Environmental Product Declaration: Cast Manganese Steel Railway Crossing

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In accordance with ISO 14025 for:



Programme: The International EPD® System, www.environdec.com

Programme operator: EPD International AB
EPD registration number: S-P-01638
Initial date: 2019-09-02
Publication date: 2020-07-21
Valid until: 2025-07-21

An EPD should provide current information, and may be uptaded if conditions change. The stated validity is 5 years therefore subject to the
continued registration and publication at www.environdec.com
Programme information

The International EPD® System

EPD International AB
Box 210 60
Programme: SE-100 31 Stockholm


Product category rules (PCR): 2015:03 < Basic iron or steel products & special steels, except
construction - steel products product category classification: UN CPC 4112 AND 412; Version 2.0;
Valid until: 2024-03-27 >

PCR review was conducted by: < The Technical Committee of the International EPD® System. Review
chair: Massimo Marino. Contact via info@environdec.com >

Independent third-party verification of the declaration and data, according to ISO 14025:2006:

☐ EPD process certification ☒ EPD verification

Third party verifier: <Julie ORGELET, DDEMAIN and signature of the third party verifier>

In case of recognised individual verifiers:

Approved by: The International EPD® System

Procedure for follow-up of data during EPD validity involves third party verifier:

☒ Yes ☐ No

The EPD owner has the sole ownership, liability, and responsibility for the EPD. EPDs within
the same product category but from different programs may not be comparable.

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Product information
Owner of the EPD:

OUTREAU TECHNOLOGIES +33 (0) 3 21 99 53 04, out.sales@vossloh.com

43 rue Pierre Curie – BP 119
62230 Outreau

Name and location of production site: Outreau Technologies / North of FRANCE

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Company information
The History of Outreau Technologies

1857: Creation of 4 blast furnaces

1919: Installation of the steel mill
1954: First Manganese Crossing
1985: Acquisition by Manoir Industries
2013: Acquisition by Vossloh Group
2016: Construction of new plant

Quality and environmental management: Our Certifications

OUTREAU TECHONOLGIES has an ISO9001 v2015 certified Quality Management System and an
Environment Management System based on ISO 14001 to be achieved in a few years. Our organization
allow us to manage legal requirements of the French Administration.

Networks & Contractors- Our products all over the world

France, Switzerland, Belgium, UK, Italia, Sweden, Netherlands, Russia,
Paris metro, Israel, Morocco, Chile, Japan

Thanks to its specific manufacturing means, Outreau technologies is able to build all kinds of
networks for any specifications until 12 meters length.

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Manufacturing process

All cast manganese products have the same grade that could answer to many technical specifications.
Manganese steel is 100% recyclable after use in service even after many years. It means that we can
always melt “recycling” crossings in our furnace and manufacture new crossings.

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The Vossloh Group

As a rail infrastructure company, we produce tried-and-tested key components and modules. To this
end, we are a single-source provider of integrated solutions and services that cover the entire rail

Vossloh is a technologically leading Group in the field of rail infrastructure. We provide our customers
around the world with integrated railway solutions.

Our Product Range

Rail Fastening
Signalling Systems
Systems Signalling
Technology Systems and Mn

Track and
Concrete Ties Track and
& LVT Turnouts
Concrete Analysis

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Product information
Product name: Cast Manganese steel railway Belgium (Infrabel), Bolivia, Chile, Denmark,
crossing Egypt, United Arab Emirates, Eurotunnel,
Product identification: Steel railway crossing Finland, France (SNCF, RATP), Hong Kong,
Italy (RFI), Morocco, Mauritania, Mexico,
Norway, Netherlands, Portugal, United
Product description: Cast manganese steel Kingdom (Network Rail), Sweden, Switzerland
railway crossings are employed at safety critical (SBB), Tunisia, USA, etc.
location throughout railway infrastructure due to Outreau Technologies cast manganese
their work hardening material properties. crossing are already homologate for SNCF,
The track crossing is located at the centre of the RATP, INFRABEL, RFI, PRORAIL,
turnout and provides the continuity of two BANEDANELARK, CFF, NETWORK RAIL
intersecting routes, as the picture below.
UN CPC code: UN CPC 412
Outreau Technologies supplies crossings and Geographical scope: Production in France.
cradles that meet the internal health criteria of Use not considered in EPD, so applicable all
European standard CSN EN 15689:2009. over the world.
Outreau Technologies crossings are installed
all over the world : in Algeria, Saudi Arabia,

