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Solutions for DIHO1002104

Solutions for questions 1 to 4: The maximum flow through the pipeline connecting E and F is
500 (required at F) + 200 (further requirement at G) i.e. 700.
1. The total number of students who like Cricket is  the minimum slack is 750 – 700 = 50. Choice (B)
25 25 75
=  2500 +  4000 +  3000 Solutions for questions 9 to 12:
100 100 100
= 625 + 1000 + 2250 = 3875 Choice (C)
2. The total number of students who like football is
18 10
25 50 12.5
=  2500 +  4000 +  3000 4
100 100 100
= 625 + 2000 + 375 = 3000 U 4 X 6 Y 4 V
The total number of students who like basketball is
[(2,500 + 4,000 + 3,000) – (3000 + 3875)]
14 2
= [9500 – 6875] = 2625. 12
∴ Cricket is liked by the maximum number of students.
Choice (A) Z

3. The required percentage =  100 = 27.6% The possible routes are
Choice (B) Route Total time Junction

4. The minimum difference is for football or basketball which is U–W–V 28 W

625 – 375 = 250 or 1250 – 1000 = 250 Choice (B) U–X–W–V 18 X, W
U–X–Y–V 14 X, Y
Solutions for questions 5 to 8:
U–Z–Y–V 20 Z, Y
The capacities of the pipeline connecting A with B, C and D are U–Z–V 26 Z
1500 each while the capacities of all other pipelines are 750 each.
It is given that, for each of the routes, the only way to increase the
5. To find the minimum flow in the pipeline connecting total time is to impose checking delays at junctions. Let the time
D and G, we have to maximize the flow in other pipelines. delay due to checking at junctions W, X, Y and Z be w, x, y and z
The maximum flow in the pipeline connecting A and B is respectively. Now the total time for each of the five routes will be
1450 (as 700 is stored at depot B and the remaining 750 is as follows:
the maximum that can flow through pipeline connecting
B and E).
Similarly the maximum flow in the pipeline connecting Route Total time
A and C is 1400. U–W–V 28 + w
 The minimum flow in the pipeline connecting A and D is U–X–W–V 18 + (x + w)
4000 – (1450 + 1400) = 1150. Ans: (1150)
U–X–Y–V 14 + (x + y)
6. The maximum flow in the pipeline connecting A and B is U–Z–Y–V 20 + (z + y)
1200, of which 500 litres will flow to E.
U–Z–V 26 + z
The flow through the pipeline connecting A and C can be at
most 1400, of which 750 will flow to E.
Now E would receive 500 + 750 = 1250 of which 450 would 9. No traffic flows, from Z – V. Now applying each of the
be stored at E, 500 would be transferred to F and 300 to G, options, the total time would be as follows:
with G receiving the remaining 600 from D
the flow in the pipeline connecting D and F can be zero. Route Option A Option B Option C Option D
Ans : (0) U–W–V 30 30 30 28
7. The slack in the pipelines supplying oil to depot E would be U – X – W – V 30 28 30 28
maximum, when pipelines connecting A and D carries the U–X–Y–V 30 30 32 28
maximum oil, i.e. 1500 litres.
Without any flow in the pipeline supplying oil to depot E, a U–Z–Y–V 32 34 32 28
maximum of 700 (A – B) + 650 (A – C) + 1500 U–Z–V 32 32 30 30
(A – D - F or G) = 2850 can be transported.
 a further 4000 – 2850 = 1150 is required which is to be
supplied through depot E. As it is given that the traffic flow at junction W is the same as
 maximum slack = (750 + 750) – 1150 = 350 that at junction Y.
Choice (C)  Number of routes involving W that can be used must be
the same as that involving Y.
8. If the stack in the pipelines connecting D and G is 50, it Further only the routes with minimum time duration can be
means that oil flowing through the pipeline connecting used.
D and G is 750 – 50 = 700. Of the 900 required at This happens in only (D) as in the routes that can be used,
G, 700 is flowing through the pipeline connecting D and G. the number of routes involving W is two (U – W – V) and
The stack in the pipeline connecting E and F is minimum, (U – X – W – V) and that involving Y is also two (U – X – Y – V)
when the flow through it is the maximum. and (U – Z – U – V). Choice (D)

