TCLP Method 1311

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1.1 The TCLP is designed to determine the mobility of both organic and
inorganic analytes present in liquid, solid, and multiphasic wastes.

1.2 If a total analysis of the waste demonstrates that individual

analytes are not present in the waste, or that they are present but at such low
concentrations that the appropriate regulatory levels could not possibly be
exceeded, the TCLP need not be run.

1.3 If an analysis of any one of the liquid fractions of the TCLP

extract indicates that a regulated compound is present at such high concentra-
tions that, even after accounting for dilution from the other fractions of the
extract, the concentration would be above the regulatory level for that compound,
then the waste is hazardous and it is not necessary to analyze the remaining
fractions of the extract.

1.4 If an analysis of extract obtained using a bottle extractor shows

that the concentration of any regulated volatile analyte exceeds the regulatory
level for that compound, then the waste is hazardous and extraction using the ZHE
is not necessary. However, extract from a bottle extractor cannot be used to
demonstrate that the concentration of volatile compounds is below the regulatory


2.1 For liquid wastes (i.e., those containing less than 0.5% dry solid
material), the waste, after filtration through a 0.6 to 0.8 µm glass fiber
filter, is defined as the TCLP extract.

2.2 For wastes containing greater than or equal to 0.5% solids, the
liquid, if any, is separated from the solid phase and stored for later analysis;
the particle size of the solid phase is reduced, if necessary. The solid phase
is extracted with an amount of extraction fluid equal to 20 times the weight of
the solid phase. The extraction fluid employed is a function of the alkalinity
of the solid phase of the waste. A special extractor vessel is used when testing
for volatile analytes (see Table 1 for a list of volatile compounds). Following
extraction, the liquid extract is separated from the solid phase by filtration
through a 0.6 to 0.8 µm glass fiber filter.

2.3 If compatible (i.e., multiple phases will not form on combination),

the initial liquid phase of the waste is added to the liquid extract, and these
are analyzed together. If incompatible, the liquids are analyzed separately and
the results are mathematically combined to yield a volume-weighted average

3.1 Potential interferences that may be encountered during analysis are

discussed in the individual analytical methods.
4.1 Agitation apparatus: The agitation apparatus must be capable of
rotating the extraction vessel in an end-over-end fashion (see Figure 1) at
30 + 2 rpm. Suitable devices known to EPA are identified in Table 2.

4.2 Extraction Vessels

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4.2.1 Zero-Headspace Extraction Vessel (ZHE). This device is
for use only when the waste is being tested for the mobility of volatile
analytes (i.e., those listed in Table 1). The ZHE (depicted in Figure 2)
allows for liquid/solid separation within the device, and effectively
precludes headspace. This type of vessel allows for initial liquid/solid
separation, extraction, and final extract filtration without opening the
vessel (see Section 4.3.1). The vessels shall have an internal volume of
500-600 mL, and be equipped to accommodate a 90-110 mm filter. The devices
contain VITON71 O-rings which should be replaced frequently. Suitable ZHE
devices known to EPA are identified in Table 3.
For the ZHE to be acceptable for use, the piston within the ZHE
should be able to be moved with approximately 15 psi or less. If it takes
more pressure to move the piston, the O-rings in the device should be
replaced. If this does not solve the problem, the ZHE is unacceptable for
TCLP analyses and the manufacturer should be contacted.
The ZHE should be checked for leaks after every extraction. If the
device contains a built-in pressure gauge, pressurize the device to
50 psi, allow it to stand unattended for 1 hour, and recheck the pressure.
If the device does not have a built-in pressure gauge, pressurize the
device to 50 psi, submerge it in water, and check for the presence of air
bubbles escaping from any of the fittings. If pressure is lost, check all
fittings and inspect and replace O-rings, if necessary. Retest the
device. If leakage problems cannot be solved, the manufacturer should be
Some ZHEs use gas pressure to actuate the ZHE piston, while others
use mechanical pressure (see Table 3). Whereas the volatiles procedure
(see Section 7.3) refers to pounds per square inch (psi), for the
mechanically actuated piston, the pressure applied is measured in
torque-inch-pounds. Refer to the manufacturer's instructions as to the
proper conversion.

4.2.2 Bottle Extraction Vessel. When the waste is being

evaluated using the nonvolatile extraction, a jar with sufficient capacity
to hold the sample and the extraction fluid is needed. Headspace is
allowed in this vessel.

The extraction bottles may be constructed from various materials,

depending on the analytes to be analyzed and the nature of the waste (see
Section 4.3.3). It is recommended that borosilicate glass bottles be used
instead of other types of glass, especially when inorganics are of
concern. Plastic bottles, other than polytetrafluoroethylene, shall not
be used if organics are to be investigated. Bottles are available from a
number of laboratory suppliers. When this type of extraction vessel is
used, the filtration device discussed in Section 4.3.2 is used for initial
liquid/solid separation and final extract filtration.
4.3 Filtration Devices: It is recommended that all filtrations be
performed in a hood.

4.3.1 Zero-Headspace Extractor Vessel (ZHE): When the waste is

evaluated for volatiles, the zero-headspace extraction vessel described in
Section 4.2.1 is used for filtration. The device shall be capable of
supporting and keeping in place the glass fiber filter and be able to
withstand the pressure needed to accomplish separation (50 psi).

1 VITON7 is a trademark of Du Pont.

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NOTE: When it is suspected that the glass fiber filter has been ruptured,
an in-line glass fiber filter may be used to filter the material
within the ZHE.
4.3.2 Filter Holder: When the waste is evaluated for other than
volatile analytes, any filter holder capable of supporting a glass fiber
filter and able to withstand the pressure needed to accomplish separation
may be used. Suitable filter holders range from simple vacuum units to
relatively complex systems capable of exerting pressures of up to 50 psi
or more. The type of filter holder used depends on the properties of the
material to be filtered (see Section 4.3.3). These devices shall have a
minimum internal volume of 300 mL and be equipped to accommodate a minimum
filter size of 47 mm (filter holders having an internal capacity of 1.5 L
or greater, and equipped to accommodate a 142 mm diameter filter, are
recommended). Vacuum filtration can only be used for wastes with low
solids content (<10%) and for highly granular, liquid-containing wastes.
All other types of wastes should be filtered using positive pressure
filtration. Suitable filter holders known to EPA are shown in Table 4.
4.3.3 Materials of Construction: Extraction vessels and
filtration devices shall be made of inert materials which will not leach
or absorb waste components. Glass, polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE), or
type 316 stainless steel equipment may be used when evaluating the
mobility of both organic and inorganic components. Devices made of high
density polyethylene (HDPE), polypropylene (PP), or polyvinyl chloride
(PVC) may be used only when evaluating the mobility of metals. Borosili-
cate glass bottles are recommended for use over other types of glass
bottles, especially when inorganics are analytes of concern.
4.4 Filters: Filters shall be made of borosilicate glass fiber, shall
contain no binder materials, and shall have an effective pore size of 0.6 to
0.8 µm, or equivalent. Filters known to EPA which meet these specifications are
identified in Table 5. Pre-filters must not be used. When evaluating the
mobility of metals, filters shall be acid-washed prior to use by rinsing with 1N
nitric acid followed by three consecutive rinses with deionized distilled water
(a minimum of 1 L per rinse is recommended). Glass fiber filters are fragile and
should be handled with care.

4.5 pH Meters: The meter should be accurate to + 0.05 units at 25 ΕC.

