Module 3
Module 3
Module 3
Online Security
Class Pointers
Step 1:
Step 2:
A. Seconds
B. Minutes
C. Hours
D. Days
E. Weeks
A. Milliseconds
B. Seconds
C. Minutes
D. Hours
E. Days
F. Weeks
Brute-force attack
Exposed passwords
attack: lock
#: Password
1 password
2 123456
3 12345678
4 1234
How do hackers
5 qwerty
break passwords?
6 12345
7 dragon
passwords 9 football
10 letmein
11 monkey
12 696969
Hashing turns your password (or any other piece of data) into a short string of letters
and/or numbers using a hashing algorithm. If a website is hacked, cyber criminals don't
get access to your password. Instead, they just get access to the “hash” created by your
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What is salt for password?
© 2022 Vertical Institute
Create Secure Passwords
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Vertical Institute
A password manager is essentially an encrypted
digital vault that stores the login information you
use to access apps on mobile devices, websites
and other services.
01 02 03 04
Check credit Monitor Keep Keep
card report account financial personal data
regularly statements information private
© 2022 Vertical Institute
3-D Secure ● Is an OTP required for all online purchases?
•Tap below your profile picture, then tap Activity Log.
•Tap Category at the top of your activity log to review activities
•Things you've posted.
•Posts you've hidden from your timeline.
•Photos and videos you've posted or that you've been tagged in.
•Friends you've added or removed.
1 2 3
Enter your name in Enter your email in Enter your phone
Google search Google search number in Google
● At least 28 victims have lost about S$114,000 since May this year after
giving their personal details and one-time passwords (OTPs) to
scammers, SPF said in a news release.
● Victims of the latest spate of phishing scams fell prey to scammers after
receiving phone calls or SMSes from people posing as bank employees.
● Those who received phone calls were asked for their personal details, such
as their Internet banking username and password.
● The police said this was done "under the pretext that the bank required their
personal information to verify transactions performed ... or that the victim
was under investigation for transferring large sums of money to another
© 2022 Vertical Institute
Phishing scams masquerading as a financial services company
Ask for their name Drop the call Call the official hotline Request to be routed to
and email address presented in the the caller if the caller
bank’s website exists in the bank
Group members started messaging me to tell me how long they have been into this and how it have help them build some passive income. I was skeptical but they
assured me its legit and encourage me to renew in order to complete another set of 35 hotel ratings. After much thoughts I renewed, The admin mention I need to
deposit $105 so that I could start (reason: It is the same as booking a hotel and complete the rating) And i could withdraw the $105 plus commission after i
complete 35 ratings. Payment mode via paynow.
So I embarked on my second set of rating. At the 17th ratings , i was given a deluxe package which is 5x the commission I thought I was lucky. However, the
system did not allow me to continue and my deposit become negative. I asked the admin and was explained that it is a system assign bonus, in order to continue i
need to deposit more money to the froze account and I deposited $400 to continue. at the 25th rating I have another deluxe package and my deposit became
negative, admin again explained i need to deposit $600 to continue, and i did. again at the 32th rating I was given another deluxe package, same thing my
DEPOSITs become negative and was told to deposit another 2.5k. I came to realised that something is not right and threaten to report to the police, they say I can
go ahead as they have lawyer to support the case and was advised to deposit so that I can finish my set of 35 ratings to withdraw all my deposits and commission.
I didn't continue anymore and ignore all the chats and telegram.
Licensed moneylenders cannot advertise their services online, including social media, via
messaging apps, SMSes or cold calls. Some of these scammers will misuse legitimate
companies' details such as name, licence numbers, or even create fake websites in their
name to fool users. In order to ensure that you do not get scammed, only contact licensed
moneylenders through the details shown on this
Licensed moneylenders are NOT allowed to disburse loans remotely but only at the
registered office location.
● Users can use their personal devices to access corporate network and data like email,
shared folders and websites
● Risk at user’s device
○ Ensure that device is not rooted
○ Device supports work profile
○ Device is able to isolate between work and personal data
○ Security mechanisms to be configured at user’s mobile device
A. Milliseconds
B. Seconds
C. Minutes
D. Hours
E. Days
F. Weeks
A. Milliseconds
B. Seconds
C. Minutes
D. Hours
E. Days
F. Weeks
A. True
B. False
A. True
B. False