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The Effects of Depression to the students of HUMSS 11-D of

Sibugay Technical Institute Inc.

S.Y 2022-2023

Daryle A. Dalaman
April Love M. Gaugano
Daisy Mae E. Ramos
Kristen V. Maglaway
Sharifa Suaina I. Hamsi

Ma. Maila Mohalin


S.Y. 2022-2023


Background of the study

Everyone experiences sadness and unhappiness at some point in their lives. Depression,
however, is more intense and of long duration than typical sadness or grief, which interferes with
a person’s ability to engage in daily activities. While the term “Depression” has only been
around for hundred years or so, historical evidence suggests that a sense of sadness or
melancholy has long been a universal part of human experience.

According to Senator Hontiveros, one out of five adults Filipino are suffering from
mental or psychiatric disorder. An average of 88 reported cases of mental illness per 100,000
Filipinos. From 1992 to 2012, several suicide cases in the country have steadily risen over a
period of 20 years. One of the causes for this suicide cases is depression. On other hand, the
National Statistics Office (NSO) emphasized that mental illness is the third most common
morbidity for Filipinos. The symptoms of depression can include loss of interests or pleasure in
previously enjoyable activities, major changes in appetite (either significantly reduced or
increased), sleep problems (sleeping too much or too little), fatigue, a feeling of worthlessness or
hopelessness, problems with concentration, and thoughts of suicide. It is also very alarming that
many of the students are suffering from depression and are caught attempting suicide by slashing
their wrists, taking over doze of drugs, and others.

Considering the facts that are stated above, depression can really affects a student’s
academical performance, not just their performance at school but also their personal lives that
they might came to the point where they want to end their lives. Depression is a serious problem
not just to students but to all of us regardless of our age, gender, races, and social-economic

Statement of the problem

This study aims to provide better understanding about depression and its affects to
students at Senior High School (SHS) Grade 11 HUMSS D of Sibugay Technical Institute
Incorporated, SY, 2022-2023.

Specifically, this seeks to answer the following questions.

1. What is depression?
2. Where do depression starts?
3. What are some of the signs and symptoms of depression?
4. How can depression affects the respondents in terms of academic performance?
5. What is the impact of depression towards the students-respondents?
6. What program can we utilize to prevent depression?

Scope and Delimitation

This research focused on the effects of depression to the students at Sibugay Technical
Institute Incorporated and how can depression impact the students in terms of their academical

Subject Delimit. The researchers limited the study to 5 male and 5 female a total of 10 students
at age of 16-18 who are a Senior High School HUMSS Grade 11-D, enrolled in the Second
Semester of School Year 2022-2023 of Sibugay Technical Institute Incorporated. Each
respondent was given a checklist to answer for this study. This study excluded some factors in
determining the respondents’ experiences, wither he/she have already been through depression
and the reason as to why the respondents experienced such.

Place Delimit. This study was conducted on the premises of Sibugay Technical Institute
Incorporated in Lower Taway Ipil, Zamboanga Sibugay.

Time Delimit. This study was conducted during the Second Semester of the School Year 2022-
Significance of the study

The findings of this study will benefit the following:

a. By this study the students will learn what is the effect of depression and help them to be
aware if they, themselves, are facing this kind of disorder. This study will provide awareness to
students by knowing what the symptoms are on having a depression. As a result, this teach them
to be more self-aware on this concept.

b. For the educators, this provides teachers to recognize those students that are going through
depression. Therefore, this can lead in improving their performance level of involvement with
their students.

c. The outcome of this research can benefit the school toward the students, who might tarnish the
school’s name because of their suicidal attempts. As we all know depression can clearly lead a
person with depression to become suicidal. Because of this the school can conduct a program to
make a safe space to their students.

e. To the future researchers the outcome of this study can be a foundation for a related
investigation that they will be conducting in the future.

