FY21 SIMS 4.1 Above Site Tool - Cleared
FY21 SIMS 4.1 Above Site Tool - Cleared
FY21 SIMS 4.1 Above Site Tool - Cleared
2 Assessment Tools
Organization of SIMS Site Assessment Tool
Set # Set Name
SET 1A General
SET 1B Commodities Management
SET 1C Data Quality
SET 2A Care And Treatment-General Population
SET 2B Care And Treatment For HIV Infected Children
Site Level Tool Above-Site Level Tool SET 3A Key Populations-General
Site assessments are conducted Above-site assessments are
SET 3B Care And Treatment – Key Populations
at both facility and community conducted at PEPFAR-supported
sites (i.e. places where services institutions that are above the SET 4A Preventing Mother to Child Transmission, Antenatal Care,
are provided). Examples include service delivery point (i.e. not Postnatal, and Labor and Delivery
clinics, hospitals, laboratories, where services are provided or SET 4B HIV Exposed Infants
and ‘standalone’ structures. beneficiaries are reached). SET 5 Voluntary Medical Male Circumcision
Examples include health offices SET 6 Adolescent Girls and Young Women and Gender-based Violence
at the national or subnational SET 7 HIV Testing Services
SET 8 Tuberculosis Treatment Service Point
SET 9 Methadone or Buprenorphine Medication Assisted Treatment
2 Types of Assessments SET 10A Laboratory
Comprehensive Assessment is the first assessment SET 10B Blood Safety
at a site or above site location. All relevant
standards (Required and Elective CEEs) should be Organization of SIMS Above-Site Assessment Tool
Set # Set Name
SET 1 HIV Planning, Coordination and Management
SET 2 Orphans and Vulnerable Children/Social Services
Follow-Up Assessment determines whether all
SET 3 Guidelines and Policies
CEEs that scored red or yellow during a prior SET 4 Private Sector Engagement and Advocacy
assessment have improved (i.e. red or yellow to SET 5 Human Resources for Health
green). SET 6 Commodities
SET 7 Quality Management
SET 8 Laboratory and Blood Transfusion Support
Core Essential Elements (CEEs) SET 9 Strategic Information, Surveys, Surveillance and Evaluation
SET 10 Protecting Life in Global Health Assistance
Standard: CEEs are built on program quality standards based upon
World Health Organization supported evidence or guidelines and/or Description of Final CEE Scores
documentation of best practices.
Assessment Questions: Each CEE is composed of a series of G: Green (3) Meets standard
questions that progressively assess the site against the standard. Y: Yellow (2) Needs improvement
R: Red (1) Needs urgent remediation
Final Score: The final score is red, yellow, green or N/A. CEE scores
Gray (0) Not Applicable selected
are designed to highlight whether a problem exists.
Assessment Date: ____________ Assessment ID: __________
Figure 1: Core Essential Elements (CEE) Structure Used within this Tool
Assessment CEE ID CEE Abbreviated Name Set Abbreviated
Tool Set ID Name
Table of Contents
If Y, then Q3
Q3 Was the strategic plan both developed and costed Y N If N=Yellow
using existing HIV output and outcome data? If Y=Green
CEE #: AS_01_02 Use of Data from Health Economics and Finance Studies
(National/Subnational) [PLAN MGT]
STANDARD: National and Subnational health economic or finance studies involve key
stakeholders in reviewing underlying data and consuming finalized results.
If Y, then Q3
Q3 Does the HIV service referral system track clients Y N If N=Yellow
receiving services and document completed referrals If Y=Green
across service providers?
CEE #: AS_02_01 Management and Planning – Strategic Planning (Social Services) (National)
STANDARD: National authority overseeing delivery of social services to children and families
affected by HIV has a current, multi-year strategic plan that was developed in consultation with
external stakeholders, is based on data and is costed.
☐ (1) Sub-National Unit (SNU) – Level Governmental ☐ (2) Regional Unit – Level
☐ (3) Non-government Level
Q1 For the supervisory visits, does this SNU Social Service Office # Ticked If 0-2=Red
use ALL of the following?
Tick all that apply: _____
1) Coordinate routine visits to social service
2) A standardized process for assessing the quality of
social services
3) A standardized tool
CEE #: AS_03_05 WHO Guidelines for ART Initiation in Different Populations (National)
STANDARD: National HIV/AIDS technical practice should follow current WHO guidelines for
initiation of ART for all patient populations, i.e., Test and Start/Treat All.
