Schiffman cb11 Im15
Schiffman cb11 Im15
Schiffman cb11 Im15
After reading, studying and analyzing this chapter, students should be able to understand:
15.1 The meaning and importance of marketing ethics and social responsibility.
15.2 How marketers can exploit consumers by targeting children and encouraging
overeating and other forms of irresponsible buying.
15.3 Ethically questionable practices such as covert marketing, manipulative exposure
to advertising, and truth-in-advertising issues.
15.4 The nature and consequences of provocative advertisements.
15.5 How marketers abuse consumers’ privacy and the measures that can stop such
15.6 How marketers can advance society’s interests by advocating socially beneficial
conduct and discouraging adverse behavior.
The marketing concept is sometimes incompatible with society’s best interests. The
societal marketing concept requires that all marketers adhere to principles of social
responsibility in the marketing of their goods and services. Since all companies prosper
when society prospers, companies must integrate social responsibility into all marketing
decisions, and many have adopted the societal marketing concept. A serious deterrent to
more widespread implementation of the societal marketing concept is the short-term
orientation of most business executives and corporate boards in their drive to quickly
increase market share and profits.
The study of consumer behavior allows marketers to understand why and how consumers
make their purchase decisions, but it also enables unethical marketers to exploit human
vulnerabilities in the marketplace and engage in other unethical marketing practices.
Such practices include targeting vulnerable consumers such as children, teenagers, the
elderly, and less-educated consumers, who may not have the knowledge or experience to
evaluate the products or services being promoted and the potential negative consequences
of using these offerings.
Too many marketing messages convey socially undesirable stereotypes and images, some
of which tend to encourage risky or illegal behavior or create unrealistic perceptions.
Many studies have focused on the use of objectionable themes in advertising and
discovered that negative portrayals of various groups affect consumers’ perceptions.
Learning Objective 15.5: To understand how marketers abuse consumers’ privacy and
the measures that can stop such practices.
Learning Objective 15.6: To understand how marketers can advance society’s interests
by advocating socially beneficial conduct and discouraging adverse behavior.
*****Use Figure #15.1 Here; Use Key Term marketing ethics Here*****
1. Fulfilling the needs of target consumer markets more effectively than competitors
may be at odds with society’s best interests.
2. The cumulative persuasive impact of advertising may have negative implications for
consumer behavior (e.g. materialism and unrealistic ideal body images).
3. The societal marketing concept calls upon all marketers to satisfy the needs and
wants of their target markets in ways that preserve and enhance the well-being of
consumers and society as a whole, while also fulfilling the profit objectives of their
1. There are many targetable segments that can be exploited because they are more
vulnerable than most other consumers (less educated, older, low income, no political
power), but targeting children and encouraging overeating and irresponsible buying
are the focus of this section.
a. Consumer socialization is the processes by which young people acquire
skills, knowledge and attitudes relevant to their functioning as consumers in
the marketplace. The three stages are:
i. The perceptual stage (3-7 years old)
ii. The analytical stage (7-11 years old)
iii. The reflective stage (11-16 years old)
b. Children become brand aware as they age.
c. Overall, the older the child, the more influence he or she has on a parent’s
purchase behavior.
d. Children are consuming more media, which increases opportunities to target
children with marketing messages designed to influence their purchase
e. There are many ethical concerns regarding advertising to children.
f. Advertising to children is subject to self-regulation according to guidelines
developed by the Children’s Advertising Review Unit (CARU) of the Council
of Better Business Bureaus
g. The guidelines direct marketers to abandon product presentations or claims
i. Mislead children about the product’s performance or benefits
ii. Exploit the child’s imagination or create unrealistic expectations
iii. Show products in unsafe situations
iv. Encourage behavior that is inappropriate for children
h. The guidelines also direct marketers to avoid ads that:
i. Encourage children to pressure their parents to buy the products
ii. Compel children to feel that ownership of a given product will make
them more accepted by peers.
iii. Make claims that mislead children, exploit their imagination or crate
unrealistic expectation.
i. A major concern regarding the impact of marketing on children’s behavior is
whether food marketers “teach” children to eat more than they should and
cause obesity and other health problems.
j. It must be remembered that children are a vulnerable population.
k. Regarding advertising to children, there is a consensus that even if children
understand the purpose of promotional messages, marketers must take special
care in advertising to them because of the amount of time they spend viewing
TV and online.
