Cooper 2004
Cooper 2004
Cooper 2004
Combinatorics, Probability and Computing / Volume 13 / Issue 03 / May 2004, pp 319 - 337
DOI: 10.1017/S096354830400611X, Published online: 28 April 2004
C O L I N C O O P E R1 and A L A N F R I E Z E2†
1 Department of Mathematical and Computing Sciences, Goldsmiths College, London SW14 6NW, UK
2 Department of Mathematical Sciences, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh PA15213, USA
We give results on the strong connectivity for spaces of sparse random digraphs specified
by degree sequence. A full characterization is provided, in probability, of the fan-in and
fan-out of all vertices including the number of vertices with small (o(n)) and large (cn)
fan-in or fan-out. We also give the size of the giant strongly connected component, if
any, and the structure of the bow-tie digraph induced by the vertices with large fan-in
or fan-out. Our results follow a direct analogy of the extinction probabilities of classical
branching processes.
1. Introduction
One of the most important questions in the theory of random graphs concerns the size
of the largest component of such a graph. In their formative paper [8], Erdős and Rényi
proved a strong dichotomy for the size C1 of the largest component of the random
graph Gn,m when m = cn/2, c constant.1 Erdős and Rényi2 showed that, in Gn,m , if c < 1
then w.h.p. C1 = O(log n) and that if c > 1 then C1 ∼ G(c)n for some function G(c) > 0.
A component of order n is called a giant component. When c = 1 the situation is more
complicated and much effort has gone into an analysis of this case. See, e.g., Bollobás [4],
uczak [12], L
uczak, Pittel and Wierman [13], Janson, Knuth, L uczak and Pittel [9] and
the books by Bollobás [3] and by Janson, L uczak and Ruciński [10].
Molloy and Reed [14, 15] consider a model of random graphs with a fixed degree
sequence. In this model, the number of vertices of degree j is approximately λj n. More
precisely, the limiting proportion λj of vertices of a given degree j is fixed, and defines a
sequence of nonnegative real numbers λ0 , λ1 , . . . , λj , . . . where λ0 + λ1 + · · · + λj + · · · = 1.
Let Q = j j(j − 2)λj . Molloy and Reed prove that if Q < 0 then w.h.p. a random graph
Gλ with the implied degree sequence has maximum component size C1 = O(∆2 log n).
However, if Q > 0 then w.h.p. Gλ has a unique giant component of size C1 ∼ cλ n for
some constant cλ > 0, and the second-largest component has size C2 = O(∆2 log n). This
interesting result has recently proved to be useful in the study of random graphs with
degree sequences differing from those seen in the classic theory; for example see Aiello,
Chung and Lu [1] in the context of massive graphs.
When we consider the connectivity of digraphs we find that much less has been done.
The formative paper in this area, by Karp [11], considers the size of the strongly connected
components in the random digraph Dn,p . See also Uno and Ibaraki [16].
pi,j = li,j /n
and let
li,j li,j
j = i and p−
i = j .
θn θn
i j
Thus p is the distribution of the out-degree of the terminal vertex of a randomly chosen
arc. Similarly p− is the distribution of the in-degree of the initial vertex of a randomly
chosen arc. Let
d= ij = jp+
j = ip−
θn j i
Definition. Let B + be the independent branching process with a single initial node in
which the probability distribution of the number of descendants of a node is p+ . Let η +
be the probability that B + continues indefinitely.
The Size of the Largest Strongly Connected Component of a Random Digraph 321
If d < 1 then the smallest positive solution of (1.1) is at 1 − η + = 1, whereas if d > 1 there
is a unique solution with 1 − η + ∈ (0, 1).
For a fixed vertex v of D, the fan-out of v, R + (v) is the set of vertices w (including
v) reachable from v by a directed (v, w)-path. Similarly, the fan-in of v, R − (v), is the set
of vertices u which can reach v by a directed (u, v)-path. We will say that v has a small
fan-out if |R + (v)| A0 ∆2 log n and that v has a small fan-in if |R − (v)| A0 ∆2 log n. If the
fan-out is not small then w.h.p. it will be of size A1 n, in which case we say it is large. Let
L+ denote the set of vertices with a large fan-out and L− denote the set of vertices with
a large fan-in.
