Trends Lesson 4

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Patronage of Mary Development School

Poblacion, Boljoon, Cebu

Tel. Nos. (032)482-9302/(032)410-2466 - Website: - Email Address:


Intuitive Thinking and Strategic Analysis


1. explain intuitive thinking and strategic analysis;

2. differentiate key components of intuitive thinking and strategic analysis; and
3. apply intuitive thinking and strategic analysis in dealing with personal and social issues.


Planning involves an exercise of judgment. In order to win, planning has to be done

strategically and not haphazardly. Strategic planning requires processes that include the
accurate gathering of information and deliberate analysis to come up with an informed
decision. However, some situations, like emergencies, do not allow adequate time for
planning and demand immediate decision-making.

One of the most important considerations in making a decision is the possible

consequences of our decision to our own well-being and relationship with others. Since the
decisions we make will affect our future experiences, it is necessary to understand the
processes and elements involved in decision-making. There are two systems one can
employ in making decisions: strategic analysis and intuitive thinking.

The social environment affects and influences decision-making processes and

outcomes. Understanding local networks involves dealing with our physical and social
environment where experiences are created. The physical environment includes all the
natural and manmade resources. Your relationship with the physical environment shapes
your response to everyday events and circumstances. One’s location in relation to available
resources, job opportunities, accessibility to transportation, and environmental hazards
determines one’s choice and direction of what courses to take. Within the social
environment of an individual, one has to observe social norms, cultural traditions, and
existing beliefs and values. These social practices are reflected in the way people relate to
each other in their families, church, schools, government, and communities.

However, it is not enough to know the geographical location of an individual. It is also

necessary to understand existing social, political, and economic forces, including global and
national trends that shape our experiences and the decision-making process itself. Hence,
the decision to choose a career path is influenced by one’s family resources, peer influence,
social roles, economic status, trends in the labor market, and personal interest. For
example, the decision of choosing Humanities and Social Sciences (HUMSS) track as a
prerequisite tertiary course of a senior high school student who wishes to become a teacher
one day may be analyzed by looking into how he and his family deal with the physical
environment (i.e. availability and accessibility of the school within the community) and
social environment (family resources, demands in the labor market, and student’s interest
and ability.) This means that many factors within the physical and social environment are
involved in making crucial decisions affecting lives. Since our decisions and judgments can
make or unmake our lives, it is important to understand what specific factors are involved in
our decisions, what shapes our decisions, and how can decisions transform human


Strategic analysis refers to a system or method that requires deliberate, abstract,

and effortful thinking that breaks down a complex problem into parts. Deliberate thinking
employs a detailed examination of a problem to come up with a solution. This involves
looking at the context of the problem. Generally, strategic analysis deals with problems that
are especially big and complex and require paring down into several components to
facilitate focused analysis of the problem. The amount of time and resources are the

primary factors in strategic analysis. The most common strategic analysis model used in
decision-making follows five steps as illustrated in the diagram below.

1. Identify the

5. Reflect on the 2. Analyze the

outcomes problem

4. Implement the 3. Generate a

solution solution



1. Identify Involves defining the problem and the
factors or conditions involved in the

2. Analyze Examining the variables that will change

state situation, including the potential
challenges and its causes

3. Generate Setting practical, reasonable, and creative

criteria and strategies to solve the problem

4. Implement Execution of the plan

5. Assess and reflect on the outcome Draw lessons that will guide future

In an organization, the most common strategic analysis tool being used in

addressing a complex issue is the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats
(SWOT) analysis. For example, a school wants to look into the causes of declining student
enrollment. To understand the phenomenon, one needs to assess the current situation (e.g.
course preferences and trends, economic capacities) and school processes (e.g. instruction
and services). This may also involve analyzing the strengths and weaknesses of the school.
Thus, deliberate analysis in this context implies a thorough examination of different factors
that can contribute to the decline of the school enrollment. This cannot be executed through
a fast and immediate decision. Often, it requires standardized procedures, criteria,
formulas, and protocols.


Strengths Weaknesses

These are unique, competitive, and good These are areas that need improvement.
qualities of an organization. These answer These are opposites of your strengths.
the following questions: 1. What do other organizations do
1. What does your school do better better than you?
than others? 2. What attributes of your school add
2. What are the unique features of little or no value?
your school? 3. What do other schools (competitors)
3. What do others (competitors) and and students (customers) in your
students (customers) in your environment perceive as your
environment perceive as your weaknesses?
4. What is your school’s competitive

Opportunities Threats

These are external factors that support and These are external factors that can hinder
facilitate the operations and processes of an the operations and processes of an
organization. organization.
1. What political, economic, 1. What political, economic,
sociocultural, or technological sociocultural, or technological
changes are taking place that could changes are taking place that could
be favorable to the organization? be favorable to the organization?
2. What are the current gaps in the 2. What hindrances do you face?
environment? 3. What are your competitors doing
3. What new innovation could your that could negatively impact you?
organization bring to the
environment or community?


