Aerzen Standards About Performance Measurement: and For Calculation of The Standard Volume Flow

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and for calculation of the standard volume flow.

Packaged unit
performance (W2P) Electric fan (Ventilator)
FU Motor

Belt drive

Blower stage
(with periphery) Rotary pistons - Blower stage
(considered without periphery)

inlet Outlet
Intake side Discharge
losses side losses
1 2


Mechanical fans

The power requirement and its characteristics. The following graphic shows the performances relating to blo-
Generally, various performances can be defined depending on wer or compressor packages.
the losses which need to be considered upon definition. The Starting from the lowest power requirement, which means,
more complex a system, a plant or a packaged unit, the more the mechanical shaft performance at the stage, followed by
complex a performance definition or a performance compari- the completely driven packaged unit, the power requirement
son may be displayed. increases or decreases.

• Shaft performance at the stage (unit capacity)(with- • Terminal power Motor

out periphery) Efficiency losses by the motor and mechanical auxilia-
Describes the mechanical performance which is taken ries of the packaged unit are being considered as well
directly at the drive shaft of the stage
• Terminal power Packaged unit
• Coupling power (with periphery) Electrical auxiliaries, which have a separate electrical
Considers in addition to the mechanical performance, connection, are being considered as well
the intake and discharge side losses of the stage’s pe-
riphery • Terminal power Frequency converter
• Drive power required The performance losses caused by a frequency con-
Includes in addition the performance losses due to verter are being considered and, consequently, the
slippage of the belt drive upon power transmission entire drive system
Explanations for ISO 1217. ASME PTC 10 Acceptable deviations with test parameters for
This international standard, being applied by Aerzener comparable conditions:
Maschinenfabrik GmbH, specifies methods for a performance Condition Acceptable deviation in %
measurement, referring to the volume flow and the power re- Inlet pressure 5 5±
quirement of positive displacement machines.
Inlet temperature 8 8±
This international standard specifies the operating and test
Specific gravitation 2 2±
conditions which must be taken as basis for a complete perfor-
mance measurement. Power 4 4±
The test runs of compressors with fixed speed, which are pro- Input density of the gas 8±
duced in batches or in series and supplied according to specific
performance values, are described in annexes B, C and D. The Explanations of ISO 5389
relevance of the respective annex depends on type and design This standard defines the test conditions for compressor units
of the compressor. which include a centrifugal compressor and are driven by an
The test runs of compressors with variable speed, which are electric motor. It applies to driving power of 75 kW to 1865 kW.
produced in batches or in series and supplied according to spe-
cific performance values, are described in annex E.
The maximum permissible deviations are defined as follows:
In general, the volume flow is defined as per 3.4.1, i.e. as “vol-
ume flow measured at the discharge nozzle and calculated Volume flow Specific power Power consumption
(according to ISO requirement in % without load
back to the conditions of the suction side”. Annex C applies
5167 or 9300) in % in %
for packaged units with fixed speed for compression of air or
±4 ±5 ± 10
nitrogen. According to chart C2, the maximum permissible de-
viations are defined as follows:
With more than 150 years of experience as manufacturer of
displacement machines, AERZEN has played a significant role
Volume flow range Useable intake Spec. power
(m3/min) volume flow (%) consumption (%) in creating the ISO 1217. At present, the American standard PTC
13 is in process.
< 0,5 ±7 ±8
0,5...1,5 ±6 ±7 As German company, AERZEN carries out its performance
1,5...15 ±5 ±6 tests for displacement machines as standard according to
> 15 ±4 ±5 ISO 1217 as well.
Today, the majority of wastewater treatment plants are
The tolerance values of the a./m. chart include all manufac- equipped with frequency converters. In case of retrofitting,
turing and measuring tolerances. we offer our customers low investment costs solutions. Here,
According to annex C.2.4, electrically driven compressors need AERZEN as machine supplier, needs to comply with various
to be measured as completely mounted packaged units (as frequency converter brands, performance ranges and efficien-
specified by the customer) and evaluated by their terminal cies. Therefore, a power rating with tolerances as per ISO1217
power. annex E requires that the operator of the wastewater treat-
For annex E (compressor with frequency converter) the same ment plant is being provided with a new compressor package
rules and tolerances apply as for compressors with fixed and a new frequency converter. However, most plants have al-
speed. ready been equipped with a high-quality frequency converter.

Explanation of PTC 10 - 1997.

This standard is taken into account in North and South Amer-
ica. It describes the procedure for determining the thermody-
namic power of axial and centrifugal compressors and fans
(blowers) under specific conditions.
It is important for our customers to keep this flexibility in Standards applied in wastewater technology concerning
deciding. We provide our customers with project-related and standard volume flow:
tailor-made solutions. Therefore, AERZEN standard offers ac- The calculation of the standard volume flow in the wastewater
cording to customer needs. technology is subject to different standard validities.
Overview of the most important standards:
This may include:
• Individual blower and compressor stages 1. DIN ISO 1343: volume flow in standard state related to
• Packaged units without motor T1=273 K, p1=1,013 bar, rF=0%
• Packaged units with motor 2. ISO 2533: volume flow in standard state related to
• Packaged units without frequency converter T1=288 K, p1=1,013 bar, rF=0%
• Packaged units with external frequency converter (for an 3. ISO 1217: volume flow in standard state related to
installation in a separate room) T1=293 K, p1=1,000 bar, rF=0%
• Packaged units with internal frequency converter
It depends on the scope of supply, which standard or tolerance
Medium Air
is used. For compressor packages which are turbo machines,
Intake volume flow Q1 m³/h 1500
the standard ISO 5389 applies in Europe, considering other
t1=20°C, p1=1,013 bar, rF=0%
tolerances. AERZEN is a company which operates on an inter-
Volume flow in standard state QN Nm³/h 1397
national scale with a product portfolio which provides various related to
compressor technologies, especially oriented to the wastewa- T1=273 K, p1=1,013 bar, rF=0%
ter treatment plant technology. Therefore, several standards Volume flow in standard state QN Nm³/h 1474
with different tolerances need to be considered. AERZEN related to
makes best use of the standard tolerance in all cases. The T1=288 K, p1=1,013 bar, rF=0%
standard tolerance gives you and us the certainty that every Volume flow in standard state QN Nm³/h 1519
related to
packaged unit, also in combination with an external brand, T1=293 K, p1=1,000 bar, rF=0%
guarantees maximum energy efficiency and safe operation.
t1= Inlet temperature
With over more than 150 years of experience as compressor
manufacturer and a profound know-how in the field of aera-
After consultation, we will calculate for you the power rating
tion technology for wastewater treatment plants, AERZEN
according to your favourite standard or tolerance. Please
makes a substantial contribution to respond to the demands
contact us!
of the market.

Aerzener Maschinenfabrik GmbH

Reherweg 28 – 31855 Aerzen / Germany
Telephone: +49 5154 81-0 – Fax: +49 5154 81-9191 –

A3 – 110 – 00 – EN – 250 – 5.2016

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