Security+ SY0-701 LMRG - 2023
Security+ SY0-701 LMRG - 2023
Security+ SY0-701 LMRG - 2023
Domain 1:
General Security Concepts
Type Description
an attack.
a required control.
The main goals of information security are: The defense-in-depth principle requires the use of
• Confidentiality prevents unauthorized disclosure. overlapping controls to meet the same control objective,
• Integrity prevents unauthorized alteration. protecting against the failure of an individual control.
• Availability ensures authorized access.
• Non-repudiation means that someone who During a gap analysis, you review control objectives
performed some action, such as sending a message, and examine the controls designed to achieve those
cannot later deny having taken that action. objectives. If there are any cases where the controls
• Digital signatures are commonly used to achieve do not meet the control objective, that is an example
non-repudiation. of a gap.
Security controls are divided into four categories, based Sensor Type Description
upon how they function:
Infrared Detects the presence of people using heat radiation
Managerial Procedural mechanisms that focus on the Microwave Detects people and objects present in an area
mechanics of the risk management process
Ultrasonic Detects inaudible sound waves
Operational Processes that we put in place to manage
technology in a secure manner
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Security+ Last Minute Review Guide (SY0-701)
Domain 1:
General Security Concepts
Threat ID
Intelligence Untrusted Policy Trusted Management
Subject System Enforcement Point Enterprise
Activity SEIM
Data Plane
Logs System
Fencing may be used to prevent or deter anyone from Symmetric encryption uses the same shared secret key
entering an area. Bollards may be used to prevent for encryption and decryption.
vehicles from entering an area while permitting
pedestrian access. They should be used in conjunction In asymmetric encryption, users each have their own
with proper lighting and security guards. public/private key pair. Keys are used as follows:
Symmetric Asymmetric
Encryption protects sensitive information from Cryptography Requires Cryptography Requires
unauthorized disclosure by making it unreadable to
n(n-1) 2 n keys
anyone without the appropriate decryption key. keys
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Security+ Last Minute Review Guide (SY0-701)
Domain 1:
General Security Concepts
The Diffie-Hellman algorithm may be used for secure Blockchain creates a data store that nobody can
exchange of symmetric keys. tamper with by using a distributed and immutable open
public ledger.
Hashes are one-way functions that produce a unique
value for every input and cannot be reversed. Digital certificates are a secure means to provide an
unknown third party with a trusted copy of the public
Common hashing algorithms include SHA, HMAC, and key belonging to an individual, organization, or device.
RIPEMD. The MD5 hashing algorithm is still widely used Digital certificates are issued by a trusted Certificate
but has significant security vulnerabilities. Authority (CA). When creating a digital certificate, the
CA takes a copy of the subject’s public key along with
The hardware root of trust is established through the other certificate information and then digitally signs
use of the trusted platform module (TPM) and provides the certificate using the CA’s private key. When a user
assurance that hardware has not been tampered or application wishes to verify the digital certificate,
with. The boot process for a system is managed by they do so by validating the digital signature using the
the Unified Extensible Firmware Interface (UEFI) CA’s public key. If the signature is authentic and the CA
which replaces the older BIOS approach. High security is trusted, the public key may then be trusted.
applications may require the use of a trusted foundry
for chips that establishes a high degree of assurance Certificate authorities may revoke a digital certificate
that the chip was securely built. by placing it on the Certificate Revocation List (CRL).
However, this approach is slow and is replaced by the
Data minimization techniques lower risk by Online Certificate Status Protocol (OCSP) which
decreasing the amount of sensitive information provides real-time certificate verification.
maintained by the organization. When data can’t be
eliminated, data obfuscation techniques may render it Organizations not wishing to purchase a digital
less sensitive. certificate from a CA may create their own self-signed
certificates. These certificates are fine for internal use
Data obfuscation techniques include: but will not be trusted by external users.
• Hashing uses a hash function to transform a value
in our dataset to a corresponding hash value. Digital certificates issued by CAs come in three
• Tokenization replaces sensitive values with a varieties. They differ in the amount of verification
unique identifier using a lookup table. performed by the CA before issuing the certificate.
• Data masking partially redacts sensitive
information by replacing some or all of sensitive Certificate Type Validation Performed
fields with blank characters.
Domain CA verifies that the certificate subject controls
• Steganography embeds information in an image,
validation (DV) the domain name. Weakest form of validation.
video, audio, or other binary file to escape detection.
Organization CA verifies the name of the business purchasing
validation (OV) the certificate in addition to domain ownership.