4.6 ZHE Extract Collection Devices: TEDLAR72 bags or glass, stainless

steel or PTFE gas-tight syringes are used to collect the initial liquid phase and
the final extract of the waste when using the ZHE device. The devices listed are
recommended for use under the following conditions:

4.6.1 If a waste contains an aqueous liquid phase or if a waste

does not contain a significant amount of nonaqueous liquid (i.e., <1% of
total waste), the TEDLAR7 bag or a 600 mL syringe should be used to collect
and combine the initial liquid and solid extract.
4.6.2 If a waste contains a significant amount of nonaqueous
liquid in the initial liquid phase (i.e., >1% of total waste), the syringe
or the TEDLAR7 bag may be used for both the initial solid/liquid separation
and the final extract filtration. However, analysts should use one or the
other, not both.

4.6.3 If the waste contains no initial liquid phase (is 100%

solid) or has no significant solid phase (is 100% liquid), either the

2 TEDLAR7 is a registered trademark of Du Pont.

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TEDLAR7 bag or the syringe may be used. If the syringe is used, discard
the first 5 mL of liquid expressed from the device. The remaining
aliquots are used for analysis.

4.7 ZHE Extraction Fluid Transfer Devices: Any device capable of

transferring the extraction fluid into the ZHE without changing the nature of the
extraction fluid is acceptable (e.g., a positive displacement or peristaltic
pump, a gas tight syringe, pressure filtration unit (see Section 4.3.2), or other
ZHE device).

4.8 Laboratory Balance: Any laboratory balance accurate to within

+ 0.01 grams may be used (all weight measurements are to be within + 0.1 grams).

4.9 Beaker or Erlenmeyer flask, glass, 500 mL.

4.10 Watchglass, appropriate diameter to cover beaker or Erlenmeyer


4.11 Magnetic stirrer.


5.1 Reagent grade chemicals shall be used in all tests. Unless

otherwise indicated, it is intended that all reagents shall conform to the
specifications of the Committee on Analytical Reagents of the American Chemical
Society, where such specifications are available. Other grades may be used,
provided it is first ascertained that the reagent is of sufficiently high purity
to permit its use without lessening the accuracy of the determination.

5.2 Reagent Water. Reagent water is defined as water in which an

interferant is not observed at or above the method's detection limit of the
analyte(s) of interest. For nonvolatile extractions, ASTM Type II water or
equivalent meets the definition of reagent water. For volatile extractions, it
is recommended that reagent water be generated by any of the following methods.
Reagent water should be monitored periodically for impurities.
5.2.1 Reagent water for volatile extractions may be generated
by passing tap water through a carbon filter bed containing about 500
grams of activated carbon (Calgon Corp., Filtrasorb-300 or equivalent).

5.2.2 A water purification system (Millipore Super-Q or

equivalent) may also be used to generate reagent water for volatile
5.2.3 Reagent water for volatile extractions may also be
prepared by boiling water for 15 minutes. Subsequently, while maintaining
the water temperature at 90 + 5 degrees C, bubble a contaminant-free inert
gas (e.g. nitrogen) through the water for 1 hour. While still hot,
transfer the water to a narrow mouth screw-cap bottle under zero-headspace
and seal with a Teflon-lined septum and cap.

5.3 Hydrochloric acid (1N), HCl, made from ACS reagent grade.
5.4 Nitric acid (1N), HNO3, made from ACS reagent grade.

5.5 Sodium hydroxide (1N), NaOH, made from ACS reagent grade.

5.6 Glacial acetic acid, CH3CH2OOH, ACS reagent grade.

5.7 Extraction fluid.
5.7.1 Extraction fluid # 1: Add 5.7 mL glacial CH3CH2OOH to
500 mL of reagent water (See Section 5.2), add 64.3 mL of 1N NaOH, and

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dilute to a volume of 1 liter. When correctly prepared, the pH of this
fluid will be 4.93 + 0.05.

5.7.2 Extraction fluid # 2: Dilute 5.7 mL glacial CH3CH2OOH with

reagent water (See Section 5.2) to a volume of 1 liter. When correctly
prepared, the pH of this fluid will be 2.88 + 0.05.

NOTE: These extraction fluids should be monitored frequently for

impurities. The pH should be checked prior to use to ensure that
these fluids are made up accurately. If impurities are found or
the pH is not within the above specifications, the fluid shall be
discarded and fresh extraction fluid prepared.

5.8 Analytical standards shall be prepared according to the appropriate

analytical method.

6.1 All samples shall be collected using an appropriate sampling plan.

6.2 The TCLP may place requirements on the minimal size of the field
sample, depending upon the physical state or states of the waste and the analytes
of concern. An aliquot is needed for preliminary evaluation of which extraction
fluid is to be used for the nonvolatile analyte extraction procedure. Another
aliquot may be needed to actually conduct the nonvolatile extraction (see Section
1.4 concerning the use of this extract for volatile organics). If volatile
organics are of concern, another aliquot may be needed. Quality control measures
may require additional aliquots. Further, it is always wise to collect more
sample just in case something goes wrong with the initial attempt to conduct the

6.3 Preservatives shall not be added to samples before extraction.

6.4 Samples may be refrigerated unless refrigeration results in

irreversible physical change to the waste. If precipitation occurs, the entire
sample (including precipitate) should be extracted.
6.5 When the waste is to be evaluated for volatile analytes, care shall
be taken to minimize the loss of volatiles. Samples shall be collected and
stored in a manner intended to prevent the loss of volatile analytes (e.g.,
samples should be collected in Teflon-lined septum capped vials and stored at 4
ΕC. Samples should be opened only immediately prior to extraction).

6.6 TCLP extracts should be prepared for analysis and analyzed as soon
as possible following extraction. Extracts or portions of extracts for metallic
analyte determinations must be acidified with nitric acid to a pH < 2, unless
precipitation occurs (see Section 7.2.14 if precipitation occurs). Extracts
should be preserved for other analytes according to the guidance given in the
individual analysis methods. Extracts or portions of extracts for organic
analyte determinations shall not be allowed to come into contact with the
atmosphere (i.e., no headspace) to prevent losses. See Section 8.0 (QA
requirements) for acceptable sample and extract holding times.
7.1 Preliminary Evaluations

Perform preliminary TCLP evaluations on a minimum 100 gram aliquot of

waste. This aliquot may not actually undergo TCLP extraction. These preliminary
evaluations include: (1) determination of the percent solids (Section 7.1.1);
(2) determination of whether the waste contains insignificant solids and is,
therefore, its own extract after filtration (Section 7.1.2); (3) determination

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of whether the solid portion of the waste requires particle size reduction
(Section 7.1.3); and (4) determination of which of the two extraction fluids are
to be used for the nonvolatile TCLP extraction of the waste (Section 7.1.4).
7.1.1 Preliminary determination of percent solids: Percent
solids is defined as that fraction of a waste sample (as a percentage of
the total sample) from which no liquid may be forced out by an applied
pressure, as described below. If the waste will obviously yield no liquid when

subjected to pressure filtration (i.e., is 100% solids) proceed to
Section 7.1.3. If the sample is liquid or multiphasic,
liquid/solid separation to make a preliminary determination of
percent solids is required. This involves the filtration device
described in Section 4.3.2 and is outlined in Sections
through Pre-weigh the filter and the container that will
receive the filtrate. Assemble the filter holder and filter following
the manufacturer's instructions. Place the filter on the support
screen and secure. Weigh out a subsample of the waste (100 gram

minimum) and record the weight. Allow slurries to stand to permit the solid
phase to settle. Wastes that settle slowly may be centrifuged
prior to filtration. Centrifugation is to be used only as an aid
to filtration. If used, the liquid should be decanted and filtered
followed by filtration of the solid portion of the waste through
the same filtration system. Quantitatively transfer the waste sample to the

filter holder (liquid and solid phases). Spread the waste sample
evenly over the surface of the filter. If filtration of the waste
at 4 ΕC reduces the amount of expressed liquid over what would be
expressed at room temperature then allow the sample to warm up to
room temperature in the device before filtering.
NOTE: If waste material (>1% of original sample weight) has obviously
adhered to the container used to transfer the sample to the
filtration apparatus, determine the weight of this residue and
subtract it from the sample weight determined in Section to
determine the weight of the waste sample that will be filtered.

