Horsepower and Torque Engineering
Horsepower and Torque Engineering
Horsepower and Torque Engineering
Section Contents
AXIAL MOVEMENT – Endwise movement of input or output INPUT HORSEPOWER – The amount of power applied to
shafts, sometimes called endplay, is usually expressed in the input shaft of a reducer by the prime mover is its input
thousands of an inch. horsepower. It is often used as a selection basis for power
transmission components, and it appears in the rating tables
EFFICIENCY – The amount of output power of the reducer as
of drive manufacturer’s published data. Remember that input
compared to the amount of input power. It is usually stated
horsepower ratings represent the maximum amount of power
as a percentage.
that the reducer can safely handle.
OUTPUT HORSEPOWER – The amount of power available
Input HP = 1 at the output shaft of a reducer is its output horsepower. Due
(75/100) x (100) = 75% Efficiency
Output HP = .75 to losses caused by inefficiency, output horsepower is always
less than input horsepower.
BACKLASH – Rotational movement of the output shaft when
holding the input shaft stationary and rotating the output OVERHUNG LOAD – The input or the output shaft of a speed
shaft alternately clockwise and counter clockwise. Backlash reducer can be subject to an overhung load; that is, to a force
POWER is the rate of doing work. If the shaft is revolved, the FORCE (W) is moved through a
distance, and WORK is done.
WORK is the exerting of a FORCE through a DISTANCE.
ONE FOOT POUND is a unit of WORK. It is the WORK done 2πR
WORK (Ft. Lbs.) = W x x No. of Rev. of shaft
in exerting a FORCE OF ONE POUND through a DISTANCE of 12
When WORK is done in a specified TIME, POWER is used.
THE AMOUNT OF WORK done (Foot Pounds) is the FORCE
(Pounds) exerted multiplied by the DISTANCE (Feet) through POWER (Ft. Pounds per Minute) = W x x RPM
which the FORCE acts.
Since (1) HORSEPOWER = 33,000 Ft. Pounds per Minute
THE AMOUNT OF POWER used (Foot Pounds per Minute) is
the WORK (Foot Pounds) done divided by the TIME (Minutes) 2πR RPM W x R x RPM
Horsepower (HP) = W x x =
required. 12 33,000 63,025
WORK (Ft. Lbs.) but TORQUE (Inch Pounds) = FORCE (W) x RADIUS (R)
POWER (Foot Pounds per Minute) = TIME (Minutes)
Therefore HORSEPOWER (HP) =
POWER is usually expressed in terms of HORSEPOWER. 63,025
HORSEPOWER is POWER (Foot Pounds per Minute) divided Where total reductions are small, 50 to 1 or less, HP figures
by 33,000. are commonly used. Higher reductions require that
TORQUE figures be used to select drive components,
because with large reductions, a small motor can produce
= POWER (Ft. Lbs. per Minute) extremely high TORQUE at the final low speed. For example,
33,000 1/12 HP reduced to 1 RPM using the formula below and
neglecting friction:
= WORK (Ft. Pounds)
33,000 x TIME (Min.) TORQUE x RPM 63,025 x HP
HP = or TORQUE =
63,025 RPM
= FORCE (Lbs.) x DISTANCE (Feet)
33,000 x TIME (Min.) 63,025 x 1/12
TORQUE = = 5,252 In. Lbs.
Illustration of horsepower Therefore, motors for use with large reductions should be
carefully selected. Even a small motor, if stalled, can produce
enough Torque to ruin the drive, unless it is protected by a
= 33,000 lbs.
FORCE(W ) shear pin or some similar device.
1000 lbs. 1000
33,000 lbs.
lbs. Neglecting frictional losses, this sketch illustrates the manner
TIME = 1MIN. TIME = 1MIN. in which Torque increases as speed decreases.
33,000 x 1 1000 x 33
HP = = 1 HP HP = = 1 HP 10-1
33,000 x 1 33,000 x 1 1 HP 180 RPM
WG.0122 1800 6-1 30
TORQUE (T) is the product of a FORCE (W) in pounds, times CHAIN RPM
a RADIUS (R) in inches from the center of shaft (Lever Arm)
and is expressed in Inch Pounds.
R = 1" R = 2"
T = 63025
_____ = 35 LBS. IN. T = 63025
_____ = 350 LBS. IN. T = 63025
_____ = 2100 LBS. IN.
1800 180 30
W300 #
W150 #
T = WR T = WR
= 300 x 1 = 300 In. Lbs. = 150 x 2 = 300 In. Lbs.
Bar Screens
Chemical Feeders
Thickener (AC) 1.25 1.50 — — Dewatering Screws 1.25 1.50 II II
Washer (AC) 1.25 1.50 — — Scum Breakers 1.25 1.50 II II
Winder - Surface Type — 1.25 — II Slow or Rapid Mixers 1.25 1.50 II II
PLASTICS INDUSTRY Thickeners 1.25 1.50 II II
Intensive Internal Mixers Vacuum Filters 1.25 1.50 II II
Batch Type — 1.75 — — SCREENS
Continuous Type — 1.50 — — Air Washing 1.00 1.25 I II
Batch Drop Mill - 2 Rolls — 1.25 — — Rotary - Stone or Gravel 1.25 1.50 II II
Compounding Mills — 1.25 — — Traveling Water Intake 1.00 1.25 I II
Calendars — 1.50 — — Skip Hoists — — II —
Extruder - Variable Speed — 1.50 — — Slab Pushers 1.25 1.50 — —
Extruder - Fixed Speed — 1.75 — — Stokers — 1.25 — II
Barge Haul — 2.00 — — Batchers or Calendars 1.25 1.50 II II
PUMPS Cards 1.25 1.50 I II
Centrifugal — 1.25 — — Card Machines 1.75 2.00 III III
Proportioning — 1.50 * * Dry Cans and Dryers 1.25 1.50 II II
Reciprocating Dyeing Machines 1.25 1.50 II II
Single Acting, 3 or More Cycles 1.25 1.50 II III Looms 1.25 1.50 * *
Double Acting, 2 or More Cycles 1.25 1.50 II III Mangles, Nappers and Pads 1.25 1.50 II II
Rotary - Gear or Lube 1.00 1.25 I II Soapers, Tenner Frames 1.25 1.50 II II
RUBBER INDUSTRY Spinners, Washers, Winders 1.25 1.50 II II
Batch Mixers — 1.75 — — Tumbling Barrels 1.75 2.00 III III
Continuous Mixers — 1.50 — — Windlass 1.25 1.50 II III
*Consult Manufacturer.
This list is not all-inclusive and each application should be checked to determine if any unusual operating conditions will be
AGMA Service
Class of Service Factor Operating Conditions
Moderate Shock - not more than 15 minutes in 2 hours.
I 1.00
Uniform Load - not more than 10 hours per day.
Moderate Shock - not more than 10 hours per day.
Uniform Load - more than 10 hours per day.
Heavy Shock - not more than 15 minutes in 2 hours.
Moderate Shock - more than 10 hours per day.
1.75 Heavy Shock - not more than 10 hours per day.
2.00 Heavy Shock - more than 10 hours per day.
For most applications, select for running torque rather than Belt Conveyors
starting torque. The AC motor will normally produce a 200
percent starting torque. The speed reducer is built to take Belt conveyor applications are one of those wherein the
at least 200% momentary overload to overcome normal speed reducer is commonly overspecified. Proper application
starting inertia. The difference in the resulting cost can be can, in many instances, result in substantial system
startling. economies.
A 20% safety factor in selection can double the life … of To determine the torque required here, first determine the
the speed reducer for more economy in the long run. This belt pull, since this is the principal force. In calculating this,
rule of thumb will help compensate for unexpected shock the effects of sliding friction and/or angle or inclination must
and vibration, and add substantially to wear life. be considered. Table 1 shows Application Factors which
may be used in determining belt pull based upon common
Consider “auxiliary drives” whenever possible for combinations of materials and various angles.
economy. A properly selected gear or chain drive reduction
from the reducer output to the driven shaft can produce TABLE 1. CONVEYOR APPLICATION FACTORS
Load Load
Example: The friction force acts at the point of contact between the
rollers and the cylinder, and will be:
An inclined belt conveyor is to carry cases of canned fruit.
The belt is leather on a wood conveyor bed. Ten cases will Friction Force=(Weight)x(Friction Factor)x(Angle Factor)
be on the conveyor at a time, and each weighs 30 Lbs. The
Assuming the cylinder is to be driven by one of the rollers:
conveyor is inclined at 20° to the horizontal, and the head
pulley diameter is 9”. Torque = (Friction Force) x (Radius of Roller)
Select .67 as the Application Factor (Table 1) A 1200 Lb. steel cylinder is resting on two pairs of steel
rollers which are 4” in diameter. The cylinder is empty. The
Determine weight: 10 x 30 = 300 Lbs.
angle between rollers is 50°. How much torque is required at
Determine belt pull: 300 x .67 = 201 Lbs. the roller to turn the cylinder?
Determine Torque: 201 x 9/2 = 201 x 4.5 Select 1.10 as Angle Factor (Table 2), and .025 as Rolling
= 904 Lb. Ins.
Friction Factor (Table 3).
Determine Friction Force: 1200 x .025 x 1.10 = 33 Lbs.
Determine Torque: 33 x 2 = 66 Lb. Ins.
Figure 2 Horizontal Axis Supported cylinders
(Figure 2), with unbalanced loads
require a different approach.
Assuming that the cylinder is not
Cylinders full, and that the material is rotated
These applications deal principally with rotationWG.0126
of weight to a position about 45° from the
about a horizontal centerline. Again, they are commonly vertical, the torque is equal to
subject to reducer overspecification. The table of Rolling the Material Weight x “Effective
Friction Factors in the section on turntables may be used, Radius”.
since the supporting members will be essentially the same.
Effective Radius = Cylinder Diameter (D) x 0 .23 (1/4 full)
For Roller Supported cylinders 0.15 (1/2 full)
Figure 1
(Figure 1), the torque required will WG.01280.08 (3/4 full)
Turntables Example:
A turntable 20 feet in diameter is to rotate a 4500 Lb.
automobile. A ring of steel casters (riding on steel) supports
the turntable, the casters are located at a radius of 8 feet. The
RADIUS turntable weights 1500 Lbs. How much torque is required to
drive the turntable at the axis?
Here, too, turntable applications appear to lend themselves Select .025 as Rolling Friction Factor (Table 3).
to overspecification of the speed reducer. Determine weight: 4500 + 1500 = 6000 Lbs.
This type of problem involves rotation of weight in a Determine Friction Force: 6000 x .025 = 150 Lbs.
horizontal plane, and in most cases the torque must
only overcome the friction between the turntable and its Determine Torque: 150 x (8 x 12) = 14,400 Lb. Ins.
supporting bearings. Assuming that the speed of rotation Center supported turntables do not lend themselves well to
will be slow, the bearing loads caused by centrifugal forces
calculation because the bearings are on the supporting shaft.
(resulting from eccentric loading) may be ignored. Since in The scale measurement of the torque will provide the most
most applications, the turntable is supported by anti-friction accurate value. If this is not possible, the mean radius of the
bearings or rollers, a Table of Rolling Friction Factors is bearing may be used in the above formulas with some degree
provided to be used in the following calculations. of accuracy.
Table 3. Rolling friction factors
Radial Ball Bearings .001
Roller Bearings .0015
Thrust Ball Bearings .0034
Steel Wheels on Steel .025
Iron Rollers on Wood .13
Iron Rollers on Asphalt .14
Torque (T) In. Lbs. Force (W) Lbs. and Radius (R) Inches T=WxR
HP = W x V
Horsepower (HP) Force (W) Lbs. and Velocity (V) Feet Per Minute
Horsepower (HP) Torque (T) In. Lbs. and Revolutions Per Minute (RPM)
HP = T x RPM
T = 63025 x HP
Torque (T) Horsepower (HP) and Revolutions Per Minute (RPM)
W = 33000 x HP
Force (W) Lbs. Horsepower (HP) and Velocity (V) Feet Per Minute
RPM = 63025 x HP
Revolutions Per Minute (RPM) Horsepower (HP) and Torque (T) In. Lbs.
Q 2. Prices
Prices are in accordance with current Company price
instances where credit is not established to the satisfaction
of the Company, a deposit of at least 50% of total value
of the order is required. Remittances should be made by
lists, are based on quantity specified and are subject
check or money order, payable to the Boston Gear, P.O.
to minimum order requirements of the Company. In
Box 521 South Beloit, IL 61080, U.S.A. Delays in trans
the event the Company consents to the cancellation
portation shall not exceed the terms of payment.
or suspension of orders, it shall be entitled to charge
for work done and material ordered or used up to the
time of giving its written consent to such cancellation 4. Material Furnished by The Customer
or suspension. When work is to be done on material Unless otherwise specified, quotations are based on
furnished by the customer, prices are based on the material furnished by the customer being of ordinary
quantity specified being delivered by the customer at hardness, normal allowance for finish, uniform
one time within a reasonable time after acceptance of specification, and machine work being of ordinary
order. Quotations will be made on special products of all commercial accuracy. If material furnished by the customer
types or on cutting only. Prices, specifications, and terms involves the Company in expense not contemplated by
and conditions, as well as all statements appearing in the contract, the customer will be charged for all such
the Company’s catalogs and advertisements, and made additional expense. If serious defects are found in the
elsewhere by the Company are subject to change without material furnished by the customer, the customer will
notice. Changes by the customer in specifications or be charged for the actual work done. The Company
delivery requirements will be subject to change in price. assumes no responsibility for, and will not be liable for
Whenever the net price of an order amounts to less than loss of or damage to samples, blueprints, diagrams, and
$25.00, a minimum charge of $25.00 will be made. other material of any nature submitted or furnished by the
customer or prospective customer, provided the Company
has exercised reasonable care in the handling of the
same. The Company does not assume transportation and
insurance costs on any of the foregoing items. In all cases
where the customer or prospective customer makes no
statement in writing, concerning the disposition of any
of the foregoing material when submitted, the Company
reserves the right to dispose of such material according to
its best judgement.