Key stretching is used to create encryption keys from
passwords in a strong manner. PBKDF2 uses thousands Extended CA performs additional checks to verify the
of iterations of salting and hashing to generate validation (EV) physical presence of the organization at a
registered address.
encryption keys that are resilient against attack.
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Security+ Last Minute Review Guide (SY0-701)
Domain 2:
Threats, Vulnerabilities, and Mitigations
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Security+ Last Minute Review Guide (SY0-701)
Domain 2:
Threats, Vulnerabilities, and Mitigations
Social engineering attacks manipulate individuals to On-path attacks intercept a client’s initial request for
gain unauthorized access or information. a connection to a server and proxy that connection
to the real service. The client is unaware that they
Social engineering attacks exploit seven main are communicating through a proxy and the attacker
mechanisms: authority, intimidation, consensus, can eavesdrop on the communication and inject
scarcity, familiarity, trust, and urgency. Variants of commands.
social engineering attacks include:
Password attacks seek to defeat the security of
Attack Type Description password-based authentication. Common password
attacks include:
Phishing Solicits information via email.
• Brute force attacks attempt to simply guess
Spear Phishing Solicits information via highly targeted email
designed for one person.
passwords repeatedly.
• Dictionary attacks guess passwords using a
Whaling Targets high value individuals, such as senior
executives. dictionary of words and phrases.
• Password spraying attacks are similar to dictionary
Vishing Solicits information via voice telephone calls.
attacks, using lists of common passwords.
Smishing Solicits information via SMS text message.
• Credential stuffing attacks take lists of usernames
Pretexting Uses a fake scenario to manipulate someone and passwords from a compromised site and
into divulging confidential information.
attempt to use them to login at another site.
Brand Mimics the identity of a trusted entity or brand • Rainbow table attacks precompute the hashes
Impersonation to deceive individuals.
of common passwords and use them against a
Typosquatting Registers misspellings of common domain
names to attract traffic.
stolen password file. Rainbow table attacks may be
defeated by using salted passwords.
Business Email Impersonates a company executive or other
Compromise high-level employee in an attempt to deceive
• Pass the hash attacks reuse hashed credentials
(BEC) someone within the company. Commonly from one machine to login to another machine.
involves requests to transfer funds, fraudulent
invoices, or impersonating attorneys. Birthday attacks seek to find collisions in hash
Tailgating Accesses a building by having someone hold functions, where the hash function generates the same
the door open.
value for two different inputs.
Dumpster Discovers sensitive information discarded in the
Diving trash.
The OWASP Top Ten Web application security risks are:
Shoulder Monitors user activity by watching them as they 1. Broken access control
Surfing enter/read information
2. Cryptographic failures
Watering Hole Places malware on a site where users are known 3. Injection
to visit.
4. Insecure design
Impersonation Attacks where the attacker is able to appear to a
remote user/system as another individual.
5. Security misconfiguration
6. Vulnerable and outdated components
7. Identification and authentication failures
Misinformation is the dissemination of false information 8. Software and data integrity failures
without malicious intent, while disinformation involves 9. Security logging and monitoring failures
malicious intent. 10. Server-side request forgery (SSRF)
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Domain 2:
Threats, Vulnerabilities, and Mitigations
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Security+ Last Minute Review Guide (SY0-701)
Domain 2:
Threats, Vulnerabilities, and Mitigations
Indicators of compromise (IoC) are items of unusual • Two-person control requires two people to perform
activity that may suggest a security incident and require a sensitive activity.
further investigation. Examples of IoC include: • Mandatory vacations and job rotation seek to prevent
• Unexpected account lockout fraudulent activity by uncovering malfeasance.
• Concurrent session usage
• Blocked content Endpoint monitoring provides important operational
• Impossible travel time information to cybersecurity analysts because endpoint
• Excessive resource consumption behavior is often the first indicator of a compromise.
• Resource inaccessibility
• Out-of-cycle logging Endpoint detection and response (EDR) systems provide
• Missing logs this insight, while user and entity behavior analytics
(UEBA) solutions allow deeper behavioral inspection.
When configuring security for a wireless network, you
should use recent versions of Wi-Fi Protected Access
(WPA2 or WPA3). The original version of WPA, which
used the Temporal Key Integrity Protocol (TKIP) is no
longer secure. WPA2 uses CCMP to provide security,
while WPA3 uses Simultaneous Authentication of
Equals (SAE).
