Functional Approaches
Functional Approaches
Functional Approaches
The term function has several meanings in linguistics, including both structural function (such as the role which elements of language structure play as a subject or object, or as an actor or goal) and pragmatic function (what the use of language can accomplish, such as convey information, control others behavior, or express emotion). Approaches to SLA which are characterized as functional differ in emphasis and definition but share the following haracteristics in general opposition to those in the Chomskyan tradition: Focus is on the use of language in real situations (performance) as well as underlying knowledge (competence). No sharp distinction is made between the two. Study of SLA begins with the assumption that the purpose of language is communication, and that development of linguistic knowledge (in L1 or L2) requires communicative use. Scope of concern goes beyond the sentence to include discourse structure and how language is used in interaction, and to include aspects of communication beyond language (Tomlin 1990). Four of the functional approaches which have been influential in SLA are Systemic Linguistics, Functional Typology, function-to-form mapping, and information organization. Systemic Linguistics Systemic Linguistics has been developed by M. A. K. Halliday, beginning in the late 1950s. This is a model for analyzing language in terms of the interrelated systems of choices that are available for expressing meaning. Basic to the approach is the notion, ultimately
derived from the anthropologist Malinowski, that language structures cannot be idealized and studied without taking into account the circumstances of their use, including the extralinguistic social context. From this functional view, language acquisition . . . needs to be seen as the mastery of linguistic functions. Learning ones mother tongue is learning the uses of language, and the meanings, or rather the meaning potential, associated with them. The structures, the words and the sounds are the realization of this meaning potential. Learning language is learning how to mean. (Halliday 1973:345) To relate this notion to the question about what language learners essentially acquire, in Hallidays view it is not a system of rules which govern language structure, but rather meaning potential: what the speaker/hearer can (what he can mean, if you like), not what he knows (1973:346). The process of acquisition consists of mastering certain basic functions of language and developing a meaning potential for each (1975:33). Halliday (1975) describes the evolution of the following pragmatic functions in early L1 acquisition (he calls them functions of language as a whole), which are universal for children: Instrumental language used as a means of getting things done (one of the first to be evolved): the I want function. Regulatory language used to regulate the behavior of others: the do as I tell you function. Interactional use of language in interaction between self and others: the me and you function. Personal awareness of language as a form of ones own identity: the here I come function.
Heuristic language as a way of learning about things: the tell me why function. Imagination creation through language of a world of ones own making: the lets pretend function. Representational means of expressing propositions, or communicating about something (one of the last to appear): the Ive got something to tell you function. Linguistic structures which are mastered in the developmental process are direct reflections of the functions that language serves; their development is closely related to the social and personal needs they are used to convey. One application of Hallidays model to the study of SLA comes with seeing L2 learning as a process of adding multilingual meaning potential to what has already been achieved in L1. This is an approach that some of my colleagues and I have taken in our research. We have concluded that Second language acquisition is largely a matter of learning new linguistic forms to fulfill the same functions [as already acquired and used in L1] within a different social milieu (Saville-Troike, McClure, and Fritz 1984:60). In studying children who had just arrived in the USA from several different countries, for instance, we found that all of them could accomplish a wide range of communicative functions even while they still had very limited English means at their disposal. What we observed and recorded over a period of several months for every child in our study was not the emergence of new functions (as we would expect in early L1 development), but emergence of new language structures to augment existing choices for expressing them. This structural emergence follows the same general sequence for each function (not unlike early stages of L1). For example: 1. Nonlinguistic Regulatory: (Hitting another child who is annoying.)
Interactional: Unh? (Uttered as a greeting.) Heuristic: (Pointing at an object [with a questioning look] to request the English term for it.) 2. L2 formula or memorized routine Regulatory: Dont do that! Interactional: Hi! Heuristic: Whats it? 54 INTRODUCING SECOND LANGUAGE ACQUISITION 3. Single L2 word Regulatory: He! (Pointing out another childs offending behavior to a teacher.) Interactional: Me? (An invitation to play.) Heuristic: What? (Asking for the English term for an object.) 4. L2 phrase or clause Regulatory: That bad! Interactional: You me play? Heuristic: What name this? 5. Complex L2 construction Regulatory: The teacher say that wrong! Interactional: I no like to play now. Heuristic: What is name we call this? Other applications of Hallidays model can be found in the study of SLA in relation to social contexts of learning and use. That perspective is discussed in Chapter 5.