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Afr. J. Food Agric. Nutr. Dev. 2022; 22(9): 21418-21436
Dorsilla A. Nyamayi
1Department of Dairy and Food Science and Technology, Egerton University P.O
Box 536 -20115, Egerton, Kenya 21418
The need to combat food insecurity and malnutrition has seen industries focus on
enriching indigenous staple foods with locally available nutritious but underutilised
food crops. Bamboo shoot (BS) is one such crops that has drawn significant global
interest owing to its high nutrient content, health-promoting elements and low fat.
This study aimed at evaluating the proximate composition, physicochemical, and
functional properties of wheat-cassava-BS composite flours and their respective
loaves of bread. Five levels of BS (0, 2.5, 5, 7.5, and 10%) were substituted for
wheat-cassava using 80:20 percent wheat: cassava mixture as control. The flours
were analysed for water absorption capacity, Normal Falling Number (NFN) and
dough softening. Bread samples were baked from each of the formulated
composite flours and analysed for nutritional composition and physical properties.
Water absorption increased with an increase in BS substitution while there was a
reduction of 16.8% in the normal falling number from the control. Dough softening
increased with an increase in BS inclusion up to 7.5%. All the bread made from BS
flour had significantly different (p < 0.05) physical properties (loaf volume, density,
specific volume, and Browning Index [BI]) from the control. However, the crumb BI
for all the BS composite-bread samples were not significantly (p > 0.05) different.
Bamboo shoots had 16.6% ash, 19.7% fibre, 29.4% crude protein, and the lowest
energy-to-protein ratio of 9.78 kcal/g. The proximate components of the blended
bread increased with an increase in BS substitution. Composite bread with 10% BS
had the highest total ash, crude fibre, and protein at 4.51%, 5.26%, and 26.4%
compared to the control that had 0.66%, 0.88%, and 1.55%, respectively. Results
of this study show that BS flour can be blended with wheat-cassava composite to
increase BS utilisation and improve the nutritional value of developed products,
thus providing diversification in bakery products. 21419
Bread is a baked food product that has become a global staple food. It is
consumed in developed and developing countries due to the nutritional value. The
convenience of having bread as a breakfast snack has facilitated its preference,
especially in urban areas. Bread is usually made from wheat flour because of the
viscoelastic properties of the resultant dough after reconstituting the wheat flour
with water [1]. Wheat flour contains two water-insoluble proteins, glutenin and
gliadin that form a network (gluten), which gives structure to the resulting bread [2].
As the preferred ingredient in baking bread, the demand for wheat in sub-Saharan
Africa has increased due to rise in bread consumption. 21420
confectionary products is insignificant and relatively new in contrast to its potential.
Globally, research is currently focusing on improving the bread’s protein, mineral
and fibre contents through compositing using nutrient rich local food crops [6].
Edible shoots of Yushania alpina (Alpine bamboo) were collected from Mt. Elgon
National Reserve, Bungoma County, Kenya. The young culms were harvested at 4
- 6 weeks after the onset of the April-May 2021 rainfall. The 2-3 layers of husks
were removed and soft edible portions were washed in clean water, cut into small
pieces and partially sun-dried. They were then packed in Ziploc bags and
transported to the Department of Dairy and Food Science and Technology,
Egerton University. In the laboratory, the shoots were oven-dried at 60°C for 72 h
to a moisture content of »10%.
Matured Selele cassava roots were obtained from Kenya Agricultural and Livestock
Research Organization (KALRO), Njoro, and prepared between 10-24 h
postharvest according to the method of Aristizábal et al. [14]. The cassava tubers
were hand-peeled and thoroughly washed. The clean roots were then chipped
using a motorized cassava grater to reduce their size and increase the surface 21421
area for heat transfer during the drying process. The chips were sun-dried to a
moisture content of 10-12%. The dried shoots and cassava chips were milled using
a hammer mill fitted with a sieve with a pore size <800µm.
Proximate analysis
Total Solids, Crude Protein, Crude Fat, Ash, and Crude Fibre were determined
according to AOAC [15]. The total carbohydrate content was determined by
The Falling Number (FN) of formulated composite flours were determined using a
falling number machine (Perten Instruments, FN 100, Springfield IL) according to
AACC method 56–81.03 [17]. Exactly 7.0 g sample (14% moisture) was blended
with 25 mL distilled water in a FN tube. The mixture was vigorously shaken using a 21422
shaker for 3 s. A viscometer-stirrer was placed into the tube and then transferred
into the FN machine. The tube was kept in a warm water bath for 5 s and stirred for
55 s. The machine recorded the time taken by the stirrer to fall from the top of the
tube to the bottom. The FN reading was recorded as the sum of 5 s spent in the
warm water, 55 s of stirring, and the time taken by the stirrer to fall.
