Head Trauma - StatPearls - NCBI Bookshelf
Head Trauma - StatPearls - NCBI Bookshelf
Head Trauma - StatPearls - NCBI Bookshelf
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Head Trauma
Faizan Shaikh; Muhammad Waseem.
Author Information
Last Update: November 7, 2021.
Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is a common presentation in emergency departments, which
accounts for more than one million visits annually. It is a common cause of death and disability
among children and adults.[1]
Moderate = GCS 9 to 12
Severe = GCS 3 to 8
The leading causes of head trauma are (1) motor vehicle-related injuries, (2) falls, and (3)
assaults.[2][3] Based on the mechanism, head trauma is classified as (1) blunt (the most common
mechanism), (2) penetrating (most fatal injuries), (3) blast. Most severe TBIs result from motor
vehicle collisions and falls.
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Head trauma is more common in children, adults up to 24 years, and those older than 75 years.
[4][5][6] TBI is 3 times more common in males than in females. Although only 10% of TBI
occurs in the elderly population, it accounts for up to 50% of TBI-related deaths.
The following concepts are involved in the regulation of blood flow and should be considered.
1) Monroe-Kellie Doctrine
Any individual component of the intracranial vault may undergo alterations, but the total
volume of intracranial contents remains constant since the space within the skull is fixed.
In other words, the brain has a compensatory mechanism to maintain an equilibrium
thereby maintaining normal intracranial pressure.
Under normal circumstances, the brain maintains CBF via auto-regulation which maintains
equilibrium between oxygen delivery and metabolism.
Autoregulation adjusts Cerebral perfusion pressure (CPP) from 50 to 150 mm Hg. Beyond
this range, autoregulation is lost, and blood flow is only dependent on blood pressure.
The difference between the mean arterial pressure (MAP) and the ICP (CPP = MAP – ICP)
Target CPP is 55 mm Hg to 60 mm Hg
Hypoxia causes vasodilation and therefore increases CBF and may worsen ICP.
Hypercarbia also results in vasodilation and can alter ICP via effects on cerebrospinal fluid
(CSF) pH and increases CBF.
Maintain = 80 mm Hg
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Normal ICP is age-dependent (adult younger than ten years old, child 3-7 years old, infant
1.5-6 years old)
> 20 mm Hg= increased morbidity and mortality and should be treated. It is perhaps more
important to maintain an adequate CPP.
Primary Injury
Primary injury includes injury upon the initial impact that causes displacement of the brain due
to direct impact, rapid acceleration-deceleration, or penetration. These injuries may cause
contusions, hematomas, or axonal injuries.
Secondary injury consists of the changes that occur after the initial insult. It can be due to:
Systemic hypotension
Increase in ICP
After a primary brain injury, a cascade of cellular and biochemical events occurs which include
the release of glutamate into the presynaptic space resulting in activation of N-methyl-D-
aspartate, a-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazole propionic acid, and other receptors. This
ionic shift may activate cytoplasmic and nuclear enzymes, resulting in mitochondrial damage,
and cell death and necrosis.
Brain Herniation
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Herniation occurs due to increased ICP. The following are the types of herniations.
1) Uncal transtentorial
The uncus is the most medial portion of the hemisphere, and the first structure to shift
below the tentorium.
2) Central transtentorial
Bilateral pinpoint pupils, bilateral Babinski signs, and increased muscle tone. Fixed
midpoint pupils follow along with prolonged hyperventilation and decorticate posturing
3) Cerebellar tonsillar
Conjugate downward gaze with an absence of vertical eye movements and pinpoint pupils
The GCS is used to describe the level of consciousness. Patients who are intubated are only
evaluated for motor scores and eye-opening and the suffix T is added to the final score. The
maximal GCS score is 10T and the lowest is 2T.
Clouding of consciousness, where there is a mild deficit in processing by the brain. It may
persist for many months and the patient may have a loss of recent memory, but long-term
memory remains intact.
