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Syllabus for Post Graduate Diploma in Business

Syllabus : Management/Administration

A. Principles and Practices of Management and Organizational Behavior

Principles and Practices of Management

1. Basic Concepts of Management : Definition, Need and scope .Different schools of management –
Behavioural , Scientific , Systems , Contingency
2. Management theories - F.W. Taylor - Henry Fayol - Elton Mayo
3. Managerial skills and functions Levels of management
4. Functions of management
 Planning – Def. , Nature , Importance , steps , limitations , MBO
 Organising - Def. , Nature , Importance , principles , centralization – de centralization
Org. structures –Z Line & staff , functional , product , matrix , geographical , customer ,
virtual , boundary less
 Leading - Nature and scope
 Staffing – Def. , Nature , Importance , steps
 Decision making - Def. , Nature , Importance , steps
 Controlling - Def. , Nature , Importance , steps-Z Techniques

Organisational Behaviour

1. OB – Defn. , Scope , Importance , Concepts of OB , Models of OB – Autocratic Collegial ,

Custodial Supportive , SOBC
2. Motivation – Defn. Importance
 Motive – Characteristics; Types – primary & secondary
 Theories of motivation - Mc Gregor , A.H. Maslow, Herzberg
 Overview of moral – short note
3. Group , Group Dynamics and team building
- Theories of group formation
- Formal and informal groups
- Importance of team building
4. Conflict – Definition , traditional Vs Modern view of conflict; Types of conflict – intra personnel ,
interpersonal , organizational; Constructive and destructive conflict; Conflict management
5. Stress management - defn. , causes , types Management of stress
6. Leadership – defn. , importance , qualities of leaders types of leadership – autocratic ,
democratic , free - rein
7. Personality : Development of personality; Attributes of personality; Ego state , transactional
analysis , Johari window
8. Change management – overview – short note
B. Management Accounting
1. Basic Concepts of accounting transactions, principles, types of accounts, journal, ledger, trial
balance, final accounts (Emphasis on Clarification of account P & L account, B/S )
2. Introduction to requirement of Schedule VI
3. Cost Accounting-Relationship with Financial Accounting-Elements of Cost-Preparation of Cost
4. Materials Cost-Materials Purchasing, receiving, storing, issuing including pricing of issues.
5. Labour Cost-Time Keeping and Time Booking-Idle Time-Labour Turnover.
6. Overheads-Identifying the overheads with the cost center-Allocation, Apportionment and
Absorption-Under Absorption and Over Absorption of Overheads.
7. Elementary Study of the Managerial Decision Making Techniques like: (a) Marginal Costing-
Break Even Analysis, Applications of Marginal Costing in decision making-Key Factor
Considerations. (b) Budgetary Control-Functional Budgets-Flexible Budgets. (c) Standard Costing-
Materials Cost and Labour Cost Variances only.
8. Introduction to computerized accounting
1. Definition, Nature and Scope of Managerial Economics, Managerial Economics and
Microeconomics and macroeconomics. Managerial Economics and decision-making. Uses and
Significance of Managerial Economics.
2. Meaning and Determinants of Demand. Demand Function, Law of Demand Market Demand,
Elasticity of Demand, Types and Measurement of Elasticity, Demand Forecasting. Meaning,
Significance and Methods of Demand Forecasting.
3. Production Function. Law of Variable Proportions. Law of Supply. Elasticity of Supply.
Measurement of Elasticity of Supply.
4. Costs of Production. Short run and long run costs. Economies of Scale. Cost estimation and cost
forecasting. Breakeven analysis.
5. Pricing Under Various Market Forms; Perfect competition, Monopoly Monopolistic Competition.
Oligopoly. Price Discrimination.
6. Pricing Strategies and Methods. Cost plus Pricing. Marginal cost Pricing. Price Leadership.
Transfer Pricing. Seasonal Pricing Seasonal Pricing. Cyclical Pricing.
7. Need For Government Intervention in Markets. Price Support. Price Controls. Prevention and
Control of Monopolies. System of Dual Prices.