Gradually apply vacuum or gentle pressure of 1-10 psi,

until air or pressurizing gas moves through the filter. If this
point is not reached under 10 psi, and if no additional liquid has
passed through the filter in any 2 minute interval, slowly increase
the pressure in 10 psi increments to a maximum of 50 psi. After
each incremental increase of 10 psi, if the pressurizing gas has
not moved through the filter, and if no additional liquid has
passed through the filter in any 2 minute interval, proceed to the
next 10 psi increment. When the pressurizing gas begins to move
through the filter, or when liquid flow has ceased at 50 psi (i.e.,
filtration does not result in any additional filtrate within any 2
minute period), stop the filtration.
NOTE: Instantaneous application of high pressure can degrade the glass
fiber filter and may cause premature plugging.

CD-ROM 1311- 6 Revision 0

July 1992 The material in the filter holder is defined as
the solid phase of the waste, and the filtrate is defined as the
liquid phase.
NOTE: Some wastes, such as oily wastes and some paint wastes, will
obviously contain some material that appears to be a liquid. Even
after applying vacuum or pressure filtration, as outlined in
Section, this material may not filter. If this is the
case, the material within the filtration device is defined as a
solid. Do not replace the original filter with a fresh filter
under any circumstances. Use only one filter. Determine the weight of the liquid phase by
subtracting the weight of the filtrate container (see Section from the total weight of the filtrate-filled container.
Determine the weight of the solid phase of the waste sample by
subtracting the weight of the liquid phase from the weight of the
total waste sample, as determined in Section or
Record the weight of the liquid and solid phases.
Calculate the percent solids as follows:
Weight of solid (Section
Percent solids = x 100
Total weight of waste (Section or

7.1.2 If the percent solids determined in Section is

equal to or greater than 0.5%, then proceed either to Section 7.1.3 to
determine whether the solid material requires particle size reduction or
to Section if it is noticed that a small amount of the filtrate is
entrained in wetting of the filter. If the percent solids determined in
Section is less than 0.5%, then proceed to Section 7.2.9 if the
nonvolatile TCLP is to be performed and to Section 7.3 with a fresh
portion of the waste if the volatile TCLP is to be performed. Remove the solid phase and filter from the

filtration apparatus. Dry the filter and solid phase at 100 + 20 ΕC

until two successive weighing yield the same value within + 1%.
Record the final weight.

NOTE: Caution should be taken to ensure that the subject solid will not
flash upon heating. It is recommended that the drying oven be
vented to a hood or other appropriate device. Calculate the percent dry solids as follows:

(Wt. of dry waste + filter) - tared wt. of filter

Percent dry solids = x 100
Initial wt. of waste (Section or If the percent dry solids is less than 0.5%,
then proceed to Section 7.2.9 if the nonvolatile TCLP is to be
performed, and to Section 7.3 if the volatile TCLP is to be
performed. If the percent dry solids is greater than or equal to
0.5%, and if the nonvolatile TCLP is to be performed, return to the
beginning of this Section (7.1) and, with a fresh portion of waste,
determine whether particle size reduction is necessary (Section
7.1.3) and determine the appropriate extraction fluid (Section

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7.1.4). If only the volatile TCLP is to be performed, see the note
in Section 7.1.4.

7.1.3 Determination of whether the waste requires particle size

reduction (particle size is reduced during this step): Using the solid
portion of the waste, evaluate the solid for particle size. Particle size
reduction is required, unless the solid has a surface area per gram of
material equal to or greater than 3.1 cm2, or is smaller than 1 cm in its
narrowest dimension (i.e., is capable of passing through a 9.5 mm (0.375
inch) standard sieve). If the surface area is smaller or the particle
size larger than described above, prepare the solid portion of the waste
for extraction by crushing, cutting, or grinding the waste to a surface
area or particle size as described above. If the solids are prepared for
organic volatiles extraction, special precautions must be taken (see
Section 7.3.6).
NOTE: Surface area criteria are meant for filamentous (e.g., paper, cloth, and
similar) waste materials. Actual measurement of surface area is not
required, nor is it recommended. For materials that do not obviously meet
the criteria, sample specific methods would need to be developed and
employed to measure the surface area. Such methodology is currently not

7.1.4 Determination of appropriate extraction fluid: If the

solid content of the waste is greater than or equal to 0.5% and if the
sample will be extracted for nonvolatile constituents (Section 7.2),
determine the appropriate fluid (Section 5.7) for the nonvolatiles
extraction as follows:

NOTE: TCLP extraction for volatile constituents uses only extraction

fluid #1 (Section 5.7.1). Therefore, if TCLP extraction for
nonvolatiles is not required, proceed to Section 7.3. Weigh out a small subsample of the solid phase

of the waste, reduce the solid (if necessary) to a particle size of
approximately 1 mm in diameter or less, and transfer 5.0 grams of
the solid phase of the waste to a 500 mL beaker or Erlenmeyer
flask. Add 96.5 mL of reagent water to the beaker,

cover with a watchglass, and stir vigorously for 5 minutes using a
magnetic stirrer. Measure and record the pH. If the pH is <5.0,
use extraction fluid #1. Proceed to Section 7.2. If the pH from Section is >5.0, add
3.5 mL 1N HCl, slurry briefly, cover with a watchglass, heat to 50
ΕC, and hold at 50 ΕC for 10 minutes. Let the solution cool to room temperature and

record the pH. If the pH is <5.0, use extraction fluid #1. If the
pH is >5.0, use extraction fluid #2. Proceed to Section 7.2.

7.1.5 If the aliquot of the waste used for the preliminary

evaluation (Sections 7.1.1 - 7.1.4) was determined to be 100% solid at
Section, then it can be used for the Section 7.2 extraction
(assuming at least 100 grams remain), and the Section 7.3 extraction
(assuming at least 25 grams remain). If the aliquot was subjected to the
procedure in Section, then another aliquot shall be used for the
volatile extraction procedure in Section 7.3. The aliquot of the waste
subjected to the procedure in Section might be appropriate for use
for the Section 7.2 extraction if an adequate amount of solid (as
determined by Section was obtained. The amount of solid
necessary is dependent upon whether a sufficient amount of extract will be

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produced to support the analyses. If an adequate amount of solid remains,
proceed to Section 7.2.10 of the nonvolatile TCLP extraction.

7.2 Procedure When Volatiles are not Involved

A minimum sample size of 100 grams (solid and liquid phases) is recommend-
ed. In some cases, a larger sample size may be appropriate, depending on the
solids content of the waste sample (percent solids, See Section 7.1.1), whether
the initial liquid phase of the waste will be miscible with the aqueous extract
of the solid, and whether inorganics, semivolatile organics, pesticides, and
herbicides are all analytes of concern. Enough solids should be generated for
extraction such that the volume of TCLP extract will be sufficient to support all
of the analyses required. If the amount of extract generated by a single TCLP
extraction will not be sufficient to perform all of the analyses, more than one
extraction may be performed and the extracts from each combined and aliquoted for
7.2.1 If the waste will obviously yield no liquid when subjected
to pressure filtration (i.e., is 100% solid, see Section 7.1.1), weigh out
a subsample of the waste (100 gram minimum) and proceed to Section 7.2.9.
7.2.2 If the sample is liquid or multiphasic, liquid/solid
separation is required. This involves the filtration device described in
Section 4.3.2 and is outlined in Sections 7.2.3 to 7.2.8.

