2017 Efc Part A & B
2017 Efc Part A & B
2017 Efc Part A & B
Sr. No. 0l
1. (a) Discuss the term Anest as applicable in Admiralty law with regard to Anest
convention. Whal is the settled law regarding furcst of Ships in lndia. Discuss a
case law.
(b)What are the features of Arrest Convention 1999? What is the lndian position
with regard to the above Convenlion?
2. (a) What is the significance of a Bill Of Lading with regard to caniage of goods
by Sea 1925?
(b) What are the laws that govem the caniage of Goods in lndia and discuss their
salient features?
(c) What is the remedy available to the shipper when the cargo gets damaged
after issuance of clean BL.?
3. (a)Explain the term Agency as per lndian Contract Acl 1872- Discuss Various
types of Agency and Termination of Agency.
(b) Govt. of lndia has promulgated Stevedoring and Shore Handling Policy
2016 for regulation of shipping agencies in all Major Ports. Listing the salient
features of lhis new policy initiative from the Govt, discuss whether it can achieve
its goal of promoting competition, reducing c€rgo-handling costs and increasing
revenue of ports in lndia.
4. (a) State what is meant by Lien and explain Maritime lien with at least three
examples. What is the difference betuEen marilime lien and possessory lien?
(b) Describe the basic frame \,t/ork of the lntemational Conveotion on Maritime
Liens and Mortgages 1993. List out the 'Preferential Maritime Liens', in its order.
5. What is Fund Convenlion and Civil liability Protocol? What you understand by
Blue Card?
What are the documents that a ship is expected to be in possession as per FAL
convention? What are the pros and cons of electronic exchange of documents?
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6. (a) What immunities are available to the maritime carrier under Hague Visby
Rules? Both the common law and the Hague-Visby Rul6s require the ship
owner to ensure the vessel is sea$/orlhy. How do the obligations differ? Discuss
both with suitable examples.
(b) A chemical tanker was chartered to load palm oil. The tanks were rejected on
inspection as the coating inside was substantially damaged. Oiscuss critically if
the charterer can raise a claim under the agreed Hague- Visby Rules.
7. (a) Discuss the obligations of states given under UNCLOS lo suppress piracy at
sea. Why has the IMO defined 'armed robbeqf in support of IMO conventions
such as 'Suppression of unlawful acts' although the delinition of piracy exists in
(b) Discuss any case law with regard to pollution by ships and available means of
settlement of claims
8. (a) A voidable confact is an agreement that is enforceable by law at the instance
ol one party & not of other party - discuss this with examples.
(b) Southern Ships having office in Kolkata entered in to a purchase agreement
for a Panamax from Western Bulks in Malta. Draft a suitable S&P (sale and
purchase contract). The Seller changed his mind to sell the vessel as the market
improved. Discuss the options available before both parlies in relation to your
9. (al ln Chader Pafties there are certain terms implied, such as seaworthiness, no
deviation, no dangerous goods, etc. Discuss whether there is any obligation
implied on the charterer in relation to safe ports.
(b) Compare the 2011 edition of the 'lncoterms' against the 2000 edition and
explain lhe main changes which have been applied
(b) A ship is on time charter for one year. The commercial control is with the
charterer but all other controls, including possession of the ship is with the ship
owner. Discuss if there is a bailment situation between the charterer and ship
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@ A2
Sr. No. 01
.{qiir Subiect3 Risk Manaoement & Marine Insurance
(Time allowed - 3hours)
India (2O18) Total Marks 60
(i) All question carry equal ma*s.
(ii) Ouestion flo.1 is compulsory.
(iii) Ans,wer any five questions from the remaining e€hl
(iv) The angrrers should be legible.
1) (a) Explain the significance and role of Glc in marino insurance in lndia. How
insurance premiums were decided in lndia before de-regulation and what are
the important changes after de-regulation.
(b) Briefly explain the lollowing features of Maine lnsurance:
(i) Offer & Acceptance
(ii) Contract of lndemnity
(iii) Utmost good faith
(iv) lnsurable lnterest
2) (a) Differentiate between P&l and H&M covers
(b) Explain when an H&M claim can be made and its process
(a) Differentiate betu/een the terms "risk" and "hazard"? Give related
examples of each.
(b) What is the meaning of the term "ALARP' and explain the justification for
reducing the risk to ALARP.
(c)What are human related factors iaken into ac@unt as potential risk factors
in a risk assessment on ships? Name three such human related risks and
possible risk mitigation measures that could be taken for each of them.
