A Recently Developed Bifacial Platelet-Rich Fibrin Matrix
A Recently Developed Bifacial Platelet-Rich Fibrin Matrix
A Recently Developed Bifacial Platelet-Rich Fibrin Matrix
E LucarelliCells
et al.and Materials Vol. 20 2010 (pages 13-23) DOI: 10.22203/eCM.v020a02 ISSN
A new platelet-rich 1473-2262
fibrin matrix
Bone Regeneration Laboratory, Dipartimento di Patologie Ortopediche-Traumatologiche Specialistiche, Rizzoli
Orthopaedic Institute, Bologna, Italy
Cascade Medical Enterprises LLC, Research and Development, Wayne NJ, USA
Service of Transfusion Medicine, S. Orsola-Malpighi Hospital, Bologna, Italy
Department of Vascular and General Surgery, Englewood Hospital & Medical Center, Mt. Sinai School of
Medicine, Englewood, NJ, USA
Institute of Molecular Genetics (IGM)-CNR, Unit of Bologna c/o Rizzoli Orthopaedic Institute, Bologna, Italy
National Institute R&D for Biological Sciences, Bucharest Romania
Abstract Introduction
Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) is used clinically in liquid or Platelets are known to release a variety of factors on
gel form to promote tissue repair. Because of the poor activation. These factors have a positive effect on tissue
mechanical properties, conventional PRP is often difficult repair. Platelets are easily collected from the blood stream
to handle when used in clinical settings and requires secure and are concentrated in a small volume of plasma known
implantation in a specific site, otherwise when released as platelet-rich plasma (PRP). PRP has been used in a
growth factors could be washed out during an operation. variety of surgical settings for soft-tissue healing
In this study, we analyzed the end product of a recently enhancement, including chronic lower extremity ulcer
developed commercially available system (FIBRINET®), healing (Mazzucco et al., 2004; O’Connell et al., 2008),
which is a dense pliable, platelet-rich fibrin matrix (PRFM). and tendon healing (Franchini et al., 2006; Gamradt et
We characterized the mechanical properties of PRFM and al., 2007; Maniscalco et al., 2008; Sánchez et al., 2007;
tested whether PRFM releases growth factors and whether Virchenko and Aspenberg, 2006). It is also used in
released factors induce the proliferation of mesenchymal orthopaedic and oral maxillofacial surgery where it
stem cells (MSC). Mechanical properties as well as platelet accelerates autogenous bone graft healing (Fennis et al.,
distribution were evaluated in PRFM. PRFM demonstrated 2004; Marx et al., 1998; Simon et al., 2009), and in
robust mechanical properties, with a tear elastic modulus cosmetic surgery (Man et al., 2001). PRP has also been
of 937.3 + 314.6 kPa, stress at a break of 1476.0 + 526.3 used in combination with mesenchymal stem cells (MSC)
kPa, and an elongation at break of 146.3 + 33.8 %. PRFM to promote bone regeneration (Hibi et al., 2006; Ito et al.,
maintained its mechanical properties throughout the testing 2006; Kitoh et al., 2004; Kitoh et al., 2007; Lucarelli et
process. Microscopic observations showed that the platelets al., 2003; Pieri et al., 2008) or mixed with fat cells for
were localized on one side of the matrix. Elevated levels of breast reconstruction, to correct painful, adherent scars,
PDGF-AA, PDGF-AB, EGF, VEGF, bFGF and TGF-β1 and to solve progressive hemifacial atrophy (Azzena et
were measured in the day 1-conditioned media (CM) of al., 2007; Cervelli et al., 2009a; Cervelli et al., 2009b;
PRFM and growth factor levels decreased thereafter. BMP2 Cervelli et al., 2009c; Cervelli et al., 2009d; Fulton, 2003).
and BMP7 were not detectable. MSC culture media Once injected or implanted, PRP is thought to release
supplemented with 20% PRFM-CM stimulated MSC cell growth factors locally for several days, inducing
proliferation; at 24 and 48 hours the induction of the accelerated tissue repair (O’Connell et al., 2006).