LCA information
The LCA study was carried out in accordance Functional unit / declared unit: “One ton of
with the following standards: product made of steel”
- ISO 14040:2006. Environmental For information a classical product is made of
management. Life cycle assessment. 1014 kg.
Principles and framework Reference service life: Not applicable for this
product category
- ISO 14044:2006. Environmental Time representativeness: Specific Data from
management. Life cycle assessment. Outreau Technologies have been collected in
Requirements and guidelines the reference year 2018 (January to December
2018). Outreau Technologies process of
- ISO 14025:2010. Environmental labels and production have been not changed from 2019.
declarations. Type III environmental Database(s) and LCA software used:
declarations. Principles and procedures Database CODDE-2018-11 available in EIME
- International EPD System General Program
Instruction. (Version 3.0) 2017-12-11 Description of system boundaries:
From cradle to gate
- PCR 2015:03 Basic iron or steel products &
special steels, except construction (Version System boundaries:
2.0) As indicated in the PCR references (“PCR Basic
iron or steel products & special steels, except
construction 2015:03 version 2.0”) shown here

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below, system limits of crossing production energy production and consumption,
include the production and the transport of the emissions to air, water and soil…)
raw material. - Assembly of the final product
- Waste treatment of waste generated
In details, the processes to consider for the during manufacturing,
assessment of the life cycle of the cast - Impacts due to the production of
manganese steel railway crossing: electricity and fuels used in the core
Upstream processes
- Extraction and production of raw Excluded lifecycle stages: Downstream
materials for all main parts and processes
components of the product - Not included in the system boundaries
- Recycling process of recycled material according to the Cradle to Gate scope
used in the product
- Transportation of raw material to the
upstream processes The different steps leading to the manufacturing
of the product are described in the following
Core processes figure.
- Transportation of the steel to the core
process where the final steel product More information: LCA study released by LCIE
will be manufactured Bureau Veritas (website: www.codde.fr ;
- Transportation to the core processes contact: codde@fr.bureauveritas.com)
of materials used as auxiliary materials
in the core production For more information of the product:
- Manufacturing process for main parts https://media.vossloh.com/media/01_product_fi
and components (including core
process related material consumption,

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Content declaration
Materials / chemical substances %
Iron 85.4
Manganese 12.8
Carbon 1.2
Silicon 0.4
Chromium 5.27.10-02
Phosphorus 2.6.10-02
Copper 2.3.10-02
Nickel 1.9.10-02
Niobium 1.8.10-02
Nitrogen 1.8.10-02
Cobalt 1.7.10-02
Vanadium 1.34.10-02
Molybdenum 0.5.10-02
Tin 0.5.10-02
Aluminium 9.6.10-04
Sulfur 4.0.10-04

This product is distributed directly by truck without protection to the implementation place.

Reused material
Provence of reused materials (pre-consumer or post-consumer) in the product: circulating scrap come
from outside the company (42.05%) and Home scrap come from the company (45.45%). No virgin steel
is used for the crossing manufacturing.

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Environmental performance
Product level declared unit scope “unit product”
Potential environmental impact
kg CO2
Fossil 9.96.10+02 4.33.10+02 1,43E+03
kg CO2
Biogenic 2.99.10+00 2.32.10+01 2,62E+01
Global warming eq.
potential Land use and
(GWP) kg CO2
land INA* INA* INA*
kg CO2
TOTAL 9.99.10+02 4.56.10+02 1,46.10+03
Depletion potential of the kg CFC 11
1,43.10-04 2.76.10-04 4.19.10-04
stratospheric ozone layer (ODP) eq.
Acidification potential (AP) kg SO2 eq. 2,44.10+00 1.12.10+00 3.56.10+00
kg PO43-
Eutrophication potential (EP) 5,27.10-01 1.96.10-01 7.23.10-01
Formation potential of kg C2H4
2,79.10-01 1.15.10-01 3.94.10-01
tropospheric ozone (POCP) eq.
Abiotic depletion potential –
kg Sb eq. 2,86.10-03 9.81.10-05 2.96.10-03
MJ, net
Abiotic depletion potential – Fossil
calorific 1,27.10+04 5.93.10+03 1.86.10+04
Water scarcity potential m3 eq. 1,97.10+05 1.56.10+06 1.74.10+06
*INA: Indicator Not Assessed

