Top 19 FAQs On Psychometrics-1

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Top nineteen frequently

asked questions about

psychometric tests

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Psychometric assessments take many forms, from empirically

derived personality assessments to cognitive ability tests.
However, regardless of what they are being used for, everyone
desires the same thing - precise, powerful, data-driven tests that
streamline the candidate selection process, ascertain candidates’
suitability for various roles and minimize HR and hiring costs.

But if you are amid implementing assessments,

what specific points do you have in mind to ask
the psychometric test provider?

While your requirements may govern whether you want to

leverage these tests for recruitment or learning and development
purposes or focus on candidate experience, or perhaps you prefer
simple assessments over gamified assessments. There could
be varied user preferences but what matters most is achieving
absolute clarity in psychometric testing.

We understand that you may have several queries concerning

psychometric testing. After extensive research, we have
answered the nineteen most frequently asked questions around
psychometric tests by organizations, hiring managers, and HRs,
first-time users, which will help acquaint themselves with a not-
so-well-known process. These FAQs are designed to succinctly
explain psychometric assessments, which are assuming greater
significance among recruiters and organizations worldwide that
are in the process of implementing assessments and getting
accustomed to their diverse usages.

Q1. What is a psychometric test?

A psychometric test is an assessment tool to objectively assess the traits, aptitude,

behavioral style, mental ability, cognitive skills, and other aspects of applicants’
personalities. The test not only helps HRs assess a range of competencies in an
individual to ascertain their job suitability in an organization, but it also applies in
several employee-related strategies, such as high-potential identification, leadership
development, appraisals, and employee engagement. This test helps employers
assess applicants’ personality traits and general intelligence to make well-informed
hiring decisions. Moreover, such a test can be used at every stage of the employee
career cycle to make crucial talent management decisions and personal
development goals.

Q2. What are the different types of psychometric tests?

Psychometric assessments can be broadly classified into personality tests and

aptitude (cognitive ability) tests. Personality tests are assessment tools to uncover
aspects of a candidate’s personality, such as traits, behavior, interpersonal skills, time
management, etc. They can bring an individual’s personality, interests, and values
to the fore, enabling employers to determine if somebody is suitable for a particular
role. Aptitude tests are used to measure an individual’s mental, problem-solving and
critical thinking skills. There are several available aptitude tests, such as numerical
tests, verbal tests, inductive and deductive reasoning tests, situational tests, etc.

Q3. Does psychometric testing work in recruitment?

The psychometric test provides an excellent way for recruiters to glean insights on
candidate’s skills and personality that one cannot retrieve from CVs alone. Many
recruiters worldwide use psychometric tests to predict a candidate’s culture fitment.
These tests can help recruiters filter and shortlist applicants who are ideal for the role
and organization’s needs regarding their aptitude, traits, competencies, intelligence,
drive, etc. By including psychometric testing in the hiring process, recruiters can make
the recruitment process objective and more effective.

Q4. What jobs require psychometric testing?

Psychometric testing is applicable across roles related to different disciplines,

levels, and industries. The reason is that the test can help provide assessable data
of applicants’ competency and cultural fit. Hence, any entity that wants to conduct
recruitment, selection and development processes based on this data may use
psychometric assessments. These tests are used in recruiting candidates for entry-
level and mid-level roles. These tests also find their extensive use in senior and
executive-level positions wherein they are used for recruitment, training, promotion,
leadership development, etc.

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Q5. Is psychometric test used mainly for Q8. Does psychometric test help in
lateral hiring rather than campus hiring? understanding the dark personality traits
of candidates?
Whether it’s about recruiting freshly
minted graduates in large numbers or The answer is yes! Psychometric personality
hiring professionals with some experience, test helps measure negative personality
psychometric tests suit both purposes! constructs in potential hires (during the
Whether you are looking at lateral hiring or hiring process) and existing employees.
campus recruitment, these tests help identify Through this personality diagnostic,
and select talent with required personality it becomes easy to ensure safety at
traits such as problem-solving, openness to workplaces. The tool considers six dark
learning, stress handling skills, diligence, personality traits: Opportunism, Self-
leadership qualities, team spirit, etc. Obsession, Insensitivity, Temperamental,
Impulsiveness and Thrill-Seeking. Thus,
the tool helps safeguard work culture and
ensure customer safety in industries where
Q6. Can psychometric tests help in recruiting
employees working in customer-facing
the blue-collar workforce?
roles may exhibit dark traits, endangering
customer, asset and data safety.
Psychometric tests have proven beneficial
to various medium and large-scale
organizations in hiring a competent blue-
collar workforce. The reason is that they
provide a holistic view of the prospect’s
character and competence. These tests
furnish extensive details about candidates’
personalities, intelligence, abilities, skills, and
behavior, making it easy for employers to
find prospective hires who are most suited to
their work culture. Psychometric testing can
also evaluate if there are traces of negative
personality constructs in newly hired ones
and existing employees, which could come
in handy if employers want to prepare
remedial measures beforehand should any
unfavorable situation arise.

Q7. Does psychometric test help in

integrity testing?

There are specialized psychometric tests

that help organizations profile employees
based on their level of integrity. Such
tests focus on identifying prospective
hires and individuals who tend to exhibit
counterproductive behavior. Psychometric
tools also help increase self-awareness by
focusing on a person’s underlying strengths
and weaknesses, helping them understand
the value of integrity at the workplace.