If v has out-degree k then by doing a breadth-first search from v we see that the
arcs of a small R + (v) will be (approximately) the union of k independent copies of the
branching process B + . Thus a root vertex of out-degree k has probability (1 − η + )k of a
finite progeny. Let
1 − π+ = pi,k (1 − η + )k . (1.2)
Then 1 − π is (approximately) the probability that a randomly chosen vertex v will have
Thus 1 − η − is the extinction probability of the branching process B − where the distri-
bution of the number of progeny is given by p− .
If d < 1 then η + = η − = 0 and hence π + = π − = 0. This suggests that
d < 1 implies L+ = L− = ∅.
For the number of vertices in a large fan-out we argue as follows. If v has a large
fan-out and w has a large fan-in then it is very likely that there will be an arc directed
from the fan-out of v to the fan-in of w which of course implies that w would be in the
322 C. Cooper and A. Frieze
fan-out of v. Conversely, if w has a small fan-in then this is unlikely. Thus we expect that
R + (v) is large ⇒
R + (v) ⊇ L− and |R + (v) \ L− | = o(n) and so |R + (v)| ∼ π − n. (1.5)
By analogy, we expect
R − (v) is large ⇒
R − (v) ⊇ L+ and |R − (v) \ L+ | = o(n) and so |R − (v)| ∼ π + n. (1.6)
Assume now that p+ 0 , p0 > 0 and d > 1. Let us now consider the expected number of arcs
in a large fan-in or fan-out. We say that an arc (v, w) has a large fan-in (resp. fan-out)
if v has a large fan-in (resp. w has a large fan-out). By analogy with the vertex case,
we would expect that the number of arcs in the fan-out (resp. fan-in) of a vertex with
a large fan-out (resp. fan-in) would be close to the number of arcs with a large fan-in
(resp. fan-out). To estimate the number of arcs with a large fan-in we need to consider
the branching process with progeny distribution p− . Here we consider each node of the
process to correspond to an arc of the fan-in of our initial root arc. Thus we expect the
number of arcs in a large fan-out to be approximately
ξ + n where = η− . (1.7)
Again, there are θn arcs and each has probability ∼ η − of having a large fan-in.
Similarly, the number of arcs in a large fan-in is w.h.p. approximately
ξ − n where = η+ . (1.8)
Finally, we consider the size of the largest strongly connected component. It follows
from (1.5), (1.6) that w.h.p. L+ ∩ L− is contained in a strongly connected component S
of D. In fact L+ ∩ L− induces a maximal strongly connected component w.h.p. This is
because any vertex in L+ ∩ L− must have a large fan-in and a large fan-out. The size of
this strong component is approximately (π + + π − + ψ − 1)n, where
ψ= pi,j (1 − η − )i (1 − η + )j . (1.9)
The right-hand side of (1.9) is explained as follows. Choose a random vertex. It has
probability pi,j of having in-degree i and out-degree j. The expression (1 − η − )i (1 − η + )j is
an estimate of the probability that all of the i + j associated branching processes become
extinct, that is, n i,j pi,j (1 − η − )i (1 − η + )j is a good estimate of |L+ ∩ L− |.
The above giant strongly connected component will be unique. Every other strong
component will be of size A0 ∆2 log n w.h.p. since every vertex not in S either has a
small fan-out or a small fan-in.
This concludes the intuitive description. Now comes the hard work of making the above
discussion precise.
The Size of the Largest Strongly Connected Component of a Random Digraph 323
Theorem 1.1. Let the sequence (li,j ) be proper. If d < 1, then w.h.p. L+ = L− = ∅.
In fact, in Section 4, we prove rather more than this. In the notation of [6] there is a bow-
tie digraph B = D[L+ ∪ L− ] of expected size (1 − ψ)n induced by the union of the vertices
with large fan-out or fan-in. This digraph B consists of a maximal strongly connected
component S with vertex set L+ ∩ L− and wings K + with vertex set L+ ∩ L− and K −
with vertex set L− ∩ L+ . The wing K + has arcs directed towards S and the wing K − has
arcs directed away from S. The size of any branching in the wings is A0 ∆2 log n. The
wings are of expected size asymptotic to (1 − π + − ψ)n and (1 − π − − ψ)n respectively.
