Man User DPS200
Man User DPS200
Man User DPS200
User's Manual
• All rights reserved. Reproduction of any of this manual in any form whatsoever without
prior written permission from Kongsberg Seatex AS is forbidden.
• All efforts have been made to ensure the accuracy of the contents of this manual.
However, should any errors be detected, Kongsberg Seatex AS would greatly appreciate
being informed of them.
• The above notwithstanding, Kongsberg Seatex AS can assume no responsibility for any
errors in this manual or their consequences.
Kongsberg Seatex AS
Pirsenteret, N-7462 Trondheim, Norway
Telephone: +47 73 54 55 00
Facsimile: +47 73 51 50 20
Duty phone: +47 73 50 21 11
Blank page
Revision log
Blank page
Table of contents
1. INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................ 13
1.1 References................................................................................................................ 14
1.2 Abbreviations and acronyms ................................................................................... 14
1.3 Health, environment and safety ............................................................................... 16
1.4 Restrictions in guarantee ......................................................................................... 16
1.5 Disclaimer ................................................................................................................ 16
1.6 System description ................................................................................................... 17
1.7 Networked architecture............................................................................................ 18
1.8 Position determination ............................................................................................. 18
1.9 GNSS systems ......................................................................................................... 18
1.9.1 GPS - Global Positioning System ................................................................ 18
1.9.2 GLONASS - Global Navigation Satellite System ....................................... 20
1.9.3 Differential GPS (DGPS) and differential GLONASS (DGLONASS) ....... 20
2. OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS..................................................................................... 23
2.1 Screen sections ........................................................................................................ 23
2.1.1 Switch and select views ............................................................................... 24
2.2 Top bar ..................................................................................................................... 24
2.2.1 System modes .............................................................................................. 24
2.2.2 System status................................................................................................ 25
2.2.3 Events........................................................................................................... 25
2.2.4 Application menu ......................................................................................... 25
2.3 Target Monitoring View .......................................................................................... 26
2.3.1 Symbols........................................................................................................ 27
2.3.2 Select or deselect target ............................................................................... 29
2.3.3 Select measurement point ............................................................................ 30
2.3.4 Add target .................................................................................................... 30
2.3.5 Target list ..................................................................................................... 30
2.3.6 Pan and zoom displayed area ....................................................................... 30
2.4 Sky View ................................................................................................................. 31
2.5 Speed View .............................................................................................................. 32
2.6 DGNSS Views ......................................................................................................... 33
2.7 Integrity View .......................................................................................................... 34
2.7.1 Quality assessment of position data ............................................................. 36
2.7.2 The DQI figure ............................................................................................. 36
2.8 View menu ............................................................................................................... 38
2.8.1 Display mode ............................................................................................... 38
2.8.2 View ............................................................................................................. 39
2.8.3 Display format ............................................................................................. 40
2.9 Chart menu............................................................................................................... 41
2.9.1 Zoom ............................................................................................................ 41
2.9.2 Automatic pan and zoom ............................................................................. 41
2.9.3 Display options ............................................................................................ 42
2.10 Alarm menu ............................................................................................................. 44
2.11 Target menu ............................................................................................................. 45
2.11.1 Target configuration .................................................................................... 45
2.11.2 Target editing ............................................................................................... 46 Position .......................................................................................... 49 Monitoring points .......................................................................... 50 Alarm circle ................................................................................... 51
2.11.3 AIS targets ................................................................................................... 52
2.12 Tools menu .............................................................................................................. 53
2.12.1 Monitors ....................................................................................................... 53 Data Viewer ................................................................................... 53 DGNSS Monitor ............................................................................ 54 Satellite Prediction ......................................................................... 57
2.12.2 Log ............................................................................................................... 59
2.12.3 Utilities......................................................................................................... 60
2.12.4 C-Map .......................................................................................................... 60
2.13 System menu ............................................................................................................ 61
2.13.1 Own vessel ................................................................................................... 61 Own vessel information ................................................................. 61
2.13.2 NavEngine control ....................................................................................... 63
2.13.3 Configuration ............................................................................................... 63
2.13.4 Information .................................................................................................. 63
2.13.5 System control ............................................................................................. 63
2.13.6 System settings ............................................................................................ 64 View ............................................................................................... 64 Alarms............................................................................................ 65 Data Source .................................................................................... 65 Chart .............................................................................................. 66 General ........................................................................................... 67 UTM Options ................................................................................. 68 AIS ................................................................................................. 69 Sky view ........................................................................................ 70 Seabed maps .................................................................................. 72
2.14 Restart or stop system .............................................................................................. 73
2.14.1 Restart .......................................................................................................... 73
2.14.2 Shut down .................................................................................................... 73
2.14.3 Restart GUI .................................................................................................. 73
2.14.4 Stop GUI ...................................................................................................... 74
3. MAINTENANCE.............................................................................................................. 75
3.1 Periodic maintenance ............................................................................................... 75
3.1.1 Software upgrades........................................................................................ 75
3.1.2 Cleaning of air inlet ..................................................................................... 76
3.2 Repairs and modifications ....................................................................................... 76
3.2.1 Exchange of antenna cable .......................................................................... 77
3.2.2 Exchange of GPS/GLONASS antenna ........................................................ 77
3.2.3 Repair of the DPS 200 unit .......................................................................... 77
3.2.4 Installation of a spare DPS 200 unit ............................................................ 77
3.3 C-Map maintenance ................................................................................................. 78
3.3.1 Upgrade database ......................................................................................... 78
3.3.2 Update license .............................................................................................. 79
3.4 Troubleshooting ....................................................................................................... 80
No mouse cursor .......................................................................................... 80
No zoom buttons .......................................................................................... 81
No satellites tracked by receiver .................................................................. 81
Few satellites tracked by receiver ................................................................ 82
Loss of differential corrections .................................................................... 83
IALA beacon signal missing........................................................................ 85 Unstable signal............................................................................... 85 No IALA signal ............................................................................. 85
3.4.7 Loss of gyro signal ....................................................................................... 87
3.4.8 External output problems ............................................................................. 88
3.4.9 Operating system problems.......................................................................... 88 System hang ................................................................................... 88 Hard disk problems ........................................................................ 88 Installation of DPS 200 software ................................................... 89
3.4.10 Copy configuration and logged data ............................................................ 89 Copy configuration ........................................................................ 89 Copy logged data ........................................................................... 91
4. TECHNICAL DESCRIPTION ....................................................................................... 93
4.1 DPS 200 unit ............................................................................................................ 93
4.1.1 External input and output serial lines .......................................................... 94
4.2 Technical data .......................................................................................................... 95
4.2.1 Performance data ......................................................................................... 95
4.2.2 Physical dimensions ..................................................................................... 95
4.2.3 Power ........................................................................................................... 96
4.2.4 Environmental specification ........................................................................ 96
4.2.5 Radio frequencies ........................................................................................ 96
4.2.6 Cable specification ....................................................................................... 97
4.2.7 Compass safe distance ................................................................................. 97
4.2.8 Other data ..................................................................................................... 97
5. DRAWINGS ...................................................................................................................... 99
6. PARTS LIST ................................................................................................................... 101
APPENDIX A – DECLARATION OF CONFORMITY .................................................. 105
INDEX ................................................................................................................................... 107
READER'S COMMENTS ................................................................................................... 109
List of illustrations
Figure 1 Typical DPS 200 configuration ............................................................................... 17
Figure 2 Differential GPS/GLONASS (DGPS/DGLONASS) concept ................................. 21
Figure 3 DPS 200 view layout ............................................................................................... 23
Figure 4 Top bar ..................................................................................................................... 24
Figure 5 Target Monitoring View .......................................................................................... 26
Figure 6 TMV layer principle ................................................................................................ 26
Figure 7 TMV displaying DT, BT and ETE to a target ......................................................... 27
Figure 8 Sample map section showing own vessel, and AIS targets ..................................... 29
Figure 9 Selecting target in the TMV .................................................................................... 29
Figure 10 Sky View................................................................................................................ 31
Figure 11 Satellite colours ..................................................................................................... 31
Figure 12 Tooltip for GPS satellite with corrections ............................................................. 31
Figure 13 Tooltip for GLONASS satellite with corrections .................................................. 32
Figure 14 Speed View ............................................................................................................ 32
Figure 15 DGNSS Status View .............................................................................................. 33
Figure 16 DGNSS Age View ................................................................................................. 34
Figure 17 Integrity View ........................................................................................................ 35
Figure 18 View menu ............................................................................................................. 38
Figure 19 Dusk ....................................................................................................................... 38
Figure 20 Day black ............................................................................................................... 38
Figure 21 Browse views with the F2 key ............................................................................... 39
Figure 22 Switch views with the F3 key ................................................................................ 39
Figure 23 Chart menu ............................................................................................................. 41
Figure 24 TMV with EBL enabled ........................................................................................ 43
Figure 25 Alarm menu ........................................................................................................... 44
Figure 26 Alarm log view ...................................................................................................... 44
Figure 27 Export alarm log view............................................................................................ 45
Figure 28 Target menu ........................................................................................................... 45
Figure 29 Target list ............................................................................................................... 46
Figure 30 Target editor........................................................................................................... 47
Figure 31 Edit target – selection of target shape .................................................................... 48
Figure 32 Target editor - position tab (UTM) ........................................................................ 50
Figure 33 Target editor - monitoring points ........................................................................... 51
Figure 34 Alarm circles as displayed in TMV ....................................................................... 51
Figure 35 Target editor - alarm circles ................................................................................... 52
Figure 36 Tools menu ............................................................................................................ 53
Figure 37 Data Viewer application ........................................................................................ 54
Figure 38 DGNSS Monitor, RTCM stations.......................................................................... 55
Figure 39 DGNSS Monitor, SBAS ........................................................................................ 56
Figure 40 DGNSS Monitor, HP/XP/G2 ................................................................................. 56
Figure 41 Satellite Prediction ................................................................................................. 57
Figure 42 Adding sector into the Satellite Prediction Sky view ............................................ 58
Figure 43 Track plot ............................................................................................................... 58
Figure 44 Close up of satellite prediction graphs................................................................... 59
Figure 45 System menu .......................................................................................................... 61
Figure 46 Own vessel dialog .................................................................................................. 62
Figure 47 Selection and displaying of measurement point in TMV. ..................................... 62
Figure 48 System settings – View .......................................................................................... 64
Figure 49 System settings - Alarms ....................................................................................... 65
Figure 50 System settings - Data Source ............................................................................... 65
Figure 51 System settings - DCW chart ................................................................................. 66
Figure 52 System settings - C-Map chart ............................................................................... 67
Figure 53 Green arrows ............................................................................................................ 68
Figure 54 Use red port/aft arrows .......................................................................................... 68
Figure 55 System settings – General ...................................................................................... 68
Figure 56 System settings - UTM options ............................................................................. 69
Figure 57 System settings - AIS............................................................................................. 70
Figure 58 System settings – Sky view ................................................................................... 70
Figure 59 Selection of correction satellites to display ........................................................... 70
Figure 60 Correction satellite tooltip ..................................................................................... 71
Figure 61 Sky View with correction satellites, signal strength bar, ...................................... 71
Figure 62 System settings – Seabed maps ............................................................................. 72
Figure 63 Seabed maps import and map details ..................................................................... 72
Figure 64 Seabed map layer in TMV ...................................................................................... 73
Figure 65 Start GUI ................................................................................................................ 74
Figure 66 Software upgrade dialog ........................................................................................ 75
Figure 67 .NET Framework upgrade notification .................................................................. 76
Figure 68 NavEngine upgrade notification ............................................................................ 76
Figure 69 C-Map Chart Manager ........................................................................................... 79
Figure 70 C-Map License tab ................................................................................................. 80
Figure 71 DPS 200 when no satellites are tracked ................................................................. 82
Figure 72 Error ellipse with few satellites tracked by receiver.............................................. 82
Figure 73 DPS 200 with one differential link missing ........................................................... 83
Figure 74 Fugro Seastar demodulator front view .................................................................. 84
Figure 75 Fugro Seastar demodulator rear view .................................................................... 84
Figure 76 Receiver Communication Setup ............................................................................ 86
Figure 77 IALA Beacon Receiver Information...................................................................... 86
Figure 78 Performance Plot Window ..................................................................................... 86
Figure 79 DPS 200 with gyro missing ................................................................................... 87
Figure 80 Configuration Copier ............................................................................................. 89
Figure 81 Configuration zip-files ........................................................................................... 90
Figure 82 Registry files copied using Copy configuration .................................................... 90
Figure 83 Front panel of the DPS 200 unit ............................................................................ 94
Figure 84 Rear panel of the DPS 200 unit ............................................................................. 94
List of tables
Table 1 Target symbol description – small scale ................................................................... 28
Table 2 Quality parameters .................................................................................................... 36
Table 3 DQI specifications..................................................................................................... 36
Table 4 Target symbol description – large scale .................................................................... 49
Seatex DPS 200 User's Manual, rev. 7 Introduction
The purpose of this manual is to provide the user with sufficient information to operate the
DPS 200 equipment correctly.