Specific Volume(cm3/g) = (&)*+,
…………………………………… (1) 21423
BI = /..7
………………………………………………………. (2)
x= …………………………………………………… (3)
Data analysis
Data obtained from the proximate analysis, functional and physical properties of
wheat-cassava-BS composite flour and bread were analysed by SAS Version 9.4
for Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) using the General Linear Model (GLM)
procedure. Mean separation was done using Tukey's Studentized Range (HSD) t-
Test at p ≤ 0.05.
Functional Properties
The effect of incorporating BS in wheat-cassava flour for baking on rheological
properties is shown in Table 4. Increasing the BS percentage in wheat-cassava
composite flour significantly increased the water absorption (Figure 1-A). 21424
Error bars are standard deviations; N = 15
Figure 1A: Effect of BS flour inclusion on water absorption capacity of
wheat-cassava-BS flours, B; Effect of BS flour inclusion on
Normal FN of wheat-cassava-BS flours, C; Effect of BS
incorporation on dough softening of wheat-cassava-BS
Similar trends have been reported during the fortification of fibre-rich sources like
bran of wheat, rice, oat and barley [25] and flour oat flour [26] in flour. Water
absorption is important in the determination of texture, taste and dough
performance when proofing or baking. Studies have reported that the variation in
water absorption results from substantial hydroxyl groups that exist in fibre
structures, which permit additional water interactions through hydrogen bonding
[13]. Furthermore, an increase in absorption rate could be due to an increase in
protein solubility, soluble fibre, gelatinized starch and hydrocolloid-like components 21425
due to BS addition [12]. Increased fibre content contributes to dough structural
modification resulting in smaller extensibility, endurance and greater water
absorption [25]. As seen in this study, increasing BS percentage during substitution
increased the fibre content of the resulting flour, thus directly proportional to its
water absorption capacity. Additionally, weak aggregation power between water
molecules and starch molecules increase the surface area for absorption forming
hydrogen bonds [26]. Absorption is a determinant factor for dough consistency and
greatly depends on intrinsic factors like protein conformation, amino acid
composition and protein hydrophobicity surface polarity. Conversely, addition of BS
to wheat-cassava composite flour showed a general decrease of Falling Number
(FN) by 16.8% compared to control (Figure 1B). The composite flours containing
BS had lower normal falling numbers ranging from 307-369. The FN can be
defined as a test used to determine the quickness of liquefaction of flour caused by
starch α-amylolysis. Falling number values are inversely correlated with α-amylase
activity [27]. High FN in baking flour indicates low α-amylase activity while low FN
shows high α-amylase activity whereby FN < 300 is associated with low economic
gain [28]. Therefore, this trend indicates that BS addition in wheat-cassava flour
increased the activity of α-amylase in the composite flours. Starch is a major
component of cassava and wheat and a substrate for α-amylase. Blending wheat,
cassava and BS contributes considerable starch amounts, hence more substrate
for α-amylase thus recording lower FN compared to control. Cereals like wheat are
richer in proteins thus have reduced amylolytic activity due to α-amylase
deactivation [29]. This is because glutenin retains α-amylase deactivation in
quantities that increase as the glutenin enlarges. Also, the rate of starch
degradation depends largely on amount of α-amylase in the composite flours and
degree of starch damage. 21426
Physical properties of wheat-cassava-BS bread
The outcomes of the physical attributes of the composite bread are presented in
Table 5. The loaf volume and specific volume significantly decreased (p < 0.05)
with an increase in BS substitution. Studies have shown that the loaf volume and
specific volume are largely affected by the quality and quantity of protein in the
baking flour [32]. The stronger the gluten holds the carbon dioxide gas released,
the higher the volume and specific volume of the resulting bread. Both cassava
and BS flours lack gluten and hence cannot form a cohesive viscoelastic network
when hydrated. The viscoelasticity, which is only exhibited by wheat in this case
allows for the formation of a typical fixed open foam structure in bread [33].
Therefore, an increased percentage of BS and cassava flours in the composites
diluted the gluten as well as disrupted its macromolecular network. Reduced gluten
content results in less elastic and weaker dough [4]. These results are similar to a
study that that has ascribed this to reduced gluten concentration and its weakness
due to the blending of different flours [31].