Finally we consider digraphs where there are no vertices of in-degree zero or out-degree
zero. The only significant obstruction to the digraph being strongly connected is the
existence of small directed cycles consisting entirely of vertices of out-degree 1, or entirely
of vertices of in-degree 1.
Theorem 1.3. Let (li,j ) be proper, and let li,0 = l0,j = 0, then w.h.p. the structure of D
is as follows.
(i) There is a unique giant strongly connected component S in D, of size n − O(∆ n log n).
(ii) There is a collection C of vertex-disjoint directed cycles. The vertices of any such cycle
are all of out-degree 1 or all of in-degree 1. The subset of C , consisting of those cycles
of in-degree 1 and out-degree 1, has vertex set L+ ∩ L− .
(iii) Each cycle in C is connected to S by zero or more directed induced paths, all such paths
having the same direction with respect to the given cycle.
(iv) Any directed path between two cycles in C goes through S.
(v) The expected number of vertices on cycles in C is β, where
1 1 −
+ − (p1 + p1 ).
β = log + log
1 − p−
1 1 − p1
Let λ(F) denote the number of loops in DF . Let (a, b) ∈ F be redundant if there exists
(a , b ) ∈ F such that φ(a ) = φ(a), φ(b ) = φ(b) and a < a. Let m(F) denote the number of
redundant pairs. The expected number of loops λ(F) is d, and the expected number of
redundant arcs is bounded above by
1 2 2
µ= 2 i pi,j j pi,j .
2θ i,j i,j
such pairs. Now if F is chosen uniformly from M then EΓ(F) = 2µθn. Changing (x, y),
(x , y ) ∈ F to (x, y ), (x , y) only changes Γ by at most 2∆2 , and we see by the Azuma–
Hoeffding martingale inequality that
Pr(|Γ(F) − EΓ(F)| t) exp − .
|M |
0,b 1
Suppose then that |M| > nA−b . Then, putting t = n/ log n into the above we see that for
almost all F ∈ M0,b we have Γ(F ) 2µθn + o(n). Now let M0,b denote such matchings
and let M0,b−1 be those members F of M0,b−1 which occur with a member F of M0,b in
326 C. Cooper and A. Frieze
a pair (F, F ) ∈ Πb . Then Γ(F) 2µθn + o(n) + 2∆2 = 2µθn + o(n). Now each F ∈ M0,b is
in at least b(θn − o(n)) pairs and we deduce that |M0,b−1 |/|M0,b | (1 − o(1))b/(2µ) and
(2.6) follows.
It follows from (2.4) that we can choose a0 + b0 A such that
|Ma0 ,b0 | 1
|M| 2(A + 1)2
Applying (2.5) we see that
|M0,b0 | e−d
|M| 2(A + 1)2
Applying (2.6) we obtain
|M0,0 | e−(d+2µ)
|M| 2(A + 1)2
This completes the proof of (2.3) and justifies our use of the configuration model.
with respect to the step in which they are acquired. The ordering of elements acquired
in the same step is arbitrary. In terms of the digraph DF each step will either add a new
vertex vs reachable from v or add an arc to a vertex already reached. Let DF (v, s) denote
the subgraph of DF induced by the arcs {φ+ (ai ), φ− (bi )}.
At step s + 1, an element as+1 of I + (s) \ U + (s) is chosen and matched with a point bs+1
chosen u.a.r. from W − \ U − (s). Then
M(s + 1) = M(s) ∪ {(as+1 , bs+1 )},
U + (s + 1) = U + (s) ∪ {as+1 },
U − (s + 1) = U − (s) ∪ {bs+1 },
and if vs+1 = φ− (bs+1 ) then
A(s + 1) = A(s) ∪ {vs+1 },
I + (s + 1) = I + (s) ∪ Wv+s+1 .