Definition of terms

For better understanding of the study, the following words are conceptually and
operationally defined;
Dejection- A sad and depressed state; low spirits.
Depression- Is a feeling of severe despondency and dejection, an action of lowering something
or pressing something down.
Despondency- A state of low spirit caused by loss of hope or courage.
Melancholy- Having a feeling of melancholy; sad and pensive. A feeling of pensive sadness,
typically with no obvious cause.
Mental illness- Any of a broad range of mental condition (such as major depression,
schizophrenia, obsessive compulsive disorder, or panic disorder).
Suicidal- Deeply unhappy or depressed and likely to commit suicide.

Related Literature

In understanding what depression, the first step is in knowing and defining what is
depression. Depressive disorder also known as depression is a common mental disorder. It
involves a depressed mood or loss of pleasure or interest in activities for long period of time
(World Health Association, 2023). According to Huberty (2010), depression is the most
common, but most under identified mental health disorder in children and adolescence. It is
difficult to identify because it is often mistaken for other problems such as lack of motivation
(Huberty, 2010). Students with depression often have problems with concentrating, completing
assignments, participating in class, achieving at grade level, and feeling motivated to perform
(Hubery, 2010). How serious is depression really is? Should we really take depression seriously?
The answer should be always yes. According to the book “Depression” by Lydia D. Bjornlund
(chap.1, p.9), a recent study sponsored by the World Health Organization and the World Bank
found depression to be the fourth leading cause of disability worldwide, and it is anticipated to
become the second most disabling disease by 2020. Depression is really a serious matter, and as
the years progress many people are experiencing it.

Being depressed have quite a lot of symptoms. According to Huberty (2010) in his
article “Depression: Supporting Students at school” students experiencing depression may appear
disinterested in school and their surroundings or may choose to display these behaviors. But
generally, they want to be successful academically and socially, but they lack the ability and
motivation to do so. Some of the symptoms that are experienced when a person is depressed are
suicidal ideation, self-destruction, feelings of worthlessness, and loss of appetite for things
(Dopheide, 2006). They also show sign of high stress, non-compliance, and irritability (Huberty,
2010). As stated by Sui (2016), depression can also be a cause of poor social functioning,
decreased in school performance, drug abuse and early pregnancy for students. If students are
prone to depression, then what interventions can we do to prevent it? According to the study of
Fergusson et al., 2003, depression can be prevented by having a positive supportive family
system, positive peer interactions, and higher self-esteem. Also having a good level in life or the
so-called socioeconomic status is a factor that can play a big role in the prevention of depression
in a person. Because if a child belongs to lower level of society, it is said that there is a bigger
one chance or more likely of experiencing depression because their families have more adversity
such as violence, separation, less social support, and instability in the household (Farrell et al.,

Here in the Philippines a significant milestone was achieve on June 21, 2018, with
the enactment of the Philippine Mental Health Act of 2017 or the REPUBLIC ACT No. 11036.
This is an act with the purpose of enhancing the delivery of integrated Mental Health Services,
promoting, and protecting the rights of persons utilizing psychosocial health services (Senate of
the Philippines, June 21, 2018). The government notice and act on this certain topic to promote a
good and better mental health to the citizens of the Philippines.

Generally, the literature and studies discussed above helped the researchers in
understanding what is the effect of depression not only to students but too all of us, it also helped
in locating where is the possible beginning of depression. Also, it provides an information as to
what does the government responds to this topic.

Methodology and Research Design

This study determines the effects of depression towards students of Sibugay Technical
Institute Inc. Lower Taway Ipil, Zamboanga Sibugay. The case study method was used in this

In case study method, cited by (Baxter et al., 2008) case study facilitates the exploration
of a real issue within a define context, using a variety of data sources. Overall, the case study
analyzes a defined problem consisting in a real situation.

Since this study collects data from investigating this topic, which is depression, case
study is method is best suited for this study. As mentioned, the effects, symptoms, and
prevention of depression, were generated using researcher – made checklists and searching for
more reliable information from the internet.

Research Design

The researchers made a questionnaire and submitted it to their research teacher for
approval. Then, when it was approved, they distributed it to their respondents. After gathering
the data, the researchers analyzed the data gathered to formulate the findings. This study will use
questionnaire checklist for the gathering of data.

Research Setting
This study was conducted in Sibugay Technical Institute Incorporated which was
located at lower Taway, Ipil Zamboanga Sibugay.