(d) You are a chief engineer on 35,000 DWT oil tanker, carrying cargo. Your
ship has had a major breakdown of the main engine turbocharger and repairs l,ll
are not possible on board. Without the functional turbocharger, your vessel is
unable to make more than 4 Knots speed. ln consultation with the Master, you
are contemplating diverting to a port 50 nm away. Howwould you do a risk
assessment to evaluate the risk of engine failure during the approach?
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4) (a) What is "Notice of abandonment' in marine insurance? Explain. lf the
insurer does not accept such a nouce, does it mean that the owneis claim is
rejected? Discuss,
(b) A vessel in your fleet was grounded due to engine failure in heavy wEather
resulting in water ingress in a cargo hold. Substantial amounts were spenl in
salvage. Vessel was then towed to nearest port where cargo was discharged,
damaged cargo disposed, repairs undertaken and sound cargo re-loaded
before vessel could proceed on her voyage. Explain how you \,r.ould recover
the various losses suffered and expenses incuned by the owner.
5) (a) Discuss the limiiation of liabilities as specified in the Merchant Shipping
(Limitation of Liabilities) Rules, 2015.
(b) A ship owner is buying a secrnd-hand bulk carrier. Prepare a document
advising him on the importance of due diligence, from insurance point of view,
and also what he needs to do lo ensure that loss or damage to lhe vessel
does not happen due to want of due diligence on his part. You may assume
any information to support your advice.
. 6) (a) What are human related factors taken into account as potential risk factors
in a risk assessment on ships? Name three such human related risks and
possible risk mitigation measures that could be taken for each of them.
(b) You are a chief engineer on a 60,000 DWT bulk canier. Your ship had a
major breakdown of the main engine turbocharger and repairs are not
possible on board. Without the functional turbocharger, your vessel is unable
to make more than 4 Knots speed. ln consultation with the Master, you are
contemplating diverting to the port of Durban .iust 40 nm away. Explain how
you would do a risk assessment to evaluate the risk of engine failure during
the approach.
,7. (a) Explain any two Hazard ldentification and Risk Analysis Techniques
described by Maritime Safety Committee (lMO) in their Guidelines for Formal
Safety Assessment (FSA) for use in the IMO rule-making process
(MSC/Circ.'l 023-MEPC/Circ.392).
(b) Read the following casualty information carefully and conduct a risk
management exercise. You may assume some details, if necessary and
indicate the same in your analysis. You need to establish that if the risk
management, as suggested by you, was carried out this incident could have
been avoided.
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Az eotg)
'Maintenance of the inward air compressor was planned next day.
Accordingly f
was isolated by switching off the breaker and also by
closing relevant yalyes- ,, is understood that a notice of isolation was
displayed and lhe issue was discussed by the watch-keeping
engineers. Nert day an engineer was paralleling the generators and for
snlooth synchronizing asked the junior engineer to switch off the
breaker of the outward compressor. Aftetwards junior engineer asked
the senior engineer if he could sta the compressor. Or,
acknowledgernent the junior engineer, mista\enly, stafted the inward
comprcssor. Ihe
pressure inside the comprcssor built up and
eventually il exploded and cau*d fatal injuies to the junbr engineer."
8. (a) Explain the principles of indemnity and subrogation with special
consideration to marine insurance.
(b) You are a commorcial manager for an Offshore Supply Vessel and looking
for a charterer for your vessel. During negotiation with a prospective charterer,
charterer has asked for inclusion o, a 'waiver of subrogation" dause. What
does this mean? What are the risks that you would be exposed to? What are
the steps would you iake before you agree for inclusion of such a clause?
9. (a) ln P&l lnsurance, explain the following terminology: (i) lnternational
croup. (ii) "Discretion of the Club' or "omnibus Rule" (iii) Misdirected arrow
cover (iv) Co-assured. .
(b) A vessel in your fleet is sailing from Mumbai to Cape Town. Enroute, an
officer falls seriously ill and vessel had to be diverted to Mauritius to land him
for hospitalisation and emergency surgery, recuperation and repatriation. The
vessel has to wait in port for two days for the reliever to arrive, resulting in a
loss of US$ 40,000 to owners due to off-hire. What are the losses from this
incident to the omers and ,rvhat could be recovered and from whom?
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Sr. No. 1
(2) ldentify the most common areas of maritime ftaud and consider what can be
done to prevent, detect or deter both ftaud and other types of criminal activity
directed against the ship and its cargo.
