Peyghambarzadeh 2011
Peyghambarzadeh 2011
Peyghambarzadeh 2011
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Available online 16 July 2011 Traditionally forced convection heat transfer in a car radiator is performed to cool circulating fluid which
consisted of water or a mixture of water and anti-freezing materials like ethylene glycol (EG). In this paper,
Keywords: the heat transfer performance of pure water and pure EG has been compared with their binary mixtures.
Water/Al2O3 nanofluid Furthermore, different amounts of Al2O3 nanoparticle have been added into these base fluids and its effects on
Ethylene glycol/Al2O3 nanofluid the heat transfer performance of the car radiator have been determined experimentally. Liquid flow rate has
Heat transfer enhancement
been changed in the range of 2–6 l per minute and the fluid inlet temperature has been changed for all the
Car radiator
Cooling performance
experiments. The results demonstrate that nanofluids clearly enhance heat transfer compared to their own
Experimental study base fluid. In the best conditions, the heat transfer enhancement of about 40% compared to the base fluids has
been recorded.
© 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
0735-1933/$ – see front matter © 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
1284 S.M. Peyghambarzadeh et al. / International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer 38 (2011) 1283–1290
A Peripheral area (m 2)
Cp Specific heat capacity (J/kg K)
d Hydraulic diameter of the tube (m)
dp Diameter of the nanoparticles (m)
f Friction factor
h Heat transfer coefficient (W/m 2K)
k Thermal conductivity (W/m K)
L Length of the tube (m)
ṁ Mass flow rate (kg/s)
Nu Nusselt number = (hdhy/k)
P Tube periphery (m)
Pe Peclet number = Re.Pr
Pr Prandtl number = (Cpμ/k)
Q Heat transfer rate (W)
Re Reynolds number = (ρudhy/μ)
Fig. 1. Boiling and freezing points of water/EG mixtures [2].
S Cross sectional area of the tube (m 2)
T Temperature (K)
VB Brownian velocity
number (Re b 270). The maximum promotion of Nusselt number for
z Axial distance from the tube inlet (m)
1 vol.% nanofluid was 8%. Jung et al. [15] conducted convective heat
transfer experiments for a nanofluid (Al2O3–water) in a rectangular
micro-channel under laminar flow conditions. Their results show the
Greek letters
heat transfer coefficient increases by more than 32% for 1.8 vol.%
α Thermal diffusivity (m 2/s)
nanoparticle. Sharma et al. [16] implemented 1 to 2.5 vol.% Al2O3 in
ρ Density (kg/m 3)
water in horizontal tube geometry and concluded while the Peclet
δ Distance between the centers of the particles (m)
number is between 3500 and 6000, up to 41% promotion in heat
μ Viscosity (kg/m.s)
transfer coefficient compared to pure water may have occurred. Ho et
φ Nanoparticle volume fraction (%)
al. [17] conducted an experiment for cooling in horizontal tube in
Φ Shape factor
laminar flow of Al2O3–water at 1 and 2 vol.% concentrations and
ψ Particle sphericity
concluded the interesting enhancement of 51% in heat transfer
coefficient. Nguyen et al. [18] performed their experiments in a
microprocessor type cooling heat exchanger and at 6.8 vol.% Al2O3 in
Subscripts water obtained 40% growing in heat transfer coefficient. Xie et al. [19]
ave Average reported the convective heat transfer enhancement of nanofluids as
b Bulk coolants in laminar flows inside a circular copper tube with constant
bf Base fluid wall temperature. Different nanofluids consisting of Al2O3, ZnO, TiO2,
exp Experimental and MgO nanoparticles were prepared with a mixture of 55 vol.%
in Input distilled water and 45 vol.% EG as base fluid. MgO, Al2O3, and ZnO
nf Nanofluid nanofluids exhibited superior enhancements of heat transfer coeffi-
out Output cient, with the highest enhancement up to 252% at a Reynolds number
p Particle of 1000 for MgO nanofluid. The performance of finned tube heating
w Wall units with nanofluids has been compared mathematically with a
conventional heat transfer fluid which comprised of 60% EG and 40%
water by Strandberg and Das [20]. Their model predicted an 11.6%
rate for a given rate of heat transfer, yielding a reduction in the liquid increase in finned tube heating output under certain conditions with
pumping power consumed compared to the base fluid. In order to the 4% Al2O3/60% EG nanofluid and an 8.7% increase with the 4%
have more understanding about the application of nanofluids in CuO/60% EG nanofluid compared to heating output with the base
various heat exchangers, a brief literature survey is performed in this fluid. Application of EG based copper nanofluids in an automotive
