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BBA 1st Year

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Principles of Management 1.4
Unit I
1. Management-Meaning, Nature & Significance-Combination of Art & Science, Management
as a Profession, Management Vs Administration, Levels of Management-Elements of
managerial processes-Styles & Roles of Managers in Organizations. Contributions of Taylor
and Fayol, Human Relations & Behavioural Schools-Hawthorne Studies.
Unit II
2.Planning-Nature, Process of Planning, Planning and Environmental Uncertainties, Types of
Planning, Advantages and Limitations of Planning-Decision Making-Stages in Decision
Unit III
Nature & Significance of Organization, Authority & Responsibility Relationships-Span of
Control, Process of Delegations-Barriers to Delegation, Centralization & Decentralization.
Concept of Line & Staff-Overcoming Line-staff conflict, Committees, Co ordination,
Organization Structures, Types, Advantages & Disadvantages.
Unit IV
Staffing, Motivation & Leadership.Scope of Staffing Functions, Theories of Motivation. Theory
X, Theory Y, Theory Z. Maslows need hierarchy. Leadership Styles.
Unit V
Communications of Control, Process of Communication. Verbal & Non Verbal, Barriers to
communication, Types, Process, Tools of control, Characteristics of Effective Control System-
Human Reaction to control system.
Business Mathematics Paper 1.5
Unit I
Functions :
Introductions, Concepts, types of functions-Linear, Quadratic, Polynmial, Exponential & Log.
Special types of functions, Functions related to Business & Economics
Interest: Simple & Compund, Discounts, Annunity, Present Value Concepts.
Theory of indices: Laws, Negative & Fractional Indices, Arithmetic, Geometric & Harmonic
Progression applications.
Unit II
Theory of Sets:
Introduction: Set theory definition, types of sets: Universal Power, Super, Equal Sets & Venn
Diagrams. Set Operations: Union of two sets, Intersection of two sets, Complement of sets,
Difference of two sets. Theorems: Associative, DistributiveDe Morgan's Law,-Set relations &
applications. Relations & Functions-ordered pairs-Cartesian Products-Number of Elements-
Permutation & Combinations.
Unit III
Introduction-Concept of Derivatives-Physical & Geometrical Meaning-Increasing & Decreasing
Functions-Maxima-Minima, Applications of Differentiations, Partial Derivative-Total
Differentiation-Second Orders Partial Derivatives, Applications & Partial Differentiations.
Unit IV
Concept of Integration
Introduction- Fundamental Formulate - Properties - Method of Integration, Substitution
Methods, Simple Applications.
Vectors: Equality-Difference-Inequality-Special Vectors-Linear Dependence of Vectors
Unit V
Matrix Algebra:
Introduction-Definition-Symbol, Order of a Matrix-Row Column Matrix-Operations of
Matrices,-Matrix Multiplication-Determinant of Matrix-Inverse of a Matrix-Applications of
Matrix, Systems of Linear Equation and their solutions using matrices.
Business Economics & Entreprenurial Development - Paper 1.6
Objective: This course is meant to sensitize the students about the rationale and the principles
of business economics as are applicable to business problems.
Unit I
Business Economics: Basic Concepts, Precepts & Economics Rationale of Optimization:
Nature & Scope of Business Economics. Basic problems of an economy, Basic Concepts &
Percepts: Marginalism, Equimarginalism, Opportunity Cost, Time Perspective, DIscounting,
Risk & Uncertainity, Effeciency, Externality & Trade Off. Optimization-Constrained &
Unconstrained Optimization, Economics of Information.
Unit II
Utility & Demand Analysis:
Theory of Utility, Utility & Demand Curve, Consumer Surplus. Determinates of Demand.
Different concepts of Demand. Concepts of Elasticity, Relationship between price elasticity
and revenue. Demand Forecasting-Forecasting Methods.
Unit III
Production, Cost & Supply Analyses:
Production Function, short run and long run production function. The law of diminishing
returns and returns to sale. The relationship between production & cost. Variables, Fixed Cost
& other cost concepts / least cost input combination. Economies of Sale and Scope. The
experience curve, concept of supply, supply curve. Conditions of supply, elasticity of supply.
Unit IV
Analyses of Market Structure and Price Determination:
Short run and long run price determination under perfect monopoly, monopolistic, oligopoly
markets. Critique of pricing under various market structures. Pricing strategies and practices.
Unit V
Entrepreneur & Entrepreneural Development:
Concept of entrepreneur, characterisitcs & functions of entrepreneur, Entrepreneur & Manager,
Concept of Entreneurship-Function,growth & Problems; Role of entrepreneurship in
economical development, Entrepreneurial Mindset, motivation & compentencies, Developing
Entrepreneurship, Role of Government.
Financial Accounting - Paper 1.7

Unit I
Financial Accounting-Origin, growth, meaning, definition, objectives, functions, limitations;
users of accounting information; financial accounting-science or art; book keeping versus
Financial Accounting, accounting versus accountancy; branches of accounting-classification of
expenditure-Basics of accounting-terms used in financial accounting-assets, liabilities, capital,
equity, debtors, creditors, bills of exchanges, revenue, income, expense, expenditure, profit and
loss account; Double entry system of accounting and its advantages; types of accounts, rules of
accounting, accounting equation; accounting concepts, conventions;accounting standards.
Unit II
Journal, Journalizing, types of journal entries-Simple, compound, opening and closing
entries; books of prime entry,; subsidiary books, cash book, posting simple cash book, two
columnar cashbook, three columnar cash book, petty cash book, Purchase Book, Purchase
Returns Book, Sales book, Sales Returns Book, Bills Receivable book, Bills Payable Book,
Bank Reconciliation Statement.
Unit III
Ledger, Ledger Account, Difference between Journal & Ledger; Ledger posting, balancing;
Preparation of trial balance; types of errors and their rectification; capital profit versus revenue
profit, capital loss versus revenue loss; Provisions and reserves; secret reserve, general reserve,
specific reserve; Adhustment; Final accounts of sole proprietorships-trading account, profit &
loss account, horizontal form of balance sheet.
Unit IV
Joint Stock Company-Definition, Characteristics, types of companies, steps in formation of
company; Shares, Share Capital, rights shares, bonus shares; Accounting entries with respect to
-issue shares of premium or at discount, calls in advance, calls in arrears, forfeiture, surrender,
reissue; Debentures, accounting entries with respect to issue of debentures; Company final
accounts; Adjustments in company final accounts.
Unit V
Joint Stock Company-Definition, Characteristics, types of companies, steps in formation of
company; Shares, Share Capital, rights shares, bonus shares; Accounting entries with respect to
-issue shares of premium or at discount, calls in advance, calls in arrears, forfeiture, surrender,
reissue; Debentures, accounting entries with respect to issue of debentures; Company final
accounts; Adjustments in company final accounts.
Depreciation,-Definition, causes, need for providing depreciation; depreciable assets, methods
of recording depreciation, depreciation methods-straight line method, diminishing balance
method, sum of years digits method, annuity method, depreciation fund method insurance
policy method machine hour rate method, revaluation method, depletion method; Inventory
systems-periodic system, perpetual system; Inventory Valuation methods- FIFO, LIFO, Simple
average, weight avaerage method.

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