We note that, of course, vs+1 may already be an element of A(s).
The Size of the Largest Strongly Connected Component of a Random Digraph 327
Proof. (iv) If d > 1 then p1 < 1 and there are exactly two solutions, β and 1, to x = f(x)
in [0, 1]. If p0 = 0 then β = 0 and f (0) = p1 < 1. If p0 > 0 then f(0) = p0 > 0, and we have
that f(x) > x for 0 x < β and f(x) < x for β < x < 1. Thus, at x = β, the slope of y = f(x)
at x = β is less than the slope of y = x. Thus f (β) < 1. Moreover f (x) is an increasing
function of x.
Let u be a vertex of in-degree i. Theprobability that no point in Wu− has been matched
by the process after step s is θns− i / θns . This follows because the sequence S − = (b1 , . . . , bs )
has been selected u.a.r. without replacement, from W − \ Wu− .
We see that X(s) is a function only of the initial vertex v0 and the sequence S − . Thus,
for 0 s θn,
θns− i
EX(s) = θn − s − j li,j − 1v0 ∈Vi,j θn
i,j s
where 1v0 ∈Vi,j is an indicator variable for the event that v0 ∈ Vi,j .
We now give some approximations for EX(s).
328 C. Cooper and A. Frieze
Lemma 2.3.
(i) If s∆ = o(n) then
s s
g(s) = θn 1 − − p−
i 1− .
θn i
Let f(x) = p− −
i x , and let β = 1 − η be the solution in [0, 1) to x = f(x).
(c) The function g(s) has a unique maximum s∗ in (0, ξ + n) at s∗ = cn, c > 0.
(iv) If d+ (v0 ) > 0 and d > 1, then the unique solution s0 to EX(s) = 0 in 0 s θn satisfies
s0 = ξ + n + O(∆).
as l is proper.
The Size of the Largest Strongly Connected Component of a Random Digraph 329
(ii) If s > ∆,
(θn − i)s θn − s − j
(θn)s θn − j
s s i(i − 1) s
= 1− exp − 1+O .
θn (θn)2 2 n
θn − s − j θn − s sj 1
= 1− .
θn − j θn (θn)2 (1 − s/θn)(1 − j/θn)
EX(s) = θn − s − θn p−
i 1− +O + O(∆).
θn θ2 n
g(ξ + n + h) = g(ξ + n) + hg (ξ + n) +
g (ξ + n + δh))
jli,j ξ+
h2 ρ
= h −1 + i 1− +O
θn θ θn
= −h 1 − f (β) + O ,
− i−1
where f (β) = ipi β . As 0 f (β) < 1 (by Lemma 2.2), the Taylor expansion above is
of order h for any β ∈ [0, 1) and h = o(n). Thus
∂g(s) li,j s
= −1 + ij 1−
∂s i,j
θn θn
= −1 + f 1− .
√ √
4∆ n log n 4∆ n log n
(b) ξ + n − 1−f (β) < σ(v) < ξ + n + 1−f (β) .
(d − 1)2 s
Pr(X(s) = 0) Pr(|EX(s) − X(s)| EX(s)) 2 exp − ,
and so the proposition holds for sL s = o(n/∆). As g(s) = EX(s) − O(∆) is increasing
from s = 0 up to s∗ = cn, we need only consider s∗ s sU . However, using the Azuma–
Hoeffding martingale inequality once again we see that
Pr(|EX(s) − X(s)| > 3∆ n log n) 2 exp − log n . (2.11)
√ √
If cn s < ξ + n − 4∆1 − nf log n
(β) the Lemma 2.3(iii(b)) implies EX(s) (4 − o(1))∆ n log n and
so (2.11) implies σ(v) is unlikely to be smaller than claimed. A similar argument using
the√ fact that g(ξ + n) = 0 shows that with high enough probability, X(s) < 0 for s = ξ + n +
4∆ n log n
1 − f (β) .
The Size of the Largest Strongly Connected Component of a Random Digraph 331
Remark 1. The probability that either C + (v) or B + (k) add a node with out-degree j ∈ J
during the first s steps is at most κs.