paper. cooling system has been studied by Leong et al. [21]. Relevant input
Pak and Cho [11] presented an experimental investigation of the data, nanofluid properties and empirical correlations were obtained
convective turbulent heat transfer characteristics of nanofluids from literatures to investigate the heat transfer enhancement of an
(Al2O3–water) with 1 to 3 vol.%. Their results show that Nusselt automotive car radiator operated with nanofluid-based coolants. It is
number for the nanofluids enhances with increasing of volume observed that, about 3.8% of heat transfer enhancement could be
concentration and Reynolds number. Heris et al. [12] examined and achieved with the addition of 2% copper nanoparticles in a base fluid
proved the enhancement of in-tube laminar flow heat transfer of at the Reynolds number of 6000 and 5000 for air and coolant
nanofluids (water–Al2O3) in a constant wall temperature boundary respectively. Some extensive reviews in the nanofluid heat transfer
condition. In other work, Heris et al. [13] presented an investigation of have also been published by Godson et al. [22], Kakaç et al. [23] and
the laminar flow convective heat transfer of Al2O3–water under Wang et al. [24]. The interested reader can refer to them for complete
constant wall temperature with 0.2 to 2.5 vol.% of nanoparticle for reviewing of the previous studies performed.
Reynolds number varying between 700 and 2050. They presented It should be emphasized that almost no document can be found to
again the Nusselt number for the nanofluid which is greater than the describe experimental evaluation of nanofluid performance in the car
base fluid. Lai et al. [14] studied the flow behavior of nanofluids radiator. In this paper, experimental comparisons have been accom-
(20 nm Al2O3 nanoparticle in water) in a millimeter-sized stainless plished between the heat transfer performance of pure water and
steel test tube, subjected to constant wall heat flux and a low Reynolds pure EG and some concentrations of their mixtures in the car radiator.
S.M. Peyghambarzadeh et al. / International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer 38 (2011) 1283–1290 1285
How do anti-freeze materials like EG affect the heat transfer minute. A recycle line included a globe valve was prepared to obtain
performance of the radiator? What happens when you increase the the predetermined flow rate. Storage tank (height of 35 cm and
EG concentration? Furthermore, when small amounts of alumina diameter of 30 cm) has volume of 30 l and the working liquid would
nanoparticle are added to water or EG or their mixtures, does the rate fill 25%. Consequently, the total volume of the circulating liquid is
of heat transfer change compared with the base fluids? What will be constant in all the experiments. A flow meter (Technical Group LZM-
the effects of operating parameters like nanoparticle concentration, 15Z Type) was used to control and manipulate the flow rate with the
flow rate, and temperature of circulating fluid on the heat transfer precision of 0.1 l per minute.
performance? These are the main questions which have been For heating the working fluid, an electrical heater and a controller
answered along this paper. were used to maintain the temperature between 40 and 80 °C. Two
RTDs (Pt-100 Ω) were implemented on the flow line to record
2. Experimental radiator fluid inlet and outlet temperatures. Two other J-type
thermocouples were also used for radiator wall temperature
2.1. Experimental rig and procedure measurement. These thermocouples were installed at the center of
the radiator surfaces (both sides). Due to very small thickness and
In order to measure the liquid side heat transfer coefficients in the very high thermal conductivity of the flat tubes, it is reasonable to
car radiator, a flow loop shown in Fig. 2(A) has been used. This equate the inside temperature of the tube with the outside one. The
experimental rig includes a storage tank, a heater, a pump, a flow measured temperatures from these thermocouples and RTDs have
meter, a forced draft fan, a cross flow finned tube heat exchanger (car been shown on two digital monitors with the accuracy of 0.1 °C. All
radiator), and flow lines. The test fluid flows through the five layer used thermocouples and RTDs were thoroughly calibrated by using a
insulated tubes (0.75 inch diameter) from the feed tank to the constant temperature water bath, and their accuracy was estimated to
radiator by a centrifugal pump with constant flow rate of 10 l per be ±0.2 °C.
Fig. 2. A) Schematic of experimental set up. B) Schematic drawing of the applied louvered fin and flat tube radiator and their dimensions.
