Vibration Assisted Electrochemical Machi
Vibration Assisted Electrochemical Machi
Vibration Assisted Electrochemical Machi
Electrochemical machining (ECM) uses a direct current (DC) at high density of 0.5–5 A/mm2 which is passed through the
electrolytic solution that fills the gap between an anodic workpiece and a pre-shaped cathodic tool. At the anodic surface, metal is
dissolved into metallic ions and thus as the tool moves towards the workpiece at a constant feed proportional to the dissolution
rate of the anodic surface, then its shape is copied into the workpiece. During ECM, the electrolyte is forced to flow through a
narrow interelectrode gap at high velocity of more than 5 m/s to intensify the mass/charge transfer through the sublayer near the
anodic surface. The electrolyte removes the dissolution by-products, e.g., hydroxide of metal, heat, and gas bubbles generated in
the interelectrode gap. These machining by-products affect the process accuracy, efficiency, stability, and productivity. Ensuring
the continuous flushing of these products is, therefore, essential. One of these methods is through the use of pulsed voltage.
Introducing vibrational motion, at low or ultrasonic frequency, to the tool/workpiece or the machining medium became a viable
alternative for the evacuation of the machining products during the vibration-assisted ECM (VA-ECM). Other attempts to further
enhance VA-ECM performance include the proper tool design, addition of abrasive particles to the electrolyte medium, and use of
magnetic flux assistance. This paper reviews the principles of VA-ECM, main research directions, process parameters, and
performance indicators. Numerous fields of VA-ECM which include micro-slotting, micro-drilling, macro-drilling, electrochem-
ical wire cutting (ECWC), polishing and finishing, and micro-tool fabrication have been covered. Several mathematical and
statistical modeling and optimization techniques have been also examined. The current paper also outlines possible trends for
future research work.
Keywords Vibration-assisted ECM . Material removal . Stability . Ultrasonic . Frequency . Amplitude . Current density
Rajkumar et al. [2] introduced the abrasive-assisted ECM for Vibrang part Vibraon
Tool Low frequency
machining aluminum-boron carbide nanocomposite. Workpiece Ultrasonic frequency
For increasing the process accuracy by reducing the IEG Tool + workpiece Amplitude
Electrolyte Direcon
size, Davydov et al. [3] selected a proper electrolyte, used a
gas-liquid mixture as an electrolyte, provided tool insulation, Electrolyte Applied voltage
and applied a pulsed voltage. Using voltage pulses greater Type Pulsed/straight
Concentraon Quality of parts by On-me
than 1 ms made it possible to machine with small IEG. Addives VA-ECM Off-me
Under such condition, the machining accuracy resulted from Temperature Duty cycle
Hydrodynamics Frequency
the reduction of the change of the electrolyte conductivity
along that small gap which reduced the changes on shape
Electrode tool
errors. Moreover, a decrease of pulse time in the range of 1– Shape
100 μs enhanced these effects which caused further accuracy Size
improvement. Due to the smaller gap thickness associated Interelectrode gap
with short pulses, the electrolyte temperature rise became Feed rate
Roughness Removal rate Mathemacal ANOVA
Stability Finite element RSM
Feed rate
Performance indicator
Int J Adv Manuf Technol
Percent of coverage
66.7 66.7
60.0 52.4
40.0 33.3
20.0 14.3 14.3
10.0 4.8
the US vibration decreases the surface roughness parameter, In a further work by Skoczypiec [17], it was reported that
Ra, compared with the classical ECM process. They summa- the use of combination of synchronized low-frequency pulsed
rized the effect of US in ECM as follows: voltage and an oscillating and feeding electrode enabled ma-
chining with small IEG in the range of 10–50 μm and signif-
& Supports diffusion and decreases the rate of passivation. icantly higher current densities. At minimum gap thickness,
& Decreases the potential drop in the layers adjacent to the voltage was switched on for 500–5000 μs leading to the
electrodes. material removal process. Under such conditions, low amount
& Increases the coefficient of electrochemical machinability. of electrolyte was transported through the IEG. When the gap
& Creates optimal hydrodynamic conditions for good sur- was maximized, a large amount of electrolyte was supplied to
face layer quality. the IEG, thus flushing away the machining products. Rajurkar
and Zhu [1] developed a precision ECM process using an Numerous fields of VA-ECM have been covered by many
eccentric orbital workpiece movement with traditional ECM. researchers. These areas include micro-slotting [11, 23, 24],
Their theoretical and experimental analyses indicated that micro-drilling [10, 25–32], macro-drilling [33–39], electro-
adding the orbital motion to ECM distributed the electrolyte chemical wire cutting (ECWC) [40–45], polishing and
flow more uniformly and, hence, caused a significant reduc- finishing [46, 47], and micro-tool fabrication [48] as shown
tion in the flow field disrupting phenomena that adversely in Fig. 8. Modeling and optimization were covered by many
affected machining accuracy. The proposed method offered researchers [11, 12, 20, 21, 23, 24, 26, 35–43, 45, 49–54]. The
substantial gains in the process accuracy and the uniformity summary of the vibration-assisted ECM (VA-ECM) condi-
of the machined components. In a further work, Hewidy et al. tions, machining variables, and performance indicators are
[18] proposed the cathodic tool orbital motion technique to shown in Table 1.