Chapter 3 Operating instructions - Describes system operation with main menus and
Chapter 3 Maintenance - Describes repair and servicing procedures and different status
and alarm situations, and contains some hints for troubleshooting.
Chapter 6 Parts list - Lists the parts in the basic delivery and available optional
Caution! Is used to make the user aware of procedures and operational practice
which, if not followed, may result in degraded performance or damage to the
Note! A note text has this format and is used to draw the user's attention to special
features or behaviour of the equipment.
Seatex DPS 200 User's Manual, rev. 7 Introduction
1.1 References
Seatex DPS 200 User's Manual, rev. 7 Introduction
Seatex DPS 200 User's Manual, rev. 7 Introduction
Operation or troubleshooting of DPS 200 equipment will not imply any risk of high voltages,
explosions or exposure to gas when the guidelines in this manual are followed. The DPS 200
complies with IEC 60950-1/EN60945-1 standards regarding product safety (low voltage) and
IEC 60950-1/EN60945-1 standards on electromagnetic compatibility (immunity/radiation)
and vibration.
All DPS electrical and electronic components have to be disposed separately from the
municipal waste stream via designated collection facilities appointed by the government or
local authorities. The correct disposal and separate collection of your old appliance will help
preventing potential negative consequences for the environment and human health. It is a
precondition for reuse and recycling of used electrical and electronic equipment. For more
detailed information about disposal of your old appliance, please contact your local
authorities or waste disposal service.
The liability of Kongsberg Seatex is limited to repair of the DPS 200 only under the given
terms and conditions stated in the sales documents. Consequential damages such as
customer's loss of profit or damage to other systems traceable back to DPS 200 malfunction
are excluded. The warranty does not cover malfunctions of the DPS 200 resulting from the
following conditions:
1.5 Disclaimer
DPS 200 is not an ECDIS system, hence type approval according to IMO ECDIS
performance standards is not applicable.
Although KSX has made every effort to obtain all electronic map and chart data from
professional and authorized providers, their accuracy and completeness are not guaranteed.
Map data may contain some non-conformities, defects, errors, and/or omissions.
Seatex DPS 200 User's Manual, rev. 7 Introduction
The electronic charts should therefore be used only as a backup to official government paper
charts and traditional navigation methods. Users of the information displayed in map charts
are strongly cautioned to verify all information before making any decisions.
The High Performance Position Sensor, DPS 200, is developed by Kongsberg Seatex
specifically for the dynamic positioning (DP) market where GPS and GLONASS position
sensors are critical in order to achieve optimum DP capability.
DPS 200 is a position sensor based on a combined GPS and GLONASS receiver, and a dual-
channel IALA beacon receiver. The addition of GLONASS to GPS significantly increases
satellite availability, provides robust integrity monitoring and results in more precise
solutions, particularly in highly obstructed environments. It is designed for 24/7 reliable
operation year after year. A typical DPS 200 system configuration is shown in the figure
Seatex DPS 200 User's Manual, rev. 7 Introduction
The DPS Engine runs all critical computations independent from the DPS HMI to ensure
continuous and reliable operation. DPS Engine runs in a safe mode protected from unintended
user operations. Several DPS HMIs can be connected to the same DPS Engine in a networked
DPS NavEngine comprises a signal processing core with advanced algorithms and true
parallel processing of all available signals. DGPS/DGLONASS corrections from different
sources are combined by the unique MULTIREF capability. There is no practical limitation to
the number of reference stations handled by the DPS NavEngine. Simultaneous reception and
use of correction signals in MF and UHF frequency bands, Inmarsat standard A, B and M terminals
and SeaSTAR Spot are possible.
DPS 200 has a built-in autonomous real-time quality control feature continuously monitoring
the quality of the calculated position. This is in accordance with requirements in the UKOOA
standard for offshore positioning accuracy and reliability. Alarms and warnings are activated
if critical tolerances are exceeded or if position quality degrades.
Heading input from a gyrocompass can be used to display heading and speed information in
the DPS HMI. Heading input is also necessary in order to utilise the built-in lever arm
compensation. The lever arm compensation in the software enables selection of several
monitoring points on the vessel for which position data can be output.
GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite System) is a generic term for satellite navigation systems
providing autonomous geo-spatial positioning with global coverage. GPS is the only GNSS
with full constellation. However, Glonass is operable and plan to have full constellation
within 2010. Galileo is a third GNSS which is in the development phase and scheduled to be
operational in 2013.
GPS provides a highly accurate and continuous navigation service. It provides 24-hour, all
weather and global coverage.
Seatex DPS 200 User's Manual, rev. 7 Introduction
Space segment This segment consists of at least 24 satellites (21 active plus 3 operating
spares) in 12-hour circular orbits. At an altitude of 20 200 km, each
satellite is transmitting orbital and clock parameters.
Control segment This segment comprises Ground Control Stations geographically spread
for monitoring, up-loading and control of the satellite transmitted
User segment This segment comprises GPS receivers installed onboard ships, aircraft
etc. to track satellite signals and transform them into position, velocity
and time.
Each GPS satellite transmits radio signals at two microwave frequencies in the L band,
1575.43 MHz (L1) and 1227.6 MHz (L2).
The L1 signal is modulated by a precise (P) code for Precise Positioning Service (PPS) and a
course/acquisition (C/A) code for Standard Positioning Service (SPS). The P code is for
military and authorised personnel only and is encrypted before broadcast to GPS users. The
C/A code is for civil users. Until 1 May 2000 the accuracy of the C/A code was degraded to
100 m (2DRMS) horizontal positioning by the use of Selective Availability (SA). However,
SA is now switched off and the position accuracy of the system is about 16 meters 95% CEP.
The fundamental technique for GPS is one-way ranging from the satellites. Triangulation,
based on ranging from the satellites, is the basis of the system. To triangulate, GPS measures
distance using the travel time of a radio message. To measure travel time, timing is crucial.
GPS therefore needs very accurate clocks. The transmission is referred to highly accurate
atomic frequency standards onboard the satellites, which are in synchronisation with the GPS
system time base.
Time difference from the signal leaves the satellites until it is received at the GPS receiver is
measured. The distance is computed by multiplying with the speed of light. Once the distance
to a satellite is known, the satellites' position in space must be found. The GPS satellites are
launched into very precise orbits and their position is transmitted to the user. Knowing the
satellites position and the distance to the user receiver, the user position can be computed.
Three perfect measurements can solve a three-dimensional point in space.
However, the crystal clocks in the GPS receivers are drifting, and the position is therefore
inaccurate. To calculate a three dimensional position, four unknowns have to be solved
(latitude, longitude, height and receiver clock offset). To solve this equation with four
unknowns it is necessary with range measurements from four or more satellites.
The geometry and hence the accuracy of the position calculation varies with the number of
satellites available and their location.
Using differential corrections from one or more GPS Reference Stations significantly reduces
all major error sources. This principle is called differential GPS (DGPS).
Seatex DPS 200 User's Manual, rev. 7 Introduction
The GLONASS system is based on the same segments as the GPS system with a space
segment, a control segment and a user segment.