1. Introduction to Marketing: Definition & Functions of Marketing. Core concepts of marketing – a)
Need, Want, Desire, Benefits, Demand, Value, Exchange, b) Goods – Services Continuum,
Product, Market c) Customer Satisfaction, Customer Delight. d) Approaches to Marketing –
Product – Production - Sales – Marketing – Societal – Relational. Concept of Marketing Myopia.
Selling versus marketing. e) Holistic Marketing Orientation & Customer Value
2. Consumer Behaviour: Concept, Characteristics of consumer and organizational markets, 5 step
Buyer decision process.
3. Marketing Environment: Analyzing needs and trends Macro Environment - Political , Economic,
Socio-cultural and Technical Environment – PEST analysis. Micro Environment – Industry &
Competition. Concept of Market Potential & Market Share
4. Market segmentation: Definition, Need & Benefits. Bases for market segmentation of consumer
goods, industrial goods and services. Segment, Niche & Local Marketing, Effective segmentation
criteria, Evaluating & Selecting Target Markets, Concept of Target Market and Concept of
positioning – Value Proposition & USP.
5. Marketing Mix: Definition of each of the Four P's. Components of each P. Extended 7Ps for
services. Significance in the competitive environment.
6. Marketing Planning: Contents of a Marketing Plan - Developing a Marketing Plan for variety of
goods and services.
7. Marketing organization: Concept, Types - Functional organization, Product management
organization, Geographic Organization, Customer Based Organization, Matrix organization.
8. Market Evaluation and Controls: Generic Process of Need and Significance of marketing control.
Marketing Audit.
1. PRODUCT: Product – Meaning, Goods & Services, Product Mix, Levels of Product, Product Life
Cycle - Managing the product in Product Life Cycle.
2. NEW PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT- Types of new products - Test Marketing a new product –
Portfolio analysis, Branding - Definition, Purpose and Significance, Branding decisions -
Packaging & Labeling - Purpose, Types and new trends in packaging.
3. PRICE: Meaning, Importance, Pricing objectives, Factors influencing pricing decisions -
Approaches to pricing – Price & Non-price competition, Setting the price and managing the price
4. PLACE: Importance, functions of distribution channels - Introduction to the various channels of
distribution – Designing marketing channels – Introduction to Wholesaling, Retailing,
Franchising, Direct Marketing, Impact of technology & Internet on distribution.
5. PROMOTION: Concept and role in marketing, Promotional Mix - Advertising, Sales Promotion,
Personal Selling, Public Relations. Impact of technology & Internet on Promotion
6. Extended P’s of Marketing – People, Process & Physical Evidence
1. Finance function – Scope and Significance – Role of a finance executive – Various Forms of
Business Organizations
2. Analysis and interpretation of Financial Statements using the techniques of Ratio Analysis and
Funds Flow Analysis, DU-PONT Analysis
3. Capital Budgeting – Nature and Significance – Time Value of Money – Discounting and
Compounding – Methods for evaluating capital expenditure proposals, Computation of Cost of
4. Working Capital Management – Nature of working capital – Need for working capital –
Estimation of working capital requirement – Financing working capital requirement –
Commercial Papers – Management of Cash and Receivables – Factoring
5. Capitalization – Under Capitalization and Over Capitalization –Trading on Equity – Leverages
6. Raising the Long Term and Medium Term funds – Own Vs. Borrowed Funds – Public Deposits –
Leasing and Hire Purchase – ADR , GDR - Capital Structure – Credit Rating
7. Management of Profits – Dividend Policy – Procedural and Legal formalities involved in the
payment of dividend – Bonus Shares
1. Introduction to Operations Management - Nature, Scope, Importance and Functions - Evolution
from manufacturing to operations management - Evolution of the factory system -
manufacturing systems –quality – mass customization. Contribution of Henry Ford, Deming,
Crossby, Taguchi,
2. Types of Industries – Variety of Business – Integration of Manufacturing & Services – Scale of
Operations. Methods of Manufacturing - Project / Jobbing, Batch Production, Flow / Continuous
Production, Process Production - Characteristics of each method
3. Facilities Location & Layout – Strategic importance - Factors affecting location & layout -
Installation of facilities – Single location, multi-location decisions. Principles and Types of
Facilities Layout.
