Pet 1
Pet 1
Pet 1
What is the term used to express the amount of electrical energy stored in an electrostatic field?
A. volts C. coulombs
B. watts D. joules *
An isotope
A. is electrically neutral
B. has positive electric charge
C. has negative electric charge
D. can have either a positive or negative charge *
What do you expect when you use one 10 kilo ohms, 1 watt resistor instead of two 20 kilo ohms, 1 watt resistors in parallel?
A. provide more power
B. provide lighter current
C. provide less power *
D. provide wider tolerance
What happens to the resistance of copper wire when its temperature is raised?
A. decrease C. steady
B. increase * D. zero
1 At equals
A. 0.1pi Gb C. 0.3pi Gb
B. 0.2pi Gb D. 0.4pi Gb*
Depicts the ability of a material to accept, allow or set-up a magnetic field as it is subjected to a magnetizing force
A. B-I curve C. Permeance
B. Magnetization curve* D. Reluctance
Work equal to 136.0 joules is expended in moving 8.5 X10^18 electrons between two points in an electric circuit. What potential
difference does this establish between the two points?
A. 100V * C. 85.36V
B. 90V D. 75.63V
A mile of wire has a conductance of 0.6 siemens. Then three miles of the same
wire has a conductance of:
A. 1.8 siemens.
B. 1.8 Ω.
C. 0.2 siemens.*
D. Not enough information has been given to answer this.
You have an unlimited supply of 1-W, 100-ohm resistors. You need to get a 100 ohms,
10-W resistor. This can be done most cheaply by means of a series-parallel matrix
A. 3 X 3 resistors.
B. 4 X 3 resistors.
C. 4 X 4 resistors.*
D. 2 X 5 resistors.
Air works well as a dielectric mainly because it:
A. Has a high dielectric constant.
B. Is not physically dense.
C. Has low loss. *
D. Allows for large capacitance in a small volume.
Two inductors, each of 100 uH, are in series. The coefficient of coupling is 0.40.
The net inductance, if the coil fields reinforce each other, is:
A. 50 uH.
B. 120 uH.
C. 200 uH.
D. 280 uH. *