Adhesives Guide
Adhesives Guide
Adhesives Guide
Floor Preparation
All aspects of subfloor preparation and floorcovering installation should be in accordance with either BS 5325 The Installation of textile floorcoverings or BS 8203 The Installation of resilient floorcoverings as appropriate. During the laying period a temperature of at least 18C must be maintained and a floor temperature of at least 10C. The type and condition of the subfloor has a direct influence on the installation and performance of a floorcovering and the importance of subfloor preparation cannot be emphasised too strongly. For further information request our Floor Preparation Guide which gives comprehensive advice on subfloor preparation. This includes data sheets on all the products mentioned, giving detailed information on how they should be used. Environment Leaflet 47. New concrete and sand/cement screeds must be left for construction moisture to dry out before floorcoverings are laid. For estimated drying times see BS 8203. Floorcoverings should not be laid until a hygrometer test in accordance with BS 8203. Annex A Dampness Testing, gives a relative humidity reading of not more than 75%. Damp floors may be treated with STOPGAP F75 or STOPGAP F76 waterproof surface membranes as appropriate. Uneven surfaces must be smoothed using STOPGAP or STYCCOSCREED smoothing underlayment to prepare the surface for adhesive and floorcovering. Concrete floor paints must be completely removed by mechanical methods such as scabbling or shotblasting before application of smoothing underlayment or adhesives. Epoxy and polyurethane surface coatings should preferably be removed, but if this is not possible and provided they are firmly bonded, some coatings may be primed with undiluted STOPGAP P131 prior to skimming with the appropriate STOPGAP smoothing underlayment. Coatings vary considerably in this respect and we would suggest you check adhesion by prior testing to ensure a satisfactory bond is achieved.
Non-Absorbent Surfaces
Ceramic and quarry tiles, granolithic, terrazzo and power floated concrete slabs which have been trowelled to produce a dense smooth surface, tend to be non-absorbent in nature. If the recommended STYCCOBOND adhesive is not suitable for direct application to a non-absorbent surface, then the subfloor must be skimmed with a minimum of 3mm of the appropriate STOPGAP smoothing underlayment. Heavily glazed surfaces should be treated to create a key for the smoothing underlayment e.g. by scabbling or scouring with a coarse abrasive.
Concrete Treatments/Coatings
Waterproofing admixtures may adversely affect adhesion and should not be used, (see BS 8203). Chemical hardening/curing treatments should not be used on concrete bases as there could be an interaction with the smoothing underlayment or adhesive used. If these chemical treatments have been used they should be mechanically removed e.g. by scabbling or shotblasting the surface before applying smoothing underlayments or adhesives.
N.B. Ceramic and quarry tiled surfaces should be skimmed with the appropriate STOPGAP underlayments to prevent the tile pattern transferring through to the surface of the floorcovering. Terrazzo and quarry tiles are unaffected by dampness but may be sufficiently permeable to allow the passage of moisture vapour and are often laid in areas which do not incorporate a damp proof membrane. Where this is the case, these bases should be damp proofed by covering with a layer of flooring grade mastic asphalt complying with BS 6925. Asphalt and STOPGAP surface waterproof membranes must be skimmed with a minimum of 3mm of the appropriate smoothing underlayment.
dilute STYCCOBOND F70 or STOPGAP P131 or STOPGAP P121 before the application of adhesive or smoothing underlayment.
Adhesive remaining on wooden floors should be overpinned with flooring grade plywood or hardboard (see Wooden Floors). Any existing underlays should first be removed.
Existing Floorcoverings
Thermoplastic or similar floor tiles should preferably be removed. However, it is possible to install certain types of floorcovering direct to these provided the tiles are firmly bonded to the subfloor and all traces of polish or any other contaminant which would prevent good adhesion are removed e.g. with STYCCOCLEAN C140 Floor Cleaner. If this cannot be achieved the tiles must be removed, together with the bulk of the adhesive and the subfloor made good. Adhesive remaining on cementitious subfloors should be removed by mechanical methods such as scraping, scabbling or shotblasting at least until only a thin, smooth, firmly bonded residue remains. All adhesive that is loose, lumpy, powdering, soft or water soluble must be removed. A minimum of 3mm of the appropriate STOPGAP underlayment should be applied before the installation of the new floorcovering.
Flexible vinyl, linoleum and textile floorcoverings must be removed and the subfloor prepared as previously described before fully bonded floorcoverings can be laid. N.B. Loose-lay carpet tiles may be laid direct to firmly bonded hard floorcoverings with a suitable STYCCOBOND adhesive. The existing flooring must be cleaned with STYCCOCLEAN C140 Floor Cleaner to remove all traces of polish or any other contaminant which would prevent good adhesion. If this cannot be achieved the flooring must be removed and the subfloor made good as previously described.