5. Marketers increasingly use techniques that blur the distinctions between figure and
ground and make it more difficult for consumers to distinguish advertising from
entertainment content (e.g. product placements, positioning a TV commercial so
close to the storyline of a program consumers are unaware they are watching an
advertisement, advertorials, infomercials).
6. False or misleading advertising is also an issue.
Provocative Marketing
*****Use Learning Objective #15.4 Here; Use Key Term neuromarketing Here; Use
Table 15.4 Here*****
2. The collection and dissemination of consumer information raises many privacy issues
and various governmental bodies have proposed measures to ensure consumers’
a. The Federal Trade Commission recommended a “do not track” mechanism
that is similar to the national “do not call” registry.
b. It also proposed legislation regulating so-called data brokers, which compile
and trade a wide range of personal and financial data about millions of
consumers from online and offline sources.
c. The suggested legislation would give consumers access to information
collected about them and allow them to correct and update such data. Another
proposal is to let consumers choose whether they want their Internet browsing
and buying habits monitored.
*****Use Learning Objective #15.5 Here; Use Key Terms escore and contextual
advertising Here *****
5. Marketers who implement ethical strategies do so in order “to do the right thing,” to
improve their image in the eyes of their constituencies, reduce scrutiny, and as an
alternative to the likelihood of government regulation.
6. Buyer’s dishonest behavior is another ethical concern.
a. Many stores have started charging restocking fees, limiting return policies,
and tracking abnormal return patterns because of buyers who bought items,
used them, and then returned them for a refund.
b. Air travelers are being creative to avoid checked luggage fees, charge airlines
hotel bills when they stayed with friends, claim expensive items were in the
checked luggage that was lost, or claim wheelchairs were damaged in the
cargo hold.
15.1 Some say that targeting any group of consumers who are willing and able to
purchase a product is simply good marketing. For example, advertising very
sweet and fatty foods to young children is perfectly ok because children like
sweets and, when parents buy these products at their children’s requests, the
needs of both the kids and their parents are met and satisfied. What is your
reaction to this view?
Student answers will vary. This is a good opportunity to discuss their answers in
relationship to the guidelines developed by the Children’s Advertising Review Unit
of the Council of Better Business Bureau. Students might also discuss the
responsibility of the advertiser as well as the parent. There seems to be a general
consensus that marketers must take special care in advertising to children as they are
a vulnerable population. Another topic to be explored is the effect of children’s
advertising on parents. Studies show that parents significantly influence children’s
understanding and processing of advertisements.
A lively conversation regarding intent and credibility should result from this question.
Answers might also relate to the societal marketing concept. It appears that the soft
drink company believes that the phones may enhance the well-being of the pre-
adolescents in the low-income areas. The question should be asked, “At what
expense?” Students need to consider if this is a form of overaggressive marketing.
15.3 At a time when many consumers can avoid advertising messages via
sophisticated “time shifting” devices, marketers increasingly use product
placements (also known ads “branded entertainment”). In your view, is this a
wise strategy or not? Explain your answer.
Product placement results in the line between television shows and ads becoming
virtually non-existent. Students need to consider if this is an appropriate use or misuse
of advertising. Are consumer’s being manipulated in any way?
As students read the text they will realize that consumers say they obtain most of the
information about medications from TV commercials. However, the pharmaceutical
industry has developed voluntary restrictions on selling pharmaceuticals directly to
consumers. The Senate majority leader has called for a two-year moratorium on
advertising new drugs to consumers and a pharmaceutical company has volunteered
not to advertise new drugs to consumers during their first year on the market. Do they
believe these restrictions and call for a moratorium are necessary?
The purpose of studying consumer behavior is to understand why and how consumers
make their purchase decisions. Some critics are concerned that an in-depth
understanding of consumer behavior makes it possible for unethical marketers to
exploit human vulnerabilities in the marketplace and engage in other unethical
15.6 What are the privacy implications of the increasingly widespread monitoring
of online consumers by companies?
15.7 Find, bring to class and discuss ads that depict each of the following:
a. Exploitive targeting of children
b. Overaggressive advertising
c. Direct-to-consumer advertising of pharmaceuticals
d. Cause-related marketing
e. Societal marketing by a not-for-profit group
f. Societal marketing by a for-profit company
g. Socially-undesirable representation
Instructor’s Discussion
This exercise allows students to find examples of advertising related to ethical issues
and societal marketing. You may want to have students vote for the best example in
each category.
