Epd Kiwa Ee 000381 en GABION

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Environmental Product

as per ISO 14025 and EN 15804

Owner of the declaration: Officine Maccaferri S.p.A.

Publisher: Kiwa-Ecobility Experts

Programme operator: Kiwa-Ecobility Experts

Registration number: EPD-Kiwa-EE-000381-EN

Issue date: 22.05.2024

Valid to: 22.05.2029

PoliMac coated double twist
wire meshes
1. General information

Officine Maccaferri S.p.A. GABIONS

Programme operator: Owner of the declaration:
Kiwa-Ecobility Experts Officine Maccaferri S.p.A.
Kiwa GmbH, Ecobility Experts Via del Faggiolo, 1/12
Wattstraße 11-13 40132 Bologna (BO)
13355 Berlin Italia

Registration number: Declared product / declared unit:

EPD-Kiwa-EE-000381-EN 1 kg GABIONS PoliMac coated double twist
wire meshes including distribution packaging.
This declaration is based on the Product Scope:
Category Rules: The EPD is based on the composition product
PCR B – Product Category Rules for steel con- GABION 8x10 2,7 PMC. The LCA results are
struction products, Requirements on the Envi- also representative of the others Gabion prod-
ronmental Product Declarations for steel con- ucts applying the scaling function reported in
struction products; Version 2020-03-13 section 7.
PCR A: EPD program Version 2.1, 2022-02-14 Kiwa-Ecobility Experts assumes no liability for
Issue date manufacturer's information, LCA data and ev-
22.05.2024 idence.

Valid to
The European standard EN 15804+A2:2019
serves as the core PCR.

Independent verification of the declaration

and data according to ISO 14025: 2010.

☐internal ☒external

Raoul Mancke
(Head of programme operations, Kiwa-Ecobility Experts)

Martin Koehrer Dr.-Ing. Morteza Nikravan

(Verification body, Kiwa-Ecobility Experts) (External verifier of Kiwa GmbH)

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2. Product
2.1 Product description
GABIONS are engineered steel wire baskets manufactured from hexagonal double twisted wire mesh,
galvanised (zinc-aluminium alloy in accordance with EN 10244-2 and ISO 7989-2 - Class A) and with an
additional polymer (PoliMac) coating.
Delivered flat-packed, gabions are assembled and then filled with stones at the project site. The fol-
lowing products name are covered by the present EPD.
- Jumbo Gabions are multiple cell gabions whose lid is made from a separate sheet of mesh,
used on large scale civil engineering projects where large volumes of gabions are to be con-
- Cubiroc, Cubimac, ReadyMac are gabion units designed to be pre-filled with stones and ready
to be installed on the project site.
- Maccaferri Green Gabions are modular gabion units used for streambank stabilization, resto-
ration and erosion protection solutions.
- MacSoil is a prismatic (or trapezoidal) gabion element engineered from double twisted hexag-
onal woven steel wire mesh. It is used to form low-height retaining structures or revetment
protection works and it has the final appearance of a vegetated natural slope.
- Sack gabions are cylindrical double twisted steel wire mesh units with a lateral opening to al-
low the stone filling on project site. The tubular units are then laced tightly shut. This modular
unit is used to provide erosion protection for riverbanks, scour protection of bridge piers, or
any situation that requires immediate defence from the erosion effects of water.
- Strong Face gabions are used when a gabion wall requires a stronger facing unit due to either
heavy loadings or to abrasion forces acting onto the facia.
GABIONS comply with EN 10223-3:2013.

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2.2 Application (Intended Use of the product)
There are several uses for these modular units and they are typically used to form flexible, permeable
and monolithic structures such as retaining walls, channel linings, hydraulic control structures and ero-
sion protection. They are increasingly being used in architectural applications as well.
The wide range of GABIONS are designed to suit specific project needs, from prefilled gabions to gabi-
ons specifically designed for use with soil bioengineering techniques.
GABIONS PoliMac coated are CE marked in compliance with Regulation (EU) 305/2011, according to
EAD 200039 and EAD 200019.