proliferation was significantly greater than the induction Currently, several methods and systems are available for
obtained with media supplemented with 20% foetal bovine the preparation of PRP, most producing a liquid end
serum. The present study shows that the production of a product. The physical properties of PRP can be changed
dense, physically robust PRFM made through high-speed if plasma and platelets are stimulated, usually by the
centrifugation of intact platelets and fibrin in the absence addition of CaCl2 and bovine thrombin, to produce a fibrin
of exogenous thrombin yields a potential tool for network. In this case, the end product is generally a weak
accelerating tissue repair. gel. The physical properties of fibrin gels have been
elucidated in previous studies. These studies have
Keywords: Platelet-rich fibrin matrix (PRFM), platelet-rich demonstrated that the use of different thrombin-fibrinogen
plasma (PRP), physical properties, fibrin, mesenchymal concentration ratios greatly affected the gel structure
stem cells. (Blomback and Okada, 1982; Blomback et al., 1989).
Other factors such as protein and ion concentrations
*Address for correspondence: (Chung and Shu, 1990; Okada et al., 1983; Okada et al.,
Enrico Lucarelli 1985), including calcium, also have an effect on gel
Bone Regeneration Laboratory, structure (Okada and Blomback, 1983). Among the
Dipartimento di Patologie Ortopediche-Traumatologiche commercially available systems, a recently developed
Specialistiche, Rizzoli Orthopaedic Institute, system has been developed (FIBRINET®) in which the
Via di Barbiano 1/10, I-40136, Bologna, Italy end product, called platelet-rich fibrin matrix (PRFM), is
Telephone Number: +39 051 6366595 produced with the combined use of gravitational force
FAX Number: +39 051 6366799 and calcium without the use of exogenous thrombin and
E-mail: enrico.lucarelli@ior.it appears physically stronger than conventional PRPs. In
E Lucarelli et al. A new platelet-rich fibrin matrix
this study, we characterized the mechanical properties of microscopic observation. PRFM organization was assessed
PRFM and tested whether growth factors released from using the Bio-Rad MRC-1024 confocal microscope (Bio-
PRFM could support MSC proliferation, making it suitable Rad Laboratories, Hercules, CA, USA) equipped with a
for a variety of tissue engineering applications. krypton/argon laser. Incident wavelength was 568 nm for
Texas Red. Microphotographs were taken using a Focus
Imagecorder Plus (Focus Graphic Inc., St. Louis, MO,
Materials and Methods USA) on Kodak Film.
E Lucarelli et al. A new platelet-rich fibrin matrix
testing. CM were utilized to quantify growth factor Passage 3 MSC were seeded in 96-well plates (tissue
concentrations and to investigate their ability to promote culture grade, flat bottom) in serum-free α-MEM at an
MSC proliferation. initial density of 5 x 103 cells/well (that is, approximately
40% confluence). After overnight attachment, serum-free
Quantification of growth factors released from medium was removed and cells were cultured in α-MEM
PRFM supplemented 5%, 10% or 20% day 1 PRFM-CM. MSC
CM collected from all time points were assayed for platelet- maintained in normal cell culture medium (α-MEM
derived growth factor (PDGF)-AA, platelet-derived growth supplemented with 20% FBS) or serum free medium (α-
factor (PDGF)-AB, transforming growth factor (TGF) β- MEM) were used as positive and negative controls,
1, vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), epidermal respectively. Cell proliferation was assessed after 24, 48,
growth factor (EGF), basic fibroblast growth factor and 72 hours by methylene blue assay (Oliver et al., 1989).