Most subfloors will require priming. Use neat STOPGAP P131 neoprene primer on smooth impervious subfloors prior to the application of the appropriate STOPGAP floor smoothing underlayment. Very absorbent surfaces should be primed with
Floor Preparation
Wooden Floors
Wooden Floors must be structurally sound, level, smooth, dry and clean. Adequate ventilation should be provided to suspended timber floors at ground level to ensure that the moisture content of the wood is maintained at equilibrium. Worn or uneven floorboards should either be replaced or levelled by sanding, planing or by patch filling with STOPGAP Green Bag & 114 smoothing underlayment before finally covering with flooring grade plywood or hardboard. Sheets should be positioned, joints staggered and nailed at 100mm - 150mm centres. (See BS 8203 for details). Wood blocks are not suitable for direct application of sheet and tile flooring because of the continuous differential movement of the blocks and the risk of the wood block design transferring through the floorcovering surface. Provided the wood blocks are smooth, sound, level and securely bonded, they should be overlayed with flooring grade plywood or hardboard. Any uneven areas should first be patch filled with STOPGAP Green Bag & 114 smoothing underlayment. Wood blocks laid on the ground floors must have an efficient damp proof membrane incorporated in the subfloor. If there is any doubt that all these conditions can be met then the wood blocks must be removed, and the subfloor made good. Textile floorcoverings may be bonded direct to wood blocks with a suitable STYCCOBOND adhesive provided they are sound, level, firmly bonded and completely protected against moisture. Seals, polishes and any contaminant which will prevent good adhesion must first be removed. Wood mosaic panels require overpinning with flooring grade plywood or hardboard in all cases. This is not practical on solid floors and panels should therefore be removed and the subfloor made good as above. If panels laid over a flexing timber floor need patch filling, STOPGAP Green Bag & 114 smoothing underlayment should be used. In all other respects wood mosaic panels should be treated as for wood blocks. Particle boards should comply with BS EN 312-2 (1997) Type P2 or BS EN 312-4 (1997) Type P4. Chipboard, plywood and hardboard must be primed with STYCCOBOND F70 or STOPGAP P131 diluted as recommended.
Composition Floors
Composition floors such as those constructed of magnesium oxychloride (magnesite) cement or polyvinyl acetate/cement will be adversely affected by dampness rising from the ground if they are covered with an impervious layer. Unless it can be established that the composition floor is adequately protected against rising dampness, it must be removed and the base made good before floorcoverings are installed. If the floor is protected against dampness then cracks and small hollows should be patch filled and the whole area skimmed with a minimum of 3mm of the appropriate STOPGAP underlayment.
Double Stick Installations
Please contact Western Carpets to determine the suitability of a carpet for installation on a release underlay system before proceeding.
Recommended Adhesives
Backing Type of Bond Permanent Bitumen Contract Latex Felt Impervious Felt Impervious Latex Textile F3.S910 F3. S910 F3.F40.S910 F3.F40.S910 F3.S910 F3.S910 Release F41.S920 F34/F35.P F2/F3.F40*.P F2/F3.F40*.P F34/F35.P F2/F3.P Heavy Duty / Wet Areas Vertical F66 F60.F60NF.F66 F60.F60NF.F66 F60.F60NF.F66 F60.F60NF.F66 F60.F60NF.F66 Seaming F30 F30 -
STYCCOBOND F41 is applied over the complete floor to provide a permanently tacky film which prevents loose laycarpet tiles from moving under normal traffic. Very heavy high density traffic such as experienced with heavy trolleys and with concentrated stiletto heel or caster chair traffic around desks, filing cabinets, photocopiers etc. can cause considerable damage to some carpet tiles. It is not possible to overcome such problems by the use of adhesive but experience has shown that permanently bonding the tiles in such areas will help to extend their life.
5 D 4
3 E B
For Detailed Information Refer to Product Data Sheets or Telephone F. Ball and Co. Ltd., Technical Services
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4 - 7m2 per litre 7m2 per litre 3m2 per litre 3m2 per litre 2m2 per litre coating both surfaces 2m2 per litre coating both surfaces 5m2 per coat per litre 5m2 per litre 20m2 per litre 15m2 per kg 15m2 per kg
Carpet and Vinyl Adhesive for Woven, Rubber Foam, Secondary Backed and Needlepunch Carpets. Some Vinyls and Cork.
Tackifier Dual Bond System (High - Tack Release/Permanent) for carpets and underlays.
F41 F45
Acrylic Adhesive for Highly Plasticised PVC backed Carpets. Flexible PVC Floorcoverings. Wallcoverings.
Gum Spirit Adhesive for Fibre - Bonded Carpet and Linoleum and Cork.
Contact Adhesive for Floorcoverings, PVC and Rubber covings. (Non flammable)
Seaming Adhesive- Styccobond F30 - for seaming carpets to prevent fibre loss along seam.
Release Systems- Styccobond F2 - Used in conjunction with F3 as release system for suitable carpets. (Coverage 6m2/l).
Weston Carpets, Fairfax House, Causton Road, Colchester CO1 1RJ Admin 01206 714500 Sales 01206 542444 Fax 01206 761896 Email