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Q9. Which psychometric test is best? Q12. What type of questions are asked in a
psychometric test?
There is no definite answer to that question
because “best” seems like generalizing The types of questions that psychometric tests
something and imposing one’s personal include vary depending on the test type and
preference on others. However, research the measurement model adopted within the
has shown that psychometric tests based assessment. For example, for a verbal reasoning
on the trait approach (such as the five-factor test, the test question might comprise a written
model) describe and measure personality passage followed by questions that are succeeded
characteristics more objectively than the by response options, such as true, false, or cannot
tests based on the type approach (such as say, from which the test taker would choose the
the MBTI). Unlike the type theory, the trait correct answer. Another commonly used test, the
theory considers situational factors that affect work personality questionnaire, is designed to
personality and finds the most proper behavior assess individual differences based on preferences
in specific circumstances, essential for high- and work styles. These questionnaires may include
stakes job roles. The trait theory has shown a questions posed as statements, such as “I always
high correlation with on-the-job performance struggle to meet deadlines”, and the test-taker is
and, thus, is highly recommended in the required to choose their response from the various
workplace context. options (strongly agree, strongly disagree, agree,
disagree, unsure).

Q10. How are psychometric tests administered?

Q13. Can psychometric tests be cheated?
Psychometric tests are usually presented in a
multiple-choice format and are administered The answer is no if you are using proper tools! The
online or offline at the candidate selection stage. reason is that today a vast majority of organizations
By using psychometric assessments alongside conduct online psychometric tests using advanced
the usual hiring practices, HRs and hiring assessment platforms to evaluate the personality,
managers can access insights backed by reliable behavioral and cognitive skills of the candidates.
data that traditional interview methods often fall These platforms support a systematic online
short of providing on their own. proctoring arrangement wherein the test-takers are
monitored and regulated through technology tools
such as a mic, webcam, and screen of the device,
which is currently in use. In addition, psychometric
personality tests would be difficult for a candidate
to cheat on as there are no right or wrong answers
in these tests. Similarly, aptitude tests are time-
limited, meaning you can objectively measure
aspects of a candidate’s mental ability within the set
time frame.

Q14. How reliable are psychometric tests?

Psychometric tests are very reliable in predicting

the test-taker’s performance. Therefore, these tests
are an effective filtration tool because they can
Q11. When would it be most suitable to administer objectively evaluate applicants and help narrow
a particular psychometric assessment? down the talent pool. However, a test would not
be very reliable if it produces inconsistent and
The question of when to administer a specific different results under similar circumstances. That’s
assessment entirely depends upon organization- why it’s essential to choose the right psychometric
wide goals. For example, most companies assessment provider that provides highly reliable
conduct these tests for various purposes, such tests which predict the test-taker’s performance
as enhancing the efficacy of their recruitment, with utmost accuracy.
training and development and promotion
decisions. Why? Because psychometric
assessments are good predictors of future job
performance and person-organization fit.

Q15. Is there any right or wrong answer in Q17. Are psychometric tests time-consuming?
psychometric tests?
Psychometric testing can stretch from a few
Psychometric tests allow respondents to answer minutes to a few hours, depending on the
questions from their perspective, and there’s nature of the assessment and the test-taker’s
nothing called a ‘right perspective’ or ‘wrong capacity. Nowadays, online psychometric tests
perspective’. Therefore, candidates’ responses to help narrow down the talent pool and generate
psychometric tests determine their suitability for results instantly, thereby saving a significant time
a job or role. in the recruiting process. Furthermore, many
tests are not lengthy but contain stimulus-based
multiple-choice questions that help applicants
Q16. Are psychometric tests too expensive? respond quickly.

Most people think that administering

psychometric assessments may prove to be a Q18. Can anyone administer a psychometric test?
costly affair. Although undeniably, integrating
these assessments in an organization’s hiring The answer is no! A certified psychometrician
process would require an additional investment, undergoes extensive training and certification to
this can be offset against excellent returns attain expertise and ability.
from this cost. Furthermore, psychometric Hence, they know how to design and select
assessments help hire the right fit, so it won’t assessments for the role being considered
hurt your finances if you invest some amount and use the right approach to assess results.
in attracting top talent. Simply put, the cost However, there is no shortage of free aptitude
of a bad hire is a lot more than conducting tests available online. Unfortunately, these may
psychometric assessments. not be conceptualized with the same rigor as
an assessment created by SMEs, and the results
and analysis they offer may not be reliable.
Therefore, it’s advisable to seek expertise from a
certified expert or a well-renowned assessment
technology provider that offers automated, data-
driven psychometric assessments.

Q19. What happens after an assessment?

Once results have been analyzed, all participants

should receive some useful feedback. The
reason is that result reports can help candidates
understand their underlying strengths and
weaknesses. If a candidate gets hired solely
based on the test and interview performance,
evaluators should emphasize areas where they
need improvement, which can help them in the
long run. Psychometric assessments are not only
useful for hiring purposes but also for conducting
learning and development, initiating succession
planning, resolving workplace conflicts, solidifying
teams and workplace culture, etc.

Well, that’s the long and short of it. We hope

these questions answer all your queries around
psychometric testing and help you get acquainted
with this novel approach to hiring. We are sure
that this list of FAQs has assuaged your concerns
and dispelled common myths to drive greater
acceptance of the psychometric testing process.

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About us
At Mercer | Mettl, our mission is to enable organizations to
make better people decisions across two key areas: acquisition
and development. Since our inception in 2010, we have
partnered with more than 4,000 corporates, 31 sector skills
councils/government departments and 500+ educational
institutions across more than 90 countries.

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