(3) Weather routeing services for ships are v,/idely available. a) What use is made of
these by commercial shipping? b) What are the benefits of using a weather
routeing service? c) Your Panamax vessel will complete loading a full cargo in
Gdansk, Poland in early January and is bound for Charleston, USA. What
weather would you expect lo encounier en route? What choices would you make
regarding the route to take and what might be the benefits ofweather routeing?
(4) Explain ho / a sale and purchase broker may bemme involved in changing a
ship's registration during a second-hand transaction, and analyse the
documentation the buyers would require to be provided by the sellers to arrange
a transfer of title ofthe vessel on delivery
(5) During the dry dock an energy saving device is being fitted on PRIME STAR. The
device and the fitting charges are $ 120,000 and will result in an energy saving of
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$ 3o,000/year. Further it is estimated that this will also result in an increase in
revenue by 10,000 $/year. Fifting of the device will also lead to an in increased
maintenance cost of $ 1,000 per year.
Conduct the feasibility study of the project (consider life as 5 years) and calculate
the Pay Back Period and Net Present Value of the project. The discounting rate
can be assumed to be 10olo.
(6) (a) The linancial crisis has limited the amount of traditional ship finance made
available to ship owners by banks. What altematives do ship owners have in
order to raise money to invest in tonnage?
(b) Fresh newbuilding orders are greatly reduced in 2015. ldentify the main
centres of shipbuilding activity in the wodd and discuss the steps that shipyards
can take to ensure survival and increase market share.
(7) The use of lT systems and technology has rapidly been employed in the
container industry in a variety of roles and is now essential for the successful
running of large container liner companies due to the sheer size of transactions
taking place. Explain in detail how the use of different lT systems has helped with
ihis growth and outline what the benelits have been to caniers, shippers,
mnsignees and any other parties.
(8) (a) Cost management is key lo business success and shipping is no exception.
ldentify the cost elements that ship owners are able to control and how their cost
base may be reduce
(b) ldenti, the demand factors that influence a lay-up decision and comment on
the cosls incuned when a vessel is laid up.
(9) Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the OSV spot market as against
the medium and long term cha(er market, to both the vessel charterer and
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t9 A4
2. With respect to the basics of welding, oxphin the following with ths akl of neat
(b) What extra cares ars to be tak€n during storage, fabrication (induding
6. Disarss the specfic t),pe of conosion, material consideration and conosion
prevention in the following cases:
8. (a)Discuss the major steps which should be taken to improve toughness of steal
used ior ship building. (b) How addition of alloying elements make the hadening by
quencfiing easier. (c) How cooling rates during the heat treatment afiect the
microstructure and mechanical propedios of steel.
9. (a) Why martonsitic stainless steel is the most ditflcult stainless steel to weld.
Which means should be employed to avoid failure of \4elded joint. (b) Make a
datailed report on the analysis of following welding defects:- (i) Lamellar Tearing
Solidification cracks (ii) Cold cracking or delayed cracking (iii) Reheat q'acking or
PWHT cracking. (c) Explain various t),pes of defects usually observed in SS cargo
tanks and precautions needed to prevent and methods which can be employed lo
reciify such defects.
? PaSe 2 of 2
Sr. No. 0t
(i) A questbn catry equal matks.
(ii) Answer any six questbns
(iii) The answers should be legible-
'1. Discuss the various classifications on insulation. What are the requirements
of cable materials used on board the ship as per IEC standards?
2. Discuss the effects of earthing a system with resistance, reactance,
transformer or direct earthing.
3. Elaborate the protection given for a fault occurring between Alternator and
Main Busbar.
4. What is a smart sensoa How can il be deployed for optimum performance of
5. A ship is having both HV and LV systems. Discuss on cable laying procedure
for both systems indicating necessary safeties and precautions.
6. Compare the steam, dieseland electric propulsion systems. Discuss their
7. Explain Pulse Width Modulation. How is it achieved? Discuss the
disadvantages of the system and mitigation procedures for achieving optimum
8. What are the different types of commutation used in a Thyristor? Discuss their
advantages and disadvantages.
Discuss on the features of PID conlrollers and give examples of their efficient
utilisation on board the ships.
l' What is understood by SCADA? Describe its usage on MAN B&W ME
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(i) Allquestion carry equalmarks.
(ii) Answer any six questions.
(iv) The ans/rers should be legible
2. One of the options considered for the compliance of IMO Tier lll criteria for
NOx emissions ftom large marine diesel engines, is Exhaust cas
Recirculation (EGR). Discuss:-
a) Effect of EGRS on SFOC, NOx and CO.
b) Water treatment system (WTS) for EGRS
c) Scrubbers in EGRS.