Lethargy is a state of depressed alertness and can result in an inability to perform tasks that
are usually done without any effort. The patient may be aroused by stimuli but then settles
back into a state of inactivity. Awareness of the environment is present.
Obtundation is a state of decreased alertness and awareness. The patient will briefly
respond to stimuli and only follow simple commands, but will not be aware of the
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Stupor is when the patient cannot communicate lucidly and requires painful stimuli to be
aroused. Once the stimulation is withdrawn, the patient returns to the inactive state.
Coma is when the patient is not able to respond to any type of stimuli.
CT scan is required in patients with head trauma
For patients who are at low risk for intracranial injuries, there are two externally validated rules
for when to obtain a head CT scan after TBI.[7][8]
It is important to understand that no individual history and physical examination findings can
eliminate the possibility of intracranial injury in head trauma patients.
Skull x-rays are only used to assess for foreign bodies, gunshots or stab wounds
Vomiting (any)
Level A Recommendation
With the loss of consciousness or posttraumatic amnesia only if one or more of the following
symptoms are present:
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Posttraumatic seizure
Level B Recommendation
Severe headache
Ejection from a motor vehicle (such as Pedestrian struck or a fall from a height > three feet
or five stairs)
The risk of intracranial injury when clinical decision rule results are negative is less than 1%.
For children, Pediatric Emergency Care Applied Research Network (PECARN) decision rules
exist to rule out the presence of clinically important traumatic brain injuries. However, this rule
applies only to children with GCS > 14.
Treatment / Management
The most important goal is to prevent secondary brain injuries. This can be achieved by the
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Identify and treat other life-threatening injuries or conditions (if they exist)
Priorities remain the same: the ABC also applies to TBI. The purpose is to optimize perfusion
and oxygenation.[1][9][10]
Identify any condition which might compromise the airway, such as pneumothorax.
For sedation, consider using short-acting agents having minimal effect on blood pressure or ICP:
Agitated patient
Nasotracheal intubation should be avoided in patients with facial trauma or basilar skull fracture.
PaO2 > 60
PCO at 35 - 45
Avoid hypotension. Normal blood pressure may not be adequate to maintain adequate flow and
CPP if ICP is elevated.
MAP > 80 mm Hg
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Isolated head trauma usually does not cause hypotension. Look for another cause if the patient is
in shock.
Increased ICP
Increased ICP can occur in head trauma patients resulting in the mass occupying lesion. Utilize a
team approach to manage impending herniation.
Irregular pupils
CT scan findings:
General Measures
Head Position: Raise the head of the bed and maintain the head in midline position at 30 degrees:
potential to improve cerebral blood flow by improving cerebral venous drainage.
Temperature Control: Fever should be avoided as it increases cerebral metabolic demand and
affects ICP.
Seizure prophylaxis: Seizures should be avoided as they can also worsen CNS injury by
increasing the metabolic requirement and may potentially increase ICP. Consider administering
fosphenytoin at a loading dose of 20mg/kg.
Fluid management: The goal is to achieve euvolemia. This will help to maintain adequate
cerebral perfusion. Hypovolemia in head trauma patients is harmful. Isotonic fluid such as
normal saline or Ringer Lactate should be used. Also, avoid hypotonic fluid.
Sedation: Consider sedation as agitation and muscular activity may increase ICP.
Propofol: A short-acting agent with good sedative properties, the potential to lower ICP,
possible risk of hypotension and fatal acidosis
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Muscle relaxants: Vecuronium or Rocuronium are the best options for intubation;
Succinylcholine should not be used as ICP may rise with fasciculations.
ICP monitoring:
Moderate head injury with increased risk factors such as abnormal CT scan finding
ICP monitoring is often done in patients with severe trauma with a GCS of less than 9. The
reference range for normal CIP is 2-15 mmHg. In addition, the waveform of the tracing is
Normocarbia is desired in most head trauma patients. The goal is to maintain PaCO between 35-
45 mmHg. Judicious hyperventilation helps to reduce PaCO2 and causes cerebral
vasoconstriction. Beware that, if extreme, it may reduce CPP to the point that exacerbation of
secondary brain injury may occur. Avoid hypercarbia: PaCO > 45 may cause vasodilatation and
increases ICP.