4. Importance and Functions of Production Planning & Control. Introduction to PERT / CPM -
Network Crashing (Numericals expected for PERT/CPM)
5. Maintenance Management - Importance and types of maintenance - Maintenance Planning -
Spare Parts Management – Concept of TPM.
6. Inspection - Cent percent Inspection, Sample Inspection, Operation Characteristics Curves,
Statistical Quality Control – Construction & Interpretation of Control Charts – (X-R,n,p,c,np)
Introduction to Six Sigma, (Numericals expected for Control Charts).
7. Productivity - Work Study - Objectives, Scope and Uses - Methods Study – Flow process chart,
Flow diagram & Process mapping - Work Measurement - Elements - Performance Rating -
Allowances - Standard Time - Synthetic Time Standards - Work Sampling (Numericals expected
for Standard Time)
8. Lean Production Systems – TOYOTA system – JIT - KANBAN - Theory of Constraints
1. Introduction: Materials Management - Evolution, Importance, Scope and Objectives - Interface
with other functions. Concept of Logistics and Supply Chain Management and evolution to 4PL.
Trade off Customer Service & Cost.
2. Inventory - Need of Inventory - Costs associated with Inventory - Types of Inventory - Basic EOQ
Model - EOQ with discounts - ABC Analysis - (Numericals expected on Basic EOQ, EOQ with
discounts & ABC)
3. Material Requirement Planning – Concept of MRP, MRP II, MPS, BOM ERP.
4. Purchasing Management - Responsibilities of Purchase Department - Purchase Cycle –
Negotiation & Bargaining – Vendor relations - Purchasing Methods - Global sourcing
5. Stores – Functions, Importance, Organization of stores & Stores layout. Stores procedure –
6. Materials Handling - Principles of Materials Handling system - Materials Handling Equipments –
Safety issues
I. Information Technology
1. Introduction to Computers Hardware Software. System Software, Application Software and
Packages. Introduction to Embedded Software.
2. Commonly used Software Packages like Microsoft Word Microsoft Excel Microsoft Power Point
Microsoft Access Tally etc
3. Introduction to World Wide Web Internet operations Introduction to Electronic Commerce and
Electronic Business.
J. Human Resources Management
1. Human resources Management-Introduction and Importance-Evolution –difference between
Personnel Management and HRM- Strategic HRM- role of a HR Manager.
2. Human Resources Planning-Objectives-Importance-HRP Process- Manpower Estimation-Job
analysis-Job Description-Job Specification. Recruitment-Sources of Recruitment-Selection
Process-Placement and Induction-Retention of Employees.
3. Training and Development- Objectives and Needs-Training Process-Methods of Training –Tools
and Aids-Evaluation of Training Programs.
4. Career Planning- Succession Planning.
5. Performance Management System-Definition, Concepts and Ethics-Different methods of
Performance Appraisal- Rating Errors-Competency management.
6. Compensation Management –Concepts and Components-Job Evaluation-Incentives and
7. (Productivity Management-Concepts-TQM-Kaizen-Quality Circles
8. Industrial relations-Grievance Procedure-collective Bargaining-Settlement of Disputes.
9. Retirement/Separation-Superannuation-Voluntary Retirement Schemes- Resignation, Discharge-
K. Management Information System
1. Management information systems Need, purpose and objectives, contemporary approaches to
MIS, Information as strategic resource, use of information for comparative advantages, MIS as a
instrument for organizational change
2. Information concepts, types of information, attributes of effective information, Definition of
Information technology, IT capabilities and their impact on organization
3. Networks- Types, topologies of network, Concept of IT enabled services and call center.
4. DataBase Management Systems- Overview, advantages and Disadvantages, Data Warehousing
and Data Mining
5. Systems concept- types of systems, System development life cycles- system development
models- waterfall, spiral, prototyping
6. Decision making- Process and types of decision making, models of decision making- Classical,
Administrative and Herbert Simons model, role of information in decision making, DSS, EIS,
Expert Systems
9. Information Security and control concepts Access controls, QA and QC concepts with respect to
the processes of various functional areas of management, social and ethical issues related to
1. THE CONTRACT ACT, 1871 : Nature and classification of Contracts ; Offer and Acceptance-
Consideration, Capacities of Parties, Free Consent; Provisions relating to discharge of contract,
breach of contract and remedies; Contingent Contracts, Quasi-contracts
2. CONTRACT ACT, 1872 : Contract of Indemnity – Meaning, nature – Right of Indemnity Holder
and Indemnifier; Contract of Guarantee –Meaning, Nature and Features; Surety and Co-surety –
Rights and Liabilities – Discharge of surety from his liability; Agency- Creation of Agency-
Ratification of Agency- Duties and Liabilities of Agency and Principal-Termination of Agency.