5. Dimensions
When dimensions of rims, bores, and hubs are not clearly
specified, quotations are based on ordinary dimensions.
Before the customer’s blanks are accepted by the
Company for cutting, the diameter, holes, rims, and ends
of holes must be finished; for bevel gears, hubs, must be
of uniform length. There should also be an allowance of
extra blanks to cover possible spoilage. Unless otherwise
specified, dimensions are in inches.
case of goods delivered at the Company’s expense, are not returnable except with the Company’s written
upon the transportation thereof, including freight charges consent. To reject products on inspection as defective,
thereon, the amount of such tax shall be added to the customer must notify the Company in writing within ten
purchase price above specified and shall be borne by the (10) days from receipt of the products. Before allowing
customer. The Company will accept a valid exemption or rejecting claim, the Company shall then have the
certificate from the customer if applicable; however, if option of reinspection at the customer’s plant or its own.
any exemption certificate previously accepted is not Defects that do not impair service shall not be a cause
recognized by the taxing authority involved and the for rejection. The Company shall have the right to replace
Company is required to pay the tax covered by such within a reasonable time any product or products which
exemption certificate, the customer shall be required to in its opinion do not conform to the order. No claim will
promptly reimburse the Company for the taxes so paid. be allowed for any products damaged by the customer
or damaged in transit. Expenses incurred in connec
tion with claims for which the Company is not liable, will
8. Shipments
be charged to the customer. The Company will not be
All shipments are made F.O.B. shipping point (subject
responsible for any work done to correct errors unless
to freight allowance under conditions stated in separate
such work is authorized by the written consent of the
price schedules). When ordering, the customer’s desired
Company. The Company assumes no liability for any
method of shipment must be clearly stated. Where
claim for infringement of any foreign or domestic patent.
instructions for shipping do not appear on the order,
shipment will be made according to the Company’s best
judgment. Full risk of loss (including transportation delays 12. Limited Warranty
and losses) shall pass the customer upon delivery of the The Company warrants that products manufactured
products to F.O.B. point. Unless otherwise instructed, or sold by it shall be free from defects in material and
all Parcel Post shipments are insured at the customers’ workmanship. Any products which shall within two
expense. Parcel Post shipments without insurance are at (2) years of delivery, be proved to the Company’s
the customer’s risk. Deliveries by Messenger Service to satisfaction to have been defective at the time of
a terminal are made at the customer’s risk and expense. delivery in these respects will be replaced or repaired by
Partial shipments shall be permitted and the Company the Company at its option. Freight is the responsibility of
may invoice each shipment separately. the customer. The Company’s liability under this limited
warranty is limited to such replacement or repair and it
shall not be held liable in any form of action for direct
9. Refusal of Shipment
or consequential damages to property or person. THE
In case of the refusal or inability of the customer to accept
any shipment in accordance with the terms of the order,
the customer shall be liable for freight, express, storage,
extra cost of handling and all other expenses incurred by
the Company as a result of such refusal or inability.
No employee, agent, distributor, or other person is
authorized to give additional warranties on behalf of
Boston Gear, nor to assume for Boston Gear any other
liability in connection with any of its products, except an
officer of Boston Gear by a signed writing
originally specified on the order.
orders are subject to the condition that the Company’s
obligation under such local, state and federal laws • Brokerage and export fees still apply to shipments
and Executive Orders, Rules and Regulations issued outside the U.S.
thereunder, whether now in force or hereafter made • Video Terminal Orders entered up to 8 p.m. Eastern
effective, shall be no greater as a result of this Time will be shipped the same day.
agreement and no greater than required by such laws
and the Company expressly disclaims assumptions of
any of the customer’s obligations under such laws.
16. General
Any terms and conditions of a customer’s order which
are inconsistent with or additional to the terms and
conditions hereof shall not be binding on the Company
and shall not be considered applicable to any sale
or shipment of the Company’s products. All such
terms and conditions are hereby expressly rejected.
No waiver, alteration or modification of any of the
Company’s terms and conditions shall be binding on
the Company unless made in writing and agreed to by a
duly authorized official of the Company.
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