Instructions: Only assess this CEE at the Ministry of Health or National AIDS Control Program
CEE #: AS_03_06 Data Protection Policies for Collection and Use of Patient Level Data
(National) [GUIDE]
STANDARD: The government has policies in place that support and govern the collection of
patient-level data for health, which include use of data for public health purposes, protection of
privacy of the individual, confidentiality of the data, and use of data in criminal cases.
Instructions: Only assess this CEE at National level MOH
CEE #: AS_03_08 Index Testing Services in National HTS Guidelines (National) [Guide]
STANDARD: National HIV Testing Services (HTS) guidelines include standards on the provision
of Index testing services at the site level. These guidelines include use of a standardized index
testing curriculum to train site level providers.
Instructions: Only assess this CEE at National level Ministry of Health. This CEE can only be
assessed if national index testing guidelines exist.
Index testing, also known as partner notification or contact tracing, is defined as a voluntary
process whereby a trained provider asks an HIV-positive client about their sexual partners, drug
injecting partners, and biological children. If the HIV-positive client agrees to these services, the
trained provider then offers HTS to these partners and/or children.
Internal Notes:
From the following In-Service Training instructional area(s) please select all those offered or
coordinated by the provider and supported by this Implementing Mechanism. Check all that apply:
☐ (A) Adult Care & Treatment ☐ (H) Community Care & Support ☐ (O) Pediatric Care &
☐ (B) PMTCT ☐ (I) VMMC ☐ (P) Prevention
☐(C) Food & Nutrition ☐ (J) HTC ☐ (Q) Post-violence
☐ (D) TB/HIV ☐ (K) Gender ☐ (R) Key Populations
☐ (E) Supply Chain ☐ (L) Blood Safety/Waste Management ☐ (S) Leadership &
☐(F) QM/QI ☐ (M) FP/HIV ☐ (T) IDV/MMT
☐ (G) Lab ☐ (N) Other (specify in the comments field)
Use the comment section to record any instructional area inconsistencies as they relate to the
CEE responses.
If all 4, then Q2
☐ (1) Medical Doctors ☐ (2) Nurses ☐(3) Midwives ☐(4) Clinical officers ☐ (5) Pharmacy ☐
(6) Laboratory ☐ (7) Public health ☐ (8) Paraprofessionals ☐ (9) Other
Use the comment section to record any profession type inconsistencies as they relate to the CEE
CEE # Abbreviated Title Levels
AS_06_01 Supply Chain: ARVs National
AS_06_02 Data Use for ARV Distribution National/Subnational
Decision making
AS_06_03 Supervision/Monitoring for ARV National/Subnational
Supply Chain
AS_06_04 Supply Chain: Rapid Test National
AS_06_05 Data Use for RTK Distribution National/Subnational
Decision making
AS_06_06 Supervision/Monitoring for RTK National/Subnational
Supply Chain
AS_06_07 Supply Chain: Food and Nutrition National
AS_06_08 Data Use for Food and Nutrition National/Subnational
Commodity Distribution Decision
AS_06_09 Supervision/Monitoring for Food National/Subnational
and Nutrition Supply Chain
AS_06_10 Medicines Regulatory System - National
AS_06_11 Medicines Regulatory System – National
Quality Assurance / Quality Control
AS_06_12 Medicines Regulatory System – National
CEE #: AS_06_02 Data Use for ARV Distribution Decision making (National /Subnational)
STANDARD: HIV programs have routine access to supply chain data and have a mechanism in
place to respond to emergency orders, to ensure a continuous supply of ARVs.
If Y, then Q3
Q3 Are the logistics data on stock status of the relevant # Ticked If 0-3= Yellow
commodity and issues data routinely shared with the If 4= Green
following audiences that are not primarily concerned _____
with commodity availability, within the broader HIV
program? Tick all that apply:
1) Ministry of Health senior leadership
2) Sub-national level MOH officials
3) National stakeholders
4) Supply Chain Implementing Partners
Note: Examples of logistics data include: stock-outs,
overstocks, expiries, losses.
If Y, then Q2
Q2 Does the group have timely stock data (3 or fewer months old) Y N If N=Yellow
from health facilities, distribution centers and warehouses for ALL
commodities relevant to the national program (as checked above)?