3. SALE OF GOODS ACT,1930 : Contract for Sale of Goods – Meaning- Essentials of a Contract of
Sale – Formalities of a Contract of Sale; Conditions and Warranties; Rights of Unpaid Seller –
Rules as to delivery of goods; Auction sale ; Caveat – emptor
4. THE NEGOTIABLE INSTRUMENTS ACT -1881 : Negotiable Instruments – Meaning, Characteristics,
Types [Cheques 15 (Crossing),Promisory Note and Bill of Exchange] – Holder and Holder in Due
Course ;Negotiation and Types of Endorsement; Dishonour of Negotiable Instrument &
Provisions of section 138 – Noting and Protest; Material alteration
5. THE COMPANIES ACT, 1956 : Company-Definition, Meeting, Features and Types of Companies;
Incorporation of a company – Memorandum of Association, Articles of Association and
Prospectus; Share Capital – Types of Share Capital; Board of Directors; Type of company
6. THE CONSUMER PROTECTION ACT, 1986 : Definition of Consumer, complainant, Goods, Service
– Complaint – Unfair Trade Practices – Restrictive Trade Practices; Rights and Remedies for
consumers; Consumer Protection Council; Consumer Disputes Redressal Agencies
7. THE INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY ACT, 2000 : Digital Signature; Digital Signature Certificate;
Electronic Records and Governance; Certifying Authorities; Cyber Crimes; Offences & Penalties
under IT Act, 2000.
M. Statistical & Quantitative Techniques
1. Collection of data & it’s presentation a. Arranging of the data in tabular form b. Frequency
distribution& cumulative frequency distribution c. Graphs, charts & diagrams
2. Measures of central tendencies a. Concepts of representatives value of the group-
mean,median,mode. b. Positional values quartiles, deciles & percentiles. c. Calculating the above
measures for discrete & grouped data.
3. Measures Of Dispersion a. Concept of range ,quartile deviation, mean deviation ,standard
deviation. b. Calculations of the measures for discrete & grouped data
4. Simple & Multiple Correlation & Regulation a. Karl Pearson’s co efficient of correlation. b.
Spearman’s rank correlation. c. Linear regression. d. Multiple & partial correlation. e. Multiple
5. Decision Theory : criterions of decision making.
6. Game Theory : 2*2, zero sum game with dominance- pure & mixed strategies.
1. Meaning, objectives and motivation in research – types of research – research approaches –
research process – validity and reliability in research – obstacles in accepting research
2. Problem formulation, Hypothesis Formulation, Types of Hypothesis, Characteristics of Good
3. Meaning & Significance of Research design – features of good research design – Types of good
research design – Contents of research design.
