General Practitioners and Doping in Sport: Attitudes and Experience

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General practitioners and doping in sport: attitudes and

P Laure, C Binsinger, T Lecerf

Br J Sports Med 2003;37:335–338

Objectives: To examine the attitudes to, and knowledge of, doping in sport of French general practi-
tioners (GPs), and their contact with drug taking athletes on an everyday basis.
Methods: A total of 402 GPs were randomly selected from all over France and interviewed by tele-
phone, using a prepared script.
Results: The response rate was 50.5% (153 men and 49 women; mean (SD) age 45.6 (5.6) years).
Of the respondents, 73% confirmed that they had the list of banned products, and only 34.5% stated
that they were aware of the latest French law, brought into effect in March 1999, concerning the fight
See end of article for
authors’ affiliations against doping. Some 11% had directly encountered a request for prescription of doping agents over
....................... the preceding 12 months (the requested substances were mainly anabolic steroids, stimulants, and
corticosteroids), and 10% had been consulted by an athlete who was using doping drugs and was
Correspondence to:
Dr Laure, DRDJS, BP 69,
frightened of the health risks (the substances used were mainly anabolic steroids). Over half (52%) of
54139 Saint-Max Cedex, the GPs favoured the prescription of drug substitutions to athletes who used doping agents. According
France; to 87.5% of respondents, doping is a public health problem, and 80% stated that doping is a form of drug addiction. Most (89%) said that a GP has a role to play in doping prevention, but 77% consid-
Accepted 25 September ered themselves poorly prepared to participate in its prevention.
2002 Conclusion: The results suggest that (a) GPs have limited knowledge of doping and (b) are confronted
....................... with doping in their daily practice, at least occasionally.

rom 1998, which was a defining moment in the history of to play in doping prevention, even if most (83%) considered
drugs in sport (particularly because of the Tour de France themselves poorly trained in this domain.8
scandal), sport administrators, athletes, and the general Finally, a new law against doping was brought into effect in
public have often seen doctors as protagonists in doping. This March 1999 in France, assigning precise duties to the medical
is as true for team doctors as for other practitioners. The main profession in general.9 In particular, the statute plans the
accusations made are, firstly, that some are engaged in “medi- creation of a medical anti-doping unit in every French region
cally assisted doping”, and, secondly, that they supply athletes,
even amateurs, with doping agents, either deliberately or
through carelessness. This is the opinion, for instance, of 64% Table 1 Prohibited classes of substances and
of respondents in a study carried out in Switzerland.1 This prohibited methods (Olympic movement anti-doping
opinion may moreover turn out to be well founded, as 10–20% code)
of teenagers and up to 61% of adult amateur athletes stated
that they obtained anabolic steroids and other banned drugs I. Prohibited classes of substances
A. Stimulants
from a doctor.2–4 What is more, legal proceedings against doc- B. Narcotics
tors who have prescribed or delivered doping agents to high C. Anabolic agents
level athletes are regularly encountered, which in turn D. Diuretics
reinforces this belief.5 E. Peptide hormones, mimetics, and analogues
Doctors, however, do not appear to have much knowledge of F. Agents with anti-oestrogenic activity
F. Masking agents
the subject of doping, as underlined by a study of the Neder-
II. Prohibited methods
lands Centrum voor Dopingvraagstukken on 1000 general A. Enhancement of oxygen transfer
practitioners (GPs), according to which 85% of the respond- B. Pharmacological, chemical and physical manipulation
ents admitted that they were not familiar with banned drugs C. Gene doping
or their side effects.6 In another study involving 400 GPs in III. Classes of prohibited substances in certain sports
A. Alcohol
Sussex, UK, 12% of the respondents stated that a doctor has
B. Cannabinoids
the right to prescribe anabolic steroids for non-medical C. Local anaesthetics
reasons, which is medically and ethically wrong, and only 35% D. Glucocorticosteroids
knew that the International Olympic Committee’s (IOC) list of E. β blockers
prohibited substances (table 1) appears in the British National
Formulary.7 When the administration of a prohibited substance is medically
justified and finds no other alternative, the athlete and his physician
Nevertheless, doctors seem regularly to be confronted with can request a clearance for use (i.e. insulin). The prescription of
doping in their everyday practice. In one of our previous stud- asthma medications (formoterol, salbutamol, salmeterol, terbutaline) is
ies of French GPs, 30% of the respondents stated that they had authorized by inhalation and with the appropriate notification and
documentation. The systemic use of glucocorticosteroids is prohibited
been asked to prescribe banned drugs to athletes, or to explain when administered orally, rectally, or by intravenous or intramuscular
how to use them.8 The same was reported by 18% of the Brit- injection. When medically necessary, local and intra-articular
ish GPs cited above concerning anabolic steroids.7 Moreover, injections of glucocorticosteroids are permitted. Where the rules of a
responsible medical authority so provide, notification of
87% of the French GPs considered that doping is a public administration may be necessary.
health problem, and 92% thought that they have a leading role
336 Laure, Binsinger, Lecerf