2.3 Reference Service Life (RSL)

The typical service life is up to 120 years, according to related Declaration of Performance. Durability
of the products are defined as per EN 10223-3 and tested accordingly.
2.4 Technical data

Characteristics (*) Unit Value

Tensile Strength (EN 10223-3:2013) MD ≥ 37 kN/m
Production route (EAF or BOF) % 75.39 EAF – 24.61 BOF
120 years in environmental conditions C2, C3,
Durability (EN 10223-3:2013) C4 and C5 as per Annex A of EN 10223-

(*) Further Performances are detailed in Declaration of Performance according to Regulation (EU) 305/2011.

2.5 Substances of very high concern

GABIONS PoliMac do not contain substances listed on the candidate list of Substances of Very High
Concern, as published on the ECHA website, in concentrations exceeding 0,1 percentage by mass
2.6 Base materials / Ancillary materials
The composition of the reference products is reported in Table below. The products are implemented
with galvanized steel wire (diameter 2.7 mm for the mesh and 3.4 for the edges), PoliMac coated
(coating thickness 0.5 mm).
PoliMac is a high abrasion and UV resistant polymer extruded on the metallic wire specifically devel-
oped by Maccaferri.
Raw material Unit Value
PoliMac kg 0.090
Steel (galvanized steel) kg 0.938
The reference CPC code is 412 “Products of iron or steel”.

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2.7 Manufacturing
The manufacturing is managed in Senica plant (Slovakia) by Maccaferri Manufacturing Europe s.r.o., in
Shijak plant (Albania) by Maccaferri Balkans Sh.p.k., both subsidiaries of Officine Maccaferri S.p.A.
The production process includes the weaving of the double twist wire mesh, starting from steel wire,
onto which the PoliMac coating can be applied at the plant through the extrusion process.

2.8 Other Information

Further technical characteristics and information of the GABIONS are detailed and available on the
Maccaferri website (https://www.maccaferri.com/).
According to Construction Product Regulation (EU) 305/2011 the essential technical characteristics, as
per Harmonized Documents EAD 200039 and EAD 200019, are reported in the Declaration of Perfor-
mances (DOP).

3. LCA: Calculation rules

3.1 Declared unit
In accordance with the PCR B, 1 kg of GABION PoliMac coated double twist wire meshes is chosen as
the declared unit.

Product Unit weight (kg)

GABION 2x1x1 8X10 D27 PMC 1

3.2 Scope of declaration and system boundaries

This a cradle to gate EPD with modules C1-C4 and module D. More precisely, the following processes
were accounted for each module:
A1 - Production of raw materials used in the products, as well as the production of energy carriers used
in the production process.
A2 - Transport of raw materials to the manufacturing site and internal handling
A3 - Manufacturing of the Officine Maccaferri GABIONS which includes the manufacturing steps re-
ported in section 2.7 as well as the production of the distribution packaging and of the ancillary mate-
rial. In addition, the treatment of waste generated from the distribution packaging are accounted for.

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C1 - Disassembly of the packaging was considered to be insignificant and equal to zero.
C2 - Transport from collection point to waste processing and disposal site.
C3 - Shredding and sorting of fractions for recycling.
C4 - Landfill of material fractions not recycled.
D - Benefit and load beyond the product system.