(bFGF), bone morphogenetic protein (BMP)-2, and bone Briefly, cells were fixed by adding 100 μl of 10% formol
morphogenetic protein (BMP)-7. The growth factor saline to each well for 30 minutes. Cells were then stained
concentrations were assayed by quantitative enzyme-linked with 100 μl of filtered 1% (w/v) methylene blue in 0.01 M
immunosorbent assays (ELISA) (all human Quantikine® borate buffer (pH 8.5) added to each well. After 30 minutes,
ELISA kits were obtained from R&D Systems excess dye was removed. The remaining dye was then
(Minneapolis, MN, USA) according to manufacturer’s washed off with 0.01 M borate buffer (pH 8.5, 3x). After
instructions. Briefly, the samples and standards were the last rinse the cell layer still stained with methylene
prepared in duplicate according to the manufacturer’s blue was examined microscopically. The dye was then
protocol and added to 96 growth factor antibody coated eluted by adding 100 μl of 1:1 (v/v) ethanol and 0.1 M
well plates. The plates were incubated at room temperature, HCl to each well. The plates were then gently shaken and
washed, and incubated with selective enzyme-conjugated the absorbance at 655 nm (A655) measured for each well
antibodies for an additional time at room temperature. The by a microplate photometer (Synergy HT, BioTek
wells were then washed and substrate was added for 30 Instruments Inc.). The photometer was blanked on control
minutes at room temperature. Stop solution was added to wells containing elution solvent alone. Each treatment
each well, and the absorptions at 450 nm were determined condition was performed in quadruplicate. A linear
using a microplate photometer (Synergy HT, BioTek relationship between absorbance, determined in the assay,
Instruments Inc., Winooski, VT, USA). Standard curves and cell number was verified by counting the cells with a
for each growth factor were generated and growth factor NucleoCounter (Chemometec, Allerod, Denmark).
concentrations (pg/mL) of each sample were determined.
Samples were measured in appropriate dilutions prepared Statistical Analysis
as required to fit the respective calibration curves. The Results were determined from a minimum of three
minimum detection limits of these assay reported by the independent experimental data sets with duplicate
manufacturer are 2.3 pg/mL for PDGF-AA, 1.7 pg/mL for measurements per experiment. Data are expressed as mean
PDGF-AB, 4.6 pg/mL for TGFβ1, 5.0 pg/mL for VEGF, ± standard deviation. Statistical analysis was performed
0.7 pg/mL for EGF, 3.0 pg/mL for bFGF, 11 pg/mL for by one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA). When
BMP-2 e 2.4 pg/mL for BMP-7. significance was detected, post-hoc comparisons between
different groups were made using Bonferroni’s test for
Mesenchymal stem cell isolation, culture and growth multiple comparisons. A probability of less than 0.05 was
kinetic determination considered to be statistically significant. The statistical
Growth factors released from platelets have been shown program GraphPad - Prism4 (GraphPad Software, San
to promote MSC proliferation (Doucet et al., 2005; Diego, CA, USA) was used for the analysis.
Lucarelli et al., 2003). The ability of factors released from
PRFM to support proliferation of primary MSC cultures
was tested on MSC isolated from 3 patients undergoing Results
elective surgery at Rizzoli Orthopaedic Institute. Cultures
were established after obtaining informed consent and PRFM Description
according to a protocol approved by the Rizzoli’s Ethics To investigate the efficiency of the preparation procedure,
Committee. Briefly, a 10 mL bone marrow sample was we evaluated fibrinogen levels before and after matrix
aspirated from the anterior iliac crest. Mononuclear cells formation. Results shown in Table 1 demonstrate that no
were isolated in a density gradient and suspended in (α- detectable fibrinogen was left in the residual serum. These
MEM) containing 20% foetal bovine serum (FBS, results indicate that all the fibrinogen originally present
Euroclone, Wetherby, UK). All the nucleated cells were within the PRP was polymerized to fibrin in the PRFM. In
plated in 150 cm2 culture flasks and incubated in a addition, blood parametric analysis of the residual serum
humidified atmosphere at 37°C with 5% carbon dioxide. showed that only 0.9 % of platelets were left in the serum,
Non-adherent cells were discarded after 3 days, and indicating that 99.1% of the platelets were present in the
adherent cells were cultured for further expansion. When PRFM (Table 1). Platelet recovery data from PRP obtained
cultured flasks reached near confluence, cells were with the PRFM FIBRINET® kit have been previously
detached by mild trypsinization and reseeded onto new published from Leitner et al. being 65.5% (Leitner et al.,
flasks at one-third density for continued passage. Media 2006; Mazzucco et al., 2009). Considering the platelet
were changed every 3 to 4 days. concentration factor represented by the PRFM, use of the
E Lucarelli et al. A new platelet-rich fibrin matrix
Table 1. Fibrinogen and Platelet Concentration in PRP, Whole Blood, and Residual Serum after Platelet-Rich Fibrin
Matrix Preparation (Residual Serum). Data are presented as mean ± standard deviation ( n=5).
