Se1964 NCW204 Group4 Lab4
Se1964 NCW204 Group4 Lab4
Se1964 NCW204 Group4 Lab4
+ Nguyễn Thắng
+Nguyễn Học Hoàng
+Phan Gia Anh
+Hồ Tăng Huy
7.1.6 part1:NguyễnThắng
7.1.6 part2: Nguyễn Học Hoàng
7.2.7 part1: Huy Hồ Tăng
7.2.7 part2: Phan Gia Anh
7.3.7 part1: Học Hoàng & Huy Tăng
7.3.7 part2: Gia Anh ft Nguyễn Thắng
7.1.6 :
1.What is significant about the contents of the destination address field?
Mọi host trên Lan sẽ cùng được nhận broadcast frame. Host với địa chỉ ip là sẽ gửi lời nhắn ở chế độ unicast đến PC host ( source). Lời nhắn sẽ chứa
địa chỉ MAC của card mạng default gateway
2.Why does the PC send out a broadcast ARP prior to sending the first
ping request?
PC không thể gửi ping request tới host khi mà chưa được xác nhận địa chỉ MAC. Nên
PC phải tạo frame header cho việc ping. ARP broadcast thường được dùng để yêu
cầu địa chỉ MAC của host với địa chỉ IP được chứa trong ARP.
3.What is the MAC address of the source in the first frame?
4.What is the Vendor ID (OUI) of the Source NIC in the ARP reply?
5.What portion of the MAC address is the OUI?
3 octets đầu tiên của địa chỉ MAC biểu diễn OUI
6.What is the NIC serial number of the source?
Step 1: Determine the IP address of the default gateway on your PC.
Open a Windows command prompt.
Open a command prompt window and issue the ipconfig command. What is the IP address
of the PC default gateway?
From the command window, ping the default gateway using the IP address that you
recorded in Step
a. In the packet list pane (top section), click the first frame listed. You should see Echo
(ping) request
under the Info heading. The line should now be highlighted.
b. Examine the first line in the packet details pane (middle section). This line displays the
length of the
c. The second line in the packet details pane shows that it is an Ethernet II frame. The
source and
destination MAC addresses are also displayed.
Destination: f0:2f:74:4a:70:ac
In the first echo (ping) request frame, what are the source and destination MAC addresses?
Source: f0:2f:74:4a:70:ac
Type your answers here.
Destination: cc:71:90:85:c4:d8
Type your answers here.
What are the source and destination IP addresses contained in the data field of the frame?
Type your answers here.
Type your answers here.
Compare these addresses to the addresses you received in Step 6. The only address that
changed is the destination IP address. Why has the destination IP address changed, while
the destination MAC address remained the same?
- Layer 2 frames never leave the LAN. When a ping is issued to a remote host, the
source will use the default gateway MAC address for the frame destination. The
default gateway receives the packet, strips the Layer 2 frame information from
the packet and then creates a new frame header with the MAC address of the
next hop. This process continues from router to router until the packet reaches its
destination IP address.
Reflection Question
Wireshark does not display the preamble field of a frame header. What does the preamble
- The preamble field contains seven octets of alternating 1010 sequences, and one
octet that signals the beginning of the frame, 10101011.
Step 1: Cable the network as shown in the topology.
a. Attach the devices shown in the topology and cable as necessary.
b. Power on all the devices in the topology.
Step 2: Configure the IPv4 address for the PC.
a. Configure the IPv4 address, subnet mask for PC-A.
b. From the command prompt on PC-A, ping the switch address.
Questions: Step 1: Analyze the MAC address for the PC-A NIC.
Before you analyze the MAC address on PC-A, look at an example from a different PC NIC. You can
issue the ipconfig /all command to view the MAC address of your NIC. An example screen output is
shown below.
When using the ipconfig /all command, notice that MAC addresses are referred to as physical
addresses. Reading the MAC address from left to right, the first six hex digits refer to the vendor
(manufacturer) of this device. These first six hex digits (3 bytes) are also known as the
organizationally unique identifier (OUI). This 3-byte code is assigned to the vendor by the IEEE
To find the manufacturer, use the keywords IEEE OUI standards to find an OUI lookup tool on the
internet or navigate to to find the registered OUI vendor codes.