Description of the system boundary

Benefits and
Construction pro- loads beyond
Product stage Use stage End of life stage
cess stage the system

manufacturer to


Operational wa-

Operational en-
Transport from


stallation pro-

Raw material


/ demolition
place of use

Waste pro-

ergy use

ter use



A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 B7 C1 C2 C3 C4 D
X=Module declared | MND=Module not declared

3.3 Geographical reference area

All process-specific data was collected for the operating year 2022-2023. Geographical reference area
is global.
3.4 Cut-off Criteria
The cut-off applied are related to the packaging of chemicals products and lubricating oil used in the
production process.
3.5 Allocation
A mass allocation based on the weight of the production volumes has been applied.
3.6 Data collection and reference time period
Specific data were collected at Senica plant (Slovakia) and at Shijak plant (Albania) considering an an-
nual average referred to 2022-2023, whereas the most updated selected generic datasets available in
the LCI databases were used for the other modules. Thus, in line with PCR A requirements, manufac-
turer-specific data is not older than 5 years and generic data is not older than 10 years.
3.7 Estimates and assumptions
The main assumptions are related to distances of inbound and background transportations. It was also
assumed that liquid and gas auxiliaries are unpacked and supplied in tanker trucks.
3.8 Comparability
In principle, a comparison or assessment of the environmental impacts of different products is only
possible if they have been prepared in accordance with EN 15804. For the evaluation of the compara-
bility, the following aspects have to be considered in particular: PCR used , functional or declared unit,
geographical reference, definition of the system boundary, declared modules, data selection (primary
or secondary data, background database, data quality), scenarios used for use and disposal phases,
and the life cycle inventory (data collection, calculation methods, allocations, validity period). PCRs
and general program instructions of different EPDs programs may differ. A comparability needs to be

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evaluated. For further guidance see EN 15804+A2 (5.3 Comparability of EPD for construction products)
and ISO 14025 (6.7.2 Requirements for comparability).

4. LCA: Scenarios and additional technical information

As these products are used as structural components for retaining walls, channel linings, embankment
protection, hydraulic control structures, erosion protection, drapery systems that control and prevent
rock fall and the flow of loose debris, soil nailing systems and earth retaining structures: they are there-
fore intended to be embedded in a permanent manner in the engineering work in which they are used.
For this reason, an end of life equal to zero was assumed.

Regarding the end of life of packaging components, the following scenarios were applied:
• The end-of-life plastic component was, conservatively, incinerated.
• The end of life of the wooden pallet was taken from the PEF Guidance.
• The end-of-life steel component was recycled.

Unit (expressed per FU or DU of compo-

Processes nents, products or materials and by type of GABION 2x1x1 8X10 D27 PMC
Polymer: 5.14E-04 kg
Collection process
Kg collected separately Wood: 3.29E-03 kg
specified by type
Steel: 6.17E-04 kg
Kg for reuse Wood: 9.87E-04 kg
Recovery system Kg for recycling Steel: 6.17E-04 kg
specified by type Wood: 1.04E-03 kg
Kg for energy recovery
Polymer: 5.14E-04 kg
Disposal specified
Kg product or material for final deposition Landfill (Wood): 1.23E-03 kg
by type

5. LCA: Results

The following tables show the results of the impact assessment indicators, resource use, waste and
other output streams. The results presented here refer to the declared average product.