Making decisions on issues affecting our lives and relationships involves our abilities
to use strategic analysis and intuitive thinking in any given situation.

To enhance our decision-making abilities, we continue to learn, and validate new

information with our stored knowledge and experiences. Learning entails participating in
social interaction. Decision is a social behavior, and a product of social interaction. It is
informed by meanings we acquire from socialization and one’s personal disposition. This
implies that our decision reflects family values and upbringing, cultural norms, educational
background, and personal insights.

Through our exposures to different people, networks, ideas, and information, we get
to broaden our perspectives in the light of continued reflection of these learning
experiences. Thus, decisions are continuously redefined through the process of learning.

Because every decision has social implications and effects on our personal
development, decisions become not only a personal issue but also a social issue. This means
that in making decisions, personal and social interests are at stake.

Arzadon, Maria Mercedes E., Peter G. Remorosa and Maria Jovita E. Zarate. Trends, Networks and
Critical Thinking. Quezon City: Vibal Group Inc.

Patronage of Mary Development School
Poblacion, Boljoon, Cebu
Tel. Nos. (032)482-9302/(032)410-2466 - Website: - Email Address:


Learning Task 4

Name ______________________________________________ Grade Level ___________

Email Address _________________________ Date__________________ Time_______

A. Multiple Choice. Choose the letter that corresponds to your answer.

1. What is the method that require deliberate, abstract and effortful thinking that breaks
down a complex problem into parts?
a. scientific investigation
b. strategic analysis
c. tactical inspection
d. action planning

2. Which of the following affects and influences our decision making process?
a. social environment
b. celebrities and politicians
c. games and amusements
d. culture and sports

3. What is involved in the planning process?

a. stored knowledge
b. insufficient information
c. exercises of judgment
d. education and knowledge

4. To come up with an informed decision, how should strategic planning be conducted?

a. accurate gathering of information and deliberate analysis
b. complete data analysis
c. presentation and analysis of information
d. analysis and interpretation of data and facts

5. What social practices that are reflected in the way people relate to each other in their
families, church, schools, government and communities?
1. social norms 2. cultural traditions 3. beliefs and values 4. wealth and power
a. 1 and 2
b. 2 and 3
c. 1, 2 and 3
d. 2, 3 and 4

6. What is the first step in strategic analysis?

a. identify the problem
b. analyze the problem
c. generate a solution
d. reflect the outcomes

7. What step in decision making that involves the execution of the plan?
a. identify
b. analyze
c. generate
d. implement

8. What is the common strategic analysis tool that is used to address complex issue in an
a. Thinking Tools
b. Bell Model
c. SWOT Analysis
d. Situation Tool Analysis

9. Peter recognizes the fact that he is poor at making decisions. How should Peter enhance
his decision-making skills?
a. continue to learn and validate new information
b. learn from the celebrities
c. watch movies and telenovela
d. interview a person who is a decision maker

10. What are the factors that affect our decisions?

1. family values 2. cultural norms 3. educational background d. personal insights
a. 1 and 4
b. 2 only
c. 1, 2, 3 and 4
d. 1, 3 and 4

B. Develop a SWOT Analysis using the following guide questions:

The focus of this lesson is to engage senior high school students in decision-making
activities that will allow them to apply decision making methods. Strategic analysis is
relevant in addressing personal issues as a student. It means that a student can also
analyze his or her own strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats in order to make
creative strategies or solutions in facing life challenges. In practice, a personal SWOT can
help one understand one’s personal issues and goals as well as construct effective ways in
dealing with both. This is illustrated through the personal SWOT analysis on the next page,
which presents that of a student who wishes to finish high school with good grades.


Strengths Weaknesses

1. What values, skills, and abilities do you 1. What limits or hinders you in getting
possess? good?
2. How can you use these to get good 2. How can your limitations deter from
grades? achieving your goal?
3. What learning strategies do you need to
develop in order to achieve your goal?

Opportunities Threat/s

1. What social and cultural factors can help What obstacles might limit and stop you
you attain and sustain your goal? from pursuing your goal?
2. Who can help you in pursuing your goal?

Use a separate sheet for this activity.

C. Essay

1. How can intuitive thinking and strategic analysis be used to address personal and social

2. How can an individual enhance his or her intuitive thinking and strategic analytic skills?

3. What factors shape intuitive thinking and strategic analysis?


4. What are the elements involved in intuitive thinking and strategic analysis?

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