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Security+ Last Minute Review Guide (SY0-701)
Domain 3:
Security Architecture
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Security+ Last Minute Review Guide (SY0-701)
Domain 3:
Security Architecture
Multifactor authentication (MFA) systems combine Business continuity planning conducts a business
authentication technologies from two or more of the impact assessment and then implements controls
following categories: designed to keep the business running during adverse
• Something you know factors rely upon secret circumstances.
information, such as a password.
• Something you have factors rely upon physical Backups provide an important disaster recovery control.
possession of an object, such as a smartphone. Remember that there are three major categories of backup:
• Something you are factors rely upon biometric
characteristics of a person, such as a face scan or Backup Type Description
Full Backup Copies all files on a system.
• Somewhere you are factors rely upon a user’s
physical location. Differential Copies all files on a system that have changed
Backup since the most recent full backup.
Authentication technologies may experience two types Incremental Copies all files on a system that have changed
of errors. False positive errors occur when a system Backup since the most recent full or incremental backup.
accepts an invalid user as correct. It is measured using
the false acceptance rate (FAR). False negative errors Disaster recovery sites fit into three major categories:
occur when a system rejects a valid user, measured
using the false rejection rate (FRR). We evaluate the Site Type HVAC/Power Configured Servers Real-time Data
effectiveness of an authentication technology using
Cold Site Yes No No
the crossover error rate (CER), as shown in the
Warm Site Yes Yes No
diagram below:
Hot Site Yes Yes Yes
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Security+ Last Minute Review Guide (SY0-701)
Domain 3:
Security Architecture
TCP Three-Way Handshake Routers generally work at layer 3 and connect networks
to each other. Firewalls are the primary network
security control used to separate networks of differing
SYN security levels. TLS should be used to secure network
communications. SSL is no longer secure.
ACK IPSec uses Authentication Headers (AH) to provide
authentication, integrity and non-repudiation, and
Encapsulating Security Payload (ESP) to provide
DNS converts between IP addresses and domain names. confidentiality, authentication and integrity.
ARP converts between MAC addresses and IP addresses.
NAT converts between public and private IP addresses. Data State Description
Load balancers distribute connection requests among Data at Rest Data stored on a system or media device
many identical servers. Data in Transit Data in motion over a network
Layer Description
Common classes of sensitive information include:
Application Serves as the point of integration for user • Personally identifiable information (PII) uniquely
applications with the network identifies individuals and is regulated by many
national, state and local laws. The most well known
Presentation Transforms user-friendly data into machine-friendly of these are the European Union’s General Data
data; encryption
Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the California
Session Establishes, maintains, and terminates sessions Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA).
• Protected health information (PHI) includes
Transport Manages connection integrity; TCP, UDP, SSL, TLS individual health records and is regulated by the
Health Insurance Portability and Accountability
Network Routes packets over the network; IP, ICMP, BGP,
Act (HIPAA).
• Payment card information (PCI) includes credit
Data Link Formats packets for transmission; Ethernet, ARP, and debit card data and is regulated by the
MAC addresses Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard
Physical Encodes data into bits for transmission over wire, • Proprietary information includes trade secrets
fiber, or radio
maintained by an organization.
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Security+ Last Minute Review Guide (SY0-701)
Domain 3:
Security Architecture
CONFIDENTIAL subject to the legal requirements of any jurisdiction
Customer Vendor
Responsibilities Responsibilities
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Security+ Last Minute Review Guide (SY0-701)
Domain 4:
Security Operations
Threat intelligence allows an organization to learn Structured Threat Information eXpression (STIX) is
about changes in the threat landscape, including used to provide a standardized format for exchanging
attacker identities, tools, and techniques. Common threat information, while the Trusted Automated
threat intelligence sources include: eXchange of Intelligence Information (TAXII) defines
• Open source intelligence (OSINT) a protocol for the transmission of this information
• Proprietary threat intelligence from security vendors between components of a security automation
• Vulnerability databases environment.
• Information sharing and analysis centers (ISACs)
• Dark web sites Enterprises may deploy mobile devices in a variety of
• Indicators of compromise models:
• Corporate-owned (CO) provides devices for
Threat hunting exercises presume that attackers have business use only.
already compromised an organization and then seek out • Corporate-owned, personally enabled (COPE)
evidence of that compromise. allows users to mix business and personal use.
• Choose your own device (CYOD) allows users
Port(s) Service to pick a device of their choice for business and
personal use.