7.2.3 Pre-weigh the container that will receive the filtrate.

7.2.4 Assemble the filter holder and filter following the
manufacturer's instructions. Place the filter on the support screen and
secure. Acid wash the filter if evaluating the mobility of metals (see
Section 4.4).

NOTE: Acid washed filters may be used for all nonvolatile extractions
even when metals are not of concern.

7.2.5 Weigh out a subsample of the waste (100 gram minimum) and
record the weight. If the waste contains <0.5% dry solids (Section
7.1.2), the liquid portion of the waste, after filtration, is defined as
the TCLP extract. Therefore, enough of the sample should be filtered so
that the amount of filtered liquid will support all of the analyses
required of the TCLP extract. For wastes containing >0.5% dry solids
(Sections 7.1.1 or 7.1.2), use the percent solids information obtained in
Section 7.1.1 to determine the optimum sample size (100 gram minimum) for
filtration. Enough solids should be generated by filtration to support
the analyses to be performed on the TCLP extract.
7.2.6 Allow slurries to stand to permit the solid phase to
settle. Wastes that settle slowly may be centrifuged prior to filtration.
Use centrifugation only as an aid to filtration. If the waste is
centrifuged, the liquid should be decanted and filtered followed by
filtration of the solid portion of the waste through the same filtration
7.2.7 Quantitatively transfer the waste sample (liquid and solid
phases) to the filter holder (see Section 4.3.2). Spread the waste sample
evenly over the surface of the filter. If filtration of the waste at 4 ΕC
reduces the amount of expressed liquid over what would be expressed at
room temperature, then allow the sample to warm up to room temperature in
the device before filtering.
NOTE: If waste material (>1% of the original sample weight) has obviously
adhered to the container used to transfer the sample to the
filtration apparatus, determine the weight of this residue and

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July 1992
subtract it from the sample weight determined in Section 7.2.5, to
determine the weight of the waste sample that will be filtered.

Gradually apply vacuum or gentle pressure of 1-10 psi, until air or

pressurizing gas moves through the filter. If this point is not reached
under 10 psi, and if no additional liquid has passed through the filter in
any 2 minute interval, slowly increase the pressure in 10 psi increments
to a maximum of 50 psi. After each incremental increase of 10 psi, if the
pressurizing gas has not moved through the filter, and if no additional
liquid has passed through the filter in any 2 minute interval, proceed to
the next 10 psi increment. When the pressurizing gas begins to move
through the filter, or when the liquid flow has ceased at 50 psi (i.e.,
filtration does not result in any additional filtrate within a 2 minute
period), stop the filtration.

NOTE: Instantaneous application of high pressure can degrade the glass

fiber filter and may cause premature plugging.

7.2.8 The material in the filter holder is defined as the solid

phase of the waste, and the filtrate is defined as the liquid phase.
Weigh the filtrate. The liquid phase may now be either analyzed (See
Section 7.2.12) or stored at 4 ΕC until time of analysis.

NOTE: Some wastes, such as oily wastes and some paint wastes, will
obviously contain some material that appears to be a liquid. Even
after applying vacuum or pressure filtration, as outlined in
Section 7.2.7, this material may not filter. If this is the case,
the material within the filtration device is defined as a solid and
is carried through the extraction as a solid. Do not replace the
original filter with a fresh filter under any circumstances. Use
only one filter.
7.2.9 If the waste contains <0.5% dry solids (see Section
7.1.2), proceed to Section 7.2.13. If the waste contains >0.5% dry solids
(see Section 7.1.1 or 7.1.2), and if particle size reduction of the solid
was needed in Section 7.1.3, proceed to Section 7.2.10. If the waste as
received passes a 9.5 mm sieve, quantitatively transfer the solid material
into the extractor bottle along with the filter used to separate the
initial liquid from the solid phase, and proceed to Section 7.2.11.

7.2.10 Prepare the solid portion of the waste for extraction by

crushing, cutting, or grinding the waste to a surface area or particle
size as described in Section 7.1.3. When the surface area or particle
size has been appropriately altered, quantitatively transfer the solid
material into an extractor bottle. Include the filter used to separate the
initial liquid from the solid phase.

NOTE: Sieving of the waste is not normally required. Surface area

requirements are meant for filamentous (e.g., paper, cloth) and
similar waste materials. Actual measurement of surface area is not
recommended. If sieving is necessary, a Teflon coated sieve should
be used to avoid contamination of the sample.

7.2.11 Determine the amount of extraction fluid to add to the

extractor vessel as follows:
20 x percent solids (Section 7.1.1) x weight of waste
filtered (Section 7.2.5 or 7.2.7)
Weight of =
extraction fluid 100

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Slowly add this amount of appropriate extraction fluid (see Section
7.1.4) to the extractor vessel. Close the extractor bottle tightly (it is
recommended that Teflon tape be used to ensure a tight seal), secure in
rotary agitation device, and rotate at 30 + 2 rpm for 18 + 2 hours.
Ambient temperature (i.e., temperature of room in which extraction takes
place) shall be maintained at 23 + 2 ΕC during the extraction period.

NOTE: As agitation continues, pressure may build up within the extractor

bottle for some types of wastes (e.g., limed or calcium carbonate
containing waste may evolve gases such as carbon dioxide). To
relieve excess pressure, the extractor bottle may be periodically
opened (e.g., after 15 minutes, 30 minutes, and 1 hour) and vented
into a hood.
7.2.12 Following the 18 + 2 hour extraction, separate the
material in the extractor vessel into its component liquid and solid
phases by filtering through a new glass fiber filter, as outlined in
Section 7.2.7. For final filtration of the TCLP extract, the glass fiber
filter may be changed, if necessary, to facilitate filtration. Filter(s)
shall be acid-washed (see Section 4.4) if evaluating the mobility of

7.2.13 Prepare the TCLP extract as follows: If the waste contained no initial liquid
phase, the filtered liquid material obtained from Section 7.2.12 is
defined as the TCLP extract. Proceed to Section 7.2.14. If compatible (e.g., multiple phases will not

result on combination), combine the filtered liquid resulting from
Section 7.2.12 with the initial liquid phase of the waste obtained
in Section 7.2.7. This combined liquid is defined as the TCLP
extract. Proceed to Section 7.2.14. If the initial liquid phase of the waste, as

obtained from Section 7.2.7, is not or may not be compatible with
the filtered liquid resulting from Section 7.2.12, do not combine
these liquids. Analyze these liquids, collectively defined as the
TCLP extract, and combine the results mathematically, as described
in Section 7.2.14.

7.2.14 Following collection of the TCLP extract, the pH of the

extract should be recorded. Immediately aliquot and preserve the extract
for analysis. Metals aliquots must be acidified with nitric acid to
pH <2. If precipitation is observed upon addition of nitric acid to a
small aliquot of the extract, then the remaining portion of the extract
for metals analyses shall not be acidified and the extract shall be
analyzed as soon as possible. All other aliquots must be stored under
refrigeration (4 ΕC) until analyzed. The TCLP extract shall be prepared
and analyzed according to appropriate analytical methods. TCLP extracts to
be analyzed for metals shall be acid digested except in those instances
where digestion causes loss of metallic analytes. If an analysis of the
undigested extract shows that the concentration of any regulated metallic
analyte exceeds the regulatory level, then the waste is hazardous and
digestion of the extract is not necessary. However, data on undigested
extracts alone cannot be used to demonstrate that the waste is not
hazardous. If the individual phases are to be analyzed separately,
determine the volume of the individual phases (to + 0.5%), conduct the
appropriate analyses, and combine the results mathematically by using a
simple volume-weighted average:
(V1) (C1) + (V2) (C2)

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Final Analyte Concentration =
V1 + V2

V1 = The volume of the first phase (L).