In contrast to the GPS system where all satellites transmit on the same frequency, each
GLONASS satellite transmits on its own frequencies. Each GLONASS satellite transmits
radio signals at two microwave frequencies in the L band.
In order to calculate a three-dimensional position based on both GPS and GLONASS, five
unknowns have to be solved (latitude, longitude, height and two receiver clock offsets).
Tracking five or more satellites solves this equation.
One of the primary advantages of GPS+GLONASS is the increased satellite coverage. With
satellites from the combined GPS and GLONASS constellations, there are many more visible
satellites available for position computation. A combined GPS+GLONASS system is
therefore extremely beneficial in obstructed operating environments.
By using GPS+GLONASS users benefit from the integrity of two independently operated
satellite positioning systems. With more satellites available, the constellation geometry is
significantly improved, providing the user with added confidence in the accuracy of the
positioning solutions
The DGPS/DGLONASS system improves the position accuracy by using the differential
technique. This is accomplished by accurately surveyed GPS/GLONASS reference stations
which calculate pseudo-range corrections for all the satellites tracked by the reference
station's GPS/GLONASS receiver.
Each GPS/GLONASS reference station compares the measured distance to a satellite with the
one calculated based on the satellites' and the reference station's known co-ordinates. The
resultant range difference is the correction data, which are broadcasted from the
GPS/GLONASS reference stations to the Differential GPS/GLONASS correction receiver(s)
on board the vessel(s). The correction data can also be broadcast via satellite, e.g. an Inmarsat
Seatex DPS 200 User's Manual, rev. 7 Introduction
At the vessel, these pseudo-range corrections are applied to correct the pseudo-ranges
received by the vessel's GPS receiver, prior to using them for the calculation of a three-
dimensional navigation solution. The concept of a differential GPS/GLONASS
(DGPS/DGLONASS) real-time system is illustrated in Figure 2.
Seatex DPS 200 User's Manual, rev. 7 Introduction
Blank page
Seatex DPS 200 User's Manual, rev. 7 Operating instructions
The DPS 200 software will start automatically after power on.
The DPS 200 has a graphical user interface. In the following chapters, the various display
pages comprising the DPS 200 software will be described for a better understanding of the
displayed parameters.
The main application window in DPS 200 is divided into four sections; Top bar, View 1,
View 2 and View 3. The size and position of the sections are fixed.
View 1 is suitable for views that must be monitored from a distance or for detailed views. It is
possible to toggle between View 1 and View 2, and to change what kind of data to present in
the two views. View 3 is fixed and will always display integrity information.
Seatex DPS 200 User's Manual, rev. 7 Operating instructions
The operator may select between the following views to be displayed in View 1 and View 2:
• Target Monitoring View (see Figure 5)
• Sky View (see Figure 10)
• Speed View (see Figure 14)
• DGNSS Status View (see Figure 15)
• DGNSS Age View (see Figure 16)
DPS 200 has three system modes, indicated in the System mode field of the Top bar:
Operation mode This is the default mode. In this mode it is not possible to launch any
external applications, diagnostic tools or reconfigure the system. A
password is not required to switch to this mode.
Configuration mode In this mode it is possible to change settings related to the connected
sensors, applications and system-wide settings.
Engineering mode This mode is primarily intended for field engineers during initial
installation, fault diagnostics and system-wide reconfiguration.
Seatex DPS 200 User's Manual, rev. 7 Operating instructions
The system status describes the position integrity level, and is indicated in the status field of
the Top bar (see Figure 4, page 24). The background colour of this field helps indicate the
system status. The system states are:
2.2.3 Events
• Information messages
• Warnings
• Alarms
An event message is acknowledged by clicking in the Event check box. When an event is
acknowledged, it disappears from the event list. However, the event can still be viewed in the
Alarm log under the Alarm menu, see page 44.
The six menu buttons located to the far right on the Top bar constitute the application menu.
• View
• Chart
• Alarm
• Target
• Tools
• System
The various menus have a drop-down list offering various operational and visual options.
For more information about the application menu, see section 2.8 onwards.
Seatex DPS 200 User's Manual, rev. 7 Operating instructions
The figure above shows the Target Monitoring View (TMV). It may appear both in View 1
(the largest view) and View 2 (the upper right view) of the DPS 200 window. The TMV
contains the same information in either view; only scaling is changed.
Seatex DPS 200 User's Manual, rev. 7 Operating instructions
and view may be changed by zooming and/or panning in the TMV. See Chart, page 66.
The appearance of the speed and link status bars is controlled from the Display options in the
Chart menu, page 42. The circular buttons in the link status bar may be clicked to open the
DGNSS Monitor (see Figure 38, page 55).
The area indicated as Position or DT/BT will change if a target is selected or unselected.
With no target selected, the position of the currently selected measurement point (indicated in
the upper left corner) is displayed as indicated in Figure 5.
As soon as a target is selected, this line changes to display distance (DT) and bearing (BT)
to target, and the involved measurement points on own vessel and selected target are both
indicated in the top left corner, as indicated in Figure 7.
2.3.1 Symbols
DPS 200 uses various symbols for presenting targets in the TMV.
The symbols defined by IMO are used for scales smaller than 1:4000. The target outline is
drawn when the scale is very large, typically larger than 1:4000.
The large scale target outline for the various target shapes may be viewed in the target editor,
see Target editing, page 46.
Seatex DPS 200 User's Manual, rev. 7 Operating instructions
Symbol Description
IMO symbol used for own vessel.
The solid lines indicate the beam and the HDG of the vessel.
A dotted line indicates the COG and the distance travelled if the vessel continues
with the same speed and course for 3 minutes.
Symbol used for own vessel in very large scales. Measurement points, including the
antenna, are indicated with filled circles. A larger circle encapsulates the selected
measurement point.
IMO symbol used for other targets. The open square encapsulates the selected target
only. If the target has heading information, the heading is indicated with a line from
the center of the circle along the heading.
The dotted line indicates COG and the distance travelled if the vessel continues with
the same speed and course for 3 minutes.
To distinguish between own vessel and other targets in the TMV, own vessel is filled with a
beige colour, whereas other targets are filled with grey colour. This does not apply when the
vessels are represented by IMO symbols.
Figure 8 shows a section of the TMV containing AIS targets as they appear when AIS data is
enabled (see AIS targets, page 52).
Seatex DPS 200 User's Manual, rev. 7 Operating instructions
Figure 8 Sample map section showing own vessel, and AIS targets
It is possible to select and deselect targets and measurement points directly in the TMV.
When right-clicking within the bounds of a target, a pop-up menu appears. Click Select to
select the target. The TMV will change to display distance and bearing to target instead of the
position of the selected measurement point on own vessel.
Seatex DPS 200 User's Manual, rev. 7 Operating instructions
If the target is already selected, the first menu item will be Deselect. If
clicking Deselect, the target will be deselected, and the TMV will return
to display the position of the selected measurement point.
Select Add target here to open the Edit target dialog. The position represented by the
mouse cursor will be used as the target position. See Target editing on page 46 for more
Click Target/Target list… to open a dialog displaying all defined targets. See Target editing
on page 46 for more information.
The easiest way to zoom the view is to click the zoom buttons, indicated in
Figure 5. Please observe that, for enhanced visibility, these buttons appear
only when the mouse cursor is moved towards the upper right corner of the
TMV, and they disappear as soon as the mouse cursor is moved away from
this area. For more information about zooming and panning, see Chart menu, page 41.
Seatex DPS 200 User's Manual, rev. 7 Operating instructions
The Sky View display shows which satellites the DPS 200 is tracking and using in the
position computation. The satellites are presented according to satellite geometry. The grey
outer field represents the elevation mask. Satellites under the set elevation mask are marked
grey. The satellite azimuth angle is according to the north-south axis.
In the upper left corner, the number of GPS satellites tracked and used in the position solution
is presented. In the upper right corner, the number of GLONASS satellites tracked and used in
the position solution is presented.
When the mouse cursor hovers over a satellite symbol, a tooltip will appear with the status of
the satellite including azimuth, elevation, L1 signal-to-noise ratio and differential correction
The main function of the Speed View is to give information about the speed and heading of
the vessel. Longitudinal and transversal speed (SL and ST) is presented together with arrows
indicating forward/aft and port/starboard directions. The arrows and the vessel's course over
ground (COG) are not displayed if the speed over ground (SOG) is less than 0.1 m/s.
Note! The displayed speed values apply to the antenna position only even if the position
is displayed for other measurement points.
Seatex DPS 200 User's Manual, rev. 7 Operating instructions
There are two DGNSS Views, DGNSS Age View and DGNSS Status View. Both views
indicate the status of the available correction links.
All links are indicated using green colour if correction data are received, red if no data are
received through that link, or light grey if the link has been disabled for some reason.
Status of up to 9 correction links may be displayed. Each link is identified by its name as
defined in the Configuration file. The number of reference stations used in the position
calculation and the number of reference stations available are indicated for each correction
A tooltip is displayed when dragging the mouse over a correction link. The tooltip displays
information of the specific correction link, as seen in Figure 15. The DGNSS Age View, as
seen in Figure 16, presents each link as a circular button and presents a bar that indicates the
quality as the age of the corrections received through that link. If a bar is filled green, the
correction ignals are newer. The older the signals are, the shorter the bar is.
If the bar is grey, the age of the corrections has exceeded the maximum age, and the
corrections from the link are not in use. The maximum age for using differential corrections is
set in the Configuration file, see [1].
Seatex DPS 200 User's Manual, rev. 7 Operating instructions
When clicking on one of the link buttons, the DGNSS Monitor appears. This view lists
details of all available reference stations from all correction links. See DGNSS Monitor on
page 53 for more information.
The Integrity View indicates the integrity of the system position. It is always located in the
lower right view (view 3).
The DQI bar indicates the quality of the position. If the quality of the position is less than 5,
the background colour of the bar changes from grey to yellow. If it is less than 2, it is red. The
DQI parameters are described in the quality parameter description in section 2.7.2.
The Error ellipse describes the position quality and the geometry of the position solution.
The Error ellipse is described in the quality parameter description in section 2.7.2. The colour
of the ellipse indicates the quality/integrity of the position. The colours used are the same as
in the System status field of the Top bar (see Figure 4, page 24 and System status, page 25).