Research Sampling
The respondents of the study were composed of ten respondents of Sibugay Technical
Institute Inc.

Research Instrument
The researchers used survey as an instrument to this study. We used Likert Scale Method
in the survey questionnaires to specify the level of agreement of the respondents to the statement.

Data Gathering Procedure

To gather all the data needed, the researchers prepared first the needed instruments for
the gathering of data. Here are the questionnaires prepared by the researchers:

Instructions: Complete the questionnaire below buy putting a check (√ ) mark next to the
answers that represents your opinion using the scale provided.

1- Strongly agree 2-Agree 3- Disagree 4- Strongly disagree

1 2 3 4
1. Depression may affect a student’s performance.
2. One of the causes of depression is too much stress.
3. Depression may lead to ending someone’s life.
4. Depression should not be taken seriously.
5. Students who are experiencing depression are most likely to face
difficulties throughout their life.
6. Depression is just an illusion.
7. Depression can make you feel less motivated in life.
8. Depression can be prevented by having a positive family system.
9. A student who belongs to a lower economic status cannot be
affected by depression.
10.A student who lives in a chaotic and violent environment may
experience depression.


The data gathered using the Liker Scale are presented in the table below. The data are arranged
according to the results of the questionnaire checklist.


Depression may affect a
student’s performance. 3 5 2 10
One of the causes of
depression is too much
stress. 7 1 2 10
Depression may lead to
ending one’s life.
6 1 2 1 10
Depression should not be
taken seriously.
2 1 4 3 10
Students who are
experiencing depression
are most likely to face 5 2 2 1 10
difficulties throughout
their life.
Depression is just an
1 5 4 10
Depression can make
you feel less motivated
in life. 3 5 1 1 10
Depression can be
prevented by having a
positive family system. 1 4 4 1 10
A student who belongs
to a lower economic
status cannot be affected 5 5 10
by depression.
A student who lives in a
chaotic and violent
environment may 3 5 1 1 10
experience depression.

All the respondents of this research participated on answering the questionnaires we give.
The researchers discover that their respondents are aware of the topic because they were able to
answer the questionnaires that the researchers conduct. As seen in the first survey question which
is “ depression may affect a student’s performance” there is a mix response come from the
respondents, out of 10 respondents there are 3 who answered that they strongly agree, 5 that
agreed and 2 disagreed. By this part a small proportion of respondents disagreed that depression
may affects students' performance.
The next statement is “ one of the causes of depression is too much stress” there are 7
students who answered that they strongly agreed, 1 person agreed and 2 students who strongly
disagreed. The researchers discovered that the respondents are aware the stress can indeed be the
root cause of depression. Again, still a small percentage of students disagreed to this statement.
For the third statement, almost all the respondents answered that they strongly agreed that
depression may end one’s life, and 1 student answered that they agreed. So, if we combined
these two data, out of a 100% we would get 70% that agreed to this statement. And the
remaining 30% disagreed to this statement.
For the fourth statement, there are 70% of the respondents answered that they disagreed
that depression should not be taking seriously. The researchers discovered that the respondents
are all aware that depression isn’t a joke. Again, there are still 30% of the students who agreed to
this statement.
For the next statement “students who experiencing depression are most likely to face
difficulties throughout their life” there are 5 students who answered that they strongly agreed, 2
students who agreed, another 2 students who disagreed and 1 person who strongly disagreed. The
respondents were clearly knowledgeable that those students who are facing depression are most
likely facing problems in life.
In the six statement there are 10% of the students who answered that they strongly
agreed that depression is just an illusion, while 50% of the respondents answered that they
agreed, the remaining 40% of the samples answered that they disagreed. The researcher found
out that their respondents believes that depression is just an imagination/illusion.
The next statement the respondents were clearly aware that facing depression can make
you feel less motivated in life, there 3 respondents who strongly agreed to the statement, 5
respondents who answered that they agreed and 1 student who disagreed and another 1 who
strongly disagreed. So, the researcher was impressed towards their respondents for being aware
of the emotions that depression can make you feel.
In the next statement there are 4 students who agreed that Depression can be prevented
by having a positive family system, while there are 4 other students who disagreed, 1 who
strongly agreed and another 1 who strongly disagreed. In this statement their opinion was
In the ninth statement there answers were divided, there are 5 students who answered
that they agreed that those students who belongs to a lower economic status cannot be affected
by depression, while the other 5 students answered that they disagreed. At this point the
researchers are clearly aware that their respondents were knowledgeable that in this statement
there isn’t a 100% assurance that even though you belong to a lower economic status you can’t
be affected by depression.
In this statement there are 3 students who strongly agreed, and 5 students who agreed
that those students who lives in a chaotic and violent environment may experience depression,
the 20% left students answered that they disagreed.