Crumb colour
The effect of BS flour on the composite bread colour is shown in Table 3. Colour in
a food product (Figure 2), is an inevitable quality characteristic that is used to
determine the outcomes of product formulation and influences the appearance and
consumer acceptability of baked products. Erkan et al. [37] reported the tristimulus
CIELAB colour parameters (L*, a*, b*) for barley products’ crust and crumb. All the
loaves containing BS had significantly lower (p < 0.05) crumb lightness indices but
higher (p < 0.05) redness and yellowness indices compared to wheat-cassava
bread. Although the Browning Indices (BI) of the crumbs increased with an
increase in BS flour incorporation, no significant difference (p > 0.05) was
recorded. The significant brownness of the crumbs is probably a result of the
inherent dark colour of the BS flour. Also, the BI recorded may be due to non- 21427
enzymatic browning between compounds containing an amino group (proteins,
peptides and amino acids) and naturally occurring reducing sugars resulting in the
formation of coloured melanoidins [38].
The findings of this study established the proposition that utilisation of BS to enrich
wheat-cassava flours can be an alternative approach to developing nutritious
baked products. Bread enriched with BS had higher amounts of protein, dietary
fibre, and minerals when compared to control. Owing to its high nutritional
composition, BS can be incorporated into bread and other baked products to
increase its consumption in Kenya. Bamboo shoot inclusion in foods can
guarantee balanced diets with low glycaemic indices and low calories that are
good for health. The rheological and physical analyses of the composite products
revealed that this product development strategy can transform the baking industry
through the production of innovative functional foods. The contemporary
exploration of this nutritionally exceptional food crop could be interestingly a game-
changer in the food manufacturing sector through compositing to enrich other food
products. 21428
This study was funded through a research grant from Centre of Excellence for
Sustainable Agriculture and Agribusiness Management (CESAAM), Egerton
University, Kenya.
Conflicts of Interest
The authors declare no conflicts of interest regarding the publication of this paper. 21429
Table 1: Formulation used in dough formulation per composite loaf
Ingredients Components
BS flour 0%, 2.5%, 5%, 7.5%, 10%
Wheat- Cassava flour 80:20
Sugar 6%
Instant Yeast 5%
Margarine 3%
Salt 1%
Water 65%
% Values are based on the total flour weight (200 g) 21430
Table 2: Nutritional Composition of Wheat, Cassava and BS flours
Ingredient Dry Matter Ash (%) Crude Fat Crude Crude Total EV ER
(%) (%) Fibre (%) Protein (%) CHOs (%) Kcal/100g (Kcal/g of
Bamboo 95.6±0.58a 16.6±0.25a 2.22±0.17a 19.7±1.26a 29.4±0.36a 27.6±0.48c 287±0.48b 9.78±0.10b
Cassava 88.9±1.40b 2 0.39±0.10b 0.19±0.04b 4.60±0.28c 81.0±1.49a 346±5.25a 76.0±5.84a
Wheat 88.6±1.33b 1.06±0.08c 1.37±0.20a 0.18b±0.03b 15.3±0.84b 70.7±1.19b 356±5.82a 23.4±1.32b
CHOs = Carbohydrates; EV = Energy Value; ER = Energy to protein ratio; values are mean ± standard deviation. Values along the
column followed by different superscript letter notations are significantly different (p < 0.05) 21431
Table 4 Functional properties of wheat-cassava-BS composite flours
Sample NFN WAC (%) DT (mins) Stability (mins) Softening (Nm) Cmax (Nm)
0% 369±0.67 a 55.3±0.62 e 2.00±0.36 b 6.00±0.21 b 0.120±0.02 c 1.03±0.06d
2.50% 306±0.88d 60.4±0.40d 2.00±0.36b 2.00±0.54c 0.130±0.02b 1.11±0.06b
5% 308±0.67d 61±0.27c 2.00±0.36b 4.00±0.60bc 0.130±0.03b 1.10±0.06c
7.50% 310±0.43c 62.3±0.58b 2.00±0.36b 4.00±0.60bc 0.160±0.03a 1.20±0.05a
10% 319±0.66b 63.8±0.62a 2.83±0.17a 4.47±1.67a 0.110±0.02d 1.10±0.06c
NFN = Normal Falling Number; WAC = Water Absorption Capacity; DT = Development Time; Cmax = Maximum Consistency.
values are mean ± standard deviation. Values along the column followed by different superscript letter notations are significantly
different (p < 0.05) 21432
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