1286 S.M. Peyghambarzadeh et al. / International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer 38 (2011) 1283–1290
elliptical cross section. The distances between the tube rows have Parameters Water based nanofluids EG based nanofluids
been filled with thin perpendicular aluminum fins. For cooling the
Nanoparticle type γ-Al2O3 γ-Al2O3
liquid, an axial forced fan (Techno Pars 1400 rpm) was installed close Nanoparticle concentration 0 to 1 0 to 1
on axis line of the radiator and consequently air and water have (vol.%)
indirect cross flow contact. Flow rate (l/min) 2 to 5 3 to 6
Reynolds number 9000 to 23,000 1200 to 2500
Gamma alumina nanoparticles (0.1, 0.3, 0.5, 0.7, and 1 vol.%) have
Flow type Turbulent Laminar
been added to different base fluids including pure water, pure EG and Inlet temperature 35 to 50 °C 45 to 60 °C
their mixtures (5, 10, 20 vol.% EG). The mean grain size of this gamma
alumina is 20 nm and some of its other properties are shown in
Table 1. There was no dispersant or stabilizer added to the nanofluid.
sphere with volume equal to that of the particle, to the surface area of
This is due to the fact that the addition of any agent may change the
the particle, and in this paper Φ is considered to be 3.
fluid properties [11] and the authors were interested to simulate the
For calculation of water based nanofluid viscosities, the following
easiest actual condition encountered in the car radiator. Additionally,
correlation has been applied [26–28]:
creating highly turbulent flow condition in the radiator tubes and
connecting pipes can improve the stabilization of the nanoparticle in
water. Table 2 shows the ranges of all the experimental parameters. μ nf = μ bf 123φ + 7:3φ + 1 ð4Þ
3. Estimation of nanofluid physical properties π
δ= 3
d ð6Þ
6φ p
By assuming that the nanoparticles are well dispersed within the
base fluid, i.e. the particle concentration can be considered uniform −1
C = μ bf ðaφ + bÞ ð7Þ
throughout the system; the effective thermophysical properties of the
mixtures can be evaluated using some classical formulas as usually
used for two phase flow. The following correlations have been used to Where a and b are experimental parameters, which for the engine
predict nanofluid density, specific heat, and thermal conductivity coolant–Al2O 3 nanofluids were estimated to be 0.00004 and
respectively at different temperatures and concentrations [26–28]: 7.1274×10 − 7, respectively [30]. Various correlations were proposed
for temperature dependence of the nanofluid viscosity. Kole and Dey
ρnf = φρp + ð1−φÞρ bf ð1Þ [30] showed only that the following correlation proposed by Namburu
et al. [31] can give an acceptable agreement to the temperature
ρCp = φ ρCp + ð1−φÞ ρCp ð2Þ dependence of viscosity of the Al2O3/conventional coolant nanofluids.
nf p bf
log μ nf = M expð NT Þ ð8Þ
kp + ðΦ−1Þkbf −φðΦ−1Þ kbf −kp
knf = kbf ð3Þ
kp + ðΦ−1Þkbf + φ kbf −kp
Where two parameters (M and N) are functions of nanoparticle
concentration [30]. Table 4 depicts pure water and pure EG physical
Where Φ is empirical shape factor given by Φ = 3/ψ, and ψ is the properties. As can be seen in Table 4, these two base fluids show
particle sphericity, that is defined as the ratio of the surface area of a significant differences in the physical properties. The mentioned
water/EG mixture properties in Table 4 were used by Dai et al. [35] to
develop computational models for the calculations of water/EG
Table 1 physical properties. Their findings were also used whenever no
Some characteristics of alumina nanoparticle.
experimental data existed.
Specification Value
Table 4
Physical properties of pure water, pure EG and mixture of water–EG at 40 °C.
where ṁ is mass flow rate which is the product of density and volume
flow rate of the fluid, Tb is bulk temperature which is assumed to be
the average values of inlet and outlet temperatures of the fluid
moving through the radiator, and Tw is tube wall temperature which
is the mean value measured by two surface thermocouples. In Eq. (9),
k is fluid thermal conductivity and d is hydraulic diameter of the flat
tube. It should also be mentioned that all the physical properties were
calculated at the fluid bulk temperature. Fig. 3. The results for: A) pure water (Tin = 50 °C) in comparison with Dittus–Boelter
correlation [36]. B) Pure EG (Tin = 40 °C) in comparison with the Vajjha et al. correlations