enhance the ECM accuracy and eliminate the presence of the
central spikes. On the other hand, Sadollah and El-Hofy [19]
used the orbital ECM technique to remove the protrusions
formed in EDM machined surfaces. Paczkowski et al. [20]
3 Micromachining
machined curvilinear slots using shaped tool electrodes, vi-
Electrochemical micromachining (EMM) is gaining impor-
brating at frequency of 30 Hz and amplitude of 0.1 mm in
tance in slotting and drilling of holes due to its advantages
the longitudinal direction and 0.05 mm in the traverse
that include no tool wear, high MRR, absence of burrs, and
its ability to produce complex shapes irrespective of work-
The distribution of gas, sludge, and temperature in the IEG
piece hardness.
affects the electrolyte conductivity and determines the ma-
chining accuracy in ECM. In order to improve the heat trans-
Micro-slotting When fabricating micro-slots, high flow resis-
fer, MRR, and surface profile, Fang et al. [21] and Zeng et al.
tance occurs with the increase of the slot length. Material
[22] adopted the technique of the pulsating electrolyte supply
hydroxide and other machining products accumulate in the
as shown in Fig. 7. Their experimental results showed that the
outlet of the electrolyte which limits the maximum possible
MRR and surface profile were enhanced using such a tech-
feed rate of the cathodic tool electrode. In order to solve such a
nique [21].
problem, Xiaochen et al. [23] and Jia et al. [54] proposed the
idea of flow channel contraction using a cathodic tool with
variable cross section to machine micro-slots of 300 ± 30 μm
depth and 60 mm length in stainless steel. Such a contraction
increased the electrolyte flow velocity along the IEG and
flushed away the machining by-products. Moreover, the addi-
tion of the cathodic tool vibration, at low frequency of 10 Hz
and 0.3-mm amplitude, enhanced the electrolyte flushing pro-
cess, doubled the feed rate, and ensured the uniformity of the
machined slots. Furthermore, Feng et al. [11] fabricated
microslot arrays of complex shapes, using the traditional
ECM, which suffered from poor stability and low machining
Fig. 7 Pulsating electrolyte configuration [21] accuracy. However, the addition of low-frequency vibration to
Int J Adv Manuf Technol
Percent of coverage
14.71 14.71
10.00 8.82
5.88 5.88
5.00 2.94
Research field
ECM improved the process stability while the average slot tool provided an easy electrolyte supply to the narrow
width and slope were decreased by increasing the vibration micromachining zone, thereby improving both the shape con-
amplitude and frequency. In a further work, Goshal et al. [24] trol and surface quality [26]. An attempt was also made for
generated various cross-sectional profiles using different evacuating the electrolyte from the IEG through the use of the
micro-tool shapes. Their results showed that vibrating the proper tool design by Yang et al. [27] who drilled micro-holes
micro-tool with 0.3 μm and low frequency of 85 Hz improved in 300-μm SS 304 using cylindrical and semi-cylindrical ro-
the surface finish. Such an observation was related to the tran- tating tools, vibrating at frequency of 40 kHz, and 4-μm am-
sient bubble collapse and, moreover, the impact of energetic plitude. Consequently, the use of semi-cylindrical tools in-
micro-jets on the anodic surface which caused the effective creased the flow space and permitted drilling holes to a depth
flushing of the machining products from the IEG [13, 14]. of 300 μm which was difficult to achieve using cylindrical
tools without US vibration. Moreover, the use of US vibration
Micro-drilling Micro-hole drilling at high aspect ratio is a chal- improved electrolyte diffusion and convection as well as the
lenge in EMM due to the difficulty of removal of the machin- gas bubbles dispersion which, in turn, saved a considerable
ing products from the IEG. In this regard, Goshal et al. [25] machining time, increased MRR and improved the machining
studied the effect of vibration (82 Hz and 3 μm amplitude) of accuracy. During micro-hole drilling, at different feed rates,
micro-tool, using pulsed voltage (3 MHz), micro-tool shape, Feng et al. [28] concluded that the combination of high vibra-
and workpiece thickness on the aspect ratio of micro features tion frequency of 50 Hz and low amplitude of 5 μm achieved
in EMM of SS 304. They found that the use of low-frequency higher MRR than that at low frequency of 10 Hz and high
vibration made the electrolyte flow easier and, slightly, in- amplitude of 25 μm.