3. Explain the Green Passport concept reference to Hongkong Recycling
convention 2009. Discuss the salient features of the convention.
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6. With respect to formula for calculating Energy Efficiency Design lndex (EEDt)
for ships, discuss the following statements
(i) Carbon dioxide emission is not linear in installed power.
(ii) EEDI will increase fuelconsumption in non boom conditions.
7. Nrain engine exhaust gas energy is by far the most attractive among the waste
heat sources of a ship. Explain the popular Waste Heat Recovery Systems
(WHRS) in today's ship operations, referring to :-
a) Steam Turbine Generators (STG)
b) Power Turbine Generator (PTG)
c) Steam Turbine-Po\4er Turbine generator (ST-PT).
B, Wake equalization and flow separation alleviating devices are features to
improve the flow around the hull that are being developed to obviate propeller
problems and added ship resistance caused by suboptimal aft hull forms.
Elucidate the most common wake equalization and flow separation alleviating
devices cun€ntly under consideration for ships, with special reference to the
a) Grothues spoilers.
b) Wake Equalizing (Schneekluth) ducts
c) Stem tunnels.
9. Referring to the Code of Safety for Ships using Gases or other Low-flashpoint
Fuels (lGF Code) from the ll\.4o, describe the arrangements for storage,
installation, monitoring and control of ships using gas and other low-flash
points fuels.
PaCe 2 ot 2
Sr. No. t
(i) A question catry equal ma*s.
(ii) Answer any six questions
(iii) The answers should be legible.
2. Refening to latest IMO regulatory changes, write short notes on the following:-
(a) Amendments to ESP Code applicable fiom l't January 2018.
O) Amendments to IMDG Code applicable ftom l'i Jaruary 2018.
(c) Polar Code and Polar Safety Certificate.
(d) Amendments to MSBC Code applicable from l" January 201?.
O) Statc and explain the two methods used to ameDd IMO conventions and discuss
which method is quicker and why. Give an illustration of amendmeots to either
7. The safety of lishitrg vessels has been a matter of concem to IMO since the
Organization's hception, but the di{Ierences in design and operation between
fishing vessels and other types of ship have proved to be an obstacle to their
inclusion in the SOLAS and Load Lines Conventions. Against the backgrouod of
recent fishing vessel casualties, discuss the feasibility of a uniform safety regime
for the sector in the coast of India, contextually referring to relevant intemational
fishing vessel safety conventions / guidelines.
9. Referring to the new Merchrnt Shipping Act Bill under the cotrsideration of the
Parliament and discuss the new featur$ ofthe Bill on the following:-
(a) Registration of Ships.
@) Collision, accident at sea and compensation.
(c) Wreck & Salvage.
(d) Contol of ships in Coasting Trade
Seaioa A
(b) Explain ho1{ management techniques studied by you can be used in the shipping /
maritime industry?
3. (a) De6ne MainteMnce & its function. What are the main components of
Maintell{Ilcemanrgeme sYstem?
(a) What is frilure Aulyslr? Why failure anabsis is performed? List out the types of
failure analysis.
(b)Explain hdetail the stages in a FMEA (Failure Mode Effect Analysis) process
with the help ofan example.
5. (s) Qurlity control, itr the strict business sense, is the monitoring of the mea6 of
productioD to ensure that the finished product o. servic€ meets a certaitr statrdard.
Which are the six quality assulalce principles.
Section B
6. (a) Define a project. Explain the triple constraints ofa Foject with illusa.ation.
O) Methods for Estimating Project Times rtrd Costs may be classifred as: Top
Down Approaches for Esrimatin8 Project Times and Costs and Bottom Up
Approaches for Estimating hoject Times and Costs. Explain any two Top-Down
Approaches for Estimating Project Times and Costs. Support your answer with
meadngful examples.
7. (a) In the light of Project Msnsgement Structures, explain what is meaot by "Matrix
Arrangement". List and explain the different Matrix Forms-
O) Th€ table below provides the inlormation related to a project that involves the
merger of two marketing fiIms.
(a) How to Bain iD busiDess using the coDcept of'Cost of quality'. Explain in detail
the t)?€s ofcost ofquality.
O) A company is trying to bid for a contract. The estimation preparation for the
contract will cost INR 4,00,000. Therc is 0.5 probability that the bid can be
shortlisted. After getting shortlisted the company has to submit a detailed information
which may cost frrther of INR 1,00,000. After this stage the bid will either be
accepted or rejected. The company eslimates that fte total cost for executing the
project is INR 75,00,000. Tbere are three possible bid prices, tNR 90,00,000, INR
1,05,00,000, aDd INR 1,20,00,000. The probabilities of the bids being accepted after
short-listing are 0.85,0.75, and 0.30 respectively.