Seatex DPS 200 User's Manual, rev. 7 Operating instructions
A RAIM exclusion and detection algorithm is implemented to detect satellite failure. The
integrity indication for different position accuracy levels is expressed in three states that
satisfy the requirements. The states are Safe, Unsafe and Caution. These states are indicated
with different colours (green, yellow and red) on the error ellipse in the Integrity View. The
position accuracy level is configurable from the setup file (the value is displayed as the outer
circle on the axis). Default value is 10 m.
Unsafe (red) indicates that the system accuracy is above the selected accuracy level (95 %
confidence level).
The position accuracy level (95 %) is configurable from the Configuration file. Default value
is 10 m.
The EPE (Estimated Position Error) is a position quality parameter for the DGPS position.
The figures are 95 % CEP. Unit is meters. The time span in the graphical plot of the EPE is
250 seconds in the horizontal axis.
Seatex DPS 200 User's Manual, rev. 7 Operating instructions
Quality assessment of GPS data is equally important as highly accurate positions. The
methods for quality assessment implemented in DPS 200 are in accordance with [4].
The parameters used are:
The quality indicator DQI is a single integer between 0 and 9, which reflects the status and
quality of the position solution.
Seatex DPS 200 User's Manual, rev. 7 Operating instructions
An important point to note is the prerequisite for the successful pass of a statistical test. The
statistical methods used are in accordance with [4].
Bearing in mind the number of parameters present in the $DPGGA sentence, it is sufficient
for the DQI to provide a statement on the status and quality of the positioning. DQI values 5
to 9 represent a grading system under normal operating conditions.
The DQI is passed along with other quality indicators and each raw unfiltered position into
the DP control system. These indicators are put into free (null) fields in the NMEA 0183
standard format $GGA to produce the new $DPGGA format.
The DQI does not need to be used at all in the DP control system, but should be implemented
according to the standard so that DP control system providers have the option of applying it.
The recommendation is to provide position and quality factors (including DQI) as most
DGPS/DGLONASS systems diagnose their own fix quality more rigorously compared to
similar diagnostics done by the DP system. The DP control system itself ultimately decides if
it will accept the position sensor or not. If not displayed or used in the DP control system, the
DQI is available on the DPS 200 display to assist DP operators in evaluating position quality.
Seatex DPS 200 User's Manual, rev. 7 Operating instructions
Seatex DPS 200 User's Manual, rev. 7 Operating instructions
2.8.2 View
Browse views Click to browse to the next available view in View 2. This has the same
effect as pressing the F2 key.
Switch views Click to switch the contents of View 1 and View 2. This has the same
effect as pressing the F3 key.
Note! Browsing or switching views using F2 and F3 is not stored. The only way to
ensure that the selected contents is displayed every time the GUI starts, is to make
the selection as described in View under System settings, page 64.
Seatex DPS 200 User's Manual, rev. 7 Operating instructions
The display format group provides alternatives for modifying how various data types are
presented. When clicking a view menu item of this group, or hovering the mouse cursor over
it, a sub-menu will appear to the left, containing radio items for selecting the wanted format.
Date format Select between various date formats. The selected format is used in
displayed fields presenting date information, e.g. the date part of the Top
Time format Select between AM/PM and 24-hour display of time values. Influences
all displayed fields presenting time information, e.g. current date and
time and event fields of the Top bar (see Figure 4, page 24).
Position format Select between decimal seconds (e.g. N 63°26'31.92''), decimal minutes
(e.g. N 63°26.5320') and UTM. All positions displayed in the various
views and dialogs will follow this selection.
Datum Select datum in which positions are presented. Available selections are
WGS84, ED50 and NAD27.
Unit system Select the length and speed units used in the various views. Two types of
unit system selections are available: Fixed units and Auto-scaling units.
Each alternative indicates the distance unit, then the speed unit.
Auto-scaling units will change from short range unit to long range unit
(indicated in parenthesis) when the number of digits in the displayed
value exceeds a certain limit.
Seatex DPS 200 User's Manual, rev. 7 Operating instructions
2.9.1 Zoom
This section of the Chart menu contains three option buttons. Only one of them may be
selected at a time.
Manual When this item is selected, clicking the left mouse button will
cause the centre of the chart to be moved to the position indicated
by the mouse cursor.
Seatex DPS 200 User's Manual, rev. 7 Operating instructions
Own vessel in centre When this item is selected, the centre of the map is always the
position of own vessel. User controlled panning is disabled, i.e.
clicking the left mouse button will have no effect.
Own vessel visible This item appears only when no target is selected, and will cause
own vessel always to be visible in the chart area. If zooming or
movement causes own vessel to appear outside the chart area, the
centre of the chart is automatically set to the vessel's position. User
controlled panning is disabled.
Selected target visible This item appears only when a target is selected, and will cause
both own vessel and the selected target to be visible in the chart
area. If either vessel appears outside the viewed area, the centre of
the chart is automatically set to the centre position between the
selected measurement points of own vessel and the selected target.
If needed, the map scale is adjusted to ensure that both vessels fit
within the displayed area. User controlled panning is disabled.
This section contains items that enable the user to show or hide parts of the TMV.
Seatex DPS 200 User's Manual, rev. 7 Operating instructions
Seabed maps Opens a sub-menu with the available seabed maps and the
desired maps can be selected. The selected maps will be
displayed in the TMV. This item is disabled if no seabed map
has been imported.
ETE Displays the estimated time left to reach the selected target
with the vessel's current speed and direction. The ETE is
indicated next to Distance and Bearing to target in the upper
part of the TMV. This item is disabled if no target has been
Link status Displays the Link status bar as indicated in Figure 5. When
unchecked, more space is available for the chart area.
This bar is always displayed below the Speed bar if both bars
are displayed.
Speed data Displays the Speed bar as indicated in Figure 5. The values
presented are also available in the Speed View, page 32.
When unchecked, more space is available for the chart area.
Figure 24 below shows the TMV with the following Display options enabled:
Visible chart, Target labels, Grid, Chart information, Compass rose, EBL and Link status.
Seatex DPS 200 User's Manual, rev. 7 Operating instructions
Alarm log... Click this item to open a dialog for investigating the alarm log (see
Figure 26). In this dialog it is possible to acknowledge all alarms
and clear the list. The option buttons at the top of the dialog
provide some simple message filtering: If Alarms is selected, only
events with the Alarm severity level are displayed, if Warnings is
selected, events with Alarm or Warning severity level are displayed
and if Information is selected, all events are displayed.
Seatex DPS 200 User's Manual, rev. 7 Operating instructions
Export alarm log This item is disabled as long as the Alarm log is empty. When
clicking this item, the dialog shown in Figure 27 is displayed.
Select the wanted destination directory. The available space on the
target drive is displayed. Make sure there is sufficient available
space before clicking the OK button.
Seatex DPS 200 User's Manual, rev. 7 Operating instructions
Current position as target Creates a temporary target point at own vessel's measurement
point. As soon as another target is selected, or the current
position target is deselected, it is removed from the target list.
Select target Opens a sub-menu with the available targets as items. Select
the desired target and then the desired measurement point of
the target. A target may also be selected directly from the
TMV, as described in Select or deselect target, page 29.
Deselect target This item is enabled only if a target is selected. Click to
deselect. Targets may also be deselected directly from the
The Target list dialog appears when clicking the Target menu and Target list….
Static targets may be used by the DPS 200 for distance and bearing information. These targets
are defined and maintained through the target list and target editor, as described in this
The static targets may be of various types and shapes. A target is defined by its geographical
position, name, shape and type.
In the Target list dialog above, the KV Svalbard target has been selected. The Deselect button
changes to Select as soon as a target, that is not the selected target, is highlighted in the list. It
is also possible to select and unselect targets and measurement points directly in the TMV,
see Select or deselect target, page 29.
To add a new target, select the Add… button. When adding a new target, the target ID is
automatically the next available number in the target list.
Seatex DPS 200 User's Manual, rev. 7 Operating instructions
To edit information about a target, select a target and press the Edit button. The target editor
which is used for adding or editing a target is identical.
For each target it is possible to select the following shapes: jackup, rig, ship, wellhead, point,
buoy and AtoN. A preview of the target shape is presented to the right of the target editor.
Seatex DPS 200 User's Manual, rev. 7 Operating instructions
When selecting the View button, information about the highlighted target is displayed. The
View target dialog has a similar layout as the Edit target dialog except that no target
information can be modified.
Seatex DPS 200 User's Manual, rev. 7 Operating instructions
Symbol Description
Dimensions to be inserted: width and overall length.
Dimensions to be inserted: width and overall length.
Dimensions to be inserted: Width, overall length, DWL to keel, stern to AP,
LPP and bow to FP.
No dimensions to be inserted.
No dimensions to be inserted.
Dimensions to be inserted: width and overall length.
Dimensions to be inserted: width and overall length. Position
The position may be edited manually, or loaded from the system by clicking the Current
position button.
Figure 32 shows the Edit target dialog's Position tab page when UTM has been selected as
the position format. UTM position is presented in north and east distance and UTM zone. In
addition, False Northing, False Easting and different Zone options may be specified when
selecting the UTM Options arrow.
When selecting False Northing, positions south of the equator will always be presented as
positive in the TMV. A fixed offset of 10 000 000 m is added to the northing value to avoid
negative coordinates in the southern hemisphere.
When selecting False Easting, a fixed offset of 500 000 m is added to the true easting value
to avoid negative coordinates.
The position may be entered in other formats or datum using the Format and Datum drop-
down lists. Available datum is NAD27, ED50 and WGS84.
Seatex DPS 200 User's Manual, rev. 7 Operating instructions
The position format selected in the Edit target dialog, has no effect on the position format
used in TMV.
The target editor also provides a tab page for maintaining monitoring points. These are
indicated as filled circles in the target preview. The point being edited is surrounded by a
larger circle. The reference point for the monitoring point is indicated with a cross.
Seatex DPS 200 User's Manual, rev. 7 Operating instructions
Click the Add button to add a new measurement point, give it a name in the Name field and
define the location relative to the indicated point. Click the Remove button to remove a
measurement point.