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LCA results - Indicators describing environmental impacts based on the impact assessment (LCIA): 1 kg GABION 2x1x1 8X10 D27 PMC (EN 15804+A2)
Parameter Unit A1-A3 C1 C2 C3 C4 D
Core environmental impact indicators (EN 15804+A2)
GWP-total kg CO2 eqv. 1.59E+00 0.00E+00 3.71E-05 1.68E-03 3.66E-03 -1.22E-03
GWP-f kg CO2 eqv. 1.58E+00 0.00E+00 3.73E-05 2.85E-05 1.37E-03 -1.22E-03
GWP-b kg CO2 eqv. 5.31E-03 0.00E+00 -5.51E-07 1.65E-03 2.29E-03 -3.95E-06
GWP-luc kg CO2 eqv. 1.24E-03 0.00E+00 3.45E-07 6.55E-09 9.11E-08 -1.68E-07
ODP kg CFC 11 eqv. 9.95E-12 0.00E+00 3.26E-18 1.67E-16 3.94E-16 -6.67E-15
AP mol H+ eqv. 5.08E-03 0.00E+00 1.96E-07 2.76E-07 6.95E-07 -1.77E-06
EPfr kg P eqv. 3.46E-06 0.00E+00 1.36E-10 4.72E-11 3.79E-09 -1.55E-09
EPmar kg N eqv. 1.57E-03 0.00E+00 9.46E-08 7.93E-08 8.58E-07 -4.89E-07
EPter mol N eqv. 1.70E-02 0.00E+00 1.05E-06 1.14E-06 2.84E-06 -5.25E-06
POCP kg NMVOC eqv. 4.86E-03 0.00E+00 1.85E-07 2.18E-07 1.47E-06 -1.44E-06
ADP-e kg Sb-eqv. 3.73E-05 0.00E+00 2.42E-12 1.56E-12 4.47E-12 -7.06E-11
ADP-f MJ 2.58E+01 0.00E+00 5.06E-04 4.22E-04 1.84E-03 -1.97E-02
WU m3 world eqv. 1.48E-01 0.00E+00 4.29E-07 1.85E-04 1.32E-04 -9.29E-05
Additional environmental impact indicators (EN 15804+A2)
PM disease incidence 7.63E-08 0.00E+00 9.15E-13 1.85E-12 7.07E-12 -1.85E-11
IR kBq U235 eqv. 1.29E-01 0.00E+00 9.47E-08 3.83E-06 5.04E-06 -2.19E-04
ETP-fw CTUe 9.34E+00 0.00E+00 3.57E-04 1.74E-04 2.91E-03 -2.72E-03
HTP-c CTUh 1.06E-09 0.00E+00 7.20E-15 1.79E-14 7.53E-14 -5.89E-13
HTP-nc CTUh 1.90E-08 0.00E+00 3.18E-13 9.87E-13 9.01E-12 -4.55E-12
SQP Pt 1.30E+01 0.00E+00 2.11E-04 1.29E-04 2.46E-04 -3.15E-03
ADP-e= Abiotic depletion potential for non-fossil resources | ADP-f=Abiotic depletion for fossil resources potential | AP= Acidification potential, Accumulated Exceedance | EPfr = Eutrophication potential, fraction of
nutrients reaching freshwater end compartment | EPmar= Eutrophication potential, fraction of nutrients reaching marine end compartment| EPter= Eutrophication potential, Accumulated Exceedance | GWP-b=Global
Warming Potential biogenic | GWP-f=Global Warming Potential fossil fuels | GWP-luc=Global Warming Potential land use and land use change |GWP-total=Global Warming Potential total| ODP=Depletion potential of the
stratospheric ozone layer |POCP=Formation potential of tropospheric ozone | WU=Water (user) deprivation potential, deprivation- weighted water consumption | ETP-fw=Potential Comparative Toxic Unit for ecosystems |
HTP-c=Potential Toxic Unit for Humans toxicity, cancer | HTP-nc= Potential Toxic Unit for humans, non-cancer | IRP=Potential Human exposure efficiency relative to U235, human health | PM=Potential incidence of disease
due to Particulate Matter emissions | SQP=Potential soil quality index

Disclaimer on ADP-e, ADP-f, WU, ETP-fr, HTP-c, HTP-nc, SQP: The results of these environmental impact indicators must be used with caution, as the uncertainties
in these results are high or as there is limited experience with the indicator.

Disclaimer on IR: This impact category mainly addresses the potential effect of low dose ionizing radiation on human health in the nuclear fuel cycle. It does not
consider effects due to possible nuclear accidents and occupational exposures, nor does it consider radioactive waste disposal in underground facilities. Potential
ionizing radiation from soil, radon, and some building materials is also not measured by this indicator.

