Advt 16 2024 AMO 20 06 2024
Advt 16 2024 AMO 20 06 2024
Advt 16 2024 AMO 20 06 2024
6. After making payment, the candidates have to take a printout of their application
form and upload the same after duly checking & sigrring it.
7. Application process would be completed only after uploading of duly signed
downloaded application form by the candidates.
For more information, log on to htfp://
Date:20.06.2O24 Haryana Public Commission,
Rq qy2023
Candidates are required to apply online on the website http:i/
us/ Detailed instructions for filling up online applications are available on the
above mentioned website. No other means / mode of submission of
application will be accepted.
before the commencement of the written test, if any. The e-Admit Card
will be made available on the website for
downloading by the candidates. No Admit Card will be sent by post.
In case of any guidance/information/clarification regarding their applications,
candidature etc, candidates can contact over Helpline No (Technical)
- lg0O-
1800-43 1, Helpdesk Email ID (Technical Queries) on
any working day, between 10.00 hrs and 16.00 hrs.
Note 2. The number ofposts given against each category is liable to variation.
(i) A degree in Ayurvedic System of Medicine from any University or
institution recognized by the Govemment.
(iD Knowledge of Hindi upto Matric standard.
(r) The eligibility of the candidate with regard to educational qualifications,
experience etc. shall be determined on the Closing Date fixed for
submission of online application forms.
(iD All applicants must fulfil the essential requirements of the post and other
conditions stipulated in the advertisement on the Closing Date. They are
advised to satisft themselves before applying that they possess at least the
essential qualifications laid down for the posts. No enquiry asking for
advice regarding eligibility will be entertained.
(iii) The certificatev documents in support of educational qualifications,
experience, domicile, caste, category etc. should be possessed by the
candidates on or before the Closing Date. The certificates issued after the
Closing Date will not be accepted by the Commission. The qualification
which is not claimed/mentioned by the candidate in the online application
form will not be taken into consideration by the Comnission.
(rg The improvement in marks done by a candidate after the Closing Date
shall not be considered for any purpose in this recruitment.
(v) The prescribed essential qualifications are the minimum and mere
possession of the same does not entitle candidates to be called for
(vi) In the event of number of applications being large, Commission will adopt
shortlisting criteria to restrict the number of candiCates to be called for
interview to a reasonable number by any or more of the following
(e) On the basis of higher experience in tie relevant field than the
minimum prescribed in the advertisement.
(0 By counting experience before or after the acquisition of
minimum,/essential qualifi cations
(g) By holding a Recruitment Test.
For this recruitment, a candidate must be either:-
(a) a citizen oflndia,or
(b) a subject ofNepal,or
10. AGE LIMITS: Candidate should not be less than 23 years and not more than
42 years, on or before 01.06.2024 and as per the service rule.
(I) The relaxation in maximum age for various categories is available as under:-
(i) The benefit of reservation will be given only to those SC/BC-A/BC-B/ EWS/
PwBD/ESM category candidates who are domiciles of Haryana State.
(ii) The women candidates seeking reservation under SC/BC-A/BC-B category
are required to submit the Caste Certificate issued by the Competent
Authority from Parental Side (Father's side) only. It should be noted that
Certificate from in-laws (Husband Side) will not be entertained.
(iii) It is clarified that State Govemment has decided to speciff the criteria for
exclusion of persons with the Backward Classes as Creamy Layer, regarding
reservation in Service and Admission as per notification No. 491-SW0) 2021
dated 17.11.2021. Therefore, the candidates belonging to BC-A/BC-B
category of Haryana are required to attach latest/updated Certificate as per
notification No. 491-SW(l) 2021 dated 17.l1.2021 & Govt. instruction No.
22/132/2013-LGS-III dated 22.03.2022 (available on the website'of C.S.
Haryana i.e. issued by the Competent Authority
d',ting2024-25 only.
(iv) Candidates who have in possession of OBC certificate. The candidates are
advised to submit BC-A/BC-B certificate as per instructions detailed above.
(v) The candidates of reserved categories of Haryana for which no post is
available /reserved, if any, can apply for the posts of General category, if he /
she fulfils all the eligibility conditions as meant for General category
candidates, except fee. Such candidates must attach scanned copy of their
caste certificate for claiming fee concession.
