Office Order Inter Counselling
Office Order Inter Counselling
Office Order Inter Counselling
APSWRE-13021(31)/4/2023-ACDM- I-APSWREIS-Part(1)
Sub:- APSWREI Society – Counseling for Admission into Jr. Inter for the Academic
year 2024-2025 in all districts – Nominating the officers to Monitor of admission
counseling process – Orders - issued – Reg.
Read:- 1. Admission Notification issued in daily news papers Eenadu & Saakshi.
2. Admission test conducted on 10-03-2024 in all Dr BR Ambedkar
Gurukulams in the state.
3. Merit list of Jr. Inter admission test furnished by APCFSS.
The admission counseling will be conducted from 10.00 AM and continue till the process
gets over.
In this regard, it is also decided that to nominate the Head office officers to monitor
File No.APSWRE-13021(31)/4/2023-ACDM- I-APSWREIS-Part(1)
the counseling process (in ONLINE) of Jr. Inter admissions from head office. The details of
nominated officers, are as follows :
All the nominated officers are hereby instructed to monitor the counseling
process (in ONLINE) of Junior Intermediate from head office, as per the given
File No.APSWRE-13021(31)/4/2023-ACDM- I-APSWREIS-Part(1)
scheduled dates. Sri N. Sanjeeva Rao, AMO / Joint Secretary (Academic) along with
Academic Monitoring Unit will co-ordinate the process of all Zones. Guidelines for
Further, Sri K. Sunil Raj Kumar, Additional Secretary is hereby kept as incharge
for the whole process of admission counseling.
Dr Mahesh Kumar Ravirala
All concerned officer of this office.
Copy to all the District co-ordinators of this office.