No, and… Hardly No Hardly No
Nope! No, and… Nope! No, and… Nope! No, and… Nope! No
Surely! Yes Surely! Yes, and… Surely! Yes, and… Surely! Yes, and…
Expected Yes Expected Yes Expected Yes, and… Expected Yes, and…
Probably Yes Probably Yes Probably Yes Probably Yes, and…
50/50 Yes 50/50 Yes 50/50 Yes 50/50 Yes, and…
Doubtful Yes, but… Doubtful Yes Doubtful Yes Doubtful Yes, and…
Hardly No, but… Hardly Yes, but… Hardly Yes, but… Hardly Yes
Nope! No Nope! No Nope! No, but… Nope! No, but…