Seatex DPS 200 User's Manual, rev. 7 Operating instructions
The radius of the alarm circles is set in the target editor's Alarm Circle tab. To enable the
alarm circle, make sure the Enable alarm circle checkbox is checked.
The AIS targets section of the Target menu contains checkbox items to control which AIS
targets to display in the TMV. These elements are only enabled if Show AIS targets has been
checked in the System settings dialog, AIS, page 69.
Unlike the user-defined targets created by the DPS 200 operator, all information about AIS
targets is defined by the AIS message protocol.
AIS objects are displayed in the TMV if their corresponding checkbox is checked.
All received targets are kept in memory so that they are displayed as soon as the TMV scale
and pan make them visible. A sample view is given in Figure 8, page 29.
Seatex DPS 200 User's Manual, rev. 7 Operating instructions
2.12.1 Monitors
The Data Viewer shows raw data information about satellites tracked by the receiver,
position fix information, SBAS information and hardware platform status. The application is a
helpful tool for system verification and diagnostics.
Seatex DPS 200 User's Manual, rev. 7 Operating instructions
The DGNSS Monitor shows information about available reference stations. The dialog
presents three tabs, one per supported correction type.
By default, the reference station list is sorted in ascending order based on distance from the
vessel to the reference station. Click a column header to change sort criteria. Only ascending
order is provided.
Link Name: The name of the correction link that receives data from the reference station.
Type: The type of corrections received from the reference station, GPS L1 or GLO
Dist [km]: The distance between the vessel and the reference station in kilometres.
Seatex DPS 200 User's Manual, rev. 7 Operating instructions
Age [s]: This column shows the age of the correction data.
Health code: This column shows the reference station health status.
Health code = 0: the reference station is working ok.
Health code = 6: the reference station transmission is not monitored.
Health code = 7: the reference station is not working.
Used: This column shows if the reference station data are used in the position
computation (Yes, No, Timed out).
The upper field of the RTCM tab presents the number of RTCM stations available and the
number of RTCM stations used by the system. In addition, the Age limit and Range limit set
in the Configuration file are displayed. A reference station further away than the range limit,
will not be used in the position calculations. If the age of the data received from a reference
station exceeds the Age limit, the data from the station will not be used.
Seatex DPS 200 User's Manual, rev. 7 Operating instructions
The DPS 200 does not support the high precision services SeaSTAR HP, SeaSTAR XP and
SeaSTAR G2 offered by Fugro Seastar.
Seatex DPS 200 User's Manual, rev. 7 Operating instructions
During some periods the satellite coverage over some areas is rather poor and in addition
operations close to large equipment will often result in shadowed satellites and decrease the
number of satellites available. This is a major risk for safety operations.
The Satellite Prediction application is a helpful tool to plan an operation where good
accuracy throughout the operation is necessary and it will help the operator to plan when a
safety operation could take place and to identify periods of poor satellite geometry.
The satellite prediction is based on the satellite's almanac data received from the GNSS
When opening the Satellite Prediction application, the current date, time and position is set
as start values. In addition, shadow sectors are drawn as inserted in the System settings
dialog, while the elevation mask is drawn as set in the Configuration file. The default duration
of the prediction is set to 24 hours but may be changed to 1, 2, 4, 8 and 12 hours. To change
start values, insert new values and press the Recalculate button to update the graphs and sky
Seatex DPS 200 User's Manual, rev. 7 Operating instructions
If the Track plot option is enabled, the satellites orbit will be plotted when dragging the time
indicator. The track plot assists in determining if a satellite is rising or falling in elevation.
The length of the track plot is the same as in Sky View and is set in the System settings, see
Seatex DPS 200 User's Manual, rev. 7 Operating instructions
The colours of the satellites in the sky view indicate the following:
GPS satellite.
GLONASS satellite.
2.12.2 Log
NavEngine log Click to open Windows Explorer in the root folder for the
NavEngine log data.
Seatex DPS 200 User's Manual, rev. 7 Operating instructions
2.12.3 Utilities
IALA Configuration Click to launch an application for configuring the IALA beacon
receiver. The NavEngine service will be stopped during
configuration. This application is described in more detail under
Troubleshooting, section IALA beacon signal missing, page 85.
DGPS 464 Configuration Click to launch an application to configure the DGPS 464 radio.
The use of this application is described in detail in the
Installation manual ([1]). The NavEngine service will be
stopped during configuration.
NavEngine Console Click to run the NavEngine as a console application. When the
console application is terminated, the NavEngine will be re-
started as a system service.
System Verification Click to start a tool that analyses selected log data files and
prepares a PDF report with the results. This tool is intended for
use when finalising installations according to the
Commissioning Test Procedure.
Copy Configuration Click to start a tool that copies all relevant configurations into a
zip archive.
NovAtel CDU Click to start the NovAtel CDU program. The NavEngine
service will be stopped during configuration.
2.12.4 C-Map
The C-Map section helps maintaining the C-Map ECS license needed to display high quality
ECS. For more information about how to install and maintain the C-Map ECS license, see C-
Map maintenance, page 78.
C-Map Viewer Click to launch the C-Map chart database viewer. Also contains
various configuration tools for registering license keys and/or
upgrading the database.
C-Map User Setup Click to reset the C-Map dongle information. Note that license
information will have to be re-entered via the C-Map Viewer
before C-Map charts may be shown in full resolution.
Seatex DPS 200 User's Manual, rev. 7 Operating instructions
Selecting Information... under the System menu opens the Own vessel dialog. This dialog
presents vessel information like monitoring points, vessel dimensions, name and ID which is
inserted in the Configuration file. It is not possible to edit the parameters in the dialog.
The vessel drawing to the right in the dialog shows the vessel shape and dimensions
graphically, and marks where the monitoring points are located on the vessel. The selected
monitoring point is enlarged in proportion to the other points.
The selection of measurement point is done under Select measurement point from the
System menu.
Seatex DPS 200 User's Manual, rev. 7 Operating instructions
Seatex DPS 200 User's Manual, rev. 7 Operating instructions
The NavEngine control section contains two items – NavEngine and NavEngine config.
Click NavEngine (requires Engineering mode) to display a sub-menu with the following
Restart NavEngine Stop, then immediately restart the NavEngine system service.
Start NavEngine Start the NavEngine system service if it is not already running.
Stop NavEngine Stop the NavEngine system service if it is running.
Click NavEngine config to open the text editor for the NavEngine configuration file. Please
consult the Installation Manual [1] for a description on how to configure the NavEngine.
Caution! Never edit the NavEngine configuration file unless guided by customer
2.13.3 Configuration
2.13.4 Information
Seatex DPS 200 User's Manual, rev. 7 Operating instructions
Note! When restarting or stopping the GUI, the system will still calculate and output
The System settings dialog appears when clicking the System menu and System settings...
The settings are grouped in several tab pages, and each of these is described in the following
sections. View
The View page specifies the contents of each view to be used when the GUI application starts
up. The drop-down list controls indicate the contents, and the user may select from the
available list in View 1 and View 2. For DPS 200, the content of View 3 is fixed.
The layout of the dialog reflects the basic layout of the DPS 200 HMI as indicated in Figure
3, page 23.
Two views cannot have the same contents. Hence, if Target monitor is selected as contents in
View 1, other contents will automatically be selected for View 2.
Seatex DPS 200 User's Manual, rev. 7 Operating instructions Alarms
The Alarms page controls the minimum severity for alarms displayed in the Top bar.
The DPS 200 GUI does not need to run on the same CPU as the NavEngine service. By
entering the multicast group and port used by the wanted NavEngine instance in the Data
Source page of System settings, remote data become available.
Seatex DPS 200 User's Manual, rev. 7 Operating instructions Chart
In the Chart page the user can select which chart to use as a background layer for the targets
presented in the TMV.
DCW The DCW will present a map based on a free 1:1 000 000 scale digital
base map of the world. This map is not accurate and shall never be
used for navigation purposes.
C-Map C-Map offers high quality electronic charts. Select this option if a C-
Map subscription and an eToken USB dongle are available. Unless a
subscription is available, C-Map data will be very rough. See C-Map
maintenance, page 78, for more information on how to configure the
C-Map database.
Blank chart This option will present a grey background instead of a map.
The Chart page also offers two map detail pages, one for DCW (Figure 51) and one for C-
Map (Figure 52). Check a box to make the wanted information available, uncheck to hide.
The C-Map offers option buttons for selecting chart style and chart type in addition to the
detail checkboxes in the Display frame.
S-52 is a chart style obeying the S-52 standard, whereas C-Map gives a style with slightly
different colours and symbols.
Chart type defines the level of information that is presented. S-52 Full will show all available
information. S-52 Standard and S-52 Base show a subset of the information available with S-
52 Full.
Seatex DPS 200 User's Manual, rev. 7 Operating instructions
Checking Terrain in the Display frame will have no effect on medium and large scales. When
zooming out to smaller scales, terrain and sea elevations will be displayed on top of the map
data. Terrain data are not visible in Night mode. General
The General page is used to define Track Plot Length, Bearing calculations and Speed and
Course over ground settings.
The Track Plot Length parameter defines the length of the track plot displayed in the TMV.
The track plot is defined by number of points, e.g. with a data rate of 1 Hz, a 300-point track
plot shows a track of the last 5 minutes' movements after own vessel in the TMV.
The EBL and DT/BT calculations can be configured to use True or Relative Heading. Using
true calculations, the heading is calculated with regards to true north. When Use true bearing
is not checked, relative heading is used. Relative heading is related to the vessel heading, not
to true north.
When selecting the Use COG as heading parameter, the gyro heading input to the vessel is
ignored and COG is used as heading. However, if the speed of the vessel (SOG) is below the
SOG low limit parameter, the COG heading is invalid.
It is possible to configure the colour of the speed arrows in the Speed View. Default the
arrows are green both starboard/port and forward/aft. Select Use red arrows for port/aft if
red arrows to port/aft is preferable.
Seatex DPS 200 User's Manual, rev. 7 Operating instructions
Select Use smoothed speed to filter the velocity displayed in the GUI application. The filter
period is configurable.
