Algebraic Topology Cheat Sheet
Algebraic Topology Cheat Sheet
Algebraic Topology Cheat Sheet
Topology CW Complex
A topology on a set X is the tuple (X, T ) where T is a collection of (open) A CW complex is a space X = ∪n X n where each X n is inductively built with
subsets of X such that the following process,
• ∅ ∈ T, X ∈ T . • X0 is an discrete set.
• Closed under unions. • Xn is constructed from Xn−1 by ‘attaching’ n−cells enα (spaces homeo-
• Closed under finite intersections. morphic to n−dimensional discs Dn ) this attachment is via continuous
maps φα : S n−1 → X n−1 (note that S n−1 is just ∂Dk ), in particular
Constructions on topologies this is just a quotient map where the points on the boundaries are being
For a topological space (X, T ). identified with points in Xn−1
For a subset Y of X there exists a subspace topology naturally endowed To labour the point, Xn is given as the pushout of the corner consisting of the
upon Y characterized by the following UMP, continuous mappings from an- inclusion mapping from the disjoint union of spheres into disks and φα
other topology Z to X factors through Y with the inclusion mapping, i.e. g is
continuous iff f is, Constructions on CW complexes
g=f ◦i
The quotient topology of X on some set S given a surjection π : X → X is
characterized by the following UMP, continuous mappings from X → Z factor
through S,
For a family of topologies on Xa the product topology X = a Xa is charac-
terized by the following UMP, continuous mappings from a topology Z → Xa
factor through X for all a,
g=f ◦πa
Z f
Deformation retraction
A deformation retract of a space onto a subspace is a family of continuous
maps from identity to the subspace and every map restricted to the subspace
is identity. In particular for a topology X and subspace A it is a family of maps
ft (x), t ∈ [0, 1] continuous in x such that f0 = Id and f1 (X) = A, ft |A = Id
A homotopy is a generalization of deformation retractions. It is defined to be
a family of maps between arbitrary topologies X, Y , ft : X → Y for t ∈ [0, 1]
such that f0 = X, f1 = Y and the map H : X × [0, 1] → Y, H(x, t) = ft (x) is
Topologies are said to be homotopically equivalent if there exists continu-
ous maps f : X → Y and g : Y → X such that g ◦ f is homotopic to IdX and
f ◦ g is homotopic to IdY .
Homeomorphism =⇒ homotopy equivalent but the converse need not be true.
A topology is contractible if its identity map is homotopic to a constant
function (i.e. null homotopic)