20, 21 FTP
• Bring your own device (BYOD) allows users to
22 SSH access corporate data on their personally-owned
23 Telnet devices.
Companies should use mobile device management
53 DNS
(MDM) tools to enforce a variety of mobile security
80 HTTP controls, including:
110 POP3 • Restricting application
123 NTP • Remote wiping of lost/stolen devices
• Geolocation and geofencing services
135, 137-139, 445 Windows File Sharing
• Screen locking and password/PIN requirements
143 IMAP • Full device encryption
161/162 SNMP
443 HTTPS Network discovery scanning uses tools like Nmap to
check for active systems and open ports. Common
scanning techniques include:
1433/1434 SQL Server • TCP SYN scans send a single packet with the SYN
1521 Oracle flag set.
1720 H.323 • TCP Connect scans attempt to complete the three
way handshake.
1723 PPTP
• TCP ACK scans seek to impersonate an established
3389 RDP connection.
9100 HP JetDirect Printing • Xmas scans set the FIN, PSH, and URG flags.
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Security+ Last Minute Review Guide (SY0-701)
Domain 4:
Security Operations
Network vulnerability scanning first discovers • Open Vulnerability and Assessment Language
active services on the network and then probes those (OVAL)
services for known vulnerabilities. Web application
vulnerability scans use tools that specialize in probing The Common Vulnerability Scoring System (CVSS) rates the
for web application weaknesses. severity of security vulnerabilities based upon eight criteria:
1. Attack Vector (AV)
The vulnerability management workflow includes three 2. Attack Complexity (AC)
basic steps: detection, remediation, and validation. 3. Privileges Required (PR)
4. User Interaction (UI)
Validation of remediation includes verifying the 5. Scope (S)
remediation, rescanning the affected system(s), and 6. Confidentiality (C)
periodic auditing. 7. Integrity (I)
8. Availability (A)
Common parameters that you may tune when
configuring vulnerability scans include: The CVSS base score combines all eight of these factors
• Using credentialed scans to log onto target into a single score from 0.0 to 10.0, with the following
systems and improve scan accuracy. severity descriptions:
• Using a combination of server-based scans that
run over the network and agent-based scans that CVSS Score Rating
run on the local system.
0.0 None
• Using different scan perspectives to determine the
external view that an outside attacker would see and 0.1-3.9 Low
the internal view available to an insider or an attacker 4.0-6.9 Medium
that has already gained a foothold on the network.
7.0-8.9 High
Active scanning techniques engage with the target 9.0-10.0 Critical
system to probe it for known vulnerabilities while
passive scanning techniques are stealthier. Passive
scans do not engage with the target system but attempt Does the vulnerability actually exist?
to identify vulnerabilities by observing network traffic Yes No
and other system characteristics.
Was a vulnerability
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Security+ Last Minute Review Guide (SY0-701)
Domain 4:
Security Operations
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Security+ Last Minute Review Guide (SY0-701)
Domain 4:
Security Operations
Internet Firewall Internal Network Access control lists (ACLs) form the basis of many
access management systems and provide a listing of
subjects and their permissions on objects and groups
of objects.
Screened Subnet
Discretionary access control (DAC) systems allow
the owners of objects to modify the permissions that
other users have on those objects. Mandatory access
control (MAC) systems enforce predefined policies
that users may not modify.
Firewall Type Description
Role-based access control assigns permissions to
Layer 4 Works at the transport layer, moderating individual users based upon their assigned role(s) in
connections between networks the organization. For example, backup administrators
Layer 7 Works at the application layer, inspecting might have one set of permissions while sales
network traffic with a great deal of context representatives have an entirely different set.
Web Application Special type of layer 7 firewall focused
Firewall (WAF) specifically on web applications Attribute-based access control (ABAC) makes access
Next-Generation Firewall that incorporates information about decisions based upon attributes of a user’s identity,
Firewall (NGFW) users, applications, and other context into such as department membership or job title.
Unified Threat Combines several security functions, including Rule-based access control makes decisions based
Management firewall capabilities into a single device. Typically upon pre-defined rules. Firewalls are a common
(UTM) used in a small/medium business environment.
example of devices that enforce a rule-based policy.
When managing security of a system, keep in mind the Transport Layer Security (TLS) is the replacement
following operating system security principles: for Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) and uses public key
• Disable unnecessary services and applications cryptography to exchange a shared secret key used to
• Close unneeded network ports secure web traffic and other network communications.
• Disable default accounts and passwords
• Apply all security patches Email headers provide information about the path
traveled by email messages across the network,
RADIUS is an authentication protocol commonly although they are susceptible to forgery. DomainKeys
used for backend services. TACACS+ serves a similar Identified Mail (DKIM) allows organizations to sign
purpose and is the only protocol from the TACACS both the body of the message and elements of the
family that is still commonly used. header to prove their authenticity. Sender Policy
Framework (SPF) allows organizations to publish
a list of authorized mail servers for their domains.
