CL 01 Annex B

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Annexure- A

Covering Letter on Bank’s Letter Head

Reference No. & Date:

The Director,
Foreign Exchange Operations Department,
SBP BSC (Bank), Head Office,

Dear Sir,
Sub: Permission for Remittance of USD XXX/- Against Open Account Import
To Beneficiary M/s. XYZ (Pvt) Limited on behalf of M/s. ABC (Pvt) Limited

1 Name of Applicant
i) NTN Number
ii) Business Address
iv) Profile of company
2 Name of Shipper
3 Name of Beneficiary
Mailing Address
Profile of company
Invoice No.
4 i) Invoice Value in FCY
ii) Value Declared on GD in FCY
iv) Customs Assessed value in FCY
iii) Amount Requested for Payment
Details Import Duty if applicable
5 i) Import Duty as per GD in PKR
ii) Amount of Duty Paid in PKR
6 Bank’s Recommendations
7 Reason for Refereeing this case to FEOD
Are the documents complete as per the
Checklist? If No, furnish reason(s).

As per Para 5 & 6, Chapter 1 and Para 10, Chapter 10 of FE Manual 2016 we hereby confirm that we
have thoroughly verified the supporting documents provided by our above mentioned client and have
found them in order. We undertake that we are satisfied with the genuineness of transaction and bonafides
of the importer. In case of any discrepancy/irregularity detected subsequently, the bank will be
responsible for all risks/liabilities. Further we undertake that the funds will be used for the stated purpose
and no duplicate payment has been and will be made against the said import documents from Bank Name.

In view of the above, you are requested to accord your approval for the remittance of USD/EURO/JPY
etc……… on behalf of M/s XYZ (Pvt) Limited against open account import.

_______________________ _______________________
Sign & Stamped Sign & Stamped
Name Name
Trade Manager Head of Trade
Direct Tel./Cell No. Direct Tel./Cell No.
Email ID Email ID
Fax No. Fax No.

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