If Y, then Q3
Q3 Quarterly, does the group do ALL of the following? Tick all that # Ticked If 0-7=
apply: Yellow
_____ If 8=Green
1) Review national stock levels
2) Review stock on hand and issues data from all appropriate
3) Update forecasted consumption
4) Estimate funding needs/gaps for procurement
5) Review delivery schedules to ensure a continuous supply
according to desired stock levels and avoiding stock-outs
6) Convene relevant stakeholders and mobilize resources
7) Coordinate distribution functions with involved
8) Monitor and evaluate logistics system performance using
fixed, national metrics (metrics from a national PMP or
another universally available document)
CEE #: AS_06_05 Data Use for RTK Distribution Decision making (National/Subnational)
STANDARD: HIV programs have routine access to supply chain data and have a mechanism in
place to respond to emergency orders, to ensure a continuous supply of HIV-related
CEE #: AS_06_08 Data Use for Food and Nutrition Commodity Distribution Decision making
(National/Subnational) [COMMODITIES]
STANDARD: HIV programs have routine access to supply chain data and have a mechanism in
place to respond to emergency orders, to ensure a continuous supply of HIV-related Food and
Nutrition commodities.
If all 5, then Q3
Q3 Are there formal groups or mechanisms (e.g., committees, Y N If N=Yellow
TWGs) at the national level for health officials to gather to If Y= Green
discuss HIV product issues that come up during the monitoring
and supervisory visits with Central Medical Store, Ministry of
Health and other related officials?
CEE #: AS_08_01 HIV Rapid Test Proficiency Testing (PT)/External Quality Assurance (EQA)
(National/Subnational) [LAB]
STANDARD: The PT/EQA Program provides PT panels or engages in other EQA activities, collects
PT/EQA results from at least 90% of participating laboratories/sites, and provides feedback to all
sites according to the schedule set by the program.
Instructions: Assess this CEE at programs that support HIV Rapid Testing PT/EQA activities.
If Y, then Q2
Q2 In the last 12 months, what percentage of enrolled sites If <90%=Yellow
has returned PT/EQA results to the PT/EQA Program within _____%
the schedule set by the program?
If ≥90%, then Q3
Q3 In the last 12 months, has the PT/EQA Program provided # Ticked If 0-1=Yellow
reports, documented feedback, or corrective action on the
results of the PT/EQA? Tick all that apply: _____ If 2= Green
1) To all enrolled sites, including to sites that did
not return results?
2) Within the schedule set by the program?
If Y, then Q2
Q2 In the last 12 months, what percentage of enrolled sites If <90%=Yellow
has returned PT/EQA results to the PT/EQA Program _____%
within the schedule set by the program?
If ≥90%, then Q3
Q3 In the last 12 months, has the PT/EQA Program provided # Ticked If 0-1=Yellow
reports, documented feedback, or corrective action on
the results of the PT/EQA? Tick all that apply: _____ If 2= Green
(1) To all enrolled sites, including to sites that did
not return results?
(2) Within the schedule set by the program?
CEE #: AS_08_03 HIV Viral Load Proficiency Testing (PT)/External Quality Assurance (EQA)
(National/Subnational) [LAB]
STANDARD: The PT/EQA Program provides PT panels or engages in other EQA activities, collects
PT/EQA results from at least 90% of participating laboratories/sites, and provides feedback to all
sites according to the schedule set by the program.
Instructions: Assess this CEE at programs that support HIV Viral Load PT/EQA activities
If Y, then Q2
Q2 In the last 12 months, what percentage of enrolled sites has If
returned PT/EQA results to the PT/EQA Program within the _____% <90%=Yellow
schedule set by the program?
If ≥90%, then Q3
Q3 In the last 12 months, has the PT/EQA Program provided # Ticked If 0-1=Yellow
reports, documented feedback, or corrective action on the
results of the PT/EQA? Tick all that apply: _____ If 2= Green
1) To all enrolled sites, including to sites that did not
return results?
2) Within the schedule set by the program?
CEE #: AS_08_04 HIV DNA PCR (EID) Proficiency Testing (PT)/External Quality Assurance
(EQA) (National/Subnational) [LAB]
STANDARD: The PT/EQA Program provides PT panels or engages in other EQA activities,
collects PT/EQA results from at least 90% of participating laboratories/sites, and provides
feedback to all sites according to the schedule set by the program.
Instructions: Assess this CEE at programs that support HIV DNA PCR (EID) PT/EQA activities
If Y, then Q2
Q2 In the last 12 months, what percentage of enrolled sites If <90%=Yellow
has returned PT/EQA results to the PT/EQA Program _____%
within the schedule set by the program?