Instructor’s Discussion
Again, ask students to vote on the best example. Be sure to ask students to defend
why the ad brought to class represents covert advertising.
15.9 Compile a list of consumption behaviors that you consider unethical. For
each behavior listed, explain why you view it as wrong. Also, for each behavior
listed, discuss the possible reasons a person engaging in that practice may use to
justify doing so
Instructor’s Discussion
This exercise should provoke a lively discussion. Typically students disagree on what
is and is not unethical. Encourage students to thoroughly explain their reasoning for
believing a behavior is wrong.
Instructor’s Discussion
The website lists quite a number of press releases. Students easily should be able to
find three that they are interested in. Many cases mention legal precedents for
decisions. Students may find this historical perspective fascinating.
S.T.A.R. Project #1
As a student at a large university, you have been asked by a state senator to attend a
meeting to discuss youth and obesity. When you arrive at the meeting, you discover the
real purpose of the invitation. The state senator is considering sending a bill to the
legislature requiring that all colleges and universities in the state be required to use only
organic food in all residence halls. In addition, the senator wants to require a reduction in
sugars, fats and starches served and an increase in nutrients. The senator believes strongly
in the societal marketing concept and feels that it is the social responsibility of all
colleges and universities to. The reason students have been invited is to sign a petition
supporting this bill. Consider this issue from two perspectives. Given the senator’s
agenda was not clearly stated, was the invitation ethical? Is the senator’s bill truly
societal marketing? Why or why not?
Instructor’s Discussion
This scenario asks students to evaluate an ethical issue from different perspectives. The
reason for the meeting was not clear. Does this make a difference in how students
perceive the senator’s actual cause? Should students continue with the meeting?
Societal marketing requires that all marketers adhere to the principles of social
responsibility in the marketing of their goods and services. Yet, they should endeavor to
satisfy the needs and wants of their target markets in ways that preserve and enhance the
well-being of consumers and society as a whole. Lead students through their responses.
S.T.A.R. Project #2
Online advertisers are able to track your behavior. As you move through the internet,
advertisers track where you click, how frequently you visit a site and how long you spend
on a site. This knowledge enables advertisers to then tailor offers directly to you.
Your assignment is to consider tracking from your personal perspective and the
perspective of advertisers. Should your exploration through the internet be private or
public? Who is to decide? What rights do advertisers have?
After you have considered these questions (and others you consider relevant), visit the
Federal Trade Commission web site and read their recommendations on self-regulation
principles for online behavioral advertising. Do you agree or disagree with their position?
Instructor’s Discussion
This assignment is a good way for students to think about their own opinions and weigh
them against the desires of advertisers. They can then compare both to the Federal Trade
Commission’s report on tracking, targeting and technology.
S.T.A.R. Project #3
Your group’s assignment is to find advertisements that members feel are unethical. Each
group member must bring at least three examples to the discussion. Debate among
members the ethical/unethical nature of the ads. Why might some members feel an ad is
ethical while others might disagree? Vote on each ad. Are some product categories more
susceptible to unethical advertising? Why or why not?
Instructor’s Discussion
This discussion makes the point regarding the sometimes difficulty of agreeing on ethical
or unethical advertising. You can guide the conversations by asking who should decide
on ethics policy and how ethics policies are created.
S.T.A.R. Project #4
Your assignment is to watch either two hours of television or a movie. While watching,
you are to record every incidence of product placement. Also record whether the product
placement was overt (the brand was named or pointed to) or less obvious. Which
placement was more effective? Why? Did or will the placement cause you to purchase
the product? How do you feel about the newly formed consumer advocacy group,
An interesting twist would be to assign this project to students in pairs. However, the
members, making up the pair, cannot watch the shows together. After the members have
recorded their data, compare to see if both recognized the same number of product
placements and the same incidences of product placements.
Instructor’s Discussion
This project will aid the students in recognizing product placements. Lead them through
the following questions. Because their awareness is heightened, do they believe they see
more product placements? When they are more passively watching television, do they
believe they see less? Have the students explain their answers. Is one situation more
ethical than another? Why or why not? How do the students feel about Commercial
Alert’s call for legislation?