So for small s we can ‘safely’ restrict our attention to processes C + (k) which
+ (v), B
are free from small positive pj . In particular, B (k) is the branching process with root
node v of degree k and progeny distribution p̃+ . Similarly C + (v) is C + (v) conditional
on |I (s + 1)| − |I (s)| ∈
+ +
/ J for s 0. Using q̃j (s) to denote the conditional equivalent of
332 C. Cooper and A. Frieze
+ (k) = T ) = Pr(C
+ (v) = T ) s2 ∆
Pr(B 1+O + s∆ζ . (3.6)
Let |B + (k)| denote the number of edges in the tree generated by B + (k). Let ρ+
E (v) denote
the number of edges in the fan-out of v in the digraph D. Remark 1 and (3.6) imply that
E (v) = s) = O(κs) + (1 − O(κs)) Pr(|C (v)| = s)
s2 ∆
= Pr(|B + (k)| = s) + O + s∆ζ . (3.7)
Next let τ = 6∆2 log n/(d − 1)2 . We will show (below) that
Pr(τ |B + (k)| < ∞) = O(n−1 ). (3.8)
Pr(|B + (k)| < ∞) = (1 − η + )k . (3.9)
It follows from (3.7), (3.8) and (3.9) that
Pr(|R + (v)| τ + 1) = Pr(ρ+
E (v) = s)
τ3 ∆
= Pr(|B + (k)| τ) + O + τ2 ∆ζ
= (1 − η + )k + o(1).
Part (ii) now follows from Theorem 2.1 and (1.2).
Proof. We give a proof of part (i); the proof of part (ii) is similar. Let R + (v) be
small, so that σ = O(∆2 log n). Given the matching M(σ) determined by step σ, the
remaining configuration F = F \ M(σ) is random. We now start a process C − (v) with
+ −
W = W + \ U + (σ) and W = W − \ U − (σ). Let τ be the step at which the construction
of R − (v) halts. The results of the previous sections still hold, provided that at no step
t τ we hit a vertex with a configuration point in U − (σ). Let U − (τ) be the points of W −
used in the construction of R − (v) and let S = ∪x∈R + (v) Wx− be the points we wish to avoid.
(τ) = ∅) = O(∆2 log n × ∆)
Pr(S ∩ U O(∆2 log n).
334 C. Cooper and A. Frieze
Corollary 4.2.
(i) E(|L+ ∩ L− |) ∼ ψn.
(ii) E(|L+ ∩ L− |) ∼ (1 − π − − ψ)n.
(iii) E(|L+ ∩ L− |) ∼ (1 − π + − ψ)n.
(iv) E(|L+ ∩ L− |) ∼ (π + + π − + ψ − 1)n.
(v) |L+ |, |L+ |, |L− |, |L− | and the quantities in (i)–(iv) above are concentrated within n∆5/2
(log n)2 of their expected value, with probability 1 − O(1/ log2 n).
Proof. We note that Corollary 4.2(v) follows from Lemma 4.1 and the Chebyshev
Lemma 4.3. With high probability, the following conditions hold simultaneously for all
u, v ∈ V .
(i) |R + (u)|, |R + (v)| > A0 (d −
log n implies R + (u) ∩ R + (v) = ∅.
(ii) |R + (u)|, |R − (v)| > A0 (d − log n implies R + (u) ∩ R − (v) = ∅.
Proof. Let R + (u) be large, and let J − (s) be the unpaired ‘in-points’ of A(s) immediately
after step s of C + (u). Thus
J − (s) = ∪x∈A(s) Wx− \ U − (s).
The expected value of J − (s) is
θn − i
EJ (s) = ili,j 1− s
− s.
i,j s
Let qi− =
j θn . As R + (u) is large, and so w.h.p. σ ∼ ξ + n then, from Lemma 2.3(ii), we
can write
ξ+ −
EJ − (σ) = θn(1 + o(1)) 1 − − qi 1 − .
θ i
Corollary 4.4.
(i) Let S = L+ ∩ L− . Then w.h.p. |S| ∼ (π + + π − + ψ − 1)n.
(ii) D[S] is a maximal strongly connected component.