(vi) The reserved category candidates belonging to other states will compete
against the posts meant for General/unreserved category and will be
considered as General/Unreserved category candidates.
(vii) Reservation for Freedom Fighters (FF) and their children/grand children
(Dependants of Freedom Fighters) (DFF) of Haryana will be admissible
ZYo of total advertised posts subject to the condition that out of these the
posts remain vacant due to non-availability of suitable candidates for
selection against the posts vertically reserved for Backward Classes or
horizontally reserved for Ex-servicemen excluding the posts horizontally
reserved for Ex-servicemen ofScheduled Caste category. The overall benefit
of reservation for children/grand-children of Freedom Fighters either from
the unfilled vacancies of Ex-Servicemen or from the Backward Classes will
remain limited to 2%o only. This benefit will be admissible to one of the
children/grandchildren i.e. sons and daughter ofsons and daughters (parental
as matemal) ofthe freedom fighters.
(i) disabled ex-servicemen, the post(s) for which they are physically
(ii) failing i), family member of disabled ex-servicemen;
(iiD failing ii), other ex-servicemen who are eligible to get the benefit
of reservation under these instructions;
(iv) faiting iii), family member of other ex-servicemen who are
eligible to get the benefit ofreservation under these instructions.
(F) 'Disabled ex-serviceman' means a person who has been released from
military service due to disability attributable or aggravated due to
military service. An ex-serviceman shall not be treated disabled one
who has been released from military service not on account ofhis / her
disability but has been released in the normal course after the
completion of his/her term or retired from military service voluntarily.
(c) Both the reservations are horizontal, therefore, a disabled Ex-
servicemen who is selected against the post reserved for Ex-servicemen
will not be counted against the post reserved for pwD.
(H) In all circumstances the benefit of reservation against the posts
reserved for Ex-servicemen shall be admissible at the time of final
selection list only and not at the time of preliminary test, main test or
12. Definition of Ex-Serviceman (ESM) (As per Haryana Govt. Instructions No.
36034/5/85-Estt. (SCT) dated 14.04.1987, No. l2/9918-2csll dated
08.11.1988 andNo. 1211812006-4GSII dated 08.01.2008) is as under:-
(D who retired from such service after earning his / her pension; or
OD who has been released from such service on medical grounds
attributable to military service or circumstances beyond his
cdntrol and awarded medical or other disability pension; or
(rrr) who has been released otherwise than on his own request from
such service as a result of reduction in establishment; or
(IV) who has been released from such service after completing the
specific period of engagements, otherwise than at his own
request or by way of dismissal or discharge on account of
misconduct or inefficiency, and has been given a gratuity'; and
Note 1: Fee will not be refunded to those candidates who did not appear in the
Recruitment test.
Note 2: Applications without the prescribed fee (unless remission of fee is
claimed) shall be summarily rejected.
Note 3: Fee once paid shall not be refunded under any circumstances nor can
the fee be held in reserve for any other examination or selection.
(i) The candidates should read the instructions and procedures carefully before
starting filling the Online Application Form and check all the particulars
filled up in application form after getting the printout to ensure the
correctness of information and upload all documents before finally
submitting the application. All the candidates have to submiUupload the
scanned copy of duly signed application form after checking of their
(ii) The candidates should hll all details while filling the Online Application
Form. Due care should be taken by the candidates while filling up the online
(ii) The candidate who joins service under any Govemment, euasi-
Government Organisation, Public Sector Undertaking after the
submission of application and has executed a bond, will have to
produce No Objection Certificate from the employer, on or before the
daite of his her interview failing which he or she will not be
Persons in private employment are not required to submit their
application forms through their employer or to produce the employer,s NOC /
permission at the time of interview.
A candidate who is or has been declared by the Commission to be guilty of:
(D Obtaining support for his candidature by the following means, namely:-
iiD Candidates must ensure that their Mobile No. & Emails IDs given in their
online application are valid and active.
Candidates are advised in their own interest not to bring any of the banned
items including mobile phones/pagers to the venue of the written test/
examination as arrangement for safe-keeping cannot beassured.
No request for withdrawal of candidature received liom a candidate after
he/she has submitted his/her application will be entertained under any
circumstances. /-
Deputy Sec*tary
Datez 20.06.2024 Haryana Public Servicetommission