Table 2 Opinions of general practitioners on doping and how athletes supply

themselves with drugs
Agreed Disagreed Did not know

Doping is a public health problem 87.5 12.0 0.5

Doping is a form of drug addiction 80.0 18.5 1.5
Most records have been broken due to doping 83.5 11.5 5.0
Most of the great champions resort to doping 73.0 18.0 9.0
Sources of doping drugs
From athletes’ family 54.0 39.0 7.0
From team members 86.0 11.0 3.0
From doctor 75.5 23.5 1.0
From pharmacist 72.0 25.0 3.0
From supplier (dealer) 84.5 10.5 5.0

Values are percentages.

(the first one opened in Nancy, eastern France, in May 2001). Results of the survey
They are designed to be a place for specialised consultation for The non-response rate for the final number of 202 interviews
drug taking athletes. Moreover, every doctor has a legal was 0% for all of the questions.
obligation to indicate any case of doping of which he or she
may have knowledge to the head of the unit. However, this Attitudes to and knowledge of doping in sport
obligation is very controversial, mainly because doctors refuse Of the 13 classes of prohibited substances and prohibited
to be what they call “informers”, but also because those who methods (Olympic Movement Anti-doping Code), the GPs
refuse to meet this obligation can be disciplined. mentioned 2.6 (2.4) which appeared on the list. Of a total of
Considering all these elements, the aim of this survey is to 802 responses, the three most common were stimulants (21%
examine attitudes of GPs in France with regard to doping and of all answers), corticosteroids (17%), and narcotics (13%). It
their contact with doping on an everyday basis. is interesting to note that only 73% of GPs confirmed that they
possessed the list of banned products (80.5% of men v 51% of
women, p<0.001; 92% of those qualified in sports medicine v
METHODS 69% of the others, p<0.05), although 100% of the respondents
The sample consisted of 402 randomly selected GPs from all had a Vidal dictionary (equivalent to the Doctor Desk
over France. In November 2000, the selected GPs were Reference or the Martindale), which has contained this list
contacted by telephone to request their participation in the since 1986.
survey. They received information about the study (the back- A good proportion (60.5%) of the doctors considered that
ground of the project and project objectives, the possibility of the use of food supplements (vitamins, etc) could lead the
refusing to answer specific questions, etc) and an appointment user to take doping agents (2.5% did not know).
was made so that an interview could be conducted. Participa- Only 34.5% of GPs stated that they were aware of the latest
tion in the study was voluntary and the subjects were free to French law, brought into effect in March 1999, concerning
withdraw from the study without any prejudicial conse- protection of the health of athletes and the fight against dop-
quences. Confidentiality and anonymity were ensured for the ing. However, they seemed to lack knowledge of the said stat-
respondents. The telephone calls (on average 20–45 minutes ute, even on points that directly concerned them—for
per interview) followed a scripted protocol to minimise any example, 17% wrongly stated that it does not concern doctors,
investigator influence, and honest answers were solicited. and 29% wrongly thought that it dictates that doctors
The questionnaire, published elsewhere,8 comprised 40 prescribe additional examinations for athletes who take dop-
items and was tested beforehand with 20 subjects. The ques- ing drugs.
tions, which were essentially closed, covered knowledge of According to 76% of the GPs, doping is also a concern in
doping agents, contact with doping on an everyday basis, adolescents (13–17 years of age) who practise sport (5% of
training in and commitment to the prevention of doping, etc. GPs did not know), and for 23% of the doctors, children (aged
The questionnaires were processed, and the data collected 6–12) are also involved in doping (6% did not know). Accord-
were analysed using the Modalisa 4.0 (Kynos, Paris, France) ing to the GPs, the average prevalence of doping in amateur
survey processing software. Comparisons were made by χ2 test sport is 18% (30% of GPs had no idea) and 64% in professional
(sex, qualification in sports medicine) and analysis of variance sport (20% of GPs did not know).
(age, seniority in professional practice). The significance Table 2 gives the opinions of the GPs on doping and how
threshold used was p<0.05. athletes supply themselves with drugs.

