Top 19 FAQs On Psychometrics-1
Top 19 FAQs On Psychometrics-1
Top 19 FAQs On Psychometrics-1
welcome to brighter
The psychometric test provides an excellent way for recruiters to glean insights on
candidate’s skills and personality that one cannot retrieve from CVs alone. Many
recruiters worldwide use psychometric tests to predict a candidate’s culture fitment.
These tests can help recruiters filter and shortlist applicants who are ideal for the role
and organization’s needs regarding their aptitude, traits, competencies, intelligence,
drive, etc. By including psychometric testing in the hiring process, recruiters can make
the recruitment process objective and more effective.
Q5. Is psychometric test used mainly for Q8. Does psychometric test help in
lateral hiring rather than campus hiring? understanding the dark personality traits
of candidates?
Whether it’s about recruiting freshly
minted graduates in large numbers or The answer is yes! Psychometric personality
hiring professionals with some experience, test helps measure negative personality
psychometric tests suit both purposes! constructs in potential hires (during the
Whether you are looking at lateral hiring or hiring process) and existing employees.
campus recruitment, these tests help identify Through this personality diagnostic,
and select talent with required personality it becomes easy to ensure safety at
traits such as problem-solving, openness to workplaces. The tool considers six dark
learning, stress handling skills, diligence, personality traits: Opportunism, Self-
leadership qualities, team spirit, etc. Obsession, Insensitivity, Temperamental,
Impulsiveness and Thrill-Seeking. Thus,
the tool helps safeguard work culture and
ensure customer safety in industries where
Q6. Can psychometric tests help in recruiting
employees working in customer-facing
the blue-collar workforce?
roles may exhibit dark traits, endangering
customer, asset and data safety.
Psychometric tests have proven beneficial
to various medium and large-scale
organizations in hiring a competent blue-
collar workforce. The reason is that they
provide a holistic view of the prospect’s
character and competence. These tests
furnish extensive details about candidates’
personalities, intelligence, abilities, skills, and
behavior, making it easy for employers to
find prospective hires who are most suited to
their work culture. Psychometric testing can
also evaluate if there are traces of negative
personality constructs in newly hired ones
and existing employees, which could come
in handy if employers want to prepare
remedial measures beforehand should any
unfavorable situation arise.
Q15. Is there any right or wrong answer in Q17. Are psychometric tests time-consuming?
psychometric tests?
Psychometric testing can stretch from a few
Psychometric tests allow respondents to answer minutes to a few hours, depending on the
questions from their perspective, and there’s nature of the assessment and the test-taker’s
nothing called a ‘right perspective’ or ‘wrong capacity. Nowadays, online psychometric tests
perspective’. Therefore, candidates’ responses to help narrow down the talent pool and generate
psychometric tests determine their suitability for results instantly, thereby saving a significant time
a job or role. in the recruiting process. Furthermore, many
tests are not lengthy but contain stimulus-based
multiple-choice questions that help applicants
Q16. Are psychometric tests too expensive? respond quickly.