Iw 9
Iw 9
Iw 9
Line 3a. We clarified that a Limited Liability Company (LLC) that Updated qualified intermediary (QI) agreement. The QI
is a disregarded entity should fill out line 3a by checking the withholding agreement, entered into by the Internal Revenue
appropriate box for the tax classification of its owner in the first Service (IRS) and certain foreign persons under Regulations
row on line 3a. We also added guidance that provides clarity for section 1.1441-1(e), and outlined in Rev. Proc. 2017-15, expired
disregarded entities completing lines 1 and 2. For proper December 31, 2022. New QI guidance effective January 1,
processing, information for disregarded entities is reported as 2023, was published in Rev. Proc. 2022-43 and allows certain
the owner’s name on line 1, and the disregarded entity’s name is persons to enter into an agreement to simplify their obligations
entered on line 2. as withholding agents under chapters 3 and 4 of the Code and
as payors under chapter 61 and section 3406 for amounts paid
For an LLC that is not disregarded, line 3a has a single box to to their account holders. See Rev. Proc. 2022-43, available at
check and available entry space for the LLC to notate the proper IRS.gov/irb/2022-52_IRB#REV-PROC-2022-43.
tax classification as corporation, S corporation, or partnership
(C, S, or P).
We updated the Note in line 3a to emphasize this distinction
for LLCs. Backup withholding rate. The backup withholding rate is 24%
Line 3b. A new line has been added for partnerships (including for reportable payments.
limited liability companies (LLCs) classified as partnerships for Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA) and backup
U.S. federal tax purposes), trusts, or estates to indicate if they withholding exemptions. FATCA requires a participating
have foreign partners, owners, or beneficiaries when providing foreign financial institution (FFI) to report all U.S. account holders
this form to a flow-through entity in which it owns an interest. This that are specified U.S. persons (generally individuals,
change provides the flow-through entity with information partnerships, S corporations, LLCs and certain estates and
regarding the status of its indirect foreign partners, owners, or trusts). Form W-9 has space to enter an Exempt payee code (if
beneficiaries, so that it can satisfy any applicable reporting any) and Exemption from FATCA Reporting Code (if any). The
requirements. references for the appropriate codes are in the Exemptions
You are only required to verify that the box on line 3b has section of Form W-9, and in the Payees and Account Holders
been properly checked if you are a flow-through entity that is Exempt From FATCA Reporting section of these instructions.
otherwise required to obtain a new Form W-9 from your partner, The Certification section in Part II of Form W-9 includes
owner, or beneficiary. You may rely on the information provided certification relating to FATCA reporting.
on line 3b unless you know that it is incorrect. If line 3b is
completed (or if it has not been completed and you know that Differences in chapter 3 and chapter 4. Withholding on
this is incorrect), you may be required to report on Schedules certain U.S. source reportable payments under chapter 3 is
K-2 and K-3 (Form 1065) or otherwise provide the relevant different than withholding on certain withholdable payments to
information to your partner, owner, or beneficiary. See foreign entities that fail to report U.S. owners and account
Partnership Instructions for Schedules K-2 and K-3 (Form 1065). holders under chapter 4. These instructions cover the basics. A
review of Pub. 515, Withholding of Tax on Nonresident Aliens
Withholding and reporting under sections 1446(a) and (f) and Foreign Entities, is essential to learn details associated with
starting in 2023. Section 1446(f), added by P.L. 115-97, backup withholding not covered here.
section 13501, enacted new rules for withholding on the transfer
of a partnership interest. Purpose
In general, section 1446(f) applies to transfers of partnership Chapter 3 provides that non-U.S. persons, whether individuals or
interests occurring on or after January 1, 2018. However, certain entities, are subject to tax on their income that is effectively
withholding provisions of section 1446(f) apply to transfers after connected to a U.S. trade or business. A properly completed and
2022, including: signed Form W-9 can be relied upon to avoid backup
• Transfers of interests in publicly traded partnerships (PTPs) withholding to a payee. However, a payor of certain information
under section 1446(f); return reportable payments is subject to the withholding
• Distributions made by PTPs (PTP distributions); and requirements under section 3406 (backup withholding), if: