Emergency, MC and CSK

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2 Marks

Write a short note on EPIRB

What is CABA and where it is used
What is “International code of signals”
Describe bare boat charter
Explain role of a ship port state control
Write a short note on EPIRB
Differentiate between liner and tramp trade
Write the meaning of the following : Tack line and Halyard
Describe shipboard emergency preparedness
What are statutory requirements for abandon ship drills
What are statutory requirements for abandon ship drills
What is CABA and where it is used
What is “International code of signals”
Explain the relationship between a harbour, ports, terminals and berths
Explain role of a ship agent

5 Marks

State the importance of the 1978 STCW convention

State at least five statutory requirements that should be included in an ‘Abandon ship’ drill
Explain monthly maintenance to be carried out on FFA equipment
What is a Flag State Inspection ( FSI )
Describe launching procedure of free fall life boats
What is a “Fall preventer device” ( FPD )
Write Morse code and meaning of following flags : A, K, M, V, Z
What is the format of a distress message
Write a note on harbour
Write down names of any 5 chapters of SOLAS
Write a short note on ‘Articles of Agreement’. What is the role of a shipping master
Explain relationship between ship owner and agents
Explain use of a drill planner
List essential tasks to be carried out during an emergency drill
Define sea area A1, A2, and A3 as per GMDSS
Explain relationship between shipper and broker
Write a note on types of ports
List all the FFA equipment carried on board ship
Explain use of a drill planner
List essential tasks to be carried out during an emergency drill
Explain monthly maintenance to be carried out on FFA equipment
What is a Flag State Inspection ( FSI )
Describe launching procedure of free fall life boats
What is a Fall Preventer Device ( FPD )
Write single letter signals ( Meaning ) for the following flags : A, K, M, V, Z
What is the format of a distress message
Write a note on harbour
Explain functions of IMO
Draw the following flags : B, D, H, P, Q
Locate following on a ship and list flags flown from them
Explain relationship between ship owner and agents
Explain relationship between shipper and broker

10 Marks

Describe in the following in two to three sentences : IMO, ICS, IACS, OCIMF and ISGOTT
Draw the following flags and explain their meanings : A, Q, U, Y
Explain the abbreviation and purpose of the following : IMO, ILO, IACS, OCIMF
Explain the procedure for launching a life raft by : a) Manual launching of life raft b)
Automatic launching of life raft ( Float free )
What is a “Fall preventer device” ( FPD ). Explain the use of fall preventer device ( FPD ) on a

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