creased the overcut due to the higher current density. The Moreover, Wang et al. [32] used cylindrical and disk-
same authors [26] investigated the effect of gap voltage (3–6 shaped cathodic tools for micro-hole drilling with and without
V), pulse frequency up to 10 MHz, vibration amplitude 0.3–3 tool vibration. Accordingly, the disk micro-tool electrode fo-
μm, and frequency 200–963 Hz of tool vibration on the over- cused the electric field on the anode and improved the disso-
cut of drilled micro boreholes in SS 304 workpiece. Their lution localization. When the US vibration was added to the
results showed the increase of the average current with the disk tool, the machining speed as well as the maximum depth
increase of vibration amplitude caused the collapse of the of the micro-holes were increased and the taper and hole di-
gas bubbles and enhanced mass transfer and coefficient of ameter decreased while the surface quality was improved
diffusivity which, in turn, increased the current density. The compared with that of micro-hole drilling without US tool
average current showed an increase with frequency up to vibration.
500 Hz beyond which stable microbubbles were formed During normal ECM, a passivation problem arises which
which reduced the electrolyte conductivity and the current stops the flow of the electrolyzing current and negatively af-
density. They reported the increase of overcut with increasing fects MRR and the process productivity. The introduction of
both the vibration amplitude and frequency. Low vibration US vibration to the electrolytic cell, immersed in US bath, was
amplitude and medium frequency of vibration of the micro- used for controlling passivation problem. In this regard,
Int J Adv Manuf Technol
Table 1 Summary of V-ECM operations, conditions, and performance indicators
Feng et al. [11] Micro-slotting W 0–500 0–50 – 8–10 Frequency-amplitude-initial gap Stability-slot shape
Xiaochen et al. [23] T 300 10 20 – Flow field-cathode shape Feed rate-slot shape
Goshal et al. [24] T 300 85 – 3 Electrolyte concentration Roughness-overcut
Tool shape
Liu, et al. [10] Micro-drilling W 3–14 0–200 – – 6 Amplitude-frequency MRR-side gap
Goshal et al. [25] T 3 82 – – 3 Tool shape-workpiece thickness Stability-overcut
Voltage frequency Aspect ratio-taper
Goshal et al. [26] T 0.3–3 200–963 – – 3–6 Pulsed voltage-tool amplitude Current density-overcut
Vibration frequency
Yang et al. [27] T 4 40 – 7.12 Tool shape-US vibration MRR-precision
Feng et al. [28] T 5–25 10–50 20–40 Vibration frequency-amplitude MRR
A Feed rate-WP composition--peak current
Kurogi et al. [29] T 4 – 63 – 10 Electrolyte concentration Accuracy
Wang et al. [30] W 0–5 28 7–16 Electrolyte concentration-amplitude-gap voltage Accuracy-overcut-stability
Wang, et al. [32] T 0–15 – 28 – 9 Feed rate-vibration amplitude Taper-roughness-overcut
Wang et al. [45] T 6–12 10–200 – – – B4C concentration-time-frequency Roughness
Goel and Pandey [50] Jet drilling M On-time 20 0–600 – Voltage-interelectrode gap-electrolyte MRR-taper
0–1.2 s concentration-electrolyte pressure-pulse on-time
Mitchell-Smith and W – 40 – – Current density-original surface condition Kerf width-aspect
Clare [55] ratio-roughness
Patel et al. [33] Drilling M 0,15, 36 – 40 – 22, 26 US amplitude-pulse frequency-peak current-time Surface roughness-hole
A taper
Natsu et al. [34] T 4x20 z – 32x,45z – 10 Feed rate-complex vibration Speed-accuracy
Ebeid et al. [35] T 20–100 50 12–24 – Vibration amplitude-feed rate-back pressure-gap voltage Overcut-hole conicity
Jadhav et al. [36] T 16–20 – US – 16–20 Ultrasonic on-time/off-time-voltage-pulse on-time MRR
Ayyappan et al. [37] T 50 – – 15–25 – Electrolyte concentration-gap voltage-frontal gap MRR-roughness
Hewidy et al. [38] T 0–200 50 – 12 – Vibration amplitude MRR-current
Zou et al. [40] ECWC T 10 0.5–2.5 – – 18 Vibration frequency-amplitude-feed rate Feed rate-slit
Xu et al. [41] T+W 1 0–500 – – 5–10 Electrolyte concentration-vibration amplitude-feed rate-pulse Slit width/homogeneity
Fang et al. [43] T 7500 1.5 – – 18 Ribbed wire-large amplitude MRR-efficiency
Jiang et al. [44] T 1–15 – 20–90 – 25–39 Frequency-amplitude-B4C concentration-voltage Max feed rate
Surface quality
Int J Adv Manuf Technol
Performance indicators and electrolyte temperature during US-assisted ECM at fre-
quencies of 20 kHz and 50 kHz. Their results showed the
increase of anode potential and the current density which, in
turn, reduced the deteriorating effect of passivation layer and
Frequency-power-tool design-rotational speed-work material Roughness
increased the MRR by 1.6%.
One way of removing the insulating passivating layer
formed during machining WC and SS 304 by ECM is to apply
the US vibration to the tool electrode. Such a layer is known to
Frequency-amplitude-wire diameter-WP thickness-applied
disturb the current flow between the cathodic tool and the
anodic workpiece electrodes and, moreover, affects the ma-
chining accuracy. In this regard, Kurogi et al. [29] used US
Voltage-vibration amplitude-concentration-time
tude. On the other hand, the smallest side gaps were achieved
and 200 Hz. Wang et al. [30] concluded that the increase in
from the IEG and stops the formation of the passive layer on
Ghoshal and
Fig. 12 VA-ECM using US waves to the flowing electrolyte [33] 7 Modeling and simulation
Fig. 15 Distribution of
machining products in ECWC. a
Smooth wire without vibration, b
smooth wire with vibrations, and
c ribbed wire with vibrations [40]
Ghoshal et al. [24] presented simulation models for the current using ribbed wire compared with the smooth wire electrode.
density distribution along the side wall and top and bottom sur-
faces during blind microchannel generation in SS304 using dif- Skoczypiec [49] applied the CFD and FEM for the analyses
ferent tool shapes and H2SO4 electrolyte concentrations of 0.5– of electrolyte flow through the gap in USECM using a vibrat-
0.3 M. A pulsed voltage of 3 V, and 5 MHz and vibrating tool at ing tool electrode (20 kHz and 2–8-μm amplitude) normal to
low frequency of 85 Hz and 0.3-μm amplitude were employed in the electrolyte velocity component. The work analyzed the
order to predict the shape of cross section of the machined pro- multiphase, turbulent, and unsteady flow between anode and
files. Fang et al. [21] presented a multi-physics model coupling cathode, under the assumption that the cavitation phenomenon
of electric, heat, transport of diluted species, and a pulsating fluid occurred. Presented results proved that the US application
flow. Their simulation results indicated that the pulsating flow changed the condition of dissolution process in IEG such that
(Fig. 6) had a significant impact on the distributions of velocity, the machined allowance and MRR were increased by 75%
gas fraction, and temperature near the workpiece surface along and 80% respectively at interelectrode gap voltage of 20 V.
the flow direction which improved the surface quality. Xu et al. On the other hand, Skoczypiec [12] analyzed the electrolyte
[41] presented another simulation study of the electric field for flow through the gap in USECM using the CFD method at 20-
the wire and workpiece vibration conditions, electrolyte proper- kHz frequency and amplitude less than 10 μm in order to
ties, and feed rate on the standard deviation of the slit width and predict the distribution of cavitation bubbles along the gap.
edge radius. The flow field simulation of Fang et al. [43] revealed Numerical investigation revealed that the intensity of cavita-
that the gas bubbles were expelled effectively from the IEG as the tion affected the conditions of the dissolution process which
wire electrode moves upward in a large amplitude of 7.5 mm and depends on the amplitude of US vibration. He reported im-
low frequency of 1.5 Hz. Zou et al. [40] used the particle tracing provement of current density, MRR, machining allowance,
simulation which showed that the recycling of the electrolyte and and machinability. In the same line, Feng et al. [11] studied
the removal of dissolution products were promoted in case of the effect of flow pattern and pressure on the flow field stabil-
ity using the CFD simulation. They concluded that the low-
frequency oscillation-assisted ECM by improving the machin-
ing stability.