5. Results and discussions [37].
0:8 0:3
Nu = 0:0236Re Pr ð10Þ The nanofluid is implemented in different Al2O3 concentrations,
i.e. 0.1, 0.3, 0.5, 0.7, and 1 vol.% and at different flow rates of 2, 3, 4, 5,
Two correlations were developed by Vajjha et al. [37] for and 6 l per minute. In order to consider the effect of temperature on
nanofluids from the numerical analysis of the flat tube geometry thermal performance of the radiator, different inlet temperatures
which were shown in Eq. (11): have been applied for each concentration. The inlet temperatures
include 35, 45, and 50 °C for the water based nanofluids and 45, 50,
> Dh 0:3 d and 60 °C for EG based nanofluids. Fig. 4(A) and (B) shows the heat
< Nu = 1:9421 × RePr z RePr ≥33:33
z transfer enhancement due to the replacement of water as a
ð11Þ conventional coolant with water and EG based nanofluids respective-
> D d
: Nu = 6:1 + 0:003675 × RePr h RePr ≤33:33 ly. As can be seen, the ratio of the nanofluid Nusselt number to the
z z
base fluid Nusselt number (Nunf/Nubf) has increased by enhancement
in the concentrations of nanoparticle at constant Reynolds number for
The average Nusselt number can be calculated as follow: both nanofluids. By the addition of only 1 vol.% of Al2O3 nanoparticle
into the water or EG, an increase of about 40% in comparison with the
1 pure water and pure EG Nusselt number was recorded.
Nuave: = ∫ Nu: dz ð12Þ
L0 The Nusselt number increases monotonously with Reynolds
number, but Nunf/Nubf presents different variation tendencies with
Fig. 3(B) represents the comparison of experimental results for pure Reynolds number for these two nanofluids. For the water based
EG entering the radiator at constant temperature of 40 °C with the nanofluid it is obvious from Fig. 4(A) that Nunf/Nuw increases with
prediction of Vajjha et al. [37] correlation in laminar flow. As can be seen Reynolds number and in higher concentrations of nanoparticle the
in Fig. 3(A) and 3(B), the experimental results show good agreements effect of Reynolds number becomes pronounced. This result is in
1288 S.M. Peyghambarzadeh et al. / International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer 38 (2011) 1283–1290
that an increase in the fluid inlet temperature (in the range of our
experiments) slightly improves the heat transfer performance. Inspect-
ing the results reveals that increasing the inlet temperature of water
based nanofluids from 35 °C to 50 °C can enhance Nusselt number up to
16%. For EG based nanofluids, the temperature elevation from 45 to
60 °C creates maximum enhancement of 7%. This variation in Nusselt
number may be attributed to the effect of temperature on the physical
properties and also to the increased effect of test liquid radiation to the
internal wall of the tubes.
Fig. 5(A) and (B) compares the nanofluid Nusselt numbers at Fig. 5. Effect of inlet temperature on the Nusselt numbers. A) Water based nanofluid at
different inlet temperatures in order to analyze the effect of temperature the nanoparticle concentration of 1 vol.%. B) EG based nanofluid at the nanoparticle
variation on the heat transfer performance of the car radiator. It is clear concentration of 0.7 vol.%.
S.M. Peyghambarzadeh et al. / International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer 38 (2011) 1283–1290 1289
2500 for EG based nanofluids. It should be mentioned that all the data
in Table 5 have been obtained at the constant liquid inlet temperature
to the radiator namely 45 °C. Data in Table 5 obviously indicate that
higher Nusselt numbers have been obtained for the pure water
compared to pure EG at constant flow rate (more than twice). This is
basically due to the sharp differences in the physical properties of the
two pure liquids. For the sake of clarity, some of the important
physical properties of water and EG were compared in Table 2 at the
temperature of 45 °C. The Prandtl number (Pr) as an important
parameter affecting the heat transfer coefficient differs greatly in
these two liquids and it can be the main reason for the lower Nusselt
number in EG compared to water. Furthermore, it is obvious from
Table 5 that the addition of EG into water decreases the Nusselt
numbers. It is the reason for mixing of EG with water; water does a
much better job at the cooling of the engine. In all the experimental
data shown in Table 5, it is proven that the addition of nanoparticle to
each base fluid enhances the heat transfer coefficient. This effect
manifests itself at water/EG binary mixtures with lower concentra-
tions of EG. Different correlations were introduced for the prediction
of nanofluid forced convection heat transfer in the literature up to
now. Xuan and Li [39] suggested two empirical correlations for
laminar and turbulent flow of the nanofluids in tube:
0:754 0:333 0:4
Nu = 0:4328 1 + 11:285φ Pe Re Pr Re b 2100 ð13Þ
0:6886 0:9238
Nu = 0:0059 1 + 7:6286φ Pe Re Re b 2100 ð14Þ
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