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10. As X – Y is unusable, U – X – Y – V is not possible. From the 25
remaining, if we apply all the options: 13. Sales of company B in 2010 =  1200 = 300 cr.
Route Option A Option B Option C Option D Sales of company B in 2015 =  3000 = 1500 cr.
U–W–V 32 28 30 32 1200
Percentage increase = 100 = 400%
U–X–W–V 32 28 30 28 300
Ans : (400)
U–Z–Y–V 30 30 30 32
U–Z–V 30 30 30 28 14. If company C had the maximum percentage increase in
sales from 2013 to 2014,
Only in option (C), the total time taken is the same for each Its sales in 2013 =  2000 = 220 (minimum possible)
of the four routes. Choice (C) 100
11. From the given options Its sales in 2014 =  2600 = 494 (maximum possible)
 Increase in sales = `274 crores. Ans : (274)
Route Option A Option B Option C Option D
15. The percentage increase in market share is maximum if
U–W–V 28 28 30 30
company C or D had the minimum possible market share in
U–X–W–V 28 28 30 30 2011 (i.e. 9%) and the same company had the maximum
possible market share in 2012 (i.e. 24%)
U–X–Y–V 32 28 30 30 15
 The percentage increase =  100 = 166.67
U–Z–Y–V 30 28 32 30 9
Choice (B)
U–Z–V 28 30 32 30
16. Maximum value of company D’s sales in 2010
It is very likely that option (D) is selected. But if all the four 24
routes take the same time, there will be an equal traffic in all =  1200 = 288 crores
the five routes, i.e. 20% in each route. But then the
percentage of traffic in V – W = 20%, U – X = 40% Minimum value of company D’s sales in 2011
(as these are two routes involving U – X, U – Z = 40% 9
=  1400 = 126 cores
(for the same reason as above). 100
But here the given condition is that time taken in U – W is 162
equal to U – X, which in turn is equal to U – Z. Percentage decrease =  100 = 56.25%
As V – W = U – Z
Of the routes, that can be used the number of routes Choice (B)
involving U – W must be same as U – X, which in turn is
some as U – Z. It happened in only option (A) Solutions for questions 17 to 20:
Choice (A)
17. From table II, the cost of preparing a finished product from a
12. From the given options semi-finished product is the highest for FP4 from SF4 and
from table I, the cost of preparing a semi-finished product
Option Option from a raw material is highest for SF4 from RM4. So, the
Route Option C Option D
A B highest cost of preparing a finished product from a raw
U–W–V 28 28 30 30 material is the highest for FP4 from RM4
U–X–W–V 28 28 30 30 It is 1139.6 + 1248.8 = 2388.4 Choice (C)

U–X–Y–V 28 32 30 30
18. The cost of preparing FP8 from RM2 through
U–Z–Y–V 28 30 32 30 SF5 = 919.9 + 288 = 1207.9
U–Z–V 30 28 32 30 SF6 = 814.2 + 615.6 = 1429.8
SF3 = 768.4 + 62.5 = 830.9
As the time must be the same for all the routes, it must be SF4 = 718.4 + 911.7= 1630.1
option (D). Choice (D)
SF1 = 698.6 + 756.3 = 1454.9
Solutions from questions 13 to 16:  It is highest for SF4 (i.e.,1630.1) Choice (A)

The percentage share in the market for the companies, (the range 19. The cost of preparing FP5 from RM5 is the least, it is
in case of companies C and D) in the different years are as 548.8 + 108.5 = 657.3 Choice (B)
20. The number of ways in which a given finished product can
be developed is (number of raw materials)  (number of
Year 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 semi-finished products) = 6  6 = 36 Choice (A)
A 40 35 25 25 20 20
B 25 35 35 40 45 50
C 11-24 9-21 16-24 11-24 16-19 13-17
D 11-24 9-21 16-24 11-24 16-19 13-17

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