C1 = The concentration of the analyte of concern in the first phase (mg/L).
V2 = The volume of the second phase (L).
C2 = The concentration of the analyte of concern in the second phase
7.2.15 Compare the analyte concentrations in the TCLP extract
with the levels identified in the appropriate regulations. Refer to
Section 8.0 for quality assurance requirements.

7.3 Procedure When Volatiles are Involved

Use the ZHE device to obtain TCLP extract for analysis of volatile
compounds only. Extract resulting from the use of the ZHE shall not be used to
evaluate the mobility of nonvolatile analytes (e.g., metals, pesticides, etc.).

The ZHE device has approximately a 500 mL internal capacity. The ZHE can
thus accommodate a maximum of 25 grams of solid (defined as that fraction of a
sample from which no additional liquid may be forced out by an applied pressure
of 50 psi), due to the need to add an amount of extraction fluid equal to 20
times the weight of the solid phase.

Charge the ZHE with sample only once and do not open the device until the
final extract (of the solid) has been collected. Repeated filling of the ZHE to
obtain 25 grams of solid is not permitted.
Do not allow the waste, the initial liquid phase, or the extract to be
exposed to the atmosphere for any more time than is absolutely necessary. Any
manipulation of these materials should be done when cold (4 ΕC) to minimize loss
of volatiles.
7.3.1 Pre-weigh the (evacuated) filtrate collection container
(See Section 4.6) and set aside. If using a TEDLAR bag, express all
liquid from the ZHE device into the bag, whether for the initial or final
liquid/solid separation, and take an aliquot from the liquid in the bag
for analysis. The containers listed in Section 4.6 are recommended for
use under the conditions stated in Sections 4.6.1 - 4.6.3.

7.3.2 Place the ZHE piston within the body of the ZHE (it may be
helpful first to moisten the piston O-rings slightly with extraction
fluid). Adjust the piston within the ZHE body to a height that will
minimize the distance the piston will have to move once the ZHE is charged
with sample (based upon sample size requirements determined from Section
7.3, Section 7.1.1 and/or 7.1.2). Secure the gas inlet/outlet flange
(bottom flange) onto the ZHE body in accordance with the manufacturer's
instructions. Secure the glass fiber filter between the support screens
and set aside. Set liquid inlet/outlet flange (top flange) aside.

7.3.3 If the waste is 100% solid (see Section 7.1.1), weigh out
a subsample (25 gram maximum) of the waste, record weight, and proceed to
Section 7.3.5.
7.3.4 If the waste contains < 0.5% dry solids (Section 7.1.2),
the liquid portion of waste, after filtration, is defined as the TCLP
extract. Filter enough of the sample so that the amount of filtered
liquid will support all of the volatile analyses required. For wastes
containing > 0.5% dry solids (Sections 7.1.1 and/or 7.1.2), use the

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percent solids information obtained in Section 7.1.1 to determine the
optimum sample size to charge into the ZHE. The recommended sample size
is as follows: For wastes containing < 5% solids (see Section
7.1.1), weigh out a 500 gram subsample of waste and record the
weight. For wastes containing > 5% solids (see Section
7.1.1), determine the amount of waste to charge into the ZHE as

Weight of waste to charge ZHE = x 100
percent solids (Section 7.1.1)
Weigh out a subsample of the waste of the appropriate size and
record the weight.
7.3.5 If particle size reduction of the solid portion of the
waste was required in Section 7.1.3, proceed to Section 7.3.6. If
particle size reduction was not required in Section 7.1.3, proceed to
Section 7.3.7.

7.3.6 Prepare the waste for extraction by crushing, cutting, or

grinding the solid portion of the waste to a surface area or particle size
as described in Section 7.1.3. Wastes and appropriate reduction equipment
should be refrigerated, if possible, to 4 ΕC prior to particle size
reduction. The means used to effect particle size reduction must not
generate heat in and of itself. If reduction of the solid phase of the
waste is necessary, exposure of the waste to the atmosphere should be
avoided to the extent possible.

NOTE: Sieving of the waste is not recommended due to the possibility that
volatiles may be lost. The use of an appropriately graduated ruler
is recommended as an acceptable alternative. Surface area
requirements are meant for filamentous (e.g., paper, cloth) and
similar waste materials. Actual measurement of surface area is not

When the surface area or particle size has been appropriately

altered, proceed to Section 7.3.7.

7.3.7 Waste slurries need not be allowed to stand to permit the

solid phase to settle. Do not centrifuge wastes prior to filtration.

7.3.8 Quantitatively transfer the entire sample (liquid and

solid phases) quickly to the ZHE. Secure the filter and support screens
onto the top flange of the device and secure the top flange to the ZHE
body in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions. Tighten all ZHE
fittings and place the device in the vertical position (gas inlet/outlet
flange on the bottom). Do not attach the extract collection device to the
top plate.

NOTE: If waste material (>1% of original sample weight) has obviously

adhered to the container used to transfer the sample to the ZHE,
determine the weight of this residue and subtract it from the
sample weight determined in Section 7.3.4 to determine the weight
of the waste sample that will be filtered.

Attach a gas line to the gas inlet/outlet valve (bottom flange)

and, with the liquid inlet/outlet valve (top flange) open, begin applying

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gentle pressure of 1-10 psi (or more if necessary) to force all headspace
slowly out of the ZHE device into a hood. At the first appearance of
liquid from the liquid inlet/outlet valve, quickly close the valve and
discontinue pressure. If filtration of the waste at 4 ΕC reduces the
amount of expressed liquid over what would be expressed at room tempera-
ture, then allow the sample to warm up to room temperature in the device
before filtering. If the waste is 100% solid (see Section 7.1.1), slowly
increase the pressure to a maximum of 50 psi to force most of the
headspace out of the device and proceed to Section 7.3.12.
7.3.9 Attach the evacuated pre-weighed filtrate collection
container to the liquid inlet/outlet valve and open the valve. Begin
applying gentle pressure of 1-10 psi to force the liquid phase of the
sample into the filtrate collection container. If no additional liquid
has passed through the filter in any 2 minute interval, slowly increase
the pressure in 10 psi increments to a maximum of 50 psi. After each
incremental increase of 10 psi, if no additional liquid has passed through
the filter in any 2 minute interval, proceed to the next 10 psi increment.
When liquid flow has ceased such that continued pressure filtration at 50
psi does not result in any additional filtrate within a 2 minute period,
stop the filtration. Close the liquid inlet/outlet valve, discontinue
pressure to the piston, and disconnect and weigh the filtrate collection

NOTE: Instantaneous application of high pressure can degrade the glass

fiber filter and may cause premature plugging.

7.3.10 The material in the ZHE is defined as the solid phase of

the waste and the filtrate is defined as the liquid phase.