Based on the FEM, Wang et al. [32] compared the cylindrical
and disk-shaped cathode tools during micro-hole drilling at dif-
ferent feed rates with and without tool vibration. Their results
revealed that the disk micro-tool electrode focused the electric
field on the anode and improved the dissolution localization.
Accordingly, the US vibration increased the feed rate and pene-
tration depth, decreased the taper and diameter, and improved the
surface quality of the machined holes. Xiaochen et al. [23] used
the same method for numerical simulation of the flow field in
ECM. Accordingly, the addition of the cathodic tool vibration, at
low frequency of 10 Hz and 0.3-mm amplitude, enhanced the
electrolyte flushing process, doubled the feed rate, and ensured
the uniformity of the machined slots. Liu et al. [39] developed a
Fig. 16 VA-ECWC with large amplitudes [43] three-dimensional model of flow field in ANSYS CFX software
Int J Adv Manuf Technol
for a rotating and vibrating cathode. Their simulation results 2. For high accuracy in micromachining applications,
showed that the pressure and velocity of the electrolyte in the nanosecond pulsed voltage together vibration assistance
IEG were oscillated by additional motion of cathodic tool. is recommended. Short pulses cause a high localization
Additionally, the rotary combined US and ECM had better ability of the electrochemical dissolution action
of making small holes than that of rotary ECM. Jia et al. [54] 3. For high efficiency and better machining stability of VA-
used the FEM to calculate the flow field distribution in ordinary ECM, abrasives can be mixed with the electrolyte
ECM method of multiple slots with low-frequency tool 4. Using the magnetic flux assistance to VA-ECM in-
vibrations. creases the current density, MRR, and surface
Statistical methods have been adopted by many researchers roughness.
recently. In this respect, Goel and Pandey [50] conducted statis- 5. USECM is suitable for machining materials that form a
tical analysis for the MRR and hole taper using analysis of var- passivating layer over the anodic surface during normal
iance (ANOVA) and concluded that combining US vibrations to ECM. Such a layer is successfully removed by using the
the electrolyte jet, resulted in the improvement of MRR and the US vibration
reduction in the hole taper. Ebeid and coworkers [35] used the 6. VA-ECM is recommended for micromachining applica-
response surface methodology (RSM) for deriving mathematical tions at low frequency of vibration.
models to describe the effect of applied voltage (12–24 V), feed 7. Adding US vibration to the flowing electrolyte improves
rate (0.6–1.4 mm/min), back pressure, and vibration amplitude surface finish and decreases hole taper.
on the overcut and conicity of drilled holes. Jadhav et al. [36] 8. US jet drilling by ECM raises the MRR and process
used Taguchi technique to optimize the process parameters for accuracy and improves the surface quality.
maximum MRR and minimum overcut in US-assisted drilling of 9. The use of low-frequency vibration with ribbed wire and
Inconel 60 alloy. Ayyappan et al. [37] developed a mathematical adding abrasive powder to the electrolyte improve the
model correlating MRR and the surface roughness parameter Ra surface quality in VA-WECM.
with machining conditions such as the gap voltage and electro- 10. Due to the complex mixture in the interelectrode gap,
lyte concentration for low-frequency vibrating tool assisted by a CFD and FEM methods are adopted for understanding
magnetic flux as an efficient hybrid technique in ECM. the process behavior and quantifying the electrolyte flow
8 Summary
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3. Using electrolyte mixtures that reduce the possibility of 12. Skoczypiec S (2011) Research on ultrasonically assisted electro-
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studies of electrochemical passivity and transport mechanisms II.
ECM assisted by abrasive powder or a magnetic flux.
Experimental. J Electrochem Soc 138(3):708–713
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Compliance with ethical standards chining process assisted by electrode ultrasonic vibrations. 15th
International Symposium on Electromachining., Pittsburgh,
Pennsylvania, USA, 6p
Conflict of interests The author declares that there is no conflict of
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ing, engineering materials. Springer International Publishing AG.
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