If ≥90%, then Q3
Q3 In the last 12 months, has the PT/EQA Program provided # Ticked If 0-1=Yellow
reports, documented feedback, or corrective action on
the results of the PT/EQA? Tick all that apply: _____ If 2= Green
(1) To all enrolled sites, including to sites that
did not return results?
(2) Within the schedule set by the program?
CEE #: AS_08_05 Sputum Smear Microscopy Proficiency Testing (PT)/External Quality Assurance
(EQA) (National/Subnational) [LAB]
STANDARD: The PT/EQA Program provides PT panels or engages in other EQA activities, collects
PT/EQA results from at least 90% of participating laboratories/sites, and provides feedback to all
sites according to the schedule set by the program.
Instructions: Assess this CEE at programs that support Sputum Smear Microscopy PT/EQA
If Y, then Q2
Q2 In the last 12 months, what percentage of enrolled sites If <90%=Yellow
has returned PT/EQA results to the PT/EQA Program within _____%
the schedule set by the program?
If ≥90%, then Q3
Q3 In the last 12 months, has the PT/EQA Program provided # Ticked If 0-1=Yellow
reports, documented feedback, or corrective action on the
results of the PT/EQA? Tick all that apply: _____ If 2= Green
1) To all enrolled sites, including to sites that did
not return results?
2) Within the schedule set by the program?
CEE #: AS_08_06 Xpert MTB/RIF Proficiency Testing (PT)/External Quality Assurance (EQA)
(National/Subnational) [LAB]
STANDARD: The PT/EQA Program provides PT panels or engages in other EQA activities, collects
PT/EQA results from at least 90% of participating laboratories/sites, and provides feedback to all
sites according to the schedule set by the program.
Instructions: Assess this CEE at programs that support Xpert MTB/RIF PT/EQA activities
If Y, then Q2
Q2 In the last 12 months, what percentage of enrolled sites If <90%=Yellow
has returned PT/EQA results to the PT/EQA Program within _____%
the schedule set by the program?
If ≥90%, then Q3
Q3 In the last 12 months, has the PT/EQA Program provided # Ticked If 0-1=Yellow
reports, documented feedback, or corrective action on the
results of the PT/EQA? Tick all that apply: _____ If 2= Green
(1) To all enrolled sites, including to sites that did
not return results?
(2) Within the schedule set by the program?
If all 3, then Q3
Q3 What percent of laboratory test results arrive at HIV service If <80% = Yellow
delivery sites within the target turnaround time from
specimen collection to time of result receipt? If ≥80% = Green
Numerator = ____ # of HIV service delivery sites that
receives results with the target turnaround time
If Y, then Q2
Q2 Which of the following most accurately reflect the status of # Ticked If 0-2=Yellow
the National Laboratory Strategic Plan?
______ If 3=Green
Tick all that apply:
1) The National Laboratory Strategic has been
2) The National Laboratory Strategic plan has been
3) The National Laboratory Strategic plan has been
CEE #: AS_09_01 Surveillance and Survey Data Collection According to National Strategy
(National) [SI]
STANDARD: The surveillance unit (or designated entity) collects surveillance and survey data
per the national HIV Surveillance and Survey Strategy.
STANDARD: The surveillance unit (or designated entity) collects and reviews HIV surveillance
and survey data according to technical standards included in approved protocols.
CEE #: AS_09_03 Surveillance and Survey Data Use and Availability (National/Subnational) [SI]
STANDARD: The surveillance unit (or designated entity) ensures that surveillance and survey
reports are made available to stakeholders and the general public, and are used within the
same year for HIV program planning and improvement.
If Y, then Q2
Q2 Does the surveillance unit ensure that the most recent Y N If N=Yellow
available HIV surveillance and survey data are used
within the same year for all HIV program planning and If Y=Green
All implementing agencies and partners are expected to conduct agency-specific compliance monitoring
activities at the site-level in addition to monitoring PLGHA policy compliance with this above-site CEE. This
module is part of each PEPFAR implementing agency’s broader processes related to ensuring compliance
with the PLGHA policy.
NOTE: The course, entitled Protecting Life in Global Health Assistance and Statutory Abortion
Restrictions is available through the GH E-Learning Center and can be accessed using the link below.
NA ☐
If Y, then Q2
If Y, then Q3