(iii) (a) If u, v ∈ S then R + (u) = R + (v).
(b) Let R + (S) be the fan-out of (any vertex of ) S. Let K + (v) = R + (v) \ R + (S). Then
w.h.p. for all v ∈ L+ \ L− , |K + (v)| = O(∆2 log n).
(iv) With high probability, for all v ∈ L+ , R + (v) ⊇ L− .
In the notation of [6] there is a bow-tie digraph B = D[L+ ∪ L− ] induced by the union
of the vertices with large fan-out or fan-in. This digraph B consists of a maximal strongly
connected component S with vertex set L+ ∩ L− and wings K + with vertex set L+ ∩ L−
and K − with vertex set L− ∩ L+ . The wing K + consists of directed paths from L+ ∩ L−
terminating at vertices of S. Similarly the wing K − consists of paths directed away from
S and passing through vertices of L− ∩ L+ .
Each vertex v of K + has a small out-branching K + (v) of which the sub-branching
K (v) ∩ K + points from v towards S. Similarly, each vertex v of K − has a small in-
branching K − (v) of which the sub-branching K − (v) ∩ K − points away from S towards v.
The maximum size of the branchings K + (v), K − (v) is O(∆2 log n).
For a vertex v ∈ L+ , R + (v) = K + (v) ∪ S ∪ K − . Very possibly K + (v) \ K + = ∅. In fact
these vertices comprise a substantial part of V (C1 ) − V (B) = M , the vertices of the giant
component C1 which do not lie within the bow-tie B.
For sequences satisfying the conditions of [14], we can estimate the size of M . Let
lk = i+j=k li,j , and let γ be the smallest nonnegative solution of
x= xk−1 .
Corollary 4.5. For sequences (lk ) satisfying [14], w.h.p. the size of M is (1 + o(1))(α − 1 +
Lemma 5.1. With high probability, for all v ∈ V , the number of edges induced by R + (v)
during the first O(∆2 log2 n) steps of C + (v) is at most |R + (v)|.
Proof. Let A(s) be the vertices of R + (v) acquired by the end of step s of the process C + (v).
Consider the matching edge (as+1 , bs+1 ) selected at step s + 1. Let J(s) = (∪u∈A(s) Wu− ) −
U − (s) be the set of unused configuration points of A(s) in W − . The probability that an
element of J(s) is chosen as bs+1 is O(∆s/θn).
The probability that there exists a vertex v such that this event occurs twice during the
first O(∆2 log2 n) steps of C + (v) is at most
∆3 log2 n
O n(∆2 log2 n)2 = o(1).
Because the minimum in-degree and out-degree of the digraph is at least 1, at least one
of the following is true for every vertex v. The vertex v is either on a directed cycle C,
or on a directed path P which originates in a directed cycle C1 , and leads to a directed
cycle C2 .
If v ∈ L+ ∩ L− then v must be on an isolated directed cycle C. For if not, the edge
density of the fan-out of a vertex of C1 contradicts Lemma 5.1.
Let v ∈ L+ ∩ L− , so that v ∈ K − . Suppose first that v lies on a cycle C. If there is
an edge incident with and directed away from C, this leads to a cycle C contradicting
Lemma 5.1. Next, let v be on a path P originating at a vertex w ∈ S. P terminates in a
cycle C. If any vertex of P , except w, has out-degree at least 2, we obtain a contradiction
to Lemma 5.1.
We now consider the expected number m+ (k) of subsets of vertices of out-degree 1,
forming directed cycles of length k 2. Thus
(k − 1)! li,1
m+ (k) = ifi
(θn)k fi
fi =k i1
1 k 1 fi
= i (li,1 )fi
k f1 , . . . , fi , . . . (θn)k
fi =k i1
1 ili,1
2 fi
k k
= 1+O
n k f1 , . . . , fi , . . . θn
fi =k
k 1 +k
= 1+O (p ) .
n k 1
Theorem 1.3(i), (ii) follow from standard techniques. Theorem 1.3(iii) follows by applying
the methods of [2].
The Size of the Largest Strongly Connected Component of a Random Digraph 337
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