NOTE: Some wastes, such as oily wastes and some paint wastes, will
obviously contain some material that appears to be a liquid. Even
after applying pressure filtration, this material will not filter.
If this is the case, the material within the filtration device is
defined as a solid and is carried through the TCLP extraction as a
If the original waste contained <0.5% dry solids (see Section
7.1.2), this filtrate is defined as the TCLP extract and is analyzed
directly. Proceed to Section 7.3.15.
7.3.11 The liquid phase may now be either analyzed immediately
(See Sections 7.3.13 through 7.3.15) or stored at 4 ΕC under minimal
headspace conditions until time of analysis. Determine the weight of
extraction fluid #1 to add to the ZHE as follows:
20 x percent solids (Section 7.1.1) x weight
of waste filtered (Section 7.3.4 or 7.3.8)
Weight of extraction fluid =
7.3.12 The following Sections detail how to add the appropriate
amount of extraction fluid to the solid material within the ZHE and
agitation of the ZHE vessel. Extraction fluid #1 is used in all cases
(See Section 5.7). With the ZHE in the vertical position, attach
a line from the extraction fluid reservoir to the liquid in-
let/outlet valve. The line used shall contain fresh extraction
fluid and should be preflushed with fluid to eliminate any air
pockets in the line. Release gas pressure on the ZHE piston (from
the gas inlet/outlet valve), open the liquid inlet/outlet valve,

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and begin transferring extraction fluid (by pumping or similar
means) into the ZHE. Continue pumping extraction fluid into the
ZHE until the appropriate amount of fluid has been introduced into
the device. After the extraction fluid has been added,
immediately close the liquid inlet/outlet valve and disconnect the
extraction fluid line. Check the ZHE to ensure that all valves are
in their closed positions. Manually rotate the device in an
end-over-end fashion 2 or 3 times. Reposition the ZHE in the
vertical position with the liquid inlet/outlet valve on top.
Pressurize the ZHE to 5-10 psi (if necessary) and slowly open the
liquid inlet/outlet valve to bleed out any headspace (into a hood)
that may have been introduced due to the addition of extraction
fluid. This bleeding shall be done quickly and shall be stopped at
the first appearance of liquid from the valve. Re-pressurize the
ZHE with 5-10 psi and check all ZHE fittings to ensure that they
are closed. Place the ZHE in the rotary agitation appara-
tus (if it is not already there) and rotate at 30 + 2 rpm for 18 +
2 hours. Ambient temperature (i.e., temperature of room in which
extraction occurs) shall be maintained at 23 + 2 ΕC during agita-
7.3.13 Following the 18 + 2 hour agitation period, check the
pressure behind the ZHE piston by quickly opening and closing the gas
inlet/outlet valve and noting the escape of gas. If the pressure has not
been maintained (i.e., no gas release observed), the device is leaking.
Check the ZHE for leaking as specified in Section 4.2.1, and perform the
extraction again with a new sample of waste. If the pressure within the
device has been maintained, the material in the extractor vessel is once
again separated into its component liquid and solid phases. If the waste
contained an initial liquid phase, the liquid may be filtered directly
into the same filtrate collection container (i.e., TEDLAR7 bag) holding the
initial liquid phase of the waste. A separate filtrate collection
container must be used if combining would create multiple phases, or there
is not enough volume left within the filtrate collection container.
Filter through the glass fiber filter, using the ZHE device as discussed
in Section 7.3.9. All extract shall be filtered and collected if the
TEDLAR7 bag is used, if the extract is multiphasic, or if the waste
contained an initial liquid phase (see Sections 4.6 and 7.3.1).

NOTE: An in-line glass fiber filter may be used to filter the material
within the ZHE if it is suspected that the glass fiber filter has
been ruptured.
7.3.14 If the original waste contained no initial liquid phase,
the filtered liquid material obtained from Section 7.3.13 is defined as
the TCLP extract. If the waste contained an initial liquid phase, the
filtered liquid material obtained from Section 7.3.13 and the initial
liquid phase (Section 7.3.9) are collectively defined as the TCLP extract.
7.3.15 Following collection of the TCLP extract, immediately
prepare the extract for analysis and store with minimal headspace at 4 ΕC
until analyzed. Analyze the TCLP extract according to the appropriate
analytical methods. If the individual phases are to be analyzed
separately (i.e., are not miscible), determine the volume of the
individual phases (to 0.5%), conduct the appropriate analyses, and combine
the results mathematically by using a simple volume-weighted average:

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(V1) (C1) + (V2) (C2)
Final Analyte =
Concentration V1+ V2


V1 = The volume of the first phases (L).

C1 = The concentration of the analyte of concern in the first phase (mg/L).
V2 = The volume of the second phase (L).
C2 = The concentration of the analyte of concern in the second phase
7.3.16 Compare the analyte concentrations in the TCLP extract
with the levels identified in the appropriate regulations. Refer to
Section 8.0 for quality assurance requirements.


8.1 A minimum of one blank (using the same extraction fluid as used for
the samples) must be analyzed for every 20 extractions that have been conducted
in an extraction vessel.

8.2 A matrix spike shall be performed for each waste type (e.g.,
wastewater treatment sludge, contaminated soil, etc.) unless the result exceeds
the regulatory level and the data are being used solely to demonstrate that the
waste property exceeds the regulatory level. A minimum of one matrix spike must
be analyzed for each analytical batch. As a minimum, follow the matrix spike
addition guidance provided in each analytical method.

8.2.1 Matrix spikes are to be added after filtration of the TCLP

extract and before preservation. Matrix spikes should not be added prior
to TCLP extraction of the sample.

8.2.2 In most cases, matrix spikes should be added at a

concentration equivalent to the corresponding regulatory level. If the
analyte concentration is less than one half the regulatory level, the
spike concentration may be as low as one half of the analyte concentra-
tion, but may not be not less than five times the method detection limit.
In order to avoid differences in matrix effects, the matrix spikes must
be added to the same nominal volume of TCLP extract as that which was
analyzed for the unspiked sample.

8.2.3 The purpose of the matrix spike is to monitor the

performance of the analytical methods used, and to determine whether
matrix interferences exist. Use of other internal calibration methods,
modification of the analytical methods, or use of alternate analytical
methods may be needed to accurately measure the analyte concentration in
the TCLP extract when the recovery of the matrix spike is below the
expected analytical method performance.
8.2.4 Matrix spike recoveries are calculated by the following
%R (%Recovery) = 100 (Xs - Xu)/K
Xs = measured value for the spiked sample,
Xu = measured value for the unspiked sample, and
K = known value of the spike in the sample.

8.3 All quality control measures described in the appropriate analytical

methods shall be followed.

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8.4 The use of internal calibration quantitation methods shall be
employed for a metallic contaminant if: (1) Recovery of the contaminant from the
TCLP extract is not at least 50% and the concentration does not exceed the
regulatory level, and (2) The concentration of the contaminant measured in the
extract is within 20% of the appropriate regulatory level.

8.4.1. The method of standard additions shall be employed as the

internal calibration quantitation method for each metallic contaminant.

8.4.2 The method of standard additions requires preparing

calibration standards in the sample matrix rather than reagent water or
blank solution. It requires taking four identical aliquots of the
solution and adding known amounts of standard to three of these aliquots.
The forth aliquot is the unknown. Preferably, the first addition should
be prepared so that the resulting concentration is approximately 50% of
the expected concentration of the sample. The second and third additions
should be prepared so that the concentrations are approximately 100% and
150% of the expected concentration of the sample. All four aliquots are
maintained at the same final volume by adding reagent water or a blank
solution, and may need dilution adjustment to maintain the signals in the
linear range of the instrument technique. All four aliquots are analyzed.

8.4.3 Prepare a plot, or subject data to linear regression, of

instrument signals or external-calibration-derived concentrations as the
dependant variable (y-axis) versus concentrations of the additions of
standard as the independent variable (x-axis). Solve for the intercept of
the abscissa (the independent variable, x-axis) which is the concentration
in the unknown.
8.4.4 Alternately, subtract the instrumental signal or external-
calibration-derived concentration of the unknown (unspiked) sample from
the instrumental signals or external-calibration-derived concentrations of
the standard additions. Plot or subject to linear regression of the
corrected instrument signals or external-calibration-derived concentra-
tions as the dependant variable versus the independent variable. Derive
concentrations for unknowns using the internal calibration curve as if it
were an external calibration curve.