PRP 3 2 5 . 2 0 ± 4 7 . 42
Fig. 1. (A) Macroscopic image of the PRFM. (B) PRFM before, and (C) after it is subjected to manual strain with a
E Lucarelli et al. A new platelet-rich fibrin matrix
Fig. 3. Scanning electron micrograph images of the PRFM. (A) Representative picture obtained at the periphery of
the disk. (B) The reverse side of the membrane in which no platelets or cells are visible, but a coarse surface of fibrin
strands and bundles is visible. (C) Representative picture of the platelet/cell-rich area. (D) The same field as in A at
higher magnification shows platelets on the surface of the fibrin network. (E) A higher magnification of the same
field as in B of the reverse side of the membrane in which no platelets or cells are visible, but a coarse surface of fibrin
strands and bundles is visible. (F) A higher magnification of the same field as in C shows a thick layer of unactivated
platelets in which a few nucleated cells are visible.
E Lucarelli et al. A new platelet-rich fibrin matrix
Fig. 4. Quantification of growth factor release in the PRFM- conditioned media (CM) obtained from three donors.
Mean concentrations ± SD (n=3) of the indicated growth factors in the PRFM-CM at the indicated time point of CM
collection are presented. (A) PDGF AA, (B) PDGF-AB, (C) TGF-β1, (D) VEGF, (E) EGF and (F) bFGF.
Mechanical Properties day 1 compared to day 2, day 3 and day 7 (Fig. 4). These
Mechanical testing showed that PRFM has enhanced results are consistent with an abundant release of the
mechanical properties with respect to all the other platelet growth factors within the first day, and a gradual decrease
gels described in the literature, with a tear elastic modulus of the release of the growth factors thereafter. The kinetics
(expression of the stiffness) of 937.3 ± 314.6 kPa and stress of release varied among growth factors, release was
at break of 1476.0 ± 526.3 kPa, while the elongation at greatest within the first day for VEGF (Fig. 4D), while a
break reaches 146.3% ± 33.8 kPa (Table 2). Mechanical more gradual release was seen with bFGF (Fig. 4F). BMP-
properties of samples kept refrigerated in a saline solution 2 and BMP-7 were always below the level of detection.
for 18 days were not significantly different compared to
the ones measured after 5 days from preparation (data not MSC proliferation induced by PRFM-CM
shown). The results of the methylene blue assay performed on the
MSC obtained from three different donors subjected to
Growth factors released from PRFM different concentrations of day 1-PRFM-CM are shown
The concentration of PDGF-AA, PDGF-AB, TGF-β1, in Fig. 5. The increase in MSC proliferation of 5%, 10%
VEGF, EGF and bFGF in the PRFM-CM was greater at and 20% day 1-PRFM-CM was tested up to 72 hours.
E Lucarelli et al. A new platelet-rich fibrin matrix
Fig. 5. PRFM-conditioned media (CM) induced cell proliferation. MSC proliferation was determined by methylene
blue assay after 24, 48, and 72 hours in culture. Mean optical density values displayed as % of seeded cells referred
as 100% (line). Data represent mean values ± SD of measurements obtained from MSC harvested from 3 donors.
CM were obtained from PRFM prepared from 3 donors. Each sample was assayed in quadruplicate. ** p < 0.01, ***
p < 0.001. Statistical significance was not reached (p > 0.05) where * for comparisons are not shown.