The UTM Options page controls how UTM positions are treated by the DPS 200 application.
When selecting False Northing, positions south of the equator will always be presented as
positive in the TMV. A fixed offset of 10 000 000 m is added to the northing value to avoid
negative coordinates in the southern hemisphere. When selecting False Easting a fixed offset
of 500 000 m is added to the true easting value to avoid negative coordinates. The UTM
standard uses false northing and false easting, i.e. the co-ordinates are never negative. In case
negative northing or easting is wanted, uncheck the checkbox.
The UTM zone is calculated automatically by default. The Auto extended zone option is
only applicable between 56 degrees to 64 degrees north and 3 degrees to 6 degrees east. The
32V zone is extended west to 3 degrees east, so when selecting the Auto extended zone in
this area, zone 32V is used. When outside the current area and Auto extended zone is
selected, the used zone is equal to the zone used when selecting Auto zone.
Seatex DPS 200 User's Manual, rev. 7 Operating instructions
When selecting Auto zone, the system zone is automatically calculated in accordance with
the inserted co-ordinates.
Selecting Manual zone makes it possible to define which Zone and Zone offset to use. The
Zone offset option allows a fixed offset to be applied to the longitude degrees. The UTM
zone can be offset up to ±3 degrees. The Zone offset is typically used where the maps used
have an offset. The Zone range is from 1 to 60.
Note! The position properties selected in the System settings dialog are only for display
purposes. For position properties output on a port, see the Installation Manual
[1]. AIS
The DPS 200 is able to display AIS targets in the TMV. Only data received via IP are
supported. External equipment is required to convert from serial data to IP data.
Check the Show AIS Targets checkbox to enable AIS data processing. The AIS Connection
settings define source protocol, address and port where the AIS data stream is made
available. AIS messages received will be processed and converted to targets in the TMV
In order to avoid a potential double display of own vessel, the vessel's MMSI may be entered
as indicated. This will hide AIS reports for own vessel.
Seatex DPS 200 User's Manual, rev. 7 Operating instructions
The Sky view page defines the appearance of the Sky View. It is possible to select the
following options: Display correction satellites, Signal strength, Shadow sectors and Satellites
track plot length.
When pointing with the mouse over a correction satellite, a tooltip with satellite name,
azimuth, elevation and position will appear.
When enabling the Signal strength, a signal bar is displayed under the satellites in the Sky
View. The signal bar indicates the signal to noise ratio for the satellite, and the longer the bar,
the stronger the signal.
To add a shadow sector, put the mouse over the sky view
area, right-click on the mouse and select Add sector. By
dragging the edges of the sector, the sector becomes
larger or smaller. To move the sector, select the sector
and move it to the wanted position. To delete a sector,
select a sector, right-click on the mouse and select
Remove sector. The shadow sector refers to the vessel Figure 60 Correction satellite
centre, and will follow the vessel heading. tooltip
Azimuth start describes the starting angle of the sector in degrees (0 to 360) related to North.
Azimuth sweep describes the size in degrees. Elevation start describes the starting angle of
the sector in degrees (0 to 90) where 0 degrees is the horizon and 90 degrees is straight above
the antenna.
Satellite track plot assists in determining if a satellite is rising or falling in elevation. The
Satellite track plot length defines how long the length of the track plot should be. When
Track plot is enabled, the track plot starts to increase. Maximum length of the track plot is
720 minutes.
Seatex DPS 200 User's Manual, rev. 7 Operating instructions
From the Seabed maps page it is possible to input seabed maps with pipelines, well heads,
depth data, seafloor structures, etc in the DPS system.
Multiple layers of information give the operator unmatched opportunities for a customised
visual presentation. The seabed maps need to be created with the Seabed Maps Wizard. The
Seabed Map Wizard supports AutoCAD DXF and DWG files.
After the seabed maps are created in the Seabed Maps Wizard, they must be imported into the
DPS. Select the Import… button and select the seabed map-file to import. When the files are
selected, map details are displayed in the Seabed maps page.
To enable the Seabed maps in the TMV, select Seabed maps under the Chart menu, see
section 2.9.3 Display options.
Seatex DPS 200 User's Manual, rev. 7 Operating instructions
2.14.1 Restart
Select the System menu button, then the Restart menu item. The DPS 200 is stopped and the
system is rebooted.
The system will be restarted automatically and will resume operation within 2 minutes.
The controlled way to turn off the DPS 200 is to select the System menu button, then the
Shut down menu item.
Turn off the power when the message "It is now safe to turn off your computer", appears.
Select the System menu button, then the Restart GUI menu item. The HMI will terminate,
and is then restarted automatically.
Seatex DPS 200 User's Manual, rev. 7 Operating instructions
Select the System menu button, then the Stop GUI menu item. The HMI will terminate, and
the display will turn black.
Note! When restarting or stopping the GUI, the system will still calculate and output
Caution! Do not turn off power during the Windows XP shutdown sequence.
Seatex DPS 200 User's Manual, rev. 7 Maintenance
The DPS 200 system consists of both software and hardware. The software part can be
reinstalled or upgraded to the latest version in the field by running the software installation
procedure, see section Service of the DPS 200 hardware in the field can consist of:
The DPS 200 requires a skilled technician to maintain most of the hardware service.
Kongsberg Seatex will regularly offer software upgrades with improvements and new
Upgrades are distributed on USB memory sticks or as zip archives to be copied to a memory
stick. If receiving the software upgrade as a zip-file, the file(s) must be copied to a folder
named DPS on a USB memory stick.
When a memory stick with the upgrade archive(s) is inserted to a USB port, it is
automatically detected by the software watchdog and a pop-up message will appear, offering
to install the available upgrade of the DPS 200 GUI, the NavEngine service and the .NET
Framework. The .NET Framework is required to run the DPS GUI. Click the Install button to
install or Ignore to reject installation. Note that the pop-up message might be hidden behind
the DPS GUI. If the pop-up message does not appear, try to restart the GUI application
A dialog, as indicated in Figure 67, appears if the system requires a .NET Framework
upgrade. Click Install to start updating. If you click ignore, or the .NET Framework installer
is not available, the upgrade is aborted. The .NET Framework upgrade will last for
approximately 10 minutes, during which the right part of Figure 67, is displayed.
Seatex DPS 200 User's Manual, rev. 7 Maintenance
The DPS GUI is upgraded automatically upon successful upgrade of the .NET Framework.
If a NavEngine upgrade is available, a dialog will appear that requires user attention as the
NavEngine upgrade will require a service restart. Confirm upgrade by clicking OK.
When clicking OK, the NavEngine is stopped, a backup is performed and the software is
upgraded before the NavEngine is restarted. This requires 10 – 15 seconds and is the only
period with no output to external systems during software upgrade.
At the end of the upgrade process, the software watchdog is restarted and the new DPS GUI
version is started.
Normally, there is no need for a system reboot after upgrading the system.
The air inlet at the rear of the DPS 200 unit needs to be cleaned regularly to avoid overheating
of the unit. The period between each cleaning is dependent on the air quality at the
installation site. However, we recommend that the filter should be cleaned at least every six
Repair of the DPS 200 consists of exchange of damaged antenna cables, exchange of
GPS/GLONASS antenna and replacement of the DPS 200 unit. These repairs can be carried
out by a skilled electrician.
Seatex DPS 200 User's Manual, rev. 7 Maintenance
Caution! If the antenna cable is attached to the unit, do not attach the antenna cable
to the antenna with the DPS 200 unit powered on. If the antenna cable is
short-circuited with power on, the GPS/GLONASS receiver within the unit
can be damaged.
Caution! If the antenna cable is attached to the unit, do not attach the antenna cable
to the new antenna with the DPS 200 unit powered on. If the antenna cable
is short-circuited with power on, the GPS/GLONASS receiver within the unit
can be damaged.
The DPS 200 unit is not designed for customer maintenance. All repairs and modifications of
the unit, except installation of new software versions and setup of the system should be
carried out by Kongsberg Seatex qualified personnel. A failed unit should be shipped back to
Kongsberg Seatex for repair.
Use the following procedure to install the received spare unit if such a unit is available while
your unit is being repaired:
Seatex DPS 200 User's Manual, rev. 7 Maintenance
1. Copy the Configuration files on the original unit to a USB memory stick, see section
2. Follow the Shut down procedure described in section 2.14.2.
3. Disconnect the DPS 200 unit to be repaired from its cables and the rack, and replace it
with the spare unit.
4. Connect all cables as they were on the original unit.
5. Power up the unit.
6. Insert the USB stick into the spare unit and find the target folder where the copied
configuration was stored. Copy the files under the Seatex folder on the USB stick to the
c:\Program files\Seatex folder on the DPS.
7. Under the Registry folder, see Figure 82, double-click on each file to update the registry
files in the spare unit.
8. Restart the DPS.
If the hard disk on the DPS 200 unit has failed, it is not possible to access the setup file. The
spare unit has to be set up as described in the Installation Manual, [1].
The DPS 200 interfaces the CM-93/3 professional+ Global Chart Database, an Electronic
Chart System (ENC) that is verified according to ISO 19379 by DNV. Updates to this
database are released every week and is available via internet or on DVD.
The database contains the complete set of charts supported by C-Map. The right to use these
charts is controlled by a combination of a USB dongle and a license code. When the customer
has decided the type of C-Map service, C-Map will issue a license code by means of a text
file that is sent to the customer. The USB dongle may be delivered by Kongsberg Seatex AS
or directly from C-Map.
Caution! Be aware that all or parts of the navigation data will be covered by the C-
Map maintenance tools. Also, do not upgrade the database at night, as the
applications launched for C-Map maintenance do not necessarily support
night colour palettes.
The following steps will ensure that the C-Map database is upgraded:
1. Make sure the database update is available either on a DVD or on a USB memory
2. Enter Engineering mode (see System modes, page 24).
3. Click Tools menu, then C-Map Viewer.
4. Click the Chart Manager button.
Seatex DPS 200 User's Manual, rev. 7 Maintenance
5. If the C-Map DVD is available in a connected drive, click the Update database
button, and the update will be automatically detected and installed.