4. Types and sources of data – Primary data collection methods
5. Measurement and scaling Techniques-Errors in Measurement-Tests of Sound measurement-
Scaling and scale Construction techniques
6. Steps in Questionnaire Design, Characteristics of good questionnaire
7. Census Vs. Sample, Steps in Sample Design, Sampling Methods (Probability and Non Probability),
Characteristics of a good sample design
8. Data Analysis and Interpretation, Introduction to Univariate, Bivariate and Multivariate Analysis.
9. Sampling Theory-Sampling Distribution, Confidence Level, Sampling error, Interval Estimation,
Determining Size of Sample
10. Testing Hypothesis-Procedure for Testing Hypothesis-Parametric and Non-Parametric Tests.
11. Report Writing- Layout of a Research Report, Characteristics of Good Research Report
12. Use of Computer in Research- Introduction to software packages used in Data Analysis
1. Characteristics of Management Control System – Evolution of control systems in an
organization – Relating the system to organizational objectives - Strategic Planning,
Management Control and Operational Control – Goal Congruence – Functions of the Controller –
Concept of Management Audit as a control tool
2. Responsibility Centers – Types of Responsibility Centers – Expense Centers, Profit Centers and
Investment Centers – Budgetary Control as a tool for Management Control Systems -
Engineered, Discretionary and Committed Costs – Approaches to budgeting w.r.t. Engineered
and Discretionary costs
3. Concept of Transfer Pricing (Market based and Cost Based) – Return on Investment, Economic
Value Added as a tool to management performance measurement – Introduction to Activity
Based Costing
4. Management Control Systems in Service Sector vis-à-vis in Manufacturing Sector
5. Financial and Non-financial performance measures w.r.t. Balance Score Card
1. Concept and Process of Integrated Marketing Communications (IMC): Elements of IMCa)
Advertising – Classification of advertising, types, advertising appropriation, advertising
campaigns b) Sales Promotion – Different types of Sales Promotion, relationship between Sales
promotion and advertising c) Publicity – Types of Publicity , relationship between advertising
and publicity d) Personal Selling e) Direct marketing and direct response methods f) Event
Management g) E-Commerce h) Corporate Communication i) Public Relations – Types of PR j)
Media relations k) Community relations l) Industrial relations and m) Government relations n)
Employee relations (House Journals / Newsletter) o) Crisis Management p) Trade Fairs and
2. IMC Message Design: AIDA model - Considerations for creative idea visualization
3. Media Management - Media Process - Media Jargons - Media Buying - Strategies and execution
4. Suppliers in IMC: Hoarding Contractors/Printers etc., Ad. Agency – Departments of Ad. Agency,
Client Servicing-client Agency relationship, account planning
5. Ethics and social responsibility in IMC campaigns.
6. Evaluating Marketing Communication Programmes
1. Inventory Management: Inventory concept; need for inventory; types of inventory, functions,
use; Dependent and Independent Demand
2. Strategic Inventory Management: Objectives and Importance of the inventory management
function in reference to Profitability, Strategy, customer satisfaction and Competitive
3. Inventory Control Techniques: Inventory classification and its use in controlling inventory, Setup
time and inventory control, safety stock determination considering service level. Strategies to
increase Inventory Turns, Reduce throughput time, Reduce WIP, eliminate waste, and reduce
inventory level in service and manufacturing organizations.
4. Inventory Models: Inventory models – Fixed Order Versus Fixed Interval systems – Developing
Special Quantity Discount Models – Inventory Model for Manufactured Items – Economic Lot
Size when Stock Replenishment is instantaneous.
5. Material Requirement Planning Systems (MRP): Meaning, purpose and advantage of MRP, Data
Requirements and Management –Bill of Materials, Master Production Schedules, process of
MRP, output of MRP.
6. Make Or Buy Decisions: Concept of outsourcing, Factors influencing Make Or Buy Decisions,
Trends in Make Or Buy Decisions in context of core competency.
7. Materials Management In JIT Environment: Zero inventory concept, Excess Inventory: A
Roadblock to World-Class Manufacturing, Materials management in JIT environment, Vendor
Managed Inventory, vendor relationship in JIT context.
8. Performance: Evaluation of Performance Of Materials Function - Criteria and methodology of
R. Labour Laws
1. The Factories Act, 1948 Approval, Licensing and Registration - Inspecting Staff – Health –
Welfare - Working Hours - Annual Leave with wages - Periodical Returns- Registers and Records
2. The Bombay Shops and Establishments Act, 1948 Registration of Establishments – Shops and
Commercial Establishments – Residential Hotels, Restaurants and Eating Houses – Theatres or
other places of Public Amusement or Entertainment – Leave with pay and payment of wages –
Health and Safety – Maintenance of Registers, Records and Annual Report
3. The Contract Labour (Regulation and Abolition) Act, 1970 Advisory Boards – Registration of
Establishments – Licensing of Contractors – Welfare and Health of Contract Labour – Registers
and other Records to be maintained.