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LCA results - Indicators describing resource use and environmental information derived from life cycle inventory (LCI): 1 kg GABION 2x1x1 8X10 D27 PMC (EN
Parameter Unit A1-A3 C1 C2 C3 C4 D
PERE MJ 6.82E+00 0.00E+00 3.58E-05 1.05E-04 2.52E-04 -4.75E-03
PERM MJ 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00
PERT MJ 6.82E+00 0.00E+00 3.58E-05 1.05E-04 2.52E-04 -4.75E-03
PENRE MJ 2.58E+01 0.00E+00 5.08E-04 4.23E-04 1.84E-03 -1.97E-02
PENRM MJ 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00
PENRT MJ 2.58E+01 0.00E+00 5.08E-04 4.23E-04 1.84E-03 -1.97E-02
SM Kg 7.49E-01 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00
RSF MJ 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00
NRSF MJ 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00
FW M3 6.70E-03 0.00E+00 3.95E-08 4.35E-06 3.17E-06 -4.26E-06
HWD Kg 4.74E-07 0.00E+00 1.88E-15 9.55E-15 1.11E-13 -9.99E-13
NHWD Kg 7.74E-02 0.00E+00 7.32E-08 3.31E-05 8.48E-04 -1.25E-05
RWD Kg 1.17E-03 0.00E+00 6.56E-10 2.39E-08 3.55E-08 -1.31E-06
CRU Kg 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00
MFR Kg 4.80E-02 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 6.17E-04
MER Kg 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00
EET MJ 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 2.33E-03
EEE MJ 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 4.17E-03
PERE=Use of renewable primary energy excluding renewable primary energy resources used as raw materials | PERM= Use of renewable primary energy resources used as raw materials | PERT=Total use of renewable
primary energy resources | PENRE= Use of non-renewable primary energy excluding non-renewable primary energy resources used as raw materials | PENRM= Use of non-renewable primary energy resources used as raw
materials | PENRT= Total use of non-renewable primary energy resources | SM=Use of secondary material | RSF=Use of renewable secondary fuels | NRSF=Use of non-renewable secondary fuels | FW=Use of fresh water |
HWD=Hazardous waste disposed | NHWD=Non-hazardous waste disposed | RWD=Radioactive waste disposed | CRU=Components for re-use | MFR=Materials for recycling | MER=Materials for energy recovery | EET=Exported
energy, thermal | EE=Exported energy, electrical

LCA results - information on biogenic carbon content at the factory gate: 1 kg GABION 2x1x1 8X10 D27 PMC (EN 15804+A2)
Parameter Unit Value
biogenic carbon content in product kg C 0
biogenic carbon content in accompanying packaging kg C 1.31E-03
NOTE 1 kg biogenic carbon is equivalent to 44/12 kg CO2

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6. LCA: Interpretation

The analysis of the contribution of each module to the impacts of GABION 2x1x1 8X10 D27 PMC is
shown in the graph below. It can be observed that the impacts are driven by modules A1-A3, while the
contribution of the other modules is about 1% for all impact categories analyzed, except for biogenic
GWP, whose impacts are driven by the disposal of wood waste of distribution packaging. The contri-
bution of module D is negligible (<1%) compared to modules A1-A3.

GABION 2x1x1 8X10 D27 PMC


A1-A3 C1 C2 C3 C4 D

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7. Scaling

The environmental impacts for the production phase (Module A1-A3) of specific GABION (product
dimension/mesh dimension/wire diameter) products, defined by diameter of the weaving coated
galvanized steel wire, are shown in the following tables. For other GABION the scaling function in the
last column can be used, where 'x' represents the diameter of the weaving coated galvanized steel
wire in mm/unit.