Calculate the expected monetary value of yolu suggested bid with illusr-atioD.
9. (a) Stat€ the standard form of Liuerr ProgmmmiDg Problem. Discuss the
adva.rtages and limitations of Linear Programming Problern.
(b) A firm is producing two items Ir and Ir. Each udt of Ir requires 4 utrits of mw
material and rcquires 6 hour:s of paocessing time in the machining department. While
the item 12 needs 3 units ofraw materialand requires 3 houN ofprocessitrg time in the
machining department. The factory has 90 units of raw material and 96 hours in the
processing dcpartment. The profit per unit from the salc oflt and 12 is Rs. 60 and Rs.
45 respectively. Remaining within the limits ofresources, we are required to find the
number ofunits ofll and t2 lo be produced to maximize the profit on sale. Formulate
the situetion ss LPP.
(b) The table below provides the information related to a project flow.
The scheduled completion tim€ is 25 weeks. You must pay a INR 1500 penalty for every
week you are late. You get a INR 1000 boEus for every week you ar€ early.
(i, All question catry equal mad<s.
(ii) Answer any six questions
(iii) The answers should be legible.
l. Experts from the shipping field opine that the industry will be moving towards
Autotromous (Crew-less) ships in very near future. Contextually discuss:-
(a) The technical challenges involved in this regard with specific reference to
artificial intelligence (AI), Intemet ofThings (IoT), Cyber security etc.
(b) The regulatory issues and economic viability.
2. Due to the current nature of crude oil and refinery operations, Residuary Fuel Oil
(RFO) meeting the 0.10% sulphur limit is still not widely available.
(a) Discuss various alternative low-sulphur fuel oils (other than distillate oils)
currently in use with specific reference to (i) Hybrid Fuels (ii) Bio fuels.
5. (a) Considering that hydraulic systems use positive displacement type pumps and
motors, discuss the effect of increased load on the pumping parameters pressure and
flow rate. If a anchor windlass is "unable to lift the chain' what can be reason?
What possible solutions can be attempted?
(b)In a heat exchanger, explain tle meaning of the term LMTD and its
signifrcance. Elaborate on the modem design improvements in heat exchangers.
6. In improving engine monitoring systems, many additional sensors are being fitted
in marine diesel engines. In this context, explain the functioning of
a) Bearing wear monitoring system
b) Bearing temperature monitoring system
7. (a) The turbocharger ofa diesel engine has to be carefully matched to the engine to
ensure optimal performance. Describe the principles involved in the process. Explain
the importance ofNozzle area in this context.
(b) With the introduction of "super slow steaming", in some vessels one of the
turbochargers gets isolated. Explain the purpose ofthis action and care to be taken.
8. Why are traditional refrigerant gases being replaced? Among the various altemate
refrigerant gases being used, discuss the suitability and drawbacks in the use of,
Ammonia, CO2 and hydrocarbon gases such as Propane. Focus on safety issues,
effi ciency and availability.
9. Hull & Propeller naitrtensnce is gaining popularity with the recent high stress on the energy
efficiency ofships, Write short notes on the following:-
a) Hull Roughness Management. '?-
b) Condition Based Propeller Maintenance.
c) Propeller Coating & Polishing.
Sr. No. 1 (86)
Hu,nrn Et"."r,t-
Page 1
with particular
5. (a) Discuss mandates assigned to maritime administrations
of seafaren'
;:i;;; ;;;,pplv. '-"nning una "ertification
ptace to promote effective
(b) Discuss the regulatory ptou"tn' in
commutrication in shipboard operations'
approach to rule making is adapted
though Formal safetv
,c.r.rr."nt ..ihodology Explain the elements ofFSA
issue' discuss the Vision'
6. (a) Reference to IMO focus on Human Element guidance on
[Jt".'** fo' the organization what is the IMo
Fatigu; Mitigation and Management? SMS
context of verification of the
{b) How are the following relevant in the lSM, code
ft.. ;;'t-S'i, il"'
rui tecs p"lta*ur requirements for the or ISM
g'iae lines on the implemenration
:..tr"J";;;;ir;ir"to'' '"uo"a
ihemical tanker carrying vanous
:lifif. M;;;'';*
p"' e' rdirzziroi ' points
Enumerate brieflv it. salient
H;:t il;Gtil?
* ***,1l.a* * + **'|:l '* +** 'i:l 't*'l 'l ** 'l
Page 2
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