6. If installing from a memory stick, click Search automatically.
7. In Search options, select Removable Drives from the drop-down list box and check
the Search subfolders checkbox.
8. Click Search.
9. Select the desired database edition from the list, then click Register database.
10. Confirm that you want to upgrade the existing database.
11. Make sure that the Professional+ is marked as the default database, as indicated in
Figure 69.
A license file, normally named password.usr, is sent from C-Map when a license has
been purchased. This license file is uniquely linked to the ID of the eToken dongle, and it is
required that this eToken is inserted to a USB port in order to correctly update the license.
Licenses are updated from the Licenses tab of the C-Map Chart Manager.
Seatex DPS 200 User's Manual, rev. 7 Maintenance
To update a license, select the Professional+ database, and then click Import from file.
Browse to the location of the license file. The license information will be updated
If license update fails, or the coverage or expiry information is not as expected, please contact
C-Map user support.
3.4 Troubleshooting
This part of the document is written for personnel with operator experience when a situation
arises where assistance from service personnel may be required. The aim of this section is to
identify the problem so that the appropriate action can be taken.
The error conditions in the system are usually observed by looking at the colour codes of the
different fields in the display pages. In the following pages a description of the different status
and alarm situations is given.
The mouse cursor may hide important information. For maximum visibility, the mouse cursor
is hidden after about one minute with no user activity. Simply move the mouse again to re-
display the mouse cursor.
Seatex DPS 200 User's Manual, rev. 7 Maintenance
The zoom buttons may hide important information. For maximum visibility, the zoom buttons
located in the TMV chart area are hidden when the mouse cursor is moved away from the
The zoom buttons will always reappear when the mouse cursor is moved towards the upper
right corner of the TMV chart area.
Figure 71 shows the DPS 200 when no GPS/GLONASS satellites are tracked by the receiver.
This can happen in the following situations:
1. When operating close to offshore installations part of the horizon might be shadowed (by
e.g. a platform) resulting in blocking of the GPS/GLONASS signals.
2. Faulty antenna cable or connectors.
3. Faulty GPS/GLONASS antenna.
4. Software or GPS/GLONASS receiver hang-up or defects in the GPS/GLONASS receiver.
5. Faulty communication setup parameters for the GPS/GLONASS receiver in the
Configuration file, see the Installation Manual [1].
Seatex DPS 200 User's Manual, rev. 7 Maintenance
Seatex DPS 200 User's Manual, rev. 7 Maintenance
Loss of differential corrections may be seen in the Link bar at the bottom of the TMV, (see
Figure 73). If there are several differential correction links interfaced to the DPS 200, a
problem with one of the links may not degrade the position solution. If all the links are
missing, the position will be severely degraded due to the non-differential position solution.
In this situation, the DQI bar will turn red and the DQI number will be 1.
Seatex DPS 200 User's Manual, rev. 7 Maintenance
Differential corrections to the DPS 200 are very often applied by using a Fugro demodulator
which receives data from either a Spot satellite or an Inmarsat satellite. The 3610 DGNSS
Receiver User Manual [5] describes the operation of the demodulator.
The status of the demodulator and the reception of correction data can be monitored through
the display window. After power ON, the receiver will indicate frequency searching by
displaying Init on the signal status page. When it has locket to the signal, Lock will be
displayed together with a graphical bar display.
If the DPS 200 is connected to an Inmarsat correction link, the following should be checked if
the reception is poor:
• Use the keypads and select Set pos/channel and then Set antenna power. Turn power
OFF and then ON again.
• Check the cabling between the Inmarsat terminal and the demodulator.
• Check that the Inmarsat terminal is tracking the correct satellite for the area.
• Check the serial port cable between the demodulator and the DPS 200.
Seatex DPS 200 User's Manual, rev. 7 Maintenance
The status of the IALA differential link changes from green to red if the differential
corrections are lost or missing. If the signal is unstable, frequently changing from red to
green, do the following:
1. Check if the vessel is near an IALA station and is supposed to receive IALA signals.
2. Check if the antenna and the antenna cable are connected properly.
3. The IALA antenna should be protected from direct illumination from radar beams and
other transmitting antennas. If the antenna is close to transmitting antennas, move the
IALA antenna.
4. Check if the DPS 200 system is grounded as recommended.
1. Check if the vessel is near an IALA station and is supposed to receive IALA signals.
2. Check if the antenna and the antenna cable are connected properly.
3. The IALA antenna should be protected from direct illumination from radar beams and
other transmitting antennas. If the antenna is close to transmitting antennas, move the
IALA antenna.
4. Check if the DPS 200 system is grounded as recommended.
If the vessel is close to an IALA station and the signal is still missing, follow the procedure
1. Click System|Change system mode and select Engineering. When asked for password,
type "stx".
2. Select Tools|IALA configuration and click Yes when asked to stop the DPS application.
The IALA configuration program will now start.
Seatex DPS 200 User's Manual, rev. 7 Maintenance
1. Check that the Receiver Communications Setup
is as in Figure 76. Click OK.
2. Check that there is contact with the IALA beacon
receiver by selecting File|Receiver Info in the
CSI Beacon Receiver Command Center
window. If there is contact a dialog box with the
IALA beacon receiver serial number and software
version will appear, see Figure 77. If no contact,
close the CSI Beacon Receiver Command
Center window and start again. It may be
difficult to make contact with the receiver. If no
contact after several times, contact Kongsberg
Figure 76 Receiver Communication
3. To check if the IALA beacon receiver is locked Setup
on a station, i.e. is receiving data, select
File|Performance Plots. Select the parameters as in
Figure 78.
If the SNR value is less than 10, there is a bad signal. Typical SNR value is between 15 and
30 dB. If the PRF value is less than 100, not all data are decoded.
Seatex DPS 200 User's Manual, rev. 7 Maintenance
1. After editing and troubleshooting the IALA beacon receiver, close the IALA program.
The DPS 200 will restart automatically.
2. When the DPS 200 is running, check visually that the IALA link receives corrections.
If no signal and all the above is checked and tested, contact Kongsberg Seatex.
When the gyro is missing, the DPS 200 will look similar to the example in Figure 79. In the
Speed View the SL, ST, HDG and COG numbers are missing. In the Target Monitoring
View, the vessel is only indicated as a point, the drawing of the vessel is missing. In the alarm
list, an alarm situation is reported when gyro is missing.
Seatex DPS 200 User's Manual, rev. 7 Maintenance
Check the serial lines and cable connectors for mechanical damage if the external equipment
receives no data from the DPS 200. Check also that the connectors are connected to the
correct output ports both on the DPS 200 equipment and on the external equipment. The
layout of the rear panel of the unit is shown in the Installation Manual [1].
If the cable and connectors are OK, check that the external output configuration of the DPS
200 system is set up correctly. This is described in the Installation Manual [1].
A printout of the default DPS 200 Configuration file is shown in the Installation Manual [1].
The DPS 200 runs on a Window XP operation system. Some problems that may occur are
listed below.
If moving the mouse has no effect on the cursor position or nothing happens when clicking
the menus, it is likely that the operating system hangs.
The standard Windows key combination Ctrl+Alt+Del has been disabled for operating safety
reasons. The Ctrl+Alt+Esc combination may start the Task manager, but only when not in
Operation mode, in which the Task manager has been disabled.
Hence, if a system hang occurs when in Operation mode, the only way to recover is to switch
the power off, wait 10 seconds, then switch power back on. The system will start
If the hang situation arises when in Engineering mode, launch the Task manager and try to
diagnose the cause of the hang, and if possible, start a reboot sequence from the Task
If the hard disk is faulty, e.g. the screen becomes all blue or Windows XP does not work,
Kongsberg Seatex should be contacted to reinstall the system. It is not recommended to do the
reinstallation unless there is a trained operator available.
Seatex DPS 200 User's Manual, rev. 7 Maintenance
In case of a disk crash or other system malfunction, the system may have to be reinstalled. In
these cases, consult Kongsberg Seatex customer service for guidance on how to reinstall the
The DPS 200 is delivered with a system recovery image on bootable media (USB memory
stick, DVD or external hard disk). This image contains support software ensuring quick and
easy system recovery. The system will be fully operative within less than an hour from the
installation process starts.
It is possible to copy the DPS 200 system configuration to an archive file on either the local
hard disk or a memory stick inserted to a USB port. The copied information covers both GUI
and NavEngine configuration as well as relevant user and system registry settings.
Note! The NavEngine configuration check box will be disabled on computers where the
NavEngine service is not installed.
Seatex DPS 200 User's Manual, rev. 7 Maintenance
Seatex DPS 200 User's Manual, rev. 7 Maintenance
It is possible to copy logged data from the DPS 200 to a USB stick. The DPS 200 logs three
types of data; IB, NMEA and status. IB files are used to replay DPS 200 data for post
processing and diagnostics. NMEA data are text files containing NMEA telegrams logged
from the DP ports. Status data contain plain text formatted in an internal Seatex format.
Alarms and event messages are logged when logging of status is enabled. See [1] to learn how
to set up the DPS 200 to log data.
Note! e:\user\loghost contains two folders, one for serial interface (folder Serial) and
one for Ethernet interface (folder Network).
The NMEA files are named according to their creation date and time on the form
hhmm_x.nma. Hence, a file logged from a serial interface started at 18:15 on July 14th will be
named e:\user\loghost\serial\0714\1815_xx.nma. The xx indicates the serial port for which the
host mode data was generated.
The IB files are also named according to the date and time they are created, but with a slightly
different file name format. A file started at 18:15 on July 14th will be named
Follow the procedure below to copy logged data to a USB memory stick:
1. Insert the USB stick into the USB-port at the front of the DPS 200.
2. While the DPS 200 is running, click System|Change system mode and select
Engineering. When asked for password, type "stx".