Product grade Unit D30 2X1X1 D27 2X1X1 D27 2X1X1 D22 2X1X1
Scaling Function
Unit diameter mm/unit 3 2.7 2.7 2.2 x
Core environmental impact indicators (EN 15804+A2)
GWP-total kg CO2 eqv. 1.56E+00 1.59E+00 1.59E+00 1.63E+00 -8.49E-02x+1.82E+00
GWP-f kg CO2 eqv. 1.56E+00 1.58E+00 1.58E+00 1.62E+00 -8.44E-02x+1.81E+00
GWP-b kg CO2 eqv. 5.19E-03 5.31E-03 5.32E-03 5.57E-03 -4.82E-04x+1.06E-02
GWP-luc kg CO2 eqv. 1.24E-03 1.24E-03 1.24E-03 1.24E-03 -4.17E-07x+1.24E-03
ODP kg CFC 11 eqv. 9.99E-12 9.95E-12 9.95E-12 9.87E-12 1.51E-13x+9.54E-12
AP mol H+ eqv. 5.06E-03 5.08E-03 5.08E-03 5.11E-03 -6.82E-05x+5.26E-03
EP-fr kg P eqv. 3.44E-06 3.46E-06 3.46E-06 3.50E-06 -7.54E-08x+3.66E-06
EP-mar kg N eqv. 1.56E-03 1.57E-03 1.57E-03 1.59E-03 -3.36E-05x+1.66E-03
EP-ter mol N eqv. 1.69E-02 1.70E-02 1.70E-02 1.72E-02 -3.41E-04x+1.79E-02
POCP kg NMVOC eqv. 4.82E-03 4.86E-03 4.87E-03 4.95E-03 -1.57E-04x+5.29E-03
ADP-e kg Sb-eqv. 3.77E-05 3.73E-05 3.73E-05 3.65E-05 1.55E-06x+3.31E-05
ADP-f MJ 2.50E+01 2.58E+01 2.58E+01 2.74E+01 -3.00E+00x+3.39E+01
WU m3 world eqv. 1.48E-01 1.48E-01 1.48E-01 1.48E-01 7.18E-06x+1.49E-01
Additional environmental impact indicators (EN 15804+A2)
disease inci-
PM 7.64E-08 7.63E-08 7.63E-08 7.61E-08 4.03E-10x+7.52E-08
IR kBq U235 eqv. 1.29E-01 1.29E-01 1.29E-01 1.28E-01 7.69E-04x+1.27E-01
ETP-fw CTUe 8.94E+00 9.34E+00 9.37E+00 1.02E+01 -1.56E+00x+1.36E+01
HTP-c CTUh 1.06E-09 1.06E-09 1.06E-09 1.06E-09 -5.45E-12x+1.07E-09
HTP-nc CTUh 1.88E-08 1.90E-08 1.90E-08 1.95E-08 -9.50E-10x+2.16E-08
SQP Pt 1.31E+01 1.30E+01 1.30E+01 1.28E+01 3.68E-01x+1.20E+01

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Product grade Unit D30 2X1X1 D27 2X1X1 D27 2X1X1 D22 2X1X1 Scaling Function
Unit diameter mm/unit 3 2.7 2.7 2.2 X
Core environmental impact indicators (EN 15804+A2)
PERE MJ 6.85E+00 6.82E+00 6.82E+00 6.75E+00 1.29E-01x+6.47E+00
PERM MJ 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00x+0.00E+00
PERT MJ 6.85E+00 6.82E+00 6.82E+00 6.75E+00 1.29E-01x+6.47E+00
PENRE MJ 2.50E+01 2.58E+01 2.59E+01 2.74E+01 -3.01E+00x+3.40E+01
PENRM MJ 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00x+2.02E+01
PENRT MJ 2.50E+01 2.58E+01 2.59E+01 2.74E+01 -3.01E+00x+3.40E+01
SM Kg 7.57E-01 7.49E-01 7.49E-01 7.32E-01 3.12E-02x+6.64E-01
RSF MJ 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00x+0.00E+00
NRSF MJ 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00x+0.00E+00
FW M3 6.64E-03 6.70E-03 6.70E-03 6.81E-03 -2.12E-04x+7.27E-03
HWD Kg 4.79E-07 4.74E-07 4.74E-07 4.64E-07 1.95E-08x+4.21E-07
NHWD Kg 7.79E-02 7.74E-02 7.74E-02 7.65E-02 1.84E-03x+7.24E-02
RWD Kg 1.18E-03 1.17E-03 1.17E-03 1.17E-03 1.23E-05x+1.14E-03
CRU Kg 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00x+0.00E+00
MFR Kg 4.83E-02 4.80E-02 4.79E-02 4.73E-02 1.21E-03x+4.47E-02
MER Kg 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00x+0.00E+00
EET MJ 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00x+0.00E+00
EEE MJ 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00x+0.00E+00