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Security+ Last Minute Review Guide (SY0-701)
Domain 4:
Security Operations
Domain-based Message Authentication, Reporting, As you prepare for an incident response effort, you
and Conformance (DMARC) uses SPF and DKIM to should develop an incident communication plan
determine whether messages are authentic. that uses a secure means of communication to limit
communication to trusted parties and prevent the
When responding to a security incident, organizations inadvertent release of information.
should follow a six-step incident response process,
shown in the figure below: Generally, you are not required to disclose security
incidents to law enforcement unless you choose to do
so or are subject to legal or regulatory requirements.
Your incident response team should include
representatives from all relevant internal teams:
• Cybersecurity
Lessons • Other technology experts
Learned Detection • Legal
• Human resources
• Public relations
• Senior leadership
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Domain 4:
Security Operations
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Security+ Last Minute Review Guide (SY0-701)
Domain 5:
Security Program
Management and Oversight
Security activities must be aligned with business Common standards define technical requirements for:
strategy, mission, goals, and objectives. This requires • Passwords
strategic, tactical, and operational planning. • Access controls
• Physical security
Security frameworks provide templates for security • Encryption
activities. These include COBIT, NIST CSF, and ISO
27001/2. Organizations create step-by-step procedures for many
routine activities, including:
Due care is taking reasonable steps to protect the • Change management
interest of the organization. Due diligence ensures • Onboarding and offboarding
those steps are carried out. • Incident response playbooks
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Security+ Last Minute Review Guide (SY0-701)
Domain 5:
Security Program
Management and Oversight
There are three categories of SOC audits: Risks should be documented in a risk register which
• SOC 1 audits provide customers with the level of includes details on the key risk indicators (KRIs), risk
assurance they need when conducting their own owners, and risk thresholds.
financial audits.
• SOC 2 audits evaluate the service provider’s Organizations may have different levels of risk appetite:
confidentiality, integrity, and availability controls. • Expansionary risk appetites accept significant risks
They contain sensitive information. in the hope of significant rewards.
• SOC 3 audits also evaluate confidentiality, integrity, • Conservative risk appetites accept very little risk to
and availability but are meant for public disclosure. preserve the status quo.
• Neutral risk appetites take a balanced approach
And there are two types of SOC 1 and SOC 2 audits: to risk.
• Type I audits describe the controls that the service
provider has in place and offer an opinion on their BIA Metric Meaning
suitability, but not their effectiveness.
Recovery Time The maximum amount of time the organization is
• Type II audits describe the controls that the service Objective (RTO) willing to accept a system outage.
provider has in place, offer an opinion on their
suitability, and also provide the results of auditors’ Recovery Point The maximum amount of time from which the
Objective (RPO) organization is willing to accept data loss.
effectiveness tests.
Mean Time to The average time required to restore a system,
Repair (MTTR) application, or device to operation after a failure.
SOC 1 and 2 audits can have type I or II reports. SOC 3
audits do not have different type reports. Mean Time The average time between failures of a system,
Between application, or device.
Failures (MTBF)
Risks are the combination of a threat and a
corresponding vulnerability.
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Domain 5:
Security Program
Management and Oversight
When working with vendors, ensure that the vendor’s Penetration testing goes beyond vulnerability scanning and
security policies and controls execute at least the attempts to exploit vulnerabilities. It includes five steps:
same degree of care that you would take internally. The
vendor management lifecycle follows vendors from
selection through termination:
Reporting Gathering &
Offboarding Onboarding
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Security+ Last Minute Review Guide (SY0-701)
Domain 5:
Security Program
Management and Oversight
When developing new systems, organizations move The spiral model uses a more iterative approach:
them through a four-stage process using different
environments: 1. Determine Progress 2. Identity
1. Development environments are where developers objectives and resolve risks
create and modify the system.
2. Test environments are where the system is tested. If
flaws are discovered, it is returned to development.
3. Staging environments are where approved code is
placed, awaiting release to production.
4. Production environments contain systems that are
currently serving customer needs.
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Domain 5:
Security Program
Management and Oversight
Organizations are subject to a wide variety of legal and • Removable media and cables
regulatory compliance obligations from: • Social engineering
• Criminal laws that may involve prison or fines. • Phishing
• Civil laws that regulate non-criminal disputes. • Operational security
• Administrative laws set by government agencies. • Hybrid/remote work environments
• Regulations from industry bodies. • Anomalous behavior recognition
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