4. The Industrial Disputes Act, 1947 Definitions of Industry, Workman and Industrial Dispute -
Authorities under the Act – Procedure, Powers and Duties of Authorities – Strikes and Lock outs
– Lay off and Retrenchment – Special Provisions relating to Layoff, Retrenchment and Closure in
certain establishments
5. The Maharashtra Recognition of Trade Unions & Prevention of Unfair Labour Practices Act, 1971
Entire Act
6. The Industrial Employment (Standing Orders) Act, 1946 Entire Act – Principles of Natural Justice
1. TWENTY FIRST CENTURY SUPPLY CHAINS : The Supply Chain Revolution – Generalized Supply
Chain Model – Supply chain and networks
2. LOGISTICS: The Logistics Of Business - The Logistical Value Proposition- The Work Of Logistics-
Logistical Operating Arrangements - Flexible Structure – Supply Chain Synchronization.
3. CUSTOMER ACCOMMODATION: Customer Focused Marketing - Customer ServicesCustomer
4. PROCUREMENT AND MANUFACTURING: The Quality Imperative- Procurement – Manufacturing-
Logistical Interfaces.
5. INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY FRAMEWORK: Information System Functionality - Supply Chain
Information System Design.
6. INVENTORY: Inventory Functionality and Definitions-Inventory Carrying Cost
7. TRANSPORTATION: Transport Functionality, Principles and ParticipantsTransportation Service.
8. WAREHOUSING: Strategic Warehousing-Warehousing Operations-Warehousing Ownership
Arrangements- Warehouse Decisions.
9. PACKAGING AND MATERIALS HANDLING: Packaging Perspectives-Packaging For Materials
Handling Efficiency-Materials Handling.
10.OPERATIONAL INTEGRATION: Logistical Integration Objectives-Enterprise Integration-Supply
Chain Processes- Supply Chain Planning Considerations `
11.GLOBAL STRATEGIC POSITIONING: Global Supply Chain Integration-Supply Chain Security-
International Sourcing.
12.NETWORK INTEGRATION : Enterprise Facility Network- Warehouse RequirementsTotal Cost
13.RELATIONSHIP DEVELOPMENT AND MANAGEMENT: Development And Management Of Internal
Logistics Relationships-Development And Management Of Supply Chain Relationships.
14.e-COMMERCE AND SCM: E commerce advantages and disadvantages for SCM – e-commerce as
an enabler.
1. Industrial Relations-meaning, objectives, scope, determinants of industrial relations. effects of
social, technological, political and economical factors on industrial relations.
2. Approaches to the study of industrial relations and its impact. Role of judiciary and its impact on
industrial relations.
3. Trade union-objectives ,functions and problems of trade union. Role of ILO in trade union
movement, trade union and productivity.
4. Industrial Dispute-meaning, types of disputes, causes of industrial disputes.
5. Machineries to solve industrial disputes under Industrial Disputes Act, 1947, role of judiciary and
its impact on industrial relations
6. Collective bargaining-concept, characteristics, need and importance, process of collective
7. Workers participation in management--- concept, pre-requisites for participation, forms and
levels of participation, benefits of participation
8. Impact of globalization on industrial relations, changing role of management, union and
9. Salient features of Industrial employment standing orders act 1946


1. Agricultural Sector – Implications of WTO – Concept & Importance of Commodity market
2. Industrial Policy Regulations of 1991 leading to Liberalization, Privatization and Globalization –
Emergence of BRIC economies
3. Banking Sector – Concept & Importance of Core Banking, Retail Banking. Basel II Concept and
4. Insurance Sector – IRDA, Life and Non Life Insurance
5. Taxation - Concept Implications of VAT, Customs Procedures, Excise.
6. Capital Market – Meaning, Avenue for raising finance. Introduction to derivatives market.
7. Environmental Education - Objectives, Principles, Scope and functions of environmental
education. Role of NGOs.
8. Managing Natural Resources – Importance – Water, Land.
9. Global Warming – Problem, Implications, Concept of Carbon Credit, Role of Government and
Non-Government Agencies & Businesses.
10. Disaster management – Concept, causes and consequences, disaster mitigation.

Note: The above syllabus is indicative and the questions in the test may include similar
other topics pertaining to the level and content of essential qualification.

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