GPs faced with doping

RESULTS In response to the question, “Over the last 12 months, have
Description of the sample you been directly confronted by a request for information
Just under half (49.5%) refused to respond, comparable to about doping agents?”, 37% of the GPs responded positively:
other recent telephone and postal surveys among doctors, 3% had received requests at least once a week, 9.5% at least
where the figure is generally between 30% and 60%. Of those once a month, and 24.5% less than once a month. The GPs
refusing to respond, 38% cited a lack of time, 10.5% stated that were asked their opinion on the use of the products (including
doping was not a priority, 30.5% refused on principle to corticosteroids on 13% of occasions, and anabolic steroids on
respond to a survey or a telephone survey, 5.5% gave other 11%), or they were asked for information on the list of prohib-
reasons, and 15.5% gave no reason. ited substances. They provided information on anti-doping
The 202 GPs who responded consisted of 49 women (24.5%) regulations (58% of responses), health risks (39%), and sport
and 153 men (75.5%). The mean (SD) age was 45.6 (5.6) ethics (31%). (The total of the percentages is greater than the
years, and the mean (SD) number of years of professional percentage of respondents as several answers were possible.)
practice was 16.0 (6.2) years. A sports medicine qualification In response to the question, “Over the last 12 months, have
was claimed by 18% of the GPs. you been directly confronted with a request for the
General practitioners and doping in sport 337

prescription of doping agents?”, 11% of the GPs responded studies.7 8 10 For example, in our sample only two or three
positively: 1% had received requests at least once a week, 1% at classes of prohibited substances are known (and they are not
least once a month, and 9% less than once a month. The the ones reported as being commonly misused, such as
requested substances were mainly anabolic steroids, stimu- anabolic steroids, erythropoietin, or growth hormone). Of
lants, and corticosteroids. course, it is not necessary for GPs to know all these substances
During the same period, 14% of GPs stated that they were by heart: it is, however, sufficient for them to be able to consult
certain that medication that they had prescribed to a patient the list of banned substances—that is, to avoid inadvertently
for treatment of a disease was really used by an athlete to prescribing prohibited drugs, resulting in a positive drugs test
improve sporting performance, and this, in at least eight cases and a penalty for the athlete.11 However, the said list must be
on average per GP. The prescribed drugs were mainly readily available or, at least, GPs could try to remember, or
stimulants (including salbutamol) and corticosteroids. simply be aware (for example, for the 27% who stated that
Over the same 12 month period, 10% of the GPs, they did not possess it) that the IOC’s list of banned drugs is
significantly the older ones (48.3 v 45.3 years of age, p<0.02), at hand in their Vidal dictionary, with which all GPs are pro-
had been consulted by an athlete who was using doping drugs vided. Furthermore, GPs in this study are not well informed
and was frightened of the health risks: 1% at least once a on the extent of drug use and abuse in sports: less than one
month and 9% less than once a month. The substances used doctor in five believed that children (6–12 year olds) are
were mainly anabolic steroids. In 45% of the cases, GPs affected by doping, when it has been shown that this is so in
prescribed additional examinations (mainly a laboratory children from the age of 8 years, even though only a small
examination and electrocardiogram). percentage may be involved.2 12 Their limited knowledge of
doping means that GPs must be adequately trained to consider
Role of GPs in the prevention of doping in sport
doping as a real health issue (something they already admit
Most of the GPs studied (82.5%) stated that the current
on the scale of public health) in their everyday practice. This
methods of preventing doping in sport are ineffective (4% did
means, for instance: (a) implicitly identifying requests formu-
not know).
lated by drug users; (b) systematically asking athletes about
The GPs considered that adolescents and children should be
the first targets of doping prevention initiatives (55% of their use of performance enhancing drugs (including pain
responses), followed by high level and professional athletes killers, doping agents, etc) and other products (extra proteins,
(15%), and then by other athletes (26.5%) (3.5% of GPs had no vitamins), as is done for legal substances such as tobacco or
opinion). alcohol; (c) being aware of the risks to health (physical and
In the opinion of the GPs, prevention initiatives should be psychological) of doping agents and how to identify them
undertaken because of the risks of doping agents to health, during a clinical and/or biological examination. This is
including dependence (81% of responses), sport ethics (12%), especially important for athletes who use doping drugs and
and for other reasons (2%), whereas 5% of GPs had no have no intention of stopping their use, as well as for those
opinion. who present with various side effects of their drug taking for
Within the context of doping prevention, 89% of the GPs treatment without divulging their drug use. Finally, it is
considered that they have a role to play (0.5% did not know). disturbing to note the fact that being qualified in sports medi-
Most (77%), however, considered themselves poorly trained in cine does not necessarily improve knowledge of, or attitudes
the prevention of doping, whereas 23% considered themselves to, doping (except on two points: possession of the IOC’s list
well trained, particularly those qualified in sports medicine: and the GPs’ feeling of being well trained in the prevention of
43% v 18%, p<0.01. Moreover, only 4% mentioned having had doping). This report can be seen to seriously bring into ques-
specific classes on this subject during their university studies tion the quality of training of sports doctors on the subject of
(1% did not remember). doping.
Finally, it is interesting to note that 52% of the GPs favoured It is interesting to note that most of the GPs favour the pre-
the prescription of drug substitution to athletes who used scription of drug substitution to athletes who have used dop-
doping agents—that is, narcotics, anabolic steroids, ampheta- ing agents that can cause dependency. Indeed, even if this
mines, etc—if medically justified (6% did not know). attitude can be seen as legitimate in an effort to reduce risks
(substitution is widely used for drug addicts), it does raise real
DISCUSSION problems where athletes are concerned. For example, how can
Our findings should be interpreted with caution because the the taking of a drug as a substitute be reconciled with
study used telephone interviews, which represent an addi- anti-doping regulations which ban the use of that very same
tional source of bias over the usual face to face interview drug? As for suspending the athlete from practising sport
method. during the treatment, this would be contrary to one of the
Our results may be interpreted in different ways, depending objectives of substitution which is precisely to permit
on whether an optimistic or a pessimistic point of view is rehabilitation. What is more, the stopping of sport may, in
adopted. From an optimistic point of view, French GPs seem to itself, be a factor that triggers certain high level athletes to
have little contact with doping on an everyday basis. For resort to these drugs, especially narcotics.13
example, only 11% stated that they had received requests for Awareness of the situation does not seem to have increased
the prescription of doping agents over the preceding 12 since our previous study of GPs which was carried out four
months and then less than once a month. This figure seems to years ago8 (the principal elements—that is, the composition of
be lower than in other European countries7 and is negligible the samples and the method used—being similar), However, a
compared with the average number of consultations per GP in significantly higher proportion of GPs agreed to statements
France (about 25–35 patients a day per doctor). such as, “doping is a form of drug addiction”, “most records
From a pessimistic point of view, which could be seen as have been broken due to doping”, etc. In other words, their
being more realistic, our findings show that GPs are in reality opinion of the topic of doping has been modified. According to
confronted by doping in sports, even if only occasionally. psychosociologists, the behaviour of subjects is not deter-
However, our results probably underestimate the situation, mined by the objective characteristics of a situation, but rather
particularly as GPs are not always aware of what they are by their personal and collective representation of the said
being asked, or do not realise that certain prescribed situation.14 So this evolution, if confirmed, could perhaps lead
medication can be misused for doping purposes. In fact, GPs GPs to become more informed and more vigilant about doping
fail to take account of doping in sports, as shown in other and therefore contribute to its prevention.
338 Laure, Binsinger, Lecerf