Optical density values indicated relative cell proliferation. absence of exogenous thrombin and centrifuged for the
Compared to the serum-free control, a statistically second time at high gravitational force to form the PRFM.
significant difference was observed at all time points and PRFM prepared with FIBRINET® system has been
with all concentrations of PRFM-CM tested (Fig. 5). These used previously to treat difficult lower-extremity ulcers
data indicate that factors released from the PRFM are active as described by O’Connell and co-workers (O’Connell et
and sustain the proliferative potential of MSC. The extent al., 2006; O’Connell et al., 2008). Possible reasons for the
of proliferation of MSC cultured with medium success of PRFM in closing these difficult ulcers may be
supplemented with 5% day 1-PRFM-CM up to 72 hours due to its mechanical properties, its localized high platelet
was significantly lower from the proliferation observed in concentration and its elevated cytocompatibility as a result
MSC supplemented with 20% FBS. Medium supplemented of its being produced directly from the patient’s own blood
with 10% of day 1-PRFM-CM support MSC proliferation without any exogenous organic additives. The results of
as 20% FBS up to 48 hours, while the effect significantly the studies described here show that the mechanical
decreased after 72 hours. MSC proliferation was properties of an autologous platelet-fibrin preparation can
significantly increased by 20% day1-PRFM-CM compared be improved by inducing extensive fibrin network
to 20% FBS up to 48 hours, while the effects of the two formation through increased gravitational force in the
supplemented media were not significantly different after second centrifugation during PRFM preparation. With this
72 hours. procedure, PRP can be produced in the form of a PRFM.
Conventional PRPs are usually liquids or weak gels, and
fibrin-based clots present an elastic modulus, or stiffness,
Discussion measured in the range of 0.1 to 1500 Pa, depending on the
clot structure and the physiologic conditions (Bale et al.,
Conventional PRP is usually produced during a two-step 1985; Carr et al., 1995; Collet et al., 2004; Collet et al.,
procedure (Fennis et al., 2004; Marx et al., 1998; 2005; Cummings et al., 2004; Urech et al., 2005; Weisel,
Mazzucco et al., 2004; Okada et al., 1983; Sánchez et al., 2004). In contrast, PRFM made of the same components
2007). In the first step, PRP is formed by separation of a in our experiments, gives an elastic modulus of 937.3 kPa.
platelet concentrate from the platelet poor plasma and the This level is comparable with that of arterial tissue (Zhang
white and red cell fraction. In the second step, exogenous et al., 2002), and represents approximately 50% of the
thrombin, or other activator such as bathroxobin stiffness of intact human skin (Zhang et al., 2007). These
(Mazzucco et al., 2008) is added together with calcium data indicate that PRFM is more than 600 times stiffer
chloride, or calcium gluconate, to the platelet concentrate than the stiffest fibrin clot obtained at ambient pressure
and the platelet poor plasma. This converts fibrinogen into and described in the literature to date.
fibrin, and the fibrin network is formed. In contrast, the In routine clinical practice, the improved mechanical
PRFM system isolates plasma and platelets in the first properties of PRFM over conventional PRP translate into
centrifugation using the thixotropic separator gel in the a biologic matrix that is easy to handle and implant in a
first tube. In the second step, PRP is re-calcified in the wide variety of tissue repair applications. The increased
E Lucarelli et al. A new platelet-rich fibrin matrix
elastic modulus of the PRFM confers significant pliability the bottom of the container. In fact, each membrane
and drapability which, in addition to its increased tensile analysed shows a different distribution of platelets on
strength, allows the membrane to closely conform to a wide bottom side of the PRFM. It seems that the platelets tend
variety of irregular surgical sites and surfaces in a manner to lie on the lower level where they are pressed by the
similar to split-thickness skin autografts. Moreover, the centrifugal force.