In the LCA study, the values of “global warming as land use and land transformation” are not assessed.
However, the indicator Global warming land use and land transformation are less relevant for this kind
of product (steel product). These indicators are of higher relevance for agriculture sector and

Use of resources
Use as
MJ, net calorific
energy 6.37.10+02 1.27.10+03 1.90.10+03
Primary carrier
Used as raw MJ, net calorific
resources – 0.00.10+00 0.00.10+00 0.00.10+00
materials value
MJ, net calorific
TOTAL 6.37.10+02 1.27.10+03 1.90.10+03
Primary Use as
MJ, net calorific
energy energy 1.66.10+04 2.00.10+04 3.67.10+04
resources – carrier

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Non- Used as raw MJ, net calorific
renewable 1.17.10+03 0.00.10+00 1,17.10+03
materials value
MJ, net calorific
TOTAL 1.78.10+04 2.00.10+04 3,78.10+04
Secondary material kg 0,00.10+00 0.00.10+00 1.40.10+02
MJ, net calorific
Renewable secondary fuels 0,00.10+00 0.00.10+00 0.00.10+00
Non-renewable secondary MJ, net calorific
0,00.10+00 0.00.10+00 0.00.10+00
fuels value
Net use of fresh water m3 6,08.10+00 4.54.10+03 4.54.10+03

Waste production and output flows

Waste production
Hazardous waste disposed kg 4.72.10+02 3.10.10+02 7.82.10+02
Non-hazardous waste disposed kg 7.39.10+02 4.34.10+02 1.17.10+03
Radioactive waste disposed kg 3.49.10-01 5.79.10+00 6.14.10+00

Output flows
Components for reuse kg 0.00.10+00 1.46.10+02 1.46.10+02
Material for recycling kg 0.00.10+00 4.85.10+01 4.85.10+01
Materials for energy recovery kg 0.00.10+00 0.00.10+00 0.00.10+00
Exported energy, electricity MJ 0.00.10+00 4.80.10+00 4.80.10+00
Exported energy, thermal MJ 0.00.10+00 0.00.10+00 0.00.10+00

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Additional information
OUTREAU TECHONOLGIES has an ISO9001 v2015 certified Quality Management System and an
Environment Management System based on ISO 14001 to be achieved in a few years. Besides, our
organization allow us to manage legal requirements of the French Administration.

More than 80% of the charge of the arc furnace is made of recycling metal (home scraps and circulating
scraps). In addition, our product of cast manganese steel railway crossing, with a long cycle life (10
years on average), is fully recyclable into the process.

Since 2004, OUTREAU TECHNOLOGIES also has a used foundry sand thermal regeneration facility
that recycles up to 85% of the sand.
Additionally for many years, OUTREAU TECHNOLOGIES has implemented selective waste sorting.

Since 2016, OUTREAU TECHNOLOGIES has undertaken the reconstruction of production workshops:
new buildings, process development…. This important project will significantly reduce the environmental
impact of the site: reduction of covered areas, water withdrawals, risk of soil pollution….

General Programme Instructions of the International EPD® System. Version 3.0.
PCR 2015:0 “Basic iron or steel products & special steels, except construction” Version 2.0 2020-03-
27, UN CPC 4112 AND 412.

Contact information
43 rue Pierre Curie BP119
62230 Outreau
Office: +33 (0) 3 21 99 53 26
Cellular: +33 (0) 6 08 84 78 17
serge.hereng@vossloh.com or out.sales@vossloh.com

Author of the Life Cycle Assessment

LCI Bureau Veritas
33 Avenue du Général Leclerc
92260 Fontenay-aux-Roses

+33 (0)4 76 07 36 42

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