Conclusion 13 Lowenstein W, Arvers P, Gourarier L, et al. Physical and sports activities

in the history of patients treated for addictions. Report 1999 of the study
This study suggests that French GPs consider that doping in sponsored by the Ministry of Youth and Sports (France). Ann Med Interne
athletes is a real public health problem, and also that they 2000;151:A18–26.
want to participate in its prevention. However, although this 14 Abric JC. L’étude expérimentale des représentations sociales. In: Jodelet
observation does seem encouraging, their limited knowledge C. Les représentations sociales. Paris: PUF, 1993:187–203. [AQ:1]
of the realities of doping should prompt the introduction of
adequate training in this domain.
.................. COMMENTARY ..................
Authors’ affiliations
P Laure, Laboratoire de Psychologie Appliquée “Stress et Société”, The programmes aimed at controlling the misuse of sub-
Université de Reims, Bât 6, Moulin de La Housse, 51687 Reims Cedex 2,
stances by sportsmen will most certainly fail if not supported
P Laure, C Binsinger, T Lecerf, Direction régionale et départementale by the community of specialists surrounding the athlete. The
de la Jeunesse et des Sports de Lorraine, 13, rue de Mainvaux, BP 69, decision to engage in doping—that is, the intake of drugs for
54139 Saint-Max Cedex, France performance enhancing purposes—will make its way into the
athlete’s training regimen if supported by trusted people and
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