matrix can easily be sutured to securely maintain contact We included the in vitro studies of the quantification
with the implanted site. This makes the PRFM preferable of growth factors released from PRFM and their ability to
for use in a clinical setting in which PRP has to be promote the growth of MSC to further support the
implanted in a specific site or where released growth factors “potential” of PRFM to accelerate tissue repair.
could be washed out during an operation as in arthroscopic Quantification of growth factor levels and the kinetics of
joint repair procedures (Maniscalco et al., 2008). release show similar concentrations of bFGF, VEGF, EGF
Currently available forms of autologous PRP are and TGF-β1 and similar release kinetics with previous
usually fragile, unstable, and prone to rapid fibrinolysis published results (Mazzucco et al., 2009). This is
and dissolution following implantation. This limitation not particularly remarkable considering that the method used
only prevents easy handling in a clinical setting but also to obtain the conditioned media was different in that the
when the PRP gel is to be used in association with isolated FIBRINET® kit has been used to produce a matrix gel
cells. We have shown that the mechanical properties of (Mazzucco et al., 2009) while in our study it has been
PRFM are robust and long lasting and that the PRFM is used to produce a membrane. Further studies are needed
effective in supporting MSC, proliferation, and survival. to investigate whether the matrix gel and the membrane
Scanning electron microscopy and confocal fluorescence release growth factors with a similar kinetics.
microscopy of PRFM show a strongly enhanced average Our results further show that growth factors released
fibre dimension, on the bottom side, compared to native from PRFM can support MSC proliferation. This is
fibrin gels described in literature (Blomback and Okada, consistent with published results that show that growth
1982, Blomback et al., 1989; Blomback et al., 1990; Muller factors released from platelets have the potential to
et al., 1984;Okada et al., 1983; Okada and Blomback, stimulate MSC proliferation (Doucet et al., 2005; Lucarelli
1983; Okada et al., 1985; Collet et al., 2004; Collet et al., et al., 2003). This finding is relevant in that it supports a
2005), with a remarkable increase to large strands, bundles therapeutic role of the PRFM alone if implanted in a site
and cables. The effect of branching is clearly evident on in which local MSC could be recruited to heal the damaged
this side of the membrane. At this point, the large bundles tissue. However, further studies will be needed to clarify
and cables appear to be compressed to the bottom of the whether MSC grown in PRFM keep the characteristics
container where the centrifugal force is maximal during and phenotype of MSC such as multi-lineage
PRFM preparation. For this reason, the fibres are strongly differentiation pluripotency and maintenance of MSC
deformed compared to their natural shape. In contrast, on markers. In vivo experiments employing PRFM itself or
the upper side of the matrix the texture appears to be coarse, together with MSC will be needed to confirm the
with a lot of twisted and bended fibres arranged in large, conclusion that PRFM accelerates tissue repair by itself
coiled bundles, frequently aggregated in long cables. This or associated with cells.
arrangement could contribute to the strongly enhanced In conclusion, production of a dense, cross-linked,
mechanical properties of this fibrin-based material, physically robust PRFM made of intact platelets and fibrin
specifically the elastic modulus and the elongation at break. by high-speed centrifugation in the absence of exogenous
More studies are needed to clarify the relationship between thrombin, yields an ideal scaffold for use in tissue repair
fibrinogen concentration, membrane thickness, platelet by itself (O’Connell et al., 2006; O’Connell et al., 2008;
concentration and the mechanical properties of the PRFM. Maniscalco et al., 2008) or in conjunction with exogenous
The algorithm linking centrifugal force applied to PRP, or viable cells. PRFM produced by the FIBRINET® system
to PPP, and mechanical properties of resulting fibrin is so different in makeup and physical characteristics as to
constructs are worth investigation as well. We also be significantly distinct and separate from conventional
observed that it is possible that the difference seen in fibre platelet-rich plasmas. PRFM can be easily tailored to the
size across the two sides of the matrix could be due to the desired shape by altering the shape of the second container.
