Leave Policy

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DRT Leave Policy




DRT Leave Policy Page 1

DRT Leave Policy


1 PURPOSE ........................................ Error! Bookmark not defined.

2 SCOPE OF APPLICATION .............................................................. 4
3 LEGISLATIVE FRAMEWORK ......................................................... 4
4 AUTHORISATION............................................................................ 4
5 DEFINITIONS .................................................................................. 4
6 ANNUAL LEAVE .............................................................................. 5
6.1 Full-time employees .................................................................. 5
6.2 Annual leave for Casual Employees ......................................... 6
7 SICK LEAVE .................................................................................... 6
7.1 Full-time and part-time employees ............................................ 6
7.2 Casual employees .................................................................... 7
8 SPECIAL LEAVE ............................................................................. 8
8.1 Temporary incapacity................................................................ 8
8.2 Permanent incapacity leave ...................................................... 8
8.3 Maternity leave.......................................................................... 8
8.3.1 Full-time and part-time employees ..................................... 8
8.3.2 Casual employees ........................................................... 10
8.4 Adoption leave ........................................................................ 10
8.5 Family responsibility leave ...................................................... 10
8.5.1 Full-time employees and part-time employees ................ 10
8.5.2 Casual employees ........................................................... 11
8.6 Leave for office bearers or shop stewards of recognized employee
organizations ..................................................................................... 11
8.7 Leave for occupational injuries and diseases ......................... 11
8.8 Leave for isolation purposes ................................................... 12
8.9 Study/Examination Leave ....................................................... 12
8.10 Time-off for attending classes/practical work during working hours
8.11 Rehabilitation Leave ............................................................... 13
8.12 Religious leave........................................................................ 14
8.13 Resettlement Leave ................................................................ 14

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8.14 Special leave due to natural disasters/riots/faction fighting ..... 14

8.15 Sports and Cultural Activities Leave ....................................... 14
8.16 Other special leave ................................................................. 15
9 UNPAID LEAVE ............................................................................. 15
9.1 Full-time and part-time employees .......................................... 15
9.2 Casual employees .................................................................. 16
10 LEAVE PAYMENTS ................................................................... 16
10.1 Payment of annual leave accrued prior to 1st July 2000 (Capped
leave) 16
10.2 Annual leave and payouts at termination of service ................ 16
10.3 Payment in respect of unused leave credits for Casual Employees
11 NOMINATION OF BENEFICIARIES .......................................... 16
12 GENERAL LEAVE CONDITIONS .............................................. 17
13 OFFICE OPERATION IN DECEMBER ..........................................
14 DELEGATIONS .......................................................................... 18
Error! Bookmark not defined.
15.1 The Departmental Management Team (DMT)Error! Bookmark not
15.2 Responsibilities of the DMT ....... Error! Bookmark not defined.
16 POLICY CONTROL .................................................................... 19
16.1 Policy Audit ............................................................................. 19
16.2 Policy Review.......................................................................... 19
16.3 Policy Amendments ................................................................ 19
17 POLICY APPROVAL .................................................................. 20
18 UNION SIGN OFF ...................................................................... 20
19 ANNEXURE A ............................................................................ 21
SPECIFIC LEAVE ENTITLEMENTS ..................................................... 21

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DRT Leave Policy


The purpose of this policy is to facilitate the correct implementation of leave

and set limits for special leave.


This policy applies to employees who are employed either on full-time, part-
time or on a casual basis in terms the Public Service Act, No. 103 of 1994.


Basic Conditions of Employment Act No. 75 of 1997;

Labour Relations Act, No. 66 of 1995;
Public Service Act, No 103 of 1994;
Public Service Regulations of 2001 and all related amendments;
Resolution 03 of 1999;
Resolution 12 of 1999;
Resolution 07 of 2000;
Resolution 5 of 2001


Resolution 07 of 2000 mandates the development of a special leave policy.


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Auditing leave the checking of leave application forms on employees’ leave files
against leave records and data on the PERSAL system, to
establish whether all leave days have been correctly captured

Calendar all the days of the month, including weekends and holidays
Capped leave leave accrued from the date of appointment and accumulated until
30 June 2000

Casual short-term employees, appointed for periods not exceeding twelve

employees months

Department Roads and Transport

Full–time all permanent employees and employees who are appointed on
employees contract for twelve months and more

HOD Head of Department: Roads and Transport

Immediate an employee’s spouse, life partner, parents, adoptive parents,

family grand parents, biological children, adopted children, grandchildren
or siblings

Medical all practitioners defined by the Health Professional Council of

Practitioner South Africa who are legally certified to diagnose and treat patients

Spouse a person/s registered with the employer as the lawful husband/s or

wife/wives or life partner (including same sex life partner)

Working days Monday to Friday, excluding public holidays. This definition does
not include shift workers whose annual leave may be taken on a
Saturday or Sunday.


GDRT Gauteng Department of Roads and Transport


5.1 Full-time employees

All forms of leave will be granted according to the table attached as

Annexure A and the provisions of this policy.

The annual leave cycle is from January to December each year. Employees
accrue annual leave credits at the beginning of each calendar year. It is
compulsory for employees to take 10 consecutive working days leave per

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annual leave cycle. It is the manager’s responsibility to ensure that every

employee takes the 10 days leave. The remaining leave days must be
taken before 30 June of the following year. Unused leave credits will be

Employees appointed during the year will receive a pro-rata portion of the
annual leave.
Where a manager refuses annual leave (above the 10 days compulsory
requirement) the annual leave will be paid at the end of the 18-month period.

Managers cannot unreasonably refuse to grant leave to employees who

apply. Any refusal must be confirmed in writing and the manager must make
sure that the letter is filed in the employee’s leave file.

Only individuals who have been denied leave due to operational

requirements and who could not reschedule the leave, are entitled to claim
for such days, on condition that:

 There is written proof that leave were refused.

 Their claims were received by their supervisors and the relevant
leave section/officials on or before 31 July of every year.

Employees on fixed term contracts will be granted annual leave that is

proportional to their term of employment, at the rate of one twelfth of the
annual credit applicable to the employee category per month of service.

5.2 Annual leave for Casual Employees

Casual employees are granted leave in terms of the Basic Conditions of

Employment Act.

A casual employee is entitled to 1 day’s leave for every 17 days worked.

(1.83 days per month). In the case of an hourly paid casual employee, the
leave entitlement is 1 hour’s leave for every 17 hours worked.

A casual employee may only take leave once he/she have accumulated the
required number of days.


6.1 Full-time and part-time employees

An employee qualifies for 36 working days sick leave with full pay over a
three-year cycle. Unused sick leave credits lapses at the end of a three-year

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An employee who is sick for 3 consecutive days or more must submit a

medical certificate from a medical practitioner.

In instances where a pattern in the use of sick leave has been established, a
medical certificate may be required for absences of less than three working

The Minister of Public Service and Administration has determined that from
the 1st April 2005, an employee who has been on sick leave on more than 2
occasions within an 8 week period must submit a medical certificate
regardless of the duration of the absence. The medical certificate must
state that the employee was unable to work due to a sickness or injury.
Should the employee fail to submit the required medical certificate the leave
will be covered by annual leave. If he/she does not have leave credits the
leave will be covered by unpaid leave.

The 8 week period will be treated as a calendar month, and will start on the
1st day of an employee’s absence due to an illness or an injury.

If an employee falls ill whilst on annual leave, such leave may be converted
to sick leave, provided that a medical certificate is submitted. In these
circumstances a medical certificate must be submitted irrespective of the
number of days of sick leave taken.

If an employee falls sick and must be isolated due to a contagious or

infectious disease, sick leave may be granted.

For every 15 consecutive days leave taken without pay, an employee’s sick
leave entitlement shall be reduced by 1/36th per sick leave cycle.

The manager may also grant time-off in terms of sick leave provisions in the
event where an employee has to;

 Consult a doctor for reasons related to her/his wellness; or

 Go for physiotherapy; or
 Go for maintenance work for equipment used as a result of her/his

Where an employee is off sick for a part of the day, the manager must
record such time off. When the time off adds to 8 hours, a leave form for a
full day must be completed and submitted to the supervisor. Documentary
proof must be submitted to the manager for the leave to be approved as sick

6.2 Casual employees

A casual employee is entitled to 1 day’s sick leave for every completed

month of employment.

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If a casual employee has exhausted his/her sick leave, the HOD may grant
leave without pay.


7.1 Temporary incapacity

This benefit does not apply to casual employees

An employee whose sick leave credits in a three-year cycle have been

exhausted and who, according to the relevant medical practitioner, requires
to be absent from work due to an incapacity which is not permanent may, at
the discretion of the HOD or the delegated authority, be granted temporary
incapacity leave with full pay. (Refer to the Policy and Procedure on
Incapacity and Ill-Health Retirement (PILIR) for more details and conditions.

7.2 Permanent incapacity leave

This benefit does not apply to casual employees

a) An employee whose incapacity has been certified as permanent by a

medical practitioner may, with the approval of the HOD, be granted a
maximum of 30 days paid sick leave, or such additional number of
days required by the HOD to finalise the process set out in the Policy
and Procedure on Incapacity and Ill-Health Retirement (PILIR)

7.3 Maternity leave

7.3.1 Full-time and part-time employees

An employee is entitled to 4 consecutive months’ paid maternity leave, to


 At least 4 weeks before the expected date of birth; or

 On a date certified by the attending medical practitioner as necessary
for the employee’s health or that of the unborn child.

Should an employee require to start maternity leave later than the stipulated
4 weeks period, prior approval must be given by the Deputy Director: HRA,
on condition that a medical certificate certifying her as fit for duty has been

If anything happens to the employee at work during this period of her

pregnancy, the employer is not liable for any damages caused in the case of
an accident.

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For at least 6 weeks after the birth, no employee may return to work unless
the attending medical practitioner certifies that the employee is fit to do so.
An employee must apply in writing and attach supporting documentation if
he/she wishes to return to work before the end of the 4 months maternity
leave period. The Deputy Director: HRA must approve the request before
the employee resumes work.

Maternity leave may be extended upon application by granting:

 Sick leave as a result of a medical complication;

 Unpaid leave up to 184 days; or
 Annual leave.

An employee who experiences a miscarriage/stillbirth/termination of

pregnancy on medical grounds during the first two trimesters shall be

 sick leave; or
 temporary incapacity leave if sick leave credits have been exhausted

An employee who, during the third trimester of the pregnancy, experiences a

miscarriage, still birth or termination of pregnancy on medical grounds, shall
be eligible for:

 6 consecutive weeks maternity leave; where-after

 Sick leave may be granted in the event of a medical complication.

An employee who experiences a miscarriage, stillbirth, or termination of

pregnancy on medical grounds, after the commencement of maternity leave
shall also qualify for:

 6 consecutive weeks maternity leave; where-after

 sick leave may be granted in the event of a medical complication; and
 The period prior to the miscarriage, stillbirth or termination of
pregnancy shall be regarded as special leave with full pay.

Maternity leave may be interrupted if:

 the baby is born prematurely and is hospitalised during maternity

 the baby becomes ill and is hospitalised for a period longer than a
month during the maternity leave;

if an employee choose to interrupt her maternity leave and fail to return to

work after six weeks, such a period must be covered with annual leave or
unpaid leave if she does not have enough annual leave available.

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7.3.2 Casual employees

A casual employee is entitled to a maximum of 4 consecutive months of

unpaid maternity leave during their contract period.

7.4 Adoption leave

This benefit does not apply to casual employees

An employee who adopts a child, who is younger than two years, qualifies
for a maximum of 45 working days adoption leave. For extension of this
leave the following shall apply;

 Annual leave may be used; or

 The HOD may grant unpaid leave to a maximum of 184 days
 If both spouses and life partners are employed in the public service,
both partners qualify for adoption leave but the combined leave may
not exceed 45 working days.

Adoption leave can commence at least a week before the arrival of the child
and this week is inclusive of the 45 days.

7.5 Family responsibility leave

7.5.1 Full-time employees and part-time employees

a) An employee shall be granted 3 days leave per annual leave cycle if:

 The employee’s spouse or life partner gives birth to a child; or

 The employee’s child, spouse, or life partner is sick.

b) An employee will be granted 5 days leave per annual leave cycle if:

 The employee’s child, spouse or life partner dies; or

 An employee’s immediate family member dies.

c) The amount of family responsibility leave taken according to (a)

and/or (b) above shall not exceed 5 days, unless special
circumstances warrant further leave at the discretion of the HOD.
Family responsibility leave shall be extended by using the following;

 Vacation leave if available; and or

 Unpaid leave up to 184 days.

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7.5.2 Casual employees

A casual employee will, during an annual leave cycle, be granted a

maximum of 3 day’s family responsibility leave if the employee’s:

 Spouse/life partner gives birth to a child; or

 Dependant child, spouse/life partner is sick; or
 Child or spouse/life partner dies; or
 Immediate family member dies.

7.6 Leave for office bearers or shop stewards of recognized

employee organizations

This benefit applies to casual employees as well.

A Shop steward of a recognized employee organization may receive up to

10 days special leave per annum for union activities.

A leave form has to be completed each time a shop steward leaves the
office to attend to union matters. As soon as the time used reach 8 hours an
application for a day’s leave must be completed.

If a shop steward has used the 10 days due to him/her, then they may use
annual leave for union matters. If their annual leave is exhausted, then
leave without pay may be granted.

7.7 Leave for occupational injuries and diseases

This benefit also applies casual employees

An employee, who suffered an occupational injury or disease, will be

granted leave for the duration of the period that they cannot work.

If an employee suffers a work-related injury as a result of an accident

involving a third party, the HOD or the delegated authority may grant them
occupational injury and disease leave provided that the employee:

 Brings a claim for compensation against the third party; and

 Undertakes to use compensation received to pay for the costs arising
from the accident.

The HOD or the delegated authority must take reasonable steps to assist
the employee to claim compensation with regards to the provisions of the
bullets above.

[N.B] Sick leave shall be granted for injuries at work. As soon as the
Workman Compensation Unit at the Department of Labour confirms that the

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injury is classified as an occupational injury by paying the claim, the sick

leave must be converted to special leave.

7.8 Leave for isolation purposes

This benefit applies to casual employees as well

Special leave with full pay to a maximum of 10 consecutive working days

may be granted to an employee who has been exposed to an environment
that is regarded as a health risk that requires them to be placed in isolation.

Application for such leave must be accompanied by a certificate from a

medical practitioner stating the period of quarantine as well as the reasons
necessitating such leave.

If the medical practitioner has recommended more than 10 days, the rest of
the days shall be extended by annual leave or unpaid leave if annual leave
has been exhausted.

7.9 Study/Examination Leave

This benefit applies to casual employees as well

For examination purposes, the employee will be entitled to 2 days per

subject which is the day before the exam and the day that the employee sits
for the exam to a maximum of 14 days p.a.

If an employee is scheduled to write the exam on a working day during the

evening only the day of the examination will be granted.

Examination leave will not be granted for failed subjects and supplementary
examinations. Should staff wish to take more days for study purposes than
granted by this policy, annual leave credits may be used.

Should an examination be scheduled on Monday or Saturday, the employee

will be entitled to take study leave on the preceding Friday.

Employees studying towards the South African Institute of Chartered

Accountants Board Examination will be granted 5 working days over and
above the maximum 14- day study leave limit.

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7.10 Time-off for attending classes/practical work during working


This benefit does not apply to casual employees.

Special leave may be granted to an employee who has been assigned by

the Department of Roads and Transport to undertake further studies,
irrespective of whether he/she has been granted a bursary or not, to attend
classes or perform practical work during office hours, and on condition that
the studies or practical work is in the interest of the Dept of Roads and
Transport. The following applies:

On approval by the employee’s manager, for every 8 hours’ absence from

work, one day’s annual leave may be granted. The day on which the 8
hours are reached, will be the date of application for the one day annual

It is the responsibility of the employee’s manager to monitor and record the

hours of absence.

Written applications must be accompanied by substantiating documentary


If an employee has exhausted all his/her leave credit, unpaid leave may be
granted on approval by the Head of Department or delegated authority.

7.11 Rehabilitation Leave

This benefit does not apply to casual employees.

An employee that must be rehabilitated due to alcohol/drug or substance

abuse must use annual or sick leave whilst he/she is at the rehabilitation
centre. If annual and sick leave are exhausted unpaid leave to a maximum
of 184 days may be granted at the approval of the HOD or the delegated

Special leave will be granted as a once-off during an employee’s service in

the Department of Roads and Transport, to a maximum of 30 days if the
following conditions are met:

 The employee have submitted a medical report confirming her/his

health condition; and
 Proof that treatment has been completed.

As soon as the conditions mentioned in the bullets above are met, annual
leave to a maximum of 30 days must be converted to special leave.

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7.12 Religious leave

This benefit also applies to casual employees

An employee qualifies for one day’s special leave per annum for religious

7.13 Resettlement Leave

This benefit does not apply to casual employees

An employee whose resettlement have been approved will be granted a

maximum of 2 consecutive working days with full pay to pack and unpack
their household goods. The employee’s manager must approve the leave
application prior to the leave being taken.

7.14 Special leave due to natural disasters/riots/faction fighting

This benefit also applies to casual employees

Special leave to a maximum of 3 working days may be granted to an

employee if the area in which they work or reside is struck by a natural
disaster, a riot or faction fighting, on condition that the situation makes it
impossible for the employee to go to work.

7.15 Sports and Cultural Activities Leave

This benefit does not apply to casual employees.

An employee representing the country or province or involved at other

comparable level as an actual participant, referee, adjudicator, course or
group leader, or who is participating in or attending a relevant conference,
meeting or another event approved by the HOD for this purpose, may be
granted special leave for a period, and conditions approved by the HOD.

The following documents must be attached to the leave form and prior
approval must be granted before the leave is taken.

 An invitation to partake in the sport by a registered and recognized

sport organisation.
 A schedule for the whole event.
 A letter of consent from the immediate supervisor.

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7.16 Other special leave

An employee shall not be considered to be on leave (i.e. will be regarded

as being on official duty) if he/she:

Must appear as a witness-

(i) In any court;

(ii) In misconduct proceedings or in a misconduct investigation in
terms of any law;
(iii) At inquest proceedings;
(iv) Before a commission or committee appointed by the state or
before any committee or institution instituted by or in terms of
any Act;

a) Appears as defendant or co-defendant in civil proceedings arising

from his or her official duties and in which the state or any statutory
body or institution has a direct interest;

b) Is taken into custody or must appear in any court on a criminal charge

and the offence he or she is charged with, is withdrawn or if he or she
is acquitted of such offence;

c) Is appointed/called upon to assist with/monitor national or municipal


NB Special leave will not be granted if an employee is summoned to

one of the above-mentioned institutions for personal reasons.


8.1 Full-time and part-time employees

If an employee has used all his/her annual leave, the HOD may grant
him/her unpaid leave to a maximum of 184 days. Only in exceptional cases
will the HOD grant more than 184 days of unpaid leave in a period of 18
An employee who has exhausted his/her annual leave credits will use
unpaid leave for absence from work due to:

 Arrest, imprisonment or appearance in court on a criminal charge that

leads to a conviction; or
 A criminal sentence.

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8.2 Casual employees

If a casual employee have used all his/her annual leave credits, the HOD or
the delegated authority may grant them unpaid leave.


9.1 Payment of annual leave accrued prior to 1st July 2000 (Capped

An employee shall retain all audited leave credits accrued prior to July 2000.
The payouts in respect of such leave credits shall be made in the event of:

 Retirement
 Death
 Medical boarding

If an employee resigns, he/she forfeits the capped leave.

9.2 Annual leave and payouts at termination of service

An employee shall be paid a cash value in respect of unused leave credits

upon termination of service. The payment will be limited to a maximum of
the employee’s actual annual leave entitlement as contained in annexure A.
Payment of annual leave credits shall be calculated using the employee’s
basic salary.

9.3 Payment in respect of unused leave credits for Casual Employees

A casual employee who have been in service for longer than 4 months is
entitled to payment in respect of any unused annual leave credits in an
annual leave cycle in the event of the termination of their services.
Payment of unused leave credits shall be calculated using the basic salary
of the employee:


This benefit also applies to casual employees.

An employee may, if they so desire, designate one or more beneficiaries to

whom their leave payout may be paid in the event of their death.

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If an employee dies and has not nominated a beneficiary, the leave payout
may be paid:
 In full to the spouse/life partner of that employee; or
 If there is no spouse/life partner, in equal shares for the benefit of
children (including legally adopted children) of the deceased who, at
the time of her/his death, were fully dependent on the employee; or
 If there are no children, to the employee’s estate.

The following must be taken into consideration with regards to the

nomination of the spouse as a beneficiary;

The employee -

 May register with the employer all spouses entered into under the
customary or indigenous law;
 May register only one life partner at a time with the employer; or
 Who has (a) spouse (s) registered with the employer in terms of the
recognition of Customary Marriages Act, 1998 and the Marriages Act,
1961, may not register a life partner with the employer.
(Appropriate forms available from the Directorate: HRP)


This section also applies to casual employees

 The appropriate leave form must be used for all leave types (EZ1
Leave Form).

 Leave forms are submitted for all absences and all outstanding leave
forms are followed up.

 Managers must keep a record of all leave taken by their staff


 If a medical certificate has to be submitted, it must be from a

registered and recognized medical practitioner.

 If proof of absence is required, the proof must be in the form of an

official letter on a letter head of that particular institution.

 An employee will retain with a transfer within the public service,

without a break in service the following (a) all capped leave, (b)
unused leave of the current leave cycle and (c) unused leave carried
forward from the previous leave cycle that has not yet lapsed.

 Annual leave without pay may not be converted into sick leave.
 If leave is taken during probation, the probation period must be
extended according to the periods of any leave taken.