Reduces ICP and improves cerebral blood flow, CPP, and brain metabolism
Hypertonic saline:
May be used in hypotensive patients or patients who are not adequately resuscitated.
Hypothermia may be used to lower cerebral metabolism but it is important to be aware that
hypothermia also makes the patient susceptible to infections and hypotension.
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The majority of head trauma is mild. These patients can be discharged following a normal
neurological examination as there is minimal risk of developing an intracranial lesion.
Bleeding disorder
Differential Diagnosis
Brain metastasis
Cerebral aneurysm
Prion-related diseases
Subdural empyema
The outcomes after head trauma depend on many factors. The initial GCS score does provide
some information on the outcome; the motor score is most predictive of outcome. Patients with a
GCS of less than 8 at presentation have high mortality. Advanced age, comorbidity, respiratory
distress, and a comatose state are also associated with poor outcomes.
Neurological deficits
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CSF leak
Cerebral edema
Most patients require admission and monitoring in an ICU setting. The outcome of these patients
depends on the severity of the head trauma, initial GCS score, and any other organ injury. Data
indicate that those patients with an initial GCS of 8 or less have a mortality rate of 30% within 2
weeks of the injury. Other negative prognostic factors include advanced age, elevated intracranial
pressure, and the presence of a gross neurologic deficit on presentation. ICU nurses play a vital
role in the managing of these patients; from providing basic medical care, monitoring, DVT and
ulcer prophylaxis and monitoring the patient for complications and reporting concerns to the
team. The dietitian manages the nutrition and physical therapists provide bedside exercises to
prevent muscle wasting.
Patients with a GCS less than 9 often require mechanical ventilation, tracheostomy, and a feeding
tube. With prolonged hospital stay, there are prone to pressure ulcers, aspiration, sepsis, failure to
thrive and deep vein thrombus. Patients deemed to be brain dead are assessed by the entire team
that includes specialists from the end of life care.
Recovery in most patients can take months or even years. Even those who are discharged often
have residual deficits in executive function or neurological deficits. Some require speech,
occupational and physical therapy for months. In addition, the social worker should assess the
home environment to make sure it is safe and offers amenities for the disabled person. Only
through such a team approach can the morbidity of head trauma be lowered.
Unfortunately, despite the education of the public, many young people still lead a lifestyle that
predisposes them to head injury. Young people still drink and drive, text while driving, abuse
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alcohol and illicit drugs, and are often involved in high-risk sporting activities, which makes
them susceptible to head trauma.[11][12]
Review Questions
1. Brommeland T, Helseth E, Aarhus M, Moen KG, Dyrskog S, Bergholt B, Olivecrona Z,
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3. Salehpour F, Bazzazi AM, Aghazadeh J, Hasanloei AV, Pasban K, Mirzaei F, Naseri Alavi
SA. What do You Expect from Patients with Severe Head Trauma? Asian J Neurosurg. 2018
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4. Mohammadifard M, Ghaemi K, Hanif H, Sharifzadeh G, Haghparast M. Marshall and
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5. Lalwani S, Hasan F, Khurana S, Mathur P. Epidemiological trends of fatal pediatric trauma:
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6. Schneider ALC, Wang D, Ling G, Gottesman RF, Selvin E. Prevalence of Self-Reported
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7. Pavlović T, Milošević M, Trtica S, Budinčević H. Value of Head CT Scan in the Emergency
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8. Hajiaghamemar M, Lan IS, Christian CW, Coats B, Margulies SS. Infant skull fracture risk
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10. Bayley MT, Lamontagne ME, Kua A, Marshall S, Marier-Deschênes P, Allaire AS, Kagan
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Rehabilitation Guidelines for Moderate to Severe Traumatic Brain Injury: Responding to
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