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The environmental impacts for the end-of-life phase (Module C1-C4) of specific GABION (product di-
mension/mesh dimension/wire diameter) products, defined by diameter of the weaving coated gal-
vanized steel wire, are shown in the following tables. The end-of-life phase refers to packaging per kg
of product only. For other GABION, therefore, the scaling function in the last column, where 'x' repre-
sents the diameter of the galvanized coated steel wire in mm/unit, remains constant.

Product grade Unit D30 2X1X1 D27 2X1X1 D27 2X1X1 D22 2X1X1 Scaling Function
Unit diameter mm/unit 3 2.7 2.7 2.2 X
Core environmental impact indicators (EN 15804+A2)
GWP-total kg CO2 eqv. 5.38E-03 5.38E-03 5.38E-03 5.38E-03 0.00E+00x+5.38E-03
GWP-f kg CO2 eqv. 1.43E-03 1.43E-03 1.43E-03 1.43E-03 0.00E+00x+1.43E-03
GWP-b kg CO2 eqv. 3.94E-03 3.94E-03 3.94E-03 3.94E-03 0.00E+00x+3.94E-03
GWP-luc kg CO2 eqv. 4.43E-07 4.43E-07 4.43E-07 4.43E-07 0.00E+00x+4.43E-07
ODP kg CFC 11 eqv. 5.64E-16 5.64E-16 5.64E-16 5.64E-16 0.00E+00x+5.64E-16
AP mol H+ eqv. 1.17E-06 1.17E-06 1.17E-06 1.17E-06 0.00E+00x+1.17E-06
EP-fr kg P eqv. 3.98E-09 3.98E-09 3.98E-09 3.98E-09 0.00E+00x+3.98E-09
EP-mar kg N eqv. 1.03E-06 1.03E-06 1.03E-06 1.03E-06 0.00E+00x+1.03E-06
EP-ter mol N eqv. 5.03E-06 5.03E-06 5.03E-06 5.03E-06 0.00E+00x+5.03E-06
POCP kg NMVOC eqv. 1.87E-06 1.87E-06 1.87E-06 1.87E-06 0.00E+00x+1.87E-06
ADP-e kg Sb-eqv. 8.45E-12 8.45E-12 8.45E-12 8.45E-12 0.00E+00x+8.45E-12
ADP-f MJ 2.77E-03 2.77E-03 2.77E-03 2.77E-03 0.00E+00x+2.77E-03
WU m3 world eqv. 3.17E-04 3.17E-04 3.17E-04 3.17E-04 0.00E+00x+3.17E-04
Additional environmental impact indicators (EN 15804+A2)
disease inci-
PM 9.84E-12 9.84E-12 9.84E-12 9.84E-12 0.00E+00x+9.84E-12
IR kBq U235 eqv. 8.96E-06 8.96E-06 8.96E-06 8.96E-06 0.00E+00x+8.96E-06
ETP-fw CTUe 3.44E-03 3.44E-03 3.44E-03 3.44E-03 0.00E+00x+3.44E-03
HTP-c CTUh 1.00E-13 1.00E-13 1.00E-13 1.00E-13 0.00E+00x+1.00E-13
HTP-nc CTUh 1.03E-11 1.03E-11 1.03E-11 1.03E-11 0.00E+00x+1.03E-11
SQP Pt 5.86E-04 5.86E-04 5.86E-04 5.86E-04 0.00E+00x+5.86E-04