3. Open the Windows Explorer by selecting Tools|Engine log.
4. Find the appropriate files, select the files and copy them to the USB stick.
Seatex DPS 200 User's Manual, rev. 7 Maintenance
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Seatex DPS 200 User's Manual, rev. 7 Technical description
This section describes the components and external interfaces of the DPS 200. A standard
system delivery consists of:
1. Coax cables for GPS/GLONASS and IALA beacon antennas
2. Coax connectors.
In addition to the above supplied parts the following is needed if external DGPS/DGLONASS
is used:
• Hard disk
• Serial I/O board
• Computer main board
• GPS/GLONASS receiver
• IALA beacon receiver
• Power supply
• 3.5-inch floppy disk drive
• Kongsberg Seatex multifunction board.
Seatex DPS 200 User's Manual, rev. 7 Technical description
The front panel includes the following user communication and operation capabilities:
• Power switch
• Communication interface through Com1 (for service personnel only)
• USB port for software installation and update
• A 3.5-inch floppy disk drive
• LED indicators.
When power is turned on, the LED indicator to the left will be green. The LED indicator to
the right will blink green every second if a PPS pulse exists internally in the DPS 200 unit.
The rear panel of the DPS 200 unit contains communication ports for interfacing to external
Input : 100-240VAC/47-63Hz/100VA USB
AUX - Serial Fuse : 2A
Class1 : Must be connected to
grounded outlet only
Compass safe distance:
NET Steering Magnetic Compass : 1.1 m
Standard Compass : 1.9 m
DPS 200 communicates with external equipment through RS-232 and RS-422 serial lines.
The number of serial lines with input of differential GPS/GLONASS corrections is only
limited by the number of available communication ports. Output data are position, time and
velocity to navigation computers, dynamic positioning systems etc. No hardware or software
Seatex DPS 200 User's Manual, rev. 7 Technical description
handshake is used on the serial lines. Heading from a gyrocompass or similar device is also
necessary. See the Installation Manual [1] for more detailed information.
(*) Accuracy specifications are based on real-life tests conducted under low multipath
conditions and an open view to the sky in Trondheim, Norway. Tests at different locations
under different conditions may produce different results.
Height: ............................................................................................................................ 78.7 mm
Diameter: ...................................................................................................................... 177.6 mm
Net weight: ..................................................................................................................... 0.425 kg
Voltage input: .................................................................................... 5 V DC from DPS 200 unit
Colour: .................................................................................................................................White
The IALA beacon antenna is a vertically polarised omnidirectional antenna. The antenna can
be mounted on vertical or horizontal mast tubes with 16 to 54 mm in outer diameter.
Seatex DPS 200 User's Manual, rev. 7 Technical description
4.2.3 Power
Enclosure material:.......................................................................................................... Polymer
Operating temperature range: ................................................................................... -40 to +70ºC
Operating humidity: ................................................................................................... Max. 100%
L1: ....................................................................................................................... 1575 ± 10 MHz
LNA gain (typical): ............................................................................................................. 36 dB
Operating temperature up to +55ºC for 10 hours.
Seatex DPS 200 User's Manual, rev. 7 Technical description
Note! If the DPS 200 unit is not marked with a compass safe distance label, the unit
shall be placed seven meters from both the steering compass and the standard
Data I/O
Configuration: ........................................................ External PC connected to the DPS 200 Unit
IALA beacon receiver: .................................................................. Included in the DPS 200 Unit
Data outputs: ......................................................................Up to 15 RS-232/RS-422 serial lines
Data inputs: ........................................................................Up to 15 RS-232/RS-422 serial lines
DGPS corrections: ......................................................................................... RTCM 104 ver. 2.2
Optional external gyrocompass: ................................................... NMEA 0183 HDT, LR-10 Bit
MTBF: ............................................................................................................................. 18500 h
Note! The system has up to 15 output serial lines and up to 15 input lines. However, the
total number of serial lines is limited to a maximum of 15.
Seatex DPS 200 User's Manual, rev. 7 Technical description
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Seatex DPS 200 User's Manual, rev. 7 Drawings
For outline drawings of the mechanical dimensions of the different DPS 200 parts, see the
Installation Manual [1].
Seatex DPS 200 User's Manual, rev. 7 Drawings
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Seatex DPS 200 User's Manual, rev. 7 Parts list
The different parts in the DPS 200 system are listed below.
Standard components
G200-66 NMEA Data Analyzer SW
G200-67 NMEA Data Analyzer SW protection key
G071-31 Terminal block for standard serial ports
G071-26 Terminal block for extended serial ports
G071-33 Cabinet glass door (specify cabinet height)
DPS accessories
G060-10 VGA Monitor, Office type, 15"
G060-11 VGA monitor, LCD, Industrial, 15"
G060-09 VGA monitor, LCD, Office type, 15"
G060-45 Bracket for ceiling mounting of G060-10
Seatex DPS 200 User's Manual, rev. 7 Parts list
Antenna cables
G070-01 Low loss antenna cable, 1/2", length in metres
G070-02 Antenna cable, RG214, length in metres
G071-03 Connector kit, low loss cable (two connectors)
G060-05 GPS in-line amplifier, 12dB gain
G060-07 GPS in-line amplifier, 21dB gain
G060-14 Fugro in-line amplifier, Inmarsat
G060-15 Fugro in-line amplifier, Spotbeam
G071-07 Connector, RG214
G071-08 Connector, low-loss cable
Data/monitor cables
G080-01 RAD Modem set (line extension RS)
G060-42 Extended VGA cable, processor-monitor, 10 m
G060-43 Extended VGA cable, splitter-monitor, 10 m
Signal splitters
G060-46 Signal splitter, 2 computers - 1 VGA/kbd/mouse
G060-47 Signal splitter, 1 computer - 2 VGA/kbd/mouse
G072-01 External GPS receiver cabinet
G080-01 RAD Modem set (line extension RS)
G211-07 Inmarsat DGNSS receiver 3610
G071-76 Fugro Seastar DGNSS receiver 3610
G071-78 Power supply DGNSS receiver 3610
G071-81 DGNSS receiver 3610 manual, hard copy
G071-82 DGNSS receiver 3610 manual, USB
G071-85 DGNSS receiver 3610, Inmarsat bracket and cable
Seatex DPS 200 User's Manual, rev. 7 Parts list
Seatex DPS 200 User's Manual, rev. 7 Appendix A – Declaration of conformity
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Seatex DPS 200 User's Manual, rev. 7 Appendix A – Declaration of conformity
Seatex DPS 200 User's Manual, rev. 7 Appendix A – Declaration of conformity
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Seatex DPS 200 User's Manual, rev. 7 Index
EGNOS ∙ 14
EMC ∙ 14
A EN ∙ 14, 16
Environmental specification ∙ 96
AIS ∙ 14, 28, 70 EPE ∙ 14, 36
alarm ∙ 45, 66 error ellipse ∙ 35
alarm circle ∙ 51 ETA ∙ 14
AP ∙ 14 ETE ∙ 14, 44
Auto extended zone ∙ 69 events ∙ 24
BT ∙ 14, 27 F10 ∙ 45
F2 ∙ 23, 40
F3 ∙ 23, 40
F7 ∙ 39
C F8 ∙ 39
false easting ∙ 50, 69
C/A ∙ 14 false northing ∙ 50, 69
CAT ∙ 14 FP ∙ 14
CEP ∙ 14 frequencies ∙ 96
chart ∙ 67
C‐Map ∙ 61, 67
C‐MAP maintenance ∙ 79
coax cable ∙ 97
COG ∙ 14, 32, 88
configuration copier ∙ 90 General ∙ 68
CPU ∙ 14 GLONASS ∙ 14, 20, 31
GPS ∙ 14, 18, 31
GUI ∙ 15
gyro ∙ 88
Data Viewer ∙ 53
datum ∙ 41
DCW ∙ 14, 67
Declaration of Conformity ∙ 104 HDG ∙ 15, 32, 88
DGLONASS ∙ 14 HDOP ∙ 15, 35
DGNSS Monitor ∙ 54 HMI ∙ 15, 18, 22
DGNSS View ∙ 33 HP ∙ 15
DGPS ∙ 14, 21 HWP ∙ 15
DOP ∙ 14, 36, 38
DP ∙ 14
DPO ∙ 14 I
DPS 200 ∙ 93
DQI ∙ 14, 35, 36 IALA ∙ 15
DRMS ∙ 14, 19 IALA beacon antenna ∙ 96
DT ∙ 14, 27 IALA beacon receiver ∙ 97
DWL ∙ 14 IALA beacon signal ∙ 86
IEC ∙ 15, 16
IMO ∙ 15, 27
E Integrity View ∙ 34
IP ∙ 15
EBL ∙ 14, 44
ECDIS ∙ 14, 16
ECS ∙ 14
ED50 ∙ 14, 41
Seatex DPS 200 User's Manual, rev. 7 Index
LED ∙ 15, 94 SA ∙ 15, 19
LOA ∙ 15 satellite prediction ∙ 57
log ∙ 60 SBAS ∙ 15
LPP ∙ 15 Seabed map ∙ 73
sky view ∙ 71
Sky View ∙ 31
M SL ∙ 15, 32, 88
SNR ∙ 15
maintenance ∙ 76 SOG ∙ 15, 32
MMSI ∙ 15 Speed View ∙ 32
MSAS ∙ 15 SPS ∙ 15
ST ∙ 15, 32, 88
stop procedure ∙ 74
SW ∙ 15
N system components ∙ 93
System modes ∙ 23
NA ∙ 15
NAD27 ∙ 15, 41
Night mode ∙ 39
NMEA ∙ 15
target ∙ 46, 47
TMV ∙ 15, 26
P troubleshooting ∙ 81
TTG ∙ 15
parts list ∙ 100
Power ∙ 96
PPS ∙ 15, 94
PRN ∙ 15
PSS ∙ 15, 52
UTM ∙ 15, 41, 49, 69
UTM zone ∙ 49
QA ∙ 15, 36
quality parameters ∙ 36
WAAS ∙ 15
WEEE ∙ 15, 16
WGS84 ∙ 15, 41
RAIM ∙ 35
restart ∙ 74
RFI ∙ 15
RMS ∙ 15 zone offset ∙ 70
RTCM ∙ 15 zone options ∙ 49
zoom ∙ 30, 42
Seatex DPS 200 User's Manual, rev. 7 Reader's comments
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