The study aims to find out how knowledgeable the respondents are with the effects of
depression towards the students in STII.
Most of the respondents showed a high level of learnings regarding the effects of
depression on students in STII. They were able to recognize a variety of symptoms as well as the
detrimental effects it can have on a student’s personal and academic life. Numerous respondents
also expressed concern for the welfare of their fellow students and understood the significance of
providing support and assistance to individuals who could be experiencing depression. this
shows a promising development in the STII community’s awareness and comprehension of
mental health. However, there is potential for improvement in terms of treating mental health
concerns and giving students with depression and other mental health disorders with a suitable
support system.

After the analysis and interpretation of data, we came up with the following findings.
1. Depression can have long-term consequences for physical health, increasing the risk of
chronic conditions such as heart disease, diabetes, and cancer.
2. Despite being a common mental health disorder, depression can be misdiagnosed in primary
care setting and worse outcome.
3. Many people with depression require multiple treatments steps over an extended period to
achieve remission, and those who do not fully recover may have impaired functioning and
reduced quality of life.
4. treatment-resistant depression ( depression that does not respond to traditional medication and
therapy) can be challenging to treat and can have negative outcomes for patients.
5. Depression can negatively impact social relationship, including increasing social isolation and
decreasing satisfaction with relationship.


Overall, studies have demonstrated that depression can have negative impact on
a person’s physical, cognitive, social, and emotional health. It can have an adverse effect on
long-term health, impair judgment, and raise the risk of chronic illnesses, cognitive decline, and
suicide. To reach remission, effective treatment can be difficult, and it may take several steps
spread out over a long period of time. In primary care settings, depression may also go
undiagnosed or be misdiagnosed, which result in subpar care and poorer outcome. For people
affected by this mental health problem, it is crucial to continue investigating depression and its
impacts to develop better diagnostic, therapeutic, and preventative approaches.


1. Investigate the relationship between depression and physical health conditions.

2. Explore how depression affects social relationships and the ability to form new relationships.
3. Study the impact of depression on work productivity and economic outcomes.
4. Investigate the potential long-term effects of untreated depression, including the risk of
5. Conduct longitudinal studies to track the progress of depression and its effects over time.

Bjornlund, L. D. (2010). Depression. United Kingdom: Greenhaven Publishing LLC.

Dopheide, J.A. (2006). Recognizing and treating depression in children and adolescents.
American Journal of Health-System Pharmacy, 63 233-243. doi: 10.2146/ajhp05026

Farrell, L., Sijbenga, A., Barrett, P. (2009). An examination of childhood anxiety depression and
self-esteem across socioeconomic groups: a comparison study between high and low
socioeconomic status school communities. Advances in School Mental Health Promotion. 2(1).
5-19). DOI:10.1080/1754730X.2009.971569

Huberty, T. (2010). Depression: supporting students at school. National Association of School

Psychologists. Retrieved from http://www.nasponline.org/search/searchresults?

Lally, J., Samaniego, R. M., & Tully, J. (2019). Mental health legislation in the Philippines:
Philippine mental health act. BJPsych international, 16(3), 65-67.
Siu, A. L., & U.S. Preventive Services Task, F. (2016). Screening for Depression in Children and
Adolescents: U.S. Preventive Services Task Force Recommendation Statement. Annals Of
Internal Medicine, 164(5), 360-366. doi:10.7326/M15-2957

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