Instructions For Form 3520-A: (Rev. December 2023)
Instructions For Form 3520-A: (Rev. December 2023)
Instructions For Form 3520-A: (Rev. December 2023)
Address. Include the room, suite, or other unit number Signature of trustee (title) (date)
after the street address. If the post office does not deliver (or other authorized person)
mail to the street address and the U.S. person has a P.O.
box, show the box number instead.
Your Name (type or print)
Foreign address. Do not abbreviate the country name.
Line 1b. Enter the EIN of the foreign trust. Do not enter Taxpayer Identification Number (if any)
Line 2. If the trust appointed a U.S. agent, enter the year [ Name of agent ] accepts this appointment to act as agent
for [ name of foreign trust ] for the above purpose. I certify that I
the Authorization of Agent form was last attached. have the authority to execute this authorization of agent to act on
behalf of [ name of foreign trust ] and agree to accept service of
Note. The Authorization of Agent form should be process for the above purposes.
attached every 3 years unless there has been a change,
and if so, it should be attached in the year with respect to
Signature of agent (title) (date)
which the change relates.
If the trust did not appoint a U.S. agent, attach the
following documents to Form 3520-A. Your Name (type or print)
• A copy of the trust’s organizational chart, including Line 5. Enter the number of Foreign Grantor Trust Owner
ownership structure and percentage of ownership. Statements (pages 3 and 4) included with this Form
Note. If these documents have been attached to a Form
3520-A filed within the previous 3 years, attach only Line 6. Enter the number of Foreign Grantor Trust
relevant updates. Beneficiary Statements (page 5) included with this Form
Lines 3a through 3g. If a foreign trust with a U.S. owner
does not have a U.S. agent, the IRS may determine the Sign here. In general, the trustee of the foreign trust must
amounts required to be taken into account with respect to sign the Form 3520-A. However, if the U.S. owner of the
the foreign trust by the U.S. owner. See section 6048(b) foreign trust is filing a substitute Form 3520-A, the U.S.
(2). In order to avoid this, a U.S. owner of a foreign trust owner must sign. See Who Must Sign, earlier.
should ensure that the foreign trust appoints a U.S. person
to act as the foreign trust's limited agent for purposes of Part II—Foreign Trust Income
applying sections 7602, 7603, and 7604 with respect to a Statement
request by the IRS to examine records or produce Include all income from U.S. and non-U.S. sources. This
testimony, or a summons by the IRS for such records or financial statement must reasonably reflect the trust's
testimony. Any U.S. citizen, resident, or domestic income under U.S. income tax principles.
corporation (including a U.S. grantor or U.S. beneficiary of
a foreign trust) may act as the U.S. agent of the trust.
Note. The term “person” includes an individual or an The amounts on the statement must include the portion
entity, whether U.S. or foreign. See the definition of U.S. of income reported by the foreign trust deemed
person, earlier. A foreign person is an individual or entity attributable to the U.S. owner.
that is not a U.S. person. The foreign trust may need to furnish to the U.S. owner
Lines 17b and 17c. Distributions to U.S. owners and additional information, including applicable statements, to
U.S. beneficiaries. Separately list the total amount of ensure that the owner accurately reports income and
distributions (including the uncompensated use of trust expenses on the owner's U.S. income tax return.
property) to each U.S. owner and U.S. beneficiary. List the
full name, TIN, date of distribution, and FMV on the date Foreign Grantor Trust Beneficiary
of distribution (dollar amount) for each U.S. owner and Statement
U.S. beneficiary who receives a distribution. If more space
is needed, attach a statement. On the top of each statement, fill in the tax year.
! For fiscal-year filers, use the year in which your
Prepare a separate Foreign Grantor Trust Owner
fiscal tax year begins.
Statement (see below) or Foreign Grantor Trust
Beneficiary Statement (see below) for each U.S. owner A copy of this statement (page 5 of Form 3520-A) must
or for each U.S. beneficiary who receives a distribution be (a) furnished to each U.S. beneficiary who receives a
from the trust. distribution, directly or indirectly, from the foreign trust
during the tax year; and (b) included with this Form
Part III—Foreign Trust Balance Sheet 3520-A. See the definitions for U.S. beneficiary and
List all assets and liabilities of the trust, including those distribution provided earlier in these instructions.
assets and liabilities attributable to the portion(s) of the
Exception. Do not complete this statement for a U.S.
trust (if any) not treated as owned by a U.S. person.
person for any portion of the trust of which that U.S.
The balance sheet should reflect FMV. Include person is treated as the owner; instead, complete the
certificates of deposit as cash on line 1. Foreign Grantor Trust Owner Statement for that U.S.
person (as described earlier).
For purposes of completing Part III, it is not necessary
or required to reconcile any differences between the book The statement must be furnished to the U.S.
and tax basis of assets and liabilities. beneficiary no later than the 15th day of the 3rd month
Line 18. Accumulated trust income. Include the total following the end of the trust's tax year, or later if an
amount of trust income accumulated and not distributed. extension of time to file is granted, or if filing a substitute
Form 3520-A. See When and Where To File, earlier.
Foreign Grantor Trust Owner TINs and addresses. See the instructions for Part I,
Statement earlier, for information on entering TINs and addresses.
On the top of each statement, fill in the tax year. Paperwork Reduction Act Notice. We ask for the
! For fiscal-year filers, use the year in which your information on this form to carry out the Internal Revenue
CAUTION fiscal tax year begins. laws of the United States. You are required to give us the
A copy of this statement (pages 3 and 4 of Form information. We need it to ensure that you are complying
3520-A) must be (a) furnished to each U.S. person who is with these laws and to allow us to figure and collect the
treated as an owner of the foreign trust under the grantor right amount of tax.
trust rules, and (b) included with this Form 3520-A. The
You are not required to provide the information
statement must be furnished to each U.S. owner no later
requested on a form that is subject to the Paperwork
than the 15th day of the 3rd month following the end of the
Reduction Act unless the form displays a valid OMB
trust's tax year, or later if an extension of time to file is
control number. Books or records relating to a form or its
granted, or if filing a substitute Form 3520-A. See When
instructions must be retained for as long as their contents
and Where To File, earlier.
may become material in the administration of any Internal
TINs and addresses. See the instructions for Part I, Revenue law.
earlier, for information on entering TINs and addresses.
The time needed to complete and file the form will vary
Line 8. Trust documents. If the trust did not appoint a
depending on individual circumstances. The estimated
U.S. agent, list the documents attached to the current year
average time is:
Form 3520-A and those attached to a Form 3520-A filed