8.5 Samples must undergo TCLP extraction within the following time


From: From: From:
Field TCLP Preparative
collection extraction extraction
To: To: To: Total
TCLP Preparative Determinative elapsed
extraction extraction analysis time

Volatiles 14 NA 14 28
Semi-volatiles 14 7 40 61
Mercury 28 NA 28 56
Metals, except 180 NA 180 360

NA = Not applicable

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If sample holding times are exceeded, the values obtained will be considered
minimal concentrations. Exceeding the holding time is not acceptable in
establishing that a waste does not exceed the regulatory level. Exceeding the
holding time will not invalidate characterization if the waste exceeds the
regulatory level.


9.1 Ruggedness. Two ruggedness studies have been performed to determine
the effect of various perturbations on specific elements of the TCLP protocol.
Ruggedness testing determines the sensitivity of small procedural variations
which might be expected to occur during routine laboratory application.
9.1.1 Metals - The following conditions were used when leaching
a waste for metals analysis:

Varying Conditions
Liquid/Solid ratio 19:1 vs. 21:1
Extraction time 16 hours vs. 18 hours
Headspace 20% vs. 60%
Buffer #2 acidity 190 meq vs. 210 meq
Acid-washed filters yes vs. no
Filter type 0.7 µm glass fiber vs. 0.45 µm
vs. polycarbonate
Bottle type borosilicate vs. flint glass

Of the seven method variations examined, acidity of the extraction

fluid had the greatest impact on the results. Four of 13 metals from an
API separator sludge/electroplating waste (API/EW) mixture and two of
three metals from an ammonia lime still bottom waste were extracted at
higher levels by the more acidic buffer. Because of the sensitivity to pH
changes, the method requires that the extraction fluids be prepared so
that the final pH is within + 0.05 units as specified.
9.1.2 Volatile Organic Compounds - The following conditions were
used when leaching a waste for VOC analysis:

Varying Conditions
Liquid/Solid ratio 19:1 vs. 21:1
Headspace 0% vs. 5%
Buffer #1 acidity 60 meq vs. 80 meq
Method of storing extract Syringe vs. Tedlar bag
Aliquotting yes vs. no
Pressure behind piston 0 psi vs. 20 psi

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None of the parameters had a significant effect on the results of
the ruggedness test.
9.2 Precision. Many TCLP precision (reproducibility) studies have been
performed, and have shown that, in general, the precision of the TCLP is
comparable to or exceeds that of the EP toxicity test and that method precision
is adequate. One of the more significant contributions to poor precision appears
to be related to sample homogeneity and inter-laboratory variation (due to the
nature of waste materials).

9.2.1 Metals - The results of a multi-laboratory study are shown

in Table 6, and indicate that a single analysis of a waste may not be
adequate for waste characterization and identification requirements.
9.2.2 Semi-Volatile Organic Compounds - The results of two
studies are shown in Tables 7 and 8. Single laboratory precision was
excellent with greater than 90 percent of the results exhibiting an RSD
less than 25 percent. Over 85 percent of all individual compounds in the
multi-laboratory study fell in the RSD range of 20 - 120 percent. Both
studies concluded that the TCLP provides adequate precision. It was also
determined that the high acetate content of the extraction fluid did not
present problems (i.e., column degradation of the gas chromatograph) for
the analytical conditions used.
9.2.3 Volatile Organic Compounds - Eleven laboratories
participated in a collaborative study of the use of the ZHE with two waste
types which were fortified with a mixture of VOCs. The results of the
collaborative study are shown in Table 9. Precision results for VOCs tend
to occur over a considerable range. However, the range and mean RSD
compared very closely to the same collaborative study metals results in
Table 6. Blackburn and Show concluded that at the 95% level of signifi-
cance: 1) recoveries among laboratories were statistically similar, 2)
recoveries did not vary significantly between the two sample types, and 3)
each laboratory showed the same pattern of recovery for each of the two

1. Blackburn, W.B. and Show, I. "Collaborative Study of the Toxicity

Characteristics Leaching Procedure (TCLP)." Draft Final Report, Contract No. 68-
03-1958, S-Cubed, November 1986.

2. Newcomer, L.R., Blackburn, W.B., Kimmell, T.A. "Performance of the

Toxicity Characteristic Leaching Procedure." Wilson Laboratories, S-Cubed, U.S.
EPA, December 1986.
3. Williams, L.R., Francis, C.W.; Maskarinec, M.P., Taylor D.R., and Rothman,
N. "Single-Laboratory Evaluation of Mobility Procedure for Solid Waste." EMSL,

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Table 1.
Volatile Analytes1,2


Compound CAS No.

Acetone 67-64-1
Benzene 71-43-2
n-Butyl alcohol 71-36-3
Carbon disulfide 75-15-0
Carbon tetrachloride 56-23-5
Chlorobenzene 108-90-7
Chloroform 67-66-3
1,2-Dichloroethane 107-06-2
1,1-Dichloroethylene 75-35-4
Ethyl acetate 141-78-6
Ethyl benzene 100-41-4
Ethyl ether 60-29-7
Isobutanol 78-83-1
Methanol 67-56-1
Methylene chloride 75-09-2
Methyl ethyl ketone 78-93-3
Methyl isobutyl ketone 108-10-1
Tetrachloroethylene 127-18-4
Toluene 108-88-3
1,1,1,-Trichloroethane 71-55-6
Trichloroethylene 79-01-6
Trichlorofluoromethane 75-69-4
1,1,2-Trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoroethane 76-13-1
Vinyl chloride 75-01-4
Xylene 1330-20-7
1 When testing for any or all of these analytes, the zero-headspace
extractor vessel shall be used instead of the bottle extractor.
2 Benzene, carbon tetrachloride, chlorobenzene, chloroform,
1,2-dichloroethane, 1,1-dichloroethylene, methyl ethyl ketone,
tetrachloroethylene, and vinyl chloride are toxicity characteristic

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Table 2.
Suitable Rotary Agitation Apparatus1

Company Location Model No.

Analytical Testing and Warrington, PA 4-vessel extractor (DC20S)

Consulting Services, (215) 343-4490 8-vessel extractor (DC20)
Inc. 12-vessel extractor (DC20B)
24-vessel extractor (DC24C)
Associated Design and Alexandria, VA 2-vessel (3740-2-BRE)
Manufacturing Company (703) 549-5999 4-vessel (3740-4-BRE)
6-vessel (3740-6-BRE)
8-vessel (3740-8-BRE)
12-vessel (3740-12-BRE)
24-vessel (3740-24-BRE)
Environmental Machine and Lynchburg, VA 8-vessel (08-00-00)
Design, Inc. (804) 845-6424 4-vessel (04-00-00)
IRA Machine Shop and Santurce, PR 8-vessel (011001)
Laboratory (809) 752-4004
Lars Lande Manufacturing Whitmore Lake, MI 10-vessel (10VRE)
(313) 449-4116 5-vessel (5VRE)
6-vessel (6VRE)

Millipore Corp. Bedford, MA 4-ZHE or

(800) 225-3384 4 2-liter bottle
extractor (YT31ORAHW)

1 Any device that rotates the extraction vessel in an end-over-end fashion at

30 + 2 rpm is acceptable.

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Table 3.
Suitable Zero-Headspace Extractor Vessels1

Company Location Model No.

Analytical Testing & Warrington, PA C1O2, Mechanical

Consulting Services, Inc. (215) 343-4490 Pressure Device
Associated Design and Alexandria, VA 3745-ZHE, Gas
Manufacturing Company (703) 549-5999 Pressure Device

Lars Lande Manufacturing2 Whitmore Lake, MI ZHE-11, Gas

(313) 449-4116 Pressure Device
Millipore Corporation Bedford, MA YT30O9OHW, Gas
(800) 225-3384 Pressure Device
Environmental Machine Lynchburg, VA VOLA-TOX1, Gas
and Design, Inc. (804) 845-6424 Pressure Device
Gelman Science Ann Arbor, MI 15400 Gas Pressure
(800) 521-1520 Device

1 Any device that meets the specifications listed in Section 4.2.1 of the
method is suitable.
2 This device uses a 110 mm filter.

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Table 4.
Suitable Filter Holders1

Company Location Catalogue No. Size

Nucleopore Corporation Pleasanton, CA 425910 142 mm

(800) 882-7711 410400 47 mm
Micro Filtration Dublin, CA 302400 142 mm
Systems (800) 334-7132 311400 47 mm
(415) 828-6010
Millipore Corporation Bedford, MA YT30142HW 142 mm
(800) 225-3384 XX1004700 47 mm

1 Any device capable of separating the liquid from the solid phase of the
waste is suitable, providing that it is chemically compatible with the waste
and the constituents to be analyzed. Plastic devices (not listed above) may
be used when only inorganic analytes are of concern. The 142 mm size filter
holder is recommended.

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Table 5.
Suitable Filter Media1

Company Location Model (µm)

Millipore Corporation Bedford, MA AP40 0.7

(800) 225-3384
Nucleopore Corporation Pleasanton, CA 211625 0.7
(415) 463-2530

Whatman Laboratory Clifton, NJ GFF 0.7

Products, Inc. (201) 773-5800

Micro Filtration Dublin, CA GF75 0.7

Systems (800) 334-7132
(415) 828-6010

Gelman Science Ann Arbor, MI 66256 (90mm) 0.7

(800) 521-1520 66257 (142mm)

1 Any filter that meets the specifications in Section 4.4 of the Method is

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Table 6. Multi-Laboratory TCLP Metals, Precision

Waste Extraction Metal X S %RSD

Ammonia #1 Cadmium 0.053 0.031 60
Lime Still #2 0.023 0.017 76
Bottoms #1 Chromium 0.015 0.0014 93
#2 0.0032 0.0037 118
#1 Lead 0.0030 0.0027 90
#2 0.0032 0.0028 87
API/EW #1 Cadmium 0.0046 0.0028 61
Mixture #2 0.0005 0.0004 77
#1 Chromium 0.0561 0.0227 40
#2 0.105 0.018 17
#1 Lead 0.0031 0.0031 100
#2 0.0124 0.0136 110
Fossil #1 Cadmium 0.080 0.069 86
Fuel Fly #2 0.093 0.067 72
Ash #1 Chromium 0.017 0.014 85
#2 0.070 0.040 57
#1 Lead 0.0087 0.0074 85
#2 0.0457 0.0083 18
%RSD Range = 17 - 118
Mean %RSD = 74

NOTE: X = Mean results from 6 - 12 different laboratories

Units = mg/L
Extraction Fluid #1 = pH 4.9
#2 = pH 2.9

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July 1992
Table 7. Single-Laboratory Semi-Volatiles, Precision

Waste Compound Extraction X S %RSD

Ammonia Phenol #1 19000 2230 11.6
Lime Still #2 19400 929 4.8
Bottoms 2-Methylphenol #1 2000 297 14.9
#2 1860 52.9 2.8
4-Methylphenol #1 7940 1380 17.4
#2 7490 200 2.7
2,4-Dimethylphenol #1 321 46.8 14.6
#2 307 45.8 14.9
Naphthalene #1 3920 413 10.5
#2 3827 176 4.6
2- #1 290 44.8 15.5
Methylnaphthalene #2 273 19.3 7.1
#1 187 22.7 12.1
Dibenzofuran #2 187 7.2 3.9
#1 703 89.2 12.7
Acenaphthylene #2 663 20.1 3.0
#1 151 17.6 11.7
Fluorene #2 156 2.1 1.3
#1 241 22.7 9.4
Phenanthrene #2 243 7.9 3.3
#1 33.2 18.6
Anthracene #2 34.6 6.19 4.5
#1 25.3 7.1
Fluoranthrene #2 26.0 1.55 7.1
API/EW #1 40.7 1.8 33.0
Mixture Phenol #2 19.0 9.3
#1 33.0 13.5 28.3
2,4-Dimethylphenol #2 43.3 19.9
#1 185 1.76 15.8
Naphthalene #2 165 15.0
#1 265 9.35 23.1
2- #2 200 9.5
Methylnaphthalene 8.61
%RSD Range = 1 - 33
Mean %RSD = 12

NOTE: Units = µg/L

Extractions were performed in triplicate
All results were at least 2x the detection limit
Extraction Fluid #1 = pH 4.9
#2 = pH 2.9

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July 1992
Table 8. Multi-Laboratory Semi-Volatiles, Precision

Waste Compound Extraction X S %RSD

Ammonia Lime BNAs #1 10043 7680 76.5
Still Bottoms (A) #2 10376 6552 63.1
API/EW BNAs #1 1624 675 41.6
Mixture (B) #2 2074 1463 70.5
Fossil Fuel BNAs #1 750 175 23.4
Fly Ash (C) #2 739 342 46.3
Mean %RSD = 54

NOTE: Units = µg/L

X = Mean results from 3 - 10 labs
Extraction Fluid #1 = pH 4.9
#2 = pH 2.9

%RSD Range for Individual Compounds

A, #1 0 - 113
A, #2 28 - 108
B, #1 20 - 156
B, #2 49 - 128
C, #1 36 - 143
C, #2 61 - 164

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July 1992
Table 9. Multi-Laboratory (11 Labs) VOCs, Precision

Waste Compound X S %RSD

Mine Vinyl chloride 6.36 6.36 100
Tailings Methylene chloride 12.1 11.8 98
Carbon disulfide 5.57 2.83 51
1,1-Dichloroethene 21.9 27.7 127
1,1-Dichloroethane 31.4 25.4 81
Chloroform 46.6 29.2 63
1,2-Dichloroethane 47.8 33.6 70
2-Butanone 43.5 36.9 85
1,1,1-Trichloroethane 20.9 20.9 100
Carbon tetrachloride 12.0 8.2 68
Trichloroethene 24.7 21.2 86
1,1,2-Trichloroethene 19.6 10.9 56
Benzene 37.9 28.7 76
1,1,2,2- 34.9 25.6 73
Tetrachloroethane 29.3 11.2 38
Toluene 35.6 19.3 54
Chlorobenzene 4.27 2.80 66
Ethylbenzene 3.82 4.40 115
Trichlorofluoromethane 76.7 110.8 144
Ammonia 5.00 4.71 94
Lime Still Vinyl chloride 14.3 13.1 92
Bottoms Methylene chloride 3.37 2.07 61
Carbon disulfide 52.1 38.8 75
1,1-Dichloroethene 52.8 25.6 49
1,1-Dichloroethane 64.7 28.4 44
Chloroform 43.1 31.5 73
1,2-Dichloroethane 59.0 39.6 67
2-Butanone 53.6 40.9 76
1,1,1-Trichloroethane 7.10 6.1 86
Carbon tetrachloride 57.3 34.2 60
Trichloroethene 6.7 4.7 70
1,1,2-Trichloroethene 61.3 26.8 44
Benzene 3.16 2.1 66
1,1,2,2- 69.0 18.5 27
Tetrachloroethane 71.8 12.0 17
Toluene 3.70 2.2 58
Chlorobenzene 4.05 4.8 119
Ethylbenzene 29.4 34.8 118
%RSD Range = 17 - 144
Mean %RSD = 75

NOTE: Units = µg/L

CD-ROM 1311- 28 Revision 0

July 1992
Figure 1. Rotary Agitation Apparatus

Figure 2. Zero-Headspace Extractor (ZHE)

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July 1992

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July 1992

CD-ROM 1311- 31 Revision 0

July 1992

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