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Product grade Unit D30 2X1X1 D27 2X1X1 D27 2X1X1 D22 2X1X1 Scaling Function
Unit diameter mm/unit 3 2.7 2.7 2.2 X
Core environmental impact indicators (EN 15804+A2)
PERE MJ 3.93E-04 3.93E-04 3.93E-04 3.93E-04 0.00E+00x+3.93E-04
PERM MJ 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00x+0.00E+00
PERT MJ 3.93E-04 3.93E-04 3.93E-04 3.93E-04 0.00E+00x+3.93E-04
PENRE MJ 2.77E-03 2.77E-03 2.77E-03 2.77E-03 0.00E+00x+2.77E-03
PENRM MJ 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00x+0.00E+00
PENRT MJ 2.77E-03 2.77E-03 2.77E-03 2.77E-03 0.00E+00x+2.77E-03
SM Kg 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00x+0.00E+00
RSF MJ 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00x+0.00E+00
NRSF MJ 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00x+0.00E+00
FW M3 7.57E-06 7.57E-06 7.57E-06 7.57E-06 0.00E+00x+7.57E-06
HWD Kg 1.23E-13 1.23E-13 1.23E-13 1.23E-13 0.00E+00x+1.23E-13
NHWD Kg 8.81E-04 8.81E-04 8.81E-04 8.81E-04 0.00E+00x+8.81E-04
RWD Kg 6.01E-08 6.01E-08 6.01E-08 6.01E-08 0.00E+00x+6.01E-08
CRU Kg 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00x+0.00E+00
MFR Kg 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00x+0.00E+00
MER Kg 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00x+0.00E+00
EET MJ 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00x+0.00E+00
EEE MJ 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00x+0.00E+00

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8. References

Ecoinnovazione; 2024. Technical report: LCA study of plastic-coated Double Twist Products for Geoen-
gineering works.
ISO 14040:2006, Environmental management - Life cycle assessment - Principles and framework
ISO 14044:2006, Environmental management - Life cycle assessment - Requirements and guidelines
ISO 14025:2010: Environmental labels and declarations — Type III environmental declarations —
Principles and procedures EN 13249
EN 15804:2012+A2:2019/AC:2021 Sustainability of construction works — Environmental Product
Decla-rations — Core rules for the product category of construction products
PCR A: General Program Category Rules for Construction Products from the EPD program Kiwa-Ecobil-
ity Experts, R.0_2021-07-16
PCR B: Kiwa-Ecobility Experts, Berlin, 2020: PCR B – Product Category Rules for steel construction prod-
ucts, Requirements on the Environmental Product Declarations for steel construction products; Ver-
sion 2020-03-13 (draft)

Page | 15 Officine Maccaferri S.p.A. — GABIONS

Publisher Mail DE.Ecobility.Ex-
Kiwa-Ecobility Experts perts@kiwa.com
Kiwa GmbH, Ecobility Experts Web https://www.kiwa.com/de/
Wattstraße 11-13 de/themes/ecobility-ex-
13355 Berlin perts/ecobility-experts/

Programme operator Mail DE.Ecobility.Ex-

Kiwa-Ecobility Experts perts@kiwa.com
Kiwa GmbH, Ecobility Experts Web https://www.kiwa.com/de/
Wattstraße 11-13 de/themes/ecobility-ex-
13355 Berlin perts/ecobility-experts/

LCA Practitioner Tel. +39 328 987 0609

Ecoinnovazione Srl Web www.ecoinnovazione.it
Via della Liberazione 6/C
40128 Bologna (BO)
Owner of the declaration Tel. +39 051 6436000
Officine Maccaferri S.p.A. Fax. +39 051 6436201
Via del Faggiolo, 1/12 Mail info@maccaferri.com
40132 Bologna (BO) Web www.maccaferri.com

Kiwa-Ecobility Experts -
established member of

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