The last six digits are the NIC serial number assigned by the manufacturer.
a. Using the output from the ipconfig /all command, answer the following questions.
C:\> ipconfig /all
<output omitted>
Ethernet adapter
Connection-specific DNS
Suffix . :
Description . . . . . . . . . . . : Intel(R) 82577LM Gigabit Network
Physical Address. . . . . . . . . : 5C-26-0A-24-2A-60
DHCP Enabled. . . . . . . . . . . : No
What is the OUI portion of the MAC address for this device?
Type5C-26-0A your answers here.
What is the serial number portion of the MAC address for this device?
Type 24-2A-60 your answers here.
Using the example above, find the name of the vendor that manufactured this NIC.
Dell Inc.
b. From the command prompt on PC-A, issue the ipconfig /all command and identify the OUI portion
of the MAC address for the NIC of PC-A.
Type your answers here.
Identify the serial number portion of the MAC address for the NIC of PC-A.
your answers here.
b. Another way to display the MAC address on the switch is to use the show arp command. Use the
show arp command to display MAC address information. This command maps the Layer 2
address to its corresponding Layer 3 address. A sample is shown below. Use output generated by
your switch to answer the questions.
S1# show arp
Did the switch display the MAC address of PC-A? If you answered yes, what port was it on?
No, it did not show any MAC address. your answers here.
Reflection Questions
1. Can you have broadcasts at the Layer 2 level? If so, what would the MAC address be?
Typ Yes, you can have broadcasts at the Layer 2 level. The MAC address
for Layer 2 broadcasts is ffff:ffff:ffffe your answers here.
2. Why would you need to know the MAC address of a device?
Ty MAC addresses are commonly used to identify your device when
connecting to a network. Routers can filter out MAC addresses they
don’t recognizepe your answers here.
End of Document
Step 1: Cable the network according to the topology.
Step 1: Record network device MAC addresses.
a. Open a command prompt on PC-A and PC-B and type ipconfig /all.
b. Console into switch S1 and S2 and type the show interface F0/1 command
on each switch.
Open a
n window
On the second line of command output, what is the hardware addresses (or
burned-in address [bia])?
S1 Fast Ethernet 0/1 MAC Address:
b. In privileged EXEC mode, type the show mac address-table command and
press Enter.
Are there any MAC addresses recorded in the MAC address table?
swers here.
What MAC addresses are recorded in the table? To which switch ports are
they mapped and to which devices do they belong? Ignore MAC addresses
that are mapped to the CPU.
They belong to port Fast Ethernet 0/1 which belongs to switch S1.
The first one being base ethernet MAC address, the second one
If you had not previously recorded MAC addresses of network devices in Step
1, how could you tell which devices the MAC addresses belong to, using only
the output from the show mac address-table command? Does it work in all
The output of the show mac address-table command shows the port
that the MAC address was learned on. In most cases this would
identify which network device the MAC address belongs to, except in
the case of multiple MAC addresses associated to the same port.
Step 3: Clear the S2 MAC address table and display the MAC address table
a. In privileged EXEC mode, type the clear mac address-table dynamic
command and press Enter.
Does the MAC address table have any addresses in it for VLAN 1? Are there
other MAC addresses listed?
Ty pe your
answers here.
Wait 10 seconds, type the show mac address-table command, and press
Enter. Are there new addresses in the MAC address table?
TypeNo,there are not any new addresses.answers here.
Close a
n window
Step 4: From PC-B, ping the devices on the network and observe the
switch MAC address table.
a. From PC-B, open a command prompt and type arp -a.
Open a
Did all devices have successful replies? If not, check your cabling and IP
Typ e your
answers here.
Close a
n window
Open a
Does the PC-B ARP cache have additional entries for all network devices that
were sent pings?
Reflect question:
On Ethernet networks, data is delivered to devices by their MAC addresses. For this
to happen, switches and PCs dynamically build ARP caches and MAC address tables.
With only a few computers on the network this process seems fairly easy. What
might be some of the challenges on larger networks?
+ARP broadcast cos thể gây loạn broadcast. Vì ARP và switch MAC table không xác
thực hay kiểm tra các địa chỉ IP đến địac chỉ MAC. Điều này có thể xuất hiện hiện
tượng giả mạo các thiết bị trên mạng Type your answers