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Power vested in Delegated to

Type of Leave

 In terms of section 20 (5) (b) of the Basic Conditions of Employment

Act, 1997, the HOD may not permit or require an employee to take
annual leave during any period of notice of termination of service. If
the HOD, wants to terminate an employee’s service at an earlier date
he/she will have to pay the employee her/his remuneration plus the
leave credits available at the date of termination of service in terms of
section 38 (2) of the Basic Conditions of Employment Act, 1997, in
this regard.

 If an employee falls sick whilst serving notice, sick leave may be

granted. A medical certificate must always be submitted for sick leave
taken during such a notice period.

 The 10 and 15 days that is converted into cash for purposes of long
service recognition are deducted from an employee’s annual leave

 An employee may not be granted annual leave with full pay in excess
of that which the employee is entitled to (in terms of annexure A of
this policy) plus capped leave in respect of employees who were in
service prior to 01 July 2000.

 If an employee had in error been granted annual leave with full pay in
excess of that which stood to her/his leave credit at that time, such
leave must be deducted from the subsequent leave cycle.

 If an employee who has been granted excess annual leave with full
pay exit the Department of Roads and Transport, the excess leave
must be recovered from them.

 If an employee exits the Public Service during an annual leave cycle

after utilising all her or his annual leave for the leave cycle, the
excess leave days will be regarded as an overpayment and must be
recovered from her/him.

 In cases of application for incapacity leave or ill health retirement, the

National Policy and Procedure on Incapacity Leave and Ill Health
Retirement, is applicable.


All forms of leave shall be approved by the immediate supervisor of the

employee except for the following types of leave where the immediate
supervisor may only make a recommendation.

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Temporary Incapacity HOD Director:

HR Planning
Up to 30 days

More than 30 days HOD

Permanent Incapacity HOD HOD

Maternity leave HOD Director:

HR Planning

Adoption leave HOD Director:

HR Planning

Leave for rehabilitation HOD

Sports Leave HOD HOD
Unpaid Leave HOD Chief Director: HRM


13.1 Policy Audit

Periodic audit will be conducted by the Directorate: Human Resource

Management of the Department of Roads and Transport when ever it is
deemed necessary to ensure appropriate application and compliance with
the Policy.

13.2 Policy Review

This policy is subject to annual review or whenever it is necessary by the

Directorate: Human Resource Management of the Dept of Roads and
Transport to ensure that it is aligned to prevailing resolutions, regulations
and market conditions.

13.3 Policy Amendments

No amendment (s) may be made to any section of this policy without such
amendment (s) first being-
Consulted with the recognized Employee Organisations; and
Duly approved and signed by the Human Resource Management of the
Department of Roads and Transport.

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THIS POLICY WAS SIGNED ON THE ________ (DAY OF) ___________


FROM ________________ (DATE)




PSA: :

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ANNUAL LEAVE Full-time & part-time
employees with:

Less than 10 years 22 days per annum


10 or more years in 26 days per annum


Appointed prior to 01 28 days per annum

July 1966

Casual employees 1 Day’s annual leave

appointed on hourly, for every 17 days
daily and monthly worked (1.83.days
basis per month) or 1
hour’s leave for
every 17 hours
SICK LEAVE Full-time & part-time 36 in 3 years
Casual employees 1 Day’s sick leave
appointed on hourly, for every completed
daily and monthly month of
basis employment.

MATERNITY LEAVE Full-time & part-time 4 Consecutive
employees months.
Casual employees 4 Consecutive
appointed on hourly, months of unpaid
daily and monthly leave.

ADOPTION LEAVE Full-time & part-time 45


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FAMILY Full-time & Part-time Maximum of 5 days

RESPONSIBILITY employees per annum

Casual employees
appointed on hourly, Maximum of 3 days
daily and monthly per annum

LEAVE FOR Full-time, part-time & Number of days as

OCCUPATIONAL Casual employees per doctor’s
INJURIES AND recommendation
LEAVE FOR OFFICE 10 Days per annum
ISOLATION LEAVE Full-time, Part-time & 10 Days
Casual employees

EXAMINATION/STUDY 2 Days per subject

LEAVE on first attempt and 1
day per subject for
failed subjects or

RESETTLEMENT Full-time & part-time 2

LEAVE employees

REHABILITATION 30 days once off


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RELIGIOUS LEAVE 1 day per annum

SPORTS & CULTURAL On terms and

ACTIVITIES LEAVE conditions approved
by the HOD

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