delay of the coagulation process. The 25 minute In these studies we employed a glass bottle as second
centrifugation at 4500g, at 25°C, needed to prepare the container to produce a disk-shaped membrane. It is
PRFM may not be enough for fibrin synthesis and cross- interesting to note that with this shape, speed and duration
linking to go to completion. This would account for the of centrifugation, most of the platelets concentrate in one
smaller fibres found on the upper surface overlaying the side of the membrane. This sidedness may have clinical
more densely structured fibres found on the bottom layer implications for enhanced tissue repair. It would also apply
after high-speed centrifugation. To clarify this finding, new to isolated cell preparations, such as MSC or other cell
studies are currently underway. types added to the PRFM. Further studies using a larger
The fact that the platelets are grouped together in some number of donors are currently underway to confirm the
areas on bottom side of the membrane, instead of being viability, growth factor release and biological response of
evenly distributed on the membrane’s entire surface, is the platelets within and released from PRFM.
probably due to the particular conformation of the glass at
E Lucarelli et al. A new platelet-rich fibrin matrix
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E Lucarelli et al. A new platelet-rich fibrin matrix
prognathic maxillar and mandibular reconstruction), general, we found the frequency of membranes with poor
pressure ulcers, long bone non-union, etc. In short, the mechanical properties to be less than 1 in 200. The most
PRFM membrane could be of great potential benefit in frequent cause of membranes with poor characteristics was
both soft tissue and bony repair where surface are coverage concomitant drug therapy that interfered with the
and augmented healing is critical. Concerning the question, coagulation process, for example patients on maintenance
when it is appropriate to add stem cells or other cells to aspirin, Plavix, low-molecular weight heparin or other
PRFM, much more clinical work needs to be done. anticoagulant therapy. This is an area of continual interest
However, one obvious type of application would be in and surveillance to determine the extent and cause of inter-
those situations where there are insufficient viable cells patient variability in the production and clinical application
and tissue at or near the repair site for the PRFM to of PRFM.
stimulate. Examples of such applications could include
full thickness wounds such as large third degree burns, Reviewer II: One of the interesting properties of the PRP
traumatic wounds or ulcers that extend to exposed tendon for tissue engineering (added to the growth factors release
and bone. This would also be expected with critical-volume etc) is that it can be mixed with cells of interest and injected
bone defects where scaffold materials (demineralized bone before jellification. Obviously, this cannot be the case with
matrix, tri-calcium phosphate/hydroxy-apatite, etc.) and Fibrinet®, so it could only be used through invasive
stem cells would be useful additions to the PRFM. procedure. In addition, only materials of small size could
be produced, I guess. I would be interested in having your
Reviewer I: The authors describe a major heterogeneity opinion on the foreseen clinical applications.
of the fibrin network throughout the material. What could Authors: One of the distinctive characteristics of the
be the advantages and disadvantages of this heterogeneity Membrane kit is, that it has enhanced mechanical
in therapeutic applications? properties compared to PRP products obtained with
Authors: We maintain that the exceptional mechanical commercially available devices or manual procedures;
characteristics of the PRFM are directly related to the therefore, it does not produce an injectable material.
ultrastructure of each membrane. The presence of large However, the final product has dimensions that are
twisted bundles and cables, mixed with bent fibres and compatible with mini-invasive and arthroscopic
fused fibrin structures, is the basis of this extraordinary orthopaedic surgical procedures, where it is delivered and
elastic modulus and as such, is close to that of a thin latex anchored directly to the defect. A project is being carried
membrane. Concerning inter-patient variation, several out to manufacture a plastic disposable cartridge to produce
years of clinical development experience using the PRFM a square-shaped PRFM of considerably larger size at the
has demonstrated minimal inter-patient variability with point of care. For example: from 20 mL of PRP we can get
respect to mechanical properties and size of the membrane a 5x5 cm square membrane. In another project we planned
construct. The experience of a number of independent to produce a large size membrane to be stored in the
clinical investigators has been that gels and membranes refrigerator for many months, in sterile packages, to be
made from this autologous fibrin material are very reliable used when needed. This would be produced with the help
for